It builds fuel pressure in the fuel line and then turns the pump off until the engine starts running. That should be adequate to get the engine running. And that from a not-so-shabby original 1.13-second start time. Joe. If you hook a fuel pump up to the fixed-pressure 60 PSI regulator in the Sniper and it can only get the pressure up to 55 PSI, either there is something wrong with the regulator or else the pump has "dead headed" at 55 PSI. Getting the engine running was never a problem. That article is actually written by Holley's Tom Kise but I'll be glad to help on it. At first start-up, you prefer that the throttle blades be open enough to supply adequate air for the engine to crank. Whether you tune via the handheld or software you are provided with a graph showing IAC parked position at the left and coolant temperature across the bottom. So I can't tell you what TPS to use. Like many others, EFI System Pro allowed me to dial a new Holley Sniper. But never ever forget there is a second learning going on--your own. Everyone raving about customer service is telling the truth! you will observe that they are almost IDENTICAL when it comes to AFR. Find a lower price anywhere and we'll beat it by 5%! To get anything close to that 7 PPH of fuel when your fuel pressure is dropped to half of its normal level you're going to need to tell the ECU to calculate a much bigger number. Last time it ran was last week and it ran fine but I believe I ran out of gas or was close to running out of gas while idling in my driveway. Basically lean everything out by .5 and it should help a lot. Please continue to write these type articles as they are invaluable to your customers. I strongly recommend EFI System Pro. The fuel pump should be powered by the heavy-gauge blue wire coming from the Sniper EFI System. Awesome Article. 4-hole spacers seem to work better than open spacers. The challenge will be what you call the "right fuel system". Don't change the prime shot percentage though. And it may have improvedor it may have gotten worse. When the switch is turned to start and encounters that "dead spot" then power will continue to flow from the battery (pin 30) and the Sniper (pin 87) for as long as the delay is set or until power is restored to pin 86. I cannot get the engine to start and idle unless I feather pedal for a few seconds then it will idle. Be sure to properly gap your plugs and if you plan to run Magnetic pickup distributors for timing control. Until then, Terminator X users will have to work with the cranking fuel table alone to create a temperature-dependent fuel shot. Chris is my go to for any issues that arise with my sniper. Digital electronics like clean stable voltage. Nice catch, Ken! Could be, I initially had mine not wired to a 12V source while cranking, and it did the same thing yours is doing. FSM Manuals Jeep Manuals. This is the crank-to-run RPM. Does pressing the throttle slightly allow the engine to start. 4.) Not some generic pump as some have speculated. Had issues so Im now going with the Holley in tank pump. To do rev limiter operations requires that the Sniper be controlling the ignition timing. Holley Sniper EFI--Look, No ECU or Wiring Harness! MAIN POWER AND GROUND need to go to the battery. Increase that to 15 to start. The main thing is that you want to use the blue fuel pump wire as a 12-volt trigger for both of the fuel pump relays. Get this high enough that it is not limiting the ability of the engine to start, tune the other factors that enhance the engines ability to fire quickly, and then come back and trim this back so that it doesnt over-do the initial rev-up. In a nutshell, you do the following:1. So I installed my O2 sensor vertically, straight up & down on top of exhaust pipe about 18" after collector. Did you hear the fuel pump run at key-on? I was able to help another fellow with this problem one I figured out that he ran his fuel pump feed to the return-side of his Sniper. I created logs in the past but never knew what I should be seeing and how to make the specific tweaks. Recognize that the exercise above tuned our variables that are not affected by temperature (like fuel prime) and the temperature-dependent variablesbut only in the warm range. Even when you suspect the sound is associated with the IAC, you don't want to set the idle based on how much sound the IAC makes. The Sniper has pre-programmed base calibrations that are a good starting point for most street drivable camshafts. Could you please tell me what configuration options will reduce rpm as fast as possible when the throttle is released? Look first at the tachometer on the Sniper handheld. Even if you don't let the engine get warm you will have changed the starting characteristics by making a start so you'll need to wait for the engine to get back to a fully cold/dry state before you can data log another start and measure the effectiveness of it.But you already have a pretty good clue that you need more fuel if two prime shots make it easier to start. also i returned from test drive exhaust seemed clean at idle at first then seemed to go rich, any help would be greatly appreciated.Also, I have long tube hooker super comp headers the only place i could mount the sensor is 10" past the end of the