These elements are interconnected to form the whole structure. The same element stiffness matrix can be obtained by calculating using interpolation and shape functions,. The stiffness, in general, can be a function of material properties, material orientation, geometric dimensions, loading directions, type of constraint, and choice of spatial region, where loads and constraints are applied. Explanation: Truss is a structure that consists of only two force members only. 09.30.2022 b) Upper triangular matrix What are the basic unknowns on stiffness matrix method? Use of quadratic interpolation leads to more accurate results. The stiffness matrix is an inherent property of a structure. Production quality parts without the tooling investment. C. impacts to the surface by debris. 7-15 AMA037 Answer: c geometry/distribution, and properties of the con-stituent phases, it is possible to design materials with property combinations that are better than those found in the metal alloys, ceramics, and polymeric materials. c) Force c) 22 b) Zigzag 6. They are a subset of anisotropic materials, because their properties change when measured from different directions. a) x-, y- co-ordinates Two Dimensional Finite Element Formulation,, Explanation: Concerning the specification of the displacements (the primary degrees of freedom) and forces (the secondary degrees of freedom) in a finite element mesh, in general, only one of the quantities of each of the pairs (ux, tx) and (uy, ty) is known at a nodal point in the mesh. For a body with multiple DOF, to calculate a particular direct-related stiffness (the diagonal terms), the corresponding DOF is left free while the remaining should be constrained. b) yx0 Answer: c Lower order polynomials are chosen as shape functions. a) 1616 C. low speed and low pressure drills. d) Elemental matrix Stiffness matrix is _____ Answer: a a) One However, if we want to relate the 1D model with the 0D model, we have to imagine that the entire beam is being approximated by a single spring. Is there any spatial inhomogeneity in the material properties? For plane elasticity problems, which type of boundary condition is represented by the equation txxxnx+xyny, where txis surface traction force and n is direction cosine? Answer: a a) Dimensions Follow For Latest Updates, Study Tips & More Content! 27. a) Degrees of freedom What is the use of homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation? of a body is a measure of the resistance offered by an elastic body to deformation. 22. The gussets are added to increase the part stiffness and strength, but how do we calculate this without extensive hand calculations? Answer: a 10. Explanation: If an external force acts to give the particles of the system some small initial velocity and kinetic energy will developed in that body then the point where kinetic energy decreased that point is Stable equilibrium point and the point where the kinetic energy dramatically increased then the point is called Unstable equilibrium points. c) Isotropic material Also worth noting is the stiffness performance of the tube as compared to solid bar stock. Explanation: The amount of heat transferred is directly proportional to the temperature change. Which relations are used in one dimensional finite element modeling? c) Elements of elements 1. Here B is element strain displacement matrix. structures must be constructed of A. eliminates the need for vacuum bagging. At node 33, the beam is pulled towards positive x; thus, the effective force at 33 is positive. b) Equation Quadratic shape functions give much more _______ In the Finite Element Method, if two different values of the same degree of freedom are specified at a point, then such point is called as a singular point. Global stiffness K is a______ matrix. b) Iterative equations For bending about the y-axis (i.e., force acting along the z-direction), we can express it as: For bending about the z-axis (i.e., force acting along the y-direction), we can express it as: Therefore, the equivalent bending stiffness in 1D would be the ratio of the maximum out-of-plane displacement and the bending load at the location where the force is being applied. 5. These composites usually utilize a polymer matrix that exhibits high damping capacity, but low stiffness. As an external force tries to deform an elastic body, the body resists the force. The condition that nodes at the internal radius have to displace radially by , a large stiffness C is added to the _____ For example, if a plastic coat hanger is too flimsy to hold a piece of clothing without sagging so much that the clothing falls off, then its not worth much. 7-24 AMA037 Surface element may refer to an infinitesimal portion of a 2D surface, as used in a surface integral in a 3D space. When an orthotropic plate is loaded parallel to its material axes, it results normal strains. C. thermocure. Well put all the important information into our deflection calculator, as shown below: Our calculator predicts that the beam will deflect 0.144 at the end, which sounds like a pretty reasonable number. Explanation: For the given object we firstly write an element connectivity table and then we check that where the load is acting on that object and next we write the element stiffness matrix of each element. The dimension of Kbandedis _____ (Here NBW is half bandwidth) a) xx=0 b) On element Where the members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a single object. The Cutometer applies a vacuum to the skin and measures the extent to which it can be vertically distended. Both Solidworks and CREO/ProE have this function, which is especially useful when looking at complex geometries. a) Force The element stiffness matrix is zero for most values of iand j, for which the corresponding basis functions are zero within Tk. d) --Co-ordinates 8. 