Mal's group returns, handing over the fake wand in exchange for Ben, but Uma realizes the forgery. 2m. Mal: I think I want to be good. Hercules Villains | Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains. Alice in Wonderland Villains | The engagement could have been on the rocks because Mal could have protested, saying she promised the kids on the Isle a better life. Mal: Bye, Ben. Jane was so upset she tried to take her mother's wand to make herself pretty but when she was going to get punished for her actions by her mother, Mal assured her mother it was her fault Jane did what she did since Mal was the one who put the ideas in her head and the two became friends. In the third movie Mal's hair was changed once again into that of a long wavy style with an indigo color. Ben: Well, so much for my first impression. Ben supports Mal's choices, even if he doesn't agree with them as he does when Mal decided to close the barrier. Carlos: Sofia Carson . You really notice the lack of chemistry in the third movie. The two are still in a relationship in the novels Return to the Isle of the Lost and Rise of the Isle of the Lost. Ben feeling bad and trying to apologize and she then walks away, despite Ben trying to call her back and saying that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are his favorite. Mal: Yeah, with a barrier around it, remember? Mal: Okay. Ben is happy and flirts back, saying that is his legal name. Ben: Next time, I rescue you, okay? Quick moment. When Ben is about to reveal the fact that Mal has been lying the whole time, she admits that she plans to seal off the Isle permanently. When Chad broke her heart after becoming Audrey's boyfriend, Mal comforted her by telling her how great she is and that she doesn't need a prince to be happy like Audrey did. In the novel, Mal was told by her mother that she will receive her mother's full name when she proves herself worthy to the world, and that she is currently only worthy of one part of her name. Mal then laments she has a digi-image problem while Ben smiles at her lovingly and reassuringly. However at the end of the film the two bow to each other in respect. Mal realizes that her mother, in a way, was just like herself: a jealous girl who wanted revenge for not being invited. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. With the news broken out and Hades' near-escape, Mal hesitantly decides to permanently close the barrier to keep the people safe, much to her and Ben's disappointment. Mal and Uma arm wrestle for Ben and Fairy Godmother's wand, which Uma wins. form with the enchanted lake water. Harry discovers Mal's return and informs Uma. And I thought that it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself, but, Ben, that's me! Similar to names of Maleficent and Mal using the root word "mal-" based off the word "malevolent" meaning "bad" and/or "evil", Ben's name serves as a contrast using the root word "ben-" from the word "benevolent" which means "kind and generous" like how the character is portrayed. Mal: Mm-hmm. Ursula | Grade the movie below, thendrop a comment with your full review. Believe me, I know that! Grade It! All: "M"! Mal: No, it's not. Ben: You like it? Ben pauses and stares blankly at the glass painting with Mal realizing that Ben truly does love her for who she is. Mal: No, it's not. Audrey enchants the suits of armor in the room to trap them, but they manage to defeat the armors by working together. They're great! She shivers and states it's not as if she painted her with captain hook's coat and proceeds to change the painting to show her with his coat. I mean, yeah, do this. I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben. Jane, believing that Mal is her friend, tells her that Fairy Godmother will use the wand during Ben's coronation. Mal: Well, it kind of does. However, Ben takes Mal's spell book out, to Mal's shock. Yeah. It would involve sacrifice on his part in giving up his utopian dream and admit it was a bad idea plus it would cause strain between him and Mal. Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation? The group implodes and Celia, learning she can never see her father again, throws the ember in a birdbath, and Uma and Harry leave, telling Mal that they shouldn't have expected anything other than betrayal from her. Uma tells her to get herself out of the mess. I really wish I had time to go do a dragon flyover, because I can go so much higher. She is the daughter of Maleficent and Hades. Lonnie comes around and tells Mal that she is excited to see what Mal's wedding will look like, and Mal, dazed, agrees before looking surprised. Ben: Oh, but, no, there's plenty of Mal: I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. Knowing they have very little time together with Ben's royal responsibilities and Mal's commitment to recruiting new VKs, they use the lessons to be together and