In that sweet furnace let me live for Thee, Nor let the sleep of sloth encumber me; O let me sing to Thee and weep to Thee, Adore, and magnify, and honor Thee, And always take my full delight in Thee. "Let your goodness Lord appear to us, that we, made in your image, may conform ourselves to it. She selected this title at Fatima: "I am the Lady of the Rosary." St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying IS- Pray the Rosary. More Prayers: Novena To St. Isidore # 1 (May 6 - May 15) Novena To The Black Nazarene December 31 - January 9) Novena To St. Joseph # 2 (March 10 - March 19) Christmas Novena # 1 (December 16 to December 24) Novena To St. Joseph # 9 (March 10 - March 19) Novena To The Fourteen Holy Helpers (July 31 - August 8) Novena To Our Lady, Undoer Of Knots Our Lady of the Rosary Novena. He testifies clearly to Mary's subordination to Jesus, in accordance with the foundation of traditional Mariology. Who tastes of Thee, O Jesus Christ, can relish naught but Thee; Who tastes Thy living sweetness lives by Thee; All else is voidthe soul must die for Thee; So faints my heart,so would I die for thee. In this book, which is still appropriate reading for the Popes of all times, Bernard did not only suggest how to be a good Pope, but also expressed a profound vision of the Mystery of the Church and of the Mystery of Christ which is ultimately resolved in contemplation of the mystery of the Triune God. Thou Rose of wondrous fragrance, open wide, And bring my heart into Thy wounded Side, O sweet heart, open! See PRIVACY POLICY. In another famous Sermon on the Sunday in the Octave of the Assumption the Holy Abbot described with passionate words Mary's intimate participation in the redeeming sacrifice of her Son. But on Easter morning of that year a charismatic twenty-two year old, later known as Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (c. 1090-1153), with thirty companions, asked to be allowed to wear the Cistercian habit . Gracious One, I come quietly to your door needing to receive from your hands the nourishment that gives life. His actions would lay the foundations of a Kingdom for Christ that would eventually reach around the world and spread the Catholic faith to millions of souls. At the General Audience on Wednesday, 21 October [2009] in St Peter's Square, the Holy Father commented on St Bernard of Clairvaux, one of the most important theologians of the Middle Ages. As from 1130, Bernard began to concern himself with many serious matters of the Holy See and of the Church. Although he was originally We do not know in any detail about the years of his childhood; however, we know that he was born in 1090 in Fontaines, France, into a large and fairly well-to-do family. Behold, Thy Blood, O Jesus, flows on me The price of my salvation falls on me; O ruddy as the rose, it drops on me. His parents were Tescelin, lord of Fontaines, and Aleth of Montbard, both belonging to the highest nobility of Burgundy. O gracious God, so merciful to me, Do as Thy guilty one entreateth Thee, And at the end let me be found with Thee! Today there are many in the Church who act like canals, There can be no doubt and a light shining and burning in Your Church, . Draw me into Thee! Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Camp; Scouting. [1] It's FREE! Sign up for our Premium service. Collect of the Day: Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, 1153. St. Bernard was devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and advised the following: In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. spectacles of bravery and valor never exceeded in all the annals of history. Rev. that led Him to become a little lower than angels, for the more she is honored, event is believed to have occurred in 1115, and not 1114, as shown in the Marian Some claim to have solved the fundamental questions on God, on man and on the world with the power of reason alone. Click HERE or the EWTN banner below to hear our story and learn more about our Family & Mission : that never was it known L'Osservatore Romano is the newspaper of the Holy See. Behold, O Jesus, how it draws to Thee! this Mother. Dear holy Hands, I humbly worship ye, With roses filled, fresh blossoms of that Tree; The cruel iron enters into ye, While open gashes yield unceasingly The Precious stream down-dropping from the Tree. St. Bernard (1090-1153) was born near Dijon and died in Clairvaux, France. Here are some of that resonate with me. O sacred Heart, beloved most tenderly, Cleanse Thou my own; more worthy let it be, All hardened as it is with vanity; O make it tender, loving, fearing Thee, And all its icy coldness drive from me. But neither fear nor self-interest is undefiled, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother, Well raised and pious, young Bernard very early on showed a strong devotion to Our Lady. He was born in Fontaines-les-Dijon in 1090 and entered the . Lord, with my mouth I touch and worship Thee, With all the strength I have I cling to Thee, With all my love I plunge my heart in Thee, My very life-blood would I drawn from Thee, O Jesus, Jesus! LITANY OF INTERCESSION TO OUR LADY OF MOUNT Carmel, Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Most Powerful Healing Prayer by St Padre Pio, New