k.Provide contact information for all insurance maintained by the association. If there are any restrictions upon the sale, transfer, conveyance, or leasing of a unit, then a statement in conspicuous type in substantially the following form shall be included: THE SALE, LEASE, OR TRANSFER OF UNITS IS RESTRICTED OR CONTROLLED. 77-174; s. 9, ch. (Yes)(No). 91-426; s. 14, ch. 16, 20, ch. Receives an assignment of any of the developer rights, other than or in addition to those rights described in subsection (2), as set forth in the declaration of condominium or this chapter: By a written instrument recorded as part of or as an exhibit to the deed; By a separate instrument recorded in the public records of the county in which the condominium is located; or. When an association makes an expenditure of converter reserve account funds before the developer has sold all units, the developer shall make a deposit in the reserve account. A person acquiring condominium parcels may not be classified as a bulk assignee or bulk buyer unless the condominium parcels were acquired on or after July 1, 2010. Any contract or document regarding a conflict of interest or possible conflict of interest as provided in ss. 2002-27; s. 10, ch. Prior to or simultaneous with the first offering of individual units to any person, each developer shall deliver a notice of intended conversion to all tenants of the existing improvements being converted to residential condominium. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, ALL APPURTENANCES TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT ABOVE DESCRIBED, INCLUDING THE UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS OF SAID CONDOMINIUM. The division, before initiating formal agency action under chapter 120, must afford the officer or board member an opportunity to voluntarily comply, and an officer or board member who complies within 10 days is not subject to a civil penalty. 78-328; s. 2, ch. Immediately following this statement, the location in the disclosure materials where the phasing is described shall be stated. 718.112 and 718.301 and this part. The association is not obligated to pay for any reconstruction or repair expenses due to property loss to any improvements installed by a current or former owner of the unit or by the developer if the improvement benefits only the unit for which it was installed and is not part of the standard improvements installed by the developer on all units as part of original construction, whether or not such improvement is located within the unit. 76-222; s. 1, ch. Employ directors, agents, attorneys, and other professionals to liquidate or conclude its affairs. The notice must include the book and page number of the public records in which the plan was recorded, notice that a copy of the plan shall be furnished upon written request, and notice that the unit owner or lienor has the right to contest the fairness of the plan. The amended provisions of this section do not affect a conversion of existing improvements when a developer has filed a notice of intended conversion and the documents required by s. 718.503 or s. 718.504, as applicable, with the division prior to the effective date of this law, provided: The documents are proper for filing purposes. Any person, with a little trial and error, can download those documents from the county website. A fine may be levied by the board on the basis of each day of a continuing violation, with a single notice and opportunity for hearing before a committee as provided in paragraph (b). The acquisition of property by the association and material alterations or substantial additions to such property or the common elements by the association in accordance with s. 718.111(7) or s. 718.113, and amendments providing for the transfer of use rights in limited common elements pursuant to s. 718.106(2)(b) shall not be deemed to constitute a material alteration or modification of the appurtenances to the units. In the event of substantial damage to or destruction of all or a substantial part of the condominium property, and if the property is not repaired, reconstructed, or rebuilt within a reasonable period of time, any unit owner may petition a court for equitable relief, which may include a termination of the condominium and a partition. The limitation of the number of units to be served shall not preclude enlargement of the facilities leased and an increase in their capacity, if approved by the association operating the leased property after unit owners other than the developer have assumed control of the association. An officer, director, or manager may not solicit, offer to accept, or accept any thing or service of value or kickback for which consideration has not been provided for his or her own benefit or that of his or her immediate family, from any person providing or proposing to provide goods or services to the association. 85-62; s. 6, ch. This subparagraph does not apply to an association governing a timeshare condominium. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Condominium Act.. SUCH CHANGES IN COST DO NOT CONSTITUTE MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGES IN THE OFFERING. For purposes of this subsection, the term bulk owner means the single holder of such voting interests or an owner together with a related entity or entities that would be considered an insider, as defined in s. 726.102, holding such voting interests. 718.503 and 718.504. l.Provide the signature of an officer or authorized agent of the association. The amendments must be recorded as required by s. 718.110. The developer shall maintain separate records for each condominium or proposed condominium for which deposits are being accepted. Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters and protection; display of religious decorations. 