Puedes cambiar tus opciones en cualquier momento desde tus controles de privacidad. Ghantt took $50,000 for himself and fled to Cozumel, Mexico. From Mexico, David usually spoke with Kelly on the phone once a week, paying with calling cards. What concerned her was the chance of getting caught. "Steve said, 'I think we ought to do it that night, when he drops off the van,' " Kelly recalled. So that was kind of like this once-in-a-lifetime thing, Wydra said. The plan was to maintain a low profile and wait for things to cool off, allowing Ghantt to return to the states and collect his cut. In addition to their extravagant spending, Michelle Chambers made the mistake of loudly asking a bank teller how much cash she could deposit in her account without it being reported to the feds, and then said, its not drug money.. The gang made numerous mistakes. He hadnt checked ahead of time if the airport had any available flights, let alone if it would even be open. Depression had led to smoking a lot of marijuana and taking Prozac, a combination she figures affected her judgment. David was living under the name Mike McKinney on a phony ID. "That would be living on the run, and I didn't want my kids to live that way. You might as well take it all, Ghantt tells me. See all of the stories here. I said, It comes down to picking the right day, and the right time of the month, and all that good stuff. I even told her, It wouldnt be all that difficult. That led to better jobs, like the one at Loomis. Anybody who gets caught up in the system is getting chewed up by it, the now-retired Gronquist told the Observer. [Kelly] told me, 'Just think about it.' The next day, Kelly drove back to Steve's mobile home to watch the news with Steve and Michele. "Love" has four. The government does not run debtors prisons, says U.S. But he tried to keep his face averted, so David wouldn't be able to ID him. I was relieved emotionally because I knew there was a good chance my luck might run out, Ghantt said. Burks was also ordered to serve 15 years in prison, limiting his ability to balance his books. Now, at 7:45 p.m., with all the money finally inside the van, his aching muscles could take a breather. and "I'm rich!". It's one of the biggest jokes at the place. But agents weren't ready to arrest Kelly and Steve. The cash was covered with dog food. They bought a BMW roadster. The theft at the time the second-largest cash robbery in U.S. history has been the brunt of mocking movies and books, mostly on how the thieves, who had little money to begin with, could not control their spending habits once they did. But on Oct. 4, 1997, that no longer mattered and Ghantt took off with $17.3 million. Though David had no criminal experience, he felt he could offer expert advice: He'd just finished reading a book on the FBI. The Chambers, however, didnt fit in with the other members of the gated community. And it turned Steve into he thought he was Don Corleone all of a sudden.. Ghantt worked at Loomis Fargos regional office vault in Charlotte. Basically, he needed a score to make his problems go away. Once I start something, Im going to the end., As for how he felt in the moment, he says, Imagine me and you went on an airplane. But in November, money ran low. Then, I started loading the van., Money, when bound in bulk and stacked in canvas bags, is heavier than you might expect. The platform is designed to engage citizens and government leaders in a discussion about what needs improvement across the country. Steve had another conversation with Kelly about killing David. FILE - Kelly Campbell, one of the 21 people convicted for their involvement in the $17 million Loomis Fargo heist, awaits sentencing for her part in the theft at her mobile home near Mount Holly, N.C. on Aug 16, 1999. Steve now needed a hit man. At the end of October, Kelly was sentenced to 5 years 10 months in prison. That was pretty awesome., It felt like a dream vacation until he started running out of money. David Ghantt (Zach Galifianakis), an employee of Loomis Fargo, robbed his own vault, left the $17.3 million in cash with his co-conspirators, Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig) and Steve Chambers (Owen Wilson) and fled the country to Mexico. Him and I still talk every now and then. Updated: 11:31 AM EDT October 4, 2022 CHARLOTTE, N.C. Tuesday is the 25th anniversary of the infamous Loomis Fargo heist in Charlotte, where a bank worker, with the help of two accomplices,. It is based on the October 1997 Loomis Fargo Robbery in North Carolina, which was the subject of the 2016 American comedy film Masterminds. About 5:45 a.m., he got into his pickup and began the 45-minute drive to work in Charlotte. I really enjoyed the little scuba diving trip. I did a little research into crime statistics and the local cops. The money was heavy. There had been no signs. In early September 1997, Kelly found herself chatting on the phone with a friend who still worked at Loomis, a 27-year-old man who, despite being married, had made no secret of the fact that he