This course is intended to renew your Basic Orientation requirements and must be completed within (60) days of Basic Orientation expiration. Log in information Username: jhkelly all lowercase Password: jhksafety all lowercase. 4. Atlas 2.0 Training Resources ; Basic Orientation Plus (BOP) Study Guide ; Basic Orientation Plus Course Outline ; Contact the Training Services Team . Decide on what kind of eSignature to create. These peer-reviewed courses provide the necessary essentials to ensure worker safety. Watch video, send quiz to onsite JH Kelly contact. TAPPISAFE provides the most cost-effective safety orientation that meets BOTH global OSHA requirements AND site specific safety needs. Having Problem? With all safety programs, there are costs for the contractor companies in addition to the expenses the mill incurs. TAPPISAFE offers a variety of customized services and programs to fit your needs: Process Safety Management Orientations (PSM), Centralized, Online Data Records Management, FREE Course: COVID-19 Prevention in the Workplace. Gain access to a HIPAA and GDPR compliant solution for maximum straightforwardness. Name: Email: Phone: Please limit your question to 1000 characters. As one mill safety manager in the Southeastern US stated, TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation has exceeded our expectations in safety orientation.. Alpha - 0001: App in error.Failed initialization data fetch. 1.5 hours). This orientation provides coverage of site specific process areas and includes OSHA compliance on protective measures, physical hazards, and health hazards of chemicals. Click the card to flip . Click the card to flip . Students must score 70% or higher, in order to pass this course. TAPPISAFE now offers 86 courses and has been used by 103,000 students from thousands of contractor and supplier companies. To find it, go to the AppStore and type signNow in the search field. Google Chromes browser has gained its worldwide popularity due to its number of useful features, extensions and integrations. More than 10 years ago, a consortium of paper-related businesses, including mills, plants, suppliers, and contractor companies, asked TAPPI to help create a uniform safety orientation. Weve worked with safety leaders across the country to understand the costs mills incur when contractors arrive onsite unable to work because they havent gone through orientation. We are working to improve safety orientations by standardizing content for our Industry. The signNow extension gives you a range of features (merging PDFs, adding numerous signers, and many others) for a better signing experience. 599 0 obj <> endobj Here are some real-world scenarios that illustrate these practical benefits: TRADITIONAL SAFETY ORIENTATION (5 MILL SITES): If your field staff totals 10 students, each of these students sits through an average of five mill safety sessions per year, and the average time for each session is 1.5 hours, then the total traditional annual training time would equal 75 man hours. Overall confidence in the safety awareness of every contractor that enters the mill has increased. This courseis an OSHA awareness-level orientation for the workforce andcovers 19 safety topics including: These in-depthcourses cover a varietyof safetytopics, including: Thisorientation is customized to the unique safety needs of your siteusing learning techniques that includecontent, audio, and pictures. For each student, the total time using TAPPISAFE for eight sites would be 7.5 hours of orientation, instead of the 12 hours required by the traditional model. The employee will receive an email at the email address provided for instructions on how to complete the Clearwater Orientation. For instance, browser extensions make it possible to keep all the tools you need a click away. Use professional pre-built templates to fill in and sign documents online faster. 1 / 100. From personal and general safety to permit work, we will work with you to create an orientation that addresses your company's needs. After its signed its up to you on how to export your basic orientation plus test answers: download it to your mobile device, upload it to the cloud or send it to another party via email. 2023 WhatTheyThink. TAPPISAFEs mill-specific courses eliminate the need to develop, schedule, and administer onsite orientation. For technical support call: 844-930-4877 Submit Help Ticket. We know how stressing filling out forms could be. NOTE: Before taking this course, Students must have a currently valid ARSC card (BOP/BOPR) or BAT (Bay Area Training) or C-STOP or CSO/CSR (Three Rivers Safety Council or TRMA) or NW Labor Employers . Unlimited- to achieve a passing score and complete course. One such program even allowed a contractor team member to view the materials and then pass on secondhand information to the rest of the team. More than 100 facilities and 10,000 contractors and suppliers are currently enrolled and taking advantage of the cost savings, time efficiencies and reduced regulatory scrutiny that TAPPISAFE effortlessly provides. Add the PDF you want to work with using your camera or cloud storage by clicking on the. Search for jobs related to Tappisafe basic orientation 12tsbas or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. 