It is one of five Nebraska counties in the eight-county Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Statistical Area.In the Nebraska license plate system, Cass County is represented by the prefix 20 (it had the twentieth-largest number of vehicles registered in the county when the license plate system was established in 1922). Cass County is a county located in the U.S. state of Nebraska. Age: 22. He was charged with 5015::FAILURE TO APPEAR/CASS COUNTY BENCH WARRANT. Reporting to the Lincoln/Lancaster County Crime Stoppers is the only way to remain anonymous and/or be eligible for up to $1,000 in rewards. Cass County Judicial records: (701) 451-6900. Constantly updated. All rights reserved. Alerts. Reporting Methods: E-Mail Call us at the warrants line (701) 241-1283 Cass County Tip Line (701) 241-5777 ALL TIPS ARE CONFIDENTIAL YOU CAN HELP! OWNED OR OPERATED BY ANY STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY. Saunders County, Nebraska- northwest Center Greenwood For every 100 females there were 97.70 males. This means that the only way to secure release after such detention is to get the court to give you bail. It is a type of contempt action in Nebraska because the petitioner applies to the District Court to hold the defaulter in contempt of a court-ordered payment. The information published on this web site was valid at the time of publication. Perform a free Cass County, NE public warrant search, including warrant records, checks, lookups, databases, inquiries, lists, and bench warrant searches. Other Geographical notes Text taken from Wikipedia is marked as such and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (found at: This list was last updated: March 01 2023 17:15:01. Otherwise, the requester may download and complete the Criminal History Record Request form. If the defaulter fails to purge by paying the child support, the petitioner may file an Affidavit and Motion for Bench Warrant and Commitment to Issue form and Bench Warrant form for such defaulter to be sent to jail. History Geography AUSTIN MARSH was booked in Cass County, Nebraska for 4910::FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE. ALLEN J. BEESON. A Warrant lookup checks Cass County public records to determine whether . Omaha Police Department You could be physically arrested at home, at work, or while driving -- then incarcerated. Of the two, the former brings in the most complaints at about 95% of the yearly total. In addition to contact with a law enforcement officer will result in your immediate arrest and incarceration. Crime Tip Hotline 800-527-3699 or submit via Email. The individual is a danger to themselves and any other people present. Note that even where an officer fails to execute a warrant within ten days, the judge may reissue the warrant if there is still probable cause. take whatever measures are necessary to locate you and execute the warrant for your arrest. In the County Court. The Nebraska State Patrol, as the central repository for criminal history records, provides access to Record of Arrest and Prosecution (RAP sheet) for interested individuals. A bench warrant, for instance, follows the individual to any state within the United States or another country. Fax: (402) 267-7945. Stove Creek Lincoln, NE 68509-4907. For any other charge, such a person may file in the court where the complaint is pending. 346 Main Street Plattsmouth, NE 68048 855-658-5736 2023 Cass County, Nebraska . Factoryville Note that failing to appear is not a criminal charge and attracts no jail time if it was unintentional. Louisville Phone: (402) 444-5828. Reporting to the Lincoln/Lancaster County Crime Stoppers is the only way to remain anonymous and/or be eligible for up to $1,000 in rewards. It means that a law enforcement agent may execute a warrant where there is a discovery of a warrant subject. If you fail to turn yourself in, this matter will be resolved at our convenience. BOND: $1000. Eagle SEND AN EMAIL. You cannot leave books, Okaloosa County, Nebraska. FTA-SPEEDING - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 11-15 OVER, FTA-WEIGHT ON TANDEM AXLE EXCEEDED 34.000 POUNDS, FTA-OPERATED A MTR VEH WITH DEFECTIVE PARTS / EQUIPMENT, FAILED TO REGISTER NONRESIDENT COMM MTR VEH, FTA MISC FED MTR CARRIER CODE-ANY FED MTR CARRIER CHARGE NOT ITEMZED IN THIS SECTION SHALL, FTA-OPERATE VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA EXCEED SPEED LIMIT COUNTY BY 11-15MPH (I), FTA UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, FTA EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 11-15 MPH, FTA - DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-FAILED TO DISPLAY PLATES ON MTR VEH/TRL, FTA - OPER MV OF ANOTHER KNOWING OWNER NOT MAINTAINED FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY-1ST OFF, TVB - WEIGHT OF VEH EXCEED POSTED LIMIT FOR CTY BRIDGE/ROAD, FTA-FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH IGNITION INTERLOCK DEVICE REQUIREMENTS, FAILED TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVER RECORD, FTA-OPERATED MV WITH VISION REDUCING MATERIAL NOT IN COMPLIANCE, FTA-OPERATED AS MOTOR CARRIER WITHOUT MEDICAL CERTIFICATE, FTA-FAIL TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVER'S RECORD, TVB - OPERATE VEHICLE WITHOUT VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE, FTA-EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT BY 20MPH OR MORE (M B), TVB - FAILED TO REGISTER NONRESIDENT COMMERCIAL VEH, FTA-MISC FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER CODE VIOLATION, FTA DWR/DWS - REVOKED POINTS/FAILURE TO TAKE TEST, FTA- DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 1ST, FTA DRIVER/FRONT SEAT PASS-NO SEAT BELT (I), FTA-DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-DRUGS MARIJ/POSS 35 GRAMS OR LESS (M D), FTA OPERATED AS MOTOR CARRIER WITHOUT MEDICAL CERTIFICATE, FTA - EXCEED SPEED LIMIT COUNTY BY 11-15MPH (I), FTA- SPEEDING - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 6-10 OVER, FTA-FAILED TO EQUIPT MTR CARRIER VEH WITH/MAINTAIN REQUIRED BREAK SYSTEM, TVB - EXCEEDED SPEED LIMIT (EXCEEDED BY 11-15 MPH), FJO-POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE EXCEPT 35 GRAMS OR LESS, FTA OPER MV OF ANOTHER KNOWING OWNER NOT MAINTAIN FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 2ND/SUBS, FTA TAMPERING WITH MOTOR VEHICLE - 1ST DEGREE, FTA - WEIGHT ON TANDEM AXLE EXCEEDED 34.000 POUNDS, FTA-FAIL TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVERS RECORD, FTA-OPERATED MTR CARRIER VEH WITH UNSAFE/IMPROPER FRAME/SUSPENSION/AXLE/WHEEL, FTA-VIOLATION EX PARTE/FULL ORDER OF PROTECTION (M A), FTA-SPEEDING HIGHWAY-70 (20-25 OVER LIMIT), FTA DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-ASLT 4TH DEG PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISIONS (3) (6) - SPECIAL VICTIMS, POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE EXCEPT 35 GRAMS OR LESS, FTA OPERATED MV WITH VISION REDUCING MATERIAL NOT IN COMPLIANCE, TVB - EXCEEDED SPEED LIMIT (EXCEEDED BY 26 MPH OR MORE), FTA SPEEDING - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 11-15 OVER, FTA-OPERATED MV W/BRAKES NOT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER, FTA - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT BY 16-19MPH (M C), FTA - POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA/SYNTHETIC CANNABINOID OF 10 GRAMS OR LESS, NON-SUPPORT - ARREARS IN EXCESS OF 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS DUE UNDER SUPPORT ORDER, EXCEED SPEED LIMIT COUNTY BY 11-15MPH (M), FTA- FAIL TO MAINTAIN FINANCIAL RESPONSIBLITY ON VEHICLE, FTA - DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 1ST, FTA - FAIL TO OBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, FTA-EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT BY 1-5MPH (I), FTA EXCEED SPEED LIMIT COUNTY BY 16-19MPH (I), FTA-DRIVER/FRONT SEAT PASS-NO SEAT BELT (I), FTA - SPEEDING - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 16-19 OVER, FTA - OPERATED AS MOTOR CARRIER WITHOUT MEDICAL CERTIFICATE, FTA WEIGHT