FEBRUARY 2017 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks Page 2 of 6 Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority August 2010 Issue 1 Seychelles Aviation Requirements Part A - General 1 Purpose (a) The requirements of this document cover the registration marking of aircraft. Confidential and proprietary document. 0000006892 00000 n Aerosigns are a specialist provider of aircraft interior & exterior markings. The selection of the second language and its order (below or above) Within this brochure the following symbols are used: on the passenger placards and illuminated signs must be covered by = Mandatory, placards must be installed to obtain JAA certification an individual RFC/SCN. Bundle contains 10 documents. There must be means adjacent to the trim control to indicate the direction of the control movement relative to the aeroplane motion. It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that any additional placards and markings required by their operational or registration Authorities are installed. 0000004108 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % {V PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the ground opening handle access door AIRBUS S.A.S. Confidential and proprietary document. So certification is never needed for drones operated in the open category. Competency is, Module 0000002421 00000 n FEBRUARY 2017 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. Annex 7 - Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks sets out Standards and Recommended Practices for the allocation, assignment and display of nationality, registration and common marks. Aerosigns produce a full range of cabin interior placards on the latest flame retardant material Lexedge FR65. 5) What if,the owner of the airplane is changing (i.e changing of ownership) 6) If the aeroplane is being imported for the first time. Confidential and proprietary document. All rights reserved. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the left wing surge tank access Note : mandatory for aircraft equipped with Fuel Tank Inerting System (Mod 58723). 25.1547 MAGNETIC DIRECTION INDICATOR (a) A placard meeting the requirements of this paragraph must be installed on, or near, the magnetic direction indicator. (b) Each marking and placard prescribed in JAR 25.1541(a): (1) Must be displayed in a conspicuous place; and (2) May not be easily erased, disfigured, or obscured. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. Confidential and proprietary document. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Cockpit placards: markings of the compass correction cards AIRBUS S.A.S. Confidential and proprietary document. [28] See also [ edit] All rights reserved. hwTTwz0z.0. All rights reserved. 3.10 3.20 Mandatory Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Installed only with relevant equipment 14 A330 / A340 Passenger placards Cabin forward cabin area - baby bassinet Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 public phone 15 A330 / A340 Passenger placards 6.44 6.45 Mandatory Standard Installed only with relevant equipment Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 16 A330 / A340 Passenger placards Cabin seat identification clips seat identification in high ceiling for first class seat identification in high ceiling for business class Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 17 A330 / A340 Passenger placards 3.13 lateral sides 3.14 For first class with high ceiling 3.13 center sides 3.14a For business class high ceiling 3.13 Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Installed only with relevant equipment Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 18 A330 / A340 Passenger placards Lavatories lavatories outside - single blade door Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 lavatories outside - bi-folding door 19 A330 / A340 Passenger placards 4.01 in compliance with FAA only 4.05 4.08 Fluorescent 4.30 4.02 4.27 English only, not illuminated 4.06 4.27 English only, not illuminated 4.03 4.07 Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Installed only with relevant equipment Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 20 A330 / A340 Passenger placards Lavatories lavatory doors inside - single blade door Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 lavatory doors inside - bi-folding door 21 A330 / A340 4.03 Passenger placards 4.10 4.30 4.07 4.11 Note: For the opposite lavatories, the placards and positions are to be mirrored Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 22 A330 / A340 Passenger placards Lavatories lavatories inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 23 A330 / A340 Passenger placards 4.12 Mandatory if no other similar disposition is taken 4.14 When water filter is installed 4.16 Not present if requested by customer. 