I wont name him, but I sincerely hope that he reads this book because he must be made to understand that he stands in dire need of repentance. This is the hour that we, the Bride of Jesus Christ, should stand fast, and hold on to the Message that Brother Branham, brought to us. The other two passengers in the back seat of the car were severely injured. Before God, I tell the truth. Only believe, all things are posable, only believe. You r dad wanted to know from you where you were standing, and you replied, "Downtown LA", to which he replied, "be more . Will you? We were of course not only disappointed we were upset seeing the luxury the rest of the family and also especially the ministers in this message are enjoying. I was ready to take the whole matter to court but Bro. thanks for your research my dear brother may the good Lord bless you. Looky here today, what they're going on now. Oh yes! If youll be sincere and will get the people to believe you, not even cancer shall stand before your prayer., Angel of God, I do not see You. Blasphemously, he goes on to say, William Branham spoke about having an Angel of God with him all the time; that Angel must have been taking his Christmas vacation on th enight of December 18, 1965. This is blasphemy, in every sense of the word. Protect this message, just like the prophet did. When I was about to give birth to another child I asked my brother Joseph to give me 1,500 dollars to cover the hospital expenses, his reply was: Where do you think I can get this money from? I went to Rev. Any other prophet will have to come under Eph.4:11, New Testement prophet. Anybody got a special request? And now, Father, I step out here in this realm of Spirit faith, challenging every demon thats here in the Name of Jesus Christ. But now your time has come. As for me and my house we will worship the Lord and respect His Prophet. You believe it with all your heart? News came in over the weekend that the cyclone caused much less damage than expected, and it only effected a small group of 50 believers in the southeast part of the country, where they lost 4-5 homes and their church was destroyed. Your great honeycomb under you right now, the wrath of God is belching right beneath you. And most of my clothes and things are give to me. The next time earthquake judgment struck was one year later, on April 29, 1965, again on Good Friday. Pop and rock. They have to have it. To Take on the Whole Armor of God (62-0701). People give it to me. Vibrations stopped, didnt it? If we are not willing to do it the law will have to do it for us. now that orts get shouting and praise god . Billy had never anything to do with mother. God knows it. About. Billy Paul, the soul singer best known for his 1972 single "Me and Mrs. Jones," died on Sunday (April 24 . You was healed just then of it. All these ministers became rich using my fathers name. [The Second Miracle, Erie, PA 51-0729E]. God, be merciful. Hearing, Recognizing, Acting on the Word of God (60-0221). Therefore he has the . . ARE THERE RULES BROTHER BRANHAM LEFT FOR US ABOUT DATING? Wish I could've just paid for it myself, but I--I can't do that. When we left Joseph went in the car with Billy Paul and Loyce which never would have happened any other time. Not one time have you reached out to touch them, or corrected them. . On December 6, 1965, at San Bernardino, speaking his sermon entitled Modern Events Made Clear By Prophecy, he said that he did not think that he would have He was a member of, and had served as pastor of the Powell Valley Church of God Mountain Assembly for over 50 years. Branham married Amelia Hope Brumbach (b. July 16, 1913) in 1934, and they had two children; William "Billy" Paul Branham (b. September 13, 1935) and Sharon Rose Branham (b. October 27, 1936). The world is falling apart, fifteen hundred mile chunk of it, three to four hundred miles wide, will sink maybe forty miles down into that great fault out yonder. Your daughters in the hospital, setting there next to her. God bless you. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and a half of it toward the south. The message in tongues and interpretation said she would not die, but our sister does sleep in Christ and it happened exactly when the Angel of the Lord said that it would another vindication of the prophet of God in the face of strong opposition. . What did Brother Branham allow or want his children doing on Sunday when they were not in church? No, sir. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/joebrandt.htm This link is about a young man who had a series of dreams/or visions of the coming Mega Quake in California. Knowing him to be a Word prophet, we knew that he spoke nothing unless it could be found in the Scriptures. He also claimed that he took no money from no peoples and could have been a millionaire if he took the money, as follows, And friends, its the truth tonight. headquarters at Springfield Mo. It begins by examining copies of letters and dates sent to Billy Paul Branham and how Billy Paul responded. He was sent to finish and prepare the coming of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. It was him that said, Come out of her, speaking of coming out of the systems, the denominations, the Roman plague, the daughters of the harlot, and everything else that would blind the eyes. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. Do you remember in 1966, when certain men were going to make me their Joshua? Junior Jackson) wrote the below letter to Billy Paul Branham out of concern for Sarah Branham De Corado. Branham married Amelia Hope Brumbach (b. July 16, 1913) in 1934, and they had two children; william "Billy" Paul Branham (b. September 13, 1935) and Sharon Rose Branham (b. October 27, 1936). So I looked around and there was a sign on the building, said, "The May Company." I said, "We are standing in front of The May Company, and Reo Grand." He said, "You remember this. Cayey, Puerto Rico. But far be it from me to ever take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to commercialize it. He couldn't resist a cardiac arrest. The son of a prosperous dairy farmer, Billy Graham grew up in rural . he never begged for money as they all do today and he lived the fife . ), Youtube Harrp Earthquake man made technology that can cause earthquakes. If you want to follow through on Scripture, notice in the fifth verse it applies that the cleaving of the mount of Olives is due to an earthquake. My mother used to get so upset at all the different doctrines that were going on and that Billy Paul would not try to stop them or at least stand for his father which he claimed to love so much. William Branham speaks to a lady in need:Bring the lady. And you yourself have gone nowhere in the true spirit of God. Just then it happened. The importance of saying "I love you" during COVID-19, Effective ways of dealing with the grieving process, Solutions to show your sympathy safely during the Covid-19 pandemic. The first mention of earthquake judgment by Brother Branham was in the 1950s in a sermon entitled Supernatural Gospel. But time will soon tell where we will all wind up at in heaven or tribulation. And I know that Your Words have been true. Billy Paul, I am not writing this to you, just to try and get Sarah's influence. I saw him as he walked off the edge of the platform with Billy, pull away from Billy, step back on the platform, and while they sang the song, he waved good-bye. I am asking myself what will be done with the large sum of money accumulated by now after the 26th of October, 1990. I believe he brought us back to the original Word. I well remember the Sunday that Bro. He signed it as William Branham Jr. William Marrion Branham Messages in Hindi, William Marrion Branham Messages in English, https://s3.amazonaws.com/vgrm4a.branham.org/ENG/65-0429E%20The%20Choosing%20Of%20A%20Bride%20VGR.m4a. The pastor of that church is brother Richard Cobb. Hi brother! From the family inheritance I received my share of 55,000 dollars after my mother passed away. It doesn't bother me if it is three billion. Software & Website. Its not what I beg but, what people offered me, to give me. His claim is that Brother Branham did not make the statement publically, but whispered it to someone next to him on the platform and that his microphone picked up Brother Branhams voice. God bless you all. Dont add to or take away from it. Brother Billy Paul, in the audience that day, was deeply disturbed, for he knew that this message contradicted that which Brother Branham had received from the Lord. Rev. A GOOD SIGN OF CHRISTIANITY IS when you Love those who dont love you. In love I say that I hope he repents and retracts these words, lest he face them on Judgment Day. Now the earth is cracked all the way around.. .now your time has come. Hollering at me about spending some money out yonder for Christians, and wanting to give me twenty years in the state prison for spending money to operate a religious move. Ifif thats what its taken. Billy Paul, I am not picking on you. Branham wept as he did, and preached his heart out, because of what those men and people had done to him, in making him Jesus Christ. The Bible only spoke of one major Prophet for our age, Malachi 4:5-6. Rev. All right, sister, what do you think about it? Maybe it means as the scientist said the other day, speaking of the great cracks in the earth thousands of miles long, that the earth is going to sink. . The prophet leaves but the message remains. In the past 20 years I have managed to feed people that have come to our meetings. Looky here today, what they're going on now. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2005- 2015. Branham's daughter. [At Thy Word, Lord Phoenix, AZ 48-0305]. In front of the May Company, downtown Los Angeles, replied Billy. When he was two years old, both his mother and baby sister, Sharon Rose, died of tuberculosis, just five days apart. In the past 25 years, preachers and laymen around the world have taken Bro. Your faith has made you whole, sister, your cancer is dead and gone. Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession. Billy will be truly missed.". Brother Branham preached his last message in California on December 7, 1965, in Covina. Could it be that she does not agree with all these wild revelations that some hold too? Now after almost 25 years since Bro. Where would I be if it was not of the prophet who showed me the way. Toggle Billy Paul Branham was aware of sexual improprieties in 1998 subsection 3.1 Text of the letter. Stay In Line! 03/05/2022 . He gave a great testimony in which he related how God spoke to him in two different dreams. We're just trying to do the best we can. The Anointed Ones at the End Time (65-0725M). May God bless you all, please pray for us. Look at my family and most of the ministers, you see among them diamonds, designer clothes, fancy cars and offices. My Prophet is still living via tapes. You had to sponsor that. Brother Branham was taken to a hospital in Amarillo, Texas. Thank you, brother. Now after these many years have gone by, It looks strange that you seem so eager to cut your sister and her family off. Branham had said "Don't ever let Billy Paul get in control of the money, because it will ruin him." To the one, the words of the prophet bring life; to the other they bring death and destruction.) Thank you Jesus for love ,Grace and mercy up on our lives in this dark days .Im so glad that i can say iam one of THEM!!! Leave a sympathy message to the family in . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foLDKQ00XJc. His house in Tucson is empty and I have no place to stay. I could've been a multi-millionaire if I had wanted to be, And I--what little money I get a hold of, why, I put it in foreign missions, all we don't just have to eat on, and we--. I expected to at least get some resonse from headquarters. William M. Branham was born near Burkesville, Kentucky, on April 6, 1909, the son of Charles and Ella Harvey Branham, the oldest of ten children. The song was a tremendous blessing, and the congregation was deeply moved. It was in Ernest Fulcher's church in the afternoon service. Like a blast, it cut the tops out of the mesquite trees; the sound of its fury filled the air. Brother Billy Paul was born on September 13, 1935 to William and Hope Branham. . The Prophecy is sure.It shall be fulfilled to the dot. For there is a Jesus Christ, a wedding supper, a 1000 yr millenium, a white throne judgment and a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH. Strange looking sight there, isnt it? I only hope that others who were also cheated will have the courage to come up with their stories and claims. Hollering at me about spending some money out yonder for Christians, and wanting to give me twenty years in the state prison for spending money to operate a religious move. I believe it will happen anyhow to God time is not an issue he is eternal, you can put all of the pentecostal ministrys on one side , then you put br branhams vindication which is the signs wonders to attract our attention to him the word . Put your handkerchief in your other hand, lay your hand on mine. Less severe than the first, nevertheless, this quake reached 7.0 on the Richter scale. On April 29, 1965, the next link in the chain of prophecy was forged while Brother Branham was preaching in Los Angeles itself. But I used to see him get up in the pulpit at meetings and say how much he loves mother when I knew it was a lie. And heres my people right here from the church, who knows it. and we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ and give an account of the things that we have done in His name while in this life, II Cor. Hanley's Bell St funeral Home, 659-1880. . Incisions and holes made in the body are sewn closed or filled with buttons. The body is then washed, dried and put into cold storage. The whirlwind had descended three times on that day in February 1964. Usually as he left his church in Jeffersonville, he would sing the song Till We Meet. and to the Rev. I believed You. Come now. And let her have a roof over her head. To show the real christian people throughout the world, that you need Jesus in your heart and life in a greater way. But we were not the only ones falling into the trap with him. To cult leaders, Billy Paul disclaimed that he was 100% aware of Sarah's desperate situation and had allegedly tried without success to contact her to offer assistance and allegedly received no response. Ive took You at Your Word, for You said You were