The dog found a possum inside his mouth when he returned. Our dog seemed fine, other than some drool and phlegm hanging out of his mouth. If your living area is greeny, then you might have a few wild guests to visit you. With some of these having the potential for fatal consequences, it becomes incredibly important for your dog to be up to date with all of their vaccinations. You should take your dog to the vet if he isnt up-to-date on his vaccines. Possum carries diseases like leptospirosis, coccidiosis, and tularemia, and in rare cases rabies. But if you set your dog free during the nighttime, they might hunt them down for protecting your house from unknown threats. They are usually on the go their entire lives.short lives. I hope all will be well. This will help the vet to determine whether emergency booster shots for illnesses like rabies are necessary. OP, your post has NOT been removed. If your dog gets Rabies, you might have to put him down. If your dog has attacked a possum and it's then gone into the dead state, the best option is to bring your dog away from the area and leave the possum to slowly 'come back to life' in their own time. Recommended Read: " Best Legume Free Dog Food in [2020] " The best approach if you have a possum poop problem is to be careful to minimize any feces disturbance because when you do that, they can release spores and bacteria. I have been a pet care writer for over 5 years and have extensive knowledge of animal care, health, and behavior. Apparently the same scenario applies to dogs. Hunting dogs with trained and/or bred prey drives are more likely to be aggressive. Your dog would have a better chance of getting rabies from a squirrel than a possum.that was a big possumany pics? However, you will be pleased to know that the chances of this happening are extremely rare. If you keep your pet calm and well-mannered, the possum will even show some interest in him. However, it is possible for a dog to contract rabies from biting a possum, so it is important to seek veterinary advice if this occurs. You may think this is unnecessary as dogs usually do a pretty good job of cleaning their own wounds, but this will help in removing any dirt or bacteria from the area to avoid infection. An opossum's body temperature is lower than most wildlife, so fortunately you and your dog are safe from diseases like rabies that other wildlife might carry. Possums can be dangerous to dogs, but they do try to avoid confrontation. Take the possum with you to the vet. The chance of your dog contracting rabies is slim, and providing your dog has been vaccinated . These vaccinations will protect your dog from diseases like rabies, meaning that they may well save them from dying from the disease or having to be put to sleep as a result of it. The Goal of Petibble is to help readers And dog owners to increase their knowledge about dogs.I hope Petibble has been a good source of information for you. Possums can carry plenty of other illness, but rabies is not one of them. However, dont freeze it, as it can cause infection. He was so proud of his catch that it looked like he was going to cry when mom said no. Can Dogs Be Retarded or Mentally Challenged? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . We are highly emotional and visual-oriented animals, so the thought of a rabid animal is a vivid image in our minds. Dont waste time, and dont put it inside of your freezer. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. If an opossum is hiding on your property, it is likely to be removed as soon as possible. He wiped his watering mouth and looked back at the Prophet, who was opening a large pizza box. My dog killed a possum? Next, check for injuries in your dog and then call the vet. If your dog has attacked a possum, take the following steps; You should also make sure to bring any paperwork related to your dogs previous vaccinations with you to the vet. The chances of your dog contracting this infections are low on the condition that your dog is up to date with his yearly jabs. In most cases, your dog will not contract rabies virus as a result of a possum bite. All animals look for an easy life and wont put themselves in danger unless they really cant avoid it. But to our surprise, it was a possum! Possums are frequently not rabies carriers, and if your dog is up to date on vaccines, you wont have to be concerned. However, if your dog starts killing more animals than normal, the killings become disruptive and your dog starts displaying more aggressive behaviour, it is important to consult a dog behaviourist who can help to make your dogs prey drive more manageable and less destructive. Handy Hint: My dogs absolutely hate squirrels. Is a baby possum dangerous for my dog? Your dogs veterinarian will be able to correctly assess his or her wounds, test them for any diseases, and give him or her pain relief. If your dog comes in contact with a rabies-infected animal, you must quarantine it and keep it isolated for at most 45 days. Opossum are usually not aggressive, so you may be able to help them on their way by gently nudging them with a broom. It is safer to have your dog checked. The possum will try to get out of the dogs mouth before getting killed; this can end up with some scratches or bites. The chances of your dog contracting this infections are low on the condition that your dog is up to date with his yearly jabs. If you find blood in your dog's mouth, it's likely that your dog has bitten a possum and that the blood isn't your dog's. If this happens, wear gloves before touching your dog or the possum. His dog was not an aggressive one, but one day he saw that his dog rushed into the woods and came out with a possum in his mouth. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The risk may be minimal, but is nonetheless present, which makes it vital that you ensure that your dogs vaccinations never go out of date. Some of these diseases, which in some cases can be fatal, include Chagas disease, coccidiosis, tuberculosis, trichomoniasis, and leptospirosis. An ousky, also known as a possum or a Virginia ocupid, is a common wildlife invader on your property. So when your dog encounters a possum, is there any risk that they will be dangerous or present risk to your pup? A deep bite that does not bleed profusely and evades detection may infect the possums mouth. The bottom line is that serious diseases, such as rabies, are uncommon in possums. If your dog had a possum in his mouth, you should not tense. Disclaimer: If your dog ate a possum or has been attacked, please always seek professional advice. What To Feed Your Pregnant Dog: The Pros And Cons Of Raw Food, A Female Dogs Ovaries And Uterus Are Removed Through An Incision In Her Abdomen After She Is Spayed, 3 Things To Keep In Mind When Using A Heating Pad In A Dog House, The Cliff House: A Historic Restaurant With A Stunning View, How To Turn A Storage Shed Into A Dog House, To Sweater Or Not To Sweater: That Is The Question, How To Reduce The Amount Of Dog Hair In Your House, How To Stop Your Dog From Piddling In The House, Dogs Who Poop On Floating Houses: An Interesting Phenomenon. My Puppy Drank Bleach Water, What should I Do? For the most part, if your dog kills a possum, it isnt a cause for concern. Doubt that the Opposum had rabies they are very resistant to catching the virus. It is not uncommon for a possum to become ill with rabies, but it is extremely unlikely. But just to be sure that there is no danger, your dog needs to be rabies-vaccinated. She just sat there and stared at me with a look that said, Im not giving this back. I had no choice but to take her home and keep an eye on her until the possum was gone. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If you find blood in your dogs mouth, its likely that your dog has bitten a possum and that the blood isnt your dogs. If the rabies test can be done, the possum should be tested. Hydrogen peroxide is also a good item to prevent further infection. If your dog killed and ate a possum, dont be too worried. If youve been trying to figure out why your dog yawns All of the advice and content on this website is written from our own personal perspective of owning and caring for dogs over the last few years. Ask your vet if they feel your dog is in a high-risk environment for Lepto and whether they recommend vaccination. HA! Usually, possum bite marks are easy to identify as they have six incisor teeth, two at the bottom and four at the top. Unlike other nocturnal animals like hedgehogs and foxes, possums can also be found during the day looking for snacks. While most dogs will recover without any lasting effects, some may be at risk for contracting certain diseases from the possum, such as rabies or leptospirosis. That sounds scary, but your dog should be protected from most diseases if they are up to date with their vaccinations. Yes, possums are dangerous to dogs. However, you will be pleased to know that the chances of this happening are extremely rare. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A . Despite their reputation as sweethearts, we look at whether Golden Retrievers can be good protective dogs as well. What Should I Do If My Dog Killed a Possum That Has Rabies? He was so, SO upset that he could not bring the little fella and new friend into the house. A man left a tied up gray shopping bag in the bottle room, he threw it on top of the bottle machine. Possums are usually passive beings, and so they will usually ignore a dog until they feel threatened by it. link to Why Does My Dog Yawn When I Cuddle or Pet Him? Even if your dog is not injured by a possum, if they got too close there is a chance that the possum couldve passed on a tick to your dog. If his internal organs are visible, place a warm, wet towel over them as you transport him to an animal care center. "You are wasting your time and breath messing with this thread, brother".germag///. You May Also Read Why Do Dogs Like Butt Scratches. This will help the vet to determine whether emergency booster shots for illnesses like rabies are necessary. George then flung the possum into a trash bag, and he took his dog for a refreshing bath. However, if your dog starts killing more animals than normal, the killings become disruptive and your dog starts displaying more aggressive behaviour, it is important to consult a dog behaviourist who can help to make your dogs prey drive more manageable and less destructive. You can fence your compound using a wire mesh, keep pet food in locked places, or use possum repellants. No matter if your dog has killed an adult or a baby possum, there are still chances that Rabies will be found in them. Some wounds may be small and hidden underneath the fur. It's a good idea to give your dog a good bath before taking him to the vet. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Wanna boost your dog's superpowers? I didn't want to clean up the mess that late at night, and right now it can wait until after I see a vet, unless I need to bring it with me. Keeping your dog up to date with all the veterinary recommended vaccinations will provide them with the best protection from these types of infections. Read this guide to see why this is and what you can do about a dog that loves to chase them. If your dog has eaten a dead animal, you should watch him for any signs of illness or poisoning. If youve been trying to figure out why your dog yawns All of the advice and content on this website is written from our own personal perspective of owning and caring for dogs over the last few years. Almost all dog fights are not as serious as this one. Possums are thought to be less likely to become rabies infected than most other