How does this news change the atmosphere in the annex? there is another What does Anne compare the rumbling of their stomachs to? All dressed up and no place to gothat's the awkward way that this scene three starts. Dancing around the room, Anne spills milk on Mrs. Van Daans fur coat, which causes the woman to storm angrily from the room. My grandson thought this book was the greatest Q. What did Miep have to sacrifice in order to make the gift she brought them? Describe each characters reaction to Annes behavior. Anne shows Mr. Dussel to the room they will share. (Acting Edition for Theater Productions) at the best online prices at eBay! Margot's reply is that she is very jealous of the fact Anne has something to get up for in the morning; but she is not jealous of Anne and Peter. date the date you are citing the material. 400. Reconstruct the sentence, using semicolons to join independent clauses or to correct a run-on sentence. Name two things that Meip brings them for New Years: A cake Flowers A cake Flowers What has happened to Mouschi? Delivered quickly and the book was in good condition. Qu hay de nuevo? Web30 seconds. It's not his and he wants cigarettes with the money. 4 0 obj d) She leaves it as a clue to where the Nazis took her. Frank.) She says that she has gone crazy about it and that you could have it anyway you'd like. Cite specific descriptions and images. For two years they remained safe. What does Mrs. Van Daan do when she sees Mr. Van Daan take her coat? The second is the date of \hQs1&Bk He ended up at the hospital later on, and about their supplier, it will have to wait until the warehouse man demands more money. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank Act II Study Guide Term 1 / 25 What does Miep bring the family? One of Kraler's employees blackmails him, and the Nazis raid the small attic. On this first day in hiding, Mr. Frank gives Anne the diary. To play games using the questions from above, visit and enter game ID number: 61140 in the upper right hand corner or, Play Games with the Questions above at the Nazis are defeated and the war is over. How does Mrs. Van Daan react to Anne and Peter's relationship? Alone, Mrs. Frank and Margot begin to prepare supper. WebT he Diary of Anne Frank is an autobiography by Anne Frank that details period in which Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis during the Holocaust. How does Anne and Peter's relationship evolve in this scene? Carl wants more money and Mr. Kraler is worried that if he doesn't give him the money, then Carl will tell the Nazis about how there are people in hiding upstairs. c) He means that the situation is better because Anne is there. Mr. Frank tries to calm his wife down, but she refuses to listen to reason. Instead, they went to the building where Mr. Frank had his business to go into hiding. Everyone immediately quiets down and takes off their shoes. Our Essay Lab can help you tackle any essay assignment within seconds, whether youre studying Macbeth or the American Revolution. The office phone downstairs rings, apparently for the third time. What: Theatre Bristol presents The Diary of Anne Frank. Mr. Kleiman helps the Franks, the van Daans, and Mr. Dussel go into hiding. How does this demonstrate Mr. Van Daan's selfishness? What does Mrs. Frank suggest that Anne do when she spends time with Peter so that she can avoid "criticism" from Mrs. Van Daan? A few weeks later finds everyone gathered in the center room, sitting tensely. Reread lines 509-522 at the beginning of section VI, where the correspondent rails against the "abominable injustice" of nature. The Diary of a Young Girl, also known as The Diary of Anne Frank, journal by Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager who chronicled her familys two years (194244) in hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II. Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. The first news is good, that people believe the Franks escaped to Switzerland. WebMr. F?5,*9|tim9({M,8i$2-& @'vbvW480 Z#-j "v9?nBiXTKu4NRe)@SeRo the store worker asked about Mr. Frank and wants more money. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1, Scenes 3 1. The play The Diary of Anne Frank opens in November 1945 with Otto Franks return to the attic rooms where he, his family, the Van Daans, and Mr. Dussell lived in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Holland. Mr. Van Daan helped Mr. Frank once before. Why does Mrs. Frank scream out when she wakes up? He tells Mr. Kraler that he must say whatever he has to say in front of everyone, and so they find out that one of the workers in the office is blackmailing Mr. Kraler in exchange for his silence about the upstairs room, which he remembers as existing. Question 15. Act 2 opens in January 1944; the families have been in hiding close to a year and a half. What does Mr. Frank tell Mr. Kraler to tell Carl? Hearing his cries, Miep Gies comes up the stairs, asking if he is all right and begging him not to stay up in the rooms. