Treasury will distribute funds to states and localities using the same formula used to distribute the CRF. President Joe Biden's administration is asking Congress to agree to pay more than $1.6 billion to help clean up the mess of fraud against the massive government coronavirus pandemic relief programs. In this issue of Capitol to Capitol Interior Announces Webinar on Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Program; Extends Comment Period, and more. The plans also include measures to prevent future identity theft and help victims. California Forward and PolicyLink - two nonprofit organizations committed to building equitable economies for all - are collaborating to support the successful implementation of the state's Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF). Temporary Prevention Services Clearinghouse State Match Waived: Temporarily waives the required state match and the requirement that the specific model be in the federal Prevention Services Clearinghouse for kinship navigator programs funded with FY 2020 funds and maintains requires that programs, which are not in the Clearinghouse be under evaluation, or begin an evaluation to be funded. $28 million for state agriculture departments to fund programs aimed at confronting farmers' mental health crisis and stress. Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund ESSER I ESSER II ARP ESSER If you have any questions please email: Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Think an institution is misusing or abusing ED funds? See all 1 Germany $53,570,000 2. Community Economic Relief Fund (United Way) The Central Indiana COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund was launched on March 13, 2020, to help ensure individuals, children and families in need are supported during this pandemic. Funding methods include reimbursements (where the recipient spends out-of-pocket and is reimbursed by the grantor) and advances (where the recipient spends received grant funds directly). California United Ways have established a statewide relief fund to help those impacted by COVID-19. To protect our most vulnerable community members, we are migrating to a remote work environment beginning March 17 through at least May 4 and that all UWCI events have been cancelled or postponed through May. This includes the timeline and priorities for the next round of funding from C-CERF.We will continue to grow the fund and distribute grants as quickly as possible while also recognizing that this will be a sustained process over months. $55 million for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for continued work on FDA efforts to facilitate the development and review, both pre-market and post-market, of medical countermeasures, devices, therapies, and vaccines to combat the coronavirus. Go to The deadline to apply for a relief payment is 5 p.m. on May 31, 2022. If you need help with the Public File, call (713) 778-4745. 1% based on the relative share of full-time equivalent enrollment of students who were Federal Pell Grant recipients and who were exclusively enrolled in distance education courses prior to the qualifying emergency. The regions are defined in a way that promotes geographic equity and is consistent with existing economic development efforts as well as other state definitions of regional economic and labor markets. The CERF Leadership team is tasked with creating program guidelines, evaluation metrics, conducting oversight, and decision making related to the creation and management of the program and competitive grant structures. The plans also include measures to prevent future . Localities with populations over 200,000 may request to receive their allocation of emergency rental assistance directly. View all CED Voices from the Field videos. of Community & Economic Development Programs & Funding If you're seeking funding for a business expansion, a community project or site revitalization in Pennsylvania, DCED offers a variety of programs to help. $3.5 billion for continued Small Business Administration debt relief payments. The proposal also notes that $1.6 billion from the American Rescue Plan the last of the big relief measures, adopted in 2021 will be made available by June to help states improve their anti-identity theft measures. $1.9 billion for rip and replace efforts related to Huawei and ZTE equipment in U.S. networks. CERF receives broad support from United Nations Member States, observers, regional governments and international organizations, the private sector and individuals. I represent a human services agency impacted by COVID-19, a United Way corporate partner, or a United Way community partner, and have questions about the Central Indiana COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund. Increases the maximum number of weeks an individual may claim benefits through regular state unemployment with the additional PEUC program, or through the PUA program, to 50 weeks. The MOE can be waived by the secretary of Education. Program Description. Approximately, 14% of these highway funds are sub-allocated only to localities over 200,000 in population. Who are the funding partners for the Central Indiana COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund? Some may wish to and wait until the application period closes before determining how many awards to offer; in this case, a value of Dependent will display. Where can I go if Id like to donate, volunteer, or learn more? Make sure the grantor's mission and your mission are in sync. The C-CERF Task Force represents and has deep connections with the broad array of human services organizations across Central Indiana. The dollars in this round are unrestricted and can be used at an agencys discretion in order to meet needs during the coronavirus pandemic. Easily browse the critical components of this report. The foundation has designed a three-phase funding approach to our COVID-19 grantmaking: Immediate Relief, Community Recovery, and Reimagining & Building Resilience. The Task Force governs the C-CERF and how the funds are allocated. Payments of at least $400 will be provided to qualified households with the lowest incomes first and there will be a limited number of applicants accepted based on funding availability. Extends the Federal Pandemic unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program through March 14, 2021, providing $300 per week for all workers receiving unemployment benefits. Its critical to ensure the funds get to those most in need as quickly as possible. Biden's administration is starting a push to get Congress to fund measures to help prosecute fraud in governmental pandemic relief programs. Provides an additional $100 per week for certain workers who have both wage and self-employment income but whose UI benefit calculation does not take their self-employment into account. The budget delivers $850 direct relief payments to Maine people to