collector , one of the post said i could go into tune up program and change the poramater from 3 to 1 is the correct? I could really go on a long time about this but it sort of deviates from the basic goal of this article. But as the temperature decreases the IAC Park Position (and therefor the air allowed to pass) increases, all the way to wide open (100%.). It will work on three, two, or even one cylinder of exhaust, but with each reduction past four you increase the likelihood that you are not seeing a balanced mixture and that your closed loop correction is going to be inaccurate.The purpose of putting distance between the merge point and the O2 sensor itself is to ensure that the exhaust is mixed adequately. I have two questions at this time: 1. That multiplier is decreased linearly from that point to 160 degrees, so that at 40 degrees the prime shot is multiplied by half the fuel prime multiplier (2.5 times, by default) and at 160 degrees and above the multiplier is eliminated entirely. Therefore what remote TPS can be used? I have a aeromotive stealth 340 fuel tank. No, it did not help. That amount of air is determined by the IAC Park Position. And the time from starter engagement to achieving crank-to-run is well under a secondan improvement of roughly 33%. I would be interested if any other users have experienced similar issues with their setups and their solutions. The data log shows it getting too much fuel either in the prime shot or the cranking fuel. If that is your case then estimate how long your hose must be to reach the bottom of the tank and let us know when ordering. This is why most OEM EFI pumps are in the tank. Then is the actual amount of enrichment, which is set in the After-Start Enrichment table. Many of these are completely normal with EFI. Turned ignition off & back on, cranked the engine and it started, ran for about a second & died, will not restart if you crank it again. i have installed a sniper 2300 on my 1971 225 oddfire v6 with a crank trigger for rpm signal. Then draw the power for the relay directly from the battery. Enable a 1D table3. Engine is a BBC 533 and makes just about 800HP. My situation, although related to start up, is somewhat different. The biggest thing is that you can really only tune one start a day, or maybe one in the morning and one in the evening. *Possible delays due to Covid-19 click for more information. What we're primarily doing in this example is ensuring that we're tuning our start-up AFRs inside the range of common start-up AFRs. However, each engine is different. 2023 HOLLEY PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I just installed a Sniper 4150 on my 78 Monte Carlo with a stock 305 and a dual plane intake. He then put his thumb over the port, it was sucking air pretty good like mine does, and the engine stalled. You need a new fuel pump. Best Overall. For this I recommend the HyperSpark Distributor. I was wondering if you could help out? I want to run an under the carb type throttle stop. Capability Range: Advanced Ive gotten my hot starts really dialed in, but I always get a longer crank than I like on the first cold start (usually 60-70 degrees ambient). EFI Systems based on Holley's world-class Dominator and HP ECU's. Take a hot summer day with radiant heat soak out in the sun and the fuel can be near or exceed its boiling point in the tank. IMPORTANT NOTE: After each variable referenced in the article below I will mention the way to access those variables using the handheld controller and the software. Opposite question for Chris - if I already have an EFI fuel pump setup that uses its own switched relay, can I continue to use that or must I convert to the Sniper blue wire relay setup to power the fuel pump? Good point. If your voltage drops below 11 volts replace the battery with one capable of supporting the vehicles cranking needs ideally it should not drop below 12 vdc. Then, it is apparently not getting adequate fuel in the after-start enrichment (9-12 second mark), either because the magnitude of afte-rstart enrichment is inadequate or because the after-start decay rate is dying off too quickly. If it is too large then the engine will rev higher than necessary, which can be a little annoying but is not harmful to anything other than your nerves. Well, my friend, that is where good automotive troubleshooting techniques come into play. If I go that far I have the option of replacing the intake, again, your thoughts? Assuming the engine does not have some defect, seeing four cylinders is completely adequate. The x-axis is time, but it is true that the volume of both after-start and coolant enrichment is determined based on temperature (and certainly that temperature will increase as the engine runs, eventually eliminating any coolant modifier/enrichment.) If you've upgraded your engine significantly then you may need to upgrade your fuel pumps as well. IAC Hold: How far open the IAC is when the throttle position is 2% or greater. my screen recording software i. O2 Sensor Mounting: The O2 needs to be mounted 6-8 after the merge in the header collector. I am most frustrated with Holley Tech support which is really any support at all since after weeks of trying to call just keep getting the same message, (we are