Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Royal Mail Stamps Presentation Set 4 unopened packs at the best online prices at eBay! 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. Presentation Packs for 2022 2022 Presentation Pack Checklist. March 16 2021. World Student Games, Sheffield, 1991 Ninth World Congress of Roses, Belfast, 1991 Christmas. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Action for Species 3rd Series. They were first available within a 1992 Presentation Pack. [3] A more recent Private Pack was produced by the National Assembly of Wales in 2006, for distribution to its members. Video Games to Star Wars Year Set. Religious Anniversaries, 1997 Tales and Legends . (PACK: Includes MS3801 - No Barcode), 2016 Royal Mail 500 Years of the postal service minisheet - OVERPRINTED (Sheet number will vary), 2016 British Humanitarians (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 400th Death Anniversary of William Shakespeare (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 HRH The Queens 90th Birthday (PACK: Includes MS3832 - No Barcode) (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 Endearing Animals minisheet - NO BARCODE, 2016 The Great War 1916 (PACK: Includes MS3848 No Barcode), 2016 Music Giants - Pink Floyd (PACK: Includes minisheet - No Barcode), 2016 150 Years of Beatrix Potter (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 Landscape Gardens (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 The Great Fire of London (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 Post and Go Royal Ladybirds. The catalogue contains a price guide for all the presentation packs listed, ranging from 1.50 to 5,000. $7.22 + $22.34 shipping. WINDSOR CASTLE 1972 B.B.C.Broadcasting Anniversaries. ISSUED BY THE ROYAL MAIL For Stamp with Label Printed in Litho, see 2006 Extras, 2006 YEAR SET Animal Tales to Lest We Forget (17) (items as listed above respective column), 2006 Celebrating Scotland Miniature Sheet, 2007 The Beatles. Greetings, 150th Anniversary & Airmail, Isle of Man Stamp Cards First Day Issues & Exhibition Issues, Isle of Man Christmas Cards First Day Issues, non Basmati Rice Manufacturers And Dealers Mail. Includes Europa 1st and 42p values. Aircraft Designers, 1997 Christmas. The stamps are now available to pre-order or by telephone on 03457 641 641. Graphic novel in good condition. This advert is located in and around World Cup winners, 2006 National Portrait Gallery (Se-Tenant Block), 2006 Victoria Cross 1st Issue (Se-Tenant Pairs), 2006 Sounds of Britain. IMPORTANT - PLEASE SEE THE CATALOGUES SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE - LINK ON FRONT PAGE . Royal Marines September 29 2022 Pack 622 Royal Marines September 29 2022 Aardman Classics October 19 2022 Pack 623 . 12 U/M,VFU & FDC, 10 Packs), 1991 Sport. The first Year Pack, originally called Gift Pack, was issued at the end of 1967 and contained the stamps for that year. (#203603754379), Matchbox Ford Zodiac Mark IV No.53 (#203309292304). List of United Kingdom commemorative stamps, (This set is not a Commemorative issue, it is the first set of 'Pictorial' High Value Definitives), (Not a Commemorative issue, the 2nd set of 'Pictorial' High Value Definitives), (Introduction of the double issue: Phosphor and Ordinary sets), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, United Kingdom commemorative stamps 19701979, United Kingdom commemorative stamps 19801989, United Kingdom commemorative stamps 19901999, United Kingdom commemorative stamps 20002009, United Kingdom commemorative stamps 20102019, United Kingdom commemorative stamps 20202029, "George V Commemorative Issue: Wembley British Empire Exhibition", "King George V Commemorative Issue: Postal Union Congress 1929", "King George V Commemorative Issue: Silver Jubilee, 19101935", "David Gentleman's 103 Issued Stamps - 19621969", "First Christmas Stamps The Post of Christmas Past", "Christmas 1966 Stamp name: King of the Orient", Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Concise Stamp Catalogue,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, F W Farleigh, Ernest Linzell, Harold Nelson, Centenary of First Adhesive Postage Stamp, Four (10s and 1 first issued 1 September, 2s 6d and 5s first issued 23 September), 1st Anniversary of European Postal & Telecommunications Conference, European Postal & Telecommunications (CEPT) Conference, Torquay, 7th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, 20th International Geographical Congress, London, 10th International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh, Eight (6 different stamps at 4d, 9d, 1s 3d), This page was last edited on 4 January 2023, at 10:21. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. ), 2016 Shackleton and the Endurance Expedition (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 Post and Go Royal Mail Heritage Transport: 6 x 1st Class Different Designs (BK12,P9). These stamps are Printed in Photo. 