0000331384 00000 n recommended by students. Print certificates out and bring to the mill with you. Training . The TAPPISAFE Advisory and Curriculum Committees are comprised of representatives from mills, suppliers, and contractor companies. In 2006, TAPPI began working with both the mill and supplier communities to design a system that would not only improve safety readiness, but save time and money as well. In addition, the TAPPISAFE Program: Continues to partner with the industry to deliver up-to-date course content, Continues to enhance the technology to provide multiple ways for taking courses, such as via mobile phone, Is working to increase ways the TAPPISAFE badge can be used for gate access. With the collaboration between signNow and Chrome, easily find its extension in the Web Store and use it to eSign basic plus practice test 2022 2022 right in your browser. After that, your basic orientation plus test answers is ready. The online orientation certificate is valid for one year from the completion date. Use signNow to electronically sign and send out Basic Orientation Plus Test Answers for e-signing. We believe this orientation is an enabler for us to achieve an injury-free workplace for everyone. Get access to thousands of forms. Printing and scanning is no longer the best way to manage documents. Get Form Course Name: TSREF TAPPISAFE Basic Refresher Orientation. 0000002522 00000 n TAPPI, its partners, and the TAPPISAFE Advisory Committee want everyone to return home each day. (See sidebar for real-world scenarios illustrating time and cost savings for individuals and teams.). If you do not agree with our use of cookies, please change the current settings found in our Cookie Policy. Stu-dents can access TAPPISAFE courses from any computer with Internet access, take courses, and arrive at any facilityready to work. Schedule a Demo Today! TAPPISAFE - Certifications, Cost and Reviews About the school This school offers training in 5 qualifications, with the most reviewed qualifications being Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10 Hour Certification, Tappi Safe, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 30 Hour Certification. The TAPPISAFE program is a web-based orientation that allows the workforce to take the training online so they arrive to the mill ready for gate entry. An Advisory Committee of safety professionals from all aspects of the industry including mills, supplier companies, contractor companies, and other areas has developed the TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation content based on best practices. 0000001797 00000 n signNow combines ease of use, affordability and security in one online tool, all without forcing extra software on you. TappiSafe Site Specific Orientation (Tacoma or Longview), Industrial and Commercial Electrical Installation,,, MICROCHIP CONTRACTOR & VENDOR TRAINING FOR FAB 4,,,, JH Kelly has an account with TappiSafe, so when you register you will mark invoice and input the information listed below and they will invoice JH Kelly for this training. 0000287366 00000 n Key aspects of the program include: standardized testing that helps reduce redundant and potentially costly safety orientations, up-to-date OSHA compliance information, a standardized online basic safety orientation system, and instantly verifiable records. Return to Course Catalog. All you have to do is download it or send it via email. <<5FFEAA7072560C4888CD68BBC2495CCD>]/Prev 371464/XRefStm 1445>> Select the area where you want to insert your eSignature and then draw it in the popup window. 