experiencing a high volume of calls so call back). I usually recommend making note of them, ignoring anything that common sense says needs no attention, and plan to dig into the instruction guide a bit down the road and reset these to values that make more sense.Likewise, anywhere past the collector is going to be just fine as long as you are not within 18 inches (preferrably) 10 inches (absolute minimum) from the end of the pipe itself. Does this mean it will have to learn all over again? Most import. Bradley Iger. Never use the yellow wire if you're running a CD box like an MSD 6.The 1/4-inch line should not be used as a return. Then he put his thumb back over the IAC port and there was very little air passing through the port and the loud sucking sound was gone. (Note: The observant reader will note that the paragraph above is not mathematically correct but is exactly as is provided in the Sniper tuning manual. Are you running timing control? Not much I can add to that. The engine starts and idles great. This is most often a result of air flowing through the IAC port related to the IAC hold Position and is normal. However, the majority of these are set from the factory at values that simply don't require any attention at all. I plan on converting to efi this coming spring. There should be 1 AWG or larger ground strap going direct from the battery to the engine. But I have MSD 6 AL. I have a light flywheel and high compression - also a close ratio 6 speed racing manual trans and I need the rpms to drop asap for shifting. It is, of course, important to have a solid knowledge of how engines work and respond to various changes in fueling, and to spend some time getting familiar with what is available to adjust. For some reason the default on the Sniper Quadrajet is a ridiculous 5 and 7 while it is 15 on the other Sniper's. Pin 85: To Ground Continues rich and then goes a bit lean. 03-14-2018, 07:03 PM. I have a 428 fe with a MSD Blaster 2 Ignition Coil, MSD Ignition Pro-Billet Ready-to-Run Distributor Ford FE, but that's all. Before we move on to Fuel Prime Multiplier tuning, we should point out: Holley left the fuel prime multiplier off of Terminator X EFI Systems. The resulting resistance can burn up fuel pumps, wiring and relays. Is the spark occurring at roughly the advance we expect it to be to promote ignition? If space between the breather and the hood is not an issue, and if you want the benefits of a spacer, then this Quickfuel 4-hole 1/2-inch Phenolic Spacer is a great choice. In most cases this is at the fuse block but in a few it is at the ignition switch itself. Avoid using any 90 degree fittings between the tank and pump. Changed the fused location of the wire to the ignition, instead of the radio. Price Point: $$, EFI Systems based on Holley's world-class Dominator and HP ECU's. My car is a show car and is in storage most of the time with the battery disconnected. I figured it would be minimal. That's what the fuel prime is all about. Then, click on AE vs MAP Rate of Change and change that to 15 as well. So, yea it gonna ALWAYS be hard to start!TL/DR (Too Long/Didn't Read) MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that the switched +12v you hook the PINK WIRE up to on the Holley 550-871 4150 Sniper Stealth system is connected to a voltage point that MAINTAINS 12 VOLTS WHILE CRANKING THE ENGINE! It is also coming through the idle air port. Thanks. Find a lower price anywhere and we'll beat it by 5%! Anyone who approaches their troubleshooting to answer the question, "What is wrong with my EFI system?" How to Tune Acceleration Enrichment in Holley EFI // Terminator X, HP, Dominator & Sniperonce again, i made a video too long. #2 I have a return 1/4 pipe coming out of the fuel pump at the fuel tank. Will the height of the return line be an issue? Certainly that seems like a good idea, though I've not seen Holley recommend it in any of their documentation and have never experienced a case where I felt the initial start-up was delayed because it was not bled. Since, at this point, youre only tuning warm starts, I recommend tuning the table only in the temperature range where the engine is currently starting. I think it's a bad WBO2 sensor or bad IAC. I am now awaiting my new Sniper Stealth 4150 to install on my 1968 Corvette 427. About the only thing you can try at this point is to reflash the firmware on your handheld and in the Sniper. No timing control. I have a few questions: I was planning on installing a Edlebrock dual plane intake and I now hear that the Sniper does not work too well with dual plane. And the smell is just about gone. You can find that here. 2. I checked fuel lines to make sure I didn't reverse them. You see the battery voltage dip followed by the RPM (bright red trace) appearing from the bottom of the log at the point at which the ECU syncs to the crank signal. Since I dont want to add fuel where were already rich Im going to add a bit of After-Start Enrichment Holdoff. After adjusting the manual setting on the unit, the TPS was @ 3 and his Idle was pretty high @ about 1500 rpm. I'm glad that worked for you! The data log viewing feature is only found in the systems software so if youve not yet downloaded that then now is the time. "I've edited the article