Junior and senior men's apparatus champions were named Sunday, and six more gymnasts claimed National Team spots as USA Gymnastics' Winter Cup competition concluded at Freedom Hall. Get well wishes to Linda Mulvihill who broke her clavicle in 2 places. . They are excellent. I hope this finds you doing well and staying safe. We are unable to accept sign-in sheets generated by outside meet registration or scoring companies. Lots for your reading enjoyment. (This is an extension since we just received the future dates.). Bid forms are on the Regional Website. Click on the links below to see some examples received so far. We are purchasing gifts and would hate for your athlete to miss out. The 2022 Xcel Regional meet will be held by Northwest Aerials. No limit to the number of nominees per region. Performance Plus Events is the meet host and more information can be found on their website regarding cost, schedule, host hotels: Qualifying scores must occur at your Xcel state meet. For any interested parties wanting to bid on 2021 and/or 2022 events, a separate bid form is required for each year. Low risk is Xcel bronze and silver and DP 1, 2, and 3. Just when you thought, enough of elections already, all state chairman elections are coming up. USA Gymnastics offers Health Insurance benefitsLink. Important updates DP and Xcel W203: Womens JO Current Compulsory (2013-2020) Routine Refresher for Level 3 Beam & Floor, https://usagym.org/pages/education/courses/W203/, W204: Womens JO Current Compulsory (2013-2020) Routine Refresher for Levels 4/5 Beam & Floor, https://usagym.org/pages/education/courses/W204/. High Tech: third weekend in September (Sept 18 20). NACC to notify all candidates no later than 1 week after completion of election, Region 2 Calendar: (Reminder Dev Regionals Level 8 Friday, Levels 9 and 10 Saturday, and Level 7 Sunday) Level 8 State NAWGJ Saturday night. The RACCs will notify all of the candidates of the election results. For a score to count to move up levels or count as a qualifying score, these requirements must be met. To do this, Id like to try the following: a) Voters can select five gyms; 2) First, second and third still get 30, 20 and 10 points, respectively. Region 2 USA Gymnastics Regional Congress (usagymrc.com). If a judge is interested in volunteering as an auxiliary judgefor JO National in Tacoma, please contact Denise Green atdenisereg2rjd@gmail.com. 08-21-2022: Move up meet/Summer clinic Gymnastics Etc. Include Gymnast(s) name(s), gym, and size of ad in the body of the email. Gymnastics Training Center ALGONQUIN, IL: Meet Type: USAG Levels Invited: level 5 Team Fee: 0 Gymnast fee: $65 Bids for JO Regionals 2021 are being reopened: Applications westerns and nationals 2021 and 2022, Additional athletes invited to B TOPS camp, Current Numbers and the Regional Schedule, Applications are being taken for JO Westerns and JO Nationals for 2021 and 2022. USA Gymnastics Women's Levels 1-10 & Xcel. Level 6 & 7 Vault: how is the Angle of Repulsion measured? Idaho Mark Kindelspire continues as chairman. The steps then are: Questions that came up on vault at the Region 7 Clinic: This is different than the method used to determine the angle for Level 4/5 Compulsory Handspring as well as Non-salto vaults at JO Levels 8-10 and Xcel Gold/Platinum/Diamond. Any incumbent should not use non-public email or mailing labels for campaigning. Thank you for helping us celebrate the class of 2020 in this special way! I. That their address is current (specifically the State). These will prove helpful to recruiters, as they will still be able to see any videos of routines or skills that have been uploaded. })(); Battle Under the Big Sky - Bozeman, MT 2022. Arizona State began the week with the big upset over #4 Utah. If you bring more than 5, it is $75 each. Are you interested in contributing to the site? //jQuery(".social-media-links").after("

");}); Equipment for Regionals will be AAI Evo supplied by Jim Tighe. High Tech: third weekend in September (Sept 18 20). }); Attached is the state chairman nomination form which is also on our regional website at https://usagregion2.com/ Nominations will be accepted until March 1st. For those of you who would like to submit a bid for any of the state championship meets please use the form attached. AL May 6-8, 2022 hosted by Bama Bounders Gymnastics. They will do a fabulous job. Mari Willoughby Metropolitan, 1. Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) climate across the countrythe 2021 Compulsory Master Workshop locations are subject to change. ), States Pay the Level 9 apparel costs for Level 9 Western Championships ($125). Region 2 Congratulates all the following who are going to National TOPS! window.b2b.GA = {"accounts":["UA-149578722-20","UA-26792682-1"]}; Xcel Gold important info re: casts and circling elements Page 10 of the Xcel Code of Points, Xcel Bar Dismounts: Squat-on. Vivi Crain Avant Coeur Gymnastics, 2. USAG updated policies on Covid protocols. https://usagym.org/pages/aboutus/pages/coronavirus.html, https://usagym.org/pages/women/pages/quarantineworkouts.html, Minutes of the last Region 2 committee meeting (download here). Mobility & Qualifying Scores for 2022 - USA Gymnastics | NJ Mobility & Qualifying Scores for 2022 Posted on August 26, 2021 2021-2022 Mobility and Qualifying Scores for all USAG Levels 2-10 and Xcel have been displayed in one chart for your convenience HERE. The qualifying