Father is the founder and director of Patristic Nectar Publications, a company dedicated to "nourishing the spiritually thirsty with the sweet teachings of the Holy Fathers" in quality audio recordings. Fr. The lawsuit filed July 23, 2021, in United States District Court for the Central District of California, alleges that Sanfilippo has engaged in conspiracy, intimidation, and coercion in order to destroy the personal reputations of Trenham and those involved in ministry with him. Pastoral Treatises, The Calendar Josiah has also served as a member of the Secretariat of the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops in the United States since its inception in May 2010. 442 Princes Highway Rockdale, NSW, 2216; 02 9567 3273; Search The Judgment, issued on May 23, can be read here. Patristic Nectar Publications4700 Canyon Crest Drive, Ste B. Riverside, CA 92507info@patristicnectar.org. Andrew Louth, professor of patristics, and his dissertation, Marriage and Virginity according to St. John Chrysostom was published by St. Herman Press as Terrestrial Angels: Marriage and Virginity according to St. John Chrysostom, with a popularization and expansion planned under God's Gifts: Marriage, Monasticism and Sexuality according to the Patristic Tradition. It is in this spirit that I direct your attention to the latest video of Fr Josiah, as he moves us one step closer to more fully understanding our present circumstances within the context of the Church. Josiah Trenham. Mental refers to one's thought processes, not the physical well-being of one's brain, though a damaged brain can, of course, produce mental illness. Steve: And by way of introducing you, Father, and the topic of today's program, I'd like to point out to our audience that you earned your PhD in theology from the University of Durham in England and that you studied under the renowned theologian and Professor of Patristics, Father Andrew Louth. JOSIAH TRENHAM: saintandrewoffice@saintandrew.net. Father Josiah will offer a summary and Q&A during each discussion, please come to each class prepared with your questions. What natural family planning tells you is that if you dont want to have a child, then you dont sleep with your wife when shes fertile. Yes, I have heard this from my husband who met him a few years back when he was in CA on business for his job at the time. As I said, if one could control these things (I do control my panic attacks through psychologically talking myself out of them), then one wouldn't need medications and help of a doctor. Thank goodness a brave priest has finally fought back. An Orthodox Christian priest known for his out-spoken defense of the Orthodox Churchs view on marriage and abortion, has sued the editors of an online publication for defamation. Prominent Orthodox Priest Sues Online Publisher and Gay Rights Activist for Libel. OrthoAnalytika by Fr. This book will allow you to understand what you couldn't if you didn't read it. Deborah. V. Rev. And then, that would be the opportunity for the embrace of natural family planning. 44 Following. Peter Giacomo Sanfilippo, the editor of the pro-LGBT site Orthodoxy in Dialogue (OiD), has been ordered by a U.S. District Court to pay Fr. Fr. Trenham in a multitude of reprehensible defamatory articles published on the website Orthodoxy in Dialogue, beginning in 2018.. Josiah Trenham, who is an Eastern Orthodox priest, regarding his video discussing Roman Catholicism. Fr. Giacomo Sanfilippo is a bully that needs to be held accountable for the the horrible things hes done to good priests serving in the Orthodox Church. Sometimes you do need that help. Mr. Allen:And, Father, I have a call from Joe from Pensacola, Florida. An Orthodox Christian priest known for his out-spoken defense of the Orthodox Church's view on marriage and abortion, has been vindicated in federal court and the gay activist publisher who attacked him has been held accountable. 358 Mountain Road, Englewood, New Jersey 07631, archdiocese@antiochian.org | (201) 871-1355, About | Clergy Resources | Contact | Site FAQ | Login, 2020 Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Without of course this meaning that we bear empathy towards somebody- whatever he may believe in- or that we oppose healthy dialogues. Cyril and Athanasius Orthodox Institute in San Francisco, St. Katherine College in Encinitas, at California Baptist University. Fr. Thus, one can be mentally ill on a scale, at the beginning of mental error, or at the complete end of it. Father Josiah has been married for over 30 years, and has ten children and several grandchildren. Peter "Giacomo" Sanfilippo, the editor of the pro-LGBT site Orthodoxy in Dialogue (OiD), has been ordered by a U.S. District Court to pay Fr. