What is an 8011 MOS? MOS 8011 Basic Marine with Enlistment Guarantee Job Description: A Marine whose military qualifications and experience are not developed to be sufficient or adequate for qualification in other MOSs. Patriot Batteries are deployed to such areas of South Korea and Israel to deter and challenge threats of incoming enemy missiles. Following the opening of all jobs to women in the military in January, the Marine Corps has implemented a number By (ND) Air Force Specialty Codes. Did the instructor ensure that all participating students lifted the mock-up battery from the ground to a point wherein the bottom of the battery breaks the plane of the Marines chin, and It has been five years since the ban on women in combat was lifted in 2015 and women began integrating previously closed combat arms billets in January 2016. This MOS includes jobs such as signals intelligence analysts, cryptanalysts, signals intelligence/electronic warfare and radio reconnaissance. You can serve in the Infantry, Artillery or the Armor divisions. Army Medical Service MAC-10 (Combat Arms LtCols Monitor) MOSs: 03, 08, 13, 18, 8061, 0505 Male and female recruits going into combat arms jobs must complete six pullups; a three-mile run in under 24 minutes and 51 seconds; perform 60 ammo-can lifts 43 Public Affairs . AFSCs for Command & Control Systems Operations: 1C5XXCommand and Control Battle Management Operations, 1T0XX Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape, 2A0XX Avionics Test Station and Components, 2E1XX Satellite, Wideband and Telemetry Systems, 2E6XX Communication Cable and Antenna Systems, 3E1XX Heating, Ventilation, AC, Refrigeration, 3E2XX Pavement and Construction Equipment, 4M0XX Aerospace and Operational Physiology. TEL:(703)784-9272/73/74/EMAIL: JOHN.LIM@USMC.MIL// The Office of Naval Intelligencecollects, analyzes, and produces scientific, technical, geopolitical, military, and maritime intelligence. There are some Armor divisions that are amphibious assault based as a crewmember. After the Corps gutted us of pretty much every mobility asset we had we're struggling for relevancy right now. The Chemical field includes Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist Recruiting and retention. MAC-19 MOSs: 06, 17, 28, 45, 48, 55 4.d. The Marine Corps MOS structure is not as detailed as the Air Force AFSC. MPs carry out most of the functions of a city police department or county sheriffs office. They spend a lot of their time on Mine from fiscal year 2008 has Combat Support with MOS fields of 0800, 1800, and 7200.It also tells you what prereq. Interpreter/Translator (MOS 09L) provides interpreting and translating of foreign languages spoken and written into English, and vice versa. Aircraft Maintenance (60/61/62) comprises the 6000 field. The next MLR CO will likely be a combat arms colonel, and that individual will be selected through the normal board process, Capt. LtCol A. M. Ingram, CSS LtCols Monitor Aviation Ordnance (65) includes organizational and intermediate maintenance of guns, gun pods, aircraft weapons systems, bomb racks, missile launches and aviation ordnance support equipment. 4.d. WebCombat Vehicle Crewman suit when executing the event? It includes jobs such as air control electronics operator and air traffic controller. Smith said Marines joining the Marine littoral regiment in the future will be more focused on their day-to-day jobs than the military occupational specialty of their regimental commander or the history of the regiment. Both must complete a 1.5-mile run; men in 13 minutes and 30 seconds, and women within 15 minutes. Called the MOS classification standard, it requires those going into combat arms meet a specific minimum standard on the PFT and CFT. Qualifications include communication abilities, typing and elementary clerical skills. EN RU CN DE ES. Heres a breakdown of some of the requirements for those in the infantry, indicated by the first two letters of the MOS code: 03XX. Hitherto, the infantry has been the centerpiece of the Marine Corps and the principal instrument by which it wins battles. It'd make sense to fill the assaultman gap. The transitions will leave III Marine Expeditionary Force with no traditional infantry regiments, a sign that infantry may lose some of its prominence in the MEF. Each Army job is given a code known as a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Some jobs include basic supply administration and operations marine, warehouse clerk, aviation supply clerk and contract specialist. Military Police are assigned the task of protecting lives and property on Army installations domestically and around the world. When is an MOS not an MOS? Among the specialists in the Submarine Community: Among the ratings within the Navys Surface Combat Community: Ratings for the engineers and mechanics who take care of the engines powering the ships of the Navy include: The U.S. Coast Guard also calls its occupational assignments ratings, and, like the Navy, categorizes them by responsibility. Combat Engineers lead Marines in route reconnaissance, demolitions, mine and countermine warfare, obstacle emplacement, breaching and construction. Jobs include helicopter specialist, unmanned aircraft system operator, tactical systems operator or airborne radio operator. Tom Jackson focuses on writing about debt solutions for consumers struggling to make ends meet. WebReshaping the Corps. WebThe Mountain Warfare Training Center MWTC is a United States Marine Corps installation located in Pickel Meadows on California State Route 108 at 6800. See if you qualify. Meteorology and Oceanography (68) Marines collect, assess and disseminate intelligence relevant to friendly and enemy force strengths and vulnerabilities. In general, they are units that carry or employ weapons, such as infantry, cavalry, and artillery units. 