List of the Cons of Brexit. Vernon Bogdanor argues that just as joining the EU fundamentally altered the UK constitution, so Brexit could, by exposing the very nakedness of Britain's uncodified . 806 8067 22 I know what happens when an industry closes the unemployment, the poverty, the loss of hope, the years it takes to get back on your feet, the grievances that still play out today. Indeed, the average majority since 1945 has been 58.4 seats. The Australian government is presently considering a plebiscite on the issue of marriage equality even though a clear majority in favour exists in parliament; many are strongly opposed on the grounds that such a campaign would be socially divisive, and might even provide a platform that legitimises hate speech. (26 Jun 2012), Experiences of PR open list system? Brexit would eliminate protections of equal pay, maternity leave, and safe workplaces. One of the major advantages of a written constitution is the fact that it can be easily consulted. Referendums are the purest form of democracy as it is entirely up to the people to decide. Referendums can be a check on "elective dictatorships" during a government's 5 years span. 806 8067 22 One advantage of using referendums in the UK is that they enable the public that are over 18 to approve or disprove important . (28 Jun 2012), Bonus seats to largest party in Greek election This can perhaps be seen by the four years of political turmoil after the referendum surrounding how Britain should actually withdraw from the EU. A referendum is a vote provided to the general public which is determined by the federal government, and is used to help answer a crucial political or constitutional concern to which the public need to vote a simple 'yes' or 'no'. In fact, research done by the Guardian Newspaper found a 4% difference in voting intention based on the alternative wording of the questions a very significant swing! Moreover, even when looking at the people who did vote and the outcome which was achieved, referendums can never truly represent everyone and meet societys needs as a whole. However, although referendums are important for democracy, referendums could be seen to be too complicated for the public to understand. One advantage of using referendums in the UK is that they allow the general public that are over 18 to approve or disprove essential constitutional changes. [ 1] Referendums, by which citizens are given the opportunity to express a view on specific issues, have antecedents in the Middle Ages and earlier. PLEASE NOTE: We are currently in the process of updating this chapter and we appreciate your patience whilst this is being completed. Referendums are limited if the potential outcomes are not prepared for. Also, the government determine when to hold a referendum and could be done to suit their own needs. Download Free PDF. Energy and the environment. This would affect democracy as the new policies introduced may not be a true representation of the public opinion and instead represents the majority of the people who voted and not the public overall. -provides a clear answer to a specific question. The Act's target was for UK emissions to be cut at least 60% by 2050, though the impact assessment also considered a 70% or 80% goal. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. One advantage of using referendums in the UK is that they enable the public that are over 18 to approve or disprove important . By necessity, referendums simplify incredibly complex issues. The chaos seen after the Brexit Referendum result can in part be attributed to the failure to adequately plan for both potential scenarios. What are the Mechanisms for Reform and Amendment? . referendums in the UK are quite rare, it is definitely the opposite case in Switzerland which is regarded as "the world's champion of direct . Scotland's economy will be worse off. In addition, they also had a say on whether . Advantages and disadvantages of referendums ----- One of the arguments put forward against referendums is that they tend to simplify complicated problems and reduce them to yes or no answers. This is because electors lack the expertise to vote on complicated issues like Brexit. Citizens are protected from an over-powerful government. This, therefore, gives the decision taken more legitimacy. Referendums have become more widely used since 1997 and have helped to decide controversial policies. This trend may be exacerbated in the case of referendums on complex issues such as constitutional change or international treaties, with which voters are likely to be unfamiliar. Referendums provide the peoples opinion. Strengthens government - governments decide when and on what issues referendums are called, they frame the question and they dominate the publicity campaign. In Britain, referendums had been associated with Nazi Germany, where Hitler had use plebiscites to confirm support for his policies such as making himself Fuhrer (1934) and Anschluss (1938). Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. prevent government from making unpopular decisions. Political deals. Constitutional changes - it is appropriate that constitutional changes be approved by public referendum, as they affect the way the country is governed, so are more important than ordinary laws. Government plans to build a network of 10 freeports after the end of the Brexit transition period are unlikely to have any material impact on the UK economy because duty savings are so small as to . 4. A referendum is a vote given to the public which is determined by the government, and is used to help answer an important political or constitutional question to which the public must vote a simple 'yes' or 'no'. 1. (2016, May 11). Referendums give power to uneducated voters. The word "constitution" is also used to refer to a document that contains, sets out the framework and the principal functions of the organs of government within the state, and declares the principles by which those organs must operate. However, there are also many disadvantages to having referendums as they can cause voter fatigue which may result to poor voter turnouts and create a disinterest in politics. Unless Nicola Sturgeon has been conducted the poorest bluff in political history, it seems that Scotland is once again set for a referendum on independence. . 98.9% of voters chose to remain in the UK (the referendum was boycotted by nationalists). (03 Mar 2014), Electoral reforms made by specific assemblies However, experts in Switzerland (where a number of direct democracy votes take place each year) believe that, although turnout at referendums is around 45%, more than 45% of electors participate in direct democracy, since different voters participate in the different votes that interest them. Although it was thought that this would stem the rising tide of nationalism, in fact, it strengthened the support and influence of the Scottish National Party, whose __2011 __election win paved the way for the __2014 __independence referendum. Furthermore, if referendums are held too often, voter fatigue could occur. Since __1973 __there have been eleven referendums held in the UK, the majority of them have been related to the issue of devolution. In the case of the EU Referendum, significant amounts of legislation, both primary and secondary, has had to been passed since 2016. So why is this and what might the advantages and disadvantages of referendums be? Most marketers will recommend SEO, based on the . 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Good examples of this are the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014 and the EU Referendum in 2016. For example, Good Friday Agreement . Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Trade. Electoral Assistance Division (EAD). Today's most discussed topic all over the world is the fact that UK will possibly leave the EU. Technically, because of parliamentary sovereignty, all referendums in the UK are advisory. The pound depreciation as an aftereffect of Brexit. Once the UK landscape had settled, the focus shifted to the risks and opportunities facing the nation. The European Union has spent much of their time bringing the country along, often reluctantly . . Whilst 52% of voters opted to leave the EU in the referendum, around 60% of MPs wanted to remain. Advantages. The central governent is at Westmi. See our A-Level Essay Example on The UK would benefit greatly from the wider use of referendums. Discuss., United Kingdom now at Marked By Teachers. The parties stances on Brexit have also had electoral consequences, not least the weakening of Labours traditional working class support in some areas. This would allow him to lead a yes campaign. Primary Legislation Legislation passed having gone through the different stages in Parliament. I really enjoy the effort put in. Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Referendums. within a detailed and comparative perspective and their advantages and disadvantages are illustrated. However, there are also many disadvantages to having referendums . First Past the Post does not give equal voting power across the UK. Constitutional issues are a reserved, not devolved, power. 5. This rhetoric undoubtedly did long-term damage to the UKs political system. However, when it became obvious that we simply wouldnt join a government at all without a commitment to a referendum on voting reform, their appetite for power outweighed (rightly, as it turned out) their fear of losing power . (16 Nov 2018), Limits to universal suffrage On the other hand, there are two very stark downsides to choosing a referendum as the way to resolve an issue. . (28 May 2019), "Head of list" election model Advantages of referendums. What are the different types of referendums? A good example of a post-legislative referendum was the AV Referendum where a bill had been written and agreed and the referendum was the final stage in the process. They therefore become dominated by populism. The referendum increased participation, with a turnout of 72%. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. 2. They are particularly good with Social Law reform, Ireland has used them to good effect here. Furthering this point, the public may be easily influenced by campaigns of newspapers, notable tabloids, or by wealthy vested interests who can afford to spend large amounts of money on a campaign. 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