All of these great people, and the neighbors which I continue to meet, provide a tremendous opportunity to learn about what people envision for our city. The Mayor and Council Members attend the monthly Work Sessions and Council meetings. WebThere are six Councilmembers and one Mayor who make up the Council as a whole. As co-chair of the Charter Review Committee, I advocated for a focus on ethics in government and the creation of an Ethics Review Committee. 2021 by Susan Hood. Stay in a group and communicate where they will be going. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! If no write in candidate has qualified then the unopposed candidate shall be deemed to have voted for himself or herself and no election would need to be conducted. Co-founder of Save Clarkstons Neighborhoods community group. The city had 928 residents as of 2020, according to the United States Census Bureau. CLICK HERE FOR TRANSLATED VERSIONS OF FLYER, Historic Preservation Commission Public Hearing/Meeting 02/22/23, Urban Redevelopment Agency Annual Meeting, City Council Regular Meeting 03/07/23 @7PM, Planning & Zoning Board Meeting 03/21/23 @7pm, Historic Preservation Commission Public Hearing/Meeting 03/22/23, Information About Yard Debris, Bulk Items and Special Pick Ups, Planning and Zoning Committee Application, Sign Up for Free Clarkston Police Community Classes, NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS AND REGISTRATION, Notice Of General Election November 2, 2021: Qualified Candidates, Clarkston Senior Resident Advisory Committee, Seeking Applicants - Clarkston Historic Preservation Commission, Small Business Matching Faade Grant Program. Job Opportunity Information!!! Clarkston is a welcoming city, and our diverse community is a place where refugees can put down roots. There are a host of nonprofits, resettlement organizations and volunteers here that provide the assistance they need. I believe one of the challenges that I now face as a Clarkston councilmember is preventing the potential for division of neighbors in our community, said Rodgers. We are also excited to welcome two new National Council Members, playwright Andrew Creech (representing the Western Region) and playwright Diana Burbano (representing Southern California and Work Session are held the last Tuesday of each month and the Council Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, unless stated otherwise. I dont appreciate the attacks on integrity and honesty, Carroll said. You want to elect people who will listen to the community, make wise decisions for the entire The greatest challenge of being a councilmember is being well informed before voting on issues, said Fuller. Clarkston residents have the choice to select three Council members this November. I have known Susan for quite a few years now. The council was split between Johnson and the outgoing vice mayor, Awet Eyasu, who declared his interest in serving another term. It includes issues of equal access, undue influence, transparency, following established procedures, and honest and unbiased communication with residents. Our strength comes from a combination of our multiculturism, our small-town vibe and our close-in location. Whenever I have discussed the concerns of this city with a friend or neighbor, my knowledge base has grown. 3701 College AveView Boundary MAP. If you appreciate our work on this story, pleasebecome a paying supporter. Susan is on several key city boards and committees and has already had a positive impact on the city. He graduated in 2000 with a degree History and a minor, Years Resided in Clarkston:4 year resident, currently living in one of the first homes builtmore than 70 years ago (aired property), in the first African American, Profession:Jamie Carroll graduated from Emory Law School in 2009, and has practiced commercial litigation, real estate law and bankruptcy in Atlanta for the last, Susan is retired from DeKalb County where she served as Assistant County Administrator and led the Parks Bond and Greenspace Office. The City Council constitutes the legislative body of the city. Two new Clarkston city councilors were sworn in Monday night to fill vacant seats. I believe that homeownership is good for residents and good for the community. I am so glad Susan is running for city council. I am driven by a desire to help my community, to make a difference in the lives of its citizens, to bring positive change to the city, and to ensure that all residents live in a safe, thriving community. & Market St) beginning 2/14/22. Carry a cell phone for, 6th annual Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday. Yterenickia S. Bell, affectionately known as YT, has been an advocate in her communities for many years and was re-elected to the Clarkston City Council in 2021. Thank you to our community for your support. https://us02web.zoom, Congratulations to Stephanie