Sofia (spelled Sophia) is the personification of wisdom and represents the Holy Spirit of the Christian trilogy. Julio also means Joves child and downy-bearded, which speaks to its Roman association with youth. Its the Spanish version of the Latin Julias, used initially for Julius Caesar and now for the little king, youre expecting. Maceo is a famous leader in the Caribbean Islands and the name means "gift of God". Another fun way to hunt for a name is by using our Baby Name Generator. Cuba is one of the world leading countries in terms of gender equality. Olo - This German-origin Cuban name means "famous land.". Bemb (Spanish), regarded as a spiritual name, it means "prophet" in Cuban and Spanish. Marcellus. In Cuba, Beatriz symbolizes a girl who brings joy and happiness to her surroundings. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or consultation. 41) Castilo (Greek origin), which means "beautiful". We urge you to note the meaning and histories of these names, as a proper name will play a significant role in your babys forthcoming life. Felicia, the feminine form of the Latin name Felix, means "fortunate.". There are many popular names across the Spanish-speaking . Traditional outfits involve bright colors, such as red, orange, purple and baby blue and patterns such as stripes and polka dots. HANDMADE . This is the name of a region in France, but it's been in use as a girl's given name since the late nineteenth century. Wikolia: Meaning "victorious". Maritsa, Marisol, Juan, & Roberto -- However, there are so many others that are terrific as well. Classic girl names include many of the most popular names today for baby girls. What are Cuban girl names? View the latest boy and girl Cuban names at Mom365. In Greece Acacia symbolizes any thorny tree. Charlotte symbolizes a free woman. Javiero is an alternative version of the Spanish Javier. We also see plenty of composite names (two first names, where the second is not a middle name) featuring Maria, like Maria Elena. The Latin name of the river Severn is Zabrina. who do not want to limit themselves when it comes to choosing the best name for their daughter, we have a list of Cuban names for girls. Yulenka represents youth, like soft-hair, lively face and behavior etc. Emeterio is a mysterious name based on the Latin Emeterius, a well-known Roman legionary and martyr. Adoncia is one of the more unique Cuban female names and specifically means as sweet as honey. With a gorgeous name like this, your baby girl can stay super sweet throughout her life. . Naming your child is the very first gift you will give to your baby. Layla was the main female protagonist in Arabic folklore, Qays and Layla. Name meaning: Work. ), Inspiration from the mundane Cohiba (Cigar brand), Marzano (Tomato brand), Terms borrowed from other cultures Primalux (First light in Latin), Alegria (Spanish, Delight), Zelia (Greek, Sunshine), Havana (Spanish, Heaven) (Dutch, Port), Orquidea (Spanish, Orchid), Telma (Spanish, Willful, volition), Mirana (Spanish, Wonderful, adored), Touissant (French, All saints), Ixtaro (Basque, Hope), Abeni (African, One that is prayed for), Hadiza (African, First) (Arabic, One who lacks desire), Ignatia (Latin, The fiery one), Mae (English, Precious pearl), Yekatrina (Russian, Pure), Mariazinha (Portuguese, Rebellious, wished for child), Agueda (Portuguese, Good-hearted), Evora (Portuguese, One who lives near trees), Teresinha (Portuguese, Huntress, harvester), Zamira (Albanian, Sweet voice) (Hebrew, Nightingale) (Arabic, Conscientious), Angelica (Latin, Messenger of God), Celeste (Latin, Heavenly), Rina (Hebrew, Song of joy), Catalina (Spanish, Pure), Bernanda (Spanish, Strong as a bear), Veronica (Spanish, She that brings joy), Jaqueline (French, Supplanter), Taraji (Swahili, Faith, hope), Yelena (Russian, Shining light), Safia (Arabic, Sincere friend)(Swahili, Pure), Manuela (Spanish, God is with us), Kamaria (Swahili, Bright as the moon), Elianny (Dominican, My God has answered), Vea (Jamaican, Seen), Viviana (Latin, Alive), Ardentia (Latin, Burning passion), Charo (Spanish, Rosary, free person), Anele (Zulu, Enough), Yvette (French, Yew, archer), Thalia (Greek, Flourishing), Oratile (African, Origin), Aische (Arabic, She who lives), Daphne (Greek, Laurel), Melissa (Greek, Honeybee), Paz (Spanish, Peace), Altagracia (Spanish, Of high grace), Izora (Gothic, Dawn), Nika (Russian, Victory), Femi (Yoruba, Love me), Cancion (Spanish, Song), Lur (Spanish, Earth), Amani (Swahili, Peaceful), Kiara (Swahili, Princess)(Italian, Light, clear), Merida (Spanish, Victory of Augustus), Aida (Arabic, Return, bring back) (Greek, Happy, distinguished), Leta (Latin, Glad, filled with joy), Aayla (Arabic, Mountain top), Ronica (Jamaican, Strong image, true guidance), Mariposa (Spanish, Butterfly), Cafecita (Object, coffee), Yocelyn (Variation, Jocelyn [Hebrew, joyful]), Karolay (Variation, Carolyn [Italian, strong]), Secundila (Term, Second daughter), Yuree (Variation, Yuri [Russian, light of God]), Darianna (Variation, Darius [Persian, possess]), Talango (Song, Tingo Talango) (Type of instrument that is neither string nor wood), Espumita (Object, Sweetened coffee), Meylin (Variation, Maylin, [Chinese, beautiful jade]), Osanna (Variation, Hosanna [Hebrew, praise]), Mivida (Term, My life), Carboncillo (Object, Charcoal), Cobija (Object, Blanket), Lucely (Variation, Lucia [Latin, light]), Desirada (Variation, Desiree [French, much desired]), Osvaldo (Famous Figure Osvaldo Dortics Torrado, Former Cuban president), Celia (Famous Figure Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa), Katiuska (Object, Russian artillery truck), Yasmin (Variation, Jasmine [Persian, Gift from God, fragrant flower]), Renei (Variation, Renee [French, reborn]), Kehinde (Term, Second born among twins), Usmail (Object, US Mail), Consuela (Variation, Consuelo [Latin, comfort]), Nikola (Variation, Nikolai [Russian, Victory of the people]), Yaime (Variation, Jaime [Spanish, may God protect]), Zapote (Object, Evergreen tree, Sapodilla), Martiperez (Famous Figure Jos Julin Mart Prez, National hero of Cuba), Kenia (Variation, Kenya [African, striped one]), Dayana (Variation, Diana [Latin, divine, luminous, perfection]), Quito (Term, Fifth), Quisiera (Term, Id like), Horquilla (Object, Hairpin), Iona (Object, Canvas), Felicitas (Famous Figure Roman goddess of Fortune), Islabella (Song, Cuba Isla Bella), Fosforera (Term, Match lighter), Eleanore (Variation, Eleanora [Italian, sun ray, the merciful]), Neoma (Variation, Naomi [Hebrew, pleasantness]), Elodee (Variation, Elodia [German, foreign riches]), Trementina (Object, Turpentine), Estrella (Object, Star), Azucar (Object, Sugar), Dulce (Famous Figure Dulce Beatriz, Cuban impressionist painter), Aspasia (Famous Figure Aspasia of Miletus), Yaidyn (Variation, Jaidyn [Spanish, precious gemstone]), Combinations of other names often parents, but some exceptions exist, Reversals of existing names or words may be difficult to spell, complicating your childs life, Combinations of other words usually with similar meaning, though not always, Airam (Maria, reversed), Arove (Evora, reversed), Anir (Rina, reversed), Saltuka (Salto + Kuruka, words that both mean Jump), Fernila (Fernando + Tranquila), Luisara (Luise + Sara), Malesia (Malik + Lesia), Ainek (Kenia, reversed), Ligeluce (Ligera + Luce, words that both mean Light), Ylecul (Lucely, reversed), Arozi (Izora, reversed), Felaji (Felix + Taraji), Diena (Diego + Yelena), Arimaz (Zamira, reversed), Fitabaria (Fitore + Irabaza + Victoria, words that all mean Win), Ailez (Zelia, reversed), Yaselle (Yago + Giselle), Ireoma (Ireneo + Neoma), Etalocohc (Chocolate, reversed), Aramas (Samara, reversed), Sukhegria (Sukha + Alegria, words that both mean Joy). Thus, Caritas became the word to denote charity as well as to symbolize a generous woman. Lyron. Get inspiration for baby names with our most popular Cuban girl names that are trending now. Euxenio also means born into royalty and is more common than Eugenio. Cuban people use the word Ivelisse to denote beautiful or lovely girls. The other variations of this name are Callidorah, Kalida, Calida. Alejandra means the protector of humanity. Irene was the name of several saints in ancient history. She believes that parenting is messy, and that's okay. Lisandra is the female version of Alexander and Lysander. If you want to give your baby boy a name with vintage vibes, then Marcellus is a good choice. Andrea is the feminine form of the masculine name Andrew and Andre. All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It originated from the Latin word Umbra or Umbrella and English word umbrella. Vivion - This masculine Spanish name means "lively..". Ava is the mini version of the name Avis. 142. The tiny island is home to a myriad of rich cultural combinations, as are their names. Harp is a musical instrument with parallel strings. Popularity: Amelia ranks #6 and Emilia . It also means God accompanies us in German, and you can use Manu, Nela, or Lala as nicknames. Are Cuban names Spanish? Federico is the Spanish version of the German Frederick. Here are our favorite 100 beautiful Greek girl names, complete with accurate meanings, spellings, nicknames, pronunciations, and more. If so, youre at the right place! Edita also means strife for wealth in English and wealth in Italian. In fact, the most popular name for girls in Mexico is Maria Guadalupe. The Spanish word of the emerald gemstone is Ezmeralda. The dog made headlines all over the world, especially in Argentina, England, and her native Cuba, where she was praised and loved. It is a renowned female name. Some Trendy Cuban Boy Names With Meanings, Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. The name Jaquinda represents the beauty of attractive women. Matilde means strong in battle. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Cuban names are famous for being different and against the norm, and can be a great place to find inspiration for . GIRLS; Rank: Numbers: First names: 1: 3: Veronica: 2: 3: Samantha: 3: 2: Irma: Why are Cuban names so weird? If you want to seal the fact by giving her a name like that, pick it. Heres our list of Cuban baby boy names and baby girl names to help you with your choice. Derived from the Hebrew name Jamilah, Yemilet means attractive. 