Phone: 802-862-4009, Peachtree Casualty Ins Co ______________________________________________________, Emergency Physicians Insurance Washington, DC20019-1502 Fax is 818-591-9856 (610) 968-9221 Phone: 419-586-5181, MIC General Insurance Corp Phone: 415-734-4581 Is a member of The Hanover Group. 4601 Touchton Road East, Building 300, Suite 3150 Fax (214) 954-0999, Merchants Insurance Group should be updated to 716-849-3246, lossruns@safetyinsurancedotcom Wilmington, DE19081 257 Ealy Road Burlington, NC27215 Called them and they gave me this email address:, Westfield Insurance Company Phone: 480-951-4177 Phone: 816-412-1800, Update company info:KBK Insurance Group, LLC Phone: 814-870-2000 866-888-0730 Phone: 212-770-2000, Transcal Associates AIX Specialty Insurance Pros: AIX Specialty Insurance is a well-established and financially strong company with high ratings from AM Best, BBB, and numerous other financial ratings bureaus. Norcross, GA30092-7634 Los Angeles, CA 90054 Phone: 401-827-2400 P.O. Phone: 617-720-1620, Plymouth Insurance Agency- Loss run requests. Northbrook, IL60062-7127 Phone: (770) 506-3150, Peak Prop & Cas Ins Corp Washington, DC20076-0001 Phoenix, AZ85012-3009 PO Box 59689 Attention: Loss Runs Department 200 Cahaba Park S. Ste 200 Box 400 P.O. One Lawson Lane, Suite 410 Thank you for your list. Richmond, VA23261-7552 Whats more, you can search for insurance companies that work with independent insurance agents by using our online insurance company directory. 1600 W. Seventh Street 5114 Route 33-34 North., PO Box 906 MY FAXES KEEP FAILING WHEN SENT THERE, Updated below by anonymous user 07/31/2019, Progressive / United Financial Loss Runs Request Updated info 07/31/19: Phone: 310-444-9333 475 Steamboat Road bm, Arch Insurance email for loss runs claims@archinsurance. Montpelier, VT05601-0306 221 Michigan NE, Suite 403 Phone: 713-462-1000 Burlington, VT05401 100 Executive Dr Irving, TX75015-2010 FAX: `858-350-2704 (Property) We have the right one for you. FAX: 314-373-4444 (Loss Runs Fax) Fort Lauderdale, FL33301 P.O. Cedar Rapids, IA52407-3909 Dallas, TX75202 It has the financial backup of being part of well-regarded The Hanover Group. 25 Race Avenue ________________________________________, American Inter-Fidelity Exchange loss runs, Andover Insurance Alpharetta , GA 30004 Your independent insurance agent can help you decide if AIX has the type of coverage to best meet your needs. Box 510 100 Wall Street, 28th Floor Box 753 2708 6th Avenue SE Bldg 2 Ste C P.O. FAX: 800-686-6128 (LA) ___________________________________________________, Frankenmuth Mutual Ins Co Phone: 212-358-6525 Phone: 787-273-7800, Real State Insurance Corporation 1400 American Lane Hello. Three Bala Plaza, East, Suite 300 7245 West Marginal Way, S.W. Global Hawk loss run email Fort Lee, NJ07024 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1600 P.O. Attention: Loss Runs Department Box 1116 Phone: 802-229-5042 Woodville, OH43469 Chicago, IL60606 Hanover customer service is available by phone, online, and via the Hanover Mobile app. -Updated by user Randy on 04/24/2018 THANK YOU ! P.O. Phone: 843-577-1030 Email: 2238 The Hanover Expands Casualty Offerings, Announces Specialty General Liability Solution. Phone: 248-281-0281, Guarantee Insurance Company P.O. St. Petersburg, FL33733 Sandy, UT84070 Phone: 856-429-9200 877-883-6599 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Tokio Marine Pacific Insurance Limited Columbus, OH43216-1218 Maitland, FL32751 Harleysville, PA19438-2297 Encino, CA91436 Phone: 800-334-5579, Target Managers Insurance Burlington, VT05401-8427 Phone: 630-960-1020 Phone: 863-619-6740 Hello Gretchen I think that it is AIG if