had a crush on her. All but one took plea deals, including Ghantt, who was sentenced to seven years in prison. He wouldn't give me the opportunity to say anything else. Now, I kind of know something is fishy., Alone in Mexico with limited cash, Ghantt thought about turning himself in. Things went from bad to worse when, in November, Michelle strolled into a bank with a briefcase filled with 200 grand and asked the manager, How much can I deposit without the bank reporting the transaction? When she showed the bank manager that she really had the money to invest, the cash was still bound in Loomis Fargo wrappers. And if that gives people out there a little bit of hope, then Ive served my purpose on this earth.. He couldn't talk.". Then, on a mid-September day, as he reviewed a credit card bill, David did some math. They put up mauve wallpaper. "I said, 'Yeah, sure.' (John D. Simmons/The Charlotte Observer via AP) The Associated Press, BY MICHAEL GORDON, The Charlotte Observer. David trusted her. "Things I always wanted to do, but never had the time or the money," he said. Zach always plays that bumbling kind of lunatic, but hes not, Ghantt says. She was the group's only contact with David, and she was smoking marijuana "like other people smoke cigarettes," she said. Paying the money back has taken a lot longer, and time is running out for the U.S. government to collect. Criminals dont usually get high-paying jobs after leaving prison. "I said, 'I don't want him killed.' He grabbed the tapes from two VCRs that connected to 16 security cameras. She declined to take a lie-detector test. In early December, Steve and Michele invited relatives to their daughter's sixth birthday party. Human nature is a flexible part of life, Gronquist said. Kelly Campbell arrested 11) Finally, the FBI successfully tracked down Ghantt and arrested him at Playa del Carmen. In February 1998, the FBI tapped their phones and listened to Steve discuss depositing $2.5 million in the Cayman Islands. Her case closes in 2025. The others sat in their cars across the street and watched him struggle to open the heavy gate. In December, agents got the tie-in they were looking for: Kelly Campbell had bought a $30,000 Toyota minivan with cash and registered it to one of Steve Chambers's aliases. Then another. But what the bank didnt tell Michelle, and Michelle didnt know, was that one of those forms get filled out if you ask about it, or if its close to $10,000 or if they suspect that any part of that transaction is suspicious, Wydra said. Its really just a matter of timing, more than anything. And she says, How much do you think wed get out of there? I said, Ten to 15 million. But I didnt really know.. About 10 frantic minutes later, Scott found the right key. Kelly had recently left a job driving an armored-car for Loomis, Fargo & Co. "He's the one who brought it up first," said Kelly, a year after her arrest. Where I was going was right there near the Cayman Islands. His name was Corey. Oh were not going to talk to anybody, theyre not going to be able to convict us, that bravado happens in the beginning and then it often gets worn down by the reality, Gronquist said. Ghantt, his former co-worker Kelly Campbell and her friends Steve and Michelle Chambers carried out the Loomis Fargo heist on Oct. 4, 1997. Things were spiraling fast. Now worried about both the FBI and McKinney, he spent even more time alone in his room. (John D. Simmons/The Charlotte Observer via AP) They decorated their 6,000-square-foot stucco house with antiques, paintings and statues, including a six-foot wooden Indian that Michele had bought for $600. Campbell was another employee at Loomis Fargo and she and Ghantt quickly struck up a relationship, one that Campbell denies was ever romantic though FBI evidence says otherwise, and one that continued after she left the company. "I" has one letter. At the time of the real robbery, Chambers was facing criminal charges hed written 30K worth of bad checks and was facing jail time for it. Going south, nobody really looks at what youre shipping. He has a regular life now, but 25 years ago, Ghantt was the mastermind behind the third-largest bank robbery in U.S. history. When Chambers and the two Erics were done loading the stolen millions into barrels, they abandoned the van in the woods. Is he telling the truth? Butcher says the federal courts in the Western District of North Carolina have never handled a case quite like Loomis. "But I had to know.". When I call Ghantt to discuss his involvement in the Loomis Fargo heist, he confesses that hes feeling a bit tired from a day of honest labor. I flew from Atlanta to New Orleans. Back in North Carolina, Ghantts former accomplices were living high on the hog. >> PHOTOS: The Loomis Fargo heist, 25 years later. So we were able to figure out with all the denominations, it would require about 20 safe deposit boxes to store it all.. Kelly Campbell is scheduled to be sentenced in October. They ditched the Loomis van, then drove the cash-heavy Budget van to Steve's mobile home