score for an IES is a 9.0 per event. The National Administrative Committee Chairman (NACC) shall send a copy of the verified vote count to each candidate in each respective election, upon request of the candidate. Keep an eye on our IG page to spot the gymnasts from your area. Even Hawaii got snow on the big island last week! Reminder athletes also need to go online and update their bios at USA Gymnastics. }); The approved agenda for the fall Region2 Committee meeting: Please contact your state chairman with your opinions! This year Level 9 and 10 athletes will be filling out an online form before regionals and then have apparel sizes verified at the meet. nxc_ntc_051721 Roots Gymnastics Center is dedicated to providing a safe, healthy learning environment that inspires children physically, socially and emotionally through the sport of gymnastics. USA Gymnastics is the National Governing Body (NGB) for the sport of gymnastics in the United States, consistent with the Ted Stevens Olympic & Amateur Sports Act, the Bylaws of the United States Olympic Committee and the International Gymnastics Federation. If you have not sent in your senior in high school list yet, please do so by February 15th. 'CID':'', // later Recommend topics, content, and presenters for Regional Congress. For Level 10 Nationals in 2021, Emerald City has indicated they do want to host. Essentially, it is now saying for state and regional meets only the local CDC guidelines need to be met. Registering a username and password on USA Gymnastics gives you access to new and upcoming features within our website. I know things are uncertain at this point. 'isTablet':0, 509-533-9646. nadine@spokanegymnastics.com. Xcel Gold important info re: casts and circling elements Page 10 of the Xcel Code of Points, Xcel Bar Dismounts: Squat-on. Wahoo! A. December 30, 2022. are on the competition floor. There is still space both live (it is half full) and virtual. 'qstr':[], Creativity is encouraged! 4. Goals & Vision Candyland Challenge 2022 MEET DATES: Saturday, Read More . Regional Calendar Entry fee is $100. ), Level 7 449 (3 sessions of 80 athletes based off a percent of a percent on numbers registered for state meets on March 9.). Directions on doing this are on the attached form. B. Calendar information from the last newsletter: The Level 6 invitational will be hosted by the Region and is used to help fund athlete apparel. BEAM Bronze Lever to touch the beam IS an allowable acro. window.b2b = window.b2b || {}; Montana track results, deep lists, and records. Bids for 2025 Regionals are due April 1 to r2racc@gmail.com bid form: see attached. 'post_id': '25405', A schedule will we forthcoming on the regional meet website. Forms/bid packets need to be submitted by mail to Marian DeWane PO Box 2137 Boise, Idaho 83701 with a postmark on or before Dec 31 or be e-mailed to r2racc@gmail.com by 11:59 Dec 31st. Failure to complete this course by January 10, 2022, will result in your membership being placed in pending status. This combination results in 2 A Value Parts, Level 6 1.0 deduction not landing feet (it is not a void vault). They shall serve for two (2) years and be elected in the spring on even- numbered years. Voters can only vote 1 time for each position. Saturday will be coaches and judges with Tom Koll going over routines. All petitions must be received at least three weeks prior to the Level 10 State Championships. If no candidate receives a majority vote, a run-off election will be held between the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes. 2023 bids Payments are due Friday, April 8. If you have any items you would like the committee to discuss as agenda items, please send them to your state chairman. k. Write-in votes will not be allowed. It is the meet directors responsibility to make sure no babies, dogs etc. Region 2 co/Marian DeWane The day prior, the Regional Level 6 Invitation will be held. Thank you to our clinicians for sharing your expertise w/ the Region 2 coaches and athletes. Please send any agenda items to your state chairman or me. Boise, Idaho 83701 RACC Report Marian (including financial), RJO Report Ivan (excused) Marian has his report. This is not when the last gymnast finishes as inquires may still be submitted. Western and National Workout times for Region 2, Elections: Dianne Palmer will continue as RXCC and the new RTCC will be Jeanine Henneford from Montana. Nashville Nights is a gymnastics meet for USAG Levels 1-10 and all XCEL levels. Music: Playing music via Bluetooth is not allowed. Jong and Molomo Win at WOGA, Italian Newcomers Dominate While Geurts Returns in Luxembourg, Smith and Karnejenko are Scotlands Champs, and Whitlock is Back. These are based off the current registered athletes at each level: Remember these are not final numbers. MSO ALL ACCESS + LIVE SCORES Now Available! I am still in quarantine as where I am is in lock down. jQuery( Congratulations to Emerald City who will be hosting this prestigious event May 15th 17th. An extra swing deduction Is NOT applied in this case. Some research was done on the possibility of rescheduling the Region 2 Xcel Championships to late spring or early summer. They are only recommendations as local CDC Guidelines must be followed and supersede any recommendation. Once you commit to a meet, you are also committing to the standards that meet has in place. Fees are due by April 1. One bid for Xcel regionals was received. Level 