ATLANTA The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced today it will open a Business Recovery Center at noon Thursday, Jan. 19, at the Spalding Senior Center to assist Georgians applying for SBA disaster loan assistance for losses due to severe storms, straight-line winds and tornadoes that occurred on Jan. 12. WebThis is a page to discuss Spalding County improvements and news events. ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will be holding a special called meeting on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 4 p.m. in Courtroom #2 (on the other side of the big courtroom). Pike County will be receiving $3.6 million in ARP funds that will need to be spent in the next several years. There will be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting prior to the meeting where members of the public can address commissioners prior to the start of the official meeting without getting on an agenda prior. I expect this to be a short meeting. *We encourage that attendees follow recommended Covid-19 guidelines which include staying home if you are ill/not feeling well, washing your hands, maintaining social distancing, and wearing a face covering (recommended but not required)* This is a private forum for approved residents. NO BUGS. Youth, ages 14-15, must be accompanied by their parent/legal guardian and youth, ages 16-17, must be accompanied by an adult chaperone unless the team is registered as a youth group. From the Post Agenda: The Pike County Board of Commissioners held a Special Called Meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Commissioners Office, 331 Thomaston Street, Zebulon. Click here for more. Egg Prep Contest at Georgia 4-H Food Showcase, Condolences to the Family of Rev. ], The Williamson City Council held a Special Called Meeting on July 25, 2022 at 6 p.m. Two items were on the agenda of this special called meeting: discussion of a contract that had been awarded for cleaning the library and city hall and a council member's resignation from duties on the water system. Since then, staff on both sides have been working diligently on the network design, engineering and establishing roles for the project. At some point, a decision will be made in closed session and announced after commissioners come back into session.]. Please make a contribution to support it. This series of articles chronicles the incident all of the way to the punishment that was rendered by Zebulon City Council. First Bank of Pike has been serving customers in Pike County and the surrounding area since 1901 and offers Personal and Business banking with a personal touch. WebPike County Democrat; 18 November 1898; Page 6; Pike County Democrat, Volume 29, Number 28,Petersburg, Pike County, 18 November 1898 Page 6. In-Person at Christ Chapel, 68 Old Zebulon Road, Calls, texts and emails will begin the end of this week and continue over the weekend. Click here for more. Please follow a few simple rules to make at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. Welcome to Pike County WebHistory. The application was a request to change from the current Central Downtown - Highway Commercial (CD-HC) zoning to Multi-Family Residential (MFR). There will be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting prior to the meeting where members of the public can address commissioners prior to the start of the official meeting without getting on an agenda prior. Pike County Times can showcase your business and business events for a price that is very competitive with readers in several counties. [Note from the Editor: It sounds like the Chief of Police wanted to make his Assistant Chief hourly instead of salaried. In 2012, Steve Harrison received the Association of Medical Illustrators Lifetime Achievement Award, the most prestigious of the many awards and honors he earned during his 40-year career as a medical illustrator and educator. ADJOURNMENT Feb 2, 2023 09:00 AM This is the first part of a four part series of articles. This QR Code is to let open this page on the other mobile device the easiest possible way, with no need to type complicated addresses or searching. ZEBULON - On December 15, 2022, the Zebulon City Council met at 6 p.m. in the GMC Classroom to hold a public hearing on a rezoning application for the property located on the east side of Highway 19 South between Ruth's Restaurant and the veterinary clinic. There are state mandated guidelines for waiting times between hearings as well as state mandated language that is extremely confusing to the public because there isn't going to be a halfway house here, but the language is required anyway. The motion to deny the application carried 4-0. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. Find out more at THE TORNADO APPEARED TO FIRST TOUCH DOWN AROUND 3:19 PM EST AT A RESIDENCE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AYRES PIKE, JUST WEST OF NORTH DAYTON-LAKEVIEW RD. please let First Bank of Pike know that you appreciate their sponsorship of Breaking News Alerts on Pike County's only FREE online newspaper! WebHours: M-F 8:30 - 4:30: Phone: Office: 570-296-9805 Cell: 570-832-1434. Part I is at the bottom of the page with Part II at the top as an update. ZEBULON - In the January 31, 2023 Board of Commissioners Meeting, County Manager Brandon Rogers discussed the tornado that hit the Williamson area of Pike County on January 12, and the response from the county to that event. Clements players celebrate their win over Pike County this morning at Legacy Arena in Birmingham. Facilitator: Olive Stern '25 Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. The public is invited to attend this meeting. ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will meet on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners Conference Room to discuss the possible acquisition of real property pursuant to O.C.G.A. Shared Posts Must Be Set To Public. .. What is up with Erica? An annual donation of $25 or more will get an email or text message sent to you with breaking news as it happens. [Note from the Editor: This meeting is complete.]. Jan 5, 2023 09:00 AM Joseph Neal Sumner, 79, was born July 22, 1943, and passed away at home with his wife by his side on February 17, 2023. You may join the meeting electronically via ZOOM Meeting ID: 646 718 0067 Password: 6nve0c Pike County Home Elected Officials Board of Supervisors Chancery Clerk Circuit Clerk Constables Assessor Sheriffs Office Tax Collector Services Courts Departments Solid Waste Information Technology Civil Defense / Emergency Management County Administrator Economic Development E-911 Election Commission Sheriffs Office Please tell them thank you for supporting Pike County Times! Tell them that Pike County Times sent you! [Note from the Editor: This meeting is complete. To achieve this honor, students must have been enrolled full time and have earned at least a 3.5 grade point average for the term. The public is invited to attend this meeting. The letter read as follows: "we understand that due to the passage of time and changing needs of requesters, it is possible that you no longer have an interest in the documents you requested. Ms. Helen Sullivan Elliott, age 90, of Zebulon, passed away February 13, 2023. BREAKING NEWS: Pike County Keeps Millage Rate at 11.986; Pike County Commission Announces Proposed Property Tax Increase, BREAKING NEWS: Pike Voters Will Choose Whether to Increase the Senior Exemption on Annual School Taxes, Meansville History Night to Be Held on Tuesday, September 13, REGULAR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTHLY MEETING - CANCELLED, BREAKING NEWS: Update on Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary and Protecting Backyard Flocks from Avian Flu, Williamson City Council Special Called Meeting, BREAKING NEWS: City of Zebulon to Annex the VA Clinic, 7.19.22 Follow Up About Dog Videos in South Pike County, REGULAR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL CALLED MEETING, BREAKING NEWS: Riprap Removed from the Boat Ramp, PIKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL CALLED MONTHLY MEETING, BREAKING NEWS: Coming Soon: Southern Rivers Energy Fiber Broadband Internet, Pike County Times Reauthorizes 2017 Freedom, REGULAR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONTHLY MEETING AGENDA, Griffin Police Department and the Media - PART I, Please Say Thank You to Advertisers on Pike County Times, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2007, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2008, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2009, Thank You to Racquethause South Fitness Club, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2013, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2015, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2016, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2017, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2018, The Sellers Law Firm - Where Clients Become Family, Thank You to North Griffin Animal Hospital, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2019, Keeping Pike County Times FREE since 2020, The R.F. ZEBULON - Pike County voters will be deciding whether to increase the exemption of school taxes for residents who are 62 years of age or older in the upcoming November 2022 election. Just give it a try! Click here for more. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Document Center. WebGROUP RULES. please read. GRADUATION RATE: >95% Pike County boasts one of the highest graduation rates in the state, thanks to our renowned learning curriculum. man or woman this time? Red Cross damage assessment teams have been working with FEMA and cross-referencing applications to see who qualifies. Tell them that the Pike County Times sent you! And that doesn't include the Click here for more. There will be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting prior to the meeting where members of the public can address commissioners prior to the start of the official meeting without getting on an agenda prior. ZEBULON - Pike County Times is billing for Breaking News Alerts over the through the end of tax season. The auction starts at 6 p.m. and all proceeds go to the Pike County Animal Shelter. and b. The boat ramp at Flat Shoals is on this meeting agenda with both Tom Morgan and Walker Chandler on the agenda to speak. Post sales, coupons, ideas, etc. Ms. Annie Belle Caldwell, age 84, of Zebulon, passed away February 6, 2023. ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will hold a special called meeting to on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:00 a.m. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. County Manager Brandon Rogers was also present. Fax: (217) 285-2719. New hours are: Mondays 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 3 p.m.; and Wednesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 to 6 p.m. Protective equipment for our fire fighters? ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Local News Publishers No sources with tracked biases. The public is invited to attend this meeting. There were 2 department heads and me in the audience. We didnt just stuff the bus, we stuffed the BUSES! 4. Water? at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. 50-14-1(e) (2)) Due to unforeseen circumstances, County Attorney Rob Morton and County Clerk Angela Blount were not present. Hes been going through some changes lately. WebPike County is located in northeast Missouri and is home to 18,316 citizens. There is a link in purple at the bottom of each page on that enables donations through PayPal. It was the seventieth county formed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. CONCORD - Seven set of speed bumps have recently been installed in the Hilltop Community. This is also where moratorium on minor and major subdivisions was lifted.]. This is the meeting where builders, etc. WASHINGTON, DC U.S. 9,446 votes were cast out of 14,251 possible voters. GRIFFIN - On Monday, January 16, 2023, Pike County made a trip to Spalding County to see how the Volunteer Reception Center, the Distribution Center, and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) worked so readers would know what to expect when going to volunteer or bring items to help those effected by the tornadoes. Unfortunately, these platforms have not only made it easier than ever to meet new people and find dates but have also made it easier to be scammed as well. For more information about visitation and the service or sign the guestbook go to Moody-Daniel Funeral Home. Please say thank you to those who advertise with me and provide this service to you. [Note from the Editor: This meeting is correct.]. According to the Post Agenda, after discussion of concerns for the safety of children, a motion to deny the Rezoning Application was made by Yarbrough. MEANSVILLE - On Saturday, July 16, 2022, Pike County Times was notified about a possible situation in Pike County regarding 30 dogs in a pen that did not have food and water, and there was a video that was trending on social media that documented the situation. Read the statement that the city gave to Pike County Times last year. INVOCATIONSilent Invocation CONCORD Pike County Times received a phone call that the county was removing the rocks at the boat ramp at Flat Shoals and traveled there to see the end of the removal and replacement of rocks where heavy equipment was used to pick up the riprap-basically rocks placed to help prevent erosion a distance back from the edge of the water. WebPike County Middle School has nearly 70 teachers, administrators, and education professionals that staff our school and guide our students. Click here for more. 7,453 voted for Herschel Walker Jr. (Republican) and 1,184 voted from Raphael Warnock (Democrat). 1. Consider Resolution to adopt Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Pike County Tax Levy. - UPDATED 1.20.23, BREAKING NEWS: Update on Pike's January 12, 2023 Tornado, BREAKING NEWS: Tornado Causes Damage in Pike County, BREAKING NEWS: Overnight Thefts Occurred in the City of Zebulon; Vehicle Stolen, Zebulon City Council - Special Called Meeting, Zebulon City Council Denies Apartment Rezoning, BREAKING NEWS: Zebulon City Council Gives Disciplinary Action to Zebulon PD Chief; Part 3 of Investigative Series, Zebulon City Council Votes to Deny Rezoning, BREAKING NEWS: Pike County Times Investigates Hemphill Pullover Video and Police Radio Band Allegations Part 2, BREAKING NEWS: Results of the 2022 U.S. Senate Runoff in Pike County, Williamson City Council Meeting - 11.3.22, Speed Bumps In Place to Discourage Speeding in Hilltop Community, BREAKING NEWS: Pike County Times Investigates Hemphill Pullover Video and Police Radio Band Allegations 1 Part 1. There will be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting prior to the meeting where members of the public can address commissioners prior to the start of the official meeting without getting on an agenda prior. This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. ZEBULON - Pike County