The locals pronounceSuh-NOY-ta. The Kiowa were a Native American tribe and great plains people, having migrated down from Montana. These town names in Kentucky are no exception. Guillaume, pronounced as gee-ohm, is a popular French male name. Crowdsourced audio pronunciation dictionary for 89 languages, with meanings, synonyms, sentence usages, translations and much more. It is pronounced as uh-da-jee-oh. Take a look at the UK towns that are mispronounced the most. 10. It is pronounced as nah-est-seh. It means "thundering under the ground. Iuka, Mississippi is named after a Native American chief, so it's no wonder non-locals struggle. ", 8. However, you have to live in Kansas for a good while before some of the names stick in your head. Etoile in French stands for star and is pronounced as ay-twaal. 38 . A listing of the state's more notable locations with Native American origins is as follows: 1. Get more stories delivered right to your email. Annie is a freelance writer, content editor, and marketing whiz with a background in broadcasting and a passion for chicken nachos. Well, it is when youre a Kansan. But, according to Kansans, that isn't correct. And we told you not to confuse it with the similarly named town in Texas? In Ireland, Daithi is also the name of a popular cartoon character. They got the name Coeur dAlene, which means heart of an awl, from French-Canadian fur traders. New Jersey has THREE towns that are known as GREEN-which. One is in Cumberland County, one in Gloucester (pronounced GLAW-ster) County, and one in Warren County. a river in northeastern Kansas; flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River, Kansas School Board has copyright withheld over teaching Intelligent Design, NASCAR: Greg Biffle wins 2010 Price Chopper 400, US declares public health emergency over spread of swine flu, Scientists discover soft tissue in dinosaur bones, Word of the day - in your inbox every day, 2023 HowToPronounce. Even if you didnt, you still might have problems pronouncing Duchesne, Utah. It's tempting to pronounce it LIN-nea but it's lin-NEH-ah . OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. The name derives from the Siletz language and means dark water at the foot of the mountain. In 2007, Budget Travel magazine named Yachats one of the Ten Coolest Small Towns of the U.S.A.Now, about that pronunciation. Aleid. Put your state knowledge to the test and see if you can identify these states on a completely blank map. Log in or Read it as angh-sat-jag. Chautauqua is both a city and county in southeasternKansas, near the Kansas-Oklahoma border. Jtt - A name that means "giant". Here are some words that dont mean anything like what they look like they mean. I wonder when we started saying it our way. 2. All Rights Reserved, {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}}, Pronunciation of Kansas with 5 audio pronunciations. You've got the pronunciation of Kansas right. Attempts to lure more people into hunting have mostly failed. Shickshinny, Pennsylvania is a small municipality located in Luzerne County. Still, watching. Here are moreinteresting facts about all 50 statesto learn! Cyanotic Heart Disease: Types, Symptoms And Treatment, Pros and Cons: Letting Your Kids Play Fortnite, 15 Rebus Puzzles For Kids, With Answers And Tips To Solve, 50 Fun And Interesting Shark Facts For Kids To Know, 110 Best GK Questions for Class 8, With Answers, 10 ways to support a friend with a baby in the NICU, Thinking about having your kid vaccinated for COVID-19? But not in Delaware. ", 13. You have earned {{app.voicePoint}} points. The unincorporated municipality ofZzyzx is in San Bernardino County, California. There's no shortage of scares and frights at these 5 Topeka haunted houses and trails, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The name has its origins in many cultures like Greek, French, and Scandinavian, and depending on the region,it can also refer to archers or persons with brave dispositions. Bicester (Oxfordshire) Wrong: Bi-ses-ter Right: Bis-ter 4. Here in Kansas, Arkansas City isn't pronounced like the southern state of Arkan-SAW. Menasha: It is a small city in east-central Wisconsin named after the Menominee word meaning "thorn in the island." 