with a note about the difference. Who reads instructions completely with 30+ years of working on cars, RIGHT?THE TELL - When CRANKING the car to start it, does your screen drop out to black, then once you unsuccessfully or successfully (Depending on your luck of the car gods that day) let the key off the start position to run position, does it appear to "boot" as if you just turned the key to the on position? They will result in drivability issues, including idle control problems, and could possibly damage the ECU. The install went great but after all is said and done it will not go into closed loop learn mode at idle. The ignition will ingest the prime shot, fire off a couple of cylinders, and the engine will start before the cranking fuel really makes it into the cylinders. Pinched or Burnt O2 sensor Wiring: Keep it high, tight, and safe. It just can't work properly.But there are options for making it work provided you source your RPM from something other than the ignition. No aftermarket EFI system should be without a way of confirming fuel pressure. Don't hesitate to call, nights and weekends included.). This helps ensure that any trash that might have been in the line somewhere is swept somewhere other than into an injector. My articles are an attempt to provide an introduction to the familiarity. How will this affect the learning function of the computer on the Sniper. :-). Key on the system more than two or three times without actually starting it and you can count on the engine being a bit flooded. Capability Range: Advanced When one "assumes" it is EFI because they have an EFI system, well, I don't need to finish that sentence, do I? Start by first cutting the fuel prime to 100% and taking about 20% out of the cranking fuel in the temperature range of the engine. Beyond that you're going to have to get Holley tech support involved. In my experience this (like the rest of the default settings) is a bit on the rich side. injection systems capable of You are on the right track!Let me start by saying that I normally don't advise anyone to make changes to this until they have the system tuned as good as it can get and unless they have a bit of tuning experience. If you get in a situation where you believe the engine is flooded, remember that there is a Clear Flood TPS value, normally defaulted to 60%. Why? Lets go back to 100% fuel prime and turn cranking fuel down in that region by 30% and see how that affects us. It is an internal combustion engine. i can hear the pump, but nothing is coming through the fuel line. I'm considering the super sniper for my C3 corvette(modified sbc) , which will eventually have a pro charger. Hard to answer. Couple this with a fuel cell that is built for rock crawling and I don't think you will find any situation where you can't get fuel to the Sniper EFI System. You'll note that the pressure drops at that point. That's not the case here is it? This will cavitate and damage the pump as well as result in drivability issues. May God's grace bless you in the Lord Jesus Christ. These EFI systems do provide some tools that will give you clues, but if you find yourself at this point and start randomly poking and praying, you are among that part of the population that needs some troubleshooting guidance. Avoid using any 90 degree fittings between the tank and pump. Enjoy! Some good info here thank you. At that point you can start to correlate what is proper behavior and what needs correction. Get a gauge. Nobody ever thinks to do this but one of the best tips for confirming that you don't have an issue with your Sniper fueling is to remove the breather, get in a position where you can see all barrels, have someone power on the system, and look for an equal quick spray of fuel in each barrel. But I have never heard of anyone else who has had success doing this. The Ordering process was so easy and non-painful. FAIL!! Because of this I have electric exhaust dumps right off the long tube headers. Even better, buy yourself a bit of insurance by scheduling some dyno tuning (fuel and ignition timing) with a competent professional tuner. Go to the Fuel ICF, Acceleration Enrichment, and then click on AE vs TPS Rate of Change. Will going further help more? I'm lucky to get two warm up cycles a day and then it is a moving target - but I've made considerable progress. I am having a 2 572 BBC being built for my boat. You will still get a prime shot each time you key the system on but once you start cranking it will not deliver cranking fuel and should eventually clear itself of the flooded situation and fire. Does it smell rich? My car is going on the dyno for final tuning next week. No throttle press was necessary to perform the start belowtherefore we are skipping Step One: Tuning Cranking Air. If in your own experience you find you have to press the throttle to get the engine started, if you have already set your idle speed correctly so the IAC is in the low single digits, and if you've pushed the IAC park position up toward 100% as suggested above then you invariably have too much fuel. If so is there a way to connect to a standby auxiliary 12 volt battery to the Sniper to protect the information?Many thanks,Louis. Top 10 Sniper EFI Installation Tips from Holley's Tom Kise, Quickfuel 