Awesome Cub Scout resource! The highlight of our December Pack meeting (aside from the food and Santa passing out Pinewood Derby cars and candy canes) was our Popcorn Pie Toss. Matt Hyde OBE - Chief Executive. With just 6 boys a relay race might be a bit difficult with just the boys. Youll find this years plans in addition to prior years. Once the Eagle candidate has recited their new Eagle Scout Oaths, they should be presented with their Eagle Scout Award! For example - Cheerful could be a Clown or Juggler. Take the Scout Promise, the Scout Law and put each separate word on a 3x5 card. Fold them ONCE, and throw them in a big shopping bag, mixed up. Sce xmp.iid:C5515EEF4F2068118C14A7CF6DFBF125 First, take a second to read through each agenda point below and make sure its accounted for in your own Eagle COH planning process: Now, do you understand the basic components of an Eagle Court of Honor? Through pack service projects, they willlearn to treat the environmentwith care.. It could also be a 'featured event.' After the audience members have taken their seats, the MC can officially announce the start of the Eagle Court of Honor ceremony. Your Cubs have , ( I hope), been learning these. Patrols discuss what special items they will need for the main event. 3082664534 Web0 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cub Scouts: Add extra fun to your pack activities with guest speakers and community resources. If your Pack meeting will be this month you could do a (turkey) feather race (keep throwing a feather down a course and back to start). 29160 A virtual meeting can have a very similar format as that of a regular in-person meeting. Great! 28348 Plan the groups portion of the campfire program or interfaith service. If it touches the ground the player has to start over. The A-frame canvas tents have been used by generations of Scouts but are open to bugs and lots of other critters. Which safety-related merit badges could we focus on this month? This flag ceremony can be used at den and pack meetings. Adobe Systems At this point, the MC of the Eagle Court of Honor may want to announce some final messages such as: After these announcements are made, make sure the MC ends the Eagle Court of Honor with the following statement, I now declare this Eagle Court of Honor concluded.. ), and the Pack buying the meat dish. Whatever extra gifts were brought are donated to a local shelter. This part of the Eagle Court of Honor varies greatly from troop to troop! But something to increase the interest of learning the law. Say the name LOUDLY! Discuss common areas of the home where accidents can occur and their prevention. Increase self-confidence in Scouts so they will be able to act rationally in emergencies. Congrats, youve made it through the planning for an entire Eagle Court of Honor! Fold them ONCE, and throw them in a big shopping bag, mixed up. WebCub Scout Ideas Cub Scout Award Presentation Ideas Girl Scout Gifts Girl Scout Mom Girl Scout Troop Leader Girl Scout Swap American Heritage Girls Badge Girl Scout Badge Presentation idea: I got reindeer antler headbands 2 for $1 at Dollar Tree and stapled the badges on. I did find these couple of ideas. To mark the ending of a Court of Honor, a closing ceremony should be held. WebTREVOR BANISTER. Allow The Scouting Segment of an Eagle Court of Honor is dedicated to educating the audience on the values that a scout will learn on the path to Eagle. Theyre then asked to recite the pledge and charge themselves! Yep. Not only does this give the new Eagle Scout a chance to talk about their journey their speeches often inspire other scouts to continue striving for their Eagle Scout Rank as well! HelveticaNeue-Black Adobe Systems 001.102 We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. With all of that, you should now be 100% prepared to hold an incredible Eagle Court of Honor. and the boys applaud and cheer as appropriate. How can we incorporate that into our Pack Meeting? Celebrate the amazing achievement, eat good food, and reminisce with friends. Id recommend that the new Eagle Scout practice detaching the pins from the award box beforehand, as this can be unexpectedly tricky. Emphasize the importance of Internet safety. Are you looking for a Cub Scout flag ceremony that will be easy for Scouts to remember? They pass the message on to the next Scout who arrives, and so on. Youll want to download this attendance sheet for Cub Scouts! It sounds like you are looking for 'activities that involve the entire audience,' and there is nothing wrong with that but remember that it should include the entire audience, including moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, siblings the Pack Meeting is for everyone. Bringing the families into the fun helps them to get them hooked. This portion of the ceremony usually takes place right after an Eagle Court of Honor opening, and often includes the troops participation. Check out this Five Finger Flag Ceremonyperfect for Cub Scouts! Usually, when a person becomes an Eagle Scout, letters are sent to that person to congratulate them on achieving such a prestigious rank. A candle would be lit to symbolize each rank, and the MC would go into great detail about the responsibilities that came with each step on ones journey to Eagle. Do something nice for the environment and Discuss Internet safety and youth protection online, including email and social media. Do something nice for the environment and for the needy in your area. This is a handy resource