8. Neodesha itself means "where waters meet", and the town sits between the Verdigris and Fall Rivers. Check out the theme song for Alabamas National Fair and more from the best state fairs in every state. You can contribute this audio pronunciation of Of Kansas to HowToPronounce dictionary. The name signifies a strong-willed and headstrong personality. Lets just get this straight: its Crested BEWT, not Crested But. Its capital is Topeka and its largest city is Wichita, with its most populated county and largest employment center being Joh. Listen and learn from the audios and videos . "But that one,if I remember right, the history of that word starts outside of Kansas and already had a long history of documentation and use, including spelling and pronunciation differences.". More:Topeka offers plenty of fun after 5 p.m., like go-karts, drag shows and ax-throwing. Very easy Easy Moderate Difficult Very difficult Pronunciation of Of Kansas with 1 audio pronunciations 0 rating Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. {{view.translationsData[trans_lang][0].vote_count}}, {{app.userTrophy[app.userTrophyNo].hints}}, {{view.translationsData[trans_lang][0].word}}, {{view.translationsData[trans_lang][0].username}}. Kechi is a suburb of Wichita, and another Native name that people love to pronounce strangely. How about Niotaze? She covers life and style, popular culture, law, religion, health, fitness, yoga, entertaining and entertainment. Most of the hard to pronounce names across the country are impossible to pronounce without a guide and some you think you know how to pronounce, you don't. The word itself is derived from a Native American language, and to find the original version and pronunciation of the word, you might have to dig pretty far back in the history books or other original historical documents, as it probably isn't covered in your typicalclassroomtextbook. Menominee: This is a small town in northeastern Wisconsin. Speaking of tongue twisters, try saying Quonochontaug five times fast. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Kansas. The name is pronounced as gol-shif-teh. Durkhanai is the female heroine from the popular Pashto folk tale Adam Khan. According to the U.S. From the looks of it, Sonoita, Arizona would appear to originate from the Spanish language (which in fact, is true), which might lead you to pronounce it as So-no-EE-ta].Nope. The name has Germanic origins and means of great value and consistency. It is pronounced asehr-mene-jil-do. Osawatomie is a merging of two Native American tribes from the area - the Osage and the Pottawatomie. You probably can even translate it (good view). But not in Delaware. A silent x perhaps right at the end, perhaps? The Hebrew version of the name Josephina, it means Gods addition. It is pronounced as joo-zeh-pee-nah. Lake charles. Hey, at least its not Unalaska, Alaska, which although easy to pronounce, wouldnt exactly roll off the tongue if you happened to be from there and were trying to explain your background (Hello, my name is John, and Im Unalaskan.). Quonochontaug is a village thats part of Charlestown, Rhode Island, which is located in Washington County. 2. Register Before we even get into how to pronounce Winnemucca, Nevada, we need to talk about how to pronounce Nevada. Its Neh-VAD-uh. When you arrive in Sault St. Marie, Michigan, dont be surprised if someone says, Welcome to the Soo, because that is, in fact, how the first word of this towns name is pronounced. Keep up. Now try Iuka. Olathe is just one of those cities that should be well-known, but we sometimes catch people in Kansas City mispronouncing it as well. But if you're in Kansas, you might get some side eye for saying it like that. Some of these should be common sense, but others are truly a mystery until youve been taught by the locals. The name Seo-yun is pronounced as sa-yoon and means prosperous omen. Bijoux is French for jewel and is pronounced as bee-zoo. The similarly-named town in Texas, Nacogdoches, is pronounced NAH-coh-DOE-chess. If youre into pop culture references, check out which iconic movies were shot in which states. The word Adagio is used in classical music to mean at ease. The correct pronunciation is AB-ick-you, which you might know if you were a fan of televisions Breaking Bad. The name comes from a southern New England Native American term meaning "long pond.". Kansans pronounce Osawatomie, which is home to the John Brown Museum, as oh-suh-WA-tuh-me, not oh-suh-wa-TOE-me or AH-suh-wa-tuh-me. Keep scrolling through this post as we bring you 50 beautiful and hard-to-pronounce names for boys and girls. Youve got so many silent letters, its almost like, why not just add a few more? Everything from "kee-chi" to "ketch-ee" has been spoken, but the origin of the town is named after the Kichai tribe. Arkansas City and the Arkansas River are two places that are mispronounced by people from other states that only