4. This field also includes motor vehicle operators who complete motor transportation school to learn to drive a variety of USMC vehicles. | Marines start as basic aircraft maintenance crew and progress through hard skill MOS. If a recruit fails to meet the MOS classification standard, they will be put into another MOS for which they are physically qualified. The main job for the infantry will be to potentially capture the land where these expeditionary advanced bases will be placed, protect the bases from enemy attacks and go on small-scale raids. Specializations include interpretation, maintenance, networks (maintaining and monitoring tech infrastructure), collection, and technical. After graduating boot camp, the new Marines will move on to their MOS schools, and for those in combat arms, they will be required to meet another series of standards and tests directly related to their field. The screening portioning occurs before someone enlists in the Marine Corps. All specialties of the medical and dental communities branch off from the Hospital Corpsman rating. A more detailed layout of these standards can be found in the Marine Corps gender-integration implementation plan. 2.a. To: Distribution List . MMOA-1 (Ground Officer Assignments) Examples would be a recruiter, first sergeant, or military training instructor. Clearly, the U.S. military offers a wide variety of occupations, responsibilities, and experiences, many that thoroughly prepare an armed services veteran for significant opportunities in the civilian world. They perform a variety of duties including coordinating the movement of Marines and equipment from ship to shore to forward operating bases. Utilities (11) Marines plan and provide utilities to support posts and stations. They may conduct interviews or perform minor investigative work to gather information. When the special duty tour is completed, members typically return to their primary AFSC (enlisted job). WebThe Mountain Warfare Training Center MWTC is a United States Marine Corps installation located in Pickel Meadows on California State Route 108 at 6800. Supervise the maintenance ofaircraft and aviation equipment. . Retrieved from, Hamilton, D. (2021, December 16) U.S. Marine MOS: What is Your Military Occupational Specialty? email: robert.doss@usmc.mil Psychological Operations Specialists carry the designation MOS 37F. Personnel Retrieval and Processing Specialist, Basic Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Plans Marine, Basic Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Plans Officer, Unit Level Circuit Switch (ULCS) Operator/Maintainer, Tactical Communications Planning and Engineer Officer, Digital (Multi-channel) Wideband Transmission Equipment Operator, Tropospheric Scatter Radio Multi-channel Equipment Operator, High Frequency Communication Central Operator, SHF Satellite Communications Operator-Maintainer, EHF Satellite Communications Operator-Maintainer, Engineer Equipment Electrical Systems Technician, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician, Basic Engineer, Construction, and Equipment Marine, Basic Engineer, Construction, Facilities, and Equipment Officer, Basic Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle Crewman, Basic Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle Officer, Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Officer I), Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) Crewman, Basic Ground Ordnance Maintenance Officer, Ordnance Vehicle Maintenance Officer (III), Electro-Optic Instrument Repair Officer (III), Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Repairer/Technician, Main Battle Tank (MBT) Repairer/Technician, Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) Repairer/Technician, Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) Repairer/Technician, Basic Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Marine, Basic Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer (II/III), Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician, Unit Level Circuit Switch Operator/Maintainer, Fleet SATCOM Terminal Operator (Radio Chief), PLRS Master Station Operator or Ground Mobile Forces SATCOM Radio Chief, Basic Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare Operator, Basic Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare Officer, Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Officer (III), Special Communications Signals Collection Operator/Analyst, Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Intercept Operator/Analyst, Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Chief, Basic Ground Electronics Maintenance Marine, Basic Ground Electronics Maintenance Officer, Electronics Maintenance Officer (Ground) (II), Data/Communications Maintenance Officer (III), Personal Computer/Tactical Office Machine Repairer, Electronic Switching Equipment Technician, Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Process/Evaluation Systems (TERPES) Technician, Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Technician, Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) System Specialist, Ground Communications Organizational Repairer, Telephone Systems/Personal Computer Repairer, Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Process/Evaluations System (TERPES) Technician, Basic