2018 ). If we require a small force, F, to deform the body by an infinitesimally small amount, u, then the ratio of these two quantities would give us the stiffness of the body at the operating point denoted by the state variables F0 and u0. c) Initial strain Explanation: Elasticity is the part of solid mechanics that deals with stress and deformation of solid continua. a) Isotropic a) A1/A Copyright 2021 Quizack . Mechanical Engineering a) Programming equations Explanation: By elimination approach method we can construct a global stiffness matrix by load and force acting on the structure or an element. Some shapes perform better in certain load cases than others, and some parts need to be bigger to accommodate higher loads. b) Y direction a) Minimum stresses The equation u=Nq is a _____ representation. 3. The COMSOL software also allows you to use the Timoshenko beam theory, which would be more appropriate for the accurate 1D modeling of low aspect ratio structures. %%EOF 7. Under plane stress condition in the XYZ Cartesian system, which stress value is correct if a problem is characterized by the stress field xx=xx(x,y), yy=yy(x,y) and zz=0? Answer: a For constant strain elements the shape functions are ____ Learn about our company, leadership, and mission to transform the manufacturing industry. Explanation: A unidirectional (UD) fabric is one in which the majority of fibers run in one direction only. b) yx=0 The stiffness has to be a restoring force. The geometric deformation increases with the square of the rotation of the element. d) Singular matrix a) Large circular sections c) Diagonal locations 43. b) All external loads are coplanar a) Derivatives a) xy=0 Therefore by this relation element stiffness matrix can be obtained by material property matrix. Answer: c Answer: c Explanation: The best elements are those that approach an equilateral triangular configuration. Discretization can be done. d) Thermal stress Arjan82. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. 20. For an element as given below, what will be the 1STelement stiffness matrix? c) Linear equations In these equations, the term I denotes the second area moment of inertia and is a function of the direction about which the beam bends. Answer: a a) 9 I have a question. Answer: c Answer: b Answer: a The length dimensions are assumed to be _____ In the SI system, rotational stiffness is typically measured in newton-metres per radian. Analyzing HIFU Propagation Through a Tissue Phantom, The History and Science Behind Vinyl Records, Why Do Tennis Rackets Tumble? The determinant of an element stiffness matrix is always One zero depends on size of [K] Two Show Answer 2. a) D*+f=u b) 12.04*106psi In these equations, we have used the displacement (w) along the z-direction for representational purposes. In the two dimensional elements the x-, y-, co-ordinates are mapped onto -,, co-ordinates. C. firm fit. 7-42 AMA078 25. Fitting Hyperelastic Material Parameters from Test Data 3.9.Summary 3.10.Exercises 6. vacuum bag the repair. Explanation: The shape functions are physically represented by area co-ordinates. A. water jet cutter. b) = b) Spherically 24. Answer: d Answer: c The structure stiffness matrix [S] is obtained by assembling the stiffness matrices for the individual elements of the structure. Answer: d For a circular pipe under internal or external pressure, by symmetry all points move _____ 1. c) f=[fx,fy]T Body forces contrast with the contact forces or the classical definition of the surface forces which are exerted to the surface of the body. 13. How many nodes are there in a hexahedron element? Even the simplest designs can be sensitive to part stiffness. Press fit on elastic shaft, may define pairs of nodes on the contacting boundary, each pair consisting of one node on the _____ and one on the ______ Finite element method is used for computing _____ and _____ b)M X N, where M is no of rows and N is no of columns 12.1 is separated into three components. Explanation: Coarse mesh is more accurate in getting values. It is computed by integrating the strain energy density over the entire volume of the structure. Body forces contrast with contact forces or the classical definition of surface forces which are exerted to the surface of the object. All rights reserved. C. dirt and foreign substances from between In this case, u would be maximum at x = L where its value would be u_{max}=FL/EA. composite construction is This indicates that this end is fixed, while the downward facing arrow on the right end indicates a load in that direction. a) Uniformly When rivets or nuts and bolts are used, slotted holes throughout their Academic career. The sleeve fits snugly, and then the temperature is raised by _____ a) Kinetic energy d) Kinematic energy machined off. C. 250 - 300 F. Answer: a Apr 19, 2013 #8 AlephZero Science Advisor Homework Helper 7,025 297 ThurmanMurman said: Shape function is just a ___________ Explanation: The boundary conditions require that points along x and n are constrained normal to the two lines respectively. 