Gladys Cruz, incoming president of the association, took up the mounting concern over who will, Moving forward with a future focus is imperative, but not at the expense of disregarding. The 2023 AASA National Conference on Education will be held in San Antonio, TX on February 16-18, 2023. This is one of the bestopportunities for professional development on the planet. How many adults and children will occupy the suite, and how many beds are needed? Developing a System Wide Mental Health Program, Assessing effectiveness of Mental Health programs, Leading for Wellness and Health of Students, Supporting Students Social, Emotional, Mental Well-Being, Leading to Accelerate Social, Emotional, Cognitive Growth, Protecting Vulnerable Children (often-marginalized children such as LGBTQ+ youth, DACA students, ELLs, special education etc. He outlined a number of steps central to his districts strategy on this front: Look at elementary school students strengths, interests and passions. Cancellation requests received starting Saturday, December 17, 2022, will not be refunded. processing fee will not be refunded if the registration is cancelled. This short video contains praise from a few of the school system leaders who attended AASA's 2023 National Conference on Education, held in San Antonio, Texas. 2022-23 TLC Meeting Dates Virtual Meetings (Noon - 1:00 PM ET): August 26, 2022 October 28, 2022 February 24, 2023 April 21, 2023 In-Person Site Visit October 2-4, 2022 Location: Coxsackie-Athens Central School District Albany area, New York March 12-14, 2023 Location: Leyden High School District 212, Chicago, IL Subscribe to the K-12 Dive free daily newsletter, Subscribe to K-12 Dive for top news, trends & analysis, The free newsletter covering the top industry headlines, This audio is auto-generated. ), To pay by credit card, please follow the link in the Team Registration tab above. Educators, he said, must be willing to open the walls of the school building and start blending K-12 and the workforce in unique ways so schools can evolve their models and practices to best equip students for future success. Malloy and his fellow panelists listed off some of those challenges: artificial intelligence, industry demand around specific skill sets, the aftermath of the pandemic, and the demands of parents, school board members and local communities. Teacher Recruitment and Retention: Addressing the Crisis and Building for the Future. AASA may consider a submitted proposal for other meetings and/or conferences. Announcement Made at AASA's National Conference on Education / February 16, 2023. Submit your own events into database (webinars, conferences or fairs). This can be done by bringing in experts, building deeper learning around educational environments related to DEI, and incentivizing staff to complete related microcredentials and put their learning into practice in the classroom. Though K-12 workforce challenges predated the pandemic, the health crisis has only exacerbated the issue and led to further debate over whats needed to keep teachers and staff in the profession or bring them back. Malloy said that while his district has been successful in helping students be college-ready, they are working on better equipping them to be career-ready. Theres never been a better time to revive and renew your commitment to yourself, your district and your passion for publiceducation. 2023 National Conference on Education - AASA, The School Superintendents Association - (formerly AASA National Conference On Education (NCE) 2023 - The School Superintendents Association) In-person: San Antonio Texas-verified. The first step in bringing DEI to schools, he said, is to build awareness around individual bias, beliefs and practices before moving into action. If paying by Check or Purchase Order, do not register your team online - instead, please, If processing a team with an invitation code please. BrittanyVoges currently serves as a Marketing Specialist at Edmentum, and has been with the company since 2016. March 20, 2023: 9am ETCall for Proposals Opens, May 31, 2023: 11:59 pm ETCall for Proposals Closes, August 1, 2023Notification of Acceptance or Rejection, August 15, 2023Deadline for accepted presenters to return completed/ signed presenter agreement, December 31, 2023Deadline for presenters to register to be included in the conference program book*Any presenters registered or changed after this time will be adjusted in the conference mobile app only, January 9, 2024Deadline for additional audiovisual requests, January 17, 2024Deadline for presenters to submit electronic handouts to the mobile app, Presentations should feature at least one superintendent/school district leader and preferably team members from one or more school district(s), 5. . We're heeeeere! Im looking forward to the opportunities its going to cause, because content is at our fingertips now even more than ever, and if were still focusing on content, I think were going to not be serving our kids as well as we should be, Malloy said. AASA, The School Superintendents Association has partnered with Convention Management Resources as the official provider of Registration and Housing services for the AASA National Conference on Education 2023. Incomplete forms or insufficient PO will not be processed. 978-364-5175. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. We are very cautious with your data privacy. Before contacting AASA Housing to request a suite, we recommend that you make a room reservation first. AI can never replace that which is us, Malloy said, detailing how it cannot replicate things like empathy, compassion, contribution, service and voice, or the ability to analyze, synthesize, clarify, confirm and persuade in a way that incorporates those human qualities. For more information about the Women in School Leadership Awards, please visit the AASA website or contact Jennifer Rooney, AASA director, meetings and awards, at Historically, recurrent teacher shortages are the result of both declines in the number of candidates entering the teaching profession and high rates of teacher turnover, which have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Be sure to refer to the attendee names on the PO and that the $25 PO processing fee is also reflected in the maximum allowed charge on the official PO form. Her job, she said, is to help parents, principals, business leaders and people in the community to come see why we do that.. AASA National Conference on Education 2023, Registration & Hotels, AASA Registration and Housing Support Center. Building on that idea, Kristi Wilson, superintendent of Buckeye Elementary School District #33 in Arizona, said its critical to recognize opportunities that exist now to make changes and to collaborate on those with the community. 2023 February 15 - AASA NCE 2023 Conference Daily Online 2023 Pre-Con February 15 AASA's award-winning newsletter, providing daily coverage of key speakers, topical sessions, photos and video clips of the conference. Go to. It undermines student achievement and school improvement efforts. If you are planning to use a Purchase Order for your registration, you may continue with online registration and select "Purchase Order" as your payment type. If you are planning to use a Purchase Order for your registration, you may use the registration form below or continue with online registration and select "Purchase Order" as your payment type. Let K-12 Dive's free newsletter keep you informed, straight from your inbox. 2022 Convention Management Resources, Inc. Step away from your day-to-day to come together with your colleagues at AASAs National Conference on Education. NSBA Annual Conference 2023 - Orlando, FL. Access the conference app. The National Conference on Education, presented by AASA, The School Superintendents Association, is the premier professional development and networking event for school superintendents and administrators. The Main Presenter will be listed in printed materials and is responsible for managing the submission process, as well as providing all required assets should the submission be selected. Cancellation requests received by Friday, December 16, 2022, will receive a refund minus a $100 cancellation fee. Presenters agree to permit AASA to provide their contact information to attendees upon request. As a result, some students are able to use Java programming language as early as 3rd grade, Wilson said. Any other audiovisual equipment (i.e. The initial team registrations must be submitted at the same time. In Ohios Middletown City School District, former superintendent Marlon Styles who recently left his position to become a consultant said industry demand for skill sets is the No. AASA, founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 10,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. National Rural Education Advocacy Coalition. Schools across the U.S. are struggling with lead in their drinking water. Alternatively, you may also complete the Registration Form and send the completed form along with the official PO to or by fax to: (415) 293-4070. All Purchase Orders must be paid in full before attendees may receive their badges and conference materials. For any questions regarding your registration, please send us a message through the AASA Registration Support Center or give us a call at 1-866-226-4939 (US & Canada) or (415) 268-2097 (International). Visit the AASA NCE 2023 Exhibitor Registration website to register your booth staff and book housing. If youre in a district where you can build a new school or you can reimagine spaces or rebuild you can think about what is it that you want your educational program to look like, because we dont know what the future is going to hold for what jobs will look like, Wilson said. All National Conference on Education information and correspondence will be sent via email. Preference will be given to the sessions that follow the NCE Focus Zones as outlined below. She said her schools begin college and career work in kindergarten, citing early coding and robotics activities as examples. Thank You for Attending the 35th Annual Association of Academic Surgical Administrators (AASA) Conference. Get the free daily newsletter read by industry experts. United States. Please note applicable requirements below for all Purchase Orders: Registrations without payments or official PO on file will be removed on weekly basis. Speaker cancellations:Alberto Carvalho and Ileana Davalos from Equity Action Network: Preparing New Teachers to Serve in the Districts High-Needs School, 9:15-10:15 a.m. Saturday, Room 302-C. On behalf of AASA, The School Superintendents Association, thank you for taking the time to consider submitting a proposal for the 2024 National Conference on Education, February 15-17 in San Diego, CA. Minimum of three (3) people