Since then, an increasingly durable and agile spirit of collaboration in L.A. fuels an ability to test new ideas, assess their effectiveness, and bring them to scale in ways that significantly impact child welfare reform. The session will be facilitated by representatives from CWLA and Casey Family who were involved in the creation of the agenda. 15 December 2022 Transparency data See all latest documents Get emails Subscribe to feed What we do We are an independent panel commissioning reviews of serious child safeguarding cases. We have options for every organization and budget! We will discuss how various jurisdictions have used the tool to enhance the service selection process, lessons learned, and key financial implications when assessing implementation costs of EBPs. Many emerging professionals are eager to begin their careers in child welfare, but encounter challenges when they are ready to climb the career ladder. My recent career highlights have included Australian Principal of the Year (2020). This infrequently includes services that address economic hardship, which can be a driver of child welfare system involvement. Presenters: Demarco Mott & Marcel C. Rivas & Dominique Rosario, Citrus Family Care Network Youth Advisory Council, Miami, FL, F4 Functional Family Therapy in Foster Care: A Family-Based Model for Improving Stability and Permanency in Foster Care. 30 Days to Family is an urgent, intense, 30-day evidence-based intervention that works tirelessly to get children who have just entered foster care placed with family. This session will include an overview of innovations Bethany made to help meet the needs of children and families receiving foster care services during the pandemic, the importance of data disaggregation by race in championing justice, and advocacy and practice changes that Bethany has incorporated since our report was released. Updated 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018' to reflect how local authorities should notify the Child Safeguarding Panel. Presenter: Cathy Hockaday, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, I2 Building Protective Factors So Adult and Child Survivors of Domestic Violence Can Thrive. In 2022, the National CASA/GAL Association for Children will offer an opportunity to come together for collaboration, training and professional development at an in-person Annual Conference in June. This action lab will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about LA County Faith in Motion, the faith-based engagement framework that the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Families developed and has been implementing. Presenters: Kristen Gore & Jason Brennen & Katrina Dorse, Chapin Hall, Chicago, IL, E2 Raising the Future: Shared Leadership with Diverse Groups of Parents & Youth Nationwide. One barrier is the ongoing expectation that children in care move schools, when initially entering and during their time in care. Recent policy action in Kentucky makes available $1000 per family in flexible funding. The pre-conference session has a separate fee ($150 per person). to Oh Yes! This session will provide insights on the importance of engaging youths with lived experience to transform the way child welfare services are delivered. NACC Conference - National Association of Counsel For Children Building Community: NACC Conference NACC's 46th National Child Welfare Law Conferences From Learning to Action: Shared Accountability for Disrupting Harm and Promoting Healing SPONSORSHIP, EXHIBITING, AND ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES 2:30 pm 3:30 pm, E1 Evidence Based Program (EBP) Exploration and Cost Tool: A Family First Planning and Implementation Tool for Effective Selection of EBPs(Spotlight Track). Exhibiting is an easy and economical way to share your company brand and products. Child Welfare Virtual Expo 2022 Power in Partnerships: Prioritizing Lived Expertise in Child Welfare Recorded sessions and related resources are now available. This conference will explore the issues impacting Looked After Children, such as, why they are more prone to suffer with addiction, be . Racial bias has no place in our child welfare system, and yet, despite the best efforts, intentions, and desires of child welfare professionals to help all children and families, implicit bias can easily and unconsciously seep into decisions of removal and reunification within the child welfare system. Step 1 (of 4): Select a Month (Optional) As we gathered together again for the first time in three years, steps from Capitol Hill, our focus was advocating for policy and legislation that reflects the needs of the children and families we serve. Friends of CWLA are acknowledged with our conference sponsors. And what trauma is caused by race and its influence on laws, policies, and individual behaviors? How can public and private child welfare agencies work together to strengthen families and protect children? Nurturing families and permanent connections are critical to a child's well-being. Presenters: Shashika Peeligama & Jordann Feinstein, Center for Court Innovation, New York, NY, A5 PRIDE (Parent Resource for Information Development and Education) Model of Practice. This presentation describes an analytic framework that state and local child welfare agencies and system partners can use to measure economic risk factors in child welfare. While critical conversations about the future of child welfare are occurring across the nation, many public and private agencies continue to struggle with workforce issues such as shortages of qualified candidates and high turnover. UC Davis Conference . Apr 13-14, 2022 @ 8:00am - 4:00pm. Kohn works with educators and parents across the country and speaks regularly at national conferences. This action lab showcases the systems partnerships between the Kansas Department of Children and Families, Kansas Family Advisory Network, and the Capacity Building Center for States. Healthy families, organizations, and teams share common features. Exhibitors can sponsor the cards by selecting to contribute as an add-on option when registering. This session will focus on the value and purpose of having a Birth Parent Advisory Board as an integral part of policy and practice reform in child welfare agencies. 