Medicare Plan Finder, Medicare can be very confusing. SHINE is here to assist you with your questions about Medicare. To set an appointment, call Tri-Valley's I & R department at 1-800-286-6640. Trained counselors are available to help older adults understand the ins and outs of Medicare, Medicaid and health insurance. You will need to leave a voicemail with your name, the city or town in which you live and a number where you can be reached during the day. SHINE is here to assist you with your questions about Medicare. Please do not include personal or contact information. Learn more. To make an appointment with a SHINE Counselor near you, call 1-800-243-4636 to reach your most local Regional SHINE Office or call your local Senior Center. Please note: Protect your private information. We can determine if you are able to make a plan change. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. County. Did you recently receive our mailing? SHINE Counselors are also available to meet at other community locations. Use this button to show and access all levels. As healthcare information is always changing and headlining the news, counselors benefit from SHINE's monthly trainings held in each region throughout the year. We can analyze your needs and compare available plans to find you the most comprehensive coverage at the best price for you. Insurance Counseling Assistance and Referrals for Elders (I-CARE) 1-800-868-9095. Top tasks Find a SHINE counselor Become a SHINE counselor What you need to know The 2016 SHINE Spring Training will take place . Download Falls PI and Attachments final 1.6.2017, Download Here is the info for the Carolina Geriatric Education Center, Posted on March 30, 2018 in Announcements, Care Guides | Permalink, Presenter- Paul Halfmann, MPH, RS, Assistant DirectorCommunity Sanitation Program Massachusetts Department of Public Health. If you receive Extra Help through the Limited Income Subsidy, a federal assistance program for those with low income and low assets, you can change your Medicare prescription drug coverage at any time during the year. SHINE. of How Can The SHINE Program Help With Your Medicare Questions? SHINE also offers educational seminars to those approaching retirement and/or going on Medicare. Please limit your input to 500 characters. To schedule a phone appointment with a SHINE Counselor, please call: 508-422-9931 For more information see the link below: Please limit your input to 500 characters. 02630, e-mail: To make an appointment to speak with a SHINE counselor contact your local Council on Aging or call (413) 499-0524 or (800) 544-5242, and ask for the SHINE Program. SHINE Counselors Integrity Medicare Advisors Fallon Health Senior Care Products Senior Whole Health Health Screenings and Programs Housing Advisors Information and Referral Knitting and Crochet Group Legal Aid Referral Monthly Newsletter Movie Matinee Notary Public Services Quilter's Guild Resource Assessment Safe Driver Education SHINE Paul Halfmann presented a workshop on Bed Bugs Practices and Resources at the October 11 2017 annual Mass Home Care Association meeting. Perhaps at other times of the year if the type of plan you have allows the change or if you are entitled to a Special Enrollment. The SHINE program supports the Florida Department of Elder Affairs mission by providing free and unbiased health insurance counseling through a dedicated network of volunteers, empowering Florida seniors to make informed health care choices. 271 Boston MA 02201: 617-635-4366: Boston Public Health Commission: 1010 Massachusetts Ave Boston, MA 02118: 617-534-5050: SHINE Counselors on staff at these agencies, and available to assist their . Suggestions are presented as an open option list only when they are available. TTY/ASCll (800) 439-2370. School counselors who work with bullies help them to better understand the impact of their behavior. Other Programs & Services Other locations can be found by calling 800-243-4636, or by visiting the SHINE website. Jun 2017 - Jul 20172 months. Some of our outreach and counseling sites may still be closed. The Woburn Council on Aging is a municipal, volunteer board appointed by the Mayor. . Days/Hours of Service. Our counselor understands the nuances of health insurance and is here to help seniors maneuver their way through the health insurance system. The SHINE Program provides free and unbiased health information, counseling, and assistance toMedicare beneficiaries of all ages and their caregivers. Project SHINE is a 3-year program funded through a grant from Health and Human Services. Thank You For Registering for the Meals on Wheels Walkathon! f. 508/362-0290. MCPHS University Pharmacy Outreach Program, Greater Boston Legal Services - Medicare Advocacy Project, contact the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Become a SHINE Counselor In the Spring and Summer, the SHINE Program holds training classes to prepare new volunteers to join the ranks of the esteemed people known as SHINE Counselors. Case management . 