had a 66.28% turnout. Call Mid Georgia Chiropractic at 770-358-2003 for more information. WILLIAMSON - The City of Williamson held a call for a Special Election to fill the unexpired term of Council Member Angela Martin, who resigned on December 31, 2022. The assistance includes FEMA grants and low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration. Pike County Times received an emailed letter from the Department of Defense FOIA Division advising that it regretted the delay in completing the request and asking if Pike County Times would still like to receive the information that has been requested along with its current caseload of 3,486 requests on August 28, 2020. Each person who helped is one of the reasons this county is what it is and we all love living here. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW TO ATTEND Future Pike Family Connection Meetings: Mobile Banking and Bill Payment services are also available! Mrs. Annie Lou Ann Garner Kempson, age 79, of Concord, passed away February 19, 2023. DECATUR The GBIs Child Exploitation and Computer Crimes (CEACC) Unit and the GBIs Special Enforcement Team (SET) partnered from January 23-26, 2023, to execute multiple residential search warrants on unrelated child exploitation investigations. In this session, students will hear from a panel of faculty members and other students discussing their climate-related projects on campus and sharing ways for getting involved. There will be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting prior to the meeting where members of the public can address commissioners prior to the start of the official meeting without getting on an agenda prior. As the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Social Security, I will be a leading voice for our nations seniors, and advance solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing our country today.. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. For more information about visitation and the service or sign the guestbook go to Moody-Daniel Funeral Home. Pike County Times will be there to find out tonight. post links to sites you find helpful and informative. The public is invited to attend. 3. Agenda subject to revision. Call Racquethause South at 770-567-4487 to find out what specials they are running for new members. ZEBULON - There will be a special called meeting of the Pike County Board of Commissioners on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. The policy has since changed, then changed back, and then changed again, but lately Griffin PD has begun issuing regular press releases to the press again. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor (at)PikeCountyTimes (dot)com. Day volunteers will need to bring a bagged lunch, water, and hand sanitizer. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Click here for more. On Android devices there might be required an external app (loads to choose from on Google Play). Click here for more. TOPIX, Facebook Group, Craigslist, City-Data Replacement (Alternative). Tell them that Becky Watts at Pike County Times sent you! Zoom Link will be available on June 1, 2022. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Audrey Hanson competed and won 1st place in Jr. Consider Resolution to adopt Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Pike County Tax Levy. 50-14-3 (b)(1). Click here for more. You can help Pike County Times by doing business with each of these advertisers and making sure that they know that you appreciate their support of your free, independent online newspaper -- Pike County Times. Consider authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolution to adopt the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Pike County Tax Levy. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. Pike County investigation: 8 deaths and multiple arrests were tied to one key factor child custody Good video at this link of interview with a neighbor after the arrests. If you purchase items often in other states or purchase online frequently, please check the recalls often for a more complete list. Click here for turnout percentages and totals. Click here for more. Hours are Tuesday through Friday from 10 am to 8 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm. I am thankful beyond measure to all who encourage and support what I do. WebThe New Philadelphia National Historic Site is the original site of the now-vanished town of New Philadelphia, Illinois.It is located near the city of Barry, in Pike County.. Egg Prep. Mrs. Cherry Elizabeth Sweatman, age 55, formerly of Newnan, passed away January 23, 2023. We will reverse course and enact policies to maintain American competitiveness and innovation, economic growth, and fiscal responsibility. ZEBULON - Pike Family Connection will meet on Thursday, March 2, 2022 from WebWelcome citizens and friends of Pike County, GA! NEW BUSINESS We have a very diverse family of providers from different fields of medicine like urgent care, cardiology, othopedic, vascular, and more! at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. He noted that at one point when the Public Works' equipment went down, an individual with a loader came in and picked up the slack. Call NGAH at 770-227-4125 to set up an appointment. Thank you to SJ Reeves Land Surveying for helping provide your news for free on Pike County Times! a. There will be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting prior to the meeting where members of the public can address commissioners prior to the start of the official meeting without getting on an agenda prior. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. This is a page for discussion of the events, news, and issues that matter to Pike Countians. Click here for more. ZEBULON - Zebulon Police Department made two arrests last week. Firearm/Gun-related information for Pike County, Pennsylvania Jump to Content Most insurance is accepted. The public is invited to attend this meeting. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. Overtime that is planned into the budget will be used to pay for this. 3. Click here for more. Click here for more. Register by phone at 706-647-8602 or online at It continues to be a family-centered firm. According to C.C.G.A. 4. WebAll community announcements are welcome and encouraged! [Note from the Editor: This meeting is complete. OPENING DAY; Contact Us. Click here for more. Click here for more. For more information about visitation and the service or sign the guestbook go to Moody-Daniel Funeral Home. Tax Assessors Workshop Congressman Drew Ferguson (R-GA) today released the following statement on his assignment to the House Budget Committee, and House Ways and Means Subcommittee assignments as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Social Security, and member of the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures also referred to as the Subcommittee on Tax. Click here for more. The millage rate would have been set at 13.236 mills which would have been an increase of 16.93% over last year. Tell them Pike County Times sent you! Currently the moratorium is set for 90 days or until the impact fees are evaluated and any changes are approved by the BOC.]. It began on November 13, 2) Sardiel Enarcarcion, Hispanic male from Thomaston, for DUI, failure to maintain lane, open container, and possession of marijuana. 2. ZEBULON - 8,642 of 13,891 of Pike Countys registered voters cast their ballots in the US Senate Runoff on December 6, 2022. Orientation takes place at 7:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. Chairman Briar Johnson Inman Antique Expo features locals, set for March 4-5. The agenda is as follows: All Rights Reserved. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. Due to the nature of disaster relief, our schedule must remain fluid. WebAll community announcements are welcome and encouraged! Click here for more. Online Agenda Agenda PDF View Minutes Recap Legal Minutes. ATLANTA Recovery specialists from FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are now available at the Spalding County Senior Center to assist residents of Spalding County who were severely impacted by the Jan. 12 storms and tornadoes. The public is invited to attend this meeting. AND Q/A SESSION . Brandon Rogers Fourteen-year-old Kate Royalty spearheads the auction with plenty of help from family and friends. The Subcommittee on Social Security is responsible for legislation and policy matters referred to the Committee on Ways and Means that relate to the Federal Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance System, the Railroad Retirement System, and payroll taxes and trust fund operations relating to those systems. Click here for more. 4. The public is invited to see what the town looked like beginning in the early 1900s and see some of the industry and crops grown in the area. In its 150th anniversary, Shorter University is a Christ-centered university committed to excellence in education. Click here for more. The village will be held at the Spalding County Senior Center at 885 Memorial Drive in Griffin this Wednesday, January 25th, and Thursday, January 26th, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Read the entire article by clicking here. Click here for more. ADJOURNMENT Disciplinary records obtained by The GRIP establish that Sgt. ), If you would like information on how to receive Breaking News Alerts by text or email, click here: ($25 per year). Get Directions; Staff Directory; More Information. We also have low self-pay rates. WebThe Pike County Planning Commission, as per the Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), includes nine members who are residents of the County and provide a broad geographic representation of the county. All 5 commissioners, county clerk, county attorney, and county manager were also present. There will be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting prior to the meeting where members of the public can address commissioners prior to the start of the official meeting without getting on an agenda prior. Use your own page for that. Chambersburgh. ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 9 a.m. LOCATION: ZEBULON, GA He said that without volunteers and people who helped with heavy equipment, the county would still be paying to get the mess cleaned up. ZEBULON - Do you enjoy reading Pike County Times for FREE? You can read more about his long journey home to Concord in 2017 by clicking here. Click here for more. Around 6:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon, troopers say a neighbor called 911 to report a working house fire in the 100 block of Parkers Glen Road, Shohola Township. Click here for more. GRIFFIN - The Sellers Law Firm is located at 100 South Hill Street Ste 502 in Griffin, Georgia and specializes in Criminal Defense/DUI, Family Law, Personal Injury, Simple Wills, Social Security Disability and Worker's Compensation. NO PROBLEMS. For more information about visitation and the service or sign the guestbook go to Moody-Daniel Funeral Home. Copyright 2006-2023. Click here for more. Please follow a few simple rules to make at the Pike County Chamber of Commerce in Zebulon. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners held a special called meeting on Thursday, April 2, 2020 5:00 p.m. at the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street in Zebulon. WebPike County DFCS Office Get Directions 7165 Highway 19 South Zebulon, GA 30295 Closed Sunday - Monday: Closed Tuesday - Thursday: 09:00 am - 03:00 pm Friday - Saturday: Closed All in Eastern Time Zone Areas Served Pike Get in Touch Pike County Primary: (770) 567-8427 Additional Information Director: Holly Line-Interim Look at the destruction I left in their wake and they'll never see this little girl again. Revised draft text for discussion purposes is included in Attachment 1. May 4, 2023 09:00 AM I hope it was worth it you evil people. Title Page - Plat Book of Pike County, Illinois. WebSHOHOLA TOWNSHIP, PIKE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) Several pets are dead after a fire in Pike County according to state police. Present were: Mayor Steve Fry, Council members Angela Martin, Tom Brown, Carol Berry, Steve Davis, City Attorney Rob Morton, City Clerk Pamela Schoentag, and Librarian Milla Riggins. ), 'both the posted notice and the published notice shall include a prominent statement that the proposed zoning decision relates to or will allow the location of a halfway house, drug rehabilitation center, or other facility for treatment of drug dependency', "Since the City of Zebulon is seeking to rezone and annex the faciilty, and due to the fact that the VA facility will offer a substance abuse treatment program, we were required to include this language in our advertisement. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Click here for more. (This request was one of 2,961 open requests on July 9, 2019.) WebPike County Schools doing what Pike Countians do: Taking care of each other! It was also mentioned that state law has been passed regarding food trucks. Information Voting Members Agendas and Minutes ZEBULON - It's 16 years since that first blog post about the morning county commission meeting went on Pike County Times on November 6, 2006. ZEBULON - Racquethause South Fitness Club provides total healthcare fitness in Zebulon. Qualifying has taken place, and Bobby Harrison, Jr. was the only person who qualified to run for this office. The meeting was called to order and the discussion took place in Executive Session with a vote to enter Regular Session and a vote to adjourn at 5:52 p.m. [Note from the Editor: I did not attend this meeting. WebPike County Democrat; 18 November 1898; Page 6; Pike County Democrat, Volume 29, Number 28,Petersburg, Pike County, 18 November 1898 Page 6. I have been going to him for more than fifteen years. As always, thanks for reading and supporting your hometown online newspaper! [Note from the Editor: This will remain at the top of the page for now.]. Volunteers will work Monday - Saturday. Bills on a variety of subjects were filed, ranging from public safety to criminal sentences, and more. WILLIAMSON - A line of storms came through Georgia on January 12, 2023 that left damage in its wake. It is based on Isaiah 6:8: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send And who will go for us' and I said, 'Here I am, Send Me!'" >Pike County Times contacted Animal Control Officer Tanya Perkins today in order to gather information about past offenses that date back to 2020. That Sgt only FREE online newspaper ( this request was one of the page with part II the. One of the reasons this County is located in northeast Missouri and is Home to 18,316 citizens volunteers... 2022-2023 Pike County 's only FREE online newspaper p.m. Chairman Briar Johnson Antique! Lunch, water, and Fiscal responsibility, thanks for reading and your. Been going to him for more information County 's only FREE online newspaper > Pike County!. 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