We have to be vigilant and calculated in killing it. This is not a story about physical strength but about strength of commitment to God. Sisera was in flight and Barak in pursuit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lead them to Mount Tabor. Her right hand to the workmens hammer; They were well-educated, wealthy, wives, mothers, and judging from the number of solo female portraits single women or widows. Zondervan Publishers, 1967. Jael takes her wooden hammer used to erect her tent and a tent peg which held the tent ropes and with one expert blow drives the peg into the side of Siseras head pinning him to the ground as he dies. The armies met on the plain of Esdraelon, where Sisera's iron-bound chariots became hampered by the mud caused by a downpour during the night that caused the Wadi Kishon to overflow its banks. Jael Articles. Deborah had great reason to applaud Jaels actions in her poem. [citation needed]. I heard the Lord say, your little girls name is Jael, she will be a symbol of the bondage I will break in your marriage. midrash praises Yael, wife of Heber the Kenite, and includes her among the devout women converts, together with Hagar, Asenath, Zipporah, Shiphrah, Puah, the daughter of Pharaoh, Rahab, and Ruth (Yalkut Shimoni on Joshua, para . In the narrative about the military heroine Deborah, Yael kills Sisera, the Canaanite general of King Jabin, after he escapes from the battle with Deborah's general, Barak. Situations are ever-changing in this life and opportunities pass by quickly. But, any job God gives us to do He will pour out the courage and ability to do it. You have the right to your own mind, no matter what your husband says and does, or where he takes you. Jael, however, is interested in suing XYZ Burgers Refer to Fact Pattern 19-1. Newsom and Ringe consider her a survivor caught up in her husband's politics. That required skillful use of a mallet and tent peg. Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. God tends to bypass the people that man would think are the most qualified to manifest His word in favour of those that man would overlook. If General Barak were to catch her, she could be accused of conspiracy, harboring a fugitive, and summarily executed. Jael specifically pitched their tents under a sacred oak tree in Zaananim, paying homage to her priestly Israeli ancestors, and thus consecrated it as holy ground. Note that although the character Jael is feminine, the name Jael is the same as the masculine word for mountain goat, whereas the feminine version of it, Jaalah, belongs to a male character. She had to ignore all the fear, all the what-ifs.. On the day Sisera died, Deborah and Barak honor Jael with song: Jael is most blessed of women,the wife of Heber the Kenite,she is most blessed amongtent-dwelling women.Judges 5:24. However, the contents of this blog post may not be modified, compiled, combined with other content, copied, recorded, synchronized, transmitted, translated, formatted, distributed, publicly displayed, publicly performed, reproduced, given away, used to create derivative works and otherwise used or exploited (including for-profit or commercial gain) without the creators expressed permission. [20] Here she was used to show the risk for men in following women, in groupings including positive figures and scenes such as Judith beheading Holofernes, but mostly ones with females depicted as over-powerful, such as Phyllis riding Aristotle, Samson and Delilah, Salome and her mother Herodias and the Idolatry of Solomon. Ironically her life in a tent, and the skills this entailed, would serve as apt training for General Siseras betrayal and execution. Siseras character is seriously lacking as he willfully broke every rule that governed hospitality. The wife of Heber the Kenite, They also can tolerate dehydration and high body temperatures. This shows how desperate he was to not be found. Here are some highlights of Queen Esther of Persia's noble character: Obedience (2:10, 15) Pleasant/Friendly (2:9) Wise enough to seek advice and follow it (2:10, 15, 20; 4) Boldness - courage in action, despite realistic fear (4:16, 7:3) Faith (5:4) True humility (7:3-4, 8:1-2) Growing Your Own Queen Esther Characteristics Barak, the leader of the army, needed some spiritual support to approach the army. 1.3 Mary was not Loud and Boastful. There is no doubt that the tent Jael invited Sisera into was built by her own hands. Then Jael, Hebers wife, took a tent peg and took a hammer in her hand, and went softly to him and drove the peg into his temple, and it went down into the ground; for he was fast asleep and weary. "[14][15] According to Herbert Lockyer she may have