When this law was introduced in 2012, forgetting to pack a breathalyzer in your glovebox so the police could bust you for a DUI more easily came with a small fine of about 11 ($13 USD). Wait, that mushroom cloud over the city is your fault? European nobility developed a taste for swans in the 12th century, and it soon spread to England, where it became a symbol of riches and nobility and was frequently served at royal feasts. #1. Not perfect, but not as self destructive as it was. What were you, born in a barn? var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=bc43e304-c29f-4812-b5c6-78e2fdbc1609&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=6634987850621653108'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); Winters in Buenos Aires are mild, with temperatures ranging around 55F (13C). Just put on a bathing suit and call it a day. Still, many restaurants, grocery stores, or hotels only accept cash or require a minimum expenditure before they let you swipe. This weird lawjust means that toenjoy your dinner of one of the 10 Best Foods for Your Heart without breaking any laws, be cool and stay calm. (4) Common pipers and fiddlers. Sorry, Grandpa, nobody wants your damn change! In the UK, a law still exists from the Middle Ages that requires all males over the age of 14 to be trained in shooting a long bow. I have checked on this site https://www.techsmoothy.com/argentina-visa-lottery/ but am not satisfied on what i want. If extraterrestrial visitors plan on visiting earth anytime soon, they might want to stay away from France. Who wants to take a sexcation to Birmingham? Wherever you go, avoid talking on your phone on the street, keep valuable items in your pockets, and dont wear expensive jewelry especially necklaces, as these are easy to rip off. That's all fair and good. The easiest way get around most cities is with a SUBE card, which you can purchase in lottery shops, train and subway stations, and kiosks. All About Dulce de Leche, History and Recipes, Learn more aboutArgentina and find everything you need for your trip here, Busting the Negative Myths of Argentine Spanish, Spending and Celebrating Christmas in Buenos Aires: Traditions and Food, Tango: History, Milongas and the Dancing Scene in Buenos Aires. The above comments do not reflect the reality of this beautiful country. And that's just the beginning. a tall structure having a shining lustre, and calculated to frighten timid people.[1] He was fined either 50 or 500, depending on which source you consult. 52. And yes, it is as vague and arbitrary as it sounds. Even the IMF put out a report on this and Cristine Legarde, the IMF president, said the country might get a "red card" for its fibs. By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information. They However make up a Small majority of the country they inhabit. } And while we're talking about beer, here's The Best Craft Beer in Every U.S. State. The constitution forbids subjective obstruction with security, family, home or correspondence. We honestly did not encounter any issue, but always avoided unknown areas for us. It is illegal to keep or kill mute swans (which are the stereotypical swans most people envision) in the UK. This rechargeable card is not valid everywhere, but covers major urban areas and over 30 other smaller localities. And then there's the stuff that just comes out of left field. From BBC back in 2007 during the reign of not-so-attractive President Nestor Kirchner, CFK's late husband: Gonzalo Otalora does not much care what he looks like. A bottle of bleach will do. In Norway, there is a law that protects all female dogs and cats from being spayed. Be aware, taxis around the country have different colors. Back then, you could end up in jail for 90 days and have to paythe state $500; if this were put into place around the country nowadays,theInternet trolls might finally think twice before harassing womenonline. If you were already thinking of slimming down, though, try thisSingle Greatest Full-Body Fat-Loss Workout. Meanwhile, visitors and non-parliamentarians theoretically still are allowed to bring weapons and bulletproof vests into Parliament.[3]. This woman say that UBER is legal but it's not like that. And of course you have to be In 1482, the British crown was so concerned with protecting its swan supplies from the commoners that it passed a law limiting ownership of swans to the nobles. Avoid standing by the bus stops or taking the subway when there's no one else around, as you could be putting yourself at risk. weird laws in argentina. It's only an hour ferry ride away. Unless you already own a burial plot in this tiny southwestern French village, leaving this mortal coil while within the borders of Sarpourenx is strictly prohibited. Game players above 16 are required to access game servers using their social security numbers. Be aware local laws in Argentina may be different to what you know at home. First of all, why are you wearing camouflage on a Caribbean island? 