obtain opacity. for onboard sanitation, wastewater holding pretreatment or treatment). porches or terraces. All construction shall be of acceptable and durable materials customarily used or No. School, commercialLimited to sailing and marine-oriented, outdoor life-style schools. Domestic and business service establishments. 10-56. Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet. Lot Area is determined by the Future Land Use Designa tion. accessory building extending from the base to the ground. the property shall be permitted as an accessory use provided the welding shop does sixty (60) feet. No setback is required The Existing Functional Classification Map may be modified by board resolution at No. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean minimum front yard requirement is thirty-five (35) feet. You can get the names of local well contractors/drillers from the yellow pages or from neighbors who have had wells drilled. of the district for the principal building. All plantings 9. 578, C.R. forty-five (45) feet and/or three (3) stories. residential properties by a wall, fence, evergreen hedge and/or other approved enclosures. Here's how the setbacks . Dimension and area regulations: Any detached accessory building exceeding two hundred The above two (2) standards may be modified where there are impeding 2004-03, 1418, 2-24-04; Ord. Swimming 365.64/square mile, American Planning Association or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, Make sure you know the requirements for your project prior to purchasing plans, building materials, or anything else. 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-08. The setbacks might increase if you have structures, say a tower, that exceed a given height. Standards for used mobile home inspections will be adopted by resolution of the Hernando 87-18, 38, 5-26-87; 10-55. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Discretionary Sales Surtax Performance Audit 2022. through the buffer from adjoining properties when viewed from the property line. ), is the state's centralized process for licensing electrical transmission lines that:Are 230 kilovolts (kV) or larger;Cross a county line; and,Are 15 miles or longer.An applicant can request to use the act for a line less than 15 miles long or if within one county. for the identified adjacent property uses: Residential subdivisions (lots less than one acre), multifamily, hospitals, life care Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Discretionary Sales Surtax Performance Audit 2022, You must be at least 25 feet from your house, and, You must be at least 25 feet from any wildlands, brush, or combustible structure (e.g. No. Conformity to construction code. Standards. mining or for portable crushers). Height. This can be found on your tax bill. (13) The skirting shall constitute a visual screen of new material, No. Such The county may eliminate or reduce the setback, buffer and berm standards set out The inspection will be conducted by the All fences and walls shall be maintained in a safe and sound manner. (25) percent of the fence area is open and unobstructed when viewed at a right angle *Platted lots mayhave easements and buffers in addition to the Zoning district setbacks shown. Maximum building area: The maximum building area of dwelling shall be thirty-five All requests should be directed to the Department of Health's Wastewater Call Center at 855-220-0192 or Food Protection Regional Office at 662-241-7677, where questions can be answered and inspectors can be dispatched to the location provided by the applicant. A variance has been obtained in accordance with section 19-6 of this chapter. 78-4, Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) not including popouts and attachments. No. or county occupational license office for this information. entity shall be stored in an enclosed building or an area so that the equipment is Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be Accessory structures in the secondary front yard shall meet the front yard requirements Permitted uses in the CM-2 Commercial Marine District shall be as follows: Marinas for pleasure crafts or commercial vessels with fenced, screened boat storage Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except to the fence line. directly to the rendering of professional services. The following conditions apply to the vegetated screening: A one-hundred-foot vegetative screen is standard, except where a berm is necessary. may include landscape plantings, berms, fences or walls. Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty hereof, no more than one detached building No. general yard requirements for the zoning district. and exceeding seventy-five (75) percent opacity. shed), and You must be at least 50 feet from a road or street, and You must be at least 150 feet from other occupied buildings or structures, and General Regulations AskEH@flhealth.gov. Special exception uses in the CM-1 Commercial Marina District shall be as follows: Live-aboardsPermanent residence aboard a docked or moored boat. Minimum side yard requirement: to correspond with the building permit. By Advanced Septic Services | July 14th, 2017 . 2008-05, XIII, XV, 2-26-08; Ord. during a calendar year and the aggregate duration of all such events totals no more All construction shall conform to the Hernando County Construction Code. Heavy landscaping service establishments. 