are required from the same school district to be eligible for Team Registration and to qualify for team discount. As early as 5 years old, we want [students] to be inspired and believe they can choose and they can do, with the opportunity, whatever they want to do, so whenever they do get into college, they have those foundational skills and the belief in themselves, Wilson said. . For the past three academic years, districts across the country have faced varying degrees of disruption and challenges due to the pandemic. We dont ask them to do anything else [at that point] besides become self-aware, Styles said. SAN ANTONIO From technology to student voice to diversity, a litany of factors is forcing teaching and learning to evolve for the needs not just of a fast-changing work world, but for rapidly shifting student demographics. processing fee will not be refunded if the registration is cancelled. Contact Support Will that get 100% completion? 2022 Convention Management Resources, Inc. Feb 16: 2023 Austin RV Expo: In-person: Austin Texas--Feb 16: Sew Magical Expo 2023: In-person: Today's announcement came at the National Conference on Education, hosted by AASA, The . Find FAQ answers online 24/7, or contact us: AASA Registration & Hotels Support Center, (866) 226-4939 (US & Canada)(415) 268-2097 (International), Where: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas, When: Thursday, February 16, 2023 Saturday, February 18, 2023. You must send a copy of the official Purchase Order to: AASA will assess a $25 processing fee for every PO. Kevin McGowan of Brighton Central Schools in New York has been named 2023 National Superintendent of the Year by AASA, The School Superintendents Association. His district created a Passport to Tomorrow where students earn a Ready Now certificate that is more powerful than a high school diploma, Styles said. Attendees will have the chance to explore a support network dedicated to improving equity, student outcomes, district performance and more. AASA will not cancel a conference due to inclement weather. While a lot of activities involve students, engagement has much more to do with reciprocal influence, Malloy said, so do leaders have evidence that students are actually influencing what theyre doing and why? AASA is searching for the best of the best presenters to engage attendees in conversations around cutting edge trends, issues and solutions in education. The final award recipients in each category will be announced during the AASA National Conference on Education, Feb. 16-18, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas. The last day to accept pre-payment by check is Monday, January 23, 2023. The AASA Vision is to: Advance the field of professional administration and management within the clinical, education, and research missions of academic departments of surgery; Promote to key stakeholders the value of professional administrators in furthering the overall success of academic surgical departments; ET, Provided by Carolina Biological Supply Company, Principal, teacher turnover exceeds pre-pandemic levels, Maine Title I funds in jeopardy over assessment data, AASA 2023: How 3 districts are working to transform teaching and learning, Efforts grow to support pathways for teachers and ed leaders of color, Tackling teacher and staff shortages in K-12. Wilson echoed this, saying district leaders must make sure principals, leadership teams and senior staff all understand and are on board with DEI strategic plans, and that the work isnt siloed. Eliminating barriers to mobility and rethinking prep programs were among suggestions district leaders offered at the National Conference on Education. partnered with Convention Management Resources as the official provider of Registration and Housing services for the AASA National Conference on Education 2023. All Purchase Orders must be paid in full before attendees may receive their badges and conference materials. fee if registration was paid by P.O. Published Feb. 23, 2023 Roger Riddell Senior Editor Join AASA at our 2022 Annual Conference in San Diego . Register and book your hotel room today for the AASA 2023 National Conference on Education! The 2023 National Superintendent of the Year will be announced and the state nominees honored at AASA's National Conference on Education to be held February 16-18, 2023, in San Antonio. 2022 AASA, The School Superintendents Association. AASA Learning 2025 National Summit in Washington, DC. District leaders must also recognize that theres a significant difference between involvement and engagement. Alex Boy, performer and mental health advocate, will be the keynote speaker for this year's first general session. Keep up with the story. Presenters permit AASA to record their session for NCE attendees. Please enter your Last Name and AASA ID Number. Now in its 36 th year, the National Superintendent of the Year program is co-sponsored by AASA, Corebridge Financial (formerly known as AIG Life & Retirement) and First Student and . Visit the AASA NCE 2023 Exhibitor Registration website to register your booth staff and book housing. #NCE2023, New Mexico Secretary of Education, NMSU Vice-Chair Regent. Topics covered: K-12 policy, classroom technology, school systems, personalized learning, equity, and much more. In a Feb. 17 panel discussion at the National Conference on Education, hosted by AASA, The School Superintendents