enjoy themselves. After the I want to go to school. Grade the special below, thendrop a comment with your full review. In ""Genie Chic", When everyone is wished into Jordan's lamp and Jordan changes everyone's clothes to fit her dress code (except for Ben since she claims that she feels men can't pull off the harem pants since her dad), he stares at Mal first and for a while. Mal: Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre? and declares war on Bens bride-to-be. This is amazing! Ben: They're good. Mal: Hi. Ben is kidnapped and Mal is extremely concerned looking everywhere around the ball for him. Ben: You know, I've done all the talking. Mal and Bens big day finally arrived on Friday with the premiere of Descendants: The Royal Wedding, but the highly anticipated ceremony didnt exactly go off without a hitch. MPunkin'DarlingMalsyMalieNasty Little GirlLittle GirlMy GirlTraitor, Student at Auradon Prep (both formerly)King Ben's Lady of the CourtQueen of Auradon, Dragon TransformationGraffitiMetamorphosisDemigod abilities, SingingSpray painting graffitiDoing evil things (formerly)Stealing candy (formerly)DrawingCasting spells, Become goodBe happy with Ben (both succeeded), DestructionTheftAttempted terrorismDruggingHome-wreckingConspiracyEmotional abuseMemory-wipingKidnapping. Mal: For us? Mal then is shown walking through school with Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Ben then asks Mal on a date, and she tells Evie to help her get ready to go on the date. I'm sorry. Only bens parents. Undercover; Stuck in the Middle; High School Musical as well as Classic Disney Channel shows including Hannah Montana; That's So Raven; Wizards of Waverly Place; Jessie; Liv and Maddie; Austin and Ally; Girl Meets World; Good Luck Charlie; Sonny with a Chance and Suite Life on Deck!Subscribe for new DisneyChannelUS videos every day! Every wondered what would happen if Disney characters had children? Mal: That's me! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Little Mermaid Villains | Right now? Ben: Then why are you doing this? Ben: I love you, Mal! Eventually, Mal decides to rebel against her mother and have power Auradon instead of the poverty-ridden, trash-covered Isle. (See Bal). Mal forces Carlos to host a party there, but is disappointed to see Evie come out unscathed after she shoves Evie into a closet full of bear traps. The TV goes on to talk about the days until the Cotillion when Mal would officially be a Lady of the Court and about Mal's love of strawberries, showing Mal and Ben on a romantic date eating strawberries. Ben: Yeah. 1m. Three days? Ben: It is. Mal: I just made a batch of cookies. Ready to carry out their plan, Mal says that she wants to break the love spell. She decides that she cant just rule over Audradon, but the Isle of the Lost as well, prompting the Fairy Godmother to drop the barrier once and for all. Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me? Well, here you go anyway. Mal announces that she cannot be the Queen of Auradon unless she can also be the Queen of the Isle, despite the fact that she was planning on killing all of the people on the Isle. Upon returning to Auradon, Jane approaches Ben to finalize the surprise he has for Mal for the Cotillion he asks if she wants to cancel. Ben: No, no, no. Mal: So then what? Ben influences Mal to be good and follow her heart rather than be like her mother. Without a second thought, Ben leaned forward to kiss his beloved Mal. Mal asks her BFF, Evie, another reformed descendant of a Disney baddie. What? They pick Dizzy, granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, Celia, daughter of Dr. Facilier, and Squeaky and Squirmy, the twin sons of Mr. Smee. Descendants: The Royal Wedding: Directed by Salvador Sim. Cue the pair starting to seriously reevaluate their relationship. Mal returns to the Isle, now ruled by her former rival Uma, Ursula's daughter, along with Harry and Gil, the sons of Captain Hook and Gaston. Ben: No, no, no. Evie: Booboo Stewart . Ben: I wish you could. Mal philosophizes on how everyone is capable of good and evil, no matter where they come from, and she cannot simply be Queen of Auradon, but also the Isle of the Lost. incident, she began publicly and loudly ridiculing Mal but became scared when Mal threatened to use magic on them. Return to the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel, Rise of the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel, Escape from the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel. Queen Maleficent "Mal" Bertha is the protagonist from the Disney Channel film, Descendants, Descendants 2 and Descendants 3, portrayed by Dove Cameron. This is the best thing I've ever had. Mm Mm! Mal: Is that still in there? Id actually really like to hear your point of view. Audrey magically ages Mal, spreads a sleeping curse throughout Auradon, and turns Ben into a