2023 Orthodox Union | All Rights Reserved, {{formatTime(zmanim.candle_lighting_shabbos)}}. 4: 232, 4; printed at the end of the sefer), who nevertheless maintain that one still fulfills a Mitzvah Kiyumis upon consuming Peiros Sheviis. Totally . 10, Kuntress HaShemittah, Yoreh Deah 37-44, at length; Shut Yechaveh Daas vol. As opposed to the direct benefit received when drinking Kiddush or Havdalah wine, our question is actually what happens when the owner needs Shemitta produce for a purpose that is one that he may not halachically benefit from? There are, however, a few common exceptions: Likewise towels (especially hand towels and cleaning shmates) can be washed (i.e. If one is fishing for commercial purposes, one should try to avoid doing so publically or in a way that makes it clear that the fishing is done commercially. We do not cut nails in a conventional manner. Share on Facebook. Building or demolishing (a building, house) is forbidden on Chol- Hamoed. In other words, as is germane to us, may one use Shemitta produce to fulfill such a Mitzvah or obligation? All the things that are allowed because of Davar Haaved on Chol Hamoed should be done by a Non-Jew whenever possible. Although the Mishnah (Sheviis Ch. Is there a colloquial word/expression for a push that helps you to start to do something? Work for public need is also allowed. [1]Although we are actually post-Shemitta, all the same, the Eighth year is the time when many Shemitta Sheilos first occur, as much Kedushas Sheviis produce is only now flooding the marketplace and becoming commercially available. Rabbi Shlomo Riskin. Launch Trampoline Park in West Nyack is a 25,000 square foot trampoline park and family entertainment facility, with over 16,000 square feet of trampoline activities alone. These issues were dealt with at length previous articles titled Shemitta Sheilos: The Case of the Contraband Carrots and Using Arba Minim of Sheviis. 2: 1), Mishmeres HaSheviis (Ch. See Chapter 13 Halacha 11! Download a printable version of all of the Passover Kiddush blessings. To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. i. Yet, they posit from the fact that the Torah stressed Lachlah, nevertheless shows that Hashem wants these fruits to be eaten and not to go to waste. 3: footnote 11), as well as Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner (cited in Dinei Sheviis Hashalem (Ch. Chol Hamoed Pesach. For more info: 072-3301231. Havdalah is only made when entering a day of lesser holiness Havdalah is recited at the conclusion of the following biblical holidays: Rosh Hashanah; Yom Kippur; the first days of Sukkot; Simchat Torah; Passover, both its first and last days; and Shavuot. 3: 17), andMishpetei Aretz (Sheviis, 20: 2). To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. The crux of the matter seems to be defining whether this requirement is considered an outright obligation or rather a personal need. According to both of these opinions, if one can ensure that all Shemitta halachos are being strictly adhered to (including proper disposal of remains), and has the option to choose a Shemitta fruit or a similar non-Shemitta fruit, it seems that there would be a preference to do so.[4]. The Piskei Din for the most part are based purely on the Sugyos, Shulchan Aruch and Rama, and the Mishna Berurah, unless stated otherwise. Best wishes. 7:2, and footnote 2). Contents 1 Obligation 1.1 Havdalah for Yom Tov 1.2 When Motzei Shabbat is a Yom Tov 2 Who is Obligated 2.1 Women 2.2 Children 16: pg. "revive " us from the shock of losing our elevated status (neshama ___________________________________________________________, The Chassidishe Parsha Torah Or-Likkutei Torah. As mentioned, this is not the normative halacha and Ashkenazim certainly follow the shittah of the Rosh, Rash, and Ramban, of removing it from the house and making it hefker, as cited by the aforementioned Poskim. This 900-page work contains everything there is to know about tefillin on Chol Hamoed. Either way, when the Zman Biur for a specific fruit arrives, the Mishnah (Sheviis, Ch. [8]See Esther (Ch. iii. He is a prolific author of over 50 Sefarim studied by a wide range of readers throughout the world, which is used regularly in Semicha programs around the globe. The the laws of Chol Hamoed are unique among the Torah's work prohibitions. 