Solvig for being last week's Love Our Locals Giveaway winner!!! Facebook; City Council. Throughout my tenure on the council, I will remind myself that I was elected to represent every resident., New city council members address challenges added by Matt Mackinder on December 22, 2021View all posts by Matt Mackinder . Remember reflective tape for costumes and trick-or-treat bags. It is my duty to not just preserve what is there but encourage growth according to the wishes and wants of my neighbors. Each city election is non-partisan, meaning that candidates do not represent any particular political party. The both Meetings start at 7:00pm, in the City Council Chambers, 3921 Church Street, Clarkston, GA 30021. Clarkston, GA At its Feb. 28 work session, the Clarkston city council made plans to repeal the resolution declaring a COVID-19-related state of emergency, which the city council voted to extend last January. City Council. Community Involvements & Organizations:Ms. Burks has been a member of various professional and community organizations including the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Coalition of One Hundred Black Women, National Association for the Advancement of Color People (NAACP), National Association of Female Executives, National Black Meeting Planners Association, Junior League of DeKalb County, and the DeKalb Democratic Party. Clarkston has done a great job. Mayor Burks held her Swearing In Ceremony on November 30,2020. WebCouncil Member Seat 1 Post 1 Currently held by Gina Stroud Cox Council Member Seat 2 Post 2 Currently held by Clinton Monroe Council Member Seat 3 Post 3 Currently held by Chakira Johnson City residents wishing to qualify must do so during the qualifying period. Decaturish is now on Mastadon. Notice is hereby given that a General Election will be held in the City of Clarkston on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, to elect three (3) Council Members to the Clarkston City Council. Institute for Georgia Environmental Leadership graduate. For the council to be effective, its members must be receptive to the opinions and ideas of residents within a diverse community. Now the & Market St) beginning 2/14/22. In all cases, I have found people are willing to share their thoughts if someone is willing to listen. CLARKSTON TRUNK OR TREAT Georgia Power in collaboration with The Department of Community Affairs is offering utility assistance for eligible customers. Topic: URBAN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANNUAL MEETING As a member of the Housing and Infrastructure Advisory Committee, I advocated for policies that encourage housing developers to include affordable units in their projects through incentives such as density bonuses or tax advantages. State officials One of the letters could be written by the candidate. Easy as. I have felt for a while now that the world we live in has become a bit polarized in its view, Rodgers said. Road Closure Alert: Rowland St (Between Norman Rd. Sears Lifeguard Pool Management-Hiring Lifeguards, There's time to still enter the LOVE OUR LOCALS Giveaway for this week!!! People are either right, or they are wrong. Clarkston News Editor The city attorney is expected to weigh in on who gets to appoint members of the city Historic District Commission at Mondays City Council meeting. Birthplace: Keren in Eritrea (East Africa), Councilman Eyasuattended the University of Asmara in 1996. Each member of Council represents one of three districts in Dunwoody. Here are the councils advisory committees approved at the Jan. 10 meeting. Information About Yard Debris, Bulk Items and Special Pick Ups, Planning and Zoning Committee Application, Sign Up for Free Clarkston Police Community Classes, NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS AND REGISTRATION, Notice Of General Election November 2, 2021: Qualified Candidates, Clarkston Senior Resident Advisory Committee, Seeking Applicants - Clarkston Historic Preservation Commission, Small Business Matching Faade Grant Program. 3. She also devotes a lot of time helping residents organize, to understand their rights and how to make their voices heard by elected officials. I got to see firsthand how knowledgeable, experienced, and organized she was. Another excellent quality of Susan is her commitment to the environment and conservation of our scarce resources. Government Boards & Committees Charter Review Committee The Charter Review Committee has been comprised of seven members, two (2) Members from the She is a graduate of the Institute for Georgia Environmental Leadership. The property is at the corner of North Decatur Road and Church Street. Time: Feb 28, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) The city council awarded a $132,185 contract to Russell Landscaping for right-of-way maintenance and landscaping. Eyasu also echoed concerns raised by resident Brian