0000002336 00000 n The TAP-PISAFE Program is working to improve safety performance by creating high-quality, effective content for our industryand providing standardized, OSHA-required, awareness-level orientations for the workforce. Become a Member, doing so is simple and free, Canon Announces ProStream 3000 Series, its Next Generation of High-speed, Web-fed Inkjet Printers for the Commercial Print Market, 2023 Inkjet Shopping Guide for Corrugated Presses Part 2: Pre-Print Plus, Products and fabrics for inkjet textile printing, Jim Continenza on Kodaks Inkjet Investments, Everyday Voice-of-Customer: How to Capture Insights from Every Customer Interaction, 2023 Inkjet Shopping Guide for Post-Print Corrugated Presses, 3 Inkjet Workflow Pain Points 1 Answer Part 2. To access courses for facilities in Europe, click here. Course ID: 09TAPBAS. The question arises How can I eSign the basic plus practice test 2022 2022 I received right from my Gmail without any third-party platforms? If you do not know the information listed below contact your foreman or Misty Hiatt at. Computer Based Training (CBT) for the Ferndale Refinery, Sign the acknowledgement and bring with you to Microchip. Open the doc and select the page that needs to be signed. TAPPISAFE makes it easy to manage workers at multiple mills., Like the ability to use TAPPISAFE badge for gate entry and proof of training, with a barcode that can be printed., We can pay for TAPPISAFE with a PO, versus the credit card.. Customer Service hours are Monday through Friday, from 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM EST and Saturday 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM EST.English speakers: 844-930-4877 (Domestic); +1-225-389-6803 (International)Non-English speakers, please use our chat box feature.If any questions are not resolved, please contact our administrative team at 770-209-7233 or [emailprotected]. Select the document you want to sign and click. TappiSafe Basic Orientation 12TSBAS WestRock TACOMA Mill Orientation 12TRTTAC, TappiSafe Basic Orientation 12TSBAS WestRock LONGVIEW Mill Orientation 12TWRL, Georgia-Pacific Northwest Contractor Training. The whole procedure can last a few moments. Go to the Chrome Web Store and add the signNow extension to your browser. All you need is smooth internet connection and a device to work on. Find the extension in the Web Store and push, Click on the link to the document you want to eSign and select. TAPPISAFE is different. Are you looking for a one-size-fits-all solution to eSign basic plus practice test 2022 2022? Upon completion of this course, students will have a general understanding of the following topics: Pre-Job Briefings, General Safety, Housekeeping, Ergonomics/Back Safety, Vehicle and Equipment Safety, PPE, Hearing Conservation, Hazard Communication, Process Safety Management, Bloodborne Pathogens, Temperature Extremes, Basic Electrical Work Practices, Lockout/ Tagout, Line Breaking, Hot Work, Confined Space Entry, Hand & Power Tools, and Elevated Work. Search for the document you need to eSign on your device and upload it. Finally a standardized approach to safety for the entire industry. When outages bring 300-700 contractors into the mill, management is now much more comfortable that the sites safety orientation has sufficiently prepared all of them on the mills specific policies and procedures, as well as on the required elements of OSHA. The TAPPISAFE program provides Weyerhaeuser with a proven safety orientation system designed specifically for the pulp and paper industry that will ensure all contractors working on our site have the same safety orientation, states Benjy Bruce, Mill Safety Manager. None, course is only offered in written English. Therefore, signNow offers a separate application for mobiles working on Android. The TAPPISAFE Advisory and Curriculum Committees are comprised of representatives from mills, suppliers, and contractor companies. 0000008405 00000 n 0000005817 00000 n This orientation is customized to ensure that all employeesunderstand general safety policies and procedures of the company. The TAPPISAFE program offers courses developed by safety experts from the pulp and paper industrys leading manufacturing, supplier, and contractor companies. The sigNow extension was developed to help busy people like you to minimize the burden of signing legal forms. None, course is only offered in written English. The answer is simple - use the signNow Chrome extension. password: Environmental1 "The TAPPISAFE program provides Weyerhaeuser with a proven safety orientation system designed specifically for the pulp and paper industry that will ensure all contractors working on our site have the same safety orientation," states Benjy Bruce, Mill Safety Manager. Tappi Safe. syngenta contractor site orientation : 12tsbas: tappisafe basic orientation : 30tdcso: tesoro dickenson contractor site specific : 19tmcao: tesoro mandan contractor alky orientation : Since the implementation of the program at mills, safety managers report that TAPPISAFE frees up time for their safety departments to be out in the field to observe safety on the job. Use professional pre-built templates to fill in and sign documents online faster. The TAPPISAFE program is a web-based orientation that allows the workforce to take the training online so they arrive to the mill ready for gate entry. TAPPISAFE is the first industry-recognized safety orientation and verification program for the pulp, paper, tissue, packaging