Depending on the situation and terms of these lease, the landlord may request a lease modification. Can you kick someone out of your house in North Carolina? 2023, The tenant did not pay rent, the landlord made a demand for rent and waited 10 days, but the tenant still has not paid the rent. The program, which was originally funded with $17 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF), has three components: prevention; mediation; and relocation assistance, should prevention or mediation prove ineffective for a particular household. No notice is required, and the landlord may immediately proceed with an eviction lawsuit. If the tenants forwarding address is unknown, the landlord is not required to provide an accounting but must hold any remaining money for the tenant for at least six months. Possession of property is returned to landlord. CHARLOTTE Roughly 2,600 eviction cases are waiting to be heard in Mecklenburg County, but if you're behind on rent or facing eviction, there's help available to keep a roof over your. Unless the lease states otherwise, rent is due at the beginning of each pay period. UNIFORM CIVIL PROCESSES FEESIn a civil action or special proceeding, except for actions brought under Chapter 50B of the General Statutes, the following fees and commissions shall be assessed, collected, and remitted to the county. The court has capped hearings per day and limited the number of people allowed in a courtroom for social distancing. Please give me a call at (704) 274-5677 if you want to discuss further. eCourts Guide & File is available to help users prepare court documents online to file for Appeal to District Court and for Petition to Proceed as an Indigent. January 2020 October 2014 M. DeSantis (980) 314-5919. October 2015 His best advice for tenants who have received an eviction notice is to seek out rental assistance and legal help as soon as possible. Find court documents for cases of public interest. No matter the situation, a landlord is not allowed to forcibly remove a tenant Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office 700 E. 4th Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Attn: Civil Process The link below will access the judicial forms search engine where civil process forms utilized by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts are available: This gives tenants time to file an appeal. Let me know if you would like to discuss further: (704) 274-5677. Notifying the landlord in writing of any repairs or replacements to a smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector. Its about time the internet had a single place with all of the most up-to-date information from leading experts in property management, investing and real estate law. 148915 - 148919 ( out of 148,919 ) Mecklenburg County Mugshots ( Charlotte Mugshots ) North Carolina. The magistrate will typically have many cases scheduled for the same date and time. OF COUNSEL: LAW FIRM CAROLINAS, Post Office . Dr Emu casted a spell of return of love on her, and my wife came back home for forgiveness and today we are happy again. A detention officer must be able to handle a wide variety of individuals from diverse backgrounds in some of the most challenging environments and situations. Filing an Answer. Eviction is a process that allows a landlord to lawfully remove a tenant from the leased premises. If a tenant fails to appear, the magistrate will hear the case based only on the landlords version of the facts. Even so, proper notice must first be given before ending the tenancy. If this fails, the sheriff can serve the tenant by posting the paperwork on the door of the property. June 2021 "We have seen over the last few months like a small increase, month by month, and now we're back to where we are, and we're afraid we're going beyond that," said Isaac Sturgill, a staff attorney with Legal Aid of North Carolina, which handles eviction cases statewide. These documents will tell the tenant when and where the eviction court hearing will be. Timeline. Thanks. Not maintaining a certain level of cleanliness. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYERS, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER . Please be advised that this is a SCAM. Both parties have 10 days after the magistrates decision to appeal the case to District Court. I was given a notice to vacate for 5 days due to a violation of my lease. . Local zoning regulations may also affect owners ability to move an old mobile home. Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Evictions Magistrate records are not kept by the Magistrate. Of those 558, in 196 cases (33 percent) the writs weren't executed because the tenants paid the . Applications must be made in person at the nonprofit's office at 500-A Spratt St. No. Eviction prevention and rehousing programs across Mecklenburg County help people on the path from homelessness to permanent housing placement. [4] include: In North Carolina, a landlord can evict a tenant for an illegal activity. I paid the rent as well as the court fees in full prior to the court date and still remain on the property. Can a landlord evict a tenant without going to court? Non-expedited hearings will take longer. We make the lives of landlords, tenants and real estate investors easier by giving them the knowledge and resources they care most about. July 2018 A civilian serves a critical role in the areas of Arrest Processing, Civil Process, Resident Programs, Business Management, Permits & Registration and Work Release, as well as providing clerical, administrative and planning support in every area. In North Carolina, a landlord cannot legally evict a tenant without cause. MCSO and local criminal justice partners have worked with the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts to prepare for the states launch of its new electronic warrant system. August 2021 include: A landlord can begin the eviction process in North Carolina by serving the tenant with written notice. Sturgill says that means you could have more time to apply for the assistance you need. April 2020 To do so, they must first give 10 days The service package should include a copy of the process for the deputy to send back with the return and a service copy of the process for each respondent. September 2018 June 2016 The data provides a window into the number of forced or court-ordered evictions in Mecklenburg County, though it doesn't include cases where tenants leave without court intervention, or before the sheriff's office receives a landlord's writ of possession, allowing deputies to padlock the home. (1) A good faith complaint or request for repairs to the landlord, his employee, or his agent about conditions or defects in the premises that the landlord is obligated to repair under G.S. The service package should include a service copy of the process for each respondent/defendant. Of the 110 million renters living in the U.S., an estimated 19-23 million are at risk of eviction by Sept. 30, 2020. [7]. N/A Any Utilities Electric, Water, and Sewer Electric Heat Water Sewer Gas Oil Trash Pickup High Speed Internet Cable Television. In North Carolina, an eviction can be completed in 1 to 3 months but can take longer depending on the reason for eviction, whether the eviction is contested, which days courts are (or arent) in session and other various possible delays. The landlord must have the tenant served with the court paperwork, either by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by paying the sheriff to deliver the paperwork. Not destroying, damaging, defacing, or removing any part of the of premises. If a tenant is given a written 30 day notice to vacate property, If he doesn't leave, do i have to start the eviction process or can i do a writ of execution? The two most common types of evictions are eviction for non-payment of rent and eviction for non-compliance with lease, but all evictions start with a notice and the filing of a complaint. If you did not, and they were granted possession through an eviction, you likely will have to vacate. Mecklenburg County Recorded January 2003 Home Phone: (704) 315-4602 5751 Airport Dr, Unit 117 Charlotte NC 28208 Mecklenburg County Recorded October 1997. . February 2017 Evictions have resumed in Mecklenburg County after being on hold in some cases for more than a year. If the tenant files the appeal and resumes paying rent, they can often remain in their home until the court can hear their appeal often three or four months later. Tenants rarely have any defense to a summary ejectment eviction case. The Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Courts Office will be open to the public between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The person I want evicted is not a tenant, but a boyfriend who does not work, is violent, has no key to the house. It is a neat. Then she told me to contact Dr Emu that he will help me bring back my wife and change her back to a good woman. Once the eviction case is filed, the court will give a Summons and a copy of the Complaint to the County Sheriff. If a tenant is late on paying rent (full or partial) in North Carolina, the landlord can serve them a 10-Day Notice to Pay or Quit. [11]. Get notified when Shareka S Mcclinton's info changes. Renae, Many leases have a provision providing that even if you become current on your rent the landlord may still evict you for breach the terms of the lease. MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N.C. The United States could see a wave of evictions now that the Supreme Court has rejected the Biden administration's moratorium. Government issuing a formal complaint to a landlord regarding a state or federal law. January 2021 There lease does not expire until August 2023. *Based on 2013 TransUnion survey data. All morning sessions will proceed as scheduled. So even if you do make a payment late, you may be evicted. Post a copy in a conspicuous place of the premises. Can we use that letter for the eviction process? Property details: 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2002 sq ft, parking, air conditioning, dishwasher. In general, landlords are not required to send an eviction notice before filing an eviction. To check on a civil proces, please search by Name, Business Name, Order Number or by Document Number. Mecklenburg County Community Support Services The eviction moratorium enacted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is set to expire on December 31, 2020. 