This is a series of small oneshots, outtakes and mini stories involving Dragon Zuko from my other fic, Scales of Truth. An Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction (Zuko X OC) "And lastly, we are free, but we are not our own persons." At this, the student frowned and looked up. A good instructor can hone a student's skills, and bring out their latent abilities. She watched Zuko coming to Azula from one direction, while Iroh was coming from the other one. Gladiator is the best ATLA FanFiction and its not close. Here, the audience is straightaway given a great contrast to Zuko and Azula. Its hard to say man idk. Still, he knew that Zuko would be distraught. Instead a prince is stripped down to a soldier, an easy disposable to be set in the middle of a war. Zuko is not afraid to regain his honor, even if he must serve on the front to do so. Ou aquele do dia da famlia 4 anos depois da guerra. Given a chance to heal & find people who genuinely care about him with no ties or loyalty to his father, he is able to be saved from growing bitter and jaded after years of failing at a mission. It was now morning and Jet had received a letter. He tried so hard to lead Zuko to the right way of life and to be good and Zuko did exactly the opposite. The longer the better. It that Azula was being held captive and if he wanted to see her alive again to come to the palace unarmed. Through life, Zuko has been told by many people that they will always be there for him. "And lastly, we are free, but we are not our own persons." My Muse adores the concept of Avatar Zuko, and then my brain asked how many Avatars do you think you could fit in a 100 years between Aang and Zuko? Sometimes, having the courage to change one's destiny is more moving than simply desiring to fulfill it. She did not expect the fate that befell her and she certainly did not expect to never see her boy again.-Or in which Zuko has two dragons in his head while trying to navigate the chaos that is his life. In a twisted way, she cared about him. Azula craves love, and Zuko is unbelievably loyal and attentive. Oh well, what's next? But it's also possible that Azula was simply born cruel. That she is the perfect daughter, the prodigy. An Agni Kai is named such for it allows Agni to witness as an impartial judge whatever matter is being settled. She hesitated, then continued with the request that had been resting heavily upon her heart. Part One (Ch 1 to 10: Zuko Alone) Complete! The avatar cycle continued until Avatar Zuko was born. Summary: Instead of Zuko, it is Azula that Firelord Azulon demands sacrificed. And, of course, there's his kind side. Link: It goes without saying that someone who's as adept as lying as Azula cannot be trusted easily. zuko wants absolutely nothing to do with it, thank you. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. However, all her caring was for her own interest. At age ten, Azula comes into Zuko's room with panic on her face, screaming about how Father is going to kill him. Y/N was an air bender, she was tasked with watching over the avatar (Zuko x Oc) I don't know; there's mixed evidence for it. Measure Each Step to Infinity is a personal favorite of mine. Azula didn't care for swimming, so she chose to sit on the riverbank with Zuko. But its done incredibly well. Or: Zuko is the Avatar. He did as the letter way told and he went to the palace. Though it is alluded to a few times, "Sozin's Comet" makes it perfectly clear just how unwell Azula really is. The masters Ran and Shaw were out of balance. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "'Arent you' Sokka narrowed his eyes. Zuko has been banished for three years, forced to chase the avatar, however, upon the avatars return, Zukos mind floods with memories that he shouldnt have. Zuko stretched beside her, the burns on his arms almost mocking her. if you want more than four chapters someone will need to adopt story where i leave off, just realized how depressing this story is, The Royal Fire Family is a lot of bad eggs, I Forgot About That In the First Chapter Though, I read another fic where Jet was an Airbender so I brought it into this fic, For anyone reading this tags most of these are spoliers so have fun, Also I don't tag OC/Canon character relationships, Atae Zuko | Sn Zuko | Zuko Atae | Zuko Sn, Katara of the Southern Water Tribe | Katara Paradis, Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe | Sokka Paradis. Something something, Yumi kept telling him to actually think before getting angry all the time. Ficlets from Tumblr. Layer after layer, burying away what she really is. He cannot snuff him out. Her eye was burning, her face was on fire, and her only thought was of Zuko.". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Thanks a lot!! And as much as she refuses to admit it, it's grown on her. Oh and sometimes hes a dragon. Obviously, it's not normal for someone to see visions of someone that isn't really there. Well this could be bad. Keys lay in his hands, their slight weight unbearably heavy, and Zuko stared at them, unsure of what to do. At thirteen, Zuko knelt on the Agni Kai field and proclaimed himself his father's loyal son. The Prince is lost. Something is off about the new Azula. For the young prince, this will be both salvation and curse. Who goes and happily tells their brother theyre getting murdered. Because Azula has such disdain for her mother, it's hard to believe that she'd ever want to take after her. Their last hope lies within an ancient fable from the last of the Fire Island clans, but peace comes at a steep cost. Youre my bondmate, mine. The drake was coming and they wouldn't let him down. What if Azula had been shown another way? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The last thing Zuko remembers is a blinding blue light, and then nothing. Aw hey thats my fic! Fire Lord Ozai was many things, clever first among them. And what would his family do to save him? In Azula's circumstance, her case for redemption could actually be quite similar. Even when his loyalties are tested to their limits, and his place in the world is unclear. Or the Fire Princess his sister, his adversary, his blood? I imagine if she'd have killed him, she'd be like "ah damn. In a flashback, we Azula being cruel to the people around her at a startlingly young age. Thats three full cycles, hence the title: Cycle After Cycle. This takes place in the universe in which Aang did not use Sokka's jerky as fire stater in episode three, and the butterfly effect is strong indeed. Sokka has an interesting conversation, Mai is coerced into trying yoga, Katara and Suki discuss the future and Zuko admits something to himself that he's known for years. Nadie podia hacer nada mientras todo ocurria, y eso les hizo sentirse como cobardes. Turns out 10, 12 if you include Aang and Zuko. However, despite his hopes, Firelord Ozai dismisses his claim of being the Avatar as a desperate attempt. The Fire Lady's anxious features softened. A few months later, she asked La and Tienhai to do the same for the Northern Water Tribes princess. Sokka's idea to bolster his popularity & school involvement in an attempt to keep up with his powerhouse little sister by trying out for the football team goes a little too well. Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. Her benefit isn't what he thought it would be. I know the g is missing. Good luck with it and anything else. Ill meet you on the north point of Kirifuri woods tomorrow at midnight and then you can take her back. Having been tasked with finding the Avatar and returning him to the Fire Nation once and for all, Azula will complete her mission by any means necessary. Can anyone tell me without spoilers if they explore Zuko and Azula's relationship in the comics? The drake wasn't supposed to be in danger, but he was. His body felt strange, his nerves raw, as if liquid fire was spreading through his veins. Or: What happened behind the scenes in Zuko's childhood that caused things to fracture so extremely between his family and within himself? This leads to an unexpected friendship with Suki and how does Sokka coming to the boiling rock play into it? Which Zuko is totally fine with. Ozai and Azula are nowhere in sight. Id like a story were azula has a redemption arc or maybe she starts to see that zuko cares for her or something like that. Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 3 Episode 20(fanmade) Forbidden Part 2. posted by KataraLover. Branding your son as a coward and banishing him with an impossible task wasnt enough for the Fire Lord. When the Gaang investigates they stumble on a whole new world that no one expected. Something about this isnt right, isnt possible, isnt real.This isnt a nightmare.Get the healers!. Maybe even do the dragon dance with her lol. Humans are going missing at an alarming rate. Cocky little, Tan sighs but her smile doesnt fall, Thats on me. By day, Zuko would be turned into a dragon By Night, the prince would be human again The price for this curse was a year of the Fire Lord's life. While Zuko is unquestionably his mother's son, with all her gentleness and compassion, Azula is just as much her father's daughter, with all his cruelty and malice. With exceeding skills, L "Zuko, that's where your innermost turmoil lies, you were carrying the burden of not being enough for y/n." Soulmates can feel each other's pain, and by Agni, do Mai and Zuko have a lot of it. But Katara's new friend, party girl & Sorority president Suki Arya is making that impossible - not to mention some unplanned romantic detours that get in the way of studying. As always, I wrote this for myself but you can read it, too, if you'd like. Hes still not sure how to control that. In many courts, if a person can prove that they were not of sound mind when they committed their crime, they can plead insanity. A direct continuation of 'If home is a place, where do I go?'. Uncle told me so many stories of how we have caused chaos and wars over land just because we think we have a right to it. (I'm sorry I suck at summaries). His precious, lovely soulmate. As with any redemption arc, there's always the question of nature vs. nurture. The Avatar his goal, his lover, his enemy? They were falling, each a mirror to the others fate, twirling uncontrolled in the air subject to gravitys pull. But when fire touched his face, his dragon form begged to differ. I feel like Zukos gonna have a final full power showdown with her, and defeat her. Bad sign, scoffed his grandfather, the man who ravaged the world for decades and gathered power and wealth like dragons, whom he once ordered to slay. When the captain of her ship advises her to turn around, she responds by brashly threatening to take his life. She didnt expect them to gain the power of transformation. What if Sokka took up a power that he did not understand? There's quite a bit of evidence of that, even if she mostly just wanted to use him. In "Smoke and Shadows," Azula keeps Zuko alive because she claims she can control Zuko from the smoke and shadows. UPDATE 12/13/22--Scaled Salvage: Instructions Unclear, Left Dragon Alone with Earth Kingdom. I wish this had happened in the show, seriously. This is from Mai's perspective as she begins to realize that her crush may just like her back. It takes place in a world where the hundred-year war hasnt happened. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. I love the show so so much and Zuko is my favourite character so i though I'd try to honor them both :) I can't write good de An Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction (Zuko X OC) With Zuko, it's very clear that his nature is closely tied to Ursa's gentleness, and it's only Ozai's cruelty that caused him to be jaded at all. [It starts like this:Azula is 11, and she kills her first man.No, thats not quite right. To be treated like a new recruit at 13 w What if Zuko ended up in Gaoling after separating from his Uncle? At the behest of spirit dabbling, both Sokka and Zuko are thrown into an alternate reality that mirrors their own. 'Arent you gonna tell anyone Im here? Furthermore, Katara and Sokka are shown to constantly have each other's backs. Since then, he has been on the run from his own Nation for being a traitor, and on the run from his own brother. Ty Lee originally didn't want to join Azula but did so after Azula threatened her circus. After the war, Azula gets deep into drumming. Bad sign, silently whispered scared servants. The plot is just going to have to deal with it. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". "You're the son of the Fire Lord." 'You should be worried about me! is this Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! What if Zuko never resurfaces and the crew on the Wani think he died? Your sister, Work Search: Now he just needs to convince his other half, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (33), | Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi | Spirited Away (2001) (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (30), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, its a zuko fic not sure what you expected, the author doesn't know where this is going, Episode: s01e20 The Siege of the North Part 2 (Last Airbender), The Spirits Threw Down Their Spears and Watered Heaven With Their Tears, Southern Water Tribe Characters & Zuko (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Fantasy Hybrids (Avatar), sokka the sarcastic meat bad fish puns guy, mermaid Katara & Sokka but they arent really mermaids, my strong point is drawing not fanfiction, this whole archive could be dragon zuko and it wouldnt be enough, trust me im an ex-weird girl i know exactly how he would act, one is a dragon the other likes being normal, except its horrible and hes having the worst time ever, Zuko AUs that i keep coming up with but will never write bc im insane, total zukka clownery but what are u gonna do, YES i will take every opportunity to put zuko in a skirt and i cannot be stopped, No beta we die like pliny the eld-i mean roku, but only in one chapter so u can skip it if u want, Alternate Universe - No Avatar (Avatar TV), inspired by nezha from the poppy war trilogy, The world was on Fire and no one could save me but You, The One Where Zuko's Hair Matches Sokka's and Other Tales, bb!dragon!Zuko likes wrestling with tolerantAdultFigure!Appa, the other nations think firebenders are Literal Monsters, "But would you look at how cute he is? He gets a chance to start over and hopefully keeps everyone that he cares for safe. Aang strives to fulfill his destiny, but as a pacifist, he must do so in his own way. She's throwing rocks at turtle ducks just for the fun of hurting them, as well as bullying her friends, Mai and Ty Lee. Azula is given a deliberately contrasting introduction. A dragon and a sea serpent, they dont have much of a place in human society but all the loneliness was worth the wait to find each other and people who would accept them. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. But with his unique bending weakened to nothing and unknown threats closing in on him from all sides, he finds survival on the run harder than he ever imagined. One for his enslavement. Some people spend their whole lives fighting against their nature, some go to great lengths to hide it, while others simply embrace it. Things change.,, Otherwise an AU where Aang was killed with the rest of the Airbenders, and Zuko was reborn as the Avatar after the previous Water and Earth Avatars died. He is on his own, living, doing whatever it was that needs to be done, when he accidentally ends up saving the Avatar. I havent read this one yet myself but Im familiar with the author and theyre very cool and have good takes on Azula as a character so I assume their fic is great! But when the world needed her the most, she was not ready. Maybe the gods do listen to the prayers sent their way. He suddenly finds himself in the middle of a feud between Suki & her archrival, the beautiful but intimidating Yue Taqqiq. He is the eldest child and only son of Princess Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. He needs to find the avatar. Tell me one thing you could do thats better than helping an old lady out here. Tan smiles like she won something. Please consider turning it on! Rivalries, friendships, romances, & complicated family relationships develop & change over the course of the school year at Ember Island University as a group of young adults learn to better understand themselves & each other. One of the great overarching themes ofAvataris destiny. Dragon!Zuko AU., I like most of the ones that were mentioned here but Id like to add this one: He is the perfect match for her, and Azula doesn't accept anything but the best of the best. And what would his family and within himself to use him crush just! All the time north point of Kirifuri woods tomorrow at midnight and then can! Happily tells their brother theyre getting murdered received a letter free, but comes... But peace comes at a steep cost obviously, it 's also possible that Azula was being captive. Ran and Shaw were out of balance resting heavily upon her heart, the... Strange, his avatar fanfiction zuko cares for azula, his nerves raw, as if liquid Fire was spreading through his veins it Azula. 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