know "Arkan-saw" and not "Ar-Kansas" instead. Brookfield East vs Brookfield Central was about Waukesha West vs Mukwonago? Choose one from the list, and rest assured that your child will have a unique and intriguing name which they would be proud of. HowToPronounce helps you to learn pronunciation of towns, cities, states or any location or place contributed by the community. Most people are familiar with the city of Newark, New Jersey, which is pronounced NEW-irk with a slight emphasis on the first syllable (locals often end up turning the two syllables into one: Nirk). In fact, Kissimmee is just one of the 15 best summer vacation spots in the U.S. El Dorado is a toughie only because of the popularity of the movie named. Wichita is the name of another plains tribe, but people who should have heard the pronunciation of Wichita before now still say "wich-ee-tuh" no matter what. - Kansas City, abbreviated as KCMO or KC, is the largest city in the U.S. state of Missouri. Willamette Whether you're talking about the region, valley, or river, this popular area sometimes gets people mixed up. Not only is Elalaka, Montana, hard to pronounce, its also considered to be one of the strangest town names in Montana, joining the ranks with Crow Agency, Nimrod, Pray, and Two Dot. Heres how you say it in Vermont: Mont-PEEL-yer. In Polish, the name Czeslaw means honor and glory. Aleid is of Dutch origin and means 'of noble birth.'. The name Maovesaisa Native American name associated with nature and fauna. It also means a philosopher or a thinker with great aptitude and knowledge. Be humble - admit you're having difficulty with a name and be willing to ask for help; 2. McGaheysville, Virginia, is an unincorporated community located in Rockingham County. Before 1944, Zzyzx was known as Soda Springs. Trying to pronounce the names of some of our towns is rough. Next, read up on the wackiest laws in every single state! So, going for a creative name would be an adventure for you and your baby. today I am showing my baby health after olive oil massage, Parenting Tips : How to Stop a Child From Sucking Fingers. Its French in origin, and means oak tree. Dont miss a visit to these strange roadside attractions in every state. Before you butcher another pronunciation, this handy guide will show you how to say the trickiest town names just like a local. It is the name of the Wisconsin River. ", 14. "The reason being is that oftentimes when people have expectations about proper versus improper, they believe thisto be about the innate property of the language. Golshifteh means flower in Persian and is a well-regarded name in the Central Asian region. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. You see, the g at the end of Glenelg is silent. Speaking of little ditties, check out thetheme song for Alabamas National Fair. Naestse in Cheyenne means the one or chosen one and is supposed to personify a character with strong resolve and will. Remember we were talking about Natchitoches, Louisiana, which is pronounced NAH-code-ish? If you pronounce it Ar-kansas, then you'd be right. Saoirse This gorgeous name stumps many who encounter it.. However, the word itself is from the Iroquois language, and it has a few meanings. Dont miss these 24 U.S. state facts everyone gets wrong. Second, that same word nerds dad went to high school in Schenectady County, New York, and the name of that high school is quite a whopper, itself: Niskayuna (pronounced Niss-kee-YOU-nuh). The name is of Hebrew origin, which means blessed by the Gods and pronounced as wa-keen. to okay-we-see-how-you-messed . We all know Virginia has some towns with difficult names to pronounce. With a population of under 500 at last count, its unlikely that many people know that this towns name is pronounced Oh-CHEE-den. We will start with Schoenchen. Keep up. Then theres the fact that so few of your letters give any sort of clue to how youre actually pronounced. We could go on about the silent T or the phantom D, but, instead, were just going straight to the big reveal. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time. When someone has an exotic or foreign-sounding name, which is also difficult to pronounce, it piques the curiosity. The town of Qulin is pronounced Q-lin. What makes Pawhuska, Oklahoma, so hard to pronounce is that it kind of feels like somethings missing between the W and the H. Once you get past that urge to stick another sound in there, youre left with Paw-HUS-Kuh, which is more a challenge to the mouth and the tongue than to phonetics. The name saw a rise in popularity during the days of the actress Siobhan McKenna. No, I'm thinking of Chattanooga. Houston Street, New York City. However, it is one of the simpler US city and state names to pronounce: "puh-kip-see." But for Kansans, there's really only one right way to say it. This tiny unincorporated municipality extends for three miles along the southeast coast of Nunivak Island, Alaska, which is part of the Bethel census area of the State of Alaska. Just looking at it makes us cringe with the mispronunciation-shivers. OK,. And now that you know how to say the town name, youll be a pro at pronouncing the similarly named condiment and 16 more food names everyone says wrong. There are those who believe its pronounced Oh-SEW-ee, and there are those who dont even bother trying to pronounce it at all. All rights reserved. Why they spelled it that wayremains a mystery. ", 11. Wamego is pronounced Wa-MEE-go, not Wa-MAY-go or WA-meh-go. Here are the ideas you came up with. Hear more US place name pronunciations: how to say Kansas correctly. Subscribe to learn and pronounce a new word each day! When saying it, break it into three syllables as spey-zaa-laa. Saoirse Ronan is also a name of a talented actress. Is the biggest city in Kansas really that little known? 6. Waupun: This small town is in central Wisconsin. Ouachita, Arkansas, refers to a lake, river, mountain range, and a county in the State of Arkansas (which is pronounced ARE-kan-saw, in case you were tempted to pronounce it like "Kansas"). In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce.Juliens instructional and educational videos make pronunciation easier as I detail the correct pronunciation as native French speaker but also fluent speaker of French, English, Spanish and Italian.-If you found this video helpful please like the video to support my work.-If you would like help with any future pronunciations please be sure to subscribe!-Thanks for Watching How To Pronounce with Julien and happy pronouncing.#EnglishWithJulien The name Naestse sounds like a character from an Avatar movie, which draws a lot of parallel with the native American tribe Cheyenne. Like Montana, Nebraska has quite a few towns bearing strange names. Unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording, Click the record button again to finish recording. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. But if you are on a street in . In Virginia it's McGaheysville in Rockingham County. Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. Neenah: this small city in east-central Wisconsin is a Winnebago word and it means "running water. The name Hwarang has a Korean origin though it is common in Japan as well. The unincorporated municipality ofZzyzxis in San Bernardino County, California. But seriously, if youve got issues pronouncing the name of this tiny town in Lee County, well assume its because you arent from thereseeing as it has apopulation of fewer than 200 people at last count.Loachapoka is pronouncedLOW-cha-POH-Kah,but youll never forget it if you listen tothis little ditty. The word Adagio is used in classical music to mean 'at ease'. As for Winnemucca, its pronounced Win-eh-MUCK-uh. Log in or Quinebaug, Connecticut. Other notable films shot in Abiqui include City Slickers and Wyatt Earp. It is a Chippewa form of the tribal name of the Sauk people. We just don't get it. The Short-Sightedness of Political Schadenfreude, Sunday MemesPete Buttigieg finds racism in trains, cars and construction, Sunday MemesPete Buttigiegs no good, very bad week, and more balloons are visible even to the Biden administration. Also known as Lovettsville Lady, I am a Republican activist in the wilds of western Loudoun County. There are only 35 people living in Seboies, Maine, so its no wonder that not a lot of people know that its pronounced Seh-BOW-iss. It references the Germanic fertility God Ing. Well, heres where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. Kansans pronounce Osawatomie, which is home to the John Brown Museum, as oh-suh-WA-tuh-me, not oh-suh-wa-TOE-me or AH-suh-wa-tuh-me. Dont even think about saying, Mih-LAHN, like the city in Italy. In the South, never judge a town name by the way it's spelled. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. Tips: how to pronounce the names of some of our towns is rough the Siletz language and means quot! Popularity during the days of the state 's more notable locations with Native American tribes from the area - Osage. Korean origin though it is common in Japan as well personify a character strong! 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