you send the request directly to them I think they should be able to get you squared away. 15 Indepensence Boulevard Greenville, NY12083-0040 ______________________________________, 436 Walnut Street 3440 Toringdon Way, Suite 300 ____________________________________________, Discovery Insurance Company Box 9062 com, Home State County Mutual Ins Co Harrisburg, PA17111-3598 Albany, NY12203-5964 Phone: 804-273-1400 832 Willow Street on 02/10/2020 : Your request has been forwarded to the following department ( 25 New Chardon Street Phone (214) 954-0707 Fax (214) 954-0999, Risk Innovations Box 1520 #601 P. O. Phone: 802-860-1958 FAX: 866-650-2747 (Main Fax) 439 Grand Drive #157 P.O. P.O. Attention: Loss Runs Department Opelousas, LA70571-0753 _______________________________________________, Golf's Greatest Holes: Golfing legend Paul McGinley takes television presenter Chris Hollins on a tour of the best golf courses in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Omaha, NE68131 6300 Wilson Mills Road, W33 P.O. Fax 304-263-918 Walnut Creek, CA94597-2098 Box 167888 _____________________________________________, Central Insurance Co Box 214129 Phone: 931-388-7872, Tennessee Insurance Company 12115 Lackland Road The loss runs request email is, more information provided by JUD MCVEY ON 01/31/19 (IF ANYONE HAS ANY OTHER INSIGHT INTO THIS CONFLICTING INFO LET US KNOW? 2275 Swallow Hill Road. FAX: 877-234-4421(loss runs) P.O. ______________________________________________________________, Equity Mutual Insurance Company Phone: 619-574-0150, Golden Insurance Company, RRG I sent request to your Farmers Casualty Insurance Co listing at and received an automated reply that the email address is no longer valid and all requests should be sent to Fax 800-218-8553 P.O. Philadelphia, PA19103 Gainesville, FL32614-7018 Phone: 8003544844, Email: (Workers Comp), Pacific Indemnity Company Philadelphia, PA 19102-1376 Tallahassee, FL32308 Phone: 859-367-5200 Phone: 925-277-1090 St. Louis, MO63146 Phone: 1.877.678.7342 I would recommend them to anyone in need! I HAVE 508-949-4475 AND/OR 508-671-6523. P.O. CRC Insurance Seattle, WA loss run requests: 2018 Powers Ferry Road ______________________________________________________, Elmdale Farmers Mutual Insurance Inc 100 South Missouri Avenue They offer experienced, knowledgeable service. Burlington, VT05402-1750 Call Today at (855) 828-8942, TTY 711 For over 40 years, UnitedHealthcare and its affiliates have provided Medicare plans for people age 65 or older and people with certain disabilities. P.O. 3408 South Atlantic Avenue Suite 129 FAX: 860-284-1307 Phone: 952-838-4200, Shamokin Township Mutual Fire Ins Co ______________________________________________, Charter Indemnity Company Baa3. This list is a work in progress if you would like any information updated leave a message at the bottom of the page and I will get it updated. Wilmington, DE19801 Phone: 616-454-7153, Wells Fargo of California Ins. Phone: 212-643-8881, Kentuckiana Medical Reciprocal RRG Dallas, TX75266-0420 N 1211 County Road B ______________________________________________, Daily Underwriters of America P.O. Erik Carlson 120 E. Uwchlan Avenue, Suite 101 Box 310 Hortica confirmed can request loss runs at or fax 800-999-4642, Houston Specialty Insurance Company Phone: 781-749-0841, Hochheim Prairie Cas Ins Co Email: We have the fax number to request loss run/claims history with Medical Mutual Insurance Society of MD, which is listed as Medical Mut Liab Ins Soc of MD, and is 410.771.0177. Phone: 888-225-4725, Red Mountain Casualty Ins Co Lansing, MI48909-7560 P.O. This information is for descriptive purposes only and does not provide a complete summary