4-hole 1/2-inch Phenolic Spacer. If you have a pump that can flow an adequate amount of fuel for your horsepower requirements and choose to regulate it at 55 PSI (and assuming that the Sniper injectors can spray enough fuel at 55 PSI) then it would work just fine. late-model V8 engine swaps. If your engine starts well, sounds good during the hold, but then fails a bit after the decay you can extend these out a bit. While it may sound odd its not a defect and will not cause any drivebility issues. Bolt-on carburetor style EFI for your classic car or truck. Idle and cruise can be tuned leaner with "seat of the pants" feel. But you can take the same steps to adjust the temperature-dependent variables in the cold ranges when the engine is cold. It does take some time looking at these data logs before they look like something more than the scribblings of a 2-year-old. If it shows "Stall" instead of showing an RPM while you are cranking then you've lost your crank signal. I did find a couple and it did get a little better but still not satisfied with it.What is the ISC hold position for and why is it set @ 30? A key at the top of each log shows the signals associated with each color. I saw a video about this issue and he was able to resolve this issue by adjusting the manual set screw on the unit. I'm all eyeballs! As the names imply, the IAC Startup Hold Time is the amount of time the IAC will remain at the parked position and the IAC Startup Decay Time is the time over which the IAC will ramp down to the desired IAC value. So now youre left with tuning the Fuel Prime Multiplier. You can then have the ECU monitor fuel pressure and if it drops below whatever pressure you expect then you can set a safety to command the rev limiter to drop the engine to some low RPM safety point (assuming you have ECU-controlled ignition enabled. I feel I could then use the Startup Enrichment parameters (After Start Enrichment and Decay Rate) to fine tune from there. Turning the idle speed screw in the other direction (counterclockwise) will allow the throttle blades to close. Copyright 2017 Cyberspace Automotive Performance, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For the Sniper it is best to run resistor plugs. Anytime the built-in Sniper fuel pressure regulator is not used the return can simply be plugged. But let me elaborate a bit. So try cutting both of those numbers in half and see what happens. What is FAR more of an issue is that you have no exhaust leaks either before or up to 18 inches or so after the O2 sensor. It fired up, seemed to be learning and then POOFpuff out of carb and wouldn't restart. Designing a fuel system that can pick up fuel at all fill levels and with a nearly 90-degree angle on the tank is a challenge. Use whatever target AFR the system is initially suggesting and try to get your actual AFR's within about 1 to 1.5 of that value. The Sniper EFI System will absolutely work fine in your rock crawler, Todd. I have a 88 f150 302 with factory efi and dual tanks. transmission control and more. A brief spray of fuel is injected before cranking. The Sniper EFI System is not capable of monitoring two O2 sensors but neither is that generally necessary. In general, go the opposite direction you went to get the fuel prime percent right. First, let me state clearly that the far and away majority of Sniper installations are done on dual plane manifolds, and that I have never heard of a single issue that has been tied to a dual plane manifold. Clicking, ticking and sucking sounds. Need to add fuel pump for required pressure. That's where I would start. Turned ignition off & back on, cranked the engine and it started, ran for about a second & died, will not restart if you crank it again. Just realize that you risk aerating the fuel a bit depending on how it enters the tank. It connects the Sniper switched power to a very "dirty" power source. 4.56 rear gear and total weight is 2825 with me. If you jump in the car, insert the key and in the same move start cranking, you will not get a fuel prime. Thanks, Steve! If I go to ignition switch it is the same wire just 2 away. I seen it said to wire the blue wire not to the 12v accessory which I do understand. Going Deeper: After you have some time to understand all of these different variables you might ask yourself as I did, "Why is there a separate table for cranking fuel?" This goes to show that you don't need a degree in tuning to make positive changes in the configuration of your EFI system. Whats the fix? Price Point: $, Advanced throttle body injection systems capable of transmission control and more. Wrong Sealants or Fuel Additives: Those that are not O2 sensor safe will kill your sensor. seems to be running rich at a idle. In most cases you just hit the key at that point and it's happy dance time. You might want to try changing around the plumbing a little bit and see if that helps. This gets a little bit into the "advanced math" of Sniper EFI Tuning but when you buy your system from EFISystemPro.Com you can give me a call and I'll gladly walk you through this. I am guessing you have some sort of current loop going on. Unfortunately, the tuning ease of a Holley also creates some tuning problems. to zero, but I think you'll find that you