77-174; s. 8, ch. In addition to the authority, regulation, or control exercised by the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes pursuant to this act with respect to condominiums, buildings included in a condominium property are subject to the authority, regulation, or control of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, to the extent provided in chapter 399. s. 1, ch. Rent for the unit, if subject to a lease. The associations most recent structural integrity reserve study or a statement that the association has not completed a structural integrity reserve study. A developer may elect to provide tenants who have been continuous residents of the existing improvements for at least 180 days preceding the date of the written notice of intended conversion and whose rental agreements expire within 180 days of the date of the written notice of intended conversion the option of receiving in cash a tenant relocation payment at least equal to 1 months rent in consideration for extending the rental agreement for not more than 180 days, rather than extending the rental agreement for up to 270 days. Forgery of a ballot envelope or voting certificate used in a condominium association election is punishable as provided in s. 831.01, the theft or embezzlement of funds of a condominium association is punishable as provided in s. 812.014, and the destruction of or the refusal to allow inspection or copying of an official record of a condominium association that is accessible to unit owners within the time periods required by general law in furtherance of any crime is punishable as tampering with physical evidence as provided in s. 918.13 or as obstruction of justice as provided in chapter 843. 80-323; s. 1, ch. Cape Coral, FL 33904 A tenant is immune from any claim by the landlord or unit owner related to the rent timely paid to the association after the association has made written demand. If there is a contract for the management of the condominium property, then a statement in conspicuous type in substantially the following form shall appear, identifying the proposed or existing contract manager: THERE IS (IS TO BE) A CONTRACT FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY WITH (NAME OF THE CONTRACT MANAGER). require that condominium associations give a 45-day notice of intent to record a claim of lien and notice of intent to foreclose (pre-lien and post-lien) instead of the previously required 30-day notice. Proposals to amend existing bylaws shall contain the full text of the bylaws to be amended; new words shall be inserted in the text underlined, and words to be deleted shall be lined through with hyphens. The right to file for a trial de novo entitles the parties to file a complaint in the appropriate trial court for a judicial resolution of the dispute. A report of cash receipts and expenditures, a compiled financial statement, or a reviewed financial statement in lieu of an audited financial statement. 94-350; s. 853, ch. Within 30 days after receipt of a complaint, the division shall acknowledge the complaint in writing and notify the complainant whether the complaint is within the jurisdiction of the division and whether additional information is needed by the division from the complainant. The ombudsman shall develop policies and procedures to assist unit owners, boards of directors, board members, community association managers, and other affected parties to understand their rights and responsibilities as set forth in this chapter and the condominium documents governing their respective association. An association waives the right to collect any moneys owed in excess of the amounts specified in the estoppel certificate from any person who in good faith relies upon the estoppel certificate and from the persons successors and assigns. The arbitrator shall conduct a hearing within 30 days after being assigned or entering into a contract unless the petition is withdrawn or a continuance is granted for good cause shown. However, the developer must pay common expenses incurred during such period which exceed regular periodic assessments against other unit owners in the same condominium. The accounting records must include, but are not limited to: Accurate, itemized, and detailed records of all receipts and expenditures. Common expenses means all expenses properly incurred by the association in the performance of its duties, including expenses specified in s. 718.115. To unit owners, the proceeds of any sale of condominium property subject to satisfaction of liens on each unit in their order of priority, in shares specified in the plan of termination, unless objected to by a unit owner or lienor as provided in paragraph (b). 80-3; s. 2, ch. Subsection (1) does not apply to residential cooperatives created prior to January 1, 1977, which are converted to condominium ownership by the cooperative unit owners or their association after control of the association has been transferred to the unit owners if, following the conversion, the unit owners will be the same persons who were unit owners of the cooperative and no units are offered for sale or lease to the public as part of the plan of conversion. 76-222; s. 2, ch. However, the developer may accept deposits for reservations upon the approval of a fully executed escrow agreement and reservation agreement form properly filed with the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes. 2002-27; s. 5, ch. Whether or not timeshare estates will or may be created with respect to units in any phase and, if so, the degree, quantity, nature, and extent of such estates, specifying the minimum duration of the recurring periods of rights of use, possession, or occupancy that may be established with respect to any unit. Should any unit owner or other occupant of a condominium fail or refuse to evacuate the condominium property or association property where the board has required evacuation, the association shall be immune from liability or injury to persons or property arising from such failure or refusal. The copy posted pursuant to this sub-subparagraph must be a copy of the articles of incorporation filed with the Department of State. Unit owners are responsible for the cost of reconstruction of any portions of the condominium property for which the unit owner is required to carry property insurance, or for which the unit owner is responsible under paragraph (j), and the cost of any such reconstruction work undertaken by the association is chargeable to the unit owner and enforceable as an assessment and may be collected in the manner provided for the collection of assessments pursuant to s. 718.116. The Legislature shall appropriate funds from this trust fund sufficient to carry out the provisions of this chapter and the provisions of law with respect to each category of business covered by the trust fund. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (1) and as set forth below, the lien is effective from and shall relate back to the recording of the original declaration of condominium, or, in the case of lien on a parcel located in a phase condominium, the last to occur of the recording of the original declaration or amendment thereto creating the parcel. However, the rule against perpetuities shall not defeat a right given any person or entity by the declaration for the purpose of allowing unit owners to retain reasonable control over the use, occupancy, and transfer of units. Parking or garage space number, as reflected in the books and records of the association: 5. Upon the recording of the declaration, or an amendment adding a phase to the condominium under s. 718.403(6), all units described in the declaration or phase amendment as being located in or on the land then being submitted to condominium ownership shall come into existence, regardless of the state of completion of planned improvements in which the units may be located or any other requirement or description that a declaration may provide. The association shall have the right to adopt rules to prohibit dual usage by a unit owner and a tenant of association property and common elements otherwise readily available for use generally by unit owners. Common expenses include the expenses of the operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, or protection of the common elements and association property, costs of carrying out the powers and duties of the association, and any other expense, whether or not included in the foregoing, designated as common expense by this chapter, the declaration, the documents creating the association, or the bylaws. Fireproofing and fire protection systems. However, if so defined in the declaration, the term land may mean all or any portion of the airspace or subterranean space between two legally identifiable elevations and may exclude the surface of a parcel of real property and may mean any combination of the foregoing, whether or not contiguous, or may mean a condominium unit. For purposes of this subsection, the term actual costs includes, but is not limited to, expenditures for demolition, site clearing, permit fees, impact fees, and utility reservation fees, as well as architectural, engineering, and surveying fees that directly relate to construction and development of the condominium property. An association and its authorized agent are not liable for providing such information in good faith pursuant to a written request if the person providing the information includes a written statement in substantially the following form: The responses herein are made in good faith and to the best of my ability as to their accuracy.. If there has been a previous vote to forego retrofitting, a vote to require retrofitting may be obtained at a special meeting of the unit owners called by a petition of at least 10 percent of the voting interests. The Legislature finds that the procurement of mortgagee consent to amendments that do not affect the rights or interests of mortgagees is an unreasonable and substantial logistical and financial burden on the unit owners and that there is a compelling state interest in enabling the members of a condominium association to approve amendments to the condominium documents through legal means. Mediation proceedings must generally be conducted in accordance with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, and these proceedings are privileged and confidential to the same extent as court-ordered mediation. Following termination of the condominium, the condominium property, association property, common surplus, and other assets of the association shall be held by the termination trustee pursuant to the plan of termination, as trustee for unit owners and holders of liens on the units, in their order of priority unless otherwise set forth in the plan of termination. If you have continuously been a resident of these apartments during the last 180 days and your rental agreement expires during the next 360 days, you may extend your rental agreement for up to 360 days after the date of this notice. The association shall, upon request, provide the tenant with written receipts for payments made. If the association operates more than one condominium and the unit owners other than the developer have not assumed control of the association, and if unit owners other than the developer own at least 75 percent of the voting interests in a condominium operated by the association, any grant, reservation, or contract for maintenance, management, or operation of buildings containing the units in that condominium or of improvements used only by unit owners of that condominium may be canceled by concurrence of the owners of at least 75 percent of the voting interests in the condominium other than the voting interests owned by the developer. 97-102; s. 4, ch. See Cedar Cove Efficiency Condominium Association, Inc. v. Cedar Cove Properties, Inc., 558 So. The statement of inspection for termite damage and treatment of the existing improvements, if the condominium is a conversion. 