I see the editorial process like a pipeline. 2002 E-mail permission messages are acceptable. Do not list group authors here. typoresubmitstagedecision sent to author&, proofproofnaturepublish, ScienceNatureScienceScience, Editor assigned (Peer-review) (discovery) (invention)novelunexpected)The criteria for a paper to be sent for peer-review are that the results seem novel, arresting (illuminating, unexpected or surprising), and that the work described has both immediate and far-reaching implicationsnaturescienceBoard of Reviewing EditorsscienceBoard of Reviewing EditorsBoard of Reviewing EditorsnaturescienceBoard of Reviewing Editorsscienceconnection, 22, Peer-review, Peer-review, 2. 2 year Impact Factor (2021) - 14. . until the alternative to truth could no longer be hidden 4. If a related manuscript is submitted elsewhere while the manuscript is under consideration at npj Computational Materials, a copy of the related manuscript must be sent to the Editor. In my view, you could withdraw the paper and send it to another journal. Thank you for your feedback, it will help us serve you better. Copyright 2014-2023 All Rights Reserved. I think it is variable according to different journals policies. Instructions for authors. //-->
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