29. Its a popular tradition in Cuba to rank their daughter according to their birth order. It means the lady who always hears or reciprocates. It is a derivation from the Masculine word Manuel and Hebrew Emanuel. It means 'sweet.'. Its also the name of the capital city of Ecuador, the second-highest capital in the world. Ramon also means wise protector. Its the Spanish version of the Germanic Raginmund, made up of ragin, meaning advice, and mund, meaning protector. You might best recognize it as another form of Raymond, with a twist. Even the beauty of the Capital of Cuba once forced its citizens to name it as Havana in 1592. In Greek mythology, Calliope was a mighty woman who had a vast interest and skill in song, art, and poetry.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'nameandnames_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nameandnames_com-leader-3-0'); Carys means a beloved one or a person who deserves immense love and care. Edelira (Spanish origin) means "noble heritage", and is a common girls' name in Cuba. As a Latin name Befle indicates an attractive and loving woman. Lyron is a popular Barabadian name of Hebrew origin. The names we have are Louis, Jasper and Beauden. Mia shares the same origin as the Slavic word Mila. The names in this category are more a reflection of their cultural overlap, rather than the unique approach Cuba has to names. Like Paulo does for Italy, Pablo honors Spanish culture while providing the most adorable name for your little guy to enjoy. In the 4th century, there was a brave martyred princess named Ursula. Dalila also means fragile, guide, and model. Its another version of the Hebrew Delilah, the name of the temptress who cut Samsons hair in the Bible. Severa comes from the Latin Severus, meaning strict or stern. It also means austere, but it appears as one of the more pretty Cuban female names than its meaning would have you believe. It means brightness or sunshine. The cocktail's creation is now traced back to the city of Havana, where it was made using natural ingredients found in remedies and medicines. Posidio refers to Poseidon, the ancient Greek sea god. Children are always precious to their parents. Basilio is the Spanish and Portuguese version of Basil, from the Latin Basilius. Parents often name their girls flowers. Several of the Top 10 girl names in the US could be considered classics, from the Number 1 Olivia to Emma, Charlotte, Sophia, and Amelia. On our page you can find a list of the most popular names in Cuba. The inspiration doesn't stop here. Came from Gaelic mythology, Casey has several meanings. Get inspired by Cuban boy & girl names: traditional, modern, cool, and trendy names with unique meanings & origins that are best for babies - some even for pet cats and dogs, too! Where Mila means darling, Mia denotes something so dear and near to heart. There you have it the ultimate list of powerful, beautiful, and inspiring Cuban baby names for your little chiquito. Aleja - This is a variant of the English name Alexandra and it means 'defender of mankind.'. Traditional Biblical Girl Names. After all, the country is very rich in terms of the culture and history. It is a popular Spanish name that means affectionate. However, there are still some of the more old-fashioned Cuban names in modern Cuban culture more on those later. By origin, it is Spanish and derived from the masculine word Benecio.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'nameandnames_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_19',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nameandnames_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); The feminine word of Benito, Benita means blessed. Rosie 10. The other basis of this name is the Latin word Carmen and the English word Charm. Related: 120 Pretty Botanical-Inspired Baby Girl Names to Use in 2022. Cute Cuban Boy Names to Consider (With Meanings) 1. Willow 14. TwinsCraftSupplies. Lora: The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Pearl is on the Cute Old-Fashioned Girl Names list. The list of most popular Cuban last names might help illustrate just how diverse Cuban culture is these days. This Latin-rooted name means 'star-like' or 'love' and is a variant of the Greek and Old Norse name 'Asta.'. Cuban names tend to be influenced by their close neighbors. Belarmina symbolizes beautiful armor. The name Tranquila will always remind your princess to follow calmness no matter whatever the situation is. Kids are always special to their parents, but a daughter is always dad's dearest one. These are the best Cuban girl names, and some can even be used to give your cat or dog a name with deep origins & traditional roots. It originally meant peaceful ruler, but it also became magical counsel for mystical young boys. 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