warm-blooded animals because their body temperature is much lower. Possum feces can spread pathogens, including leptospirosis. Why can't I?" If your dog has attacked a possum, theres a three-step plan to follow; Before heading to the vets, do check over your dogs vaccination paperwork to ensure that they are up to date with their shots and take these with you to help your vet decide if any further boosters are necessary. Its important to know that the possum doesnt choose to respond in this way; its a biological response to the severe threat which causes it. These diseases can easily transmit to the human body. In the remainder of this guide, I will explain some of the potential risks of your dog killing a possum and whether you should be worried, or when. A big worry for a lot of owners whose dog has killed or attacked a possum is whether their dog can get rabies from the possum. This is an automated general reminder to please follow The Sub Rules when discussing this question: Do not comment with anecdotes about your own or others' pets. A Guide to Pet-Friendly Retailers (2022). Examine your dog for wounds: If your dog has been bitten by a possum, it should be fairly obvious, so check the fur and skin for wounds. The chances of possums carrying a disease like rabies are so minimal that when combined with up to date vaccinations, the chance of your dog contracting that disease or any other one for that matter are next to impossible. Pitbulls are powerful dogs and can easily kill smaller animals. Every dog is different, so the strength of each dogs prey drive can vary, but you can usually expect certain breeds namely, breeds that were trained and bred to hunting dogs to have stronger prey drives than others. When playing dead the possums body goes limp, and they start to secrete a green mucus from their anal glands, which smells as if they have become a rotten carcass. Since the possum might have been the aggressor and we have other pets in our neighborhood, I put the thing down, and it's still lying near where it fell. In this instance, neither you nor the possum should be touched. Contact animal control; it is best if a skilled person helps you to get rid of the carcass from your compound. Unlike other nocturnal animals like hedgehogs and foxes, possums can also be found during the day looking for snacks. We look at which dog breeds are scariest to intruders. Call your vet and have your dog examined. Possum poop as well as urine are toxic and can harm people a lot if they are contaminated. Every now and then, an opossum will get into a house through a pet door. But mom didn't like the little talk back he did. Check whether your dog has injuries on his skin, if he has any bite marks call a vet. I have a deep understanding of canine behavior, and Im always striving to learn more and perfect my techniques. A slash on the tongue, or any cut in the mouth, will . The chance of rabies is very, very slim (a possum's normal body temperature is too low for the rabies virus to survive)but if your dog has NOT been vaccinated, you should take him/her to the vet asap. This is especially crucial if you are ever unsure about anything. While its very unusual for a dog to get ill and get disease from biting a possum, they carry a range of illnesses that can be transmitted to your dog. If your dog killed and ate a possum, don't be too worried. Dont touch the possum as it can be playing dead and it is hard to know if it is dead. Rabies is the number one concern for dog owners who worry about their dogs getting into fights with wild animals. If your dog accidentally kills a wild possum or other animal and eats it, check for injuries and bring him to the vet for booster shots. If your dog is bitten by an opposum, take them to the vet right away. Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. The only thing you would have to worry about is that if the possum DID bite your dog, then infection could set up. We're animal lovers whether it's pet or wild animals. That was where flies had 'blown" it. I was out walking my dog, when she suddenly lunged forward and snatched something up off the ground. Even if your dog doesnt come into direct contact with possum, they can still be susceptible to diseases transmitted within the possums urine and droppings. You may also notice the following signs and symptoms: You are obligated by law to notify your doctor if any of these symptoms appear. So, on the one hand, if your dog occasionally kills a possum or other small animals, you shouldnt be too worried, especially if they have a naturally high prey drive it is just part of their nature. Most Recommended 3 Votes Step 1 Give food and water Give your dog water and food. It can also mean that homeowners believe that this little marsupial is already dead and dispose of the body in the trash or by burying it. Taking good care not to touch the dead animal with your bare hands should be your first priority when disposing of it. If this is the case, then a vet visit is needed to check for health problems such as parasites, diabetes, and Cushings disease, each of which could be the cause of the habit. A possum with full-blown Rabies is frightening. Dog Stung by Bee on Face: What to Do and How to Prevent It, Mycoplasma in Dogs: Understanding, Diagnosis, and Prevention. "Dog- I don't say anything to you when you bring ur toys in the house. However, there is a lot at stake. This is when possums get scared and is what makes them defensive. Just like with many wild creatures, possums can potentially carry a range of diseases that can be transmitted to dogs. A possums main line of defense when being attacked is to play dead. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. What should I do if my dog attacks a possum? Many of the conditions that possums can pass on to dogs can also be transmitted to people. (Drawings by Kim A. Possums are usually docile creatures who avoid conflict and, as such, arent an immediate danger to dogs. Here is what a possum bite could lead to: Its only natural to question if an opossum bite will give your dog rabies after decades of being told about the rabies danger linked with wild animal bites. They hunt and eat in the dark, during the night. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to with recommendations. I was out walking my dog, when she suddenly lunged forward and snatched something up off the ground. You should keep him, the vet said. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. Thankfully, the possum tested negative for rabies, and that little adventure found a happy ending. Or maybe receive positive K9 Karma? Cats, stray cats, and even pet cats all kill a larger number of animals than rats, particularly young ones with a much different size or appearance. However, the mechanism isn't the opossum pretending. Though dogs do not hunt for their food, they still have a high prey drive in their genetics. Even some of them bear rabies, and they are more dangerous for open wounds. The chances of catching the rabies virus are extremely low if your dog hadnt killed a possum or contacted an adult possum. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In the wild, kibble wasnt readily available for wolves, so they had to hunt and kill their own prey like birds, squirrels, rabbits, rodents and, indeed, possums. Still, there is a chance that an interested dog might get a bit too close to a possum, and this could lead to the possum having to defend itself, so it may lash out. Even when threatened, though, possums have another line of defense before deciding to attack, and thats to play dead. My love for animals led me to pursue a career in writing about them. Having this information is very important for us to be able to give accurate advice. So, keep this in mind before moving forward. "What should I do if a possum bit my dog?" Clean the wound and watch for any signs of infection. Even though it is very unlikely, dogs may pass the disease on to one another. A possum can look pretty intimidating with their long claws and fifty razor-sharp teeth. Possums can infect dogs, though it is uncommon. How can it be treated? Your vet will be able to not only properly attend to your dogs wounds, but also test them for any diseases and provide them with pain relief, so a trip to the vets is always necessary after a possum attack, even if your dog appears fine. Whilst possums can actually be quite handy for your garden or yard as they eat unwanted pests like bugs, slugs and rodents they can be cause for concern for a dog owner. Consider the possibility that your dog may have bit the possum and that the blood is not your dogs. You should receive the results within a few hours. Press J to jump to the feed., Problem with my older dog -seeking advice. So, make sure to use a glove or something like that. If your dog didnt get bitten, You should be fine. The only thing you would have to worry about is that if the possum DID bite your dog, then infection could set up. All dogs are descended from wild wolves. If discarded compost piles and garbage cans are ingested, the stalks can be eaten. If the rabies shot is up to date, you wont have to worry about anything. In rare cases, dogs can get diseases from possums. Although there are good reasons for this, the chances that your dog will contract Rabies from an opossum are very low. With that in mind heres all you should know about possums and how to protect yourselves and your pets from these animals. We were a little confused at first because what he had in his mouth looked like a stuffed animal. The wounds should be taken care of immediately to avoid infections. You could potentially be forced to use physical force to protect your pet if you are unable to do so. That whole teeth-bearing display is just for show and to scare off anything which might be getting a little too close. This can youre your dogs behaviour from escalating and prevent anyone from potentially getting hurt in the future. Yet, it is important to note that whilst it is very unlikely for a possum to have rabies, it isnt impossible. You should not attempt to break up the fight on your own. What should I do ifmy dog had a possum in his mouth? You should not be worried as the likelihoods of contracting infections are low. You have a slim chance of your dog contracting rabies, and if your dog has been vaccinated, you have a slim chance of her contracting disease from a possum. The short version is my 20-25 lbs dog got into a fight with a possum, that I later killed. If there is no threat of poisoning, your dog may become ill if he eats a dead opossum. Thomas shook his head and opened the window but stopped as he smelt something delicious right behind him. After a quick but firm leave him alone, Gavin gave up on his prey. After a quick but firm "leave him alone", Gavin gave up on his prey. Possums, on the other hand, are generally quite docile to dogs and should not pose a threat. Examine your dog thoroughly for any injuries that may have occurred. The chance of your dog contracting rabies is slim, and providing your dog has been vaccinated, the risk of contracting disease from a possum is said to be slim. It will also include the best course of action to take if your dog kills a possum and how to stop an attack in the first place. Also, your dog must be examined if they eat possums. A possums mouth is pretty gnarly when it comes to bacteria. If your dog has attacked a possum, but you have the carcass, you can get them tested for Rabies. It'll hiss and stuff when it comes to. It can be difficult to determine whether an opossum is out of sorts because their usual behavior is so strange and unusual. 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