Medford about possible environmental contamination. Many people I know have lived and raised their children here. WebMembers Stuart A. Bikson - Mayor Nancy Salvia - Mayor Pro Tem Mark Albrecht - Council Member Douglas Gould - Council Member Marilyn Trent - Council Member Ann Peterson - Council Member Steve Sage - Council Member About the City Council Each office term is four years, and elections are staggered every two years. Goals for Clarkston:As mayor, I look forward to working with our council and laying the foundation with policies to make economic improvements for our small businesses, improve the health and well-being of our residents, increase the branding our city, increase our usage of the path, more community engagement of our police department and make this community a place for residents to call home. Keeping our sweet town united in purpose is a challenge I plan on being a part of. And she helped lead a successful citizen campaign to ensure that the citys zoning code rewrite was done by a professional firm. There are six Council Members and a Mayor that comprise Clarkston's government. The City of Clarkston has two (2) Voting Precincts. Comprehensive Planning and the Livable Centers Initiative, Amendment to Zoning Conditions Application, Building Permit Application /Buidling Permit Submital Requirements, Subdivision (Sketch/Final Plat) Application, Renewing Your Occupational Tax Certificate, Required Documents for Application Completion. By Matt Mackinder on December 22, 2021No Comment, Back in November, Laura Rodgers and Bruce Fuller were elected as new members to the Clarkston City Council. Our Annual Faith & Blue Weekend Event is only a few days away and we don't want you to miss it!! Federal, Roses are red On Wednesday December 14 2022 at approximately 4, HAPPY HALLOWEEN We asked Jeff why supporting local businesses is so important? A new winner will be announced tomorrow!! [1] Federal officials The current members of the U.S. Senate from Michigan are: To view a map of U.S. House districts in Michigan and find your representative, click here . 1055 Rowland Street. 2021 by Susan Hood. #graduation #welcome #ckpd #WEareCKPD, This is your invite to our National Faith & Blue weekend event. Shop Local and submit your receipt for your chance to win $50!!! Council Member Awet Eyasu; Council Member Jamie Carroll; Vice-Mayor/ Council Member Debra Johnson; Councilmember Draw on the many benefits of cultural diversity, be mindful of those differences when establishing programs and policies, partner with agencies and nonprofits for assistance, continue police training on serving in a multicultural setting, eliminate barriers to full participation in our community. Al Avery, attorney at Avery Law PLC, has lived in Clarkston for 15 years. Under O.C.G.A. WebMoments later, the Clarkston City Council unanimously rescinded that same ordinance after the council member who introduced it, YT Bell, made the motion. #happyhalloween #trunkortreat #CKPD #WEareCKPD #boo, The City of Clarkston Amnesty Program has started and will last until November 30th. The council also focuses on the communitys goals, major projects, and such long-term considerations as community growth, land use development, capital improvement plans, capital financing, and strategic planning. Clarkstons future, finances, and funding discussed during city council retreat Sara Amis Feb 12, 2023 L to R, City Clerk Tomika Mitchell, GMA Member I will advocate for affordable housing and first-time homeowner assistance. Clarkston, GA The Clarkston City Council, at its Jan. 10 meeting, voted to approve rezoning an assemblage of properties on Woodland Avenue following a back Broad management experience in a small city, preferably one with a diverse population; experience creating city budgets; excellent communication skills; and preferably someone familiar with Georgias rules and regulations. Here's how, There's still time to participate in our LOVE OUR LOCALS Giveaway!! As I said, its hard to get people who are extremely qualified, intelligent, and kindhearted to run for public office. Incumbent City Council members Sharron Catallo, Rick Detkowski, and Sue Wylie and challengers Al Avery and Hampton Swayne are running for three, two-year seats on City Council. The council hires a professional manager to carry out the administrative responsibilities of the City and supervises the managers performance. We started running into each other at city council meetings and having discussions about the state and future of the city. The City of Clarkston City Hall and City Offices are now open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m., except for federal holidays. & Market St) beginning 2/14/22. The city council voted to roll over its Local Maintenance Improvement Grant funding from the state. Sign up for our free newsletter by clickinghere. I support refugee resettlement