Year Offering Prayer To Mary Mother of God, OUR LADY of GUADALUPE (FEAST DAY- December 12), Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Medal, OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL Featuring Collections of Catholic Prayers for everyone who needs it anytime. but what remains is protected by the French Ministry of Culture as an 1090- d. 1153). May Christ support us all th STOP AND PRAY THIS POWERFUL PRAYER TO SAINT BENEDI Find Hope And Healing, Pray Now this Miracle Heali Meditations On The Mysteries Of The Holy Rosary, Meditations on LUMINOUS MYSTERIES of the Rosary, Meditations on GLORIOUS MYSTERIES of the Rosary, Meditations on SORROWFUL MYSTERIES of the Rosary, Meditations on JOYFUL MYSTERIES of the Rosary. Prayer of Saint Bernard. Verily The hidden spring of mercy lies in Thee, The source of honeyed sweetness dwells in Thee, The fountain of redemption flows from Thee, The secret well of love that cleanses me. This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the . O infinite, O wondrous majesty! Let us now say a few words about this name, which means 'star of the sea', and is so becoming to the Virgin Mother. Hail, sweetest Face of Jesus, bruised for me Hail, Holy One, whose glorious Face for me Is shorn of beauty on that fatal Tree! placed all his churches under the special protection of Mary. Abyss of wisdom from eternity, The harmonies of angels worship Thee; Entrancing sweetness flows, O Breast, from thee; John tasted it as he lay rapt on Thee; O grant me thus that I may dwell in Thee! St. Dymphna Novena. And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. As we begin the season of Lent, the words of St. Bernard of Clairvaux to his brethren in the monastery are fitting for our meditation, as he reflects on taking up our penitential practices as we begin our "campaign of Christian service" (from the Collect for Ash Wednesday), and fasting as Christ directs us in Ash Wednesday's . than the hunger of the body can be satisfied by air. Let Your goodness Lord appear to . If she sustains you, you will not stumble; if she protects you, you have nothing to fear; if she guides you, you will never flag; if she is favourable to you, you will attain your goal" (Hom. Ah, may the counsel that I learn from Thee All imperfection purify in me! may we be received by the One for there is never full knowledge without perfect love., It was love that motivated His self-emptying, the great mediator. Bernard of Clairvaux, O. Cist. Saint Bernard, always absorbed in God, pray for us. Ah, who, returning so great charity, I willing, Jesus, thus to give for Thee His blood for Thine, in faithful love for Thee? In Thy sweet Side, my Love, O bury me! Behold me prostrate, Jesus; look on me! Amen. who through you, gave himself to us. Buy Pewter Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Medal with Laminated Holy Prayer Card: Greeting Cards . He excelled at school and developed a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary; a devotion that, in later life, he preached to others. freeing it from unworthy motives.. again thanks to you Related Links: Prayers to St Bernard of Clairvaux. by the privilege you merited, the reservoirs are far too rare This commemorative feast was established by Pope Saint Pius V . "Neither fear nor self-interest can convert the soul. His concern for the Christian's intimate and vital participation in God's love in Jesus Christ brings no new guidelines to the scientific status of theology. if he knows the truth without loving it The Weekly Edition in English is published for the US by: The Cathedral Foundation L'Osservatore Romano English Edition 320 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21201 Subscriptions: (410) 547-5315 Fax: (410) 332-1069, EWTN | 5817 Old Leeds Rd. We asked St. Bernard to be the patron of our house and bless our time together. Bernard became well known as an arbitrator and counselor. O draw me for Thy Cross sake to Thee; O draw me for Thy so wide charity; Sweet Jesus, draw my heart in truth to Thee, O put an end to all my misery, And crown me with Thy Cross and victory! He assisted in ending a disagreement within the Church regarding Papal appointments and was called upon to help combat heresy. but, in thy mercy, hear and answer me. From an early age, he was considered devout and well-educated. Author: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque You have come to us . We taste Thee, O Thou living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still: We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead, And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. Sweet Jesus, loving God, I cry to Thee; Thou guilty, yet I come for love of Thee; O show Thyself, dear Saviour, kind to me! They may change the appearance, perhaps even the conduct, but never the object of supreme desire. Prayers from Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. and present us to your Son. one God, for ever and ever. and with you we pray: Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, Adult Recognitions. O in Thy beauty turn to me, my own; O turn one look of love on me, my own! But your mercy reaches from the heavens through the clouds to the earth below. France; died at Clairvaux, 21 August, 1153. who