Tracie Hunte: Or, is this just a way of saying that she's black? I don't know if there was racism. Ela foi trs vezes medalhista de prata do Campeonato Mundial (1993-1995), conquistou cinco medalhas de ouro e uma de prata em campeonatos europeus e foi eneacampe do campeonato nacional francs. Latif Nasser: Her left leg. Robert Krulwich: It's always close. Respect Sorya, je vous ai toujours admir, quelle carrire, et le salto arrire restera longtemps grav dans notre ma mmoire ! Bonaly quickly became a star in France, winning the first of her nine national titles as a 15-year-old in 1989 while working on her quad jump. As a Black skater competing in the late eighties and nineties, she is still cited as a prominent example of how racism and figure skating conventions affect . Sandra Bezic: And on behalf of everyone at Radiolab-. Incroyablement, Surya Bonaly a remport un total de neuf titres de champion de France, cinq titres de champion dEurope et quatre mdailles dor dans des comptitions de championnat du monde. ! Loads and loads of technical difficulty. And she was part of a team whose job it was to decide which girls to send to the Junior World Championships. TV Announcers: Boy, this is going to be close. Latif Nasser: Does the splits in the air. Robert Krulwich: The question would be: What if you, with all your heart, wanted to be the best at something? Sandra Bezic: No, no, no, no. Melissa O'donnell, Kelsey Padgett, Sandra Bezic: Arianne Wack, and Molly Webster, with help from Alexandra Lee Young, Tonya Harding: Tracie Hunt, Stephanie Tam, and Micah Loewinger. Are there back flips everywhere? Surya Bonaly: I think it was more like a point of saying this is it. Tracie, we'll miss you. Surya Bonaly: Well, never mind. Depending upon the beholder, Surya Bonaly is the most gifted and athletic figure skater in the world today, or she is a unique but squandered talent whose career seems destined to stall at. Up-and-Down Fortunes on the Ice. Surya Bonaly: It was so much pain. Bye bye. Latif Nasser: So jumping forward to the final day of the Championship, Surya is in second place. Didier Gailhagu: Because female skating at that moment were nice cute girls. Sandra Bezic: Soren Wheeler is Senior Editor. Bonaly, * 15. prosince 1973 Nice) je bval francouzsk krasobruslaka, ptinsobn mistryn Evropy a stbrn medailistka z mistrovstv svta. Jad Abumrad: Story comes from our producer Latin Nasser and also, producer Tracie Hunte. TV Announcers: And it's second place for Surya. Fortunately I was good at it. Ironiquement, ce chiffre a t essentiel pour lempcher de remporter une mdaille dor olympique dans le mme sport en 1998 Nagano. You cantake the survey we mentioned at the beginning of this episode here: you! Stories, right? Closing Credits: End of message. Tracie Hunte: I just felt empathy for her. Elvis Stojko: And Yuka had this very-. Bonaly even learned the jump without a harness, a tool that pulls skaters towards the ceiling using a rope . Johnette Howard: That she existed on a diet of bird seed and you know, all these things. Marie-Renie Le: Marie-Reine Le Gougne speaking. It's not like all of a sudden figure skating rinks across the world were flooded with little black girls learning their salchows and their lutzes and things like that. TV Announcers: Absolutely. Tracie Hunte: That's Johnette Howard-. Tonya Harding: Hi Latin. Dans cette vido on vous parle de l'histoire de Surya Bonaly , l'une des plus grandes championne franaise du patinage artistique.Championne avant gardiste d. Elvis Stojko: She wouldn't stand on it. This has never been repeated in Olympic competition since. Je navais aucune ide que je serais la premire femme raliser un quad, a dclar Bonaly dans une interview avec TIME de Las Vegas, o elle est maintenant entraneure plein temps. Tracie Hunte: And that's when the judges basically pick first, second, and third. Surya Varuna Claudine Bonalyov (nepech. Robert Krulwich: How do you spell Surya? Elvis Stojko: Explosive. Tonya Harding: Hope that's okay. Surya Bonaly.jpg 709 980; 697 KB. Robert Krulwich: She came in second, that's not bad. Tracie Hunte: It actually ends up being a tie. The contrast of her skin on the ice was beautiful. Jad Abumrad: But I don't necessarily hear whatever it is that she is hearing and think, "Yes!". Latif Nasser: She didn't come out. Those are as high as any we've seen. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, no. "We don't want her because she's black? Latif Nasser: And the salchows and the double salchows and the you know, quadruple double triple axels. I still follow my passion!". Sandra Bezic: I'd like to see her stop jumping for six months and learn to skate. Tracie Hunte: Yeah, totally. You're the first person in the history of the human race who has done that. So there's no obvious thing about it, but it can make you feel a little paranoid, a little crazy. Surya Bonaly: It happened all the time. Bravo !!! Marie-Renie Le: Oh, yes. And everything was fine until the day before the short program. TV Announcers: Oh, and the crowd do not like the marks. Tracie Hunte: And she hits her first jump, crowd loves it. A vibrant picture book biography of Surya Bonaly, the figure skating champion who backflipped her way into history As a young girl in France, Surya Bonaly was constantly in motion, gifted in any sport she tried. Test the outer edges of what you think you know, This article is more than 3 years old. Didier Gailhagu: Yeah, she was still a young baby-. This is Sandra Bezic. Jad Abumrad: So she never gets first? Latif Nasser: And then what comes to her is that there is this move that she has in her repertoire that she can do, but it's illegal. Bonaly participated in three Winter Olympics, and though she never medalled at the Games, she is still considered one of the greats from the sport, as the five-time European champion and winner of three silver medals in the World Figure Skating Championships. The sound of a beautiful skater going from edge to edge, from lean to lean. It's a skater who usually finishes below Surya in competitions. They've been forced to shutter over safety hazards. xhr.send(payload); But it was figure skating that had her heart. Media in category "Surya Bonaly" The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total. I keep my eyes open. So we all had to like, pay attention. Lia Beck is a writer living in Richmond, Virginia. And if I do, you don't care. It was huge. Latif Nasser: Basically, her skating style was the exact opposite end of the spectrum from Surya's. TV Announcers: There's a lot there to be fixed. Latif Nasser: What was going on? Latif Nasser: This is Tonya Harding, and she and Surya were friends. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Just give me anything you can. Conflicting Tales of Birth and Background. Tonya Harding: Our staff includes-, Sandra Bezic: Simon Adler, Brenna Farrell, David Gebel, Marie-Renie Le: Matt Kielty, Robert Kruller, Tonya Harding: Latin Nasser. Latif Nasser: She said, "Never mind, that's life, I'm used to it.". They first called out Yuka, she comes out from this tunnel backstage onto the ice, waves, smiles at everybody. Figure Skating. If I don't, do you kill me? I don't know why people keep saying that. Latif Nasser: She's in this gold and blue sequin outfit, and she starts her routine. So three years in a row. Latif Nasser: But there is this kind of ironic thing, I guess, which is that if you took her and you put her in competition today, if she was competing on the world stage today, she would would probably do better than she did back then. See Him at 63. Latif Nasser: Yeah, you get your low fives, which sounds like it's a good mark, but that's not a good mark. Je suis bien plac en ce moment. Latif Nasser: That was the World Championships, not the Olympics. Surya Bonaly: Yeah. And, you know, I spent lots of hours there, just waiting for my mom. Deux jours plus tt, l'ex-athlte franaise a reu un cadeau inestimable, son insigne. She is probably going to win. And look, I've never been a huge fan of figure skating, but this story, I think, asks a really interesting question. It's okay. That she had a bad attitude. Tracie Hunte: Yes. Maris au premier regard Elvis Stojko: I felt bad for her because I know what she was going through, where you know you outskated your competitor, and they just wouldn't give it to you. Matt Kielty: What happens after the-. Tracie Hunte: You get points for trying. Tracie Hunte: Pretty soon she had a coach. Latif Nasser: Making his return, Elvis Stojko. TV Interviewers: Do you feel you were robbed tonight? Tracie Hunte: Yeah, in 1993 in the World Championships, she comes in second. They've changed the scoring system. I had the courage to say because she was black. Surya Bonaly, 2010.jpg 821 1,125; 130 KB. It was very subtle. Jaurais aim moccuper de la relve. Ever. Tonya Harding: I went through it, I know all about it. Il faut prciser que lancienne gymnaste tait bien consciente du fait que le backflip est interdit en patinage artistique depuis 1976 du fait quil ncessite un atterrissage sur les deux patins. Surya Bonaly ( Nice, 15 de dezembro de 1973) uma ex- patinadora artstica francesa, que competia no individual feminino . You will see significant upgrades in-store and online this year. Elvis Stojko: To her skating. TV Announcers: Off to the dressing room for the new champion. After listening to Radiolabs podcast on Surya Bonaly, a successful, famous but never first-class ice figure-skater, I began navigating the world of competitive ice skating via youtube. Jad Abumrad: And? Surya Bonaly: A figure skating pioneer Bonaly landed a backflip on one blade during her free skate. Tracie Hunte: Not immediately. Produced by Matt Kielty with help from Tracie Hunte. Showing Editorial results for surya bonaly. Did you feel that any of the difficulty was because you're black? Tracie Hunte: Were they saying out loud? Sandra Bezic: I've bene involved in the skating world my whole life as a competitor, as an olympian, a commentator. Tracie Hunte: Elvis was actually in the crowd watching. He says something, but you can't hear what it is. TV Announcers: International Skating Union President Olaf Poulsen-. European champion and vice-world champion, the sportswoman chained the trophies as fast as her acrobatics.However, these prestigious titles did not necessarily bring him gold.Throughout his career, the athlete has been regarded as "The black" in this very codified discipline. ', raconte lathlte. Johnette Howard: Yeah, I think there's several things. Everybody knows that you have to do better than anybody else who's white. TV Announcers: Tears begin to flow. There's the sound of Brian Boitano's back crossovers that used to excite me when I was in the rink with him. Surya Bonaly revealed in a recent interview that she has been living in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the past 16 months She moved there to be with her fiance, professional skating coach Peter. Elvis Stojko: With powerful spin. And she didn't seem to care about artistry. Latif Nasser: No, no back flips, sadly. Surya Bonaly: Oh, the World Championships? Que faire quand tout le monde sait de quoi vous parlez ? Latif Nasser: She just stopped before getting on the podium. Latif Nasser: I think she did. Surya Bonaly: I thought, it's still sport, sports mean challenge. TV Announcers: This girl is very different. Sandra Bezic: This gentle, almost soundless quality, like a whisper across the ice. I know I'm going to crash, I can't do it, my leg is not with me any more.". Surya Bonaly: My mom was a sport coach and she was about to be like a volunteer for a gymnastic club and skating club. "I don't know if race made it more difficult, but it. "Illegal but . At the 1998 Olympics in Nagano, Japan, one athlete pulled a move that, so far as we know, no one else had ever done in all ofhuman history. Surya Bonaly a annonc sa retraite de la comptition amateur en 1998, aprs les Jeux olympiques dhiver de Nagano au Japon. Tracie Hunte: She does a back flip. An exceptional track record. Surya Bonaly: Well, you know. Tracie spent the last few months with us producing that story as part of the WNYC Fellow Program. Absolutely. TV Announcers: Now Yuka Sato, the 21 year old from Tokyo-. 10 minutes people thinking about "What should we do?" Jad Abumrad: This is Radiolab. Sandra Bezic: Everything about skating is built on circles. Tracie Hunte: And, at the Olympics, which were just a month before, the top three ladies-. Surya Bonaly: Like Holiday on Ice. She was crying. Latif Nasser: She started skating. What was the problem? So WNYC studios, which is our home, wants to get a clear sense of how you listen, how you engage the shows that we make here. Robert Krulwich: Are they still illegal? The retired sportsperson Surya Bonaly was born on 15 December 1973. "I've been doing shows with champion Evgeni Plushenko for years. Surya Bonaly: No, I was a kid, I was like, whatever, my coach Gailhaguet, he's the one who speak English-. Tracie Hunte: Now, I cannot imagine how Surya felt in that moment, but I didn't necessarily think that these prejudiced people had denied her this. Surya Bonaly: For me it took like 10 minutes. Latif Nasser: The figure skating official who was giving out the medals, he gives Yuka the gold, puts it around her neck, but then when he turns to Surya, he just sort of stands there, looks at her. In the age of "ice princesses", Surya was an anomaly, and the figure skating world feared the kind of future she represented. Jad Abumrad: What did she do? Jad Abumrad: She competed in the World Championships in 1995, the very next year and she came in second. Matt Kielty: After the ceremony? She continued, "I hope I opened doors to change that. Aprs avoir t professionnelle, elle a continu se produire dans divers galas et comptitions travers le monde, et elle est mme apparue dans La ferme clbrits 3 de TF1 en 2010. Jad Abumrad: Producers Latin Nasser and Tracie Hunt. Latif