in Lincoln County, where his wife, Michele, waited with a calculator and rubber bands. But it wasnt. As soon as Corey left, I pretended like I was leaving. There were times when I drank really heavily.". Ghantt was sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison. 1997 Harley-Davidson Road King motorcycle for sale at auction of items bought after Loomis, Fargo armored car facility heist by Steven Chambers, wife Michele, Kelly Jane Campbell & David Scott Ghanntt (Photo by Will And Deni McIntyre/Getty Images) Ghantt, his former co-worker Kelly Campbell and her friends Steve and Michelle Chambers, carried out the Loomis Fargo heist on Oct. 4, 1997. Her only brush with the law had been a DUI arrest. "I missed my family. She could walk under the trees, with the chickens and goats and dogs that live around her mobile home. It took me going to prison to realize I was a bag of worms, and it took me years of work to be somebody worthy to come back into our society, he said. Action News Jax facebook feed(Opens a new window), Action News Jax twitter feed(Opens a new window), Action News Jax youtube feed(Opens a new window), Florida Senator proposes bill to cancel Democratic Party in state, Georgia star Jalen Carter charged with racing in fatal wreck, FHP: Man dies after FDOT Road Ranger rear-ends truck, pushes him over edge of Buckman Bridge, Bartram Trail High School girls lacrosse player denied NIL opportunity, Contest: Win tickets to the AMALIE Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals in Gainesville. . Scott Grant and Steve pulled up next to her in a Mazda. When he was done, the man drove off to a nearby printing press, where the money was distributed into private vehicles amongst a handful of people. They agreed that after the heist, David would immediately move to Mexico, alone, but Kelly would soon join him there, with her two children. . I told them, Take it, box it up, and youll be able to ship it to me in Mexico. Back in the 1990s, you couldve probably boxed up a hot pink elephant and shipped it to Mexico; no one wouldve ever noticed. While the agents initiated their investigation, the Chambers spent money as quickly as they could. Ultimately, though, the heist wasnt Ghantts idea, which meant he didnt decide who else was involved. Now he offered to pay him to carry cash to David--Steve said he was a friend hiding out after a bad drug deal, McKinney recalled. That week, the FBI designated the theft its 142nd "major case," putting it on a list--begun in the 1970s--that includes such other infamous crimes as the World Trade Center bombing. The FBI says Chambers hired a hitman to tie up the ultimate loose end -- Ghantt. You can garnish wages. All I needed was a change of pace.". Kelly's company. He para-sailed, power-skied and scuba-dived. I've got a good woman.". Learn about careers at Cox Media Group. "I've learned that I'm a fortunate man," he said. For the defendants in the Loomis Fargo heist, its allure was irresistible. About six months before the Charlotte theft, on March 29, a total of $18.8 million was taken from Loomis, Fargo in Jacksonville, Fla., in what was believed to be the largest heist in U.S.. By March, Steve Chambers decided he needed to do something more drastic about Ghantt, making plans to send a hitman to Mexico to silence him for good. When he finished, the van was filled with $17 million. Ive never taken offense to anything like that, he tells me. Meanwhile, back in North Carolina, Ghantts wife woke up to find her husband missing. I was just going to get the money into the van. Sweat soaked David's uniform. David thought about it. Why do we feel its so necessary to treat people like this, to say, OK, well just ruin the rest of your life because you made a bad decision., Punishment should not last a lifetime. A woman by the name of Kelly Campbell had worked there in 1996, and she and Ghantt had become friends in that time. Ghantt was the vault manager and was surrounded daily . Kelly, using David's cell phone, kept beeping him. "I was trying to figure out a way to [leave my husband] and take care of my kids without having to depend on him or any other man," Kelly said. On the radio, the "John Boy and Billy" show played the song "Take the Money and Run. Chambers, now 32, didn't grant an interview for this article, but last year, in response to written questions, he said the biggest lesson he learned was: "Family is more important and valuable than money. Twenty people were convicted of roles big and small in the massive 1997 armored-car warehouse heist in west Charlotte. Ghantt was missing and no one, not even his wife, knew where he was. Zaron Burnett is an investigative journalist and longform features writer based in Los Angeles. Based on a true story, the premise itself is fascinating, which makes Masterminds all the more a waste. Throughout the multi-year-long case and subsequent trials, journalists often referred to Ghantt and the others as trailer trash and hillbillies. Im married, I got one girl, shes 15 going on 30. . And I said, Hey, man, I