37th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment Event Dates January 22, 2022 - January 28, 2022 Location Online or Town and Country Hotel Save to calendar This conference is for those who work with families to become healthy and free from physical abuse, sexual violence and neglect. We know the vital role these dialogues play in your efforts to speak for the children and families you serve. Advertise in the printed Conference Program to ensure increased visibility, brand awareness, and engagement with our attendees. This gap can lead to counterproductive decisions and unnecessary long-term trauma for the child or youth who has been sexually abused. We need to collectively work hand-in-hand with families, communities, and other systems, as well as federal, state, and local leadership, to eliminate the many barriers to achieving our vision. Exhibit Hall Floor Plan to be posted shortly. Casey Family Programs and the Children & Nature Network have joined together to form a unique partnership. For the first time since 2019, CWLA utilized our connections with and access to Congress, the Administration, and other national coalitions and organizations to provide attendees with opportunities to dialogue with these important stakeholders. It provides a unique opportunity for . The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) will host its 2022 National Conference in Washington, DC from April 27 - 29, 2022. JWB ensures kids are ready to learn, ready to succeed, and ready to thrive in homes, schools, and neighborhoods that are healthy and safe. When done properly, effective co-parenting can aid and assist in the overall growth and healthy development of children. Pay by credit card or select Bill Me option to receive an invoice. Presenters: Katherine L. Stoehr & Kerry-Anne Henry, New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Wednesday, April 27 Presenter: Rae Glaser, NYS Kinship Navigator, Rochester, NY, I5 Child Welfare and Medicaid: Making Medicaid Happen. PDF, 1.03 MB, 116 pages, Ref: DFE-00196-2018 Presenters: Bryan Samuels, Chapin Hall, Chicago, IL; Christine James-Brown, CWLA, Washington, DC; Aysha Schomburg, Childrens Bureau, Washington, DC; Miranda Lynch-Smith, Office of Human Services Policy, Washington, DC, A7 Supporting Families Across the Prevention Continuum: Leveraging Housing as a Platform. She has trained providers in all fifty states. The presentation will show that families who identify a second adult as a social support fair better overall in personal growth as well as with relationships with and between children. Participants left with a strengthened capacity to: We were pleased to offer these exclusive training sessions and provide attendees the opportunity to work closely with experts in the field. Participants will use the Community Pathway Planning Tool to explore the designing, planning and implementation of a community pathway, and hear key lessons learned from jurisdictions doing this work in partnership with children, youth, and families. To put in place effective and accountable systems, multi-stakeholder partnerships and services. In September 2017, NCWWI celebrated the first National Child Welfare Workforce Development Month. understand and address the trauma/secondary trauma experienced by children, birth and resource parents and families, workers, and communities. International Symposium on Child Abuse Building Forensic Interviewing Skills Online Training Consultation Group for Supervisors of Forensic Interviewers Customized Trainings International Training Mentoring and Consultation Groups for Forensic Interviewers Online Trainings Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center Takeaway Tuesday Contact us atCWLA2022@cwla.orgfor more information or to discuss which sponsor opportunities work best for your organization! CWLA, the American Public Human Services Association, and the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, along with Black Administrators in Child Welfare, the National Indian Child Welfare Association, Child Trends Hispanic Institute and Social Currents were partners in this effort. This action lab outlines a comprehensive process to convene and mobilize cross-county regional advisory councils comprised of professional partners as well as families (kinship and adoptive) members with lived expertise. The UK GDPR is the retained EU law version of the GDPR. This is a challenging task, but vital to creating a stable workforce. To increase and improve investment in this area as an essential and integral part . Presenters: Ashley Krumbach, Department of Child Services, Noblesville, IN; Rachel Parrett, Ashley Kaelin, Lauren Zyla-Whetstone, Department of Child Services, Indianapolis, IN, H4 Removing Bias in the Child Welfare System: A Promising Strategy Toward Reducing Overrepresentation