And, just like with small and narrow eyes, most Chinese women have lips that are the opposite of what they find attractive. In every book, they were described within the first few pages as naturally blonde, with heart-shaped faces and luxuriantly, effortlessly tawny skin. Stay strong, eat fruits, listen to your mom, love yourself and be grateful for being alive. Having single fold eyelids as well as slim eyes (x chng ynjing) are not viewed as attractive in China. This is another challenge that may leave you just asking why? For what reason would an individual attempt to change any of their features? Apps like Wechat, with the possibility to create a WeChat Official Account that works like a mini-website, WeChat store and brochures for your audience, or Weibo, to post longer texts are all great ways to boost your brands visibility on the Chinese market. Some Chinese are also experimenting with dying their hair, as we do in the West, but in general, the Chinese type of hair is considered pretty. To see and do things that will make you love yourself. Lipscomb University. The most radical practice is of course double eyelid plastic surgery. Although there are some similarities, it may surprise you just how different some of the Chinese perceptions of beauty are compared to those in the West. Chinese men are considered most attractive when they have light skin and delicate facial features. Nowadays its hard to build a successful marketing strategy for a cosmetics brand without the help of Chinese influencers. What is different from the West is the body shape and posture preferred in China. Beauty Standards. When it comes to trends and challenges popular in Chinese social media, they were centred around women showing how thin they are. And remember that your website must be adapted for mobile devices, as most of the Chinese people search the Internet on their phones. Additionally, makeup is not considered weird on men and they use makeup fair more than guys in the West. Chinese Beauty Standards || Facial Features, Chinese Beauty Standards || Plastic Surgery, Chinese Beauty Standards || Beauty Challenge Trends. Nowadays, the beauty standards in China are more and more influenced by Western beauty standards, creating an interesting cultural mix. Dont be surprised to see whitening foundations, powders, day creams, moisturizers and many more. Asian and Western models started to appear in commercials and on television, pressuring young Chinese girls to pursue slim waists and unreal body shape. The more coins a girl was able to stack, the thinner she perceived to be. We took hours to choose an image for a social media platform to post. Although, having single-fold eyelids is much more acceptable for men, which means far fewer Chinese men have plastic surgery on their eyes. The post went live in March 2020. A beautiful face alone doesnt cut it. Some clean brands use silicone for bouncy, slippery texture. Here we are sharing some ways by which you can keep a healthy perspective. This again dates back to the tradition of face reading in China where fuller lips are thought to be good luck and show a more warm, fun-loving and expressive personality. They need women who can fit into sample sizes. Small Breasts: Today, smaller breasts that can fit in a champagne glass are seen as beautiful in France. We ruin our moments to capture it in the eye of the camera. When it comes to cosmetics, all cosmetics that can be used on the skin come with a whitening option, as Chinese netizens are obsessed with having the perfect white skin that their favourite Chinese actress or K-pop singer has. NEVER define yourself through another's definition of intelligence, attractiveness or quality. Movies, television shows, and glossy fashion magazines give the impression that women are born with no hair follicles except for . The procedure costs around $6,500. Before posting a selfie, they will also use apps to beautify the picture. Social media is adding so much fuel to an already out of control fire. 88, Xiandai SOHO, Building B, 504 I'm not tall only 5 9. For instance on the popular Chinese dating show If You Are the One some of the curvier contestants have been rejected on these grounds. Here is the description of the ideal Chinese beauty found in The Secret of Crystal Chambers ( Yfng mju) from the Six Dynasties period (222-589y. A lot of individuals try to bleach their skin without caring about its side effects. But if all those people are not doing it, still dont feel bad about it. As the competition on the Chinese cosmetics market is already high, not having a Chinese website that will rank in Baidu, the biggest Chinese search engine, is a shot in the knee. You have an angelic face and a beautiful smile. For your sake, never ever step back in admitting that you need help. Nowadays, we see many businesses promoting skin whitening. In China pale, smooth skin is desirable because it is seen as an indication that youre not lower class like a peasant who has to work outside in the sun all day and so gets tanned skin. Currently in Chinese society the most desirable body shape is to be as slim or thin (shu) as possible. But nothing like this happened in China, and white skin is still considered the most beautiful of all beauty ideals. In China whitening products are hugely popular with everything from whitening moisturiser and facemasks to whitening deodorant (yes really that exists). This is one of these Chinese beauty standards that come from the West and Western media. They will tend to hide their square jaws behind their long hair and give their face a finer appearance. Multiply $290 by the 52 weeks in a year, and the gross yearly income for a minimum wage worker is $15,080. They always try to build a reputation on social media, no matter how hard it is to maintain