2. For each item of civil process served, including summons, subpoenas, notices, motions, orders, writs and pleadings, the sum of thirty dollars ($30.00). The 26th Judicial District SelfServe Center is a public service to all community members. This means that there could be a delay of hours or days before you are able to go back inside to get anything that you have left in the home. An eviction may, however, take up to several months. Williams predicted Mecklenburg County . I think I need an attorney, because I cannot risk losing in court. OUR DATABASE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYMENT, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER PURPOSES THAT WOULD REQUIRE FCRA COMPLIANCE. They stated it's no way it can be removed now that the papers were done. OUR DATABASE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYMENT, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER PURPOSES THAT WOULD REQUIRE FCRA COMPLIANCE. For example, Mecklenburg County is now working to change the fact that most residents facing eviction do not have legal representation. All arrest/warrant inquiries can be submitted to the Public Information Office and will be processed as soon as data is available or Individuals can call Arrest Processing to look up and verify warrants until the online system is restored, 980-314-5100. But this is hurting my rental history. All out of state process will be attempted/served pursuant to the rules of civil procedure as provided in The North Carolina General Statutes. October 2017 If tenants file an appeal, the process may take longer. December 2017 December 2014 10 days. Drop-in childcare center for children whose family members are conducting business at the courthouse or serving as jurors. Steps of the eviction process in North Carolina: Evicting a tenant in North Carolina can take around one to three months, depending on the reason for the eviction and whether the case is held in district or small claims court. If the judge rules in favor of the landlord, you should be given 10 days to appeal or vacate. There are times when funding may out until the next budget is approved. If any tenant shall, during his term or after its expiration, willfully and unlawfully demolish, destroy, deface, injure or damage any tenement house, uninhabited house or other outhouse, belonging to his landlord or upon his premises by removing parts thereof or by burning, or in any other manner, or shall unlawfully and willfully burn, destroy, pull down, injure or remove any fence, wall or other inclosure or any part thereof, built or standing upon the premises of such landlord, or shall willfully and unlawfully cut down or destroy any timber, fruit, shade or ornamental tree belonging to said landlord, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (a) If any lessor, landlord, or agent removes or attempts to remove a tenant from a dwelling unit in any manner contrary to this Article, the tenant shall be entitled to recover possession or to terminate his lease and the lessor, landlord or agent shall be liable to the tenant for damages caused by the tenants removal or attempted removal. July 2021 If you had a lease that expired, and the tenant is a hold-over, you may proceed with an eviction. The data show eviction filings received by the sheriff's office have more than tripled since the federal eviction moratorium ended in August 2021. March 2017 December 2020 Evicting a tenant can be difficult and confusing if you havent been through the process before. Carole Todd 804-400-9577. Once the tenancy ends, if the tenant remains on the property, the landlord can move forward and file an eviction lawsuit. Should the tenant fail to show up to the hearing, the landlord may win by default. (2) Criminal activity means (i) activity that would constitute a violation of G.S. If the landlord arranges to have the sheriff serve the tenant, the sheriff must first attempt to contact the tenant to serve him or her personally. 42-42; (2) A good faith complaint to a government agency about a landlords alleged violation of any health or safety law, or any regulation, code, ordinance, or State or federal law that regulates premises used for dwelling purposes; (3) A government authoritys issuance of a formal complaint to a landlord concerning premises rented by a tenant; (4) A good faith attempt to exercise, secure or enforce any rights existing under a valid lease or rental agreement or under State or federal law; or. Landlords may send tenants eviction notices warning tenants that they plan to file for eviction unless the tenant moves out first. If my court date was 1/19/18 and the rental company agreed to do a payment plan with me but they got all new office staff working for them now and now they don't want to go through with the payment plan as they said so they decided to file the writ do they have to go through the full eviction process all over again or can they just file the writ even though it's been 1month and 2weeks since my court date? February 2015 If you need assistance in evicting a tenant or would like to schedule a consultation with an eviction attorney in Mecklenburg County, please contact Adkins Law. Charles David Murphy in North Carolina Mecklenburg County arrested for REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION 6/01/1978. You may receive a copy in the mail, or you can get a copy of the written order from the clerk of court. Find information about jury service in this county. 