51. They are critical of other Latino countries, but lack the ability to be critical of their own country, and will defend it no matter what facts you present (look on here how they don't accept that crime is rampant in BA, but instead deflect it "crime is a problem in all major cities". Sorry, Portugal, but you're fighting a losing battle. Paige Cody / Unsplash. Worth it? Using the prescription drug right now could have seriousand potentiallyfatal side effects. The NRAO telescope receives radio signals from faraway stars and galaxies. The ARG thugs and the population as a whole need to know, as someone wrote, that they are shooting themselves in their own feet (and other more valuable body parts, I'd add) by mugging and endangering the very people who want to come in and spend money. A huge relief if your biggest health concern is being momentarily disturbed by a faint squeaking sound in the distance. Forbidding sex "on the steps of any church after the sun goes down" is a perfectly acceptable demand, as is the 25 per person fine. Little worried about sooo ugly comments i am Argentinean. (To be fair, I must state that these are the urban populations I've been involved with in business, I've no experience with the country folks, just to be clear). So, a portion of ketchup can be served with, say, French fries, but students cant just slather whatever they want with as much ketchup as they want. The South American country is rich with resources, but often broke. Well, specifically Chteauneuf-du-Pape in southeastern France. Area Codes-- The city area code for Buenos Aires, known locally as a caracterstica, is 011. Surprisingly, there is just mention of the bad and worst things. Negotiate. A 1991 law gives a store to repaying detainees who were wrongfully confined amid the 1976- 83 military tyranny. For instance, you might've read stories that the punishment for masturbation in Indonesia was decapitation. As stipulated by the Canadian Radio and Television Commission, one in every five songsor roughly 35% of what's played on the radiomust be a Canadian artist. When choosing what to pack, dont forget sunscreen, as the sun in Argentina is seriously strong. However, on a long term perspective, the country will bounce, as it always does. Owning a satellite dish that gets foreign TV might cost you $100,000 in fines and two years in prison, on top of getting your dish confiscated. Don't Cut the Cactus Jumping Cactus in Arizona Source At least in Arizona, because it is illegal to do so. And people have mostly complied. Not just flip flops, any shoes categorized as "noisy footwear," whether it's high heels or wood clogs. The law requires that teenagers below the age of 16 to be shut out of online game servers between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM. 4. Yet, due to the weird Singapore laws you'll have to let the birds fend for themselves here! Penalties for drug offences, even possession of small amounts, are severe and include lengthy imprisonment in local jails. (It is unknown how many MPs currently carry swords.) A second offense costs $2000 and being forced to clean a public area of the city for a day. If you were caught with too many potatoes, the fine would be a whopping $2,000. It is illegal for a moose to enter a bar through the sidewalk in Fairbanks, Alaska. 55. 12. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. Petty crime rates in these cities are lower than Buenos Aires, but, for example, Rosario has been part of a drug-trafficking route for years, with increasing gang violence. Post author: Post published: February 17, 2023; Post category: Uncategorized; . If the utility consumption is not "near zero" while the owners are living abroad, there is an automatic. Some taxis will display a sign on the vehicle's roof stating the company they belong to. Whatever you do, be discreet, avoid flashing your wallet, and don't extract big amounts in one go. How many of these weird laws in New Mexico did you know about? In fact you shouldnt even be referring to the islands with its English name use Las Islas Malvinas instead. In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to kick a woman out of bed. 5 Things Smart Men Never Say to a Naked Woman, Leaders of the Pack: the Best New Cars for 2018, Classy Man's Guide to Adjusting His Package in Public, Ultimate Smoothie for Boosting Your Sex Drive, 9 Medical Tests You Should Always Demand from Your Doctor, Single Greatest Full-Body Fat-Loss Workout, 20 Purchases That Are Always Worth the Money. And to all the dog-lovers out there, there's really no need to steal your neighbor's mutthere, we made you this guide to prove it: How to Buy the Perfect Dog. If you see somebody with a city plan, mostly everybody will try to help. Guaranteed that you will never pay fair price for anything, as soon as you are identified as "not local", you will pay 5x the price. Catching a taxi is very easy in any Argentinian city and surrounding localities. 65. As a USA national (we all are in the Americas remember.) BA is not the same as it used to be. 6. They also Have a Good Ethical Code as Well . Tourists are observed like sheep to a wolf pack. In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon. Things concerning Rosario are true. Menu. Argentina is one of the safest countries for travelers in Latin America, but but petty crime does occur. They have had traveled extensively backpacking and on buses and their accounts are far more fun, than what I read in here. Argentinian Patagonia, which covers nearly all of southern Argentina, is a must. How about laws in retrograde. 13 Sexiest Things You Can Ever Say to a Woman. Several towns in different countries have permanently or temporarily banned townspeople from dying within town limits. Argentines have a very high opinion of themselves (you can see that by the comments they leave on here), they don't even identify as Latino's, but Europeans! Do your research before joining the crowds, and make sure it's a cause you identify with. 34. 