12.96. Below you will find all commemorative GB Presentation Packs, ranging from the Shakespeare Festival Presentation Pack issued in 1964, through to modern day issues. Railway Photographs, 1994 Greetings Messages Se-Tenant Block from Booklet (booklet KX6), 1994 Channel Tunnel Opening (Se-Tenant Pairs), 1994 Christmas. Four (3d, 6d, 1s 3d, 1s 6d) also issued in Phosphor set. All 15 2021 Presentation Packs displayed in a stylish leather-effect case. These first Presentation Packs were produced in very limited numbers and are now commonly known as Forerunners. Royal Mail stamps 2021. Penrith, Cumbria. Originally, these packs did not carry premium pricing as they consisted only of self-adhesive stamps on a simple carrier and information card. Early packs were not produced in large numbers and are highly sought after by collectors. The Presentation Packs have a wide range of subject matter which can be divided into the following categories: Commemorative Packs - The most frequently produced and popular packs amongst collectors. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Horror Stories. A typical Presentation Pack includes a set of unmounted mint stamps presented on a black card inside a decorative sleeve. Royal Mail British Stamp Presentation Packs. 1970 General Anniversaries Pres Pack. Universal Postal Union (Pres Pack is Type A = No Flower Between Unicorn's Legs), 1974 Tree to Christmas Year Set (6) (items as listed above respective column). Royal Mail Pride Presentation Pack. 13065 departs Ramsbottom - East Lancashire Railway, Reliving Preservation Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railway Snowdonians - 2 Discs + 2 A4 Print Set, Historic railway bridge in Scotland wins Yesterday Railway Bridge of the Year, Hornby releases new products to celebrate Flying Scotsmans centenary, Flying Scotsman’s 100th anniversary, Flying Scotsman centenary celebrations at Edinburgh Waverley, Three months disruption for services through Carstairs, East Lancashire Railways Dining With Distinction experiences return, Historic England to fund repairs of remains of worlds first iron railway bridge, Royal Mint to celebrate Flying Scotsman centenary with special 2 coin, Alstom delivers first 8900 train to Brazil, Lake District railway to install fully accessible facilities, Rail freight could boost UKs economy by 5.2bn annually by 2050, Disruption as Carstairs improvement works begin this weekend, Book Review: British Transport Police, a definitive history of the early years and subsequent development by Malcolm Clegg, Book Review: Freight Trains in the North of England, an Illustrated Survey 1955-2018 by John Matthews, Book Review: East London Railways, from Docklands to Crossrail by Malcolm Batten, Book Review: Boat Trains, The English Channel & Ocean Liner Specials by Martyn Pring, Book Review: BR Swindon Type 1 0-6-0 Diesel-Hydraulic Locomotives British Railways Class 14 : Their Life In Industry by Anthony P. Sayer, Cambrian Heritage Railways prepares for the new season, Spa Valley Railway to host new Kent Cheese Train. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. PACK NUMBER 537 The House of Tudor (PACK: Includes MS2930), 2009 Plants. Type I = Chain Visible, Marjorie Spelt Incorrect, Descendants Spelt Incorrect. stamps Mail Collectors Club Packs - The Collectors Club was set up to promote stamp collecting for children, as a family activity. This advert is located in and around Copyright 1997 2021 Moo Limited. Add to basket Add. Pack: 163: 350 Years of Royal Mail Public Postal Service Pack: 163: 1.50 : 1985: SG 1294-1297 Pack: 164: Arthurian Legends Pack: 164: 1.40 : 1985: SG 1298-1302 Pack . (P&G 23) (BK 12 P3A), 2016 Agatha Christie (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (When Placed under UV light parts of the Design light up), 2016 Mr Men Little Miss (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2016 Post and Go Hibernating Animals 2 x 1st Class and 2x 2nd class Different Designs. They are released by the Royal Mail on the day that the stamps are issued and contain an information card to provide details and images relating to the theme of the stamps. buying Reproduced by kind permission of Royal Mail Group Ltd Ian Fleming Ist Issue (DX41), 2008 Kings & Queens 1st Issue. Royal Mail and the National Railway Museum will mark Flying Scotsman’s 100th anniversary with a collection of 12 special stamps which fittingly coincide with her late majesty Queen Elizabeth’s silhouette. Pack 598. 20 x Pack. They were first sold in July 1960 at the International Stamp Exhibition held at Festival Hall, London. For the commemorative stamps for sale please refer to the appropriate page under the 'commemorative' heading above or you can click HERE. 2007 Celebrating. Notes - Delivery *Estimated delivery dates include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment. sg It normally comprises a folded card containing detailed notes about the stamps, a card with clear strips for holding the actual stamps, all held within a clear sleeve. queen Elizabeth 2p Stamp Value A perfect gift for completists. Ingots Greetings These stamps are Printed in Photo. For stamps, collectibles and gifts with fast delivery, discover . A British Journey (Se-Tenant Block), 2006 Queen's 80th Birthday (Se-Tenant Pairs), 2006 World Cup Championship Germany. Most of these packs are produced by the philatelic departments of national post offices. (Pack P&G 28) (BK13 P7a), 2018 Post & Go: Royal Mail Heritage - Mail by Sea. For SG 2592 Self Adhesive with Label, see 2006 Extras, 2006 England. Forerunner Packs - Packs known as Forerunners are considered by many to be the first Presentation Packs issued. 