ON TANDEM AXLE EXCEEDED 36.000 POUNDS, PV - RECEIVING (F C) STLN PROP $500 OR MORE, FTA OPERATE VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE, FTA FAIL TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVERS RECORD, FTA-LIC - NO VALID LICENSE - 1ST/2ND OFFENSE (M A), FTA-DRIVE COMM MTR VEH WITHOUT COMM DRIVER LICENSE, FTA-NON-SUPPORT - ARREARS IN EXCESS OF 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS DUE UNDER SUPPORT ORDER, FTA WEIGHT ON TANDEM AXLE EXCEEDED 34.000 POUNDS, FTA-RESIST ARREST/DETENTION/STOP BY FLEEING - CREATE SBSTNTL RISK-SERIOUS INJ/DEATH, OPERATED MV WITH VISION REDUCING MATERIAL NOT IN COMPLIANCE, FTA - OPERATE VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-SPEEDING - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 20-25 OVER, FTA FAILED TO DISPLAY PLATES ON MTR VEH/TRL, FTA POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA/SYNTHETIC CANNABINOID OF 10 GRAMS OR LESS, FTA OWNR OPR MV WTHT MAINTNG FNCL RSPNBLTY (MV RQRD TO BE REGD) - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA - FAILURE TO REGISTER A MOTOR VEHICLE, FTA-OWNR OPR MV WTHT MAINTNG FNCL RSPNBLTY (MV RQRD TO BE REGD) - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-TAMPERING WITH MOTOR VEHICLE - 1ST DEGREE, FTA OPER MTR CARRIER VEH W/VISION REDUCING DAMAGE/VISION DISCOLORATION/GLAZING COVERED, FTA-EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT BY 16-19MPH (M C), FTA-INTERFERENCE WITH CUSTODY-REMOVE FROM STATE OR CONCEALED, FTA FAIL TO EQUIP/MAINTAIN MTV W/ REQUIRED BREAK SYSTEM, FTA-SPEEDING - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 16-19 OVER, FTA-DWR/DWS - REVOKED FOR ABUSE AND LOSE LAW, FTA - OWNR OPR MV WTHT MAINTNG FNCL RSPNBLTY (MV RQRD TO BE REGD) - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-POSSESS MARIJUANA/SYNTHETIC CANNABINOID OF 10 GRAMS OR LESS - PRIOR DRUG OFFENSE, FTA-OPERATED AS AN INTERSTATE MOTOR FUEL USER W/O LICENSE, TVB - MOTOR CARRIER VIOLATION-FAIL TO EQUIP BRAKE SYSTEM, PBV-NON-SUPPORT - ARREARS IN EXCESS OF 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS DUE UNDER SUPPORT ORDER, FTA-O - DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDED OR REVOKED, FTA-OPER MV OF ANOTHER KNOWING OWNER NOT MAINTAINED FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY-1ST OFF, FTA-FAILURE TO YIELD TO EMERGENCY VEHICLE (M C), FTA-WEIGHT ON TANDEM AXLE EXCEEDED 36.000 POUNDS, FTA- FAIL TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVER'S RECORD, FTA - DRIVER/FRONT SEAT PASS-NO SEAT BELT (I), FTA- FALI TO PRODUCE STATE OPERATORS LICENSE, FTA-SPEEDING HIGHWAY-70 (11-15 OVER LIMIT), FTA - OPERATED MV WITH VISION REDUCING MATERIAL NOT IN COMPLIANCE, FTA DWR/DWS - DRIVING WHILE REVOKED OR DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDED (UNKNOWN REASON), FTA NON-SUPPORT - ARREARS IN EXCESS OF 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS DUE UNDER SUPPORT ORDER, FTA-EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT BY 11-15MPH (M C), FTA-DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 2ND OR SUBSEQUENT OFFENSE, FTA-FAILED TO COVER OR SUFFICIENTLY SECURE VEH LOAD, PBV-PASSING BAD CHECK (F D) $500 OR MORE-NO ACCOUNT/INS FUNDS, FTA ASLT 4TH DEG PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISIONS (3) (6), FTA-DRUGS/POSSESSION (F) OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, FTA-FAILURE TO MAINTAIN FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, OPERATE MOTORCYCLE WHEN DRIVERS LICENSE NOT VALID FOR SUCH OPERATION - 1ST OFF, FTA-POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE EXCEPT 35 GRAMS OR LESS, FTA-DWR/DWS - DRIVING WHILE REVOKED OR DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDED (UNKNOWN REASON), O-DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED OR REVOKED, FTA-OPERATED AS AN INTER-STATE MOTOR FUEL USER W/O BEING LIC, FTA-LIC - DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDED/FTA/NON PAY FINE/COST (M A), FTA - EXCEED SPEED LIMIT COUNTY BY 26 OR MORE MPH, FAIL TO SECURE CHILD <8 Y/O IN