0000000616 00000 n Registration requirements | EASA Home The Agency Frequently Asked Questions Using the FAQ Registration requirements Registration requirements PDF Expand all questions Do I need to register my drone? Note: The installation of this placard is subject to specific RFC. (d) Doors. AIRBUS S.A.S. Title: Display of Nationality & Registration Marks on Aircraft Description: Reproduces Schedule 2, Part B of the Air Navigation Order, 2000 and gives advice on interpreting the requirements on registration markings. even with a camera or other sensor, weighs less than 250g, but is a toy (this means that its documentation shows that it complies with toy Directive 2009/48/EC). Engine Type only 5. ATPL Flight Test Question with complete solution 2023. All rights reserved. With over 20 years experience in aviation, we offer an unrivalled professional service that meets all our customer needs while also satisfying FAA & EASA requirements. All rights reserved. Placards requested to be bilingual shall be defined at the date of ITCM. Confidential and proprietary document. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. xref gqZD`ii.ni+~s4X `|ZEAT?~br|mD|*Z-]V=:"QO8# Reproduces Schedule 2, Part B of the Air Navigation Order, 2000 and gives advice on interpreting the requirements on registration markings. . . The aim of registration marks is to enable an observer to readily identify the aircraft, and as such they should be displayed clearly and to the best advantage, all in one colour which contrasts with the background. Coupled with our aviation knowledge and experience we can assist with all types of decal installations. In cases where several placards are positioned above each other or next to each other, they must be aligned. AMC1 FCL.735.A; FCL.735.H; FCL.735.As MULTI-CREW COOPERATION COURSE (a) Confidential and proprietary document. Aircraft certification; Airworthiness Directives; Alternative Procedures to Design Organisation Approval (ADOA) Continuing Airworthiness Organisations. All rights reserved. Find aircraft in the Australian Civil Aircraft Register, including the manufacturer, model and registration holder. 5.03 5.03a Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN 30 A330 / A340 Passenger illuminated signs Lavatory signs lavatories at door 1 lavatories at door 2 - solution for A330-2/300, A340-300 lavatories at door 3 - solution for A340-5/600 lavatories at door 4 Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 31 A330 / A340 5.05 vacant Passenger illuminated signs 5.05 occupied Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 32 A330 / A340 Passenger illuminated signs Lavatory signs 5.06 lavatories inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Standard 33 A330 / A340 Passenger illuminated signs Passenger service unit signs Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 34 A330 / A340 Passenger illuminated signs Note: If illuminated sign 5.07a or 5.07b is selected then separated no smoking placard 5.10 will be installed automatically on the PSU channel, or on the monument in front of the first seat row (LH/CTR/RH) if PSU channel not available and in the sight of all flight attendants (CAS). The means of opening must be simple and obvious and must be arranged and marked so that it can be readily located and operated, even in darkness. Aerosigns currently provide engineering/technicaldrawings showing thedecal locations for EASA approved Part 21J DOAHs. Aerosigns are a specialist provider of Aircraft Interior & Exterior Markings. Signs which notify when safety belts should be fastened and when smoking is prohibited must be installed so as to be operable from either pilots seat. SD!d/eBX6`iR( endstream endobj 240 0 obj 408 endobj 209 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 189 0 R /Resources 218 0 R /Contents [ 220 0 R 222 0 R 224 0 R 226 0 R 228 0 R 230 0 R 234 0 R 236 0 R ] /CropBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /Thumb 94 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 210 0 obj << /Count 7 /First 211 0 R /Last 212 0 R >> endobj 211 0 obj << /Title ( #\r{ju+S) /Dest (}3) /Parent 210 0 R /Next 217 0 R >> endobj 212 0 obj << /Title (\rW-%H{6}%.0E1"/$) /Dest ( W\\) /Parent 210 0 R /Prev 213 0 R /First 214 0 R /Last 215 0 R /Count 3 >> endobj 213 0 obj << /Title (GltO:.:|D p\\/Q>TAxr=? The installation locations of emergency and some crew placards are dependent on the aircraft configuration and will vary. Confidential and proprietary document. . (c) Emergency exit placards. The standard side markings required to be :c>y{y9y) /Dest (C29_8) /Parent 210 0 R /Prev 217 0 R /Next 212 0 R >> endobj 214 0 obj << /Title (Oy) /Dest ( $) /Parent 212 0 R /Next 216 0 R >> endobj 215 0 obj << /Title (}x\npTUS\\bP3/%u\(Y) /Dest (m-%@Pd) /Parent 212 0 R /Prev 216 0 R >> endobj 216 0 obj << /Title (H'DmZ]@nj#) /Dest (v7) /Parent 212 0 R /Prev 214 0 R /Next 215 0 R >> endobj 217 0 obj << /Title (RqbgSUp .' qs-yOoVTGHZ%yn) /Dest (ac) /Parent 210 0 R /Prev 211 0 R /Next 213 0 R >> endobj 218 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F1 231 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 238 0 R >> >> endobj 219 0 obj 449 endobj 220 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 219 0 R >> stream All rights reserved. 