for pack planning. Interested in signing your child up for Scouting (or becoming a BSA/Boy Scout yourself)? We used the August meeting plan in May because it fit in better with what we wanted to do that month (a "graduation" campfire). Learn to care for the environment by working on the. At almost all regular Courts of Honor, Scoutmaster minutes are included so that the Scoutmaster can impart a thoughtful message to the audience. If possible, ask the parents to do it SILENTLY, without talking! If you don't already know about it, really pay attention here and through other study to the foundation of scouting. the patrol method. Galapagos Design Group If you do balloons be sure to have some replacement "turkeys" for any that give their lives for the Scout's fun! How to store your Cub Scout activity supplies. Kids can learn about citizenship with this mock election game where they cast their ballot for their favorite candy bar. We invited one of their chief instructors to our Pack meeting and he taught the kids what to do if a stranger tries to grab them (it involves a certain way of yanking your arm away which actually works very well as a four year old my son was able to escape no matter how tightly I gripped his arm). An Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony is one of the most important milestones in a scouts journey, so its only natural that youd want to hold an amazing event. Sign up for a new account in our community. Here are a few ideas: What are your ideas for teaching this concept? If we had a guess speaker what would they usually talk about at a Pack meeting? Do you usually have refreshments and snacks at Pack meetings? Drop left hand rope into right hand, which grasps new coil in on top of coil already there. For a topic, Id recommend reflecting on some sort of story that relates directly to the new Eagle Scouts. Scene: Start of the Pack Meeting. I currently have a pair of 4" two-way speakers in the backseat area sidepanels, and I'd like to add front Preopening Ideas on Troop Program Resources, Preparation forthe meetings game or challenge, Library of Games and Challenges on Troop Program Resources, 2022 Boy Scouts of America - All Rights Reserved, U.S. Department of Homeland Securitys advisory system. Almost all Scouting ceremonies begin with a presentation of the colors. If you have good enough den leaders, you could do what my pack does and divide the responsibilities. Every month we split the gathering, flag cerem Sorry for the delayed response. Tip for choosing your MC: The MC you choose should be an experienced speaker who is well-respected by the troop. I'll check the issues out. Communication is important for our Cub Scout packs and dens. This site is made to support Scouts, Scoutmasters, and Scouting families. Look online for lots of ideas. Then prepare and deliver to your counselor an introduction of the person as though this person were to be a guest speaker, and include reasons why the audience would want to hear this person speak. You can click each of the headings above to jump to its related section in this article. False The actual technique only takes a few minutes to learn, but he builds up to it with a lot of explanation on how he expects his students to behave (standing at attention, acknowledging commands with a loud 'Yes Sir! There are a variety of pledges, charges, and challenges that can be found through the link above, in case youre looking for some inspiration in making your own Eagle Oaths portion special. I looked through a couple of the plans, but in my opinion, the pack activities were on the slow side. Copyright 2021 with applause and cheers (silly, fun cheers!). He comes up and shows his turn-out gear, talks about fire safety, calling 911. Simple obstacle course (crawling through tubes, hopping over swim noodles) can be fun. During this portion of an Eagle COH, scouts will recite the Eagle Charge and be inducted into the ranks of Eagle Scouts an achievement that only about 5% of scouts reach! Troop Meeting Format. Post the flags. I have a lot of great Scouting memories from over the years, but this one was truly the best. As a final tip, Id say to pay lots of affection to the Eagle Scout on their special night and to take lots of pictures. Consider holding the meeting at that agency or arrange for a tour at a later date. Oh! Theyre fun, inexpensive, and easy to construct. (Speaker waits for the Eagle Scouts to reach the front and line up.) December, with all of its traditions is an especially good month to talk about this topic. Plot a two or three mile course which takes you to several different churches. Bear Scouts Girl Scouts Cub Scout Crafts Cub Scout Activities Thanks Chris for your help. Find out which Cub Scout adventure requirements can be completed at pack meetings. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. PostScript Have different youth instructors give five-minute overviews on: Have a guest expert discuss the importance of public safety in the community. Boy Scouts of America, Non Hosted Council - All Rights Reserved, Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO), Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS), Maybe run a quick online quiz or other game, Announcements (can also be done at end of meeting), With some creativity, many can be adapted into virtual meetings, Drive in Movie Theater with social distancing in cars, Have the members of the troop plan out a route. ZapfDingbatsITC Invite a ham radio operator to set up at your meeting place so Scouts can experience amateur radio as they arrive. A good Cub RT is run like a Pack meeting, giving the model for other folks to emulate. 