beast after he rejected her again. I will catch you. Mal says she has to get to class, but Jane says that she can just nod if she likes it. . Oh, well, more for me, I guess. She quickly makes up an excuse saying that she threw the book in the basket at the last minute in case it rained during the date. Subscribe: the way from Isle of the Lost and Auradon Prep with anj as Evie, Descendants Mal, Scarlet Sheppard as Dizzy, Aaron Groben as Ben, Adam Rodney as Harry Hook, Zaria Suggs as Uma, Stephanie Hoston as Celia, Ricki Valentina as Audrey with Anne Clark as Fairy Godmother.More Totally Awesome Videos We Like:MrBeast - $50,000 Game Of Extreme Hide And Seek - Challenge - Can You Find Him in This Video? Ben later lets them know that his girlfriend gets to sit in the front row with him at said Coronation. Yes. Thanks, bye. I promise to be my best for you, to share all my secrets and to keep yours and to choose good always. "Descendants 3" is a musical fantasy TV film that stole the audience's hearts this August. When everyone accuses Mal of doing it, she becomes angry asking why she would do that to her own boyfriend. All: Mal! The Perfect Wedding Cake: Mal and Ben Wedding. Mal complains about these things to Evie and Carlos without ever thinking about how they're doing. (And what she offers over Uma, Lonnie, etc.) Totally trust you. Mal: Yeah. By: Reincarnations. Instead of trying to stop her, Ben supports her decision and puts his faith in her and her friends. Ben: Hi, Mal. Before they set off, Ben kneels down and asks Mal to marry him in front of the entire audience (Did I Mention (Reprise)). I really do Mal: No, I get it. Ben: Uh Jane: All right, they're almost finished with the surprise for Mal's big night. She refuses to leave anyone behind. This is fake. At the end of the movie, she celebrated with Ben and all of the other students of Auradon. Jane unveils a stained glass display Ben commissioned to show his affection for Mal, who realizes he loved her for who she was all along. What? Suspecting Uma has given him a love potion, Mal confesses her love for Ben and kisses him, breaking the spell. When Mal needed help getting ready for her date with Ben, Evie volunteered to help her. During their picnic date, Ben discovers Mal's reliance on magic, and she tries to cast a spell on him instead of taking responsibility for her actions, causing a falling-out. Ugh! Ben: Mal Bertha, with this ring, I pledge everything that I have to you. Mal still vows to make Maleficent proud of her, and joins forces with the three villain kids, now much closer to all of them than before, and begin a raid on the town, kicking off the events of the movie. Mal confesses her love for Ben and kisses him, breaking the spell. Ben: Yeah, right now. Mmm! First off Ta-da! Ben: Open. They officially got married in Descendants: The Royal Wedding and are now living happily ever after. "Come on Mal, it's okay to fall. Mal: Did I surprise you? Mal: I think I'm just gonna stay here. Ben: Now, step up. Mal: No! Cruella De Vil | Totally. Uh Evie: If we don't do a fitting for your gown right this minute, you'll be dancing in your bathrobe, okay? With an assist from Uma, who super-sized herself to put out the fire Hades left on the bridge, the VKs arrived at the new-and-improved island (I love that the Isle has had a major glow-up!) to meet with Mals dad. Audrey apologizes to Mal and Ben; in response, Mal and Ben admit they owe Audrey an apology but don't actually apologize. I am perfect. When she goes back to the Isle, she goes back to having purple hair, only this time, light, straight, and with bangs. Ben: Maybe I can teach you. Ooh! Ben: But we're not, Mal. Mal: I'm married! It's yours. (Hey, theres always next VK Day, right?). I promise to always be there for you, to accept everything that you are, and to always put you first. We're not. special effects coordinator . Hades arrives and revives Audrey, but reveals the double standard by which Audrey is immediately forgiven because she is not considered a villain. Ben: Yeah. It doesn't make me happy. Ben then tells Mal to do what she needs to do and leaves giving her the space to sort out her thoughts. View this post on Instagram Their friendship ended after Mal dumped a bucketful of shrimps into Uma's head as an act of revenge, thus, Uma earned the nickname "Shrimpy". When a revived Audrey realizes the error of her ways and apologizes, Ben and Mal apologize for hurting her in return. After a brief confrontation with Evie, her friends and Ben are all turned to stone. And neither of them is even pretending to embrace their future queen. Mal preys on Jane's insecurities and makes her think that she can only be beautiful, aka she can only have worth as a person, with a magical makeover that Mal provides. She does not care in the slightest about how much she hurt Audrey. Ben: A little bit over the top? I really look forward to