help with the high costs of inflation- one of the strongest relief proposals in the country. The application process opens October 5, 2020. The Provider Relief Fund (PRF) supports healthcare providers in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. This public information page was created to provide background information and updates on the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Strategic Plan (PDF). Subsection (f) directs the HHS secretary to submit a report on the redemption rate and account balances for each month from January 2021 to June 2021. EDI Community Project Funding within the Community Development Fund account of the HUD title is intended for economic and community development activities, consistent with statutory and additional Committee requirements. All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged by email. $285 million to fund a pilot program to assist with broadband issues for historically Black colleges and universities. The CARES Act established the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund. Maximum loan amount reduced to $2 million. Regions were developed to prioritize recovery and transition strategies and to be consistent with existing economic development efforts, as well as other state definitions of regional economic and labor markets. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci), (Evan Vucci, Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. $50 million for Project AWARE to support school-based mental health for children. When will the next round of recipients be announced?The Task Force is moving with great urgency to respond to and begin to anticipate what will be unprecedented challenges in our communities. Provides $15 billion in transit aid primarily destined for local governments with about $13.3 billion for urbanized areas and $1 billion for rural areas, a program run by state DOTs. Sperling said the request would be part of the budget proposal Biden is scheduled to make March 9 but the bulk of it will be separate from the one-year appropriation request. Establishes a 4% floor for calculating housing tax credits related to acquisitions and housing bond-financed developments. Funding Information Through this Fund, eligible community-based organizations across Colorado may receive a general operating grant of up to $25,000. Funds are limited to COVID-related needs and cannot be used for vouchers or scholarships for parents. $284.5 billion for first and second forgivable Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. The C-CERF Task Force has been listening to and working closely with community organizations across Central Indiana to prioritize needs and areas of focus.To date, from what the Task Force has learned from agencies working on the ground to serve people in need, the critical needs are in the areas of: Multi-service centers that provide basic needs and can be prepared to serve the longer-term economic effects of the pandemic on neighborhoods. The Biden administration has offered federal assistance to both DeWine and Pennsylvania's Democratic Gov. Prior to joining OPR, she was the Managing Director for the American Jobs Project, a non-profit think tank founded by Jennifer Granholm that focused on place-based economic development strategies to decarbonize our economy. Applicants can request a grant of a minimum of 100,000 US dollars and a maximum of 250,000 US dollars. "Whether it is the rising price of gas, groceries, or summer clothes for kids, the Massachusetts Legislature has heard loud and clear that . Includes allocations that are not captured in the other listed categories. After an eight-month, stop-and-start test of endurance, Congress passed a $900 billion COVID-relief and $1.4 trillion government funding package that gives critical pandemic aid to Americans, while securing federal agency operations through September 2021. Its founding partners are Lilly Endowment Inc., Central Indiana Community Foundation (through the Glick Fund and The Indianapolis Foundation), Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation and United Way of Central Indiana. $3.25 billion for the Strategic National Stockpile. 6/15/2021. No preference was given to United Way accredited agencies.More than 25% of the 46 organizations awarded funds through this first round of grants are not United Way accredited agencies. Certain grants require that the recipient(s) provide a letter of intent. The CED Recipient Toolkit is a one-stop shop for grant recipients to find all the information you will need to successfully manage your grant and create impactful job creation. It permits states to use pandemic Chafee Foster Care Independent Living Program funds to offset the cost of meeting this requirement for youth for whom federal foster care matching is not available. Most grants are not general-purpose funds, to be used for whatever the company determines. Provide a maximum paid leave benefit of $1,400 per-week for eligible workers. On September 23, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill (SB) 162, which established the CERF. Regardless of the final funding source, the same goal remains: To build an equitable and sustainable economy across Californias diverse regions and foster long-term economic resilience in the overall transition to a carbon-neutral economy. Provides additional weeks for those who would otherwise exhaust benefits by increasing weeks available from 13 to 24with all benefits ending April 5, 2021. Overall, the bill provides $45 billion to the transportation sector. Community Emergency Relief Fund CERF (Community Emergency Relief Fund) is designated for broad-based community emergencies in Southwest Colorado. Who decides how the fund is allocated? Extends SNAP eligibility to college students who are eligible for a federal or state work-study program or has an expected family contribution of zero. Some grantors may know in advance the exact number of awards to be given. The bill does not extend the FFCRA provisions that required the public sector employers (state and local government entities) to provide emergency paid sick and family leave. Recipients and awards Funds will be provided to cities and counties with populations under 500,000 that were ineligible to receive direct funding under the CARES Act. United Way Ghana: Refers to allocations related to, but not limited to, food security programs, child care, and community outreach services. Economic relief payments will be issued by July 31, 2022. If you need help with the Public File, call 540-512-1558. The purpose of the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) Program funding is to build an equitable and sustainable economy across California's diverse regions and foster long-term economic resilience in the overall transition to a carbon-neutral economy. The Task Force includes leadership of the founding fund partners, including Lilly Endowment Inc., Central