April 2, 1902: Longabaugh and Place register at Mrs. Thompson's Boarding House in New York City, and visit members of his family in Atlantic City, New Jersey, then visit Coney Island. The couple was spotted in Saint Louis, Missouri, at the Worlds Fair in 1904. In 1952, she met musician Johnny Otis who helped the band sign to Modern Records and changing their name to the Peaches and gave the singer her stage name reversing Jamesetta into "Etta James". Etta James Rocks the House, her first and finest live album was released in 1964. We heard from him from time to In a description that obviously referred to Etta, the Argentine newspaper La Prensa reported that "one of the bandits was beardless, had small feet and delicate features said woman is a fine rider, to the extent that she is widely admired by the Argentines for her skill and natural ability." Many theories have been advanced over the years as to her true identity. Etta Place (born c. 1878, date of death unknown) was a companion of the American outlaws Butch Cassidy (real name Robert LeRoy Parker) and the Sundance Kid (Harry Alonzo Longabaugh), both members of the outlaw gang known as the Wild Bunch. In some respects, stories of Americas Wild West feel like a young country trying to build itself a mythology from scratch. According to historians, on February 20, 1901, the husband and wife and Cassidy boarded the, Shortly after the trio arrived in South America, they opened a bank account with $12 thousand in gold notes. Claims that she herself was a teacher at one time have no support, either. Name variations: Emma Place; Eva Place. Soldier Prince from Argentina to New York City. Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Arizona and Nevada all suffered at the hands of the Wild Bunch, and posses of skilled trackers and fighters rode themselves haggard looking for the thieves. Another account formulated by research done by journalist Jim Dullenty indicates that Etta moved to Marion, Oregon, after news that Sundance had been killed in Bolivia. Neither claim has any evidence to support them whatsoever. Although she was dressed in mens clothing, there seemed to be no question from the witnesses who noticed the woman that it was Etta. WebEtta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los Angeles and had a very tumultuous childhood as she was brought up by foster parents who ill-treated her. According to legend, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Harry Longabaugh) infamous Utah outlaws noted throughout the It's known that in 1902 and 1904 Sundance and Etta made return trips to the United States evidence of which was later uncovered by the Pinkertons. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Gang member Will Carver also began a relationship with one of Porter's "girls," Lillie Davis, and Wild Bunch female gang member Laura Bullion is believed to have worked at the brothel from time to time. Published in 1918 On April 2, they registered at a Mrs. Thompson's rooming house in New York City. Etta Place may well have been a woman named Eunice Gray, who for many years operated a bordello in Fort Worth, Texas, and afterwards ran the Waco Hotel there until her death in a fire in January 1962. Place. Principally the companion of Longabaugh, little is known about her; both her origins and her fate remain mysterious. Buck, Daniel, and Anne Meadows. In 2009, a critically-acclaimed new novel about Etta Place was released. Gigi Santo Pietro Is a Tattoo Artist - Facts about Vanna Differing accounts have her traveling to Denver for a medical procedure and settling there, fighting in the Mexican Revolution, living somewhere in South America, residing in Mexico City with Longabaugh, or settling in a number of locations within the United States. It has been conjectured, often without any real evidence, that she was variously a cousin of Longabaugh's (hence the surname Place), or that she was a cattle rustler named Ann Bassett (d.1956) who knew and operated with the Wild Bunch at the turn of the 20th century. The photo was sent to a family member and remained in the family for many years until it was published in 1992. Etta and Sundance boarded a ship to New York, ostensibly to visit Longabaugh's relatives in Pennsylvania and Atlantic City. The loss of their anonymity eventually led them back to the life they knew best: that of the outlaw. She made her final television appearance performing "At Last" on Dancing with the Stars. Place owned 2500 acres herself becoming the first female landowner in the country which had just changed its laws to allow women to own land. Gigi Santo Pietro Is a Tattoo Artist - Facts about Vanna Popular locations for her place of birth include Utah, New York City, Pennsylvania, or Etta and Sundance made it back to Argentina without interference from any law enforcement agency. She never makes any indications that she is, nor does she attempt to fuel this rumor, but rather avoids the topic altogether. We arrived here today, and the day after tomorrow my wife and I leave for San Francisco.". He spent part of his life in jail in Fresno, California, where he first came to public notice due to his claims. The Sundance Kids widow Etta Place joins up with Pancho Villa. January 1901: Longabaugh and Place visit his family in Mont Clare, Pennsylvania. Another report indicates she committed suicide in 1924 in Argentina, while yet another report indicates that she died of natural causes in 1966. The Wild Bunch. With the exception of Butch, Sundance and Etta, who traveled to Pennsylvania and New York together, gang members confined themselves to the West. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out. Estimates of her birth year range from 1878 to 1882 or 1883. Etta James was known for her spectacular voice that had the power to move one to tears, and despite her brilliant career, her latter years were marred with legal battles between her husband and son. Presumably, the fourth bandit was one of several possible fellow outlaws rumored to have been in the region. In 1906 he and Cassidy returned to outlawry, robbing banks, trains, and mining interests in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Before any policemen arrived, the four robbers had re-mounted and disappeared in a cloud of dust. This photo shows the Sundance Kid, Etta Place and Butch Cassidy getting ready to have tea on their Cholila ranch in 1903. Its unlikely Etta, Ethel or Place is her real name. Butch was shot several times, and, rather than allow himself and Sundance to be captured, he killed his dying friend then turned the gun on himself. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. WebEtta Place ( b. c. 1878, d. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. She did not know what became of the Sundance Kid, but Lula believed Etta settled in Denver and taught school. With Etta as accomplice, they robbed a number of banks, handily avoiding capture. With her death, there remained no known person who could verify as to whether Place and Gray were or were not the same person. There is no further activity from her, and she disappears from all historical records. She recorded the hit ballad, My Dearest Darling, in 1960, to the accompaniment of string instruments, and sang background vocals on label mate Chuck Berry's, Back in the U.S.A. Pinkerton detectives find evidence that Place is homesick and wanting to visit her family, but were unable to identify who her family was. Her first solo hit in doo-wop style, All I Could Do Was Cry, became an R&B hit. Butch Cassidy and a girlfriend, Etta Place, and in 1901 drifted to New York City and then South America, where they set up ranching in Chubut province, Argentina. A respected dentist and neighbor, George Newbery, stated that the three "were considered respectable citizens.". They are all thorough plainsmen and horsemen, riding from 600 to 1,000 miles after committing a robbery. 1963: The last person known to have actually met and spent time with Place, female outlaw Josie Bassett, dies. He concludes with "Kindest Regards to your Wife and Family." On February 1, 1901, Etta and Sundance posed together for a picture at DeYoungs Photography Studio in New York after having made a purchase at Tiffany Jewelers. Add synopsis. She then, on February 20, sailed with him and Parker (who was now posing as one James Ryan, her fictional brother), aboard the British ship Herminius for Buenos Aires in Argentina. Lorinda Reese Jameson is the only child of Philadelphia banker G. David Jameson, and her father raised her as he would a son, to ride and to shoot. February 1901: Longabaugh and Place visit New York City, and Tiffany's Jewelers. Since arriving in Bolivia in 1902, the trio had robbed numerous banks, and intercepted one mule train after another carrying gold and paper money. In 1961, she released a second studio album, The Second Time Around, covering many genres, and using strings on many of the songs generating two hit singles, Fool That I Am, and , Don't Cry Baby. According to one of the many legends of Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place in South America, two men and one woman at the table pulled their chairs into the limited shade offered by the thin limbs of casadensis trees. They moved to Cholilaand began raising livestock. Gray was described as being a beautiful woman, as Place was, relatively wealthy, and said to have been articulate in her speech, intelligent, well-mannered, well-dressed on all occasions, and seemingly educated. However, the claims made by Longabaugh become very clouded and confusing, with dates that don't match up, as he often cited facts that were inconsistent with earlier claims made by him, and he often changed his story. Many of the details of Place's life have been lost to time. Kirby, Edward M. The Saga of Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch. In fact, Bassett was arrested for rustling cattle, and also entered her first marriage, while Place was in South America with Longabaugh and Parker. What is known, with little doubt, is that she simply changed her name and began a new life, essentially disappearing from history. Genres. She was principally the companion of Longabaugh. She married Artis Mils in 1969 who remained her husband until her death. Gerald Kolpan's ETTA (www.ettathenovel.com) purports to tell the "true" story of Etta and Sundance and includes many historical figures such as Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley and Eleanor Roosevelt. She was the one who held the horses and remained on guard while they robbed and stole. Legendary figures like Wyatt Earp, Jesse James, Belle Starr and the Apache Kid had their exploits built up far out of proportion to the actuality. She continued to work with Chess throughout the 1960s and early '70s. Etta Place, shown here in a photo taken in either Mexico or Texas with a womens group called Las Soldaderas, was a friend and outlaw companion of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. In researching his claims about his mother, there is some evidence that she did once teach school, but also some indications that she was a prostitute. When the political climate in the region began to change, and with rumors that the Pinkerton Agency had picked up a lead on their whereabouts, the three felt it was best to leave the country. Selcer and other historians theorize that the end of Ettas romantic life with the Sundance Kid came when he escorted her to a Denver hospital and left her there. mexico pancho villa nogales mexico nogales arizona arizona 6 more. History Blazer, May 1995. When Mama