of Children in Foster Care (from minority groups) through the Blind Removal Process. Action Lab Sessions F Payment in full is due with registration. Presenters: Tina Willauer, Children & Family Futures, Lake Forest, CA; Brook Kearley, University of Maryland School of Social Work Institute for Innovation and Implementation, Baltimore, MD, E6 Overcoming the Workforce Crisis in Public Child Welfare. Reforming systems successfully to expand the reach to all families requires state and local collaboration. Our traditional Advocacy Day activities looked a little different due to certain restrictions on Capitol Hill, but we were still able to incorporate opportunities for attendees voices to be heard on the critical issues of Child Tax Credit (CTC) extension, implementation of child care expansion, and other significant topics. Participants will learn strategies to enhance practice and improve outcomes for all families who are involved in the child welfare system due to parental substance use and/or mental health. Presenters: Clare Anderson, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Washington, DC; Christa Bell, Department of Community Based Services at the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Lexington, KY, G2 The Need to Ensure an Integrated, Comprehensive Approach by Child Welfare Practitioners When Investigating, Assessing, and Treating a Child or Youth Alleged to have been Sexually Abused within an Intrafamilial Context. Opening Plenary & Lunch, 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Presenters: Bobby Mukkamala, AMA, Flint, MI; Cheryl Fisher, Centene, Houston, TX, Friday, April 29 Payment in full is due withregistration. Special activities, raffles, and prize giveaways also drive excitement and traffic to and through the exhibit hall! Is your jurisdiction interested in developing a community pathway for prevention services delivery? Attendees will also learn ways to incorporate their visions into their own Family First prevention plans and design actionable implementation strategies. Children and families involved with and receiving services from multiple human service delivery systems experience a myriad of challenges. Together, the many stakeholders in child welfare-in addition to families and the states-can work to Make Medicaid Happen for youth in foster, adoptive, and guardianship care. Presenters: Michelle Reines, National Family Preservation Network, Asheville, NC; Anne Cornell, First Home Care, Washington, DC, D3 Mobilizing Data and Communities to Support Families (Kinship and Adoptive). Tote Bag Inserts An Exhibitor/Sponsor Exclusive! NICWA's Protecting Our Children Conference offers a robust and rigorous agenda throughout the four-day event. 2022 Community-Based Child Welfare National Symposium CBCWNS Home 2022 Program CBCWNS Gallery "A national discussion on best practices and lessons learned." The Fourth Annual Community-Based Child Welfare National Symposium Was Held in Kansas City, MissouriI We Look Forward to Seeing You Again in 2023! 4:15 pm 5:15 pm. Presenter: Martin Irwin, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY, G7 From the Exam Room to the Community: Where Social Determinants of Health and Child Development Connect. For children in foster care, education can be an important link to stability and community, but children in foster care face significant barriers to their educational progress. The presenter will discuss the topics of the seven weeks of parent, youth, and family sessions and share the research that led the World Health Organization to name SFP 10-14 the number one prevention program in the world. Presenters: Lisa Ghartey Ogundimu and Teresa Boykins and John Thompson, New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Rensselaer, NY, H5 Innovation and Equity in Child Welfare Practice: A Follow-Up to Bethanys Innovative Practice Report. This analytic framework was developed using a multi-disciplinary roundtable of experts from academia with federal, state, and local agencies. Our Vision Participants will have an opportunity to share best practices and hear about lessons learned to help them apply concepts and approaches. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about practical strategies and tools they can use for their own development, or how to build infrastructures for emerging professionals in their workplaces. OhioKAN partners with systems to identify and develop collaborative strategies to address knowledge and capacity gaps in communities across Ohio. Removed 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015' and 'Working Together: transitional guidance'. The closest airport to the conference is Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). In this training session, we will introduce and discuss the 4 As Approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. National insurance increase is right and fair, says Sajid Javid 6 Apr 2022 Ed Davey: Tories increasing national insurance 'just at the wrong moment' 6 Apr 2022 Two-child policy hasn't. The research material that will be presented provides a model for knowledge and subsequent implementation that seeks to enhance engagement, positive outcomes, and the use of a trauma informed focus in the best interests of children who have been sexually abused, non-offending parents or caregivers, and those accused or suspected of sexual abuse. This presentation by the National Parent Leadership Team and Parents Anonymous Inc. will focus on 10 Essential Steps to Meaningful Shared Leadership with Parents & Youth to achieve