3195 Main St, PO Box 427 Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Columbia, South Carolina. Please call (781) 631-6225 to make an appointment. The Hampden County SHINE Program offers services in town or city Senior Centers, Greater Springfield Senior Services Inc., Baystate Medical Center, Holyoke Medical Center, and many senior housing complexes. We're still open! The SHINEProgram is supportedby the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in partnership with elder service agencies, social services agencies, and the Councils on Aging. South Carolina I-CARE. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. We invite you to find out more about SHINE and what you can do to help. The SHINE program is currently accepting applications for a new SHINE counselor training in the spring (dates TBD). Learn More. A volunteer informational session via Zoom has been scheduled on February 10, 2022, at 10am to learn about this opportunity. SHINE counselors hold regularly-scheduled sessions at Council on Aging sites throughout Berkshire County and are available to assist consumers via telephone. The intent of outreach is to identify elders with unmet needs and to increase . Please limit your input to 500 characters. Counselors Posted on February 13, 2023 at 02:27 PM in ASAP, Business Rule, Home Care | Permalink. Observed over 200 hours of . is this preventive service covered at 100% by Medicare? If you are interested in hosting a counseling site at your facility or are interested in volunteering for SHINE in your community, please contact the liaison listed above. If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. To schedule an appointment with a counselor call: 617-522-9270 or contact your local Regional SHINE Program Office or senior center at: SHINE Telephone Directory by Town (PDF) . Contact Us . Community Outreach/Activism Skill Chapter Relations Administrator Income Estimation: $77,401 - $114,577 Site Name. The SHINE Program ensures that Medicare beneficiaries have access to accurate information regarding healthcare options. Call the Holliston Senior Center at (508) 429-0622 to make a phone appointment with a certified SHINE counselor. Sexuality education can reinforce the rights of youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities to make informed choices and participate in their communities in the ways they want. Medicare Plan Changes and Your Changing Needs Medicare Plan Changes for 2012: Our screening process starts with the candidate filling out a Volunteer Application. We welcome feedback on ways to improve the sites accessibility. Free Medicare counseling service for new and current Medicare beneficiaries. Shine OnMissed Those Medicare Deadlines?Rx Coverage Still Available For Some. State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, list to help you prepare for your SHINE counseling session, Enrolling in Medicare Through the Social Security Administration (PDF), Tips on Troubleshooting Medicare Coverage Problems (PDF), Which Services Medicare Covers Related to COVID-19 and How to Access Care (PDF), How to Get Help with Tour Medicare Costs (PDF), Programs That Help People with Their Medicare Costs (PDF), What it Means for Your Medicare Coverage (PDF), Choosing Between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. 1st & 3rd Friday of each month, 3:00 PM-5:30 PM, face to face counseling available, no appointment necessary; call the first number above weekdays. To make an appointment with a SHINE Counselor near you, call 1-800-243-4636 to reach your most local Regional SHINE Office or call your local Senior Center. Contact SHINE through the state-wide line at 1-800-AGE-INFO (1-800-243-4636), then press or say 3. What Benefit Do I Receive Volunteering for SHINE? Senator Elizabeth Warren (202) 224-4543 or (617) 565-3170. Counselors assist clients through in-person appointments, phone, video conferencing (such as Zoom or FaceTime), email, or postal mail. Some of the plans are changing premiums and plans with drug coverage may change formularies and co-pays. Learn how to make informed Medicare enrollment decisions and avoid penalties or gaps in coverage (PDF). SHINE counselors provide assistance in the 54 communities of Franklin County and parts of Hampshire, Hampden and Worcester counties. SHINE is here to offer you assistance with your Medicare decisions - at no cost! Raymond A. Jordan Senior Center Hampden County SHINE ProgramCoordinator. If so, welcome! A lock icon ( If you need assistance, please contact the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. You have their backs. Tri-Valley hosts a SHINE Counselor twice monthly (2 nd and 4 th Tuesdays). A copy of the guide can be downloaded by visiting the following link:, Posted on October 10, 2017 in Care Guides | Permalink, This area of contains information for Massachusetts. Bloomington/Normal, Illinois Area. People who have Medicare or who are about to become eligible for Medicare can meet with a counselor to learn about benefits and options available. Our free, ready-to-use toolkit for introducing your students to Common App. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. Please, register for the info session via email at The feedback will only be used for improving the website. Every year, there are changes among the Medicare Part D plans, Medicare Advantage (managed care) plans and Medicare supplement plans. Ed Roth & Kaye Peltier from the Central Mass SHINE program speak about the MassHealth Buy-In program and how people can qualify for assistance with medical and prescription coverage costs. Address. For a most recent listing, please click on the Counseling Sites and Community Events tabs at the top of the page. Hours Monday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm Tuesday - Thursday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm SHINE is here to offer you assistance with your Medicare decisions at no cost! MassRelay 711 or (800) 439-0183 (voice) TTY/ASCll (800) 439-2370 Email: If you have specific concerns or questions, feel free to contact the Regional Office of the Cape and Islands SHINE Program at 1-800-334-9999. South Dakota SHIINE. State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) 1-888-884-8721. SHINE provides unbiased health insurance counseling information and assistance to Massachusetts residents with Medicare, their caregivers and those approaching Medicare eligibility. 1 Father DeValles Boulevard Unit 8 Fall River, MA 02723 Phone: (508) 675-2101 TTY: or MassRelay 711 Fax: (774) 425-0445 Intern in the Genetic Counseling Department of the USC School of Medicine Specialty Clinics. We also offer excellent resources online through our website at, our Medicare 101 webinars, and our Facebook page: SHINE Central MA. Next to Common App, click Manage to land on your list of student requests. Click the link below to view the presentation:, Posted on December 1, 2017 in Announcements | Permalink, Tips and Techniques for Supporting Residents with Mental Illness, Download TipsandTechniques_Webinar_JFCS_FINAL, This one hour webinar will highlight some of the most important information in the guide that reviews the most common mental illnesses found in older adult populations. Our applicant and recommender support team is available 24/7/365 to assist you. Copyright State of Florida 2018 All Rights Reserved. If you are a member of MassHealth, a state assistance program for those with low income and low assets, you can also change your Medicare prescription drug coverage at any time during the year. Retail Distribution ChannelDevelopment for the assigned location. SHINE counselors are available to meet with you in person or by telephone. FREE confidential phone counseling is available on all aspects of health insurance to anyone on Medicare. View transcript What would you like to do? The SHINE (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders) Program is a health benefits peer counseling service which uses trained volunteers to assist elders with questions about Medicare, Medicare supplements, Medicare Health Maintenance Organizations, public benefits with health care components, Medicaid, free hospital care, [] How Can SHINE Help You? Medigap Supplement plans are not changing significantly in terms of coverage but for most plans, there are changes in premiums. contact the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. The Common App for recommenders is a free solution that helps counselors, teachers and other recommenders streamline the recommendation process and scale their college counseling efforts equitably across their entire student population. This presentation explains how bed bugs spread, self-protection from bringing them home, what your local board of health can do, plus inspections, types of treatments, how to prevent an infestation. Click on the registration link of your choice. The Prescription Advantage program is available to Massachusetts residents with low to moderate incomes. SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) is a statewide volunteer program that offers seniors, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers free, unbiased counseling on Medicare, prescription drugs, and other health insurance matters. Shine Initiative educates youth and young adults on mental health issues, provides local resources for professional treatment and works to remove the stigma associated with these common illnesses. Falls and fall-related injuries are a geriatric syndrome and a major threat to the independence and well-being of older adults. Create an Account for a Personalized Medicare Plan Finder Experience. Some of our outreach and counseling sites may still be closed. Senior Health Information and Insurance Education (SHIINE) Eastern South Dakota: 1-800-536-8197. SHINE services are free, unbiased, and confidential. During Open Enrollment (October 15th to December 7th). However, we are still providing our Virtual Medicare Classes! Click on the registration link of your choice. Nov 2017 - Oct 20192 years. The SHINE Program (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders) is a statewide program that provides free confidential counseling on all aspects of health insurance for Medicare beneficiaries of all ages and their caregivers. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. One-on-one counseling through SHINE is free, unbiased and . 