Lu died in 1950, Dorothy took her to the Fillmore District, San Francisco where she was exposed to doo-wop and was inspired to form a girl group, called the Creolettes. In 2003, she was honored with a Walk of Fame star at 7080 Hollywood Blvd. WebEtta Place - Longabaugh's Alleged Son Longabaugh's Alleged Son Robert Harvey Longabaugh (February 21, 1901-December 18, 1972), who claimed years later to be the son of Longabaugh, claimed that Etta Place was actually Hazel Tyrone, a half-sister to his mother, Annie Marie Thayne. The three visited museums, ate fine food and attended the opera. The outlaws fired their own weapons indiscriminately into the collection of law enforcement officers that had gathered. Born in about 1878, nothing is known of Ettas life before she met Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, better known as the Sundance Kid. Etta Place (1878-unknown) was almost certainly not her real name, but no one knows for sure what name she was born under. She remarried and moved to Paraguay. setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src","https://sample.dragonforms.com/getEmbeddedClientScript.do?embeddedsite=TW_dispatch_nl"),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. In a letter sent from Valparaiso, Chile, and dated June 28, 1905, Sundance wrote to his friend Gibbon that "our business went well and we received our money. Excerpt from My Antonia https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/ettajames-5452.php. Sundance pulled Etta down with him. Beautiful, refined, intelligent Etta Place was a triple threat when she met Harry Longabaugh and Robert Leroy Parker, the outlaws known as The Sundance Kid and Butch Cassidy, respectively, at a San Antonio brothel around 1900. Plot summary. According to the February 19, 1950, edition of the American Weekly, Butch told the Buenos Aires bank president that he and his friends were afraid of thieves. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1991. The remainder of Robert Longabaugh's stories are believed to have been completely fabricated by him. There has been some speculation that she was once married to a school teacher, and at least one claim that she abandoned her husband and two children to be with Longabaugh. WebEtta James was born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los Angeles and had a very tumultuous childhood as she was brought up by foster parents who ill-treated her. With the exception of Butch, Sundance and Etta, who traveled to Pennsylvania and New York together, gang members confined themselves to the West. Popular locations for her place of birth include Utah, New York City, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. WebIn much the same way as she appeared, Etta Place suddenly vanished from history with only rumors and myth to explain her fate. The woman with him is said to be his wife and to be from Texas. Robert Harvey Longabaugh (February 21, 1901-December 18, 1972), who claimed years later to be the son of Longabaugh, claimed that Etta Place was actually Hazel Tyrone, a half-sister to his mother, Annie Marie Thayne. 1907: Place is living in San Francisco, without Longabaugh, and there is no evidence that they have seen one another since his departure two years prior. This is confirmed by a hospital staff record from Denver, where she received treatment in May 1902, which reports her age as "23 or 24," (therefore again, c.1878), although both records may transpire to be from the same original source, the hospital staff. Gray was described as being a beautiful woman, but there are no known photographs of her from that period, and only one quality photograph from the period of Place. In Search of Butch Cassidy. Because Pinkerton's believed the story was true, historians believed it too. They disappeared in the night just as easily as they had done many times before. In fact, there were a number of North American outlaws drifting throughout the Southern Continent, any of whom may have been responsible for the crimes blamed on them. Al Sharpton and she was entombed at Inglewood Park Cemetery in Los Angeles County, California. Dueting with Harvey Fuqua, she recorded her first hit singles, If I Can't Have You, and, Spoonful. Butch Cassidys sister, Lula Parker Betensen, told reporters from the Los Angeles Times on April 7, 1970, that the Bolivian Army did not kill her brother and Etta. The photo was sent to a family member and remained in the family for many years until it was published in 1992. Historical Atlas of the Outlaw West. His cohorts in crime thought the idea had promise and were enthusiastic about the opportunity. Curiously, the agency took no action, perhaps because of a reticence on the part of their North American clients to support the operation. Kelly, Charles. There is no evidence that Longabaugh and Place saw one another at all between 1905 and his alleged death in 1908. 18961905) WebEtta Place was involved with the Sundance Kid and was a member of the Butch Cassidys Wild Bunch. Sundance bought Etta a gold lapel watch. According to legend, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Harry Longabaugh) infamous Utah outlaws noted throughout the Diagnosed with Alzheimers disease and with terminal leukemia, she died in California on January 20, 2012. This petition was signed by Place and Ryan, per Santiago. WebAccording to reports of the day, Bassett and Davis were two of only five women ever allowed into the Robbers Roost hideout, the other three being Josie Bassett, the Sundance Kid 's girlfriend Etta Place, and Wild Bunch gang member Laura Bullion . Robbers had re-mounted and disappeared in the region released in 1964 photo shows the Sundance Kid, Etta Place up... 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Victor Valley Mortuary Obituaries, Articles D