2008-28; s. 16, ch. Not all homeowners are in the same situation. If a contract or lease between a condominium unit owner or association and a developer contains a provision allowing attorneys fees to the developer, should any litigation arise under the provisions of the contract or lease, the court shall also allow reasonable attorneys fees to the unit owner or association when the unit owner or association prevails in any action by or against the unit owner or association with respect to the contract or lease. (Original article posted on the WB Digital Newsletter Stream) This liability is without prejudice to any right the owner may have to recover from the previous owner the amounts paid by the owner. However, if a unit is owned by more than one person, the association must provide notice to the address that the developer identifies for that purpose and thereafter as one or more of the owners of the unit advise the association in writing, or if no address is given or the owners of the unit do not agree, to the address provided on the deed of record. The warranties provided by this section shall inure to the benefit of each owner and his or her successor owners and to the benefit of the developer. 2000-302; s. 22, ch. 2004-345; s. 1, ch. Assessments; liability; lien and priority; interest; collection. ANY PURPORTED WAIVER OF THESE VOIDABILITY RIGHTS SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT. Financial information required by s. 718.111. A court may treble the damages awarded to a prevailing condominium unit owner and shall state the basis for the treble damages award in its judgment. A speaker must be used so that the conversation of such members may be heard by the board or committee members attending in person as well as by any unit owners present at a meeting. The proposed annual budget of estimated revenues and expenses must be detailed and must show the amounts budgeted by accounts and expense classifications, including, at a minimum, any applicable expenses listed in s. 718.504(21). If yes, has the board approved the transfer of the unit? If the lease is of recreational facilities or other commonly used facilities that are not completed, rent shall not commence until some of the facilities are completed. This petition will not be filed if the vacancies are filled within 30 days after the date on which this notice was sent or posted, whichever is later. However, if so defined in the declaration, the term land may mean all or any portion of the airspace or subterranean space between two legally identifiable elevations and may exclude the surface of a parcel of real property and may mean any combination of the foregoing, whether or not contiguous, or may mean a condominium unit. 76-222; s. 1, ch. c.The next installment of the regular periodic assessment is due (insert due date) in the amount of $. If a director or an officer, or a relative of a director or an officer, proposes to engage in an activity that is a conflict of interest, as described in subsection (1), the proposed activity must be listed on, and all contracts and transactional documents related to the proposed activity must be attached to, the meeting agenda. Subpoenas shall be served and shall be enforceable in the manner provided by the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 91-426; s. 5, ch. If the division begins nonemergency cease and desist proceedings, the emergency cease and desist order remains effective until the conclusion of the proceedings under ss. The emergency powers provision, Section 720.316, Fla. 79-314; s. 1, ch. 624.460-624.488. The lease of recreational and other common facilities that will be used by unit owners in common with unit owners of other condominiums. If a legal opinion is requested, the board shall, within 60 days after the receipt of the inquiry, provide in writing a substantive response to the inquiry. The liability of a first mortgagee or its successor or assignees who acquire title to a unit by foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure for the unpaid assessments that became due before the mortgagees acquisition of title is limited to the lesser of: The units unpaid common expenses and regular periodic assessments which accrued or came due during the 12 months immediately preceding the acquisition of title and for which payment in full has not been received by the association; or. (Yes)(No). If rent under the lease is payable by the association or by the unit owners, the lease shall include the following requirements: The leased land must be identified by a description that is sufficient to pass title, and the leased personal property must be identified by a general description of the items of personal property and the approximate number of each item of personal property that the developer is committing to furnish for each room or other facility. 2008-28; s. 1, ch. Without limitation, such items or services may include the drying of units, the boarding of broken windows or doors, the replacement of damaged air conditioners or air handlers to provide climate control in the units or other portions of the property, and the sanitizing of the condominium property or association property, as applicable. If a criminal charge is pending against the officer or director, he or she may not be appointed or elected to a position as an officer or a director of any association and may not have access to the official records of any association, except pursuant to a court order. Amendments to the Condominium Act (718.116(6) and 718.121(6), F.S.) 76-222; s. 1, ch. Pursuant to section 718.116(11), Florida Statutes, your payment of rent to the association gives you complete immunity from any claim for the rent by your landlord for all amounts timely paid to the association. The rate may not exceed the rate allowed by law, and, if no rate is provided in the declaration, interest accrues at the rate of 18 percent per year. 97-301; s. 2, ch. Contract and do anything in the name of the association which is proper or convenient to terminate the affairs of the association. j. Except for those portions of the common elements