59. Our daughter is Argentinian as she born there some years ago. 6 It Is Illegal To Use Cell Phones In Banks Argentina, Brazil, And The Philippines The governments of Rio de Janeiro, Argentina, and the Philippines have passed laws banning customers from using cell phones inside banks. 57. We have an outstanding country. Mendoza, in theCuyo Region of the central-west, is famous for wine, but this sometimes-underrated region is also filled with otherworldly landscapes, like the Pampa Negra, a volcanic black desert in Mendoza Province, the moon-like formations at the Valle de la Luna, the windy flats of Barreal in San Juan, and the Grand Canyon-esque Sierra De Las Quijadas in San Luis. While A lot of people receiving benefits do not have a choice. 43. Around $10 for a bag of bird seed. There are lots of other people working full time and also studying, people are not all the same, anywhere. If on a tight budget, expect to spend as little as US $22-30 per day, including hostel accommodation, cheap eats, and local public transport. Now it also offers "Montonero," a dark ale named after the 1970s guerrilla group, and "Double K" in honor of Argentine leader Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and her late husband, President Nestor Kirchner. Women were not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia until 2018. Can you imagine ending up in a career working for an underwear security checkpoint? They are in the top in Viator , very polite, etc. 60. It is illegal in Alabama to open an umbrella on the streets of Montgomery. We only mention the "bad and worst things" in the spirit of education and in the wish that our travellers stay safe. You could be charged a fine of $1000 for this offense. UBER became officially legal to use in Buenos Aires in September 2020, so now you can ride with peace of mind. people are stupid and think too well, the land is dirty and nature is not taken care of. You'll still need to dial 011 before the 15 if you're calling these numbers from outside Buenos Aires. Once a target was spotted, the robber would use his cell phone to instruct other gang members outside the bank to rob the client. So read on and know that, no matter where you are on this planet, you're all but guaranteed to be a criminal doing just about anything. A very high number are freeloading on our TAX Dollars. Various governments have changed their travel warnings to restrict travel during this time. Try Rosarios staple toastie a carlitos a traditional empanada Cordobesa, or a Mendozan classic such as humita en chala. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in jail. It is only to educate.

(By the way, we do this with EVERY country, not just Argentina! 11 Leading Men Who Embraced Fatherhood Later in Life. Old and sick people are usually transported off the island to live their last days.[4]. Illinois: Don't keep smelly dogs You can read the full article on the weird laws in Illinois here: The 8 Weirdest Laws in Illinois 40 ThingsMen Should Never Say to a Woman in Bed. "Those who live far away from parents should go home often," the law declares. Today, however, it's just strongly encouraged. Here's what to look out for. Careful like everywhere in the world. I absolutely love Argentina and it has so, so much potential. Your reign of terror is over, kite enthusiasts. At least two people died while the law was in force. At least the exchanging vows part. The tavern owner stopped bringing his moose to his bar but still got it drunk in his home. In fact, it's best to avoid wearing any English or British symbols. Well, only one way to find out. Visiting Argentina from Ushuaia to Salta, I am in constant reminder, be it North America, Central America or South America, no place is perfect or 100% safe. In Colorado it is illegal to collect rainwater. Although dirty car fines in Russia have been around since 2006, it's still unclear what exactly qualifies an automobile as filthy. As a result, ugly people feel they get the short end of the stick big time. In July 2013 a law was passed in China that states it is illegal for adult children to not visit their parents often in China. You WILL get ripped off at some point, hopefully its only monetary and without violence. In parts of India, a man who is in debt can offer up his wife until the debt is paid. Argentines are afraid their economy may crash again, so to get ready people exchange their dollars for pesos. JavaScript is disabled. Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Wait, what? In Australia, men are free to cross-dress, just as long as their dresses are not strapless. Finally, a state marriage law that enforces what we already suspected. According to a contemporaneous account, people became frightened, children shouted, dogs barked, and women fainted as Hetherington wore his silk hat through London. May be some in this chat want to travel for free. } weird laws in argentina. This is because the town contains the worlds largest fully steerable radio telescope, which is operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). To stem capital flight from the country, the government has placed restrictions on currency exchanges and travel. If you fail, you could end up with a steep fine or ten days in jail. Local laws and customs. Maybe now you'll just close the gate when we ask you nicely! Close the gate! The only way to do that and make sure that this stupid act doesn't happen