Supply Administration and Operations Marine, Basic Supply Administration and Operations Officer, Ground Supply Officer (I) (LtCol to 2ndLt), Ground Supply Operations Officer (III) (CWO5 to WO), Supply Administration and Operations Specialist, Financial Management Resource Analyst (FMRA), Motor Transport Maintenance Officer (III), Logistics Vehicle System Mechanic or Vehicle Recovery Mechanic, Data Base Management System (DBMS) Specialist, Basic Marine Corps Community Services Marine, Basic Marine Corps Community Services Officer, Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) Officer (III), Combat Visual Information Equipment Technician, Basic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Marine, Basic Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Officer, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Officer (III), Basic Military Police and Corrections Marine, Basic Military Police and Corrections Officer, Electronics Maintenance Officer (Aviation) (II), Ground Launched Missile System Maintenance Officer, Surface to Air Missile Systems Ordnance Technician, Surface to Air Missile Systems Fire Control Technician, Surface Air Defense Systems Acquisition Technician, Surface Air Defense Systems Fire Control Technician, Aviation Communication Systems Technician (AVCOMM SYSTECHS), Air Traffic Control Systems Maintenance Officer (III), Air Traffic Control Navigational Aids Technician, Air Traffic Control Communications Technician, Station Air Traffic Control Surveillance Radar System Technician, Station Air Traffic Control Precision Approach Radar Technician, Air Traffic Control Systems Maintenance Chief, Tactical Data Systems Equipment (TDSE) Repairer, Tactical Air Command Center CTAPS/Systems Administrator, Tactical Data Systems Administrator (TDSA), Tactical Data Communications Central Technician, Tactical Air Operations/Air Defense Systems Technician, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Officer (II/III), Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic Rolls Royce Pegasus, Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Operator, Aircraft Power Plants Test Cell Operator, Fixed Wing, Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL) Asset Manager, Aircraft Non-Destructive Inspection Technician, Aircraft Non-Destructive Inspection Operator, Aircraft Maintenance Administration Specialist, Aircraft Maintenance Data Analyst/Administrator, Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic Mechanic, Aircraft Maintenance Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Maintenance Supply Equipment Hydraulic/Pneumatic/Structure, Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Electrician/ Refrigeration, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, AV-8/TAV-8, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, KC-130/MV-22, Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, F/A-18, Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures Mechanic-Trainee, Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures Mechanic, Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic Mechanic Trainee, Helicopter Power Plants Mechanic, T-400/T-700, Helicopter/Tiltrotor Dynamic Components Mechanic, Aircraft Power Plants Test Cell Operator, Rotary Wing/Tiltrotor, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic, F-402, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic, J-52, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Power Plants Mechanic, F-404, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Flight Mechanic, KC-130, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Flight Engineer, KC-130 Trainee, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic-Trainee, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, AV-8/TAV-8, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, EA-6, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, KC-130, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, F/A-18, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe Mechanic, F-35B, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic-Trainee, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, AV-8/TAV-8, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, EA-6, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, KC-130/V-22, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic, F-35B, Aircraft Communications/Navigation Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician-Trainee, OMA, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, AV-8, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, EA-6, Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Avionics Technician, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Weapon Systems Technician, AV-8, Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician, KC-130, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician, F/A-1, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Radar Systems Technician F- 35, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical Systems Technician, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapons Systems Technician, V-22, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Systems Technician, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician-Trainee, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, AV-8, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, EA-6, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, KC-130, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, F/A-18, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, F-35B, Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, EA-6B, Aircraft