24. b) Finite The stiffness of the spring is defined as, (2) The image below illustrates what this means. Explanation: For a global stiffness matrix, a structural system is an assemblage of number of elements. C. two, one at the heat source and one at the furthest 7-30 AMA037 The Dzhanibekov Effect Explained. Element stiffness is obtained with respect to its ___ 's prostate biopsy is positive for cancer, with a Gleason score of 7. a) Zero b) Point loads only a) Potential energy method 458 0 obj <> endobj A stiffness matrix represents the system of linear equations that must be solved in order to as certain an approximate solution to the differential equation. Composite materials are traditionally used in these applications because their stiffness and energy dissipation can be tuned by selection of the matrix and reinforcement. Explanation: The loading on an element includes body force; traction force & point load. Since the translation along x is constrained, U9=U19=U29=0. Last edited on 25 February 2023, at 17:23, "Collagen-Based Biomaterials for Wound Healing",, torsional stiffness - the ratio of applied, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 17:23. b) Programming functions Now that we know the formulas, lets put them to use with our Area Moment of Inertia Calculator to provide a method for how to calculate stiffness and deflection. 9. c) Strain and displacement The first step is adding a large number C to the diagonal elements of the stiffness matrix. At the end of the shift, 2535mL2535 \mathrm{~mL}2535mL were emptied from the drainage bag of the irrigation system. In the SAE system, rotational stiffness is typically measured in inch-pounds per degree. a) Element and node To solve the problem it subdivides a larger problem into smaller, simpler parts that are called finite elements. A. room temperature. 7-29 AMA037 Answer: a C. Beads left by polymerizable cements are readily CBC, lipid profile, UA, and blood chemistry findings are all within normal limits. The force and displacement along the y-direction can be correlated using the stiffness k_{yy}=\frac{Eb^3t}{4L^3}. An example of this is provided later.) b) U19=0 The ' element ' stiffness relation is: (30.3.11) [ K ( e)] [ u ( e)] = [ F ( e)] Where (e) is the element stiffness matrix, u(e) the nodal displacement vector and F(e) the nodal force vector. When we look at the magnitude of deflection in the FEA studies, we can see that the smaller tube deflected by 152% more than the larger tube. One dimensional element is the linesegment which is used to model bars and trusses. Answer: d c) Eigen values Many of the One- dimensional problems banded matrix has only 2 columns then NBW=2. c) Uniparametric 19. This further reduces the number of material constants to 21. a) True 623644. For these shapes, the dimensions we need to consider are the outer diameter, the inner diameter (if were looking at a tube), and the length. Answer: c Explanation: A constant strain element is used to provide an approximate solution to the 2D domain to the exact solution of the given differential equation. b) =EB b) Force matrix a) Structure d) U20=0 Explanation: The total potential energy of an elastic body is defined as sum of total strain energy and the work potential energy. Body force is denoted as Boundary conditions can be easily considered by using _______ 7. b) Co-efficient of linear expansion Explanation: The relationship between the stress and strain that a particular material displays is known as that particular materials stressstrain curve. 21. His symptoms included nocturia times two and a history of erectile dysfunction. Size of stiffness matrix is defined as: Explanation: The relationship is that connects the displacement fields with the strain is called strain displacement relationship. c) Both element force vectors and point loads The shear deformation taken into account when using the Timoshenko beam theory will, through the shear modulus, have a slight dependence on Poissons ratio, so we need to incorporate that in the material data as well. For orthotropic materials, we would need to specify unique values for the Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and shear modulus. 36. Stresses due to rigid body motion are _______________ FDM, SLS, SLA, PolyJet, MJF technologies. 20. c) Circularly Explanation: Stiffness matrix represents the system of linear equations that must be solved in order to ascertain an approximate solution to the differential equation. By temperature effect Vertical stress load vary linearly. d) Loads 7-23 AMA037 b) Notches and fillets Computer Engineering hi can anyone help me in finding out? The global stiffness matrix is constructed by assembling individual element stiffness matrices. 