1 As a leadership team, you may want to discuss the following items when choosing safety as your program feature during your planning meetings. :), link to The Value And Benefits of Scouting (58 Highlights From Scouts), link to All Eagle-Required Merit Badges: Difficulty Rankings in 2023, Special Presentations and Eagle Scout Speeches, Holding A Reception For Guests Of The New Eagle Scout, 6 Keys to Preparing an Eagle Court of Honor, Full Timeline when Preparing For an Eagle Court of Honor, All Eagle-Required Merit Badges: Difficulty Rankings And Guides, Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy For Just got finished with a week of Cub Scout Day Camp. Regardless of whatever direction you decide to take in this portion of the Eagle Court of Honor, make sure to end this section with a discussion on the importance of the Eagle Scout Rank. Free printable cheat sheet script included! Length of about 20' is about right for Cubs. / Closing: Lead the boys in Scout Promise, Law. In a larger venue, itll be important to point out the locations of fire escapes for each side of the room (especially since most Courts of Honor use candles). Edit with a pdf reader or handwrite on a printed copy. These FREE Cub Scout pack meeting plans are useful for much more than pack meeting ideas. Scene: Start of Left hand grasp rope, bring it back to right hand (right hand doesn't move!) 2.012 For reference, here is an example of a basic Eagle Scout Charge and Eagle Scout Pledge: I reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath. HelveticaNeue-Roman The focus could be on fire, police, water systems, transportation, or another area. ), about BAND: Cub Scout Pack Communication App, about Free Cub Scout Pack Meeting Planner, about How to Make a Paper Airplane for Cub Scouts, about Connections in the Cub Scout Rank Requirements, about Free Cub Scout Pack Meeting Plans Save You Time, about Active and Passive Activities at Cub Scout Meetings, about Cub Scout Activity Supplies Storage Box, about Cub Scout Requirements Involving Pack Meetings, about Benefits of Webelos Leading Their Own Den Meetings. scouts really enjoyed skits, but we'd lean on the Den Leaders to pull them together. and they were less than enthusiastic about it so it was a mixed result. so lean on the scouts to do their own things, instead of the adults doing it for them. Give SHORT CMminute about being safe, thank Mr. EMT (in circle?) Wish everyone a safe trip home , Squeeze hands goodbye, let go. Opening: Dens line up/sit together. Identify potential hazards for an overnight outing. HelveticaNeue-Bold The Cubs will love it, watching their parents try to line up in the proper order. We did the PoA and Cub promise. Guest is an EMT from the VFD down the road. Our Cub Scouts find active ways to help others in their neighborhoods and spread the goodwill of Scouting. 111497471 Not done yet, ask family and friends to join in. Opening: Dens line up/sit together. Parents in the back. CM:: "Scout Sign!" (everyone should know what the Scout Sign means!) Everyone stands as th You will need to be creative and you should talk to others and share and learn about novel ideas that work. Introduce Scouts to a variety ofcommunication methods. As with the presentation of the colors, there are strict guidelines as to how to properly retire the American and troops/state flags. This Cub Scout Connections resource identifies common themes and shows the requirements for each rank that fit each theme. Keep the Cubs in hand, don't let them comment. Wildlife educators - In our area we have a great 'snake guy' who is involved in Scouting. You can throw in other challenges too, such as knot tying or exercises. If it is 'To the Rescue' invite the fire department, EMTs, or Coast Guard. 3961400679 Hold END of rope in left hand, throw coil with right, it should not tangle but will pay out evenly. Inform your audience of the level of character, commitment to service, and determination a scout must have in order to reach the prestigious rank of Eagle! The winner of each heat wins a sticker they can put on their car or their Pinewood Derby Driver's License. or do a Drive-By with leadership staying a few special words of recognition the people in each car. In the same manner as you requested the letters of commendation, make sure to notify your guest speakers well ahead of time. If so, you're in the right place! To meet our needs, what should we change in the sample meeting plans? 3853555230 These are all really great ideas. Thanks for all the input everyone. Do an in-depth analysis of how it contributes to public safety and what challenges it faces. Now, this probably means you'll be added to 'Roundtable Staff,' and ideally this would involve some planning and coordination on your part each month but since you'll be busy Cubmastering, even if you keep it really simple it would still probably have immense value for your fellow Cubmasters. A cool Bobcat Ceremony is a MUST! Strike a balance between the active and passive parts of the meeting. When our kids are involved in activities such as Cub Scouts, sports, dance, and church youth groups, we want the group to keep us informed. PDF/X-4 So that gives us some general ideas. Acting silly is something most Scouts do well with. Learn how to make armpit fudge! "Will everyone please stand." Talk to your Cub Scout Day Camp folks about their games and equipment. For example --- our Pinewood Derby has boys choosing continuously who they will race against. Activities at camp and things to see and do? Identify high-risk areas in national or local security (such as ports, airports, and high-rise buildings). With a pack as big as yours, that might be helpful! June 19, 1989. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. By Help Scouts understand and overcomecommunication barriers. One thing to note is that Eagle Scouts rarely, if ever, plan their own Eagle Courts. WebCommunicating Effectively. CubCast; ScoutCast; More Subscribe to Podcast; menu. Look online for lots of ideas. Cole here I also love hearing Eagle Scout speeches! Discuss what works and what doesnt, and make a plan for improving communication. For the December Pack meeting, we have relay races with each boy in a den taking turns in the sleigh while the other boys pull each boy around the race course. I earned my Eagle back in 2014, and along the way, learned how to be a dependable leader. It helps the dens feel involved in the larger meetings and gives the Cubmaster a chance to focus on more than just planning activities. One of the most important parts of an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony is the planning process, which typically begins at least 2 months before the Eagle Court of Honor is held. Hard to go wrong with balloons. PostScript Instill a good grasp of the fundamentals of public safety. At this point in the ceremony, here are some things that often take place: The person presenting the Eagle Scout awards is usually the primary Scoutmaster, but theres no hard-and-fast rule that it needs to be someone specific. Plus, I even got one from the president of the United States!! Last year, I started meeting with other CMs and CCs. In my troop, these were the guidelines we followed to properly present the colors: Cole here In my troop, it was always previous Eagle Scouts who would serve as the Eagle Court of Honor color guards. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the site author is strictly prohibited. Had competitions on setting up tents. "Don't waste water! Adobe InDesign CS6 (Macintosh) As they explain on that page, you can do these in any order, and you can pull from any of the three years of meeting plans that are currently on the site. Cole here During the reception, Id also recommend setting up photos documenting the journey the new Eagle Scout has taken to achieve their rank. Yes, it sounds so gross, but kids love it! I just want cool/fun activities for my scouts during my pack meetings. cut into 20' lengths, melt/fuse ends. The #1 thing I'd suggest for a first pack meeting would be an exciting game for boys to play. For December we have the dens make a Christmas "sleig Learn how to conduct a Cub Scout flag ceremony. In fact, had you attended my Roundtables last year, you probably wouldn't have learned too much in this regard either. There you should find local Cubmasters and other Cub Scout leaders who are there to share ideas and learn from each other. Learn about different faiths in your neighborhood by doing a church hike. Copyright 2021 (I think that needs some monumental background music, don't you think? There I took the Effective Roundtables course, so now I've been educated on everything I've been doing wrong over the past year, and know what I'm supposed to be doing to do it the right way. We do a Bobcat ceremony where we paint the new scouts faces with dot and lines. This is a huge hit. You can find a ceremony on the Interwebs. We have a tradition where each den is assigned a month to "host" the pack meeting. The Pack I was Cubmaster for was half that size and it kept me busy. Encourage each Scout to pick one to work on in the months to come. Keep things moving. As Scouts arrive, give them copies of the Scout Oath and Scout Law from other countries (in the original languages). Carl Hankinson - UK Chief Commissioner. Clean up area, put chairs away, gather in a circle and have Pack and DLs and Cubs join hands , Left over right. It's no secret, some Eagle-required merit badges are harder to earn than others. There are strict guidelines to presenting the American and Troop/State flags during a regular Court of Honor, and an Eagle Court of Honor is no different! LEFT hand grasps rope next to right hand, palm down, thumb pointing in same direction as right hand. Here , take a card, yep, you too, Pete, and Mrs. Long " (encourage all to pick a card out of the bag until you run out). " I wanted to get some ideas for things we should do during the meeting besides passing out awards. Printable PDF file of Meeting Plans and Ideas for Communication. Good guest speakers - Police Canine unit Local nature center Local chapter of the society for creative anachronism - or a BSA Venturing Crew that s Challenges too, such as knot tying or exercises five-minute overviews on: have a great 'snake guy ' is! Race against preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user a expert. To be a Clown or Juggler to care for the needy in neighborhood... Ceremony can be completed at pack meetings, there are strict guidelines as to how conduct... You to several different churches a ham radio operator to set up at your meeting place so Scouts can amateur... About fire safety, calling 911 to start over for communication asked recite. Its traditions is an EMT from the president of the Scout Law from other countries ( in?! 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