7: 183), Kovetz Mbais Levi (vol. The Tur strongly disagrees and seemingly all subsequent authorities were stringent. These authorities maintain that the obligation of a Mitzvah, although binding, is nevertheless not considered akin to monetary debt to be excluded from proper Shemitta uses. Chol Hamoed Pesach. iv. Beit Midrash Ask the rabbi Calendar Wiki Dedications. However, to properly understand the issues involved, some background is necessary. Video: Havdalah At Skulen Lakewood; Pesach Chol Hamoed Carnival at BlueClaws stadium P. cRc Chicago Pesach guide 5779/2019; Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood April 14, 2014; Cancelled: Kumzitz and Asifas Chizuk; Lakewood Rabbonim issue guidelines for Medications. language. His many classes can be heard both from his website, Vimeo and YouTube channel. He currently lives with his wife Shayna, and eleven children KH, in Tzfas, Israel. Others who share this assessment of the Rambans shittah include the Tashbetz (Zohar Rakiya al Haazharos, Mitzvas Asei 66:36) and the Maharit Algazi (in his commentary on the Rambans Hilchos Challah, 2:14). In a similar vein, see Chut Shani (Shemitta, pg. The purpose of Chol Hamoed: Torah learning: The entire purpose of Chol Hamoed is for the sake of the Jewish people dedicating themselves towards Torah learning. The reason being is because one doesn't need to do anything for the neshema yesira that is leaving because we have now the simcha of Yom Tov. The portions read on Chol Hamoed: The Torah portion of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th days of Chol Hamoed vary in accordance to whether the day falls on Shabbos. 2: 15). Rabbi Goldstein received Semicha from Rabbi Schneur Zalman Labkowski of the Tomchei Temimim headquarters in 2005 and served as a chaplain in the Lotar/Kalatz and K9 unit of the IDF from years 2005-2008. Obviously, no laundering should be done if the child has enough clothing to make it through Yom-Tov. In their words, An agent from the Rabbanut comes by a few weeks before Rosh Hashana with some papers and says just sign here. We never see the new owner and have no idea who he is, just that we technically sold our land to him for the year and then we work it just the same as any other year. 5, Veshavsah Haaretz end 10) maintains that although it would be prohibited to use Kedushas Sheviis produce for Mishloach Manos, nevertheless if one did so, bdieved he would have been yotzai his chiyuv, as there would have been a chalos due to the hanaah received. 5: 1-5), Rash (on Mishnayos Sheviis ibid. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? Passover (Hebrew: Pesach) commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. Hardcopy or electronic. The Israel Museum - Ranked among the world's leading art and archeology museums, the Israel Museum houses encyclopedic collections of nearly 500,000 objects. 695: 4). (Sukka 40a and Bava Kamma 102a), According to the Mishnah (Sheviis Ch. Purchase Sefarim and Courses in the newly updated online store. We then read from the 2nd. Havdalah at Avenue O Synagogue Motzei Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach 2014 Featuring Chazan Saul Hassoun About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How . Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (Shut Maamar Mordechai vol. If you need the item for the Chag or it will be more expensive after the Chag, you may buy it during Chol Hamoed. [6] As explained in 296 [ibid; Vetzaruch Iyun as in 296 no mention of this is made. Chapter 1: Melacha on Chol Hamoed 1. vlamdanu; based on the Tosefta, Sheviis Ch. Shabbos Chol Hamoed differs from an "ordinary" Sabbath in the following ways: Meals: Use of matzo instead of regular bread on Passover; meals eaten in the sukkah on Sukkot. Sunday: April 918 Nissan 4th day of Passover 2nd day of Chol Hamoed (intermediate days) Morning service: In many communities, throughout the intermediate days of Passover, tefillin are not worn. 3: 20). 20; Orchos Chaim [Spinka] 467:21; Kaneh Bosem 1:25. search. ), Aruch Hashulchan Haasid (Hilchos Shemitta VYovel 24: 3; however he classifies this as a separate issur and not that of ruining), Chazon Ish (Sheviis 10: 4), and Shut Minchas Yitzchok (vol. Students can join live to classes given in the Tzemach Tzedek Shul, through the Chabad Tsfat YouTube channel. 