1. remove the damage. Such cases will be discussed in a future blog post. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. b) Symmetric and square Fictivs quality-controlled ecosystem improves quality reliability to unblock innovation. We know that As shown here, you can create a switch using the if() operator and the names (such as associated with the Load Groups, such that only one component of the force vector can be made nonzero at a time when you are solving the same model for several load cases. radiography are most effective finding defects Answer: a b) Aluminum {\displaystyle k,} C. allows circulation of the heated air for a more C. 1, 3, and 4. C. poor formability. In general, when there are non-linear effects, either due to material, geometry or boundary condition non-linearity (contacts), then the element or structural stiffness matrix tends to get non-symmetric during the analysis. a) Displacement eliminate corrosion. a) Stable equilibrium points Typical problems areas of interest include structure analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport and electromagnetic potential etc..,. a) Nodal displacements The load is applied on the periphery of the circle and supported at the bottom. 14. C. 50:50. 13. The formula for a tubes area MOI is shown below: In this example, the area MOI is the same about both axes, but with shapes like rectangles, thats not always the case. a) U9=0 b) 11 30. Low order polynomials are typically chosen as shape functions. to use b) Element B.19. In shape functions, _________ must be continuous across the element boundary. b) Considered d) No traction force b) uTT Answer: d 33. PDFs for offline use. We take free online Practice/Mock test for exam preparation. Each MCQ is open for further discussion on discussion page. All the services offered by McqMate are free. 2. / a) Co-ordinates d) Parabolic The strain energy is the elastic energy stored in a deformed structure. What is the total size of the assembled stiffness matrix of a plane elastic structure such that its finite element mesh has eight nodes and two degrees of freedom at each node? x=N1x1+N2x2 Each triangle formed by three nodes and three sides is called a ______ The stiffness and force modifications are made to account for the boundary conditions. b) Linear surface d) Minimum potential energy theorem a) Computer functions The full stiffness matrix Ais the sum of the element stiffness matrices. Explanation: When the workload increases on the system, the machine scales up by adding more RAM, CPU and storage spaces. b) Skew symmetric matrix. Note that the torsional stiffness has dimensions [force] * [length] / [angle], so that its SI units are N*m/rad. d) Dirichlet boundary condition B. hazing. They produce a hazy residue and should be used only The _____ and ______ can vary linearly. 13. Specifically, it measures the fractional change in size per degree change in temperature at constant pressure. Hence, in a constant strain within the element. Lets consider a very simple situation. A node may be limited in calculated motions for a variety of reasons. When inspecting a composite panel using the ring test/ a) Radially Stress, strain, thermal conductivity, magnetic susceptibility and electrical permittivity are all second rank tensors. This is called isoparametric formulation in literature. listed if standards is not an option). Explanation: The constant strain triangle or cst is a type of element used in finite element analysis which is used to provide an approximate solution in a 2D domain to the exact solution of a given differential equation. As node 22 is located at the center, it is neither pushed nor pulled; thus, the effective force at node 22 is always zero., Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one, More Mechanical Engineering MCQ Questions, The force required to produce unit displacement is, The distributed force per unit area on the surface of the body is, Domain is divided into some segments called, Unit of body force acting on every elemental volume of the body is, ________ are used to find the nodal displacements in all parts of element. 1. 3D printing was used to manufacture specimens using a tough and impact-resistant thermoplastic material, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). After consulting with his urologist, A.B. d) Unique points a) 2- direction and 1- direction c) Equilibrium points d) Reaction force In finite element modeling every element connects to _______ Given below, What will be the 1STelement stiffness matrix is constructed assembling... An elastic body to deformation the loading on an element includes body force traction. The irrigation system of quadratic interpolation leads to more accurate in getting values selection of the irrigation.... Unidirectional ( UD ) fabric is one in which the majority of fibers run in one direction only his included! The surface of the resistance offered by an elastic body, the machine scales up by more... Take free online Practice/Mock Test for exam preparation below, What will be in... Is raised by _____ a ) stiffness matrix depends on material or geometry Copyright 2021 Quizack below, What will be discussed in a constant within! 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