of coverage. Meriden, CT06450 Phone: 843-853-0446 Waterford, VA20197 Phone: 352-332-8800, Omega One Insurance Company FAX: 866-650-2747 (WC L/R Arrowhead) Fax 800-218-8553, _______________________________________________, 100 Mercer Drive Phone: 866-342-5436, GRACO Risk Retention Group, Inc. 1800 2nd Street, Suite 909E Based in London, Michael Silas is Head of Global Credit Reinsurance at AXIS. Pawtucket, RI02862-0820 8000 Warren Parkway, Suite 300 FAX: 914-997-0331 (Policies beginning with WEN) New York, NY10036-4041 Toll Free Phone: 800-944-2748 Local Phone: . Financial Statements from AIX Specialty Insurance Company. Phone: 802-864-6301, Kentucky Associated Gen Cont Self Ins Fd Box 10354, Stamford CT 06904, GenStar Pro Liab Loss Runsubmit@generalstar.com12/29/20, UPDATED ON 07/12/2021 by anonymous contributor: Submit loss runs request, ________________________________________________________, Georgia Assigned Risk Workers Compensation for Hartford Insurance 1406 Cantrell Road One Greenwich Plaza Phone: 800-943-3821, Imperial Casualty & Indem Co Madison, WI53719-2092 Oklahoma City, OK73116 Fullerton, CA92835 Box 15147 Phone: 800-624-56829 Phone: 1234567, UPDATED 06/13/22 email contact fro RAS, RCA Insurance Group ____________________________________________, Box 2648 Also, I just tracked down Sentinel Insurance Company Ltd. is owned by The Hartford so they can go to dotcom, Endurance email for loss runs insuranceoperations@endurance. Box 9109 Phone: 732-617-9011, TDIC Insurance Solutions ____________________________________________________, Gem State Insurance Company 6215 West St. Joseph Highway One Logan Square, Suite 1400 ______________________________________________, Eastern Atlantic Insurance Co Greenwich, CT06830 3504 Lake Lynda Drive, Suite 325 P.O. Baltimore, MD21204-4520 Burlington, VT05402-0530 Celina, OH45822 Box 400 Monterey, CA93940 FCCI Email Adress: New York, NY10020-1001 Phone: 254-776-4521 HQ Phone: 800-243-7542, Essential RRG, Inc. P.O. P.O. Update company info: Mutual of Enumclaw 5242 College Drive, Suite 203 Deerfield, IL60015 222 E. Huntington Drive, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC28255 Phone: 608-238-5851 Arlington, TX76011 24 hour turn around time, IMT Insurance Company (Mutual) Phone: 509-838-0655 Stamford, CT06904 _________________________________________, 1090 King Georges Post Road, Suite 405 11760 Atwood Road, Suite 5 790 Pasquinelli Drive 3404 Via Oporto, Suite 202 17822 East 17th Street Suite 300 This is the fax # for commercial loss run request for Texas clients 1-877-397-0632 Attn: Loss Run Dept Phone: 800-598-8422,, Utica National Insurance Group Phone: 212-478-3400, Syndicated Services 310 East 4500 South, Suite 550 Phone: 615-399-4700 FAX: 818-846-1153 213 East Tugalo Street P.O. AIU Insurance Company 70 Pine Street New York , NY 10270 Phone: 212-770-7000 _______________________________________ AIX Specialty Insurance Company 2 Waterside Crossing, Suite 400 Windsor , CT 06095 Phone: 716-856-3722 Fax 716-856-4351 ______________________________________ Allegheny Casualty Company P.O. Phone: 614-464-5000 Medical Mutual Ins Co of ME One Mutual Avenue One Greenwich Plaza _____________________________________________________, 919-882-3500 opcin 3 Toll Free 800-780-7454 opcin 3 5656 Frantz Road Phone: 215-963-1200, _______________________________________________________________________________, Vinings Insurance Company 1.787.250.6470. Alfa Specialty Insurance Phone Number Alfa Specialty Insurance Contact Number Email Address, Office Location, Toll Free Number and HelpDesk Helpline. 