5: 13),Peas Hashulchan (24: 18), Shaarei Tzedek (17: 24), Aruch Hashulchan HaAsid (Hilchos Shemittah VYovel 24: 25), Chazon Ish (Sheviis 13: 4 s.v. However, historical possible reliance notwithstanding [see, for example, Rav Yechiel Michel Tukachinskys Sefer HaShemittah at length (who devotes the entire second half of his sefer to the nuances of reliance on Hetter Mechira); Rav Avrohom Yitzchak Hakohen Kook - one of the prime proponents of Hetter Mechira bshaas hadchak wrote numerous responsa on topic, including Shut Mishpat Kohen (86 and 87) and the preface to his Shabbos Haaretz (Ch. 25: 7), Rosh (Sheviis Ch. ),Peas Hashulchan (Ch. Pesachim), Shemittah Kehilchasah (Ch. 258), and Chut Shani on Hilchos Yom Tov vChol Hamoed (Michtavim pg. [15] After that first package, they allow giving all additional customary Mishloach Manos to others with Shemitta produce, as the actual requirement has already been fulfilled. Welcome to your kids' favorite Chol Hamoed dinner. One important halacha that is inferred from these pesukim is: Lachem- for you, lechol tzarcheichem, for all of your needs. One may fish and trap more than one is going to consume so long as the resulting catch could be eaten over Yom Tov. The reason: The reason for this is because the holiness of Shabbos is greater than that of the holiness of Yom Tov. [11]Orchos Rabbeinu (vol. He concluded that sending the first Mishloach Manos with Shemitta produce is permitted. The correct reference is chelek 3 Perek 11 seif 17. 6: 10, Tziyunei Hahalacha 121), and Shut Mishnas Yosef (vol. However, we ask that you contact us beforehand for permission in advance at ohr@ohr.edu and credit for the source as Ohr Somayach Institutions www.ohr.edu, For the week ending 4 March 2023 / 11 Adar 5783. It goes without saying that if choosing to use Shemitta produce as part of ones Mishloach Manos, then one should always notify the recipient that the gift contains holy fruits so they will know to treat it accordingly. 16: 1) whom all rule similarly. Luke 24 "This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many." Their rock-solid emunah is simply extraordinary! May one who did not say Havdala on Motzei Yom Tov say it the next day?[10]. It is forbidden to have a non-Jew build or demolish something for you on Chol-Hamoed. in order to benefit from them on Chol Hamoed). 105 and Yalkut Yosef on Sheviis, Ch. However, most agree that one should not purposely spill his Shemitta wine while making Havdalah. Rabbi Yaakov Klass - 13 Nisan 5780 - April 7, 2020. In particular, the usual restrictions on work apply fully, as on any other Sabbath. 344) and Minchas Asher (Sheviis, Tinyana 10), who conclude that the Chazon Ishs shittah is indeed correct in the Rambans opinion and there is no inherent Mitzvah incumbent upon us to eat Kedushas Sheviis produce. Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos Pesach follows the same laws as Havdalah throughout the year, and hence the Mitzvah of Besamim applies on Motzei Shabbos Pesach just as it applies throughout the . 373-374) with Kol Koreh signed by Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, Rav Aharon Yehuda Leib Steinman, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, Rav Nissim Karelitz, and Rav Yehuda Shapiro] categorically reject relying on or even utilizing the Hetter Mechira for any purpose whatsoever, even as a snif lehakel. On the other hand, it is known that several Poskim including Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (see, for example, Maadanei Aretz, Sheviis, Ch. 21: 8 and 9, Ch. [10] These Poskim assert that this especially holds true regarding the common custom of returning the favor, reciprocating with giving Kedushas Sheviis Mishloach Manos to one who has already gifted you with Mishloach Manos. On the other side of the Mitzvah, if gifted a nice bottle of Israeli Shemitta wine for Mishloach Manos, keep in mind that it must be used prior to its Biur on this upcoming Erev Pesach, or remember to make sure to do the Biur on Erev Pesach. Weekly email newsletter filled with articles, Divrei Torah, upcoming events and more! If one is in the middle of a lawsuit one can continue with the lawsuit over Chol Hamoed. We do not write on Chol Hamoed any documents or similar types of papers. [4] In the event that no spice is available, then one is not obligated to search for a spice and is to skip the section of Besamim in Havdalah. One who sells things that are for the purpose of Yom-Tov may do so on Chol-Hamoed. In rough paraphrase he says, that on Motzoei Shabbos Chol Hamoed one should take besamim that have been watched for Pesach or hadasim, but not to use cloves that are normally used on Motzoei Shabbos because there is a possibility of chametz with them. With so many days of yuntif that include many home-cooked meals and cooking for crowds, it makes sense that Chol Hamoed offers a much-needed rest from the kitchen. Chol HaMoed has its own very specific Halachos. We do not cut nails in a conventional manner. This follows the ruling of Tosafus Pesachim 102a; Rashba 3:290; Radbaz 2:620 that there is no extra soul on Yom Tov. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Answer: Kashering will not do the job, because if you do libul to it, it will get ruined, and hagalah can not be done now, as it will make the pesach pot trief . one should then not work. L'iluy Nishmas the Rosh HaYeshiva - Rav Chonoh Menachem Mendel ben R' Yechezkel Shraga, Rav Yaakov Yeshaya ben R' Boruch Yehuda. Passover (Hebrew: , Pesach) commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. 8,Tziyun Hahalacha 7and Michtavim MMaran Ztl26-27), the Badatz Eidah Hachareidis Dvar HaShemittah (and Kol Koreh printed in the beginning), Orchos Rabbeinu (new edition; vol. On Pesach, you can make crafts like pots for plants, partake in water pumping, animal feeding, and watering the plants. If, however, the loss of salary will cause severe consequences one can then work. [2], Haeish: During Havdala of Motzei Yom Tov we do not say a blessing over fire. Practically speaking, as long as one sticks to the guidelines of not ruining the holy wine,[6] as well as avoiding any other Shemitta-related concerns, it would be permissible to use Shemitta wine for these Mitzvos, and according to several contemporary Poskim, including Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and his son-in-law, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, actually preferential for such Mitzvah use.[7]. However, the Rashbam Pesachim 102b rules there is an extra soul on Yom Tov, and so is the ruling of the Zohar. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? On the other hand, Rav Ben Tzion Abba Shaul (Shut Ohr LTzion, Sheviis, Ch. It is recited over a cup of wine, at night, immediately following the end of Shabbat . Sukkot, fragrant spices are used. 5. When the seder falls on a Saturday evening, a special, abbreviated version of Havdalah is recited before the Shehecheyanu is recited. You can also enjoy the sculpture gardens, and the Dead Sea Scrolls area and tour the model of the . [3], Besamim: During Havdala of Motzei Yom Tov we do not say a blessing over Besamim. Hoshanot are recited on Sukkot. during Chol HaMoed? Our customers deserve the finest meals, 5 star service and Kosher LeMehadrin non-gebrokts catering. Efrat, Israel - While the Passover Seder is still freshly on our minds and taste buds, allow me to suggest an important lesson that we are likely to overlook. If one forgot to say Havdala on Motzei Rosh Hashanah and then remembered on Tzom Gedalia, what is he to do?[15]. 908-232-6770 info@tewnj.org This refers to taking Kedushas Sheviis produce out of the house to a public place and giving up all rights to the fruit, announcing it as hefker (ownerless) in front of three people. You may choose to leave this blank for an anonymous question, Miscellaneous articles in Choshen Mishpat. [1] If one has the ability to take vacation from work without financial loss during those days, he or she is normally required to do so. 218), Mishpetei Aretz (Sheviis, Ch. 8: 102). Cellar 49 is equipped with a charming game room outfitted with antique billiards, pool, & foosball tables as well. 76), Mishnas Yaavetz (Orach Chaim 80: 1 and 2), Shut Shevet Halevi (vol. One is allowed to fish as a sport on Chol Hamoed . He is a world renowned Posek, answering questions to a web-based market, and serves as a local Posek, Rav, and Lecturer, in the Tzemach Tzedek community Shul in Tzefas, Israel. [19]As delineated at length in previous articles titled Kedushas SheviisProduce and Fruit Use and Fruit Juice.. Hence, I assume those who think there is plenty of joy on Chol Hamoed do not use besamim. This is an important issue to be aware of, and if on the receiving end of such Mishloach Manos, one must ascertain what to do from a knowledgeable halachic authority. Hence, according to the majority consensus, all of these Havdalah extras are forbidden with Shemitta wine. The note 65 seems a little bit off. [11] Other authorities who ruled this way include the Ponvezher Rosh Yeshiva Rav Elazar Menachem Mann Shach, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, the Minchas Yitzchak, Rav Yisrael Yaakov Fischer, Rav Menashe Klein, Rav Nissim Karelitz, and Rav Asher Weiss.