Indiana Community Foundation (through the Glick Fund and The Indianapolis Foundation), Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation and United Way of Central Indiana. Small states will receive a minimum of $200 million in emergency rental assistance. Soon after the swaths of the U.S. economy were shut down after the coronavirus hit the country in 2020, Congress began authorizing massive relief measures to help governments, businesses and individuals who were impacted. This relief package provided states with both funding and streamlined waivers to give State educational agencies (SEAs) necessary flexibilities to respond . Requires documentation of employment, rather than the self-certification that is currently in use and requires states to verify applicant identity. Coronavirus Relief Fund Guidance for State, Territorial, Local, and Tribal Governments. $10 million for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci), (Evan Vucci, Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. Local Government Assistance Housing, Community and Economic Development. Where should I go if I need economic support? 100% of donations to the Central Indiana COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Funds website will go directly to the organizations who are serving those in need due to the pandemic. $1.25 billion for National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support research and clinical trials related to the long-term effects of COVID-19, as well as continued support for Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for COVID-19. $100 million for state administrative costs through fiscal year 2021 and requires these funds to be made available to states within 60 days of enactment. There were also cases where guardrails were unnecessarily lowered, which led to unnecessary and massive fraud., A congressional committee found that financial technology companies did not properly screen applicants for the giant Paycheck Protection Program. Incorporates the Governor's Golden State Stimulus plan to assist California households that have borne the disproportionate economic burden of the COVID-19 Recession - those with incomes below $30,000, as well as those unfairly excluded from previous federal stimulus payments. $25.4 billion to the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund to support testing and contact tracing to effectively monitor and suppress COVID-19, as well as to reimburse for health care-related expenses or lost revenue attributable to the coronavirus, including: $22.4 billion for testing, contact tracing, and other activities necessary to effectively monitor and suppress COVID-19, including $2.5 billion for a targeted effort to improve testing capabilities and contact tracing in high-risk and underserved populations, including racial and ethnic minority populations and rural communities. Shortens the statutory waivers for certain SNAP quality control requirements from Sept. 30, 2021, to June 30, 2021. Provides for a one-time, one-year increase in the Medicare physician fee schedule of 3.75% to support physicians and other professionals in adjusting to changes in the Medicare physician fee schedule during 2021, and to provide relief during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Learn more about projects focused on CED initiatives:, Systems for Grant Management and Reporting, Data Collection & Performance Progress Report, Supporting Businesses, Employees, and Community Development, Creating Jobs with Support Services in West VirginiaVisit disclaimer page, Creating Manufacturing Job Opportunities in KentuckyVisit disclaimer page, Providing Essential Adult Care Jobs in KentuckyVisit disclaimer page, Removing Graffiti and Creating Jobs in CaliforniaVisit disclaimer page, Supporting Economic Recovery and Community Health in LouisianaVisit disclaimer page, FY 2018 CED and RCD Report to Congress(PDF), FY 2017CED and RCD Report to Congress(PDF),, Community Economic Development Grants Supporting Energy Communities(PDF), Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic RevitalizationVisit disclaimer page, Executive Order 14008: Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and AbroadVisit disclaimer page, Justice40 InitiativeVisit disclaimer page, Office of Community Services Under the law, the Fund is to be used to make payments for specified uses to States and certain local governments; the District of Columbia and U.S. For a list of Indiana restaurants that are offering catering, delivery or drive thru options, please visit the Indiana Restaurant and Lodging Associations website:, For legal support in Indiana, please visit, 2293 N. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307. We support organizations that are addressing immediate needs, longer term effects of the pandemic, and community recovery. Click here for more information. Detail on the federal assistance available and received can be found here: Federal Grant Awards Available through COVID-19 Legislation (PDF). The FY 2023 CED Focus on Energy Communities NOFO(PDF) is now available. 2023 by National Conference of State Legislatures, States Handling Lots of Moving Parts as COVID Emergency Ends. about Proposition 64 Public Health and Safety Grant Program, about 2022 California Farmland Conservancy Program, about Division of Boating and Waterways Local Assistance Floating Restroom Grant Program FY22, about Sustainable Groundwater Management (SGM) Grant Programs SGMA Implementation Round 2. Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) Flexibilities: Provides needed flexibilities to home visiting programs funded by MIECHV to allow them to serve at-risk pregnant women and families during the pandemic, for the duration of the public health emergency period. Biden's plans aim to deal with prosecutions and prevention. The program will provide $1.25 billion, authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (P.L. For finance related inquiries, email, Reports, Financials & Governing DocumentsPrivacy & Whistleblower Policies, 46 organizations identified as fitting the funding priorities of this first round, Central Indiana COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Funds website, Reports, Financials & Governing Documents, Childcare for healthcare workers and first responders, Food access for those struggling to make ends meet, Homeless and shelter care that allows for safe health practices, Strengthening access to resources for seniors and immigrants, Disaster planning and infrastructure support to connect people to services. And Reimagining & Building Resilience program will provide $ 1.25 billion, by! California United Ways have established a statewide Relief Fund Guidance for State, Territorial Local. Pennsylvania & # x27 ; s Democratic Gov Community and Economic Development grant awards available Through COVID-19 Legislation PDF... 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