sent from God. . And Ive shu And I havecovet no persons money or anything they got. God will have to raise up men after His own heart who have no desire for fame and money. Cause it upsets me. As Brother Branham and Brother Woods walked along that day, suddenly the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him and told him to pick up a stone and cast it into the air. Facebook gives people the power to. William Branham claimed that he came from a poor family and remained poor throughout his life and ministry, as follows. Brrothers and Sisters, Us who know the word of God, This man was truly sent by God. When I think of all the many times we sat under the message ministers that Branham appointed into elite positions within the doomsday cult, my heart . And in the eyes of God this whole thing is not right. That night in Covina, California, he closed his portion of the service for the first time outside his church in Jeffersonville with the song Till We Meet. Clarence Edward Meade (Edward Jacob, . My father said, I am going to expose many things and names this time. My mother kept begging: Please, no, Bill. (At this he goes to the Scripture, proving that he is a Word prophet, and quotes Zechariah who is prophesying of the coming of Christ in the last days.) Billy Paul, when Pastor Armon Nevile was on his death bed, he told me how that Banks Woods told him that Bro. Dont you, lady? Brother Branham was the voice that God spoke through, you can tell as he preached, and God showed He was the one who was speaking. GOD bless you and please continue sharing more. I'm not rich, and I can't write that out. As you know my mother and I were the only survivors of it. HOW IS IT THAT IF YOURE BAPTIZED, YOU & YOUR HOUSE WILL BE SAVED? . I got in the back seat, mother and father in the front. Photos. She used to refer to the Branham Tabernacle as Collins corner and made her remarks. We were at the Ramada Inn when Brother Carl Williams received a long distance call from Los Angeles informing him that Sister Florence had died the night before. And I want it to be clean and pure when I hit in that day. Historical research data concerning William Branham and his "Message". It went up along the coast, broke in below San Jose, went across over into Alaska, out through the Aleutian Islands, then went about two hundred miles out into the sea, came back down into San Diego, and went around behind Los Angeles, forming a great pocket. Will you do it now? All the earthquakes weve been having are from volcanic action hitting this great hollow dipper, however. IT IS NICE GIVING THIS TESTIMONIES BECAUSE IT AROUSES OUR APPETITE IN THE FAITH.MORE GREASE TO YOUR ELBOWS.THANK GOD FOR THE PILLAR OF FIRE THAT HAS BROUGHT US BACK TO THE BLOODY FOOTPRINTS. Here you come and Read Gospel of Lord Christ and here you can find the Message of the Hour By the Prophet William Marrion Branham. And heres the trustees. In 1965, he told Billy Paul that Los Angeles would slide into the ocean before he's an old man. He is coming again this year to the convention, and we will be making plans to go there to minister to those people. Zip code 33801 (Lakeland) average rent price for two bedrooms is $1,000 per month. He said that before the Katrina Hurricane came and its horrific aftermathit was predicted (illuminati moral code) through the tv series called Oil Storm. Or some would call it a Predictive Programming. Billy J. Paul, age 78, a resident of Speedwell, TN, passed away on Friday, May 21, 2021 at the Middlesboro ARH. Another earthquake splitting open the earth. My people are poor, and I--I'll desire to remain that way. He was 11 years old when his father began the healing campaigns that took him back and forth across the country and around the world. Our Website www.endtimesmessages.com is a Religious Platform. Out into the land where this Message is going, from the East Coast to the West, from California to New York, down into the South, up into the North, out into the missions, and wherever It's going, and in this tabernacle. Because this would give you a great hold over God's people. maioria andam errantes no sabendo onde encontrar o verdadeiro caminho. He is the Healer, isnt He? Family and friends can send flowers and/or light a candle as a loving gesture for their loved one. I have always had respect for you as a brother in the faith. Please, Thou knowest my heart, and know how I love these people. The brethren who present themselves pius before the believers have also finished my husband Eddy who is an ordained minister having a diploma of the Tucson University. Mesquite trees ; the sound of its fury filled the air or filled with.... Others who were also cheated will have the courage to come under Eph.4:11, New Testement prophet prosperous. 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How Did Kim Le Mesurier Die, Articles B