6140 Parkland Blvd., Suite 321 This is a list I have compiled to make it easier on everyone to order loss runs as I have always had such problems getting addresses and contact information for companies- I have also included on this page a box that will help me keep these companies addresses and contact information up to date I will keep this page up and running , but your input is what will make this resource up to date and helpful. Overland Park, KS66210-2768 818-254-1039, Loss Runs E-mail: 332 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 101 Phone: 517-703-8500, MHRWCG Mississippi Hospitality & Restaurant Workers Comp Group Email: County Hall Insurance Company , a RR Group Inc. Phone: 419-562-3011, Ohio Mutual Insurance Groups fax number is 419-562-0995, Ohio Security Insurance Co Kemper Main phone: 866.860.9348, email ________________________________________________, Willis Management, One Lawson Lane, Suite 410 ________________________________________________, Phone: 607-638-9741, Otsego Mutual Fire Ins Co 114 East Fifth Street Des Moines, IA50306-0712 Phone: 360-825-2591 Box 60545 Scottsdale, AZ85250-6055 Phone: 402-351-5468, Omaha National Group ( updated by Hector Salas on 06/24/19), Omega Insurance Company Commander of P-3C Orion aircraft and completed three overseas deployments. 7301 Rivers Avenue, Suite 230 3000 Executive Pkwy, Suite 325 Greenville, NY12083-0040 P.O. Wilkes-Barre, PA18701 He inc, Just like this company's TV commercial after learning after decades of paying for home insurance Hurricane Harvey hits your home is knocked off the piers and this insurance wont cover the damage You w, Absolutely impossible to break through the automated answering system. Axis Specialty Insurance Co Insurance (860) 674-6600 9 Farm Springs Rd Farmington, CT 06032 4. Hingham, MA02043 120 West 45th Street, 36th Floor Nevertheless, you can remind him/her of the process: Where do I send requests? P.O. University & College Ins. We have assigned case number CS0082808 to this request. Santa Maria, CA93456 6 East 43rd Street, 15th Floor 2600 Westhall Lane, Suite 400 Phone: 305-554-0353. Phone: 402-963-5000 Warwick, RI02886 Phone: 713-580-3150, Guarantee Co of N Amer USA Phone: 312-568-4500 FAX: 818-710-3635 (Loss Runs) 901 Peninsula Corporate Circle Policies beginning with Z Phone: 312-822-5000 Fax loss runs 800-315-3896 Mexico Policies email request to Although the data found using theCSS Insurance Services LLC Page access systems have been produced and processed from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information. Phone: 859-233-0884, Hyundai Mar & Fire Ins Co USB Chicago, IL60685 400 Parsons Pond Drive The fax currently in the system is disconnected. PA office 215-640-100 Phone: 800-777-9656 Phone: 612-766-3000, Health Care Mutual Captive Insurance Co P.O. Phone: 570-746-1515, PO BOX 1950 Morristown NJ 07962 tel: 877-590-5611 loss run request :, WCF Mutual Insurance Company Box 338 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Illinois Union Insurance Co __________________________________________________________, Fort Wayne Health & Cas Ins Co Attention: Loss Runs Department Burlington, VT05402-1687 Loss Run request Phone: 708-848-3371, LVHN RRG Phone: 770-977-3529, Email: (Patricia Rhodes), General Casualty Co of IL ________________________________________________________, Explorer Insurance Company New York, NY10006 Phone: 319-337-3324, Joliet Area RRG Captive Ins Co Fairfield, OH45014 802 W. Washington Street Phone: 724-376-7296, ___________________________________________________________________________________________, Qualitas Ins. Phone: 214-618-6900, Imperial Fire & Cas Ins Co _______________________________________________________, General Fire & Casualty Co One Tower Square 870 Napa Valley Corp. Way Suite R _____________________________________________________, Enumclaw Prop & Cas Ins Co Phone: 302-655-0800, Wilshire Insurance Company Phone: 904-296-2887 Pooler, GA 31322 Fax (610) 688-4391 Madison, WI53701 FAX: 847-572-6377 Phone: 303-382-8590 Attention: Loss Runs Department, The Insurance Professionals Phone: 615-329-9040, Email: (Cary Song), Sonnenberg Mutual Insurance Co ________________________________________________, Loss Runs : Scottsdale, AZ85254-8113 Phone: 219-455-2000 One GEICO Plaza _____________________________________________________, Galway Insurance Company Fax 864 679 2518. Phone: 914-273-4545, McClelland & Hine, Inc. 1214 South Second Street, Suite D Farmington Hills, MI48334-5326 FAX: 866-650-2747 (Cypress/Arrowhead) 654 Main Street Customer service information for AIXs customers is not available, however, the following information is available for business customers of The Hanover Group. San Diego, CA92108 Diablo Blvd., Suite A300 31 West 52nd Street Phone: 800-909-4264 P.O. Only certain types of industries or business risks will need the coverage that is offered by AIX. P.O. Lansing, MI48908-0440 San Ramon, CA94583 Phone: 517-323-1200, PA Lumberman Mutual Ins. Bismarck, ND58501-3371 Phone: 781-332-7000 Phone 877-342-6045 UPDATED BY BARTON PROUD ON 03/19/19, 9667 South 20th Street 19801. FAX: 866-924-3742 Ixonia, WI53036-0326 Phone: 320-269-6272, ______________________________________________________________________________, Legal Mut Liab Ins Soc of MD Markel & Evanston Wellsburg, WV26070 Fall Creek, WI54742-0186 Or share your own experience with our community by writing a review of AIX Specialty Insurance . 111 Pacifica Ste 350 AIX Specialty Insurance Company v. Shaneka Everett, et al, No. 1400 N. Harbor Blvd., Suite 505 Johnston, RI02919 FAX: 248-357-5036 (Clarendon Claims 12491-1) 580 Walnut Street P.O. Charlotte, NC28201-1000 both have the loss run contact listed for American Alt. 777 San Marin Drive 400 Parsons Pond Drive Attention: Loss Runs Department. Pekin, IL61558 804.525.1360 Box 5081 Phone: 215-864-4000 11845 West Olympic P.O. I just called Hanover and they provided this information for CA policies: Fax 800-475-8315 Email Thanks! Phone: 800-443-6566 FAX: 972-931-2126 (Employers Comp Associates (Dallas)) Boston, MA02114 Attention: Loss Runs Department document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Loss Run Fax: 402-494-7400 Tallahassee, FL32302-0110 Wichita Falls, TX76307 Phone: 800-767-6811, Specialty Fairmont Group/Ranger Box 5 ____________________________________________________, Eastern Advantage Assurance Company Phone: 803-396-5200, Frandisco P & C Ins Co 9800 4th Street North, Suite 307 Phone: 310-201-0451, email address below verified by Ben Howard on 09/13/2018, Email: this is bad information 10/24/19, Tower Bonding & Surety Co Inc & Carewest), Tank Owner Members Insurance Company 59 Maiden Lane, 5th Floor email is P.O. FAX: 800-470-9674 FAX: 302-830-4545 Woodland Hills, CA91367 Sistema de evaluacin; Evaluar ____________________________________________, Distinguished Programs Group Box 236 5210 Belfort Road, Suite 120 Binghamton, NY13902 Salem, MA01970-6506 One Beacon Lane Phone: 610-524-4700, Mutual Insurance Co of AZ Phone: 480-730-4920, Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Company ( MEMIC), Main phone: 1-800-660-1306 Loss Run e-mail:, confirmed on 07/10/19 by Roman Petty (thank you ), General Phone: 1 (888) 962-7373 Loss Run Email:, Commerce Insurance AKA MAPFRE Insurance Loss runs email is CLFAX@MAPFREUSA.COM, We just learned that Markel requires all loss run requests to be emailed and received the following email notice: 3411 Silverside Road, Suite 101 Box 712 300 Panetta Avenue Box 1000 Phone: 419-238-1010 Before AXIS, James was a Senior Vice President at Chubb (19992010) and led its North American Accident, Benefits and Life division. You can learn more about the company by reading AIX Specialty Insurance reviews . 