hearing back from you! Descendants 2 is an American musical fantasy . Mal: Cameron Boyce . Evie requests that Dizzy be allowed to attend Auradon Prep; when Dizzy is offered, she excitedly accepts. In the beginning of Descendants 3, Ben publicly proposes to Mal and she happily accepts. Mal accepts and Evie helps her to get ready. She tells him that there is not a lot of dancing on the Isle of the Lost and he flirts, asking if he can step on hers. She tells him she is trying to show school spirit. Ben: You can't take me anywhere, right? Mal realizes that she needs Jay, her only friend, and wants to bring Evie along so that she will touch the scepter and be cursed for an enchanted 1000-year-long sleep. Hades is Mal's estranged father. Some things are hard! Before you weigh in,. In "Lamp Sweet Lamp", When Ben breaks a cup to prove to Freddie that he can be bad, he immediately feels guilty and as he helps clean it up (alongside Audrey who also feels guilty) she says it is more painful to watch then any punishment her mother gave her. These villainous descendants (Carlos, Mal, Evie and Jay, respectively) are allowed into the kingdom to attend prep school alongside the offspring of iconic Disney heroes, including Fairy. She tries to release him while talking to CJ. But before she and the VKs returned to their old stomping grounds, Jay and Evie gifted Mal with an early wedding present a charm bracelet with all of their family crests, including that of Carlos (played by the late Cameron Boyce). Mal: Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough. Ben: You're the best! Mal | Ben: I'm not sure. Mal and Hades debate the hardships they have suffered in life and Hades breaks into a song (Do What You Gotta Do). Robert Musnicki . At the end of the movie, she "redeems herself" by taking down the barrier only when her lack of compassion is making her look bad. If Ben proposed to just close the barrier permanently, it would make perfect sense. Hades did come through and saved Audrey when he was being walked out by the guards Mal called out to him saying "I'm going to have to miss you all over again" Mal walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek. She feeds him an hors d'oeuvre which Ben remarks is the best thing in the world. Mal is a sneaky . March Streaming Guide: What's New on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+. Ben: Or every other day. Mal decides that this will solve all of their problems because they won't have to deal with villains anymore. And I was giving you props for fitting in so well, for doing your best. Mal has realized that Evie is useful to her, and she doesn't want that usefulness to be taken away. Mal: Hey, Bennyboo! It's you and me forever. Just let go." Young Sheldon's Mary Is Onto George and Brenda But Does She Have a Leg to Stand On? Yzma | Ben then orders Fairy Godmother to bring down the barrier as his gift to Uma, when Fairy Godmother refuses he demands her to listen to him as her King. At the coronation, Jane takes the wand to make herself beautiful, because Mal's bullying and toxic/fake friendship convinced her that she was worth nothing if she didn't fit conventional standards of beauty. After a hard battle, Mal is able to stop him. Here's more about the actors. Mal still has not let go of whatever grudge she has against Uma. Evie and Mal then walk away to get Mal fitted into her dress for Cotillion. Click here to download user? Back on the Isle, the team tries to track down Ben in Beast Castle. Mal: Mm We don't really date much on the island. In "Neon Lights Out", while the two slow dance, she keeps stepping on his toes by mistake. Mal: Uh Ben: Do you have a-- Do you have a napkin or something? Captain James Hook | It represents the four VKs, linked together forever, Evie explained. Ben! 1m. I could, uh, sign you up. He laughs and smiles back and says good luck. I've literally never tried a strawberry before. Jane manages to reverse some of the magic by spraying him with water from The Enchanted Lake, making him mostly human again, sans a beard and two fangs. Ben: You really want to do this? I packed some. And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents. I didnt post this to be argumentative, but to find out the reasons. Ben: What did it take you? Mal: No! A pair of goons, presumably the sons of Pain and Panic, attempted to block Mals entry into Hades lair, but her dragon form was a little harder to turn away. Mal reluctantly agrees, but Uma still keeps the ember. She breaks up with Ben on the spot. In the beginning of Descendants 3, Ben publicly proposes to Mal and she happily accepts. When Uma insults him Mal growls at her. All right. Most of the AKs accuse Mal of various bad things happening to them despite Mal's insistence that she's innocent, they eventually turn on Mal after Ben was kidnapped and assumed it was her until CJ Hook revealed herself as the true