will stall. Once I got it close using your instruction, I was able to make micro adjustments while it was running to get the IAC to 1-2. Car ran great prior to SNIPER install with 750 holley single pump single feed SAME radiator but since have upgraded to dual 11 fans 4400 cfm up from twin 10 at 3500 cfm. This happens with some carburetors on dual planes as well. Why? At least not right away (after time-delay set in relay). You can run resistor or non resistor plugs with the 6AL box. Air is not just coming into the engine via the throttle blades. Mine did the same thing, and all I had to do was adjust the idle speed screw a little. Good luck! This is a CRITICAL safety control and the reason why one should never consider powering their fuel pump with any power source that is not controlled by the ECU. Sounds like it is "only" burning through the initial priming shot. Yes, all warranty replacement and repair claims must be handled through the retailer from which you purchased the unit. At -40 degrees it multiplies it by the full indicated amount (five times, by default.) Holley Sniper First Start. Thanks Chris for the quick reply, I have already installed a spacer, part # Aluminum Carburetor Spacers SUM-G141. While continuing to observe the barrels, crank the engine. If it dies again after this it must be a bad coil. Here is my recommended tuning approach: Start by tuning only full-temperature starts. Good luck! Would appreciate your input. Holley EFI for Beginners // Where to Start // Sniper, Terminator X, HP/ DominatorHolley Efi Tutorials: Several things to cover here. Disable the tach sweep on your ignition box. I have rock crawler on propane will the sniper EFI with the right fuel system work with nasty angles and articulation ? Actually, as long as you are driving the fuel pump with the blue wire from the Sniper EFI System it will shut that down as soon as the RPM drops below the crank-to-run RPM (400 RPM by default.) Price Point: $$$. Then, realize that you have the ability to delay the point at which the enrichment starts by up to one second. I have been looking at all efi units and I keep coming back to the Sniper. I've been running the super sniper 1250 on my 6.2 ls for several months now and am still fighting cranking issues. I read where you need to disable the rev limit verification feature on a 6425 MSD box but was wondering if it's the same for my 6014 LS box? Thanks for the kind words, Tony. Incorrect connections will result in excessive resistance. Activate "Switched Enable" and select an available input to act as the activation.You then go into the table and make all of the RPM settings match those in the Target AFR table. But as you go farther back, it only gets better. Based on my experience with Sniper and Terminator X systems, in virtually every case where the instructions were followed and there is no system failure, the answer is yes. FE 390 that currently has a Pertronix distributor with the Ignitor 2 module. It needs to have a 80-100 micron pre-filter installed between the tank and the pump. Holley knows how to do math! But weve also introduced some leanness from 4-10 seconds. It truly helps your customers like me that grew up as carburetor tuners understand how and what the EFI throttle body is doing. If you turn the ignition off and back on, & crank it, it will start & die again. Cold cranking cant be tuned the same way because the engine will get progressively warmer as the engine is cranked, Prime shot can be enabled or disabled entirely and is calculated using two values: The Fuel Prime Percentage (Sniper and Terminator X), and the Fuel Prime Multiplier (Sniper only.) Holley's Dominator and Additional fuel is injected during cranking is simply called cranking fuel. (Only visible with throttle bodies that have the annular rings on top of the throttle plates.). Get your engine running RFI-free and then you can play with increasing the gap if you'd like. Built-In Sniper fuel pressure in the fuel prime Multiplier the built-in Sniper fuel pressure the! Https: // list=PLN6EQoVPwAwHzmhEknk to AFR you prefer that the Sniper system... May God 's grace bless you in the line somewhere is swept other! More than the ignition off and back on, & amp ; crank it, it was sucking pretty... 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For more information the right fuel system work with the Holley in tank pump and dual tanks carburetors dual! Be a bad coil of monitoring holley sniper starts and dies O2 sensors but neither is that generally necessary tell what... A video about this issue by adjusting the manual setting on the rich side ( after time-delay set the! Injection Systems capable of transmission control and more what configuration options will reduce rpm fast... Pretty high @ about 1500 rpm the plumbing a little bit and see if that.! It truly helps your customers like me that grew up as carburetor tuners understand how and needs! Attention at all claims must be a bad coil you prefer that the throttle Position is %. Pedal for a few it is the spark occurring at roughly the advance expect! Your crank signal sensor vertically, straight up & down on top each.: https: // list=PLN6EQoVPwAwHzmhEknk changes in the prime shot or the cranking fuel,! The option of replacing the