it. Fashion Editor: Alex Harrington.Photographed by Zo Ghertner . In the West there are really just the main face shapes: square, round, oval and triangle whereas in China there are many more: Out of these the two most ideal face shapes are melon seed face and goose egg face. As per psychology, beauty has many more components than just what is visible with our naked eyes. A description of the standards of beauty in Chinese culture can be found in the traditional literary and philosophical texts of Confucianism and Taoism. The other type, KOCs, which are Key Opinion Consumers, are people with a smaller, but very engaged following base. Lastly we have a challenge that also involved money, though this time in the form of coins rather than notes. We give plenty of handy information onlearning Chinese,useful apps to learn the language and everything going on at our LTL schools. We use several beauty products to hide what we naturally have and what we dont like. "A girl should be two things: who and what she wants." Stand up for yourself. Read more. I wish she would find self love within herself and not seek it out from the internet or temporary boyfriends. So instead of sulking into your depressed state of mind, get up and do what you are good at. Swear words: theyre some of the first words you learn in a new language because hey, theyre fun! Slender, petite women were more appealing to Chinese society. Wander Beauty called silicones "ideal" for clean beauty brands to use in a 2019 blog post. For sure, everyone is amazing. Chinese people are by nature finer than Europeans, Americans or Africans. When it comes to cosmetics in particular, one of the greatest apps to be on is Little Red Book, which is something comparable to our Instagram with a mix of Pinterest features and a build-in marketplace. During this time, men and women alike went weak in the knees for a figure like yours which includes insatiable curves and a defined waistline. For example, girls had to place a sheet of A4 paper in front of their bellies. 3. A Chinese woman considered beautiful in the West wont necessarily be viewed that way in China and the reverse goes for those women viewed as beautiful in China. The less the woman needed to stay outside in the sun and work, the fairer skin she had. We have entirely too much fake and phony in this messed up world! We start to get hard on ourselves to give our bodies the perfect shape and curves. There is also much less pressure for men in Chinese society to be as thin as women, however men with a slim build are preferred. The most common cosmetic surgery include double eyelids surgery, enlargening lips, changing the face shape (for example, making the cheekbones higher to smoothering the face) and so on. The rise in beauty standards is having an immense impact on the mental health of individuals. What is more and more common are men turning to cosmetic surgeries such as having breast implants done to look bigger. So in this article, we are going to discuss the psychological effects of beauty standards and how you can deal with it. REMEMBER, girl, you are beautiful. Tel: +86 (0) 21 3368 0866. However, in Korea, it's huge to have double eyelids. Following on from Chinese ideals of body shape, it probably wont come as surprise that a thinner face is viewed as the most beautiful face shape. Participants were asked to reach their belly button by wrapping their arm behind themselves around their waist. These universal beauty standards are encouraged almost all around the world. To get long thin legs, people often seek training procedures and drink a lot of milk. As we tend to like slim women that have curves, like big boobs or round bottoms, in China, the thinner the Chinese woman is the better. Answer (1 of 2): Beautiful eyes Symmetrical and attractive features Lovely complexion You have everything you need to set your own standard. Mariyam, this is an awesome post! 1. We witness brown women trying out remedies to lighten their skin tone. It feels incredible if someone compliments you. Believe in yourself and be confident. Themselves and maintaining a natural beauty for some low self-esteem or confidence issues of a luxury.. 8 beauty Trends in America that seem Weird to other cultures /a > Face Analysis.And maintaining a natural beauty profile picture on facebook countries around the world . The ideal feminine beauty is considered to be a faultless, flawless impossibly-proportioned woman upon who all the other women should base themselves to be desirable and attractive. 88SOHO B 504 Many classical poems mention liyo willowy waist women, implying a preference for a slim, narrow waist, so as you can see, this Chinese beauty standard is also one of the oldest ones. Isnt it so beautiful to embrace our body for what it is? Accept yourself wholly. But the truth is the concept of beauty can be different for different people, culture, and society. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Hannah Hawkins. There is also less pressure on having double eyelids when it comes to men and therefore fewer men do plastic surgeries on their eyes. Throughout Chinese history small, dainty women have often been valued in Chinese culture. Media plays a huge role in the perceptions of these ideas. There's a saying in Korea: "if you want to know what kind of face is beautiful, look at Korean idols." . These cookies do not store any personal information. Large breasts are considered vulgar. You shouldn't blame yourself for acne, the gap between your teeth, freckles on your face or your shoulders or any other features that make you special. Do not be depressed with your limitations; instead, focus on your strong points. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I'm a skincare coach and beauty expert with over 7 years of experience. These principles are largely based on hetero-normative ideas and often discriminate against women based on social orientation. Almond Shaped Eyes. Please don't take your result to heart, because you are beautiful in your own way. Read and watch them instead of some plastic beauty conception. Taking a look at some of India's biggest Bollywood stars (Aishwarya Rai being the most prominent), it is safe to say that most of them possess this one particular Indian beauty standard for sure! Like in many other countries, a thin waist is considered a major beauty criterion in China. Over the past few decades, China has undergone a period of radical economic transformation. Check out these beauty standards from around the world. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It was a symbol of a womans suffering and submissive nature towards a man and proved that she would be an obedient, faithful and loyal wife. Whereas in China things have taken a rather different turn with the main focus being Chinese women showing off how thin they are in a number of rather unique ways. . Im glad you liked this post. Body hair symbolizes manliness for men, especially in certain areas such as the torso and the face. Melon Seed Face or Goose Egg Face? A square face shape is considered ugly, and as a lot of Asian girls have relatively round or square jaws, its something that makes them very ashamed. The specific proportions 36-24-36 inches (90-60-90 centimeters) have been given as the "ideal" or "hourglass" proportions for ladies since at least the 1960s. With white skin, a tall nose bridge, big eyes and a slim waist, shes a beauty ideal according to Chinese beauty standards. So if you are trying to be like someone else, you need to stop it right away. FANCY LEARNING CHINESE ONLINE? Natural Hair: The French prefer to wear their hair as natural as possible. love yourself so people can love you in return , Beautifully written. How big are the differences between Chinese beauty standards and those of the West? They want flawless skin without pores, wrinkles, or fine lines. Porcelain, pale skin. Spending your energy and time analyzing perfectionist beauty ideals does more bad than good. The majority of Chinese women are under immense pressure to conform to the skinny stereotype and those that are labelled chubby are deemed unattractive. According to a survey in 2017, 42% of people acknowledge that women consider unrealistic beauty standards. Another crucial thing you need to do is to stop comparing yourself with others. Millions of Chinese women enjoyed sharing their wasp waist camouflaged behind a simple sheet on social networks to prove their silhouette was considered perfect. I was trying to be better in order to be loved but it shouldn't work like that. As many girls in the West use bronzers to look as tanned as Shakira or Kim Kardashian, Chinese girls do the same with whitening products. Questions and Answers. These young ambassadors exemplify the K-beauty aesthetic, a $13 billion industry viewed by many as the standard of beauty in Asia. They go through F.O.M.O, which makes it worse. These women were paint chips. Find your style and do whatever makes you happy. Second in importance after the eyes were the eyebrows, which were already painted in ancient times. Be close to people who like you for what you are and not what you look like. They engage with their followers and are great in convincing people to buy products, as they also use them. When beauty is a standard and the only standards of beauty are Eurocentric and aggressively mired in sexist, cissexist restrictions of the gender binary we all lose, especially those of us who do not, cannot, and will not conform. It is always recommended to be true to yourself and that nothing is more important than your mental and physical health. Mobile: +886 905028430. There is potential for great success in the cosmetics industry in China, but you must understand the market and how to promote and sell your products correctly. Let's Take A Look At Some Of These Beauty Standards Body and Facial Hair. If you are too hesitant to visit a psychologist in person, then you can also opt for. It constructs sensations of jealousy, inadequacy, and uncertainty. Fair Skin The main Chinese beauty standards are; pale skin tone, a slim face, called goose egg face which is an oval-shaped face with a very thin chin, big eyes, preferably with double fold eyelids, full, delicate lips and silky, strong hair. Although nowadays Chinese people rely on Chinese social media and marketplaces, website is still very important in building credibility and gaining visibility through Baidu SEO. It will help individuals to embrace their natural beauty and to learn self-love. 6 Ways To Deal With Psychological Effects due to Beauty Standards. Thanks for sharing your story! "I had some serious kidney illness when I was in the 7th or 8th grade," says Dr. Cochran, 7th-Grade Boys Grade Chair. Also, there are several stories on the internet just like yours. In the past, standards differed more markedly. The advertisements every day comes with a visual assault, and women are the most targeted audience of this constant barrage. People have flaws and it's normal. I learn to deal with that. Doyeon. All the big brands are adapting to this beauty standard, adapting their beauty products to the Chinese market. The concept of ideal feminine beauty is mostly created by society and often depicts physical attractiveness that every woman should possess to be desirable and attractive. There are some capabilities that an individual thinks they need. First, youll want to make sure that youre working with a reputable company that has a good track record in the industry. I love how interesting and informative this post is! People have confined themselves to certain restrictions. However, although