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Services, Theological and American orthodox priest Fr. Josiah Trenham. Copyright 2023 OrthodoxyToday and OrthodoxNetwork. He was raised at Glendale Presbyterian Church until the family moved to Pasadena, where they were members of Pasadena Covenant Church. If the person could do that on their own, they wouldn't need doctors to treat them, but as Fr. This clip really speaks to how to "change the world" in Christ. Banner photo above: St. Andrew Orthodox Church, Riverside, California. Greetings in the Lord! Copyright 2017-2022 Saint Kosmas Orthodox Christian Education Association. Photo: thomasmoresociety.org . He has served as pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, Ca. The process of parenting is salvific. Josiah Trenham $300,000 "for publishing false, malicious, and defamatory statements and accusations concerning the priest and his ministry, and for harassing the Trenhams . We praise the Lord that in every corner of the earth there are pious people who do not suffer from the grievous affliction of indifference. In 1992, he graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in Escondido, California, with an M.Div. This is important to know and pray about, but his talk on people with anxieties and depression and other mental health issues of a more serious type offended me because I have anxiety issues and my friend has a son who is mentally ill and on medications for it. Josiah Trenham With Special Emphasis on the Teaching of St. John Chrysostom by Fr. If for some reason, you cant, you should decide in consultation with those who are your important counselors. Father Josiah Trenham: Thank you, Steve. He has served as pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, Ca. Josiah Trenham, along with his wife, Orthodox Christian Ministries, and St. Andrew Orthodox Christian Church, in federal court. Josiah Trenham. "The family is the cornerstone of the prosperity of the state, of the strength of the . They brought their bullhorn so everyone would get the message. The complaint accuses Sanfilippo and three Orthodoxy in Dialogue colleagues of multiple instances of defamation, and includes claims of conspiracy, harassment, extortion, interference with prospective economic advantage, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. PNP produces both recordings of patristic works as well as recordings of lectures and homilies available in direct download formats (www.patristicnectar.org). Josiah Trenham. https://www.orthodoxytoday.org/blog/2020/02/giacomo-sanfilippos-unholy-vendetta-against-faithful-orthodox-priests-and-teachers/, Andrew- heres another perspective on your Why. The digital age provides a greenhouse for what I would like to call anti-catechism: the subtle and not-so-subtle questioning of, for example, the moral teachings of the Orthodox faith. Fr. However, the order issued by Judge John Holcomb of the United States District Court for the Central District of California restrains Sanfilippo from further attacks against Fr. He is also making it harder for Sanfilippo to . since 1998. Thank you for your call, and whats your question for Fr. He studied under Fr. He did his undergraduate studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA. . He is also making it harder for Sanfilippo to disseminate his homosexualized teachings and delusional ideas about gay marriage and transgender insanity. Police investigations against Rsnen began in June 2019, when she questioned her churchs official sponsorship of the Pride 2019 LGBT event via a tweet with a quote from the book of Romans about the Christian teaching on homosexuality. That seems rather offensive, if I may be honest. Faith Makes Us Eager for Death. Josiah has been interviewed by Fox News, Voice of Russia Radio (VR), Russian Television (RT), Ancient Faith Radio, Culture Shocks: The Radio Show of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, and numerous local news outlets including: ABC, NBC, KTLA, 590 AM talk radio. R.C. He is a member of the Orthodox Theological Society of America, and participates in yearly academic forums and symposia. Thomas More Society Special Counsel are representing Fr. FATHER JOSIAH TRENHAM is a native Southern Californian. Why? On December 9, 2006 Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Yakima, WA hosted a Nativity Lenten Retreat featuring Fr. opting to embrace pleasure while avoiding the responsibility of childbearing and calling it "family planning." Such planned . Riverside, California, July 1, 2022. Family values, as envisioned by its defenders, describes a religiously-oriented family, headed by a father who is the primary breadwinner, and his stay-at-home wife and their children. To his mind both abortion and contraception Recently, Catholic apologists Trent Horn and Michael Lofton made a collaboration video rebutting Fr. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 10:33 pm. A brilliant man of God who I found by accident. Fr. TO CONTACT FR. Josiah's books and articles have been published by St. Herman Press, New Rome Press, Zoe Press, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Quarterly, Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, The Journal of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, CIVA: The Journal of Christians in the Visual Arts, Divine Ascent, The Word Magazine, OrthodoxyToday.org, American Orthodox Institute, Sourozh, Pemptousia.com (Vatopaidi Monastery), and Eastern Churches Review. Father Josiah has been married to Catherine Christy for 27 years and has ten children. Joined January 2021. Introduction: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, One God. Filing 1 COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-30418991 - Fee: $402, filed by Plaintiff Father Josian Trenham, Saint Andrew Orthodox Christian Church, Orthodox Christian Ministries, Inc., Catherine Trenham. Fr. Trenham begins his lecture by examining the Genesis 2 account of the creation of Adam and Eve. Josiah Trenham Fr. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Summons) (Attorney Charles S LiMandri added to party Orthodox Christian Ministries, Inc.(pty:pla), Attorney . Giacomo Sanfilippos Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers Josiah Trenham differentiates between the Rock and the Sand. Charles LiMandri, Thomas More Society Special Counsel and partner at LiMandri & Jonna, LLP, reported, Sanfilippo has unabashedly attacked Fr. Resources, On Western First I would say that the purpose of marriageone of the purposes of marriageis to participate with God in the creation of eternal human beings, and there is nothing more glorious, and the process of conceiving a child then raising children, parenting, is salvific. I've not listened to any of his podcasts, but it does sound concerning. (LogOut/ Father Josiah was married in 1988, and has ten children. If you've listened to his podcasts Do you have any thoughts on this? Fr. Rock and Sand is in many ways very . He was received into the Orthodox Church, and ordained to the holy priesthood in 1993 by Bishop Basil. I love to go to church. Josiah Trenham, along with his wife, Orthodox Christian Ministries, . Public Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, The Wheel = Wolves in Sheeps Clothing. This outrageous behavior needs to stop, and we expect the court to rule in our clients favor.. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Copyright 2017 Maria Taylor Photography, Saint Kosmas Conferences. I'm just curious because I've been listening to a few of Fr. The Arena Podcast is the flagship of Patristic Nectar Publications and contains the Sunday Sermons and other theological reflections by Father Josiah Trenham delivered from the ambon of St. Andrew Church in Riverside, California. Josiah Trenham $300,000 for publishing false, malicious, and defamatory statements and accusations concerning the priest and his ministry, and for harassing the Trenhams, reports the Thomas More Society, which took up Fr. yeah, Fr Josiah is a known conservative, and he does have that slant from his upbringing, but I think he was just commenting on how the other extreme is, where there is no spiritual side. In other words, misled and troubled people really DO become mentally ill. Josiah sued the SPLC for defamation, he might have won 3.4 million dollars too. In which I apologize to Dave Armstrong (and others). Muslims screamed "Allahu Akbars" at St. Andrew Orthodox Church during its Sunday service. JavaScript is disabled. Canopee global > Blogs > Uncategorized > serbian orthodox marriage rules. Father Josiah Trenham featured in the Tucker Carlson Originals two part documentary Transgressive: The Cult of Confusion streaming now on FoxNation. The past few podcasts I've listened to of Fr. So Sanfilippo and his ilk can continue to attack, defame and try to destroy the reputations, lives and livelihoods of other Orthodox priests? Christianity, For Reformed Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When Trenham cited a Koran passage endorsing the death penalty for anyone . Josiah regressively argues that certain ideas are inferior to the true revelation of Holy Spirit as expressed in 2000 year history of the unchanged faith. Trenham and his ministry are suing self-proclaimed gay rights activist Peter Giacomo Sanfilippo and other editors of the online publication Orthodoxy in Dialogue for outrageously false, malicious, and defamatory statements and accusations concerning the priest and his ministry [see: Giacomo Sanfilippos Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers]. Criterion of Truth, How to Read the Holy Josiah Trenham speaking to the youth at the 2017 Saint Kosmas Conference. Amen. What is important and worthy for the Church is whether such a decision derives from the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, in step with Orthodox Tradition of our Apostles and Holy Fathers.Your question that you express with justified apprehension, specifically how each one of us should react, we believe it is not possible to be replied with a detailed prescription. Biography. Patriarchalism, Monophysites Fr. Mr. Allen:Doing very well. Banner photo above: St. Andrew Orthodox Church, Riverside, California, TO CONTACT FR. He has served as pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church . Father Josiah Trenham described the threats on his Orthodox Church in California. Fr. You are using an out of date browser. He is a member of the Orthodox Theological Society of America, and participates in yearly academic forums and symposia. Fr. Christian Congregations (Christians Only). Trenham and those involved in ministry with him.. Josiah Trenham - Weekly homilies and theological reflections recorded from the amvon of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, California. 