positive outcomes. Race has been the impetus for war, both historically on the battlefield and, in more recent times, on the streets of America and around the globe. Presenters: Christine James-Brown and Julie Collins, CWLA, Washington, D.C.; representative from Casey Family Programs, TBC, D7 Child Protection System Reform in Sri Lanka: Global Theory and Practice with Relevance for FFPSA. Presenters: Leanne Heaton and Janese Evans, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Alysia Cox, Oregon Department of Human Services, Child Welfare Division, Salem, OR, B2 Novel Actions to Understanding the Health and Coping Responses of the Child Welfare Workforce: Efforts from a Collective Partnership. Registeringmeans you agree with the. These characteristics are building blocks for healing, empowerment, and resilience during times of crisis and trauma. FFTA is excited to announce that the FFTA 36th Annual Conference on Treatment Family Care will take place from July 17 - 20, 2022 in New Orleans. Presenters: Tessa Richter, Children and Family Futures, Lake Forest, CA; Megan Kearsley, Colorado Judicial Branch, Denver, CO, C5 Incorporating a Racial Equity Lens in Implementation of Evidence-Based Models for Child Welfare Preventive Populations. The CWLA National Blueprint identifies the importance of having an array of services that help vulnerable families accomplish developmental tasks. Both formal and activity-based assessments are utilized to increase the engagement of the family in the process. Attendees were also given an opportunity to provide input into what CWLA includes as we update the current Standards of Excellence for Child Protective Services and create a new Standards of Excellence for Community-Based Prevention Services. CONFERENCE DETAILS Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022 (In-Person) and Thursday, December 1, 2022 (Live Virtual) SOLD OUT! A Virtual Event Hosted by UC Davis. This training has been developed to take participants, preferably in organizational teams, beyond the slogans and big picture themes associated with Family First and emphasize a more detailed and operational approach to the task of redesigning an agencys programs and practices to prioritize more accessible, non-stigmatizing, and common-sense approaches to service delivery. View the 2022 Conference Agenda at a Glance . The content of Medicaid State Plans will be covered, with an emphasis on the mandatory service of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) and its function in the provision of specific services. It is vital that we support this emerging generation of new leaders as they navigate the serious challenges and complexities of transforming and leading the public and private sectors. We found that not all allegations are created equal and that caseworkers want more than anything to do their jobs well. Monday Morning Moments - Best of 2022 - Applying Compassion and Self-Compassion to our Daily Life 03/13/23 No Location Conference 2023 National Conference on Juvenile Justice 03/19/23 - 03/22/23 Addison, TX Webinar Teen Dating Violence: Guidance for Judges Issuing Relief for Teen Victims of Dating Violence 03/27/23 No Location All Categories Presenters: Jeff Lukich, DLH Corporation, Atlanta, GA; Paul DiLorenzo, CWLA Senior Fellow, Bala Cynwyd, PA, Thursday, April 28 Well discuss the impact and fundamentals of CASAs work and the answers they offer to our child welfare community as we work to meet the demands of FFPSA implementation and respond to the call for bold change in our system. Presenters: Cheri Williams, Bethany Christian Services, Grand Rapids, MI; Julia Fukuda, Bethany Christian Services, Atlanta, GA, H6 InstruMENtal: Recognizing the Importance of the Male Role in Child Welfare. Children and youth in foster care, adoption, and guardianship often have diverse unmet mental health needs. With over 1,500 attendeesand growing every yearthis four-day conference has become the premiere national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being. This action lab will feature the work and impact of JWB and its partners during fiscal year 2021a year where the organization adjusted to a new normal on the heels of a global pandemic, and began to shift from crisis to calm. States are deploying evidence-based services and moving upstream to strengthen families. Special activities, raffles, and prize giveaways featured in the exhibit hall will increase exhibitor exposure and attendee engagement. The CWLA 2022 Conference will be an opportunity to acknowledge transformation: awareness, acknowledgment, action, and . Presenters will walk step-by-step through a process of identifying family needs, assessing community resources, gathering community input, and co-designing cross-system action plans to reduce barriers and increase access to services that support families (kinship and adoptive). Updated 'Working Together: transitional guidance ' and through the exhibit hall will increase exhibitor exposure attendee. Investment in this training session, we will introduce and discuss the 4 as Approach to Promoting,. This analytic framework was developed using a multi-disciplinary roundtable of experts from academia with,! Authorities should notify the child Safeguarding Panel economical way to share best practices hear... Prevention services delivery a multi-disciplinary roundtable of experts from academia with federal, state, and guardianship have., adoption, and prize giveaways also drive excitement and traffic to through. 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