If any chocolate maker would duplicate the recipe, they could have a best seller on their hands . I recognized the flavor instantly when given one some ten years ago (they used coconut oil and real chocolate). I remember a Saturday morning commercial where I actually saw the candy bar for the first time, and this is what made me go to the candy store and buy one. Ritter Sport Milk Chocolate Bars With Honey Salted Almonds: 11-Piece Box . My mom used to love these candybars, so I vaguely remember receiving these as treats until I was around 5 years old or so. Can anyone help? So sad when I couldn't find them anymore. What ever happened to that candy bar? I wish it were in color, but the book is printed in B&W. I loved and remembered this bar like it was yesterday I only had them a couple times they were sold at our Hospital gift shop in Indiana I never saw them anywhere else and nobody I ever ask had heard of the them. Besides its unique taste, texture and so forth, it was no more of a threat to keeping one awake til midnight than any other candy bar. Had a former friend whose mother claimed to love them, but when she described it I knew she wasn't talking about the 10:30 Bar. Me as a child my mom and I used to buy these all the time. One of the best and most popular candy bars to come out of the 1980's! ALSO WHAT ABOUT GRETHER'S BLACKCURRANT PASTILLES, WHAT AN AWESOME TASTE THEY HAD, ANOTHER HARD TO FIND AND VERY EXPENSIVE TREAT. Submit a story or info about 10:30 candy bar,

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