1999-2018 OrthoChristian.comWhen reposting our material a link to OrthoChristian.com is required. Raising Orthodox Christian Children in a Post-Covid World (2022 Keynote 1), Seeking Purity in an Age of Impurity (2022 Keynote 2), The Domestic Church and Education in the Writings of St. John Chrysostom (2021 Keynote), (Part 1) Why Christian Education Always Starts in the Home Within the Life of the Church, (Part 2) Realizing St. John Chrysostoms Vision for Christian Education in a Post Christian World, HAVE COURAGE: Parenting & Educating Our Children Amidst the Challenges of Our Times (A Patristic Paradigm for Education from the Three Holy Hierarchs) (2017 Keynote), TECHNOLOGY & ADDICTION: Seeking Freedom in Christ in a Consumerist Society (2019 Keynote), Q&A Panel Discussion on Technology & Orthodoxy (2019), Technology and the Development of Children (2017), Panel Discussion on (1) Supporting Orthodox Education within the Local Community and (2) Breaking Down the Homeschool Versus Orthodox School Paradigm to Create Greater Unity within the Local Community (2021), Talk with the Youth: Teens Responsibility Within the Home as a Member of the Domestic Church (2021), Talk with the Youth: Living the Orthodox Faith in a Post-Covid World (2022). We wont allow internet trolls masquerading as media to destroy the character of a prominent religious leader because they are upset that a pastor upholds the teachings of the church, declared LiMandri. I'm only going on what you're saying here, and don't have more context, but in speaking about mental illness, to me it seems vital to understand that mental illness is not merely damage to the brain as such, but also includes mental error, carried out in one's thinking. When I had my general anxiety with periodic panic attacks, my brain chemistry was off balance. FATHER JOSIAH TRENHAM is a native Southern Californian. By standing up to the disgusting actions of Sanfilippo, Fr. Fr. 2023-02-27. Trenham is not only defending his family and his flock, but helping many other faithful priests who suffered the calumny that Sanfilippo has directed at them also. Father has conducted interviews for Patristic Nectar Films with numerous religious leaders of Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant traditions including Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware of Oxford, England, Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church, San Diego, and Prof. Wesley Hill of Trinity Seminary, PA. Father has served as an instructor at the Ss. Fr. As a BetterHelp affiliate, we may receive compensation from BetterHelp if you purchase products or services through the links provided. Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Ph.D. (Lecturer), https://orthodoxwiki.org/index.php?title=Josiah_Trenham&oldid=122796. Isaiah Gillette "Family Concerns and Converting to Orthodoxy . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Worse, we even see it in the religious sphere, when dissident voices such as Fr Josiah Trenham's are silenced. he is often very strong when it comes to this in public, but is much more pastoral when he speaks to . If youre getting married, youre going to have children, try to accept what God gives you. He has served as pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, Ca. When: The first Thursday of each month from 3:30pm - 4:30pm PST through 2023. they labelled the Family Research Council as a hate group, because they take a Biblical stand on homosexuality and gay marriage, which inspired a homosexual terrorist to attempt to murder its staff members, They have also been successfully sued for defamation, and been forced to pay 3.4 million dollars in a single defamation case, They have shady finances, and their founder was forced to step down when he was accused of sexually harassing staff members, as well as being guilty of gender discrimination and racism (of all things), Stump the Priest: Shrimp and Homosexuality, Why We Know That the Story of Sodom Indicts Homosexual Practice Per Se, A Black Day: Supreme Folly from the Supremes, the immoral policies of the United States in the Middle East, Act Up" use to disrupt Roman Catholic Masses on a somewhat regular basis, the Southern Poverty Law Center's labeling of the Family Research Council as a hate group inspired a homosexual activist to attempt to kill the staff at its headquarters, conservative Christians should be treated like Nazis, and not allowed to participate in polite society. 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