877 South Street, Suite 4E Tai Chi for Arthritis Fall Prevention (Fort Myers), Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention (LaBelle). Also, if you are a member of Prescription Advantage and you do not have prescription drug coverage, you may enroll in a plan during the year outside of Open Enrollment. SHINE offers this training through monthly meetings which allow counselors to stay up-to-date with new healthcare policies and programs. know where to voice your concerns and who can help (learn more). A SHINE counselor volunteer is available at Cooley Dickinson by appointment only. Get more information on health care sessions, Blood Pressure Clinics, Legal Assistance with an Elder Law Attorney, Travelling Hairdresser and Notary Services. SHINE services are free, unbiased, and confidential. SHINE counselor (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders), a free health benefit counseling service Fuel assistance SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps) Property tax abatement / deferrals Housing Authority Ph: (413) 525-7057 Their mission is to support the independence of adults 60 and older by advocating for programs and services to meet their needs, promote the growth and quality of Councils on Aging and senior centers and strengthen the professional skills of Council on Aging staff. Other topics include SHINE services during the COVID pandemic. Please limit your input to 500 characters. They can also help students who are bullied build their self-esteem. Coordinating with Operations team for pre licensing, training, and licensing. This opportunity is especially important if you find that your prescription co-pays become unaffordable during the year. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. If you have other insurance needs . Every COA (Council on Aging) will also have SHINE counselors available as well you can call your local Senior Center to schedule an appointment. She is also a certified SHINE counselor and provides assistance with Medicare related enrollments. Learn More You're Not Alone 1 in 5 13-18 year olds experience a serious mental health condition 3 of 5 SHINE Counseling is a free service for people age 60 and older who live in Lynn, Lynnfield, Nahant, Saugus, or Swampscott. Please send us a message if you have any questions. things to consider, including costs, drugs and pharmacies, plan type, and benefits (PDF). There are various offerings among the separately managed mini-sites available here. "Looking at specific college websites is critical because that's where you will find . For a most recent listing, please click on the Counseling Sites and Community Events tabs at the top of the page. SHINE can help you by determining if you qualify to make a plan change. The SHINE Program is administered by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in partnership with elder service agencies, social service and community based agencies and Councils on Aging. (Ms. Every year there is a Medicare Advantage Plan Disenrollment Period that runs from January 1 to February 14. Request Assistance Need a Resource? S H I N E Serving Health Insurance Needs of Everyone Trained SHINE counselors offer free, in-person, unbiased, confidential counseling on all aspects of Medicare and related insurance programs. Call 978-829-1790 to schedule an appointment with a SHINE counselor (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders) or a Medicare Adviser. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. SHINE is the Massachusetts State Health Insurance Counseling Program (SHIP). Provide case management, linkage to community resources and prenatal education to women with at-risk pregnancies. SHINE Counseling, PLLC, Clinical Social Work/Therapist, Charlotte, NC, 28262, (912) 244-9305, Negative thoughts, feelings and self defeating behaviors can get in the way of us realizing our full . Learn about the recommender system Sign up for our counselor newsletter SHINE Counselors provide information on Medicare (Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D), Medigap insurance, prescription drug coverage, retiree insurance plans, Medicaid, and free or reduced-cost health care programs. Sonja Brewer, Regional Director, Cape & Islands SHINE Program. However, we are still providing our Virtual Medicare Classes! t. 508/375-6762 Download Falls PI and Attachments final 1.6.2017 Download Here is the info for the Carolina Geriatric Education Center The audience for 800ageinfo For Professionals is intended to be professionals in the Massachusetts elder network. Log in, If you suspect Medicare fraud, contact a SHINE counselor through the, Browse COVID-19 updates and information on how to stay safe, federal SHIP (State Health Insurance Program) network (PDF). If eligible, you have a special opportunity to change your coverage for a limited period of time. Everything you need to complete a Common App recommendation. Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries in people over age 65. and are responsible for significant disability, hospitalization, loss of independence, and reduced quality of life. TTY/ASCll (800) 439-2370. Appointments can be schedule by calling the Care management office at 413-582-2248. A community volunteer who is trained and certified by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in many areas ofhealthbenefits. To make an appointment to speak with a SHINE counselor contact your local Council on Aging or call (413) 499-0524 or (800) 544-5242, and ask for the SHINE Program. 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220 Central Park South Adam Weitsman, Articles S