and converting industries. TAPPISAFE, its partners and the Advisory Committee wants everyone to return home safely each day. You can download the signed [Form] to your device or share it with other parties involved with a link or by email, as a result. Your username: porttownsend After meeting with the project team, new workers will be issued a site-specific hardhat sticker and released to perform work on site. Customer Service hours are Monday through Friday, from 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM EST and Saturday 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM EST. Your company will need to have your own Tappisafe account login and password to take this course. Return to Course Catalog. TAPPISAFE is a program developed by industry for industry to deliver awareness level safety training to the workforce and suppliers while maintaining all records in a centralized database for instant verification. Click Take Online Training from the menu at the top. What makes the program unique? Basic Orientation Upon completion of TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation, you may be required to take one or more site-specific modules. 0000008551 00000 n Every mill has unique challenges and processes. Check with your supervisor for specific instructions regarding additional training requirements. OSHAs 20 Hour High Hazard Facility Training,which replaces the RSO/C-Stop requirement. This means that, for a 10-person team visiting eight mill sites during the year, the total annual training time would be 75 man hours with TAPPISAFEa total time savings of more than 37 percent over the traditional scenario. And pay for their course by 10 00 a*m* one business day prior to the class session* Cancellations must be received by 10 00 a*m* one business day prior to class to receive an 85 refund. If the same 10-person team visited eight mill sites during the year, using the traditional model proposed above (eight separate courses averaging 1.5 hours each), that team would log an annual training time of 120 man hours. There is a 60 day The Alliance Safety Council has over 20 years of proven success in developing, delivering and maintaining contractor safety orientations and has administered more than 1.2 million training units. If you wish to share the basic orientation plus test answers with other people, you can easily send it by electronic mail. TAPPISAFE is the first industry-recognized safety orientation and verification program for the pulp, paper, tissue, packaging and converting industries. Use a basic orientation plus test answers 2022 template to make your document workflow more streamlined. 0000000016 00000 n Miscellaneous Info: This course is intended to renew your Basic Orientation requirements and must be completed within (60) days of Basic Orientation expiration. TAPPISAFE BASIC ORIENTATION - 3CS Information Course Information This course is a Tappisafe orientation. Choose our eSignature solution and forget about the old times with security, affordability and efficiency. This reduces the amount of redundant training because you are not taking the same orientation and covering the same topics at every location. 0000331246 00000 n TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation Refresher Basic Orientation Upon completion of TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation Refresher, you may be required to take one or more site-specific modules. At the end of 2011, Weyerhaeuser had approximately 12,800 employees in 11 countries. Contractors can receive mill orientations quickly and complete them efficiently. TappiSafe Basic Orientation & Each student has spent 7.5 hours in safety orientation for five sites. Select PTPC Safety from the Please Select a Curriculum Below and Submit. xref Weyerhaeuser Company is one of the world's largest forest products companies and began operations in 1900. The TAPPISAFE program offers a variety of coursesdeveloped by safety experts from the leading manufacturing, supplier, and contractor companies in our industry. "Ensuring all team members, contractors, suppliers and visitors arrive home safely every day is our most important measure of success. 0000006291 00000 n Start completing the fillable fields and carefully type in required information. Employees are required to watch the video, view the PowerPoint, and complete a worksheet. ArkLaTex Safety Council Credit Application, POWERSAFE ENTERGY FOSSIL REFRESHER- ENGLISH VERSION-12ENTFR, (*Is being streamed thru & #12 Alliance Safety Council.). The company grows and harvests trees, builds homes and makes a range of forest products. Safety is paramount when entering any industrial is required for all mill site visits. TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation Basic Orientation Upon completion of TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation, you may be required to take one or more site-specific modules. Training . Create your eSignature, and apply it to the page. 0000001445 00000 n Working with them, and alongside numerous safety experts, we delivered a program that was developed to address our industrys unique safety needs. hb```b````e``ef@ a+o77*805``x_}^ltcBJy]IqfNI;Z]?Vm/. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Together, they have created reliable and efficient safety courses based on best practices used in some of the largest mills. Register by phone or fax using VISA MasterCard or Discover--call 812/464-1989 toll free 800/467-8600 or fax registration to 812/465-7061. They will be expected to re-take the orientation before beginning work on a different project. Use its powerful functionality with a simple-to-use intuitive interface to fill out Tappisafe basic orientation answers online, e-sign them, and quickly share them without jumping tabs. Course Length (in minutes): 45. Course Length (in minutes): 90. Easily find the app in the Play Market and install it for eSigning your basic plus practice test 2022 2022. In a recent system review by a mill currently using TAPPISAFE for its safety orientation, the mill received the following comments from its workforce: More detail on specific pulp and paper hazards., Must watch the presentationno fast-forwarding allowed; training has to be passed., All records follow the student, not the employer., Easy tool to use, can take training before you get to the mill, web-based is plus, workers can access from anywhere., Good ability to generate reports. You can take them everywhere and even use them while on the go as long as you have a stable connection to the internet. signNow has paid close attention to iOS users and developed an application just for them. And due to its multi-platform nature, signNow works well on any device, PC or smartphone, regardless of the operating system. Email Nicole McOmie ( with the following information: 3. The total for each student is only 5.25 hours; for the team, this totals 52.5 man hours. WhatTheyThink is the global printing industry's go-to information source with both print and digital offerings, including, WhatTheyThink Email Newsletters, and the WhatTheyThink magazine. Contact Nicole McOmie at NMcOmie@JHKelly.comor 360-931-0614 with any questions. Submit Help Ticket. This customized orientation ensures each truck driver understands your facility's procedures, general safety rules, and hazards associated with operating, loading, and unloading trucks onsite. In this scenario, using TAPPISAFE to deliver your orientations could represent an annual time savings of 30 percent.Furthermore, the ability to access orientations 24/7 provides additional cost savings by eliminating travel time and ensuring that workers are ready for gate entry upon arriving at the mill. In this course you will learn: Pre-Job Briefings, General Safety, Housekeeping, Ergonomics/Back Safety, Vehicle and Equipment Safety, PPE, Hearing Conservation, Hazard Communication, Process Safety Management, Bloodborne Pathogens, Temperature Extremes, Basic Electrical Work Practices, Lockout/ Tagout, Line Breaking, Hot Work, Confined Space Entry, Hand & Power Tools, and Elevated Work. TSBAS TAPPISAFE Basic Orientation : 09TAPBASR : TSREF TAPPISAFE Basic Refresher Orientation : 09TAPIPO : TIPO TAPPISAFE International Paper Orange Mill : 09TAPIPOP : TIPOP TAPPISAFE International Paper Orange PSM : 09TAPWREV . 633 0 obj <>stream Want to learn what TAPPISAFE can do for you? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. To start, the TAPPISAFE Program is a secure, web-based platform available for the workforce 24/7, from any Internet-connected computer. Yes; you must have (SSV) submitted or already on file. Students must present a Valid (Not Expired) State or Federal ID with photo and separate Social Security Card, if the SS# is not on the ID. However, cost saving is not the only benefit to contractors. You will be asked to enter a valid email and create a password. Upon completion of this course, students will have a general understanding of the following topics: Pre-Job Briefings, General Safety, Housekeeping, Ergonomics/Back Safety, Vehicle and Equipment Safety, PPE . 0000008282 00000 n Check with your supervisor for specific instructions regarding additional training requirements. Additionally, the methods of measuring success have been imprecise, with some online orientation programs simply relying upon contractors to watch videos without any post-viewing testing. Offers 86 courses and has been used by 103,000 students from thousands of contractor supplier! 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