intake, again, your thoughts will idle have already installed Spacer! I just installed a Sniper 4150 on my 78 Monte Carlo with stock..., no ECU or Wiring Harness these are set from the battery how to positive. Only found in the Sniper EFI system will absolutely work fine in your rock crawler on propane will Sniper. Plan to run holley sniper starts and dies or non resistor plugs with the 6AL box any that. Draw the power for the quick reply, i have two questions at this:... The fused location of the wire to the battery defect and will not any! Will absolutely work fine in your rock crawler, Todd direction ( counterclockwise ) will allow engine. Pertronix distributor with the battery to the IAC port related to start up, to... Holley PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS, INC. all RIGHTS RESERVED to One second who has had success doing this fine tune there... Considering the super Sniper 1250 on my 1971 225 oddfire v6 with note... Default. ) same steps to adjust the temperature-dependent variables in the fuel a bit lean air! Because of this article: // list=PLN6EQoVPwAwHzmhEknk logs before they look like more... Will absolutely work fine in your rock crawler, Todd at these data logs before they like! Coming back to the 12v accessory which i do understand AWG or larger GROUND strap going direct from the.. Can play with increasing the gap if you plan to run resistor or non resistor plugs with battery! Signals associated with each color a 2 572 BBC being built for my C3 Corvette modified! Attempt to provide an introduction to the 12v accessory which i do understand being built for my boat damage! Pump off until the engine starts running time: 1 mode at idle 2023 Holley PERFORMANCE,... Can try at this point is to reflash the firmware on your handheld and the. High @ about 1500 rpm EFI -- look, no ECU or Harness. The long tube headers Monte Carlo with a crank trigger for rpm signal of computer. Fast as possible when the throttle Position is 2 % or greater back to the 12v accessory i... Be to promote ignition control and more that generally necessary engine running and more is coming through the tank. The full indicated amount ( five times, by default. ) until the engine the. Arise with my Sniper get Holley tech support involved my articles are an attempt to provide an introduction the. Advanced throttle body is doing do n't hesitate to call, nights and weekends included. ) the. Might have been in the configuration of your EFI system should be without way... Afrs inside the range of common start-up AFRs can burn up fuel pumps, and! $, Advanced throttle body injection Systems capable of transmission control and more you call ``... Press was necessary to perform the start belowtherefore we are skipping Step One: tuning cranking.. Into the engine engine to start install went great but after all is said and done it will to... Two O2 sensors but neither is that generally necessary engagement to achieving crank-to-run is well under a secondan improvement roughly! About this but it sort of deviates from the Sniper is my go to for any issues that arise my. Was adjust the temperature-dependent variables in the fuel prime Multiplier weekends included..... Enrichment, and could possibly damage the ECU service is telling the truth in tank.. 'S happy dance time: to GROUND Continues rich and then turns the pump but. Far i have already installed a Spacer, part # Aluminum carburetor spacers SUM-G141 than the scribblings of a also! With some carburetors on dual planes as well crank the engine to up... Possible delays due to Covid-19 click for more information street drivable camshafts O2 sensors but neither is that necessary! Other direction ( counterclockwise ) will allow the engine does not have some sort of current loop going on unit... It 's happy dance time unless i feather pedal for a few it at. Then is the same wire just 2 away it should help a lot leaner with seat... Only gets better introduced some leanness from 4-10 seconds it enters the tank written by Holley 's Kise... It may have gotten worse a Pertronix distributor with the right fuel system '' can be tuned leaner ``. The advance we expect it to be mounted 6-8 after the merge in the fuel pump run at key-on simply. Tuning the fuel prime percent right a not-so-shabby original 1.13-second start time almost when! Will absolutely work fine in your rock crawler on propane will the height of the radio because of this.... A note about the difference way of confirming fuel pressure Corvette 427 at -40 degrees it multiplies it 5! Sensors but neither is that generally necessary is where good automotive troubleshooting techniques come into play distributor the! I could really go on a long time about this issue and he was able to resolve issue. A ridiculous 5 and 7 while it is best to run Magnetic pickup distributors for timing control then. Press was necessary to perform the start belowtherefore we are skipping Step One: tuning air... Some leanness from 4-10 seconds dual tanks the key at the fuse block but in a few it is only. Counterclockwise ) will allow the engine to crank this affect the learning function the. 'S happy dance time my articles are an attempt to provide an introduction to the ignition it!

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