Communications/Navigation Systems Technician Trainee, IMA, Aircraft Communications Systems Technician, IMA, Aircraft Navigation Systems Technician, IFF/RADAR/TACAN, IMA, Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Cryptographic Systems Technician, Aircraft Cryptographic Systems Technician, IMA, Aviation Electronic Microminiature/Instrument and Cable Repair Technician, IMA, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician Trainee, Aircraft Electrical/Instrument/Flight Control Systems Technician, Advanced Aircraft Electrical/Instrument/Flight Control Systems Technician, CASS HP Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician, IMA, Aircraft Inertial Navigation System Technician, IMA, CASS EO Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician/IMA, Consolidated Automatic Support System (CASS) Technician, IMA, Aircraft Elec Equip Test Set (EETS)/Mobile Elec Test Set Tech, IMA, CASS Test Station IMA Advanced Maintenance Technician, IMA, Consolidated Automated Support System (CASS), Electro-Optical (EO)/Forward Looking Infrared Tech (FLTR), Consolidated Automated Support System High Power/Radar Technician, Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, Fixed Wing, IMA, Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Systems Technician, Helicopter, CASS EW Configuration Operator/Maintainer/Technician, IMA, Advanced Aircraft ECM System Technician, IMA, Advanced Aircraft Electronic Countermeasures Technician, IMA, Aviation Precision Measuring Equipment (PME) Chief, Aviation Precision Measurement Equipment/Calibration and Repair Technician, IMA, Aviation Meteorological Equipment Technician, OMA/IMA, Aviation Logistics Tactical Information Systems (ALTIS) Specialist, Aviation Ordnance Munitions Technician, IMA, Automated Information Systems (AIS) Computer Operator, Weapons and Tactics Instructor-Aviation Logistician, Aviation Logistics Information Management and Support (ALIMS) Specialist, Basic Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Marine, Basic Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Officer, Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Officer (II/III), Expeditionary Airfield and Emergency Services Officer (III), Expeditionary Airfield Systems Technician, Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Specialist, Basic Air Control/Air Support/Antiair Warfare/Air Traffic Control Marine, Basic Air Control/Air Support/Antiair Warfare/Air Traffic Control Officer, Air Control/Air Support/Anti-Air Warfare Trainee, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Air Vehicle Operator, Tactical Systems Operator/Mission Specialist, Tactical Systems Officer/Mission Specialist (III), Airborne Radio Operator / In-flight Refueling Observer / Loadmaster Trainee (ARO / IRO / LM), Air Traffic Control & Enlisted Flight Crews Trainee, Pilot VMAQ/VMFP FRS Basic EA-6B Pilot (I), Pilot HMH/M/L/A FRS Basic/CH-53E Pilot (I), FRS Basic Supporting Arms Coordinator (Airborne), Naval Flight Officer (NFO), Qualified Supporting Arms Coordinator (Airborne), FRS Basic RF-4B Airborne Reconnaissance Officer, Landing Signal Officer, Phase I & II Qualified LSO, Quality Assurance Technician (Subsistence), Colonel, Naval Aviator/Naval Flight Officer (I), Combat Rubber Reconnaissance Craft (CRRC) Coxswain, Rigid Raiding Craft (RRC)/Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) Coxswain, Psychological Operations Non-Commissioned Officer, Reconnaissance Man, Parachutist Qualified, Reconnaissance Man, Combatant Diver Qualified, Reconnaissance Man, Parachute and Combatant Diver Qualified, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) Officer, Military Affiliate Radio System Radio Operator, Environmental Engineering Management Officer, Systems Acquisition Management (SAM) Officer, Ground Control Station (GCS) Internal Pilot, External Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operator, Electronic/Electrical Maintenance Technician, Billet Designator-Political Military Officer, Regional Affairs Officer, Former Soviet Union, Regional Affairs Officer, Peoples Republic of China, Regional Affairs Officer, Middle East/North Africa, Regional Affairs Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa, Regional Affairs Officer, Eastern Asia (Excluding Peoples Republic of China), Regional Affairs Officer, Eastern Europe (Excluding Former Soviet Union), Colonel, Naval Aviator/Naval Flight Officer, Marine Air-Ground Task Force Plans/Operations Officer, Billet Designator-Air Control/Anti-Air Warfare Officer, Foreign Area Officer, Former Soviet Union, Foreign Area Officer, Middle East/North Africa, Foreign Affairs Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa, Foreign Affairs Officer, East Asia (Excluding PRC), Foreign Affairs Officer, Eastern Europe (Excluding USSR), Acquisition Manager/Acquisition Core Member, Billet Designator-Any Pilot/Naval Flight Officer, Fixed-Wing Transport Aircraft Specialist, KC-130J, Vertical Takeoff Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Officer, Small Computer Systems Operator/Programmer. As a current 1371 myself the argument to make us organic to V units goes over like a fart in church. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Now, say you want to be infantry, so now you want to take the enhanced IST, explains Capt. Retrieved from, N.A. Basic Personnel and Administration Marine, Basic Personnel and Administration Officer, Marine Air/Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Intelligence Officer, Counterintelligence (CI)/Human Source Intelligence (HUMINT), Senior All-Source Intelligence Analysis Officer, Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare Officer, Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence (CI/HUMINT), Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence CI/HUMINT Specialist. Retrieved from, Powers, R. (2019, June 18) Complete List of Army Enlisted MOS. These MOS-specific physical standards differ from job to job, and are gender-neutral, meaning male and female Marines must meet the same standards in order to move on to their field. The new initial strength test requires prospective Marine recruits complete three pullups; run 1.5 miles in 13 minutes and 30 seconds; do 44 crunches in two minutes, and perform 45 ammo-can lifts in two minutes before they can ship to boot camp. Lead Marines in route reconnaissance, demolitions, mine and countermine warfare, obstacle emplacement, breaching and construction. Combat Engineer (MOS 12B): Supervise and/or assist team members in combat situations on difficult terrain. Or you could tasked to be part of a field artillery fire control team., or serve as a field Artillery cannoneer. What is the Most Elite Military Force in the U.S.? Armor- Being in the Marine Corps at a rule means that you serve onboard a tank. Engineer, Construction, Facilities and Equipment (13) Marines have duties such as welding and metalworking and are responsible for maintenance, operation and repair of heavy engineering equipment. email: ryan.anness@usmc.mil Jobs include basic legal services, legal services specialist and legal services reporter. They may help plan how much food is needed for Marines who work and live in the field during deployments. There are a wide variety of jobs in avionics, including unmanned aerial vehicle avionics technician, aircraft avionics technician, communications/navigation systems technician and cryptographic systems technician. Electronic Warfare Specialists are designated MOS 29E. He is an Afghanistan War veteran and served in the Marine Corps as a combat correspondent. The new Marine littoral regiments will consist of one infantry battalion, one missile battery, one littoral anti-air battalion and one logistics battalion. Linguist (27) Marines supervise and participate in translation and interpretation activities to support military operations and intelligence matters during operations and exercises. All other infantry jobs are taught in follow-on courses after training in one of the core jobs. Each job is given a unique designation; related specialties within a category get the same two numbers, followed by a letter assigned to a particular specialty. (ND) View Coast Guard Job Descriptions. They supervise the purchasing and contracting of supplies, manage budgets and develop spending plans. 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON . An MOS can be absolutely precise, a meticulous description of the skills required and job to be performed. During a ceremony on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, the 3rd Marine Littoral Regiment was created out of 3rd Marines a historic infantry regiment. Just 2. Marines have always been at the forefront of change when required, generating innovative solutions to challenging operational problems, he said. Retrieved from. 44 Legal Services . MAC-11 (Combat Arms Majs Monitor) MOSs: 03, 08, 13, 18 Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare (26) Marines focus on strategic and tactical intelligence, listening to radio and other broadcasts to determine enemy positions. Field Artillery includes the following duties: firing battery (moving, loading, firing and maintaining cannon weapons systems); field artillery operations (moving, operating and maintaining equipment that acquires targets); and observation and liaison (checking and analyzing combat plans and communicating advice and operating information). At bases and forward operating sites, Military Police and the Naval Master at Arms ratings are assigned the task of maintaining safety and keeping the peace by establishing security procedures, controlling access, enforcing existing laws, and deploying defensive tactics as necessary. The Nuclear Field (NF) offers three ratings: The construction branch of the Navy, SEABEE comes from the abbreviation CB for Construction Brigade. Beyond their work as builders, however, Navy construction workers and engineers are warriors, trained in combat tactics and maneuvering in defense of their positions and construction sites. Operations covers the vast majority of Air Force combat activities, and is broken down into nine career fields. Non-load bearing combat arms jobs are artillerymen, tankers, amphibious assault vehicle crewmen, Marines with air naval gunfire liaison companies or ANGLICO, light armored reconnaissance, and Marines in low altitude air defense jobs. , they are physically qualified D. ( 2021, December 16 ) U.S. MOS. Of duties including coordinating the movement of Marines and equipment from ship to shore to operating... Mos ) 2021, December 16 ) U.S. Marine MOS: What is Your military Occupational (! Could tasked to be part of a field Artillery cannoneer and stations during a ceremony on Marine Corps a! These standards can be absolutely precise, a meticulous description of the functions of a field Artillery.! Detailed as the Air Force AFSC, he said activities, and technical a recruiter, first,. The Corps gutted us of pretty much every mobility asset we had we 're struggling for right!, D. ( 2021, December 16 ) U.S. Marine MOS: What is military! 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