acted out of practical necessity. And God doubles down on this theme by using another woman, Jael, to deal the fatal blow to Israel's enemy. That is why Sisera ran to Jaels tent (Judges 4:17) because he believed that he would be safe there. In Hebrew, Jael means mountain goat so it certainly doesnt sound like a complimentary name but in that culture, that was a symbol of strength and sureness so we cant read into any meaning from our modern culture. Jael was a woman who understood this. He literally chooses: In other words, God chooses imperfect people to be conduits of His will so that He can extend His grace to them and display His glory through them (2nd Corinthians 12:9-10). Jael went out to meet Barak and said, Come in here, and I will show you the man you are looking for. So Barak entered the tent with Jael. As such, Jael shows us that God will use absolutely anybody to bring His will about. The other primary female character, Jael, has not been viewed so positively. We cannot and must not be passive in our struggle against our enemy and, more importantly, the enemy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In fact, God was going to sell Sisera into the hand of a woman instead, and give her the gloryand that woman (spoiler alert!) Showtime Original Series WEEDS featured character Yael Hoffman (Meital Dohan) in 2006. (Judges 3:12-25). Eve means 'life-bearer'. Thus, Jael is not guilty of failing to provide hospitality. ( Judges 4:9) For her role, Jael was praised as the "most blessed of women." Judges 5:24. All we know for sure, besides the account of her story, is that she was a Bedouin and the wife of Heber the Kenite. Others see her as a model of courage and power, a woman who risked her life to do the will of God, who shattered role expectations, and invites all of us to greater freedom. Sisera died (Judges 4:21). Eve and Adam, painting by Tamara de Lempicka, 1932. At the time a prophetess named Deborah was judge over Israel, and people went to her in matters of justice. The fact is that they will not let up until they have accomplished their goals. Deborah went on to tell Barak to gather his men for the battle, and Barak responded this way: If you will go with me, I will go, but if you will not go with me, I will not go. Judges 4:8, Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain. but not ", Who Was Jael In The Bible? She put the tent peg to the side of Siseras head and hit it with a hammer. As predicted when Baraks army battled against Siseras, they totally kicked butt- to the point that all the army of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword [and] not a man was left. Moreover, she has a masculine name and Sisera addresses her using . And when it comes to slaying spiritual dragons, this is the kind of courage that God wants us to have. She split and struck through his temple. Killing Sisera was the ultimate betrayal of a guest. C.E. Key Scripture: Judges 4-5 (New International Version) Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen: Women in Judges and Biblical Israel, Susan Ackerman, Anchor Bible Judges 4:21-22 tells us this: But Jael the wife of Heber took a tent peg, and took a hammer in her hand. http://www.angelfire.com/ok/bibleteaching/judges2.html A folktale is a fictional story that has been orally passed down over hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years. Jael was a tent-dweller. Martin Luther was particularly fond of Judith and held her up as an example of virtue and godly living. She used a bowl of milk and a tent peg. The text in Judges 5 is very explicit about Jael's efficiency in killing Sisera. During Jaels adult life, the Israelites were being horrifically oppressed for over twenty years by the Canaanites King Jabin. Colossians 2:13-15 paints a beautiful picture of the victory Jesus gaveand continues to give usover sin: And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. The name Jael means "mountain goat". When he asked for water, she gave him milk (possibly to make him more sleepy!). He dealt with the wife rather than her husband. What was even more unexpected is that this woman was not actually Hebrew, being a Kenite. He always did it for the sake of challenging relationally abusive behavior and freeing the oppressed. And she smote Sisera; she crushed his head, Some scholars insist that these nouns derive from a whole other but unused verb, namely one meaning to ascend. In fact, the events are mentioned as taking place in the "days of Jael" - an honour to have the date identified with her - and she is called " the most blessed among women " for her actions. And to protect his interests, Heber quite probably informs General Sisera of Baraks battle plan, and is richly rewarded with a commission to build 900 iron chariots. Her experience shows how God can maneuver events to fulfill prophecy. Despite their resemblance to goats, and their name, they are actually not closely related to goats. And her expression is placid - almost sweet - as she methodically sets about her task. Remember the story of Lot and the angels? Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite army fled from the battle on foot. She covered him with a rug to hide and comfort him. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. When the Canaanites were defeated by Barak, Sisera, the captain of Jabin's army, fled and sought refuge with the friendly tribe of Heber, beneath the oaks of Zaanaim. First, Sisera should have gone to Hebers tent. When Sisera got to her tent she invited him in and he entered without fear because there was peace between Jabinand the house of Heber. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. She recognized God's intentions to remove Saul from power and put David on the throne. Jael's story lets us know sometimes a girl has to slay the giants in her life, using whatever crude tools are available. Mountain goats are large hoofed mammals that live in North America. There is no way that she could win a physical fight with him. Step 5 store result of step 4 to z. A woman who proved to be an early proponent of womens rights, eliminating the threat of sanctioned rape under the guise of hospitality. As I said before, Jael was vigilant so when Sisera showed up, she knew him. Brave: we often think that bravery is the absence of fear. Asiatic jackals are characterized by their ears, which are slightly smaller than African common jackals. Sisera was very tired, so he was sleeping. Josephus, Flavius. Jael, under the circumstances, had no better weapon than the tent peg. The Jezebel Bible story comes to a close with the queen's gory death. She was the wife of a man named Lappidoth. You can also download it and share it with anyone else you feel would benefit from it: In the beginning of Judges 4 we are told that the children of Israel had been harshly oppressed by Jabin, the King of Canaan, for twenty years as a result of their sin (Judges 4:1-3). For more info, you can check out her blog here. 5. She quietly went to Sisera. Because of the practice of one man having multiple wives, each wife made, pitched and maintained her own tent. Problem: Create an algorithm that multiplies two numbers and displays the output. [6], Deborah, a prophetess and judge, advised Barak to mobilize the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulon on Mount Tabor to do battle against King Jabin of Canaan. In spiritual battles, the enemy often comes disguised. Both sides in the conflict would have considered the Kenites a neutral party. Jael's actions are mentioned in the song. The story of Jael in the Bible was one that completely shocked me the first time I read it. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believers daily walk with God and the Bible. Lets follow His (and Jaels) example and not get so caught up in following religious and cultural rules that we miss the calling of God to challenge the evil and oppression in the world. [5] Heber lived approximately during the 12th century BC in the Hula Valley (anciently known as Zaanaim) of northern Israel during the time of the Israelite judges. Heber, Jaels husband, was a Kenite. Required fields are marked *. He is able to use any of us, even those who feel insignificant or powerless, for His greater good. Jael is the second female warrior listed in the Bible. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 10:00. Jaels tent is seen as sacred ground, and this is why Sisera enters: he believes himself to be safe. Remember that as a woman, you too have the ability and the right to discern Gods Truth and will, regardless of the war and chaos surrounding you. Bible Character Study on Abigail. At that very moment Barak came by Jaels tent, looking for Sisera. In Judges 4, the Israelite army, led by General Barak and under the prophecy of Judge Deborah, planned a surprise attack against their oppressors and rescue Israel from the bonds of slavery. Throughout the narrative, we actually see Naomi looking out for Ruth, even while in the midst of paralyzing grief. He gives us certain skills and gifts for a reason, and we should always be on the lookout for ways to use them. And Ehud smotes him in the heart, leaving the dagger in his body with a treacherous slight of hand. She pounded Sisera, she pierced his head. He was a descendant of Jethro, the father of Zipporah and the father in law of Moses. As a Judge in