CHILD RESTRAINT OR BOOSTER SEAT (I), FTA-OPERATED MOTOR CARRIER VEH WITH UNSAFE/IMPROPER FRAME/SUSPENSION/ETC, VIOLATION EX PARTE/FULL ORDER OF PROTECTION (M A), FTA-VISION REDUCING MATERIAL (WINDOW TINT), OPERATED MTR CARRIER VEH WITH UNSAFE STRNG SYSTEM, FTA- OWNR OPR MV WTHT MAINTNG FNCL RSPNBLTY (MV RQRD TO BE REGD) - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA- OPERATED MV WITH VISION REDUCING MATERIAL NOT IN COMPLIANCE, PBV-TAMPERING WITH MOTOR VEHICLE - 1ST DEGREE, FTA FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO PED/FACING WALK SIGNL(M), FTA FAIL TO SECURE CHILD IN RESTRAINT OR BOOSTER SEAT, FTA-SPEEDING - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT 06-10 OVER, FTA-FAILED TO REGISTER NONRESIDENT COMM MTR VEH, FTA - FAILED TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVERS RECORD, FAILED TO KEEP PROPER MTR CARRIER DRIVERS RECORD, FTA -DRIVER/FRONT SEAT PASS-NO SEAT BELT (I), FTA OPERATED MV UNSAFE/IMPROPER FRAME/SUSPENSION/AXEL/WHEEL/RIM AND OR STEERING SYSTEM, FTA FAILURE TO REGISTER MOTOR VEHICLE/TRAILER ANNUALLY, FTA-DRUGS MARIJ/POSS 35 GRAMS OR LESS (M A), FTA-UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, PBV-UNLAWFUL POSSESSION/ TRANSPORT/ MANUFACTURE/ REPAIR OR SALE OF ILLEGAL WEAPON, PBV-UNLAWFUL USE OF WEAPON - SUBSECTION 4 - EXHIBITING, OPERATED MV W/BRAKES NOT IN GOOD WORKING ORDER, FTA OPERATED A MTR VEH WITH DEFECTIVE PARTS / EQUIPMENT, FTA EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT BY 6-10MPH (M C), FTA FAIL TO YIELD AFTER STOPPING TO VEHICLE THAT ENTERED INTERSE, FAIL REG AS SEX OFFENDER-589.400-425/UNCLASS FEL PER 566 - A/B FEL OR FEL CHL<14, TVB - OPER VEH WHILE DRIVER'S LICENSE SUSPENDED/REVOKED/CANC, FTA-OPERATED MTR CARRIER VEH WITH UNSAEF/IMPROPER EQUIPTMENT, FTA-CARELESS & IMPRUDENT DRIVING/ACCID (M A), FTA-OPERATED A MTR VEH WITH DEFECTIVE PARTS, FTA-OPER VEH W/O FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, FTA -OPERATE VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT A VALID LICENSE - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-OPPERATED MTR CARRIER VEH WITH UNSAFE EQUIPTMENT, PROB VIOL - DRUGS-POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, FTOJO POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE EXCEPT 35 GRAMS OR LESS, FTA OPERATED VEHICLE ON HWY WITHOUT VALID LICENSE, FTA- CARELESS AND IMPRUDENT DRIVING (C&I), FTA- FAILURE TO YIELD TO AN EMERGENCY VEH, FTA - OPERATE VEH ON HIGHWAY WITHOUT VALID OR NO LIC, FTA - FAIL TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVERS RECORD, LEAVING SCENE OF ACCIDENT - PROPERTY DAMAGE EXCEEDING $1000, FTA-PASSING BAD CHECK - LESS THAN $500 (M A), PROBATION VIOLATION- POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA, FTA FAILED TO KEEP PROPER/MADE FALSE MOTOR CARRIER DRIVER'S RECORD, FTA-FAILED TO DRIVE ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROAD, FTA-REFUSE TO WEIGH COM MV OR SUBMIT TO DRIVER/VEHICLE INSPECTION, FTA- DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 1ST OFFENSE, FTA-MISCELLANEOUS FEDERAL MTR CARRIER CODE VIOLATION, FTA - FAILED TO DRIVE WITHIN RIGHT LANE OF HWY WITH 2 LANES, FTA - FAILURE TO REGISTER NON/RESIDENT COMM MTR VEH, TVB - MISC MOTOR CARRIER VIOLATIONS/GROSS WEIGHT, OPER MTR CARRIER VEH ON TIRES FABRIC EXPOSED, TVB - DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED - 1ST-FTA, FTA - EXCEEDED POSTED SPEED LIMIT BY 20MPH OR MORE (M B), FTA EXCEED SPEED LIMIT COUNTY BY 20 OR MORE MPH (I), NONCONSENSUAL DISSEMINATION OF PRIVATE SEXUAL IMAGES/ OFFENSE OF DEFINITIONS ELEMENTS, ASSAULT 3RD - ON A LAW ENF. 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The information published on this web site was valid at the time of publication in!, Nebraska- northwest Center Greenwood for every 100 females there were 97.70 males and any other,! Last updated: March 01 2023 17:15:01 a danger to themselves and any other people present Geography MARSH. If it was unintentional such detention is to get the court where the complaint is pending to whether.