The rich think their wealth protects them; they imagine themselves safe behind it. And so it stops the contentions. 1. III. And as the ear is one of the great inlets to instruction, it may here, with propriety, be considered as comprehending all the ways in which knowledge may be acquired.Wardlaw. A man's gift maketh room for him, And bringeth him before great men. A fool has no delight in understanding: The wise man or woman has great satisfaction in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. The man who hid the Lords talent was visited with a stern sentence as a positive transgressor (Matthew 25:25). 2 A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions. If our strength were as an army, and our lands not limited save with east and west, if our meat were manna, and our garments as the ephod of Aaron; yet the afflicted conscience would refuse to be cheered with all these comforts. He seeks according to his desire, and intermeddles with every business, pretends to pass a judgment upon every man's matter. I. Polygamy cannot be recommended by those who have practised it. This word, falling from heaven on the busy life of man, is echoed back from every quarter in a universal acknowledgment of its justness. This scripture reveals a crook in the creature that God made upright. Through desire a man, having separated himself The original is difficult and obscure. NASB There is a way which seems right to a person, But its end is the way of death. Even Daniel, although a captive in Babylon, found that the God-given powers within him made room for him at a heathen court and brought him before more than one mighty monarch. A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire: To cut one's self off from family, friends, and community is often to express a selfish desire. The simple power to influence men by speech will gratify for the momentbut if the increase of the lips is to be an abiding source of contentment there must be a consciousness that the power has been used to benefit mankind in some way or otherthat the skilful pleading has been on the side of right, that the powerful logic has been used to expose the false and to defend the true, or the brilliant oratory has had for its aim the moral enlightenment and strengthening of the listeners. Scripture: Proverbs 18:13. It gives a place for you. Through desire (through self-willed and self-seeking desire of wisdom)wisdom, Heb. He has before mentioned some of its advantages (see chap. We are repeatedly said to be saved by the name of God (Psalms 54:1; John 17:11-12). He rescues the righteous like this: "Then the earth shook and trembled . All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the spirits. Prudence, i.e., wisdom applied to practice, is an indispensable qualification for obtaining knowledge. Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound . (This is Millers rendering only.) Such a state of things is often felt to be hard and is undoubtedly so, and unless a poor man is noble and self-respecting, it has a tendency to make him cringing and servileto dispose him to barter his conscience and his rights in order to satisfy his bodily needs. And this is the meaning. The angels smile at the way the sinner cavils. A reference to the Critical Notes will show that the word translated wounds may be rendered dainties, and it is because evil reports of others are so keenly relished by an unsanctified soul that the words of a tale-bearer are able to inflict such suffering and work so much ill in the world. Their words are smoother than oil; yet are they drawn swords;envenomed fangs, of which the virus gets into our system ere we are aware, works its mischievous and morally deadly effects, and becomes incapable of extraction. Or if this is to be understood of a vain glorious person, the sense is, "he intermeddles" or "mingles himself with all business" h, as it may be rendered; he thrusts himself into affairs that do not concern him, and will pass his judgment on things he has nothing to do with; or he monopolizes all knowledge to himself, and will not allow any other to have any share with him. The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parts between the mighty ( Proverbs 18:17-18 ). A man can rise above pain of body. But upon the moral quality of the fruit of his mouth will depend the length and depth of his satisfaction. One day they will find that pride leads to disaster. To the one he gives the wounds of his slandering, to the other the wounds of his flattering. It is a vapid distinction to say a good wife, and the Bible many a time hurries on without any such distinction (comp. It is unwise to be antisocial in the schismatic sense of that word (cf. It is the overflow of heartfelt experience. The evidence of one person alone must not be too much depended on. Before destruction the heart of man is haughty ( Proverbs 18:11-12 ), That's again, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall." And surely they had need to be firmly tied, because, being divided, they are so hardly joined. John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, as well as an author, conference speaker, president of The Master's University and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry. That to subdue such enmity requires more wisdom and skill than to take a city. And then, when we look around us into the infinitely extended field of the Revelation of God, what a world of heavenly wisdom is there to intermeddle with! Proverbs. It prevents waste of material wealth. Read the direction to trust in itWho is there among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his servant: that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? There is in the wise a love of knowledge, and an application of the mental powers for its attainment. The words bring out and contain the counsel.Wardlaw. Satisfied. More specifically speaking, He used it in the name of His own righteousness, to balance our guilt and to give weight and value to the price of His redemption. The redeemed will be employed throughout eternity in this delighted searching; exploring the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, until they be filled with all the fulness of God (Ephesians 3:18-19). While a man has wealth he is defended from many bodily ills and from many vexations of spirit. and there is a friend [there is a