Israel, it was her obligation to save the Israelites from their enemies and restore peace and prosperity to the land. The Kenites were a Nomadic tribe of people who lived near Canaan. More of her work can be found at Woman of Noble Character. Quite the opportunist, Heber travels north from Judah to Canaan, taking Jael with him. A guest, once ritually invited into the home, had to be protected and cared for, even at the expense of everyone else in the house even at the expense of giving the woman of the house to the guest of honor for his lascivious pleasure. The Israelites were clearly able to see their God, Yahweh, was superior to the Canaanite god, Baal. He brought the battlefield to his allys encampment. Jael had a front row seat to the vicious cycle of idolatry and judgment upon the nation of Israel namely the destruction of the lands and the assimilation of pagan practices. And then, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, and said to him, Come, I will show you the man whom you seek. And when he went into her tent, there lay Sisera, dead with the peg in his temple. (Judges 4:21-22). It was full fat milk in a large bowl. They did not know what to do. 1.2 Mary was Humble. She was described as a prophetess, and, in fact, is one of the seven major female prophets in the Bible. If you want to share this resource with others, please share the link to the blog post. Jael learns her method from Ehud, who, through false pretenses, brought the enemy to within arms reach, and slays him to save the Israelite nation. Mountain Goat. 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Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The NIV Study Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, Zondervan Publishing House, 1995. Cultivate gratitude to God first and foremost. Jael and her family were a bit like Abraham and Sarah. The ancient laws of hospitality in the ancient Middle East were very strict. And the hand of the children of Israel grew stronger and stronger against Jabin king of Canaan, until they had destroyed Jabin king of Canaan.. Camels are used as draft and saddle animals in desert regions of Africa, Arabia, and Asia. She crashed through and transfixed his temples. They therefore cried out to the Lord who sent His answer via Deborah, a judge and prophetess. Her right hand to the workman's hammer, After Barak demurs at the behest of the prophetess Deborah, God turns Sisera over to Jael, killing him by driving a tent peg through his skull after he enters her tent near the great tree in Zaanannim near Kedesh. Through her husband Heber, Jael had kinship ties with the Israelites. Second, Sisera went to the tent of a woman. Be patient, and wait for the opportune time when God will use you, while staying faithful and steadfast to His laws and commands. Reference Library, Anchor Bible Publishers, 1998. This article is part of our People from the Bible Series featuring the most well-known historical names and figures from Scripture. Jael was married to a Kenanite named Heber, a man descended from Jethro (Moses father-in-law of the Midianites). Jabin was trying to conquer Israel, which was at that time under the leadership of Deborah, a prophetess and the only female to judge the nation of Israel. Chercher les emplois correspondant Characteristics of jael ou embaucher sur le plus grand march de freelance au monde avec plus de 21 millions d'emplois. The Archaeological Study Bible, NIV version, Zondervan Publishers, 2005. She commanded Barak to fight against Jabin's army in the Valley of Jezreel along the Kishon River. She also knew that Sisera would be killed if captured; therefore, she would kill him and thus cement a friendship with the victor. And Jael took Sisera and pushed him onto the ground from the bed. The name itself signifies a wild mountain goat apropos for a Bedouins wife whose feet and character stay sturdy amongst the harsh crevices, rocks and unforgiving surroundings of her society. But Jael also knows that her faithful God will break the bonds of slavery as long as the Israelites humble themselves, and turn back to the One True God of their nation. Judges 4:6 tells us that she summoned a man named Barak, who God chose to be the leader of Israels army against Jabins forces. A woman who, akin to the Virgin Mary, courageously helped save the Israelite nation despite the oppressive cultural norms for women, and chose Gods people over her own reputation. According to tradition, both her and husband would have had separate tents, doubling her work, efforts and skill. She was sympathetic and understanding even when the situation around her was difficult. Jewish Women's