lives and reigns with you In looking at the discipline of other monasteries, Bernard firmly recalled the need for a sober and measured life, at table as in clothing and monastic buildings, and recommended the support and care of the poor. How beautiful Thou art! which only inflate it without feeding it., Ignorance is brutal, arrogance is devilish. St. Bernard preached during the Second Crusade throughout Europe. REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. St Bernard of Clairvaux. To him Mary was Battles - Honor - Miracles! Our Mediatrix and Advocate. As the founder and abbot of the Abbey of Clairvaux, St. Bernard (1091-1153) was centrally responsible for the early expansion of the Cistercian Order throughout Europe. When he was twenty-two years old, he joined the Cistercian Order at Citeaux. Dear Breast of most sweet Jesus, mine would be All Thine in its entire conformity; Absolve it from all sin, and set it free, That it may burn with ardent charity, And never, never cease to think on Thee. O, set my heart on fire, dear Love, from Thee, And burn it in the flame that burns in Thee. Today's Prayers & Reflections . O wondrous grace! Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. When the Crusade failed, St. Bernard attributed the failure to the sins of the Crusaders. / Daniel Ibanez/CNA Rome Newsroom, Feb 27, 2023 / 05:50 am (CNA). For the complete novena visit: The Nine Day Novena to St. Bernard of Clairvaux - Mp3 audio and Text. In our own strength we cannot imitate your majesty, power, and wonder nor is it fitting for us to try. All rights reserved. Thou knowest whyin pity bear with me, And overlook the shame that covers me! St. Bernard of Clairvaux. O Jesus, ever with us stay, Prayer for Those in Prison Using Scripture, How to Meditate from St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Christmas Prayer by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Travailing in Prayer for Yourself and Others, How to Meditate from St. Bernard of Clairvaux . PRAYER: Click the button and find the first one on your computer. Can it be Thou darest so to enter greedily Into that cell divine? religious orders. Share it! O Jesus, highest Good, I yearn for Thee; O Jesus, merciful, I hope in Thee, Whose sacred Body hands upon the Tree, Whose limbs, all dislocated painfully, Are stretched in torture, all for love of me! a restored rule of Saint Benedict, when he left to found a new abbey. With great desire, O Heart, I seek for Thee, And faint for joy, O Heart, embracing Thee; Then give me leave, O Love, to speak to Thee. PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT (Monday Devotion to the Holy Spirit) Come, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with Your holy gifts. Catholic Night Prayers The Lord's Prayer - Our Father The Serenity Prayer The Divine Mercy Chaplet . And all for my unworthy sake, my own! Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. . Bernard of Clairvaux was a medieval French abbot who wrote homoerotic poetry about Jesus and had a passionate same-sex friendship with Irish archbishop Malachy of Armagh. Bernard had no doubts: "per Mariam ad Iesum", through Mary we are led to Jesus. and, while receiving benefits, Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries, Saint of the Day: Bl. Does the Bible speak about Purgatory? Despite all the trials, In 1112 the Cistercian Order was in serious danger of disappearing. Born in the 11th century, Bernard of Clairvaux is known for his powerful reforms of the Cistercian order and his inspiring holiness of life. Thus firmly established, let us begin to contemplate, to see what he is saying to us and what reply we ought to make to him. In this Thy Passion, Lord, remember me; In this Thy pain, O Love, acknowledge me; The honey of whose lips was shed on me, The milk of whose delights hath strengthened me Whose sweetness is beyond delight for me! O Jesus, place Thy sacred Hands on me, With transport let me kiss them tenderly, With groans and tears embrace them fervently; And, O for these deep wounds I worship Thee; And for hte blessed drops that fall on me! Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. The following is a translation of the Pope's Catechesis, which was given in Italian. O gracious charity! 911 Prayer to St. Joseph. High and Holy God, give me this day a word of truth to silence the lies that would devour my soul and kind encourgements to strengthen me when I fall. to teach us in order to make us like unto Himself., If anyone makes himself his own master in the spiritual life, St. Bernard of Clairvaux lived from 1070-1153 and was a dynamic force for Christianity. to be subject to parents, My heart, Beloved, faints for Thee. His name: ST. BERNARD of CLAIRVAUX (1091-1153), one of the rst Cistercian monks, third mediaeval father and last father of the Church in chronological order. O in Thy tender mercy turn to me, And let Thy untold pity pardon me! These reflections, characteristic of a person in love with Jesus and Mary as was Bernard, are still a salutary stimulus not only to theologians but to all believers. On the other hand, he felt it was his duty to defend the Jews, and condemned the ever more widespread outbursts of anti-Semitism. 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