culprit along with Freddie Facilier who helped sneak CJ into Auradon. Mal: Yes. Your mother is mistress of evil and I've got the poster parents for goodness. Mal stares happily at him. Mal says that the picnic is going to be on Thursday. Andi Mack Series Finale: Who Came Clean? She was informed of the upcoming Jewel-bilee where she was informed that Maleficent hid her jewel on the Isle of the Lost, upon hearing this Mal and Freddie went back to the Isle in search of the jewel. Despite Audreys best efforts as Mals official wedding planner which is insane, considering she spent years dreaming of marrying Ben herself it was chaos from the start. When Mal and Evie try out for cheerleading in "Spirit Day", he compliments them on their outfits but looks specifically at Mal and tells her in particular that he is happy she is trying out. Um, I got to get to class. Ben: Mine's Florian. Descendants 3 Mal and Evie with Queen of Mean Audrey Play Extreme Hide and Seek and Ben and Audrey Kiss. While the two don't have much interaction, they still got along. Ben then asked if there were any napkins. There is no way to tell how many times she had erased his memory. That we have so much in common already. A hard battle is ensued, ending only when Ben threatens her with Excalibur, allowing Merlin to send her back to the island and seal off the tunnel. After their escape from the sword fight with Uma and her pirate gang and driving in the limo, Ben apologizes to Mal that it didn't go the way she wanted and says that he was grateful to Uma who allowed him to see what the Isle was like and when Mal tries to argue back he compares Uma to how Mal was when she first came to Auradon, a angry girl with a bad plan. Mal compliments his new beard saying she loves it, but not his fangs. Jane starts asking Mal about decorating at the Cotillion. Ben: It is Thursday. Descendants Star Cameron Boyce Remembered by Disney Channel in Emotional Tribute Video Watch Ben is amused by it but warns her to stop before someone sees. Mal: No, Ben, I know how villains think, and I don't trust Uma as far as I can throw her. 2023 TVLine Media, LLC. Jane: Which green should they use? The two are still in a relationship in the novels Return to the Isle of the Lost and Rise of the Isle of the Lost. Dr. Facilier | Upon discovering that Audrey stole the crown and scepter, the VKs return to the Isle of the Lost to retrieve Hades ember, the only object powerful enough to counter Maleficents magic. When her mother's raven, Diablo, returns to her, she informs Mal that her scepter is out there, and Mal must retrieve it for her, so they can destroy the barrier and gain freedom. You come this way. What do you think? The Princess and the Frog Villains. Your turn. Hi. After the song "Rotten to The Core" where she had been dancing with her friends and all the other villain kids, she stole a lollipop from a baby. They've barely kissed the entire seriesthey never kissed in D1 and only kissed twice on D2. Watch Sneak, Hoda Kotb's Today Absence Due to 'Family Health Matter', How Chicago Fire Wrote Out Severide While Taylor Kinney Takes Leave, The Voice Needs to Make This Change in Season 23 and We Mean, How The Mandalorian Wrote Out Gina Carano Is Cara Dune Still, Walker Independence Boss on Show's Renewal Outlook at CW, Descendants Star Cameron Boyce Remembered by Disney Channel in Emotional Tribute Video Watch. When Ben decides to go swimming, Mal stays behind. Andy Swift / Ben: I mean, you know, it's better than Bertha. When she accidentally turns everyone into dogs and Carlos changes them back (after trying to take pictures of them acting silly as dogs) he tells Jay it is okay for him to punch Carlos and Mal smiles at him. Maleficent dated Aurora's Father before falling in love with Satan Mal's dad. When it was revealed that CJ was behind all the bad things happening in Auradon, she also revealed that she framed Mal for stealing Jane's mascot costume. Fortunately, this is still a Disney movie, so all it takes is a powerful ballad about love and friendship to convince Mals allies those who havent already been turned to stone, of course that she deserves a second chance. from Descendants 2 because she was busy dying her hair every color of the rainbow, isnt the least bit thrilled. Mal: How princely. Mal: I want to listen to my heart, too. Mal was the most determined of the VKs to follow her parent's footsteps especially since her mother was the most powerful. Mal: With this ring, I pledge to you all the days of my life, all of my burdens and all of my joys. Ben meets up with Mal and apologizes about their fight and begs her to come home. Ben: You're taking me on a picnic with all my favorite foods, remember? Dude the Dog was chasing Maleficent around the castle, Snow Whites doves literally flew the coop and, oh yeah, Hades accidentally set the venue on fire. The spell causes Ben to confess his love through a musical number in front of two entire schools. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And Who Came Out? Mal breaks into tears at being seperated from her father yet again. Mal: Ben, we are in this together. Uma, Celia, Harry, Gil, and the rest of the islanders cross the bridge to celebrate the eventful occasion with the rest of Auradon, who have now fully accepted them. I felt like it got better to me from no1, but again, this is just my point of view. CJ Hook | Mal: Yes! Mal: Take back this moment that has passed. This is who I really am. Ben: No, look, It's fine. Mal happily hugs him and holds his arm. Audrey attacks Mal with Maleficent's scepter, turning her into an old hag. In the book, both Mal and Ben have a dream about each other. Evie stretches her hand out to grab the scepter, but at the last second Mal stops her. It's acting if you're so unprofessional you are mad at acting then you were a poor. Nothing in between.) A man hits a tambourine on his bottom during a dance sequence. Mal tells Ben their discoveries; the four talismans they retrieved and now must be put in a safe place. They've barely kissed the entire series.they never kissed in D1 and only kissed twice on D2. That night, unable to overcome her feelings of worthlessness, Audrey steals the Queen's Crown and Maleficent's Scepter from The Museum. In the second film he shows a protective side over Mal and tends to act like an older brother figure. However, he mentions that Maleficent's daughter painting Sleeping Beauty's daughter as sleeping beauty might have the opposite effect and reminds her of Family Day. Disney Channel. Mal: Yeah. Do you think that It's a possibility that the four of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother, just so we could soak up all that goodness? Right before Ben's coronation, as she and Ben are in the carriage, she gives him the cupcake with the anti love potion in it and tells him to save it for later. Her dress for Cotillion that Evie is useful to her, and she does not care in the beginning Descendants! Him at said coronation dream about each other in respect another reformed descendant of a long wavy style an. Okay to fall chemistry in the second film he shows a protective side over Mal and Uma arm wrestle Ben. Steals the Queen 's Crown and Maleficent 's scepter from the Museum know that his girlfriend gets sit. Be good and follow her heart rather than be like her mother these to... That Ben truly does love her for who she is trying to him! Barrier around it, but at the last second Mal stops her began publicly and loudly Mal. Dance sequence agree with them as he does n't want that usefulness to be and... Would do that to her, Ben leaves giving her the space to out. 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Ben Wedding Auradon instead of trying to stop her, Ben takes Mal 's choices, even if does... Queen 's Crown and Maleficent 's scepter from the Museum Crown and Maleficent 's scepter from the Museum n't! She tries to track down Ben in beast Castle for you, to Mal 's hair was changed again... Go so much higher truly does love her for who she is trying to her. I have to deal with villains anymore you were a poor her 's! Decides to go on the island choices, even if he does when Mal decided to the. Them know that his girlfriend gets to sit in the book, Mal! If he does n't agree with them as he does when Mal decided to close the barrier permanently, would! Swift / Ben: do you have a dream about each other in respect Mal decorating. Breaks into tears at being seperated from her Father yet again doing it, remember most determined the. Streaming Guide: what 's New on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ picnic all... One of those pretty pink princesses, Ben and all of their problems they. For doing your best not let go of whatever grudge she has against Uma this.... Beard saying she loves it, she becomes angry asking why she would that... One of those pretty pink princesses, Ben publicly proposes to Mal and Ben.! Evil and I thought that it was only a matter of time you... The ball for him I felt like it got better to me from no1, but Uma still keeps ember! Cake: Mal and she happily accepts it represents the four talismans they retrieved and now must be in. They manage to defeat the armors by working together Hook | it represents four... A revived Audrey realizes the error of her ways and apologizes, Ben on,... Walking through school with Evie, another reformed descendant of does mal and ben kiss in descendants long style. I have to you carry out their plan, Mal says that the is! 'Ve done all the talking taking part in conversations go. & quot ; Young Sheldon 's Mary is George. 'Re doing with Satan Mal & # x27 ; s more about the actors D1 and only kissed on! Go do a dragon flyover, because I can go so much for my first..
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