[12]. Interestingly, there is no clear-cut solution to this Purim dilemma, and contemporary authorities are divided as to the proper halacha. Havdalah at the Conclusion of a Holiday. [ibid], Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule based on Kabala that one is to always say Havdalah over wine rather than other beverages even if the beer is more beloved. Rabbi Yaakov Klass - 18 Nisan 5777 - April 14, 2017. The reference I gave was for smelling besamim on Yom Tov. Hallel and Mussaf prayers are said on these days, as on Yom Tov, although on Chol Hamoed of Passover, an abridged form of Hallel is recited. Leisure Time Tours - Long Branch, NJ By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. ii. The remaining days in between are known as Chol Hamoed-weekday of the festival. However, on Yom Tov there is no extra soul given at all. (A task that would normally require a professional can also be done if one can do it on ones own without such an expert). Most of those who wear tefillin on Chol HaMoed remove the tefillin before Hallel out of respect for the festive nature of Chol HaMoed which is especially palpable during the recitation of Hallel. Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. A number of Poskim, including the Ben Ish Chai, the Rogatchover Gaon, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, Rav Betzalel Zolty, Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, and the Mishnas Yosef, maintain that since the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos is obligatory, sending Kedushas Sheviis produce for Mishloach Manos is classified as akin to using Shemitta produce to pay a debt, an action which should be prohibited under the Shemitta restriction of Lachlah to be eaten, and not for Sechorah, referring to merchandise or commercial use.[9]. Dismiss. 3: 4) ruling to be machmir and Rav Ovadiah Yosef ztl (cited in sefer Maohr Yisrael vol. Is there any correction to this? Fishing and trapping are only permitted if they are Letzorech Hamoed. Otherwise, it would be considered ruining the holy fruit and duly prohibited.[3]. Dismiss. 8:22 p.m. Havdalah Chol Hamoed - Daily Torah Reading and Musaf (No Tellin) 6:50 a.m. Shacharis-Morning Services . Halachos of Chol Hamoed presented in a colorful and informative PowerPoint presentation. The word "tziporan" doesn't appear in the SA HaRav Siman 467 Sif 22. If one wishes to file a lawsuit on Chol Hamoed, one should preferably wait until after the Chag. Subscribe starting from $5 mo/, From the Ravs Desk: Birchas Ilanos in Iyar, Drinking Mashkeh of non-frum people after Pesach, From the Ravs Desk: Retrieving cakes that I threw out before Pesach, Making Gebrochts for Achron Shel Pesach and eating Kitniyus and Chametz on Shabbos after Pesach in Eretz Yisrael. Perhaps this is where the person was getting it from. Miscellaneous articles in Choshen Mishpat. To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. In general, the Melachos that are forbidden on Shabbos are forbidden on Chol-Hamoed except when they are being done for the sake of the Chag (Chol- Hamoed/Yom-Tov). Tweet on Twitter . In fact, a Shabbat during Chol hamoed is different only in the following ways:Abbreviated Kabbalat ShabbatYa'aleh v'Yavo (as throughout Chol HaMoed)Hallel (as . Among those who do wear tefillin on Chol HaMoed, some omit or recite the blessings, depending on one's ancestral custom. ), Minchas Chinuch (Parshas Behar, Mitzvah 329: 7), Shaarei Tzedek (19: 4), Peas Hashulchan (27: 3), Pnei Yehoshua (Pesachim 52b), Aruch Hashulchan HaAsid (Hilchos Shemitta VYovel 27: 8), Beis Ridbaz (Sheviis, Ch. Rabbi Yaakov Goldstein is a 6th generation descendent of the famous Chief Rabbi of Izhmir, Rav Yehoshua Avraham Krispin, who authored a number of Sefarim, and was a colleague of Rav Chaim Falagi, and father in-law of the Pesach Hadvir. - mocdeg. There is a fascinating minority opinion of Rav Yitzchak de Leon, the renowned Megillas Esther, in his commentary on the Rambans additions to the Rambams Sefer HaMitzvos, who makes an interesting inference from the aforementioned pesukim in Parashas Behar. Is Havdalah said at start of Chol Hamoed? He is also a certified Shochet, and has performed Hashgacha work in slaughterhouses. To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. [22]Since we know that the Zman Biur for grapes, and therefore wine as well, is Pesach of the eighth year, that means that anyone wanting to use Kedushas Sheviis wine on this upcoming Pesach must perform Biur on Erev Pesach on all of his Shemitta wine. One should not, however, develop film on Chol Hamoed (Rav Yisroel Belsky Shlita). 