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank Act 2 Study Guide. We're destroying ourselves."? The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Act 2, Scene 2. Mr. Frank puts a stop to the conversation. The plays final scene again returns to November 1945. Describe two situations where Anne tries to clown around with Peter: o She took peters shoes and made him chase her _____ o _____ 2. He is on the top floor of the warehouse, like he was in the very first scene. This Penguin Classics edition is edited by Otto H. Frank and In the Diary of Anne Frank hope and courage is an important element to have during hardships as shown through the Franks, Miep, and Mr. Kraler. They present this through their actions, words, and thoughts about their faith that everything will be alright What do Miep and Mr. Kraler bring for New Year's? As he is about to leave, Miep gives him a pile of papers that were left behind after the Gestapo came and took everyone away. Free shipping for many products! Has peter ever kissed a girl? She says that the grown-ups have more opinions, but she, Peter, and Margot are acting like they want things to change. If he would like some of them, because she has a lot. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank Directions: Provide details from the text for your response to the questions. Why does Mr. Kraler believe that he is being blackmailed? Mrs. Van Daan thinks that they are cute together and she ships them. Mrs. Van Daan's fur coat, because he wants to sell it so they can buy more food. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance Why does Mr. Frank say that Anne puts him to shame? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Diary of Anne Frank. Still, they talk the cutesy-wutesy stuff of young love, asking each other if they've ever kissed anyone else and if they'll forget each other when they come out of hiding. The frenetic dialogue of the crazed annex residents and the consistent ringing of the He runs away . WebBookmark File Anne Frank Act Ii Study Guide Teacherweb Free Download Pdf The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annexe The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank A Picture Book of Anne Frank All My Sons Death of a Salesman Educating Rita La Belle-Nivernaise The Merchant of Venice Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, But he also tells them that hundreds of Jews are sent to death camps each day, including Annes friends. How do Mr. Kraler and Mr. Frank decide to handle the worker Carl? WebFirst, Anne speculates that Mrs. Frank sees her more as a friend than as a daughter. They used to hate each other and now they are dating. It's possible that this excerpt shows how Anne wants to be a better person and when she thinks back to things that she has done work=ng she hopes to never do them again in hopes of being a better person. He asks her to sell Mrs. Van Daan's coat and buy some cigarettes for Mr. Van Daan. She always cuts Mr. Van Daan's piece a little bigger. It tests students on characterization, theme, foreshadowing, plot, subplot, symbols, and flashback. Who does Mr. Dussel think Carl is? They hear heavy footsteps and another door being battered in. He wants some company for Anne and Margot. Explain your answer. The next scene takes place in July 1942 in the attic where the families will hide. What do Anne and Peter each say that they want to be when they grow up in Act 2 Scene 2? The outside bell rings again and again, and then comes the sound of the door being battered in. Now we can live in hope."? a) It softens the end because Anne has been able to confide in Peter. Written between 1942 and 1944, The Diary of Anne Frank, aka The Diary of a Young Girl, is a collection of journal entries by Anne Frank, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl, while in hiding with her family for two years in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. Scared and angry, Anne lashes out at her mother and then runs into her room. This study guide packet is meant for classroom use while reading The Diary of Anne Frank play with Middle School and They go downstairs so Mr. Frank could look at some papers Mr. Kraler brought. ____________________ Swimming, another aquatic sport, demands physical endurance. They want to help someone else who is being persecuted by the Nazis. a noun used as an adjective. Puedes completar cada oracin en menos de 10 segundos? Q:3 In The Diary of Anne Frank, Act II, scene 3, Mr Frank says, " we don't need the What does Mr. Van Daan ask Miep to sell, and what does he ask her to buy? d) He means that she should act the way she used to. According to Anne's voice at the end of the scene, who still suspects the their will reveal the people who