6 1 session invitational Thursday evening. USA Gymnastics Meet Reservations with payment at Meetmaker.com. (no IES). B. We thank you in advance for doing the best you can to promote the safety of all participants. Good luck to all of our Region 2 qualifiers! All USA Gymnastics Clubs, please register your team using the USA Gymnastics online meet reservation system . ============================================================. It looks to be cold and snowy in most of the region. The new compulsories will begin August 1. Register on USA and send checks payable to Region 2, care of Marian DeWane- PO Box 2137 Boise, Idaho 83701. The Monday after the event, all the materials in your USAG will be able to be accessed such as the music, videos of the routines, etc. When the DP optional and Xcel programs change in 2022, there is discussion of only 1 code. We also want to make sure we have enough senior gifts for them. Senior List see the attached list to make sure your athlete is listed. Registering a username and password on USA Gymnastics gives you access to new and upcoming features within our website. Argonne Village - Main Facility 2515 N. Locust Road Spokane Valley 99206 509-315-5433. More information coming soon. The mini books are what will be given to those who register for the events. More information will be published atUSA Gymnastics. I know things may be tight but please renew your professional memberships. Minutes from both meetings are available here. Each Region and State should post it on their web-sites so that the Professional members are aware of the voting procedures and their responsibilities to ensure that their vote will be counted. As soon as I know about dates/location for National Congress, I will let you know. (208) 602-5336, If you would like to contact USAG Region 2 please Select to Email us Now. We are 2/3 full. jQuery( In particular, we are still awaiting official information on all 2022 international events from the FIG and PAGU, so any change to these details will be reflected at time of receipt. DP Regional Website: Home | Region 2 Champs (wixsite.com), Xcel Regional Website: Performance Plus Events IDAHO STATE XCEL Gymnastics Event Planner, Store for men size apparel: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/YQDSGFXRPP, Store for womens size apparel: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/B9wGzkspcj. Alaska will have a new chairman, Charlene Moss. Hopefully, this will cut down the time collecting this information. This meet will be hosted at the brand new Myrtle Beach Sports Center. They have been long time supporters of the region and we wish them the best! This would be a great opportunity for your staff and gym coaches from all over the country to send a message to athletes that we miss them. THANK YOU to those who have donated so far to the Regional Apparel fund! Judge Cup Flyer. 'admin_url':'', By registering you will have access to membership features which will let you update or renew your membership. The attached point system has been adopted to assign points based on individual gymnasts achievements at Levels 9 and 10 for the current season. Regional Administrative Committee Chairmen (RACC) shall solicit nominations from the regional Professional membership through the regional newsletters and websites. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2022. They cost big dollars to bring in, so the camps are no longer a money maker for the region. Download as a PDF. Alaska, January 23 Compulsory State Meet HITS -Blaisdell Center Honolulu HITS, March 25 26 Xcel & Optional State Meet Blaisdell Center Honolulu HITS, March 18 20 Xcel State Moscow - Palouse Empire, March 25 27 DP State Boise Bronco Elite, March 25 27 Montana State Bozeman Lone Mountain, March 18 20 Optional State Portland area Westside, April 1 3 Xcel State Salem Athletic Edge, April 8 10 Compulsory State Eugene GNW, March 25 27 Optional State Hapo Center Pasco Garlands, April 1 4 Xcel State Puyallup Fairgrounds Ascend, April 8 10 Compulsory State Tacoma Convention Center Emerald City. Send checks made out to Region 2 to Marian DeWane PO Box 2137 Boise, Idaho 83701. We are excited to announce the following: A Team: 1. For Xcel https://usagym.org/PDFs/Forms/Women/NewElementEvalform_Xcel.pdf. Things are on schedule for our Regional Meet in Helena and Xcel regional in Boise. 2800 Opryland Dr., Nashville, TN 37214. Level 10 Coaches Opening ceremonies are THURSDAY, Workout for Region 2 is Friday from 12:00 2:30, Coaches Store for Westerns and Nationals: orders due April 1. A call for nominations must be published and/or posted online for a minimum of one month prior to the submission deadline of no later than March 1. The new compulsory exams for judges will be online. All nominees who are eligible candidates for each office will be placed on the online ballot. Levels 9 and 10 for the events on individual gymnasts achievements at Levels 9 and 10 for region. Excited to announce the following who are eligible candidates for each year sure have! Koll going over routines { } ; Montana track results, deep lists, and records or scoring.! Usagymrc.Com ) will let you update or renew your professional memberships in this.. That meet has in place April 8 failure to complete this course by January,... To Emerald City who will be hosting this prestigious event May 15th 17th r2racc @ gmail.com info:... 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