90-95 other than G.S. In North Carolina, this costs $96 in filing fees for all cases filed in Small Claims Court. They havent paid rent for the last 2 months and arent playing on doing so in future either. The Urban Institute reported that there are approximately 30,000 eviction cases filed in Mecklenburg County each year. The magistrate can order an eviction in the tenants absence, and can order the tenant to pay money in the tenants absence only if the tenant was not served by posting the notice on the property. After hearing the case, the magistrate will make a decision. The program is only accepting applications from Mecklenburg County residents with an official eviction notice and an assigned court date, or tho se earning less than 60% of the area's median income or about $39,600 for an individual, or about $56,520 for a family of four. However, a person allowed to live in someone elses home without any agreement to pay rent or become a tenant is a guest. Terms & Privacy | Legal Disclaimer | Sitemap | Contact Us, NC Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 4 (2019). North Carolina law doesnt specify how an eviction notice must be served at the state level; however, common methods of delivery include: It is important for a landlord to always maintain a copy of the signed and served notice as proof of proper service of notice. If tenants file an appeal, this could add another 30 days (or more) to the process. Evictions cases slowed dramatically due to the federal moratorium, but they're picking back up again as courts begin scheduling cases that have been delayed. After that, tenants behind on the rent will be faced with evictions. I received my court papers due to failure to pay rent when due. The process can be mailed, or delivered in person to: Mecklenburg County Sheriffs Office700 E. 4th StreetCharlotte, NC 28202 Attn: Civil Process, The link below will access the judicial forms search engine where civil process forms utilized by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts are available: Court officials, such as judges and clerks of court, cannot give you legal advice about your rights and obligations, possible claims or defenses, or the likely outcome of your case. An eviction can show up on a background check for up to 10 years, staining credit reports and . . If either the landlord or the tenant appeals, the case will go to District Court, where there will be a new hearing before a judge. April 2018 Rent Includes. Below are the applications for the tenants and those that are seeking rent relief, hotel relief, and deposit assistance. For additional questions about the eviction process in North Carolina, please refer to the official legislation, North Carolina General Statutes 42, 90-95, and the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 4, for more information. Evictions are not criminal and will not show up in a criminal record. All afternoon sessions of court are canceled. March 2016 "I would say that the RAMP, rental assistance and mortgage assistance and utility assistance has been extremely successful," Charlotte's Housing and Neighborhood Services Department Director Pam Wideman said. If a tenant fails the remove their personal property after the writ of possession, the sheriff may bring the property to any storage facility in the county. Complaining about habitability issues to the landlord or any authority tasked to enforce the law. Because eviction cases are civil, not criminal, no one is arrested for failure to appear in court. Posting a copy in a conspicuous place of the premises. You may try to contact your former landlord to see if they would contact the credit agencies (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) to have the eviction removed from your credit report. The tenant has violated a condition of the lease allowing for eviction. September 2015 The summons and complaint must be served on the tenant within five days of the date the complaint was filed with the court. If you receive a call from anyone requesting money, please know this is a scam and you should not submit any payment. A tenant, including an indigent tenant, must take certain actions if they wish to stay in the property pending an appeal. September 2016 I never believed in all this but I gave it a try. Can I request a new court date if it's been 10days for a hearing about my eviction? I had been renting to a couple since 2011. His pension plan. In this State, such proper person shall be the sheriff of the county where service is to be made or some other person duly authorized by law to serve summons, mail a copytothe defendants last known addresswithin five days of the issuance of the summonsdeliver a copyto the defendant, or leave copies thereof at the defendants dwellingwith some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. The Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Court's Office will be open to the public between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. February 2021 In these instances, tenants are not allowed to fix the issue and do not have the option to stay in the dwelling unit. A North Carolina eviction notice is a document sent to a tenant indicating a recent lease violation that must be cured or else face possible eviction. October 2021 However, if the tenant fails to pay rent or breaches the lease, the landlord can evict the tenant on the same timeline as any other tenant. 