The Ngati Porou Treaty Settlement Claims Bill. Well-being was tied not only to the taha tinana (physical health) but also to the taha wairua (spiritual health). Customary Rights Ngti Porou Ngti Porou were the only iwi that reached an agreement with the Crown under the now-repealed Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004. (Hmall) '(Heart)' , 5.8 . Ng hap o Ngti Porou has contributed extensive research and collection of historical evidence which, along with the Crowns historical research and public consultation, assisted the Crown in being satisfied the legal tests for customary marine title were met in these areas.. The Ngati Toarangatira iwi for example led by their rangatira Te Rauparaha moved from Kawhia to the Southern North Island and the Northern South Island. There was increasing recognition in medical circles of the legitimacy of our traditional understandings to complement Western practices. The ropu had many Ngati Porou members and was mentored and guided by Ta Apirana, who also named the group. The agreement provides for the expression, protection and recognition of the mana of ng hapu o Ngati Porou in relation to ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngati Porou. . She is also known as Hamo, Hemo, and Hemoterangi. The imagery in this painting refers to the story of how she brought kmara (sweet potato) from Hawaiki to New Zealand in her sacred basket, and planted vines at Manawar and raiteuru on arrival. Educator and linguist Keri Opai believes its appropriate for non-Mori to have and use a pepeha you can read his interview about that here but he says the pepeha for those who arent Mori must be structured differently. Te Whakamahi i te Rrangi Ingoa Iwi Hap Rapu hei kimi i ng kupu arowhnui m ng iwi me ng hap i Aotearoa. [6], Te Arawa FM is the radio station of Te Arawa iwi, including Ngti Pikiao, Thourangi and Ngti Whakaue. from traditional lands, marae, hapu, iwi and the support of other whnau members. We are trying to put her Mihi together for other whanau. Some elements previously agreed under the Foreshore and Seabed Act (now repealed), that are not available to applicants under te Takutai Moana, have been retained. In 1926 Ta Apirana worked with Taiporutu Mitchell and Pei Te Hurinui Jones and others to establish The New Zealand Maori Lawn Tennis Association (which later became the Aotearoa Maori Tennis Association). Rohenga Tipuna are hapu and marae clusters based on shared ancestors, history and location. These range from touch rugby, kiorahi and basketball through to chess, euchre, and trivial pursuits for those who want to test their hinengaro instead of their tinana. 8 22 . The Crown has recognised 14 customary marine title areas along the East Cape and East Coast in ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Andrew Little said today. The project that became the Iwi Hap Names List was begun by Robert Sullivan in 2001. The ropu had many Ngati Porou members and was mentored and guided by Ta Apirana, who also named the group. Only a handful of programmes all from the Department of Maori Affairs - were devolved to iwi to administer. Each hap was made up of different-ranking members, headed by chiefs called ariki and rangatira. The legal tests, and the thresholds for evidence, are the same. . Graeme Richard Hart (born 1955) is a New Zealand billionaire businessman and the countrys wealthiest person. Over the next 2 days approximately 2,000 households from Potaka in the north, Wairoa in the south and Matawai to the west will receive a hygiene pack courtesy of the Horouta Whanau Ora Collective (HWC). It runs north along the coast from Te Toka-a-Taiau at Gisborne, to Ptikirua, inland from Hicks Bay. Ngati Porou have found a variety of ways to maintain connections between whanau and hapu and iwi. The responsible Minister, on behalf of the Crown, has offered to enter into a recognition agreement with Ngti Phauwera recognising Customary Marine Title. A group situation where everyone gives their mihi (including their pepeha) is called a mihimihi. Taranaki - Taranaki: an illustrated history . [12], A second wave of violence rocked Ngti Porou starting in 1829, when the presence of Ngti Porou passengers on the ship where the Ngti Awa rangatira Ngarara was assassinated by Ngpuhi marked the iwi as a target for retribution. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. TACSA members travelled from village to village encouraging better sanitation and the use of Western medical innovations. For example, the requirement for the Crown to recommend the making of customary fishing regulations has been retained. Although there were many factors involved one feature was the influence of both the Pai Marire and Mihinare factions in the conflict. 1 '' . Waimarama was inducted into the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame in 1996 and into the Maori Sports Hall of Fame in 2007, and has been the Silver Ferns coach since 2011. Taura Here (Ropes that Bind) groups have been formed in most of the main centres. [3], Mt Hikurangi features prominently in Ngti Porou traditions as a symbol of endurance and strength, and holds tapu status. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Maori housing for example was deliberately placed among new Pakeha houses in a system called pepper-potting in an attempt to encourage us to be more like them. Within Ngi Tahu there are now five primary hap being Kti Kur, Ngti Irakehu, Kti Huirapa, Ngi Thuriri and Ngi Te Ruahikihiki. The iwi and hapu that constitute Te Arawa include: This article is about a confederation of Mori tribes. She was born in Ruatoria. Ta Tamati and Lady Tilly Reedy continue to guide the Maori tennis movement today. Large hakari (feasts) were held to demonstrate manaakitanga (generosity) and mana. Confirm some spokes people for our hapu 5. 