again without consequences is to make a law. .] The East Punjab Agricultural Pets, Diseases and Noxious Weeds Act of 1949requires anyone over 14 to sound the locust alarm with "a proclamation by beat of drum." Foreigners must have their passport on them at all times (they can prove their identity. Apparently, farmers and landowners are being punished for this. Any person who wilfully ingests the flesh or blood of a human is guilty of cannibalism and this is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding fourteen years. Also, remember to bring layers of clothing. These laws may sound a little weird but the reason they are on the books is that at some point in that state's history the strange type of event the law is governing had to have been a. It is the first known vertebrate to change the texture of its skin. In Florida it is illegal for a divorced or a widowed woman to skydive on a Sunday afternoon. But recently, theres been a resurgence of the Ferrocarril, connecting 12 of the 23 Argentinian provinces. But then again, if it means living in a world where we never have to read about celebrity kids named Blue Ivy, Pilot Inspektor, or Apple, maybe it's not the worst idea. So in 1958, Congress passed a law banning radio devices around the observatory. Which means the prostitutes themselves would not be breaking the law. If you spit outside a public building like city hall, you could be found guilty. 10 Popular Dog Breeds And Why They Were Bred, 10 Superpowers Real People Have (And Why They're Terrible), Top 10 Outdated Laws You Didn't Know You Were Breaking, 10 Houses Of Horror So Disturbing They Were Demolished, 10 Offensive Things That Once Passed For Entertainment, 10 Times Companies Passed On Revolutionary Opportunities, 8 Dark Facts About Being Single, And Why You Really, 10 Scientific Reasons Society Is Like It Is And Why, Top 10 Problematic Mukbangers On YouTube (And Why We, Ten True Tales from Americas Toughest Prison, 10 Times Members of Secretive Societies and Organizations Spilled the Beans, 10 Common Idioms with Unexpectedly Dark Origins, 10 North American Animals with Misplaced Reputations, Top 10 Creepiest and Strangest Homes on Zillow, Top Ten Worst Book to Movie Adaptations Ever Filmed, Ten Seriously Spooky Unsolved Spring Break Mysteries, 10 Significant Biblical Archaeology Discoveries, 10 Huge Songs You Didnt Know Were Written for Movies, 10 Amazing Animals That Can Detect Human Diseases, Top 10 Ridiculous Laws That Are Still Enforced Across The World, 10 Claims Of Recovered Extraterrestrial Craft, Top 10 Truly Disturbing Facts About Japans Suicide Forest. 41. Argentina is considered one of the safest countries in South America. The legal drinking age in Argentina is 18 and there are different blood alcohol limits for drivers; 0.02% for scooters and motorbikes, 0.05% for other vehicles. Drop the 0 when adding Argentina's country code, 54. 61. 50-20 Vagrants. Every parent has daydreamed about it at least once. Listen, if you couldget your elephant to crap in a public restroom stall like every other respectful beach visitor, there wouldn't be a problem. There's just no reason to blend into your surroundings while visiting a vacation destination like Barbados, especially if they have a law called the Defence Act of 2006, which prohibits clothing "made from any disruptive pattern materials used for making the military uniform commonly called the camouflage uniform.". I Can Tell you From my 56 Years The U.S. Has 59 Million Americans Getting Welfare on a Monthly basis. According to the same source, the parade in Rio de Janeiro also gathers over 500,000 people and the one in Belo Horizonte, Brazil's third-largest metropolitan area, ties with Buenos Aires at 200,000. What exactly is "unjust vexation?" We love Argentina and have come back again and again, traveling everywhere. If they dont, and you decide to take it anyway, check out the taxi's registration information displayed inside. In Britain it is illegal to operate a cow while intoxicated. 13. Some people make multiple trips a day toColonia de Sacramento. Just choose a city that adapts to your needs and preferences. 23. Right now, its illegal for them to vote too. In some cases, both the bride and the groom are absent. That law was only repealed in 1998. But what does that mean for vegetarians who travel to Argentina? 62. Nobody had seen a top hat at that time, so it was scary and controversial. You don't happen to know where I can get a copy of the list do you? Apparently, it will become legal in 2015 (how sweet). Also avoid talking about the Pern years and the military junta. By law, any whale or great Sturgeon caught in the UK is the property of the Queen. It is unknown if some of these laws are still in effect, but they are nevertheless fun to read and share with others. 14. The Philippines also proposed a similar law, which was quickly adopted as a rule by banks even before the law was passed. Being punished for this they can prove their identity in Norway, there a! Off the island to live their last days. [ 3 ] grocery stores, or hotels only cash... You 're fighting a losing battle are still in effect, but but petty crime does occur &! To live their last days. [ 3 ] a USA national we... The 0 when adding Argentina & # x27 ; s all fair and good and controversial local in... Are still in effect, but covers major urban areas and over 30 other smaller localities we honestly not! 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