Bring God's different sheep together to discover their shared life in Jesus, enjoying the Lord's grace, protection, and power, together. Our atmosphere of relationships creates an arena of change for teens and parents lost in a broken world. For more information and helpful resources for moms and dads, check out our website. We have over 15 years of knowledge and experience, have visited over 130 campuses, have long-standing first-hand relationships with program staff, and work every day to bring help and hope to parents who need to make informed decisions. This happened over a decade ago. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Located on 150 acres in the beautiful piney woods outside of Longview, Texas, Heartlight is a program that not only modifies behavior, but one that seeks to offer a unique, transformative journey through a relational experience that offers counseling, small group therapy, academics, & activities. Heartlight Ministries offers help and hope to parents and teens through a fully staffed boarding school. Offer families in your church and community help and hope as they navigate the often turbulent teen years. Our approach is loving and non-threatening, building trust and relationships as well as several forms of counseling and 24/7 care. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Mark has taken all the experience he has gained in working in the various youth ministry experiences and developed resources to help parents nationwide. My name is Bailey and I was the girl there that was known for bringing rubbing alcohol on campus and getting about 15 people put on r2. Sadly, these are the only options you have available to you. We strive for excellence in our program, activities, facility, and staff, where an atmosphere of relationships creates an arena for change. i had no support. Their involvement also with Young Life moved them to open their home to work with teens who were struggling through crisis family problems. I assure you that you will find a safe, loving, and confidential place to share your story. We currently have no knowledge that any staff members or church officers of our congregation knew of this alleged abuse. It is an excellent program, with exceptional staff and unlimited resources. i talked to blake about this, and he said that its not a punishment, its a consequence. the definition of punishment is inflicting pain onto someone. ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER. The personal testimonies of those abused report the repeated and frequent abuse of power, position, and influence over them. EDIT: Thank you all for the replies, it has been helpful just to hear possible options. 2-book set special offer, Prayers for My Teen and Parenting Today's Teens Devotional. I am looking for survivors from Heartlight Ministries in Hallsville, TX? Besides the gorgeous views and the spacious facilities, there was a sense of peace and confidence in all of the staff. Heartlight believes in actively involving Parents and family in the process right along with the teenager. which isn't promising to say the least, but I was just coming here in case anyone had any experience with this camp, and any advice on what to do. The counseling staff and program in general was unable to help my child because they didn't understand the real issues nor did they have the proper training in the treatmeant model she needed. In response to these findings, I preached a sermon on June 23, 2019, where I said the following to . I guess no one can do anything until she's 18 right? Eventually, a church may restore some fallen pastors to leadership. That being said, we are committed to public transparency, so please feel free to reach out, and Ill do my best to accommodate. Its the reason weve been able to serve so many struggling teens and seen such dramatic turnarounds. A couple of months later, my first roommate died. Hello! It is truly a unique place that has become a haven of help and hope for struggling parents and teens. Students Guide to Family Violence & Child Abuse, Self Esteem, Parenting Toddlers, Panic disorders, International Day 11/25 Elimination of Violence against Women, What's the US Dept Justice doing to protect kids, Health consequences of child abuse & neglect, Heartlight Ministries Tough Guys & Drama Queens seminar, How You Could Be Missing Your Teen's Heart, Independence Day for Teens is Getting Later, Ten Ways to Rebuild a Relationship with Your Teen, No Quick Fixes for Teen Behavior Problems, The Difference Between Rule-making and Ruling, Picking up the pieces of shattered trust- you & your teen, Birds & Bees talking to your teen about sex, Not Worth the Risk- Teen Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Finding the Hidden Messages in Teens Behaviors, False Sense Maturity Teaching Teens Responsibility, Calming Prescription for Frustrated Parents. She mentioned in the letter that she hates it there, that they are trying to change her into someone she isn't, and that when she next goes home for a visit, she's telling her parents she won't come back. Christian Boarding School | Heartlight Christian Boarding School, A Relational Atmosphere Committed to Excellence. ( The personal testimonies of those abused report the repeated and frequent abuse of power, position, and influence over them. You would need to prove abuse at the facility, and you'd also need to prove/demonstrate that her parents were abusive/negligent/irresponsible/unfit etc. When I left, I was cheery and outgoing. Good: The staff on intake seemed confident that our daughter was a good fit in their program. Our . 3) Legal option: You could file for custody. This would have happened at home or there. I was eventually kicked out for trying to runaway. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. Their involvement also with Young Life moved them to open their home to work with teens who were struggling through crisis family problems. Even our oldest and wisest leaders have not always lived up to the standards they aspire to be present in their lives and ministry. Together we can make a difference! Feel free to message me. Were committed to the belief that an atmosphere of relationships creates an arena for change. Hes authored 18 books, has written hundreds of articles about parenting teens in a difficult culture, and is also the host of the nationally acclaimed radio program, Parenting Todays Teens, which was honored to receive the 2014 Program of the Year award from the National Religious Broadcasters. Whatever the circumstance-the care about your situation and will get you help! Your group and the following were a riot. P.O. This is a big step. by Chase Enterprises, LLC does not endorse any referred website sites, or products offered. On a recent reading tour through the Gospel of John, I read Jesus' self-definition of the Good Shepherd in John 10. He was totally out of control and even suicidal. I was very close with my first roommate and the marijuana had a lot to do with numbing the pain I felt from her absence. Download Admissions Forms However, we do want other churches and ministries where Mr. Rice has been involved to know that we view this allegation as credible, and urge you to look into your own unique situation for any potential harm. By posting on any of these social media sites, you are bound by legal terms of use. Jesus stated HIS mission as a leader in Mark 10 as the suffering servant who gave HIS life as a ransom to save many people. That is all we know to share at this time. I have wept at the thought of a high school student being exposed to this alleged abuse because of their involvement at the church I love and pastor. I trust the staff at Heartlight to let God do His good work in my daughters life. Press J to jump to the feed. I genuinely don't understand how you could put a child through what we have experienced. brightcove.createExperiences(); The Texas boarding school at the center of Jeremy Jordans family legal drama is speaking out against the Supergirl actors claims that his cousin Sarah is being held there against her will as part of gay conversion therapy. A slap on the wrist and a speedy return to power are as dangerous as it is wrong. by Chase Enterprises 1998-all rights reserved. Our approach is loving and non-threatening, building trust and relationships as well as several forms of counseling. And most of it is blocked from my memory but I still have flashbacks. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Tates Creek Presbyterian Church. We will forever be grateful and glad we made the decision to put our teen there. Heartlight Provides Positive Resources for Daily Christian Living. Heartlight provides a safe haven of hope for 56 struggling teens at our residential counseling center located in Longview, Texas. my instagram is if you have more questions. Employment. Heartlight strives to provide the very best care to families caught in crisis situations that require an adolescents removal from the home. We know from experience that a crisis rarely fixes itself. It is dedicated to offering help and hope to families in need. We had spent years doing everything we could to get some lift under his wings; prayer, friends, family, school counselors, youth leaders at church, psychologist, teachers, prayer, a neural behavioral doctor, a psychiatrist (who just before we found Heartlight told us that when it came to doing everything one could to help a child we "could have written the book"). The kids live with Christian staff and the idea is that they will pick up good values by living with them. EIN #74-2515711. Many kids are 'pulled' from Heartlight by the parents before they complete the program. Our parent help library! We strive for excellence in our program, activities, facility, and staff, where an atmosphere of relationships creates an arena for change. Heartlight Ministries is an industry-leading, Christian, year-round residential program for teenage boys and girls who are struggling teens with a self-destructive lifestyle or attitudes. The theme of our last investigation was Righteousness Over Reputation, and that needs to be our priority once again. I lived at heartlight in the early 90's. Every single aspect of Heartlight the grounds, programming, parent and family retreats, staff, educational provisions and resources for parents is professionally and compassionately offered. In response to these findings, I preached a sermon on June 23, 2019, where I said the following to our congregation: I fear a growing weariness within our congregation with this. Box 286 Hallsville, Texas 75650 Known as one of the top facilities of our kind in the country, I say proudly that Heartlight is dedicated to excellence, committed to results, and fully structured around the family. Through the years, more and more log cabins were built, reflecting more of a relaxed atmosphere that invited deep conversations, loving relationships, effective Christian based counseling program, and an active lifestyle. The assertion that this teen was held at Heartlight Ministries against her will, or that Heartlight provides any treatment services for sexual identity, are categorically untrue., Gregston said that Sarah is no longer at Heartlight, which he called a residential counseling program for teenagers who struggle with a wide range of behavioral and emotional issues., Of Sarah, Gregston wrote, Should she ever personally choose to return, we would welcome her with open arms.. Are you as stunned and broken-hearted as I am? No graduation or closure for my child.. Heartlight saved our teen's life. I was directed here after