6 February 1840 The order has the full list of the customary marine title areas. The agreement was given effect by Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Act 2019. Ngati Porou played a large role in the establishment and maintenance of this movement, and many of the leading graduates were from our iwi. We are trying to trace back to the marae for our great great tipuna Jane Matekino (Hogan Reedy). , . Ngai Tamakaitaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tamauoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Taoka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawaitoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawakiteraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Teatawiua (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tekahukura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakiamoa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakitauneke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terangihokaia (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tereke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tihapuiti (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tueanuku (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tuna (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Turakipawa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai-te-rua-wai (pp. Every facet of our lives had a spiritual aspect to it, and this was expressed in Nga Atua, which we would understand now as gods. '! Started in 1987 the station was one of the first to be established and was the fruit of a long struggle across te ao Maori to hear our own reo on the airwaves. By the 1920s the Maori population was well on the way to recovery, and in Ngati Porou innovations included the construction of Te Puia Springs hospital in 1907, and in 1929 a 6 bed hospital was opened at Te Araroa. , . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. . Ngati Pahauwera Brief of Evidence in relation to rivers 12 October 2007 [PDF, 224 KB]. Pa Wars, officially known as the Ngati Porou Inter-Marae Sports Festival, is a more recent way of building Ngati Porou whanaungatanga. The maintenance of this dynamic is whanaungatanga, which then extends out to hapu and iwi. It does not store any personal data. Ngati Porou Hauora and Horouta Whanau Ora for . [4][5], During the 1860s, the Pai Mrire religious movement spread through the North Island, and eventually came into conflict with the New Zealand Government. Two exceptions are Ngati Porou dont use macrons and Waikato-Tainui use double vowels. , . Regional groups based on geographical/political boundaries, Waka, and Confederations are top level terms. The reality was though that many leading Ngati Porou supported this legislation, partly because it would stop people who were out to make money off of sickness. Below is a a list of some of the traditional (or pre settlement) 178 hap names of Ngi Tahu. Although they faced great resistance from some Ngati Porou leaders, they became part of the fabric and have whare karakia up and down the Coast today. It is organised into a whnau and hap development branch, economic development branch, and a corporate services branch, and aims to maintain the financial, physical and spiritual assets of the tribe. The hui was successful, and even though it came at a huge cost in resources to the iwi, they nevertheless felt it was still worthwhile. Ngati Porou and Maori migration overall in the 1960s was massive. The deed to amend the deed of agreement includes the full text of the 2008 deed with all amendments as tracked changes. He used his knowledge of the Pkeh world and his professional skills to assist his people to develop and farm their land while also encouraging them to preserve their culture and maintain their own identity. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Ngti Pahauwera Development Trust has conducted an approval process with Ngti Pahauwera, the results of which will be considered by Ministers. -, x Vetscope 'CKD ' , 8th Floor, Eagle Town, Gangwon-ro 6 Road, Seongdong-gu, Seoul. Te Wairoa Iwi and Hap A group of Ngti Kahungunu and Ngti Rongomaiwahine hap who have joined together for Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations. Public submissions were sought and a report was also commissioned from a non-statutory Independent Assessor. A large portion of the tribal population now lives in Auckland and Wellington.[4][5]. The captain of the Horouta was Pawa, the navigator was Kiwa. Te Arawa is a confederation of Mori iwi and hapu (tribes and sub-tribes) of New Zealand who trace their ancestry to the Arawa migration canoe (waka). Customary marine title enables the holders to exercise certain rights through involvement in resource consent and Conservation Act processes, customary fisheries management, the ownership of non-Crown minerals and taonga tturu in the title area, and protection of whi tapu, such as urup (grave sites). Who from Ngti Porou signed the Treaty of Waitangi? [2], Radio Ngti Porou is the official station of Ngti Porou. This website is the latest way we have of promoting and maintaining whanaungatanga amongst our iwi. Te Whironui is a Maori Arts exhibition which celebrates Matariki and Maramataka Maori (Maori Lunar Calendar) to promote Maori arts & education. : a Maori clan or tribal subdivision. It is the first time this has occurred under te Takutai Moana Act. Today many hahi are a part of Ngati Porou. Ngati Porou in the cities quickly found positive outlets for their energy as well. This means that differences between the original deed and the amended deed can be clearly identified. Many Te Arawa men fought for the Colonial Government in the New Zealand Wars that occurred in the mid-19th century in the North Island of New Zealand. The Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 can be found on the website. , . [4][5], Ngti Porou takes its name from the ancestor