special friend] who will stick closer than a brother ( Proverbs 18:24 ). As brothers are the children of a common parent, so sloth and waste have their root in the common sin of ungodliness; men are spendthrifts or they are lazy, because they have no right sense of their obligations to God and to manbecause they do not look upon their life as a stewardship for which they must give an account (Romans 14:12), but as a gift which they are at liberty to spend as they please. And not less is economy of means. The name of the Lord. God has revealed Himself to men by many names, each one of which is intended to set forth some attribute of His perfect nature. II. He here notices. Proverbs 18:24. Some men spend days of solitude in patient investigation for no other purpose than to make a name for themselves. He is morose and supercilious. The use of the lot is therefore desirable under certain conditions and restrictions, because in ending contention it saves time. Article. But in addition, most of the propositions that seem to be more remote may be brought under this general category of love to neighbours as the sum and basis of all social virtues; so especially the testimonies against wild, foolish talking (Proverbs 18:2; Proverbs 18:7; Proverbs 18:13, comp. and their contentions are like the bars of a castle ( Proverbs 18:19 ). He is filled with the increase of his skilful hand. The power of words over the man who utters them. If a tree is to become well-proportionedif it is to spread out its branches on every side so that its girth is to be proportioned to its height, it must have spacea degree of separation is indispensable to its perfect development. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, 18 Loners who care only for themselves. Many of the ancient fortresses that are scattered over our land were once deemed impregnable refuges. So long as the lasting hills remain, and the present natural laws govern the world they must give forth every day abundant streams. A man to have friends has to show himself friendly. The Vulgate, Septuagint, and Arabic, read as follows: "He who wishes to break with his friend, and seeks occasions or pretenses, shall at all times be worthy of blame." My old MS. Bible translates, Occasioun seeketh that wil go awei . Such a gift tends to the exaltation of the man who possesses it. Their day of power is short-lived. A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire. 2. ), "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day . For I look upon the image of Christ as the best mark of beauty I can behold in her, and the grace of God as the best portion I can receive with her.Bp. 2. The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as a high wall in his own conceit. Click to donate today! So the casting of the lot. Pro 18:1 Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh [and] intermeddleth with all wisdom. If you store bad fruit (sin) in your heart, you will always produce sin, if you store good fruit, that is what your mouth (tongue . And, like their Divine Master, they know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary (Isaiah 50:4), and thus that which flows from their lips is as refreshing and healthful to weary and struggling men and women on the highway of life as the living, cooling watercourse is to the dusty and thirsty traveller. So Solomon found a thousand of them. Go back within the wallsSee upon the tower the nameI am the Lord; I change not (Malachi 3:6). This one thingsaith the man of GodI do (Philip. For those who know anything of the character of God, know that it was not a part of his original intention that men should be placed in such circumstances; and when they look abroad upon their fellow-creatures, they see that all the poverty of the poor can be traced to wrong-doing on the part of mento the sefishness of some, and to the indolence and vice of others. Proverbs 14:23). And sometimes it has been a nation that has contended with another, and then not one has fallen a victim, but hundreds on both sides. There is a secular and a spiritual in every proverb. The words of the wise bring refreshment, but those of a fool or a gossip bring destruction (4-8).Those who leave work undone are almost as bad as those who wreck what already has been done (9). And yet such is the field of wonder, that the contemplation of a single point overwhelmed the Apostle with adoring astonishment. Proverbs 18:6. and before honor is humility ( Proverbs 18:12 ). Many a time too has this been exemplified.Wardlaw. The other he woundeth so, that though his blow be heard, seen, and felt, yet it is not perceived: in both they go down into the heart, as revealing the heart of the one, and as removing the heart of the other from him. Or the words may be translated, the words of a talebearer are as smoothing words: for he frameth his own words to as much softness, as those which he reporteth he maketh to be hard. And a poor man has also to bend his will to the will of his richer neighbourto endure often th oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely. Wealth is a defence against all these enemies to a mans comfort. A bad wife is no wife at all. [Note: Waltke, The Book . The name Jesus is our strong tower. Such a gift to a man is a gift for men. Verse Proverbs 18:1. Spiritual sickness for sin befalling a reprobate soul, is final and total desperation. A lot of people complain, "Oh, we don't have any friends." And tumble up and down what thou findst there. And the need can be supplied even in this selfish world. There is, probably, no part of this earthteeming although it is with riches enough to satisfy the needs of every living thingin which those are not to be found who have to struggle hard for their daily bread, and who even then come off with but a scanty share. Verse Proverbs 18:1. It must be plumb, rejoined the builder, somewhat piqued, for I have laid every stone by the plumb-line. Suiting the action to the word he grasped the rule, laid it along his work, and triumphantly pointed to the lead vibrating and settling down precisely on the cut that marks the middle. But the true lover of wisdom is impelled to seek from the love of truthfrom the desire which possesses his soul to intermeddle with knowledge. When Sir Isaac Newton gave himself up to the pursuit of scientific truth, he separated himself simply from a desire to know, and without the remotest desire or expectation of his present world-wide fame. How many times we have run into it to find safety. 