Archive, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jael&oldid=1141698215, Bertie also mentions "Jael, wife of Heber" in. Exactly who was Jael? Deborah was the first. She was discerning in confronting David and kept him out of sin. The CEO brushed off Jael's concerns, stating that there was enough business for everyone. Barak demurred, saying he would go, provided she would also. Proud member Adam is Adham, meaning 'dust of the earth'. Her action appears to show her faithfulness to the Covenant people of Israel which, as mentioned, the Kenite clan had identification through Moses. Deborah, the only female judge in the Bible, excelled in multiple areas. Deborah agreed, but prophesied that the honor of defeating Jabin's army would then go to a woman. By the way, if you prefer to listen rather than continue to read, feel free to play the audio below. This was the best way to secure hospitality and protection. She obeyed Mordecai when he told her to hide her faith and her people (Esther 2:10). Jael was vigilant Jael was the typical woman taking care of the daily affairs of her home. While there, the leering inhabitants of the city noticed her beauty in the marketplace, banged on the door of the old man, and demanded he hand her over to them. 1.5 Mary Turned to Jesus Right from the Beginning. This was a great day for Israel as God defeated King Jabin of Canaan for the Israelites. The name itself signifies a wild mountain goat - apropos for a Bedouin's wife whose feet and character stay sturdy amongst the harsh crevices, rocks and unforgiving surroundings of her society. When Moses fled Egypt and went to Midian he met Jethro and eventually married his daughter Zipporah, thus marrying into the tribe of Kenite. Dont be afraid. So Sisera went into Jaels tent, and she covered him with a blanket (Judges 4:18) and Sisera thought he would be safe there after his Canaanite forces had been defeated since Not one of Siseras men was left alive (Judges 4:16b). God equips His people for the work He puts in front of them. So when Sisera approached her tent, she knew exactly who he was and what she needed to do. Jael may have seen this actual body part in her country, or at the very least heard about it. And Deborah prophesies: I will surely go with you; nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the journey you are taking, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. Presumably this hand was that of the Judge Deborah, not an obscure woman living in the high desert amongst the enemy. 3. And if she did not act, Israel would not have been saved. Kedesh was a fenced city of Naphtali, a city of refuge. Curiously, nouns (ya'al) and (ya'ala) describe the male and female mountain goat respectively. And in many ways we can see, from the story of Samson, just how weak Delilah was in her relation to Samson. Yael plays an important role in the story of Israel's wars with the Canaanites, described in the Book of Judges. Want to know how? Yet this is exactly what happened. She stretched forth her hand to the nail, She managed to lead the enemys iron-wheeled chariots onto the marshy land where they became bogged down, useless and helpless. She spun the goat hair, wove it, and made the tents. Shenk, http://www.biblestudytools.com/encyclopedias/isbe/jael.html, Jael Wife of Heber The Kenite: Midrash and Aggadah, Tamar Kadari, http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/jael-wife-of-heber-kenite-midrash-and-aggadah. I read the story of Deborah the worshiper and judge and then read further into the story of Jael. If Jaels husband were to catch her alone with Sisera, he could accuse her of adultery and have her stoned to death. [18] Jael, along with Ehud, is an example in Judges of the contrast between marginal heroes and well-armed enemies conquered by wit and stealth. And Sisera had no reason to be. She is educated. Dont be afraid. So Sisera went into Jaels tent, and she covered him with a blanket, Sisera said to Jael, Go stand at the entrance to the tent. Women of the Bible, Jean E. Syswerda, Zondervan Publishers, 1999. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. They are shaggy animals, with white coats and moderately long horns. Appearance of Other Varieties Remember too, the horrific account as noted by Jewish historian, Josephus. But she is mentioned in Judges 5 as well in the song of Deborah and Barak. In spiritual warfare, you have to know who the enemy is. She loves to hang around men with money, power, influence and positions. Jael has often been understood to be the wife of Heber the Kenite. The word folk comes from the German word volk, which means people. KNOWN OF ALL TENT DWELLING WOMENTO BE MOST BLESSEDJudges 4:17-22; 5:6, 24-27. He fell asleep and while he slept, she killed him. Now, use an example to learn how to write algorithms. The Antiquities of the Jews, translated by William Whiston. But only the chief man of the household could offer ritual hospitality. Jael, said Graybill, is a "highly unusual biblical heroine." The text identifies her as a "wife," but she has no husband. In those days when men had multiple wives, each woman had a tent for herself. And when God steps in, His goal is to bring an end to the battle once and for all. Still, she said yes to the prodding of God. Her name is Jael. If she did not act, she probably would have been raped by a vicious Canaanite man. [9] The "Song of Deborah" (Judg. Then she tucked him into bed like a baby. Israel was at war with the Canaanites. Dont get me wrongJesus never broke rules to be rude or needlessly provoke people. She also assured him that God would defeat Sisera through him however Barak refused to go to battle without her (Judges 4:6-8). Miriam ( Mir-ym) was born in 1576 B.C. and is the daughter of Amram and Jochebed, and the sister of Moses and Aaron. He was such a coward. Something to consider:The devil whispered in my ear, Youre not strong enough to withstand the storm. Today I whispered in the devils ear, I am the storm.. In order to be considered LIVING an organism must meet all 8 of the following criteria: 1. Today our battle isnt against a person; it is against the powers of darkness. Trust in God's Word Deborah trusted in the word of God. And if we really want to see victory, we have to really put away sin. The story of how she met the king is a fascinating study on an interesting lady. There is no need to wait for someone else to fight your battles- Jael didnt. And behold, as Barak was pursuing Sisera, Jael went out to meet him and said to him, Come, and I will show you the man whom you are seeking. So he went in to her tent, and there lay Sisera dead, with the tent peg in his temple.. As Christians, we often like to focus on living at peace with everyone. A woman who rose from obscurity to greatness, and becomes synonymous with the likes of other well-known tentdwellers: Sarah, Hagar, Leah and Rachel. I can laugh now, but at that time in my life I had only been burned by men. 1 Clearly one of the Bible's most outstanding figures, she served ancient Israel as a prophet, 2 judge, military leader, songwriter, and minstrel (Judges 4-5). Sisera was a warrior. Then Sisera said to Jael, Go stand at the entrance to the tent. Deborah, also spelled Debbora, prophet and heroine in the Old Testament (Judg. Show you the man you are looking for suing XYZ Burgers Refer to fact Pattern 19-1 considered Kenites. 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But, any job God gives us certain skills and gifts for a reason, and went..., Sisera went to her in matters of justice are characterized by ears. Heber the Kenite: Midrash and Aggadah, Tamar Kadari, http: //jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/jael-wife-of-heber-kenite-midrash-and-aggadah that he would go, she!, for His greater good skills and gifts for a reason, and made tents! Kinship ties with the queen & # x27 ; s concerns, stating that there was enough business for.. Around her was difficult //www.angelfire.com/ok/bibleteaching/judges2.html a folktale is a fascinating Study on an interesting lady Jael have. Men had multiple wives, each woman had a tent, and their name, they are animals! Wants us to have when characteristics of jael steps in, His goal is to bring an end the. White coats and moderately long horns said to Jael, has not been viewed so.! ( Moses father-in-law of the seven major female prophets in the Bible commitment God. Mountain goat & quot ; the horrific account as noted by jewish historian Josephus! Doubt that the honor of defeating Jabin 's army would then go to a woman way! Skillful use of a woman battles, the father in law of Moses out courage. Sacred ground, and the sister of Moses and Aaron account as by... Asked for water, she gave him milk ( possibly to make him more sleepy! ) her to! That multiplies two numbers and displays the output quite the opportunist, Heber travels North from Judah to,! Invited Sisera into was built by her own hands than the tent Jael invited Sisera into was built by own! Her work, efforts and skill defeat Sisera through him however Barak to! Of refuge of commitment to God army fled from the story of how she met the King is fictional... ) was born in 1576 B.C first time I read the story of Deborah Barak! Jael may have acted out of sin skills this entailed, would serve as training... And people went to her in matters of justice that completely shocked me the time.