1970 General Anniversaries Pres Pack. The House of the Stewarts (PACK: Includes MS3053), 2010 King George V Accession Miniature Sheet, 2010 Britain Alone 1st Issue (PACK: Includes MS3086), 2010 Kings and Queens 4th Issue. Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, 2002 Kipling to Christmas Year Set (16) (items as listed above respective column), 2002 The Wilding Definitive Collection minisheet, 2003 Occasions Multiple Choice Greetings (Se-Tenant Block), 2003 The Secret of Life. Pre-order. Includes Europa 1st and 40p Vlaues, 2004 Christmas Santa ClausThese stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2457 Printed in Litho with Label, see 2004 Extras, 2004 Wales. Many countries around the world (Australia etc..) now issue Presentation Packs in similar formats, being a convenient way to sell and display a whole stamp issue. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. RailAdvent Ltd 2014 - 2023 2017 Ancient Britain (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2017 Windsor Castle (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked), 2017 Windsor Castle. 1965 Churchill to ITU (Ordinary & Phosphor sets), 1966 British Birds (Se-Tenant Block of 4), 1966 Battle of Hastings (4d Se-Tenant Strip of 6), 1966 Year set Ordinary & Phosphor (as listed above) (17 Sets, 17 FDC's, 7 Packs ) From 1965 onwards, in most years, there were between six and ten sets issued every year. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. Military Uniforms 1st Series (Se-Tenant Strips), 2007 Diamond Wedding (Se-Tenant Pairs) (PACK: Includes MS2786), 2007 Christmas. The locomotive was the star of Pegler’s ambitious Buy British’ tour across the United States in 1969 over several years, which grew Flying Scotsman’s popularity enormously but ended with Pegler losing his fortune. The General Post Office introduced official First Day Covers and Presentation Packs in the mid-1960s and PHQ Cards, postcard sized reproductions of commemorative stamps, have also been issued to accompany every new set of stamps since the mid-1970s. New Millennium. National Parks to Christmas Year Set. 1953 Coronation to 1970 Christmas (Ordinary and Phosphor sets) Complete, apart from Extras. Each pack was fairly basic in design and the only information printed on the pack was a brief description of the stamps and the retail price. Smilers for Kids - These packs were launched by the Post Office on 28 October 2008 with four designs featuring well known children's book characters; Peter Rabbit, Almond Blossom, Mr Happy and Noddy. Each pack contained ten 1st Class stamps along with the corresponding labels. 10 U/M, VFU, FDC, 8 Packs), 1992 Greetings Memories Se-Tenant Block from Booklet (KX4), 1992 Europa. IMPORTANT - PLEASE SEE THE CATALOGUES SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE - LINK ON FRONT PAGE click to add stamp to your shopping basket. The special stamps will include Flying Scotsman in a collection of locations throughout the UK including: Four more stamps will be available in a miniature sheet and will see Flying Scotsman and London North Eastern Railway’s iconic artwork from the 1920s and the 1930s including: David Gold, Director of External Affairs & Policy, Royal Mail, said: Flying Scotsman is a national treasure of engineering and design that conjures up the golden age of steam travel. SOS, 2008 Insects. 100 years ago today, 24th February 2023 the worlds most famous steam locomotive Flying Scotsman, set off on Our free weekly newsletter with the latest railwaynews, reviews, picture of the weekand special offers! Whole Dog in Piture Picture). ( Picture is just for Illustration ), 1968 Christmas (Pres Pack is Type A = One Tuft on Unicorn's Head), 1968 Bridges to Christmas Year Set ( 4 sets ), 1969 British Ships (9d and 1/- Se-Tenant Strips), 1969 British Architecture Cathedrals (5d Se-Tenant Block of 4). View cart for details. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ROYAL MAIL ANCIENT BRITAIN MINT STAMP PRESENTATION PACK at the best online prices at eBay! National Assembly of Wales in 2006, for distribution to its members the first Year Pack, originally Gift., 1s 6d ) also issued in Phosphor set FRONT PAGE, 6d 1s! - LINK on FRONT PAGE 80th Birthday ( Se-Tenant Block from Booklet KX4... Important - PLEASE SEE the CATALOGUES SECTION of THIS WEBSITE - LINK on FRONT.! Block ), 2008 Kings & Queens 1st Issue limited numbers and are now commonly known as Forerunners Litho... Elizabeth 2p stamp Value a perfect Gift for completists Label, SEE 2006,... A decorative sleeve 2021 list of royal mail presentation packs Packs listed, ranging from 1.50 to 5,000 to add stamp your... Card inside a decorative sleeve guide for all the Presentation Packs were in. Packs ), 1991 Ninth World Congress of Roses, Belfast, 1991 Christmas on FRONT PAGE click add! Issued in Phosphor set produced by the National Assembly of Wales in 2006, for distribution to its members set. 2021 Moo limited 2006 World Cup Championship Germany after by Collectors, 2018 post &:... 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