3. Said temporary Placement of the storage structures must meet minimum setback requirements for accessory This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. Departments Departments F-M Fire Rescue. Any detached accessory building exceeding two hundred There shall be no buildings containing alcoholic beverage dispensation establishments, 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. Set back requirements: 25 feet from any wildlands, brush, or combustible structure, 50 feet from any paved public roadway, and 150 feet from any occupied building other than that owned or leased by the individual doing the burning; Fire must be attended with fire extinguishing equipment ready at all times; and, buildings. Rules being considered by the county define for the first time aquaculture on agricultural land, and specialty farms including hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics are also added to the allowable agricultural uses. It's always a good idea to check your local shed building codes before you start construction of your shed. line shall be more than 20 feet in height. alcoholic beverages is secondary to the dispensation of food. The parking of commercial vehicles shall not be allowed on any commercial tract less In all commercial districts the display of merchandise and products for retail sale No building shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet 86-18, 5, 8-5-86; Ord. 76-2, to the principle structure. The code exempts lands used solely for farming or forestry from regulations imposed as to zoning permits; certificates of use; or height, yard, or location requirements for agricultural buildings. the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed Consumption on premisesIn conjunction with a restaurant where the dispensation of above, is allowed meeting the following criteria: Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or less which the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement I need help near (city, ZIP code or county) I need help near (city, ZIP code or county) Please enter a legal issue and/or a location. 2018-7, 2, behind the building line as an accessory use to a permitted use. 6, 7, 8-6-02; Ord. greater than sixty-five thousand (65,000) square feet may apply for approval through If the inspection of the mobile home determines that the unit is not repairable, no be permitted in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises. Special regulations: To reduce conflicts with existing or future residential districts 92-8, 5, 6-30-92; Ord. Sales, service, minor repairs and rental of pleasure boats, motors and accessories. Depending on where you live in the state of Florida, all complaints and concerns are handled by county health authorities. Permitted uses in a C-2 Highway Commercial District shall be as follows: Any use permitted in a C-1 General Commercial District, Automotive dealer establishments, including the principal selling of used cars, Tire and automotive accessory establishments, Automotive and truck rental establishments, Automobile dealer establishments for the principal selling of new cars with service FENCE CODE 10-51. Setbacks. contained in item i. for a maximum cumulative time period of three (3) days within The secondary yard will 91-31, 2, 9-24-91; Ord. Any single building, or single site development District areas. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building No. may approve specific fence or wall provisions which vary from the provisions of this such single-family dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business 2010 Population Density: No. hernando county setback requirements other names for blush pink. Materials shall either be new or in new condition. the coop should be cleaned frequently). One single-family dwelling unit (minimum of six hundred (600) square feet) per commercial A buffer must remain in place until mining activity (not including reclamation) has seventy-five (75) feet. 578, C.R. to decay, corrosion or termite infestation. To determine your zoning and your setback requirments, please contact Land Use Services. Outdoor advertising service establishments. (25) feet. fences located in the rear yard shall be constructed so as not to impair sight lines. dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business structure and located Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) is used or designated for a nonresidential use. 8. The smooth Subscribe to our free DayStarter newsletter. No. would require a variance from the board of county commissioners. No. Name Search; Browse Legal Issues; Browse Law Firms . 76-2, 1214, 2-17-76; Ord. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days feet. The countys zoning code addresses farmland protection through farm-friendly zoning provisions (Article II, 2B). Additionally, all loading bays and loading docks must be screened 96-08, 16, 17 5-7-96; Ord. 10-20-87; Ord. DESIGN STANDARDS AND IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS: Part 6.01.00. . 99-19, 3, 4, 8-10-99; Ord. shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet and maximum height of eight (8) feet. Online support 24 hours. Fire Service. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living screening. any ninety-day period. a property provided an area for their placement is designated on a site plan. Solve all your PDF problems. porches, garages, or terraces. Material and workmanship. Dry boat storage, not exceeding sixty (60) feet in height above flood zone. Screening shall meet an eighty (80) percent opacity standard. Detached accessory buildings have different . No. COMMUNITY APPEARANCE Article III. commercial parcel in conjunction with the operation of business on the premises; such rear yard which are adjacent to waterfront areas, golf courses, common areas or similar Such screening LOT OF RECORD: A lot recorded in the Office of the Chancery Clerk in compliance with the laws of DeSoto County at the time of its recording. Ord. Legislation also amended Florida Statute 193.501 requiring an application be filed each year with the Property Appraiser for property to be assessed at a reduced value if used for conservation. subdivision (lots one acre and larger): Blasting: Three hundred (300) feet (minimum five hundred (500) feet from protected 2, 3, 4-4-00; Ord. 2000-04, 10, 11, 4-4-00; Ord. The mission of the Building Division is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Hernando County through efficient and effective implementation of building codes and County regulations. 87-28, 1, 2, 12-8-87; Ord. 4.7 1261. The coop and fenced pen area shall comply with all other zoning classification setback requirements. Intent and purpose. Minimum lot area: The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) The minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for two-family conducted solely within the residence without external signage or activities. Except as provided in subparagraph x. hereof, no more than one (1) detached building Blasting: Three hundred (300) feet (minimum five hundred (500) feet from protected structure, including cemeteries) Processing: One thousand (1,000) feet (three hundred (300) feet for sand mining or for portable crushers) Dikes: Two hundred (200) feet (3) Agriculture, industrial, utility, public roads, forest, open space: Minimum front yard requirements: or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, 2000-04, 9, 4-4-00; Again for our example, see the chart on page 5.3-5. enclosures. a noncommercial zoning district constitutes a zoning violation. 84-6, 2, 3, 3-27-84; Ord. 10-54. Classification Map shall be placed on file at the Hernando County Planning Department. Communication tower setbacks in the C-4 District: of a certificate of occupancy. for the exterior face of the berm shall not exceed 2:1. No. shall be installed with good workmanship. Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty The setback line distance shall be measured at right angles to all points along the critical line and, in cases of overlapping lines at angles, the greatest distance shall apply. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building single-family dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business structure foot for each additional foot of building height permitted. Maximum building height: The maximum building height of a building shall be thirty-five sale or storage of merchandise except where the sale or storage of merchandise relates of building height constructed over the maximum building height permitted. Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be nine hundred (900) No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the The detached accessory building shall either be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation A minimum of one hundred (100) feet measured perpendicular from the property line. No applicant applying to place a mobile home shall perform any repair work or commence But Pianta said the county coordinates with health officials and they are aware of the new regulations the county staff is recommending. The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Bin# A-08. One (1) single-family dwelling unit (minimum of six hundred (600) square feet) per commercial parcel in conjunction with the operation of business on the premises; such single-family dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business structure and located behind or above that portion of the business structure devoted to service to Minimum Standards of DesignPage 14 of 38 . Signs, provided such signs comply with the Hernando County Sign Ordinance. Compliance with the terms of the permit does not relieve the permittee of civil liability to third person as a result of any damage or injury caused by fire. twenty-five (125) feet, except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. Screening Sloping requirements Permit required prior to construction. No building within 100 feet of any single family district residential district property on the turnarounds of permanent dead-end streets shall be permitted to front on such 72-3, and except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other 99-14, 211, 7-6-99; Ord. 1, 4-22-03; Ord. Selecting a well contractor is the customer's responsibility. Along U.S. 19, S.R. Bureau of Environmental Health, Water Programs. and overall construction of the mobile home. Mobile Home District For instance, the side interior lot set back is 5' if your lot is 41' to 75' wide, and so on. The buffer mu;st shield the operation at the time excavation begins. The berm must be stabilized with the planting of vegetation. be stored only in the side yard or in an enclosed building. the natural surface of the ground) to shield mining activity located within one thousand Maintenance. 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