1 Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. A bed of down cannot do much for a man whose body is racked with painit can do nothing for him whose soul is bowed down by sorrow, or smitten with a fear of death. Saul made himself appear just in his own cause. They that love it, i.e., make it a special object of gratification (Stuart). I. In any translation, the tongue is mentioned well over a hundred times in the Bible. And there is an aspect in which we may view the slothful man in which we not only note the close resemblance he bears to his prodigal brother, but in which he is transformed into a prodigal himself. II. I'd never be able to see Begin if we didn't have a gift for him, for Israel. Doubtless there is secular truth in all this The disgraced citizen is often the most reproachful.Miller. The languages of several countries are not so different as of the poor and rich man in one and the same country, and a stranger of another land is not such a foreigner as in the same land a poor man standing at the door of the rich. III. If there is water beneath the surface of the earth it must force its way and find an outlet; it needs no hand of man to come to its aid; it penetrates the soil and forms a fertilising stream in obedience to natural law. For the negative sinnerthe man who does nothingis a waster of his time and of his talents, and is therefore guilty of a positive crime. As in similar verses, Miller translates a wounded spirit: a spirit of upbraiaing. The eye can influence men, but not so powerfully as the tongue, nor can its influence reach so many at once. In other words, brothers are a shelter to brothers, and quarrels lock up that resort. Notice, that a brother is not only a commoner defence, but a citadel; and a bar to that keep shuts a man out of his best earthly dependence. And men are prone to go even beyond thisthe children of the same common Father often take delight in making their poor brethren feel their dependence on them, and instead of giving sympathy and help freely and after a brotherly fashion, they withhold the first entirely, and if they give the latter they do it coldly and even contemptuously. But suppose your eyes are bad. Wisdom must be reduced to practice in sinking the shaft and in working the mine before the hidden wealth is brought to light to enrich its owner. Such a field is the tongue of man, with this difference, that a man is obliged to eat the fruit of it, although it should be worse than hemlock. It will bring you before great men. The one when he speaketh is not understood by the ear, the other when he speaketh is not understood by the heart: the words of the one are not apprehended, the wants of the other are not apprehended; the one is heard, but not conceived; the other is conceived, but not heard. [Note: Toy, p. And what Cicero practised as the means of forensic success, requires, as the essayist urges, to be imitated by all who study any subject in order to arrive at the truth. There are certain mental capabilities which are the common inheritance of men in general, but it cannot be denied that there are men who, apart from all the differences made by circumstances and education, have capacities and abilities which far exceed those of ordinary men. II. (See Comments). "So it's possible to answer a matter before you really know what the matter is. Men have been, and still are, able to find among their fellows those who are worthy of the name of friend. There is a sense in which we may understand the language, even taking the former clause of the twentieth verse literallyA mans belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth. You may smile and say, A man cannot live upon words! Proverbs 16:2. When the Lord reckons with His servants, He will account that talent mis-used which is used for self-aggrandisement alone. Indolenceindisposition to be troubled. However, we do not feel this is the best method for using the Blue Letter Bible. The bite of a viper is not so deadly as the wound of these talebearers stories and insinuations. The two evils censured are. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God An impregnable refuge. Saints themselves are not entirely delivered from this selfish disposition, as we see in the behaviour of David to Mephibosheth, after he had pronounced a rash sentence in his case.Lawson. The tongue in its mighty influence is a king having the power of life and death. None but a cruel man will be a tale-bearer. Tails, we won't. As a necessary consequence, nobody will give much heed to his judgmentno thoughtful person will attach much weight to his wordsand he will thus deprive himself of that consideration and respect which he might otherwise have enjoyed. Translated this way, Proverbs 11:30 becomes a study in contrasts, with the second part of the verse antithetical to the first . Granted that it is a defence against some very real ills, who can insure to himself a continuance of his present possessions? The spirit of a man, at least among those to whom Solomon wrote, had truth enough to save him if he would only listen. And a man who has only heard a part of a matter is in no better position to judge in it, and commits as great a folly if he attempts to do so. marg. . his good name. Verse 7. But observe:. The broken timbers may serve to light a beacon fire which may warn other vessels to take another course. Exalt thyself; He'll abase you. That ignorance exposes men to danger. Disease and death cannot be turned aside with moneya troubled soul cannot be comforted with gold. Leviticus 17-18; Proverbs 28; Matthew 13:1-23. God ( Psalms 54:1 ; John 17:11-12 ) Begin if we did n't have any friends. the causeth... All sound a friend [ there is a defence against some very real ills who! ; they imagine themselves safe behind it some of its advantages ( see chap the part. It is unwise to be antisocial in the creature that God made upright man of GodI do Philip. 'S possible to answer a matter before you really know what the matter is the bars of a castle Proverbs! The schismatic sense of that word ( cf saved by the name God... Powers for its attainment saul made himself appear just in his own desire ; breaks! 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