in Clarkston. Information About Yard Debris, Bulk Items and Special Pick Ups, Planning and Zoning Committee Application, Sign Up for Free Clarkston Police Community Classes, NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS AND REGISTRATION, Notice Of General Election November 2, 2021: Qualified Candidates, Clarkston Senior Resident Advisory Committee, Seeking Applicants - Clarkston Historic Preservation Commission, Small Business Matching Faade Grant Program. Clarkston Zoning Rewrite: The draft report is being prepared for the public review. Click here. Time: Feb 7, 2023 06:40 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada), Comprehensive Planning and the Livable Centers Initiative, Amendment to Zoning Conditions Application, Building Permit Application /Buidling Permit Submital Requirements, Subdivision (Sketch/Final Plat) Application, Renewing Your Occupational Tax Certificate, Required Documents for Application Completion. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) should be guided by our Comprehensive Development Plan and adopt a unified rather than a piecemeal approach. Wolves hoops squad honors seniors with win over Troy; district play tipping off this week, Mountaineers head into playoffs with wins, Stuffsites, LLC Full service web and software development. I believe strongly that residents voices must be heard and if elected I will continue to seek ways to empower them. Web"Even before Susan and I became fellow P&Z board members, Susan has always had a conscientious and strong advocacy for the City of Clarkston's Planning and New I dont imagine that every vote I cast will be applauded by every resident, but I certainly will welcome and honor each individual perspective. The city is offering a $50 gift card to boost vaccination rates. Smart growth - economic and residential - that reflects the character of our city; programs to help residents become first time homeowners here, and to assist those at risk of losing their homes; enhancing public safety through community policing, adding officers, and using technology to augment service levels; and quality-of-life improvements such as sidewalks, bike trail connections, park improvements and ensuring compliance with health and safety codes in apartment developments. In order to conduct meetings remotely, state law says that agencies including municipal governments must declare that a state of I bring experience gained through a 20-year career in local government, a history of community advocacy, and a commitment to honesty and openness in government. They provide me with a wealth of historical insights, said Fuller. At the July 5, 2018 Council meeting, the Council adopted a resolution to add an additional resident member position to the Charter Review Committee to be appointed by a majority of a quorum of the Clarkston City Council. Create events such as Shop Clarkston and Dine Out in Clarkston; feature local businesses in our publications, partner with near-by cities for larger events and greater exposure for our businesses. The candidate must be registered and qualified to vote in the municipal elections for the City of Clarkston and continue this qualification throughout their term of office. Tonight at 6:30PM, at the Clarkston Community Center!! Council Member Awet Eyasu; Council Member Jamie Carroll; Vice-Mayor/ Council Member Debra Johnson; Councilmember Laura Hopkins; Council Member Yterenickia Bell; Council Member Susan Hood; Boards & Committees. He also served on the Doraville Active Living Initiative and the Doraville Comprehensive Plan Citizen Advisory Panel, and as a member of the Planning Commission. So, I am very pleased that someone of Susans caliber has decided to run. They serve as the leaders and policy makers elected to represent the community and to concentrate on policy issues that are responsive to citizens needs and wishes. ClickHERE For Absentee Ballot Information, Click HERE to find YOUR DESIGNATED Polling Site, NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS AND REGISTRATION, Notice Of General Election November 2, 2021: Qualified Candidates, Information About Yard Debris, Bulk Items and Special Pick Ups, Planning and Zoning Committee Application, Sign Up for Free Clarkston Police Community Classes, Clarkston Senior Resident Advisory Committee, Seeking Applicants - Clarkston Historic Preservation Commission, Small Business Matching Faade Grant Program. I am so glad Susan is on several key city boards and committees and already... Place where refugees can put down roots continue clarkston city council members seek ways to them! Draft report is being prepared for the community as of 2020, according the... One Mayor who make up the Council as a whole few years now win $ 50!!!!! Two new Clarkston city councilors were sworn in Monday night to fill vacant seats have. 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