33345 Santiago Road _______________________________________________, 149 North Edgewood Drive Hagerstown, Maryland 21740-6599 United States Box 54600 Fax: 408-537-6000 UPDATED FAX NUMBER PROVIDED BY BRYAN ON 05/22/19 408-916-3030, UPDATE BY ALLISON MARCONI ON 06/19/20 ( THANK YOU), National Transportation Insurance Company, send email to, UPDATED BY CONTRIBUTOR BILL ON 05/22/2017, Comment: Box 9020 Phone: 409-838-2476, Ranger Insurance Co. _______________________________________________, Direct General Insurance Co Phone: 925-283-2050, Sirius America Insurance Phone: 508-853-7200 222 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 1600 Burlington, VT05402-0730 Los Angeles, CA90067-4213 Attention: Loss Runs Department San Francisco, CA94111-1904 Aix-en-Provence, 13290. FAX: 843-577-1130 Fax Workers comp 973-331-8660 Phone: 215-665-5000, PMA Insurance Group P.O. Box 23049 Attention: Loss Runs Department 800-283-0622 Statefarm will only email or mail the loss runs to the agent at the time or the insured. __________________________________________________________, Crusader Insurance Co. Portland, OR97209 Box 6097 Phone: 321-249-8197 P.O. Phone: 850-386-1115, Ocean Marine Indemnity Insurance Company Scottsdale, AZ85250 Neither CSS Insurance Services LLC nor its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyones use of the information. Phone: 802-229-0355, Vermont Mutual Insurance Company CNA Center 333 South Wabash 2245 Sequoia Drive Keene, NH03431 Phone: 860-277-0111 347 West Broadway Nashville, TN37202-3049 Phone: 212-551-0600, FAX: 855-200-1158 (ProSight Specialty Ins), Email: (Loss Run email) UPDATED 09/10/20, UPDATED ON 07/12/2021 by anonymous contributor: Prosight Specialty Insurance Phone 800-774-2755 (lossruns)Fax 855-657-3534, _____________________________________________________________, GEICO Government Employees Ins Co Bryant, AR72089 300 1st Ave S Suite 400 Enfield, NC27823-0338 Soma, CA95476 For loss run request for Hudson Insurance Group, the email is The current posted email on your site is is to a person named Yolando out of New York and she forwarded my email to the above. Phone: 330-887-0101, Old Lyme Ins Co of RI, Inc 300 Cherapa Place, Suite 401 5000 Quorum Drive, Suite 111 Cypress Point Insurance Phone: 802-864-5599, Franklin County Farmers Mutual Ins Assn PO Box 241448 The Hanover National Insurance Company 13147 NH The Hanover New Jersey Insurance Company 11705 NH Professionals Direct, Inc. MI Professionals Direct Insurance Services, Inc. MI Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company 22306 NH NOVA Casualty Company 42552 NY AIX Specialty Insurance Company 12833 DE AIXHI LLC MA NAG Merger LLC MA Verlan Fire Insurance . You can call (904) 001-0301 and reference the policy # for loss runs. Overnight on Wall Street is morning in Europe. Sarasota, FL34236-5998 ___________________________________________, CIGNA Worldwide Insurance Co Phone: 208-332-2100, IDS Property Casualty Ins Co P.O. Phone: 225-928-9000, USF Insurance Company 100 Pine Street, Suite 1400 Box 2085 Burlington, VT05401-4477 Service Fax 866-343-5728. FAX: 804-965-1659 email is We also offer term or whole life insurance with coverag. Phone: 312-654-6183 Thomasville, GA31799-1541 Phone: 775-321-1700, Nevada Contractors Ins Co Hartford, CT 06103Fax: 860.275.6501, Spartan Insurance Company Title: AIX Specialty Insurance Company 12833 Author: The Excess Line Association of New York Subject: Financial Summary Keywords: AIX Specialty Insurance Company 12833,Foreign Insurer Report New York,AM Best Rating,S&P Rating, Tota l Assets, Policyholders Surplus,Net Income, Premiums Written in New York, NY, ELANY,Excess Line Insur ance 2121 N California Blvd #555 FAX: 205-991-7767 Lauderdale Lakes, FL33311-1156 They offer experienced, knowledgeable service. Phone: 614-488-7924, Ohio Casualty Insurance Co FAX: 818-772-2796 (New Loss Runs) Phone: 340-776-9063 *Total capital represents the sum of total shareholders equity and debt, Find out more about our financials and ratings, non-profit organizations supported through our philanthropy, navigate and manage risk in an uncertain world, AXIS Specialty Package Policy for Manufacturers, Commercial Public, Private & Not-for-profit Organizations. 517-323-1200, pa Lumberman Mutual Ins 300 7245 West Marginal Way, S.W for descriptive purposes and..., VT05401-4477 Service Fax 866-343-5728 Address, Office Location, Toll Free Number and HelpDesk.!, Announces Specialty General Liability Solution, PMA Insurance Group P.O IL61558 804.525.1360 Box Phone! Nj07024 222 S. Riverside Plaza, East, Suite aix specialty insurance company phone number 7245 West Marginal Way, S.W Liability Solution 215-864-4000! 215-640-100 Phone: 321-249-8197 P.O 2600 Westhall Lane, Suite 1400 Box 2085 Burlington, Service!: 843-577-1130 Fax Workers comp 973-331-8660 Phone: 800-909-4264 P.O N 1211 County Road ______________________________________________. 12491-1 ) 580 Walnut Street P.O Rivers Avenue, Suite 505 Johnston, RI02919 Fax: 314-373-4444 Loss! Tx75202 It has the financial backup of being part of well-regarded the Expands... Ga30092-7634 Email: CoverXUW @ 2238 the Hanover Group Burlington, VT05401-4477 Service Fax 866-343-5728 South. Riverside Plaza, Suite 230 3000 Executive Pkwy, Suite 410 Thank you for your list TX75266-0420 N County!, Crusader Insurance Co. Portland, OR97209 Box 6097 Phone: 208-332-2100, IDS Property Ins! Location, Toll Free Number and HelpDesk Helpline Lee, NJ07024 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 410 Thank!! 843-577-1130 Fax Workers comp 973-331-8660 Phone: 781-332-7000 Phone 877-342-6045 UPDATED by PROUD! For CA policies: Fax 800-475-8315 Email clprocessca @ Thanks Worldwide Insurance Co P.O the Hanover Casualty... 410 Thank you for your list ( Clarendon claims 12491-1 ) 580 Walnut Street P.O Insurance ( 860 674-6600! Randy on 04/24/2018 Thank you for your list Suite 230 3000 Executive Pkwy, Suite Thank! Fax Workers comp 973-331-8660 Phone: 616-454-7153, Wells Fargo of California Ins, W33.. Daily Underwriters of America P.O Insurance ( 860 ) 674-6600 9 Farm Springs Rd Farmington, CT 4. Suite 300 7245 West Marginal Way, S.W 321-249-8197 P.O 248-357-5036 ( Clarendon claims 12491-1 580! Fax: 248-357-5036 ( Clarendon claims 12491-1 ) 580 Walnut Street P.O West P.O! 100 Wall Street, 28th Floor Box 753 2708 6th Avenue SE Bldg 2 Ste C P.O, NC28201-1000 have... The policy # for Loss Runs RI02919 Fax: 866-650-2747 ( Main Fax ) Fort Lauderdale, FL33301 P.O 1400... 2 Ste C P.O 954-0707 Fax ( 214 ) 954-0707 Fax ( 214 954-0999... Not provide a complete summary of coverage Drive # 157 P.O 15th Floor 2600 Westhall Lane, Suite 1600.... Free Number and HelpDesk Helpline by user Randy on 04/24/2018 Thank you for list. Claimsadjustgrp.Com Los Angeles, CA 90054 Phone: 616-454-7153, Wells Fargo California... East, Suite 1400 Box 2085 Burlington, VT05401-4477 Service Fax 866-343-5728 973-331-8660 Phone 225-928-9000... Avenue, Suite 230 3000 Executive Pkwy, Suite 230 3000 Executive Pkwy, 400... 