3, Yoreh Deah 19: 7; vol. What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? Hetter Mechira Bizmaneinu), Derech Emunah (vol. Rabbi Yaakov Goldstein is a 6th generation descendent of the famous Chief Rabbi of Izhmir, Rav Yehoshua Avraham Krispin, who authored a number of Sefarim, and was a colleague of Rav Chaim Falagi, and father in-law of the Pesach Hadvir. This name is used universally, and is to be construed as "the Sabbath of, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chol_HaMoed&oldid=1119613331, According to Ashkenazi custom, reading of, Maimonides discusses Chol HaMoed towards the end of, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 14:02. If one did not do so, according to most Poskim, all of his Kedushas Sheviis wine would be prohibited. ii. Since this Shabbat is part of the festival period, special readings are read and we will return to the normal Parashah next week. It is forbidden to wash many childrens outfits at the same time if they are not all needed right away. Gardening on Chol Hamoed is permitted only in the following limited circumstances: One shouldnt plan on doing gardening on Chol Hamoed unless the freshness of the produce will make a marked difference to the quality and taste of the Yom-Tov foods. 334: 51). 7: 2), Rambam (Hilchos Shemitta VYovel Ch. [4]Rav Yitzchak de Leon, the renowned Megillas Esther, in his commentary on the Rambans additions to the Rambams Sefer HaMitzvos (Mitzvas Asei 3; see also the Mishneh LMelechs Derech Mitzvosecha appended to his Prashas Drachim), writes that he understood the Ramban to mean that he held eating Kedushas Sheviis produce is a Mitzvah Chiyuvis. This issue was featured in previous articles Shemitta Basics: Kedushas SheviisProduce and Using Arba Minim of Sheviis. The order of Havdalah follows the same order as any Motzei Yom Tov, or Motzei Shabbos if Yom Tov fell on Shabbos]. Half-Hallel is recited. Can you get a haircut on Chol ha-Moed Pesach? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. [7]As delineated at length in a previous article Making Havdalah with Shemitta Wine. Rav Elyashiv and Rav Chaims shittos were originally published in Kovetz Halichos Sadeh (Issue # 196; Av 5576, pg. On weekdays during Chol HaMoed, there are variant customs regarding whether tefillin should be worn, reflecting the dual nature of the day. Shabbos Chol HaMoed or Shabbat Chol HaMoed,[3] a Sabbath that occurs during Chol HaMoed, is observed like any other Sabbath in almost every respect. Purchase Sefarim and Courses in the newly updated online store. 3, pg. Talk about Erev Pesach pressure. Their rock-solid emunah is simply extraordinary! [2] ], One is obligated to enter the Sukkah to say Havdalah [over wine or other beverage]. We do not rule like this opinion, as brought in Chachma Umusur [see Sdei Chemed] that all the Poskim argued on his ruling. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 19: 4 and 6) expresses preference to fulfilling Mitzvas Biur al yedei Sereifah, like the shittah of the Rambam.] 19: 10), Shut Minchas Yitzchak (vol. We also encourage you to include this material in other publications, such as synagogue or school newsletters. In the event any produce is left over from what was harvested during Chol Hamoed, this can be used even after Yom Tov. Havdalah on Chol Hamoed Various Rabbis | 18 Nisan 5767 Chol Hamoed Chol Hamoed and laundry Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 3 Cheshvan 5766 Chol Hamoed [10] For list of opinions on this question see Sdei Chemed Asifas Dinim Mareches Hei 15; Kaf Hachaim 299:24. TEMPLE EMANU-EL 756 East Broad Street Westfield, NJ 07090. Melachos that are completely forbidden on Chol Hamoed: Shaving and haircuts (there are a few rare exceptions). 9: Mishnah 8) teaches us that one may still keep enough of that particular fruit for three meals worth for every member of the household. However, Rav Moshe Feinstein (Iggros Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:163; based (among others) on Noda Biyhuda, Tinyana, 99-101) permitted shaving on Chol Hamo'ed for someone who shaved before Yom Tov, who shaves regulalry (every day or two), and who feels distress in being unable to shave during Chol Hamo'ed. However, when Motzei Yom Tov falls on Friday night it is not recited. However, when Motzei Yom Tov falls on Friday night it is not recited. However, Tosafus [Beitza 33b] rules that Gihenim is subdued on Yom Tov and hence the reason for the omission of Besamim is because there is no extra soul. Furthermore, the above allowance only applies in those areas that beer is considered a significant drink. For example, work that would normally be prohibited on the festival would be allowed to prevent financial loss or if the results of the work are needed for the festival itself. [2]See Mishnayos Sheviis (Ch. However I don't have a makor. It most probably is the case then that Admur did not write this word and it was written by the copier. Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25 Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:1-14. 15, footnote 37), and Sefer Dinei Sheviis Hashalem (Ch. Hefsek in being yotzei besamim in havdallah, Melave d'Malka on Motze Shabbos which falls on Yom Tov eve. 1: 145). Chol Hamoed (Shmirat Shabbat Kehichata 67, 22-30) It is not possible to send questions to . (s.v. 2, pg. Ezekiel 37:1-14 . Yes, Havdalah is the same regardless. Beer : [1] It is accustomed to be lenient to make Havdalah over beer on Motzei Pesach even if one has much wine at home available. If, however, one will lose vacation days etc. Pesach Nissan 14-16 April 19-21 Candle Lighting 1st Night: 7:28 pm . Chol HaMoed Pesach or Chol Ha-Moed Pesach (also transliterated from Hebrew as: Hol HaMoed Pesach or Hol Ha-Moed Pesach) refers to the intermediate or middle days of the Passover or Pesach festival as well as another Jewish festival, the autumn harvest festival of Sukkot. 6, Mishnah 5; see also the Rashs and Vilna Gaons Shnos Eliyahu commentary ad loc. Furthermore, in certain prints of the Shulchan Aruch of Admur this entire Halacha is missing. The answers to these questions will guide us as to whether one may gift Kedushas Sheviis produce as Mishloach Manos on Purim. Over Chol HaMoed Pesach this year, this author got to see this firsthand by visiting the farm of Doron and Ilan Toweg in Moshav Azaria. On weekdays of Hol Hamo'ed Pesach we take out 2 Sifrei Torah. Over Chol HaMoed Pesach this year, this author got to see this firsthand by visiting the farm of Doron and Ilan Toweg in Moshav Azaria. 4, Hilchos Shemittah VYovel Ch. In rough paraphrase he says, that on Motzoei Shabbos Chol Hamoed one should take besamim that have been watched for Pesach or hadasim, but not to use cloves that are normally used on Motzoei Shabbos because there is a possibility of chametz with them. Beer:[1] It is accustomed to be lenient to make Havdalah over beer on Motzei Pesach even if one has much wine at home available. However, that ruling may not sufficiently suffice for the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos. It makes a lot of sense. Certainly, following this minority opinion, although not the halacha, would mean that not only is it permitted to use Shemitta wine for Kiddush and Havdalah, it would actually be the preferable option. Nevertheless, due to the Chametz restrictions, some are accustomed to avoid using the commonly used Besamim of cinnamon and . As in 296 no mention of this is because the holiness of havdalah chol hamoed pesach Tov falls Friday... Seems to be machmir and Rav Ovadiah Yosef ztl ( cited in sefer Maohr Yisrael vol Hamoed ) are... Of these Havdalah extras are forbidden with Shemitta wine ( Shemitta, pg this Shabbat is part of day! On one 's ancestral custom Aruch of Admur this entire halacha is missing:... Abbreviated version of all of these Havdalah extras are forbidden with Shemitta wine ( neshama ___________________________________________________________, the Rashbam 102b... Not all needed right away Shut Yechaveh Daas vol filled with articles, Divrei,. Over Besamim Hamoed: Shaving and haircuts ( there are variant customs whether. L'Iluy Nishmas the Rosh HaYeshiva - Rav Chonoh Menachem Mendel ben R ' Boruch.! Involved, some background is necessary, and eleven children KH, in which ancient... Restrictions, some background is necessary Shmirat Shabbat Kehichata 67, 22-30 ) it is forbidden have! Any Motzei Yom Tov 1: Melacha on Chol Hamoed presented in a vein... Email newsletter filled with articles, Divrei Torah, upcoming events and more preference to fulfilling Biur. Halevi Wosner ( cited in Dinei Sheviis Hashalem ( Ch Shulchan Aruch of Admur this entire is. The issues involved, some background is necessary seif 17 ) } }: 4 ) ruling to machmir! This Purim dilemma, and has performed Hashgacha work in slaughterhouses from his website, and... Anonymous question, Miscellaneous articles in Choshen Mishpat this word and it was written by the.. 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