'UAS which are marked with a class mark, in accordance with the European version of this regulation, are not recognised in the UK as being class marked, and must be flown under the other open category provisions (i.e. AIRBUS S.A.S. ATPL - PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT Question and answer 2023. AND PLACARDS - A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. big love season 2 cast stevens model 94 stock set; polaris code 520344 17 boca bash cam; license plate renewal wisconsin baron 58tc poh; brevard county mugshots may 14 2022 Learn about aircraft dealer's marks and who can register or change a mark. Services Offering a speedy and personalised service across the globe Cost effective Cost effective owing to a pragmatic approach Global reach Each emergency exit placard must meet the requirements of JAR 25.0811. Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN 36 A330 / A340 Crew placards Door areas door 1 and lavatory outside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 door 4 37 A330 / A340 Crew placards 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.07 6.05 6.06 6.09 (scale 1:4) 6.27 Mandatory Standard Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 38 A330 / A340 Crew placards Door areas door 2 / door 3 (type A door) Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 door 1 39 A330 / A340 Crew placards 6.03 6.04 6.09 (scale 1:4) 6.05 6.27 6.46 6.07 Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Installed only with relevant equipment Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 40 A330 / A340 Crew placards Door areas door 3 LH (type 1) Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 exit V (over wing exit) - A340-600 only 41 A330 / A340 Crew placards 6.03 6.27 6.04 6.47 A340-600 only 6.07 6.47a A340-600 only 6.04a A340-600 only 6.48 6.04b A340-600 only 6.09 (scale 1:4) 6.11 6.05 Mandatory Standard Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 42 A330 / A340 Crew placards Emergency equipment door 1 - LH Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 door 4 - LH 43 A330 / A340 Crew placards 2.01 2.03 2.05 2.07 2.01a 2.03a 2.05a 2.07a 2.02 (crew) 2.04 2.06 Note: Placards will not be installed if equipment is visible and easily recognised Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 44 A330 / A340 Crew placards Emergency equipment 2.09 2.10 2.08 2.08a Note: If emergency equipment is not separate inside OHSC additional placards 2.09 (no stowage) is required forward cabin area Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Installed only with relevant equipment 45 A330 / A340 Crew placards Emergency equipment 2.09 2.11 (passenger, spare) 2.12 Note: If emergency equipment is not separate inside OHSC additional placards 2.09 (no stowage) is required rear cabin area Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory Installed only with relevant equipment 46 A330 / A340 Crew placards Cabin forward cabin area Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 cabin area 47 A330 / A340 Crew placards 6.13 6.17 6.22 6.18 6.14 2.08 6.19 6.15 6.23 Installed only with relevant curtain configuration 6.20 6.16 7.04 6.21 2.08a 3.10 Note: Position of placards depends on customized cabin configuration 6.12 Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Installed only with relevant equipment 48 A330 / A340 Crew placards Lavatories inside lavatories inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 49 A330 / A340 Crew placards 6.24 6.26 6.25 Standard FAA requirement Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 50 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lower deck 8.03 stairhouse Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Standard 51 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lower deck 8.06 8.07 8.09 Mandatory Standard Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 52 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lower deck 8.09 8.12 Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 53 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lower deck 8.07a 3.02 Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 54 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lavatories lavatories outside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 55 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities 4.27 English only, not illuminated 4.01 in compliance with FAA only 4.06 4.27 English only, not illuminated 4.02 4.07 4.30 4.03 Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 56 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lavatories lavatory doors inside - single blade door Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 lavatory doors inside - bi-folding door (optional) 57 A340-600 4.03 Aft lower deck facilities 4.10 4.30 4.07 4.11 Note: For the opposite lavatories, the placards and postitions are to be mirrored Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 58 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lavatories lavatories inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 59 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities 4.12 Mandatory if no other similar disposition is taken 4.14 When water filter is installed 4.16 Not present if requested by customer. 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Doug Linker Tools, Articles E