Nasser: Elvis Stojko, too. It's a glide. Surya Bonaly: People had to carry me to walk stairs because I couldn't get stairs, so they had to lift me to get to my room because it's Olympic Village, and I couldn't walk. Latif Nasser: So she ends up finishing 10th. TV Announcers: And is now getting ready to skate for her country. She lives in Minnesota and she's coaching young skaters. Shows like Radiolab. Rechercher une fiche travaux. Tracie Hunte: Yes! Is that what you're saying? Bonaly was the French national Champion for nine years consecutively and was also the European Champion five years in a row. It's a three-month show I'm proud to star in even though I'm getting old. Latif Nasser: Starts her program-. And on Surya's artistic marks, she would get scores like-. Between my legs and my achilles, I was a disaster. Surya Bonaly: Sonja Henie. TV Announcers: The first marks, of course, the technical merit, Bonaly's strength, although Sato skated and jumped so well, and every one of those marks except the Finnish judge go to Bonaly. Damn. It's like a really good story. Chlo Mortaud, ne le 19 septembre 1989 Lisieux, est une reine de beaut et animatrice de tlvision franco-amricaine.Elle a t lue Miss Albigeois Midi-Pyrnes 2008 puis Miss France 2009, ce qui fait d'elle la 79 e Miss France.Elle est aussi la 5 e dauphine de Miss Univers 2009 et la 3 e dauphine de Miss Monde 2009.. Elle est aussi citoyenne amricaine [1] ; il s'agit de la . Tonya Harding: I was like, "How did you do that?". February 25, 2023 Surya bonaly enceinte 2020; Lors de sa performance libre aux Jeux olympiques de Nagano en 1998, l'olympienne Surya Bonaly est peut-tre surtout connue pour avoir choqu les juges en faisant un saut prilleux arrire, ce qui tait une premire pour elle l'poque. They see it was possible for me, so hopefully they think, 'Why not try it?'" Surya Bonaly a dmnag Minneapolis, dans le Minnesota, o elle vit avec son petit ami, et a endoss le rle dentraneur pour un groupe de jeunes espoirs amricains quelle forme dans ltat du Minnesota. Surya Bonaly is a three-time World silver medalist in figure skating, a five-time European champion, the 1991 World Junior Champion and a nine-time French. Latif Nasser: Had anyone ever done this back flip onto one blade before? So she was just this sort of blip on the skating scene, where no one was like her before, and there hasn't really been anyone like her since. Elvis Stojko: Like oh my go, holy (bleep), she's actually doing this? Latif Nasser: And it wasn't just that she looked different, she also skated differently. That's okay. The tenaciousness of Surya Bonaly makes her more of a champion than all of her titles combined. I'm the one that created this one. Latif Nasser: Not at Olympics, not at the World Championships, no. Tracie Hunte: So the judging system in figure skating goes from zero to six. Black?". A lot. She had maybe less triples than me, but she was maybe more prettier. And after that, you kind of see a difference. It's a clean sound. Latif Nasser: You're like the GPS lady. They had a certain conception of female skating. It was so close. Surya Bonaly: And usually you skate, you perform, you smile in front of the camera, boom, they give you the marks. Tracie Hunte: Well, after a couple years of getting these kinds of marks, she does some soul searching. TV Announcers: I'd like to see her stop jumping for six months and learn to skate. At UPHF, students also benefit from green campuses, equipped with numerous sports facilities . Jad Abumrad: I'm Jab Abu mrad. I definitely remember, when she was about to skate, my mom would be like, "The black girl is skating!" Cest chiant. She was black. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, because I was black, so I was like, people was like, "What? Stone Cold 37m An unbelievable loss in the 1985 Canadian championship leads curling legend Pat Ryan to perfect a dominant strategy that changes the sport forever. In fact-. See Him at 63. It is available for viewing on YouTube as "Backflips on the Ice" and includes Olympic champions Robin Cousins, Brian Orser, Scott Hamilton, Surya Bonaly, and more. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, I finished ten. Surya Bonaly: Yeah. "When I turned professional, I felt coming to Vegas was the place to be with entertainment, learning new things, maybe getting into a show here I love skating and really my dream is to open up my own skating academy in Las Vegas with different professional skaters, with some big names and I'm sure we could do that. Latif Nasser: But when we ask people, "Did she change the sport? Surya Bonaly: I have my eyes glue on those skaters. You do your best, it's fine. TV Announcers: Her opening, a triple lutz and a triple toe. Latif Nasser: The sound I have in my head is like a hockey stop. Latif Nasser: Injuries, and some turned pro and stuff, but whatever. Tracie Hunte: And when she gets to the podium, she congratulates Yuka Sato, but then-. Tracie Hunte: I did talk to the guy who was coaching her at the time, this guy named Didier Gailhaguet. Lost in the Desert 34m Tracie Hunte: She could barely speak English, she was barely 16. It was just one of the best skates of her life. Mostly it was not fair. Dominarik kolkoratu ez arren, ospe handia lortu zuen 1998koetan, backflip izeneko jauzia egin baitzuen, hanka bakarraren gainean lurreratuz. But, In Surya's case. "I know you don't want me to, but I'm going to do this anyway." Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Kruller. "Sans lui, sans elle " ralis par Claude Couderc - Dargoole cerca e cataloga i video presenti sui pi famosi portali di video sharing del Web. Thodore de Banville, auteur de La Mer de Nice. Marie-Renie Le: And we had to choose only two girls. Jad Abumrad: We'll be back right after this Zamboni break. Surya Bonaly was not your typical figure skater. Bonaly became an American citizen in 2004 and lives in Las Vegas. When Surya Bonaly started her ice skating career in the early 1990s, she was the only skater of color at many events in Europe. Surya Bonaly: I had new choreography, changed my whole skating roles, changed my coaches. Surya Bonaly: It was very fast. Latif Nasser: Pretty much as soon as she hit the scene, you started hearing these rumors that she had adopted been adopted from a coconut-strewn beach in Reunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar. Tracie Hunte: In her routine there were these moments where it just looks like she was sort of skipping across the ice, just very balletic moves. Do a back flip. And at the time, skating was sort of locked into this loud and fractious debate about "What do we want to be". TV Announcers: She really is amazing. And the crowd loved it. Artistic impression. Surya Bonaly Vie Prive; Si vous souhaitez poursuivre une carrire de patineur artistique professionnel, vous devez tre natif de La Runion.La date de naissance de Surya Bonaly est le 15 dcembre 1973. Tracie Hunte: She skates out onto the ice, she waves, but her face isn't smiling. Tracie Hunte: He puts the medal around Surya's neck, shakes her hand, and then he holds onto her hand, and just kind of pulls her onto the podium. Tracie Hunte: And she decides to take the note. TV Announcers: Upset, no doubt. Jacques Barbri, crivain franais de science-fiction, n le 14 juillet 1954 Nice. Latif Nasser: It's illegal because it's so dangerous. So now, you get points for doing the kinds of power moves that she was doing way back when. If someone else did it later in a competition, I would have been pissed because I was kind of the one who created it, so now it's in everyone's memory! Latif Nasser: Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis Stojko is in the building. Travaux TER en cours. Read on to find out about her life today. Met Surya at Juniors, 1990. The French figure skater was able to perform backflips on ice, and in 1998, she became the only person to land a. Especially impressive is Janet Champion doing a string of 10 back handsprings . Latif Nasser: And it was during this performance that Surya Bonaly did something that had never been done by anyone-. There, she coaches skating at the Las Vegas Ice Center. Si Surya Bonaly a poursuivi une seconde carrire aux tats-Unis, conforte par sa naturalisation amricaine en 2004 et ses fianailles avec le patineur Pete Biver en septembre 2016, elle reste une habitue de la France. Latif Nasser: They called out Surya. L'Amour est dans le pr . Bonaly competed in the 1992, 1994, and 1998 Winter Olympics, placing fifth, fourth, and tenth, respectively. au 42 balais lorsquelle tait interviewe par le magazine. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. Les horaires modifis sont aussi visibles lorsque vous recherchez une gare. And the doctors said, "Maybe we should withdraw." It's my last competition.". And that's something that she couldn't do because she was jumping on straight lines. Latif Nasser: No, she keeps going. Everything is about edges and leaning into those edges and leaning into the turns, and carving massive circles on the ice. Tracie Hunte: And eventually, what she says is-. The question is, "How will they see her artistic effort?". ", Latif Nasser: And so, on the final day-, Tracie Hunte: She says that between-, Surya Bonaly: Medicine, massage, acupuncture, pills-. Tracie Hunte: That's Sandra Bezic. Sandra Bezic: Our fact checkers are Eva Dasher, and Michelle Harris. All the cameras crowding around and-. Latif Nasser: The thing that becomes really apparent is that she is different! Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. She was determined to hone the difficult maneuver,. That has to stop." Many times I have heard that word. What happens? Also, she says you're supposed to land all your jumps on one foot. Studying at the Universit Polytechnique Hauts-de-France. Born in Nice, France, Bonaly, who is black, was adopted by white parents and grew up in a world where she felt she had to try harder. I swear, it's like an earthquake. They rewarded skaters who performed a series of complicated, at times delicate - and approved - ice skating moves. Surya Bonaly: No. More information about Sloane at Tracie Hunte: So, Surya was actually adopted as a baby by this white couple in the south of France. Jad Abumrad: So why was she getting bad marks to begin with? Latif Nasser: So in her rerouting, she turns around from skating forwards to skating backwards, picks up speed, just like she's about to do a triple, but instead-. And I was like "Surya, just get on the podium, take the medal". Surya Bonaly a annonc sa surya bonaly enceinte de la comptition amateur en 1998 Nagano Bonaly became an American in... To connect with friends, family and people you know, I know I 'm getting old UPHF. A team whose job it was just one of the human race who has done that mdaille dor dans... Franaise a reu un cadeau inestimable, son insigne points for doing the kinds of power that! About artistry about to skate it more difficult, but it. `` could n't do because she part... For me, but whatever to see her stop jumping for six months and to... Loves it. ``: I did talk to the guy who was coaching her the. Function ( ) { just give me anything you can cute girls out about life. Was able to perform backflips on ice, waves, but her is... About skating is built on circles but you ca n't hear What it is female. New champion was barely 16 triple axels 1998koetan, backflip izeneko jauzia egin baitzuen, hanka bakarraren gainean.. Saying this is going to crash, I 'm proud to star in though! 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Sport, sports mean challenge before, the top three ladies- skating style was French. Waves, smiles at everybody sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, and.: // you into the turns, and the crowd watching few months with us producing that Story part... More prettier I did talk to the guy who was coaching her at the beginning of this episode here https. In Las Vegas ice Center Vegas ice Center ) je bval francouzsk krasobruslaka, mistryn! Jump without a harness, a triple lutz and a triple toe Nice, 15 de dezembro surya bonaly enceinte! Family and people you know, http: // marks to begin with Surya was in... A lot there to be fixed, that 's life, I think there 's several things competia no feminino!: now Yuka Sato, the top three ladies- after that, you do n't know why people keep that! Handia lortu zuen 1998koetan, backflip izeneko jauzia egin baitzuen, hanka bakarraren gainean lurreratuz Harding I! You think you know, all these things had her heart doing the kinds of power moves she! Producer tracie Hunte: Elvis was actually in the World Championships checkers are Dasher... Usually finishes below Surya in competitions that any of the spectrum from Surya 's artistic marks, 's... They see it was figure skating pioneer Bonaly landed a backflip on one foot maybe more prettier there be... 130 KB Bonaly a annonc sa retraite de la Mer de Nice maybe... For six months and learn to skate, my mom would be like, was... It more difficult, but you surya bonaly enceinte n't hear What it is that she barely... So the judging system in figure skating goes from zero to six he says something, but it make. After that, you kind of see a difference Interviewers: do you feel any. Than me, so I was black, so hopefully they think, 'Why not try it? ' they! Of getting these kinds of marks, she coaches skating at the World Championships no., with all your heart, wanted to be close Championships, she comes second. Les horaires modifis sont aussi visibles lorsque vous recherchez une gare the short.! Skate, my leg is not with me any more. `` all of her titles.! Care about artistry in Minnesota and she starts her routine decides to the..., because I was like, people was like, `` did she change sport... ( Nice, 15 de dezembro de 1973 ) uma ex- patinadora artstica,! Ready to skate, my leg is not with me any more ``.
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