designed and intended to be used by all unit owners, a portion of the common elements serving only one unit or a group of units may be reclassified as a limited common element upon the vote required to amend the declaration as provided therein or as required under paragraph (1)(a), and shall not be considered an amendment pursuant to subsection (4). How Long Does a Florida HOA or Condominium Association have to foreclose on a HOA/COA Lien? From the inception of the association, the association shall maintain each of the following items, if applicable, which constitutes the official records of the association: A copy of the plans, permits, warranties, and other items provided by the developer under s. 718.301(4). FURTHER, YOU MAY EXTEND YOUR RENTAL AGREEMENT AS FOLLOWS: a. Rules and regulations passed by the board typically do not need to be recorded in a condominium, and so would only be available from the board if they exist. Name(s) of the unit owner(s) as reflected in the books and records of the association: 4. Such property and any insurance thereupon is the responsibility of the unit owner. These accounts must include, but are not limited to, roof replacement, building painting, and pavement resurfacing, regardless of the amount of deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost, and any other item that has a deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost that exceeds $10,000. The association or its authorized agent is not required to provide a prospective purchaser or lienholder with information about the condominium or the association other than information or documents required by this chapter to be made available or disclosed. If the proposed condominium is situated within a municipality, the disclosure shall include a letter from the municipality acknowledging that the municipality has been notified of the proposed creation of a residential condominium by conversion of existing, previously occupied improvements and, in any county, as defined in s. 125.011(1), acknowledging compliance with applicable zoning requirements as determined by the municipality. In any action by the lessor to enforce a lien for rent payable or in any action by the association or a unit owner with respect to the obligations of the lessee or the lessor under the lease, the unit owner or the association may raise any issue or interpose any defense, legal or equitable, that he or she or it may have with respect to the lessors obligations under the lease. However, if the condominium constitutes a nonresidential condominium or commercial condominium, or a timeshare condominium created pursuant to chapter 721, the lease shall have an unexpired term of at least 30 years. An association may operate more than one condominium. SUCH CHANGES IN COST DO NOT CONSTITUTE MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGES IN THE OFFERING. The installation may not cause irreparable damage to the condominium property. 91-206; s. 5, ch. A policy or program providing such coverage may not be issued or renewed after July 1, 2008, unless it has been reviewed and approved by the Office of Insurance Regulation. s. 4, ch. In addition to any damages otherwise recoverable by law, the tenant is entitled to an amount equal to the difference between the price last offered in writing to the tenant pursuant to this section and the price at which the unit was sold to a third party, plus court costs and attorneys fees. 88-225; s. 1, ch. 95-274; s. 5, ch. The developer shall fund a roof reserve account. Division means the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Read on to learn about special assessments, how to avoid them, and more. The Florida Condominium Act mandates the notice requirements for passing a special assessment. 80-3; s. 6, ch. The form of unit lease if the offer is of a leasehold. 91-426; s. 2, ch. FIGURES CONTAINED IN ANY BUDGET DELIVERED TO THE BUYER PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDOMINIUM ACT ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND REPRESENT AN APPROXIMATION OF FUTURE EXPENSES BASED ON FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES EXISTING AT THE TIME OF THE PREPARATION OF THE BUDGET BY THE DEVELOPER. Each contract entered into after July 1, 1992, for the resale of a residential unit shall contain in conspicuous type either: A clause which states: THE BUYER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER HAS BEEN PROVIDED A CURRENT COPY OF THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE ASSOCIATION, BYLAWS AND RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION, AND A COPY OF THE MOST RECENT YEAR-END FINANCIAL INFORMATION AND FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DOCUMENT MORE THAN 3 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF THIS CONTRACT; or. 98-195; s. 3, ch. Disclosure of condition of building and estimated replacement costs and notification of municipalities. 97-102; s. 6, ch. If the developer is required by state or local authorities to obtain acceptance or approval of any dock or marina facilities intended to serve the condominium, a copy of any such acceptance or approval acquired by the time of filing with the division under s. 718.502(1), or a statement that such acceptance or approval has not been acquired or received. The estimated date when each room or other facility will be available for use by the unit owners. S ) as reflected in the books and records of all receipts and expenditures ( ). Of Business and Professional Regulation the copy posted pursuant to this sub-subparagraph must be a of... For termite damage and treatment of the existing improvements, if the condominium Act recent... When each room or other facility will be available for use by the condominium. Act ( 718.116 ( 6 ) and 718.121 ( 6 ) and 718.121 ( 6 ), F.S )... Of condition of building and estimated replacement costs and notification of municipalities interest ; collection as! 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