are in hiding? How does Margot react to Anne and Peter's relationship? Over his wifes protests, Mr. Van Daan gives her fur coat to Miep to sell. However, the good mood is broken when Mr. Van Daan and Peter start arguing about his cat. The door has broken down and they were told to leave the warehouse, and Anne leaves her diary behind. She can smell the wind and the cold on their clothes and it reminds Anne of what she is missing. Did you attend the evening performance? Mrs. Van Daan tries to grab it from him and when he refuses to give it her, she sinks to the floor sobbing. Why do they argue about what Miep has brought? He said that he admires how she knows how to speak her mind whenever they all get in arguments. He wants twenty more guilders a week so he can make more money. But Anne in her infinite courage, takes it all on her shoulders. How do Mr. Frank, Mr. Kramer, and Mr. Van Daan each react to Miep's gift? How do their reactions show their personalities? What does Mrs. Frank say must happen because of this incident? She also admits to feeling "a terrible urge to touch [her] breasts." Who comes to visit and bring them gifts for the New Year? 1F-YuX~jYtcB7$_O*mB0,Eq nQ 6Ay e}O. Anne finds comfort writing in her diary because she feels she has difficulty opening up to her friends and therefore has no true confidants. Anne becomes friends with Peter Van Daan, and she shares her first kiss with him. He was upset, but he stayed calm and tried to solve the issue. What terrifies them even more while Peter and Anne are talking? It was because of the quote written in her diary. WebWhat effect does this attitude have on the ending of The Diary of Anne Frank, Act II? Free shipping for many products! answer choices He is a family friend from the days before they moved to Amsterdam. WebThe World of Anne Frank - Betty Merti 1998 Provides background information on Anne Frank and her times Anne Frank on the Postwar Dutch Stage - Remco Ensel 2021-12 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Diary of Anne Frank. Something went wrong. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. Why do you think Alvarez chose to title this story "Antojos," or "cravings"? What is the people supplying their ration books have been arrested? Gradually, Annes voice joins his and then Mr. Franks voice subsides. Mr. Karler thinks that Carl may have been the thief. Anne's in her bathroom, getting dolled up to go on a date with Peter er, to his room. Why does Mr. Kraler suspect that one of the employees working in the warehouse might know about the refugees in the attic? a) It softens the end because Anne has been able to confide in Peter. -ZT>BI;Y[JEFm%w Pz@,%zo|xV+a}@wV}[t:v8MoZm4_-Dv]aCsxzcw_} WQKzQo& f"uF\E@ J#b+qnz0*I?_jG*duG:AGH>[\PKV :8_* chw`E?b/$f@kTKx "<4&]@qRTED9VRthh%.1 Sj-67gZ.N"_d#=NU^Bb_hW zKJ0.T%JDgT;,4R[V>&[I.9QhB(k.#+Z[#6+H.e^2\'pc7N[Didp,dMmXlwd"JS]w%(v#$;pwu>O86!d#CdOi#zwwSm$qE=*vksOT]MLsDWM$ That he will give him half, or only 10 Guilders, He is blaming Peter's clumsiness for smashing the lamp so the thief could hear, That the end would come whatever it is, because the waiting is terrible. How did Mr. Frank find out who died in the concentration camps? after all they went through she thinks the people are still good even though she shouldn't, The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide Act II, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Anne shows remarkable candor as she battles to be her best self while enduring the Through close reading, she marvels at the teenage Frank's skillfully natural narrative voice, at her finely tuned dialogue and ability to turn living people into characters. - She wants him to teach her how to dance - She wants to make Margot jealous - She wants to annoy Mrs. Van Daan - Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. What does Mr. Frank tell Mr. Kraler about what he has to say? Her second confession is more personal. The last date is today's c) The people supplying their ration books have been arrested. Johannes Kleiman An employee of the Dutch Opekta Company and friend of the Franks. That someone has already had a nice big dinner from the cat. In act 2, scene 4, when tensions come to a head with Mrs. Franks insistence that Mr. Van Daan quit the attic, Mr. Frank tells them, We dont need the Nazis to destroy us. Example directobject\underline{\color{#c34632}{direct~ object}}directobject 1. Doesn't try toward her son, and doesn't care. Lidia's Commonsense Italian Cooking: 150 Delicious and Simple Recipes Anyone (#304784329959). That you can't be that way if you hold things back. It was at a party and he was blindfolded because they were playing one of those kissing games. For the first time since theyve been in hiding, Peter and Anne talk, forging a friendship. Miep and Mr. Kraler have arrived with a New Years cake. Anne asks Margot whether she is jealous of her visits with Peter. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank Play, Act. a) He means that the situation is worse because Anne is there. What do Anne and Peter get dressed up for? Anne finishes dressing, puts on white gloves, and invites Margot to visit with Peter with her; Margot declines. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank Drama Guided Questions Act 2 Scene 1-2 by Materials on the Go 5.0 (4) $1.00 PDF Guided reading questions for The Diary of Anne Frank: Drama by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett.Act 2 Scene 1-2 Subjects: Drama, English Language Arts Grades: 6th - 8th Types: Handouts Add to cart Wish List Act 1 Mr. Kraler has joined Miep and Mr. Frank in the upstairs rooms. I ordered it by mistake. Mr. Frank serves cognac as a welcome. He has an inferiority complex because he is very insecure about himself and he doesn't think of himself as "smart". She said that people are really good at heart. H. No mucho. The real reason he wants to sell it is because he wants Miep to use the money she makes to buy more cigarettes. a) There is little food, so everyone is hungry-not just Mr. Van Daan. publication in traditional print. While he says that the danger has passed, Mr. Dussel points out that now someone knows that there are people living above the offices. The second date is today's Web30 seconds. How did Mr. Frank act when Mr. Van Daan stole the bread? It made everyone go crazy with a wild demonstration. It was the tires screeching the doorbells clanging. Can Mr. Dussel stay with them for a few nights? It is now two months later. Why is Mrs. Frank worried about Anne spending time with Peter? What are some of the things that Anne and Peter talk about? Draw one line under each transitive verb and two lines under each intransitive verb. amiableamityanimuscohesionfluctuateliterateluminousmagnanimousunanimityunilateral\begin{array}{lllll}\text { amiable } & \text { amity } & \text { animus } & \text { cohesion } & \text { fluctuate } \\ \text { literate } & \text { luminous } & \text { magnanimous } & \text { unanimity } & \text { unilateral }\end{array} (Acting Edition for Theater Productions) at the best online prices at eBay! Anne tells her father that he is the only person she loves. c) He prefers to speak to people face to face. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, What does Anne mean when she writes in her diary, "Paper is more patient than people?". Peter has kissed a girl once. If we think about it, how incredibly hard must it have been to walk past Peter's parents and her own and go to Peter's room and shut the door. WebWhen Anne Frank is given a diary for her thirteenth birthday, she immediately fills it with the details of her life: descriptions of her friends, boys who like her, and her classes at school. Mr. Frank tells her to burn them, but Miep insists that he look at the papers. With the exception of Mr. Frank, all of the Jewish hideaways die in concentration camps. (We're not gonna lie; we get a little weepy-eyed at that.). WebThe Diary of Anne Frank, Act Two SCENE 1 In the darkness we hear ANNEs voice, again reading from the diary. She wishes that the end of the war would come. Suma 2 puntos por cada oracin correcta y resta 1 punto por los errores de concordancia. click "search options" again to close the pull down or refresh the page. What gift did Miep bring the people in the hiding place? It's super-cute to see them connecting on a deeper level than, "Pass the milk please.". What happens between them as the bell chimes 9:00 p.m. and Anne is leaving Peter's room? Her mother is trying to talk to her and she ignores her and does her own thing. What does Mr. Van Daan ask Meip to do besides get a good price for the coat? NO. Albert Hackett. WebAnne's age when she enters the attic, The character who Anne loves best., This is Mrs. Van Daan's nickname for Mr. Van Daan., How long did the families hide? He wouldn't care if I killed myself.". Anne believes that she cannot help how she acts, but she immediately feels regretful and asks her father what is wrong with her. If You Go. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> 2, Scene 1 5.0 (5 reviews) Term 1 / 40 As of Saturday, January 1, 1944, looks closely at Annes life before the secret annex, what life was like in hiding, and the legacy of her diary. United States Declaration of Independence, Describe two situations where Anne tries to clown around with, She took peters shoes and made him chase her, _________________________________________________________________. Everyone tries hard to ignore the others. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank - Act 2 Scene 2 Summary & Analysis. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 29 They brought them WebAct 2 Scene 2 Summary The scene opens with Peter in his room dressing for a visit from Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank 2019-03-07 Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is an inspiring and tragic account of an ordinary life lived in extraordinary circumstances that has enthralled readers for generations. Mario likes diving\underline{\text{diving}}diving best of all sports. At which time we feel like Peter's sort of the wimpy one in this relationship until he grabs Anne by the arms and pecks her on the cheekaww. She wants Anne to stop going to Peter's room so much and she is worried that Mrs. Van Daan will bother them and make fun of Anne. He has been their family's dentist for many years. It reminds her of how wealthy they used to be. Mr. Dussel tells them what has been taking place in Amsterdam since they went into hiding. Because Mr. Dussel wanted Miep to have one piece of cake too, since there were eight of them. To avoid getting into arguments with his parents. Mr. Frank goes downstairs to investigate and returns with the news that it was a thief. What does Mr. Frank mean when he says, "We don't need the Nazis to destroy us. 15. %PDF-1.3 He sees she is mature and they begin having feelings for one another. Faulkner created a map of the county, he called himself "Sole Owner Proprietor.". WebAct 2, Scene 4. (Acting Edition for Theater Productions) at the best online prices at eBay! What finally happens at the end of the scene? c) It puts off the ending so we can imagine life through Annes eyes. Who tells Peter that someone has probably already eaten Mouschi? No one has come into work downstairs, either, another ominous sign. Try it today! However she also has doubts on whether people will take her serious when she tries to be a good person. She says she talks all wrong, says too much, goes too far, and hurts people's feelings. What is one cause of the increased tension in Act 2 of The Diary of Anne Frank? WebIn The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I, why do the Franks agree to take in Mr. Dussel? Already a member? Mr. Frank closes Annes diary. Anne feels that she can see beneath Peter's exterior self, and she wishes that he would look beneath her own "chatty exterior. What upsetting news do they get about Mr. Kraler? Does Anne want to show Peter everything in her diary? WebThe Diary of Anne Frank ACT 2 SCENES 1-3 Scene 1 This scene starts on January first in 1944. c) He thinks that Anne is talking about him when she says, In spite of everything.. Annes voice, reading from her diary, closes the play: In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart., "The Diary of Anne Frank - Summary" Drama for Students Why is this line of action especially unusual for her? No even though he was sneaking food. It is the Nazis. WebA match suddenly flares in the attic. When the Nazis rise to power, Anne Frank and her family go into hiding. The tension is so high in this scene that we can almost snap it in half. In this scene, Margot says, "Sometimes I wish the end would comewhatever it is" If you were in Margot's place, would you feel the same way she does? Who Was Anne Frank? b) It adds suspense because the reader knows how Anne feels. Describe each characters reaction to Annes behavior: Peters reaction Mrs. Franks reaction The reason Mr. Frank invited the Van Daans to hide with them is. Complete each sentence with the correct form of pedir or preguntar. What does Mr. Dussel say that Carl is doing? How is Peter and Anne's relationship different in Act 2 from Act 1? Teachers / Educators: Create FREE classroom games with your questions like the ones on this site. Elizabeth Voskuijl ("Bep") See more The Diary of Anne Frank by Albert Hackett and - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, The Diary of Anne Frank. They buried their relatives with objects such as vases, statues, and jewelry. WebThe residents time of hiding in the Annex comes to an end when answer choices Miep is no longer able to bring food. 9th and 10th grade regular and honors EHS Summer Reading Assignment 2017 (1).docx, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Diary of Anne Frank Assessment Act 1 Scenes 1-5.docx, Legal reserve This reserve represents the portion of the Companys earnings that, 106 Question ID CMA 687 527 Topic Relevant Information for Decision Making, Enrollment Agreement _ Student Portal.pdf, a rad v 2 R T 2 R v G 667 x 10 11 Nm 2 kg 2 T Segler 11172014 Texas AM, This page intentionally left blank IN THIS CHAPTER WE COVER Comparing several, Screenshot_20201114_161715_15_11_2020_01_50, Theory Paper -Reactive Attachment Disorder.docx, From 1999 2003 a total of 1320 farmers from 14 districts across the country had, CHCLEG001_Assessment_Workbook__V2.docx.pdf, 126 I am making this assumption because no trial record exists in either case, ADEC73050_e-Week 1 assignment (Details).pdf, 511 that we can group as follows unpredictability and exceptionality of the, Nonverbal communication is a powerful communication system 24 says Ting Toomey, PH_quizbank_Q_A_quiz2 Study guide.docx.pdf, The purpose of ECOA is to make consumer credit available with fairness and, SecurityandCommunicationNetworks 7 Userequipment1 UE 1 e Pub k 1 mbs 1 Pub k 1. A feeling that something bad has happened or will happen. Mr. Kraler asks Mr. Frank to come downstairs with him to go over some contracts, but Mr. Frank realizes that Mr. Kraler really wants to speak to him in private. Explain how this theme is conveyed. Mr. Kugler helps the Franks, the van Daans, and Mr. Dussel go into hiding. Describe two situations where Anne tries to clown around with Peter: o She took peters shoes and made him chase her _____ o _____ 2. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank (play) Act 2, Scene 2 Advertisement - Guide continues below Act 2, Scene 2 All dressed up and no place to gothat's the awkward way that this scene three starts. Mr. Dussel, seconded by Mr. Van Daan, begs Mr. Frank to go downstairs and answer the phone, but Mr. Frank refuses. WebThe Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1, Scenes 3 1. What does Peter notice about Anne's room? What does the worker in the storeroom want? The scene opens with Peter in his room dressing for a visit from Anne. Who stops Peter from hitting Mr. Dussel and tactfully changes the subject to how delicious is the cake? that maybe something good can come out of it. Can you identify any other themes in Part 1? Teachers and educators can turn online educational tests and quizzes into games directly from their browser to be used as review. Now we can live in hope. They hear the door to their stairwell crash in and the sound of German voices. WebThe Diary of a Young Girl, frequently referred to as The Diary of Anne Frank, chronicles the author's time hiding with her family during the German occupation of Amsterdam in the 1940s. Mr. Van Daan follows, and Mrs. Frank warns Anne to be more courteous to their guests and reminds her that everyone is under great strain. WebIn her amazing diary, Anne Frank revealed the challenges and dreams common for any young girl. Anne follows him. Of the eight who lived in the attic, Mr. Frank is the only survivor. What did Anne say that "in spite of everything" she still believed about people? Annes Voice. In the Diary of Anne Frank, Act II, what is Anne's motivation for spending so much time with Peter? b) It doesnt make sense because hes had plenty to eat already. This Study Guide consists of approximately 76pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - What "truth" does Shelley's imagined vision suggest about the dangerous possibilities of science? This Study Guide consists of approximately 76 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character Who catches him? WebBut Anne Frank's diary, argues Francine Prose, is as much a work of art as it is a historical record. From below comes the sound of feet running. WebMcGraw-Hill's 10 ACT Practice Tests, Second Edition - Steven Dulan 2008-05-30 We want to give you the practice you need on War II, Anne Franks diary has provided a firsthand account of a life in hiding as a Jew in Nazi Germany. Anne describes how bad the situation got for the Jews in Holland after the German conquest. WebAn employee of the Dutch Opekta Company and non-Jewish friend of the Franks. stream Late in Act II, this is the reason the members of the annex get less food. % Characters' words are often very revealing of what they are like. They have had to cut down on their food and are very hungry all the time. Why does he really want to sell it? d) It makes the end even more moving because Anne is betrayed. Contains online school games for kids. Mr. Frank immediately tells Mr. Kraler to bring Mr. Dussel upstairs. d) He doesnt believe that people are good at heart, and he is ashamed of this feeling. Mr. Kraler is in the hospital with ulcers, Chapter 11: Performance-Enhancing Substances, 8th Grade Diary of Anne Frank -quick facts, Diary of Anne Frank Test 1 Multiple Choice, F, Diary of Anne Frank (play) - Language Arts Bo, UNIT 9 - COLD WAR AND CIVIL RIGHTS DAY, PART, UNIT 9 - COLD WAR AND CIVIL RIGHTS DAY, PART I, 1920s, GREAT DEPRESSION, WWII VOCABULARY AND, Harold Levine, Norman Levine, Robert T. Levine, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9. Mr. Frank says that if it involves the children, then they should know too. Make more money German voices end even more while Peter and Anne is betrayed happened or will happen of. & used options and get the best online prices at eBay if there are dates! Pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character who catches him is food. Cake Flowers what has happened or will happen whether she is mature and they having... Abominable injustice '' of nature do Mr. Kraler about what Miep has brought does Mr. Frank Mr.! 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