asking a question on another thread about the documentary Kidnapped for Christ. This place has a 'level system' and apparently until you reach a certain stage, they censor all your mail and don't allow any outside contact. I was there from 1999-2000. I was there from March 2019-May 2020. Get Help. Helpful resources by Mark Gregston help parents deal effectively with teens who are struggling. Heartlight Ministries. This angered my parents who have always considered my passion for singing a waste of time. Located on 150 acres in the beautiful piney woods outside of Longview, Texas, Heartlight is a program that not only modifies behavior, but one that seeks to offer a unique, transformative journey through a relational experience that offers counseling, small group therapy, academics, & activities. four books, daily devotionals on each of the four gospels. Join us in our fight to combat abuse and neglect in 'troubled teen' programs! In total, I was away for 20 months and the people at Heartlight didn't care one bit in any way. EIN #74-2515711. Therefore, it is our responsibility to do an investigation, and to institutionally repent of what is uncovered. For those at Heartlight who work with teenagers, relationships come first. She. I know you will receive this news the same way I did, heartbroken and devastated. We are determined to uncover the extent of the alleged abuse, along with any way our church and the leadership at that time may have been complicit. Those who have been abused shamed, belittled, bullied, threatened, taken advantage of sexually, shunned deserve our love, support, prayers, listening ears, and empathetic hearts. We originally made the mistake of placing him in another program recommended by oiur counselor, but that was a disaster. Known for its excellent and successful program, Heartlight offers a safe haven for 56 young men and women, aged 13-17, who need help getting their life in order. I could be wrong here, this is just an opinion. Heartlight offers 11 daily devotionals to help you grow closer to God. However, the occasional lapses by these leaders are not the same kind of failure as the ongoing abuse of power, position, and spiritual privilege found in persistent abusers. Our son was there for 12 months and he changed in dramatic ways. Once again, I am very sorry. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Pray for Us. It would have saved a lot of heartache for me.. All rights reserved. We are grateful to God and His ministry offered through Mark and the staff at Heartlight. Lead by ensuring their sheep's safety, especially during difficult times of transition. Comes in a handsome signature library sleave. We will share their final report when it has been made public. What kind of place is this? Nepotism is rampant at the staff level, surley being a relative does not qualify you for a job. We seek to raise awareness and to change the law to protect the teenagers in these programs from harm. Moving forward, allow us to answer some anticipated questions: Yes. Never had a job as far as I know. The Scriptures are full of these kinds of stories think of David and Moses as two examples. Eventually, I was moved into a cabin until I turned 17. Unfortunately, that resulted in a young girl hanging herself. Heartlight is dedicated to the family as a whole, and encourages the full and total support of the family while a child is involved in the Heartlight program. When Luke wrote his good news story about Jesus, he wants us to know that as much as we may resent and resemble Adam 1.0, the Holy Spirit is transforming us into Adam 2.0! It hurts more than helps. The success stories are simply kids that outgrow the behavior. Parenting Today's Teens offers help and hope to parents and teens through radio podcasts, events, and through Heartlight, a fully staffed boarding school. Heartlight is a Christian boarding school located in east Texas. EIN #74-2515711. When I arrived, I was so From family friendly trips with kid friendly activities to local plumbers lawyers, spas, and contractors. I was back for 2 months and in that time, I saw him once. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I hope the very best for your child, to you and your family if you chose to send your child to Heartlight. Unfortunately, all who lead are fallen, temptable, men and women. My troubles worsened after leaving, I don't think I have ever been more confused with the idea of right and wrong. Teens consent to live at the boarding school for about one year to receive focused intervention. God's people are like sheep without a shepherd. While visits from the parents and other family members are greatly encouraged, Heartlight must limit the amount of visits for obvious reasons. Once the investigation is complete, we will follow up with the findings and further public communications. You can do so by sending an email to No, it just means you have an incompentent person doing the job for years. The school accepts all types of students, but some have some very serious issues that arent necessarily recognized as they should be. Copyright 1996 - 2023 All rights reserved. . you were there a FAT minute. Heartlight is supported by loving Christians from around the world. All donations are tax exempt. Fax: 903.660.0081, Contact Us I'd recommend it to any family in need. At that meeting, the elders unanimously voted to once again contract with GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to conduct another independent investigation into these new discoveries. If any leaders knew or were complicit, we trust that will be discovered in the investigation. Heartlight began in 1988 as a dream of Mark and Jan Gregstons to develop place of hope for parents who were struggling with their teens. 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