90.3 Hickory 106.1 Laurinburg, PublishedSeptember 12, 2022 at 6:00 AM EDT, Nick de la Canal is a reporter for WFAE covering breaking news, arts and culture, and general assignment stories. During that same time frame in 2019, there were 6,893. His work frequently appears on air and online. Once the writ has been posted, the tenant has up to five days to move out of the rental unit, depending on the reason for the eviction. If you are accepting rent on a month to month basis, you may need to wait to the end of that month period. Criminal activity has occurred for which the tenant can be held responsible. And 2021 also has seen far fewer than pre-pandemic norms. This subsection shall not apply to service of summons to jurors. If a tenant fails to pay the agreed-upon rent, the landlord is usually able to evict the tenant without too much trouble, though the process can sometimes get fairly complicated. There is no jury. Tenants are not allowed to fix the issueand do not have the option to stay in the dwelling unit. Thank you. Do not mail cash. Evictions occur primarily based on nonpayment, breach of lease/rental agreement, and/or a hold over. Civil Process Questions can be answered by one of our Civil Process Staff Members: The Civil Process Office is supervised by Sgt. Then I told my friend about how my wife has changed towards me. Adkins Law is located in Huntersville and primarily serves Huntersville, Cornelius, Davidson, Charlotte, and Mecklenburg County. Examples of violations Adams Asks Local Leaders to Extend Eviction Moratorium in Mecklenburg County July 21, 2021 Press Release Nationwide, up to 40 million tenants may be facing eviction or experiencing housing insecurity due to the combination of the affordable housing crisis and the economic repercussions of the pandemic Immediately to 5 days. Landlords are only required to allow tenants one visit to the home to collect all of the property. You can apply for Legal Aid representation by calling 1-866-219-5262 or applying online. Mecklenburg County's emergency rental assistance program, RAMP CharMeck, is accepting new applications for rental assistance between the first and 15th of each month. A free online service to help users prepare court documents to file for certain case types. Meckelenburg County Court Suggest Edit Address 832 East 4th Street Charlotte , North Carolina , 28202 Phone 704-686-0400 Fax 704-686-0410 Map of Meckelenburg County Court View map of Meckelenburg County Court, and get driving directions from your location. On September 19, 2022, the Mecklenburg County Sheriffs Office (MCSO) adopted a new policy to end regulatory stops for non-moving violations in its most recent amendment to the MCSO Uniform Traffic Enforcement Policy. April 2019 . In North Carolina, a landlord can evict a tenant for violating the terms of their lease or not upholding their responsibilities under North Carolina landlord-tenant law. US States . August 2015 "Gentrification and eviction disproportionately affect lower-income neighborhoods," the Durham study's authors said. Chris Adkins, Trying to have my daughter evicted she has a key but not on lease she is very disrespectful to me and my company we have had a fight she went to jail but when she got out she returned to my house and I have asked her to leave over and over but she won't don't know what to do need help, What happens if the property has been sold and the rents are current with all tenants on premises does the landlord still have the same rights to evict tenants if property has been sold. In July 2016, 1,191 of 1,940 eviction cases filed in Charlotte-Mecklenburg received a judgment to evict. If you did enter into a payment plan in writing, it would depend on the terms of the contract. May 2016 July 2016 Search statewide judicial forms by keyword, form number, and more. I'm trying to move out and rent a house but was denied because there is an eviction on my record due to the claim that was filed against me from the current community I'm still renting from. Learn about trial presentation and other technology available in the courthouse. North Carolina law doesn't specify how an eviction notice must be served at the state level; however, common methods of delivery include: Personally delivery. If the tenant pays the full amount of past-due rent owed at any time prior to the issuance of a judgment in favor of the landlord, the eviction proceedings will be stopped. We have a tenant that has not paid the last three months. (a) If the judgment in district court is against the defendant appellant, it shall be sufficient to stay execution of the judgment during the 30-day time period for taking an appeal provided for in Rule 3 of the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure if the defendant appellant posts a bond as provided in G.S. Landlord files complaint with court (if unresolved). In North Carolina, an eviction case is called summary ejectment. Landlords can file to legally remove a tenant rented property if the tenant has failed to pay rent, violated the lease agreement, or if other conditions apply. Please contact the Durham County Clerk of Court at (919)808-3003(919)808-3003. November 2017 Thank you. Brenda, You have to go through the eviction process. SmartMove screening services offer a new feature: the eviction report. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. December 2015 [2]past due. November 2015 In North Carolina, a landlord can evict a tenant without a lease or with a lease that has ended (known as a holdover tenant or tenant at will). For a tenant with no lease or a month-to-month lease in North Carolina, the landlord must serve them a 7-Day Notice to Quit to end the tenancy. June 2019 These rights 90.7 Charlotte 93.7 Southern Pines House location: 1327 Rhyne Road, Mecklenburg County, NC 28214, USA. For any out of state civil process submitted for service, the Mecklenburg County Sheriffs Office (MCSO) will supply a MCSO affidavit of service in lieu of completing an out of state affidavit. July 2015 Their daughter moved in to help them as they were both declining of which I was unaware of the situation. The program is only accepting applications from Mecklenburg County residents with an official eviction notice and an assigned court date, or those earning less than 60% of the area's median income or about $39,600 for an individual, or about $56,520 for a family of four. In the cases LANC's Charlotte office takes on, they have an 85% success rate, but their staff of 20 can only help a tiny fraction of the people who need it. This site can't be used for employment, credit or tenant screening, or any related purpose. An eviction is the legal procedure a landlord must follow to have a tenant removed from the landlord's property. Landlord pays Bill's. Landlords cannot force tenants out of their homes without going to court, for instance, by changing the locks, turning off utilities or removing the doors. More than 8 in 10 landlords had legal representation in these cases, but 8 in 10 tenants were not even present at the small claims court trial when a . Below are the parts of the North Carolina eviction process outside the control of landlords for cases that go uncontested. To do so, they must first terminate the tenancy by giving proper notice to move out (7days for tenants that pay month-to-month). The eviction process Small claims court In small claims court, people make claims that have a value of $10,000 or less. I have all monies owed including court cost and fees but the landlord is refusing to accept payment. Civilians promise to conduct themselves in a professional manner in both their personal and professional life, and that they will not be influenced in any matter on account of personal bias or prejudice. February 2016 Both the landlord and tenant will have a new opportunity to testify and present evidence and witnesses, and the judge will make a new decision about whether the landlord has proven grounds to evict the tenant. 1-292 is required. I am very afraid of him. Though not a sworn position, detention officers are responsible for the care, safety, order and discipline of prisoners who are housed in one of three detention centers. If you leave property worth a total of $500 or less in the home, you have 5 days to retrieve it; if it is worth more than $500, you have 7 days. Landlord to lawfully remove a tenant, must take certain actions if wish! Aid representation by calling 1-866-219-5262 or applying online [ 4 ] include: a landlord to lawfully remove tenant! Mugshots ) North Carolina, an estimated 19-23 million are at risk of eviction by Sept. 30, 2020 in! And/Or a hold over [ 4 ] include: in North Carolina, an mecklenburg county evictions. 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March 2017 December 2020 Evicting a tenant is a guest basis, you proceed... Of COUNSEL: law FIRM CAROLINAS, Post Office notice to vacate for 5 days to... Clerk of court at ( 919 ) 808-3003 ( 919 ) 808-3003 beginning of pay..., however, take up to the County sheriff s property evictions occur primarily based on,! First be given before ending the tenancy held responsible allowed to fix the issueand not! Summons to jurors resumed in Mecklenburg County, NC rules of civil procedure, 4. New feature: the eviction report civil, not criminal and will not show up on a to... Required to allow tenants one visit to the rules of civil procedure Rule. And confusing if you receive a copy in a courtroom for social distancing the data show eviction filings by! Resources they care most about from anyone requesting money, please search Name! Number or by Document number one visit to the hearing, the landlord or related.
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