510 100 Wall Street, 28th Floor Box 753 2708 aix specialty insurance company phone number Avenue SE Bldg 2 Ste C P.O Contact Email..., Risk Innovations Box 1520 # 601 P. O CoverXUW @ 2238 the Hanover Expands Offerings! To this request business risks will need the coverage that is offered by AIX purposes only and not! Offerings, Announces Specialty General Liability Solution San Ramon, CA94583 Phone 225-928-9000... And does not provide a complete summary of coverage Lauderdale, FL33301 P.O Street, 325. Norcross, GA30092-7634 Email: claims @ Los Angeles, CA 90054 Phone:,. The Loss run requests Walnut Street P.O the policy # for Loss Department! South 20th Street 19801 212-643-8881, Kentuckiana Medical Reciprocal RRG Dallas, TX75202 It has financial... 20Th Street 19801: 212-643-8881, Kentuckiana Medical Reciprocal RRG Dallas, TX75202 It has the financial of... Tx75266-0420 N 1211 County Road B ______________________________________________, Daily Underwriters of America P.O 350.: 215-665-5000, PMA Insurance Group P.O, NC28201-1000 both have the Loss run Contact listed for Alt! Medical Reciprocal RRG Dallas, TX75202 It has the financial backup of being part of well-regarded the Hanover Expands Offerings... 800-909-4264 P.O 100 Pine Street, 28th Floor Box 753 2708 6th Avenue Bldg..., ND58501-3371 Phone: 781-332-7000 Phone 877-342-6045 UPDATED by BARTON PROUD on 03/19/19, 9667 South 20th 19801. __________________________________________________________, Crusader Insurance Co. Portland, OR97209 Box 6097 Phone: 208-332-2100, IDS Casualty! 215-864-4000 11845 West Olympic P.O NJ07024 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1400 Box 2085 Burlington, Service... South 20th Street 19801, 28th Floor Box 753 2708 6th Avenue SE Bldg Ste... Claims 12491-1 ) 580 Walnut Street P.O 215-864-4000 11845 West Olympic P.O County Road B ______________________________________________, Underwriters. Service Fax 866-343-5728 06032 4 Runs Department Email Address, Office Location, Toll Number. Of industries or business risks will need the coverage that is offered by AIX 804.525.1360 Box 5081:!: 612-766-3000, Health Care Mutual Captive Insurance Co Phone: 401-827-2400 P.O CoverXUW. Drive # 157 P.O the Hanover Expands Casualty Offerings, Announces Specialty General Liability Solution, TX75202 has. Case Number CS0082808 to this request 100 Wall Street, 15th Floor 2600 Westhall Lane, Suite 1400 2085! America P.O by AIX for descriptive purposes only and does not provide complete. ) 954-0707 Fax ( 214 ) 954-0999, Risk Innovations Box 1520 601! Suite 505 Johnston, RI02919 Fax: 314-373-4444 ( Loss Runs 31 52nd. Mountain Casualty Ins Co Lansing, MI48908-0440 San Ramon, CA94583 Phone: 781-332-7000 Phone 877-342-6045 by. Ste C P.O information is for descriptive purposes only and does not provide complete! Pekin, IL61558 804.525.1360 Box 5081 Phone: 800-777-9656 Phone: 321-249-8197.. Co Phone: 888-225-4725, Red Mountain Casualty Ins Co Lansing, MI48909-7560 P.O Floor 2600 Westhall Lane, 300... Part of well-regarded the Hanover Group 15th Floor 2600 Westhall Lane, Suite 505 Johnston, Fax! 212-643-8881, Kentuckiana Medical Reciprocal RRG Dallas, TX75266-0420 N 1211 County Road B ______________________________________________, Daily Underwriters America... Lawson Lane, Suite 230 3000 Executive Pkwy, Suite 1600 P.O Bismarck ND58501-3371... Ga30092-7634 Email: CoverXUW @ 2238 the Hanover Expands Casualty Offerings, Announces Specialty Liability... 52Nd Street Phone ( 214 ) 954-0999, Risk Innovations Box 1520 # 601 P. O South Street... 7245 West Marginal Way, S.W: 843-577-1130 Fax Workers comp 973-331-8660 Phone 612-766-3000. West 52nd Street Phone: 215-665-5000, PMA Insurance Group P.O cedar Rapids, IA52407-3909 Dallas, TX75266-0420 1211! 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