Association, three superintendents shared their best practices and lessons learned in navigating educational transformation. It is not recognition of service at retirement or a program to reward current state or national leaders. Share this story 4 Janica Johnson Reviewed AASA National Conference on Education on 14 Feb 2020 Partnerships at Bank Street Graduate School of Education 4 Patty Reviewed AASA National Conference on Education on 18 Feb 2019 Education at CCPS COMMUNITY 1 Following Follow AASA Conferences to get updates about their events and community + Follow Company Location Six times out of 10, we havent asked., The next question he asks is, How do we know that we have truly in our engagement really connected with all views and perspectives, not just the ones who put their hands up?. View Event Jul 06 STEM Leadership Consortium Consortium Join Us at the 2023 AASA National Conference on Education Visit us at the American Association of School Administrators' 2023 National Conference on Education at Booth #713 to learn more about how CrisisAlert can protect your schools and communities. Feb 18, 2023 School System Leaders Applaud AASA's 2023 National Conference on Education Watch on This short video contains praise from a few of the school system leaders who attended AASA's 2023 National Conference on Education, held in San Antonio, Texas. The National Conference on Education, presented by AASA, The School Superintendents Association, is the premier professional development and networking event for school superintendents and administrators. Contact Exhibitor Registration through the AASA Registration and Housing Support Center for more information. Find best hotel deals near the venue. All team members must be from the same school district. Starts: Apr 1, 2023 09:00:00 AM (ET) Ends: Apr 3, 2023 05:00:00 PM (ET) Download to Your Calendar. 2023 AASA The School Superintendents Association1615 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314703-528-0700 info@aasa.orgLegal Disclaimers AASA Home. Cancellation requests received starting Saturday, December 17, 2022, will not be refunded. AASA Learning 2025 Calendar of Events All Programs & Events The 2023 Call for Proposals is now closed. Absolutely not even close to 100%, Styles said. The Cincinnati-area district is working to leverage around 100 industry endorsements around the region, in which industry partners will come into schools and open their workplaces to help students develop the skills those employers need. Discount is not valid without school district and Member ID #. Styles shared the story of a student named Dorothy, who told him she had dreams in life and could see a light at the end of the tunnel, but didnt know how to get there. Once that awareness is built, DEI goals must be attached to an educational initiative for staff on how their behavior impacts students sense of belonging. Hope to see you at one of many opportunities this week at the AASA, The School Superintendents Association National Conference on Education Registration is open for the 2023 National Conference on Education in San Antonio, TX, February 16-18, 2023. Next year's location: The 2024 AASA National Conference on Education will be held in San Diego, CA on February 15-17 . With more than 3,000 superintendents attending, youre bound to form an industry network you can leverage for improving equity, student outcomes, district performance and so much more. If your organization qualifies for San Antonio, TX hotel tax exemption, you must provide a copy of your tax exemption certificate to the hotel upon check-in. For any questions regarding your registration, please send us a message through the AASA Registration Support Center or give us a call at 1-866-226-4939 (US & Canada) or (415) 268-2097 (International). This button displays the currently selected search type. To request a suite, send us a message. But there are really unique challenges and opportunities that are surrounding us right now that I think are going to demand the change were talking about.. Registration and housing will open soon.The preferred hotel for the Illinois delegation is the Hilton Palacio del Rio. The EmpowerED Digital Superintendent of the Year Award, sponsored by ClassLink, is given annually to a district leader that has championed the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. Please refer to our Terms Of Serviceand Privacy Policy. How are superintendents, who serve districts large and small, managing to reflect on lessons learned, assess what is required to address priority needs, and develop actionable plans for the future of learning? Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images. Make sure this is being done in ways that dont box kids into a certain pathway early on. You must send a copy of the official Purchase Order to: AASA will assess a $25 processing fee for every PO. Cancellations in this section refer to the cancellation of the registration in its entirety. Roger Riddell/K-12 Dive Listen to the article 6 min View the shuttle schedule for select hotels. Finalists for the 2023 AASA National Superintendent of the Year PJ Caposey Meridian Community Unit School District #223 Before her time at Edmentum, Brittany studied both Early Childhood and Elementary Education, and eventually went on to teach 4th grade in Title 1 schools. 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Jim Bankoff Political Party, Articles A