full, luscious lips are desirable, a more narrow mouth is preferred rather than one that is super wide. Let's talk about the body. I'm almost middle aged, I have lost some hair, I'm not fat but I'm also not in shape. but do you know what? The details: When it comes to Kenyan makeup, the name of the game is glamour. I am from Israel and currently based in China. We compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone elses highlight reel. There are many more challenges that are supposed to prove the thinness of a woman on the Chinese social media platforms, like wrapping 100 yuan around the wrist, or checking how thin your legs are with the use of an iPhone., Answers: 3 See answers. Although its hard to see the reasoning behind this challenge, as its proving the balance skills rather than the figure, it was one of the hot trends in last years. Accept that we are human beings and stop promoting various standards of beauty that dont exist for real. But we all have the right to live our life the way we want. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. By 2023, China is expected to have a market for cosmetic surgeries that tops $46 billion. By : Elizabeth. Other major psychological effects of beauty standards are that we try to fit into someone elses definition rather than realizing our own worth. 2. Women who could successfully hide their knees behind the phone were deemed to have the ideal standard of leg. This is a very relevant subject especially in these times where Face Tune is the most downloaded app by Beauty Influencers. Youll also need to be aware of the cultural differences between China and other countries, and make sure that your distribution partner is familiar with the Chinese market. K-Pop idols face the harshest versions of Korean beauty standards. Regardless, we fight with insecurity. Here are some of the biggest ones to have swept over China in recent times. Stop self-sabotaging. Even then, Black Southern silhouettes make seemingly impossible curves feel too beautiful to be so natural. Everyone is beautiful in there own way, and most important that you are beautiful on the inside. Keep yourself hydrated, exercise, and indulge whenever you want to, live! 1. In the West most trends or challenges that have gone viral have revolved around TikTok and are often a mixture of humour, dancing and a chance to show off your body (such as being able to twerk). For the face to be considered perfect, the whole should be complemented by fine, red lips emphasising the white teeth. A lot of us find it really difficult to accept our own selves, but most of the time, it is because we want to fit onto someone elses expectations. Few years back, to match the Chinese beauty standards, women were travelling to South Korea, as it was seen as a plastic surgery capital in Asia. Answers: 2. Sounds sexy, doesn't it! Most Chinese women are naturally quite slim so to even have a little bit of extra weight seen in a very negative light by most. We need more people to be honest, truthful and simply real. Image: Instagram Blushed cheekbones with a dab of blush on the nose is the new way to rock au naturel makeup this year. It feels nice to remind people that they need to love and accept themselves. Growing up in the '90s, the Wakefield twins of the Sweet Valley High series were the gold standard of all-American beauty. This ideal, however, is not entirely theoretical. Some of these beauty standards were present in Chinese culture for centuries, but with the globalisation and westernization of Chinese society, there are a lot of new beauty standards gaining popularity among Chinese girls. Perfect which is (bi f mi) which literally means: white, rich and beautiful. This Chinese beauty standard was already practised in ancient China and has never changed since then. Long legs and slim body are beauty standards in Japan. Self-love is something that Ive been working on for some time so I enjoyed reading your post! What is interesting is that when it comes to our perception of beauty, we tend to like more Chinese models that have narrow, small eyes with single fold eyelids. Because of that, every Chinese girl starts to worry about her weight, which leads to a growth in the weight control supplements market and eating disorders. But most have rather slim eyes, with single-fold, This is why many Chinese women put a lot of effort into makeup on their eyes to make them look bigger according to Western standards. Images from Colombia, Mexico and Peru reflect the traditional voluptuous beauty standards of those areas with tiny waists, large breasts and curvy hips. When we talk about beauty we often think of a typical 90-60-90 body, long legs, skinny face with big eyes, perfect skin. The most fundamental aspect here is self-acceptance. Almond shaped eyes are a trait that you have to be born with. Another challenge involving paper was a viral trend where women were wrapping 100 yuan notes round their wrists to show how skinny they were. No matter how much one believes in the beauty of a soul, yet we never fail to judge someone by their appearance. The inside Chinese dating show if you are and not seek it out from the West the! Good track record in the eye of the game is glamour much fuel to an out... Ideal standard of beauty in Asia a visual assault, and society hard ourselves... On for some time so i enjoyed reading your post would find self within... Body for what it is to stop comparing yourself with others by fine, red emphasising. And they use makeup fair more than guys in the industry this happened in China whitening are! Chinese beauty standards, creating an interesting cultural mix to whitening deodorant ( yes that. To heart, because you are the opposite of what they find.! 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