Porourangi, also known as Porou Ariki. The Crown has recognised 14 customary marine title areas along the East Cape and East Coast in ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little announced today. Ngati Kaweriri (Census of the Native Residents in 1853; pp. Do you have a Nati Story to share about our whanau, hapu, Iwi? culture, our identity, our marae. In 2005 over 1000 people from 22 marae entered and over 10000 people were present, and in the 2006 festival won that years Maori Sports Award for Community Initiative. Ngati Koki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Koko (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kopiha (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kopihi (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Koreha (Their old pa stood back on the old coach road north of the Ahuriri Lagoon. Iwi registration documentation is the primary and preferred method of Mori ancestry verification and shall be deemed to confirm ancestry. From Rugby League to waka ama, from boxing to judo, we strive for success in all that we do. Thank you to ng hap o Ngti Porou for its commitment through this long journey since reaching agreement with the Crown to recognise its customary rights and interests in the marine and coastal area in 2008, Little said. In these traditions, Hikurangi is often personified. Te Taha Wairua the spiritual side of our being has always been crucial to Ngati Porou life. Porourangi was a very tapu (sacred) person and like his great-grandfather Pouheni before him, virtually everything he touched became tapu. Share your news with the Iwi here. Always use macrons, missing macrons is a spelling mistake. When he retired from Parliament he interested himself in the tribal history of the Ngati Porou and in the revised translation of the Maori Bible, as well as in the revision of Williams Maori Dictionary. [7] He was a direct descendant of Toi-kai-rkau, Mui (accredited in oral tradition with raising the North Island from the sea), and Paikea the whale rider. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". [4][5], Although Ngti Porou claim the Nukutaimemeha as their foundation canoe, many Ngti Porou ancestors arrived on different canoes, including Horouta, Tkitimu and Tereanini. Concepts such as tapu and mana were tied to our spirituality, embodied in our rangatira (chiefs) and maintained and guided by our tohunga. The hapu is the main unit in the Maori social structure. Whanau claims 2. By the 1980s though Maori health was still well below that of Pakeha, and something more was needed. list of ngati porou hapuis empire token a good investment (ASFV) 400 list of ngati porou hapujames k polk accomplishments We also faced many challenges, whether it was health, migration or more recently whanau dysfunction, and we would often come up with unique solutions. . This thesis explores, with Ngati Porou participants, their lived experience of whnau. Understanding the Waiapu Freshwater Catchment Plan -Essentially the plan will cover how people interact with the awa, how they use it and protect it. TAUA,Tukaki Whare culture, our identity, our marae. The deed to amend updates the original deed of agreement following the repeal of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 and the enactment of te Takutai Moana Act 2011. Soon other Ngati Porou were ordained as Ministers, including Raniera Kawhia, Hare Tawhaa and Mohi Turei. The Bill provides for Parts 3 and 4 of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Changes after European contact TAUA,Tukaki Whare The rangatira Taotaoriri was then able to negotiate a favorable peace between the two iwi, a deal sealed by his marriage to the Ngti Porou noblewoman Hikupoto and the return of Rangi-i-paea, who had been abducted and married to Pmare in a previous raid. [2] The Te Arawa iwi also comprises 56 hap (sub-tribes) and 31 mrae (family groupings). The gods had aspects over various domains, for example Tangaroa was Atua for the sea, and so any activity connected with the sea was also connected to Tangaroa. The station is recognised as being highly innovative, including live streaming key events from hui-a-iwi through to rugby matches. Part 2 of te Takutai Moana Act will continue to apply in the area affected. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Eventually the Mihinare faction was victorious and enforced a kind of religious settlement on the defeated. Among other well-known tribes now extinct, but who are regarded by the Maoris as Autocthones, are the following: Ngati-Kahupunga-punga, Nga-Marama, Te Kawerau, Marangaranga, Ngati-Hotu, Maruiwi, Te Raupongaoheohe, Te Tururumauku, Te Aruhetawiri, Te Aorauru, Waitaha-Turauta, Whatumamoa, and many others; some of whom are still tribes such as Contact us, Whats happening within the Ngati Porou community. 249). Te Wera Haurakis forces would then move on to sack additional p in the area of Waiapu River and Whareponga Bay. I would like to thank ng hap o Ngti Porou for their commitment through this long journey since reaching agreement with the Crown to recognise their customary rights and interests in the marine and coastal area in 2008, Andrew Little said. The smaller family grouping The idea behind the policy was laid out in the Hunn Report of 1960 and called integration that over time we would become more like Pakeha, and less like ourselves. Wi Repa became resident doctor at Te Araroa from 1912. There are also copies of Maori Land Court minutes relating to hearings about Ngati Porou lands, possibly recorded by Paratene Ngata in his role as assessor to the Court. Your help with this would be greatly appreciated as we live in Australia (yes, Mozzies). Thank you, These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. There are many notable people who are affiliated to Ngti Porou. 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