got this. When I put that cash in the back of the car, by the time I got to the office the whole car smelled like that. He kept looking over his shoulder. And I was thinking about just showing up there. I pay (restitution to) thousands of people, but its in drips and drabs.. Why had he ever believed he'd get it? It wasnt a big hit, but Ghantt, who was played by Galifianakis, gives it a rave review. But that only tells part of the story. But things didnt quite work out that way. And that's OK with Ghantt, who's just a few weeks shy of his 47th birthday, out of federal prison for more than a decade, married with a 9-year-old daughter . That October, the Chamberses' bank accounts ballooned. Ghantt spent a solid hour moving what ended up being 2,700 pounds of cash more than an actual ton into an unmarked company van. Federal prosecutors would ultimately charge 21 defendants in the case, including the Floyds, who were charged with (and pleaded guilty to) money laundering. They didn't know it, but they were leaving $3.3 million behind. That was the thing that sticks in my mind to this day., ALSO READ: Man released from jail, accused of robbing banks while wearing electronic monitor, police say. The robbers went on a huge spending spree, buying a massive home, artworks, big-screen TVs, expensive cars, pickup trucks, minivans, two boats, six motorcycles and several tanning beds. I threw you out, and then threw the parachute after you. The authorities didn't know yet how much was missing from the armored-car company, but Steve did. They planned to kill a man named David Ghantt, the guy who had made their extravagant new lifestyle a reality. The Chambers home is now gated, which means Channel 9 crews cant drive up to it like we used to. Time passed, and Campbell eventually quit her job at Loomis Fargo. He was also a former FBI informant who had tipped the bureau off to a planned robbery of a Loomis Fargo armored truck that never came to fruition. Part 2: Channel 9 speaks with the man at the center of Loomis Fargo heist 25 years ago. It, too, has changed hands several times. The money weighed as much as a compact car and he did it all by himself. If you didnt live in the Charlotte area 25 years ago, you might not believe it. The mystery 1-4-3 caller had been Kelly, though agents didn't know it yet. Steve told me to tell [David] whatever was necessary to keep him happy.". While Ghantt trusted Chambers enough to leave his cut behind, Chambers had other plans. "For the first year, they're all over you. Directed by Jared Hess and written by Chris Bowman, Hubbel Palmer and Emily Spivey, the film stars Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones and Jason Sudeikis.. Inside the Mazda, Steve told Scott Grant to get out and help David. It was released in 2016 and Wydra was invited to the premiere. Tags: Associated Press, courts, crime, North Carolina. . "He was speechless," said Sandra Floyd. So yeah, Im kind of proud of it.. This station is part of Cox Media Group Television. This meant a bump in pay, up to $8.15 an hour. Husband and wife Steven and Michelle Chambers, whose conspicuous consumption of a luxury home, a BMW convertible, breast implants and a $600 wooden Indian, among other purchases, helped the FBI solve the crime, were assessed $3.81 million and $4.8 million, respectively. He flew in an ultra-light plane. She asked about the limit for a cash deposit before "paperwork" was required. She could visit friends. The case resurfaced in the federal courts on Thursday, Sept. 1, when the U.S. Attorneys Office in Charlotte posted a public reminder in the case file of Loomis defendant Kelly Campbell that she had fallen behind in her restitution. By Dustin Rowles | Film | September 30, 2016 |. How many people have walked the red carpet at a movie premiere in a case that was yours?. I mean, cause greed is a funny animal. How did they get away with stealing more than $17 million? This is the person I counted as my friend. Dustin is the founder and co-owner of Pajiba. Heres your money. Then he turns around and leaves., The problem was, it was nowhere near the amount Ghantt had expected: Im looking at it, and theres maybe $8,000. Its a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I went down and talked to them, got to meet Zach Galifianakis and the director, Ghantt said. With the help of Aldo, a Mexican waiter he had befriended, David found a beach apartment in Cancun. AP CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Kelly Campbell, the woman who helped plan the $17 million robbery of armored-car company Loomis, Fargo was sentenced yesterday to nearly six years in prison and ordered. Thanksgiving and Christmas were difficult. The problem with the movie, however, is that the talented cast had no idea what the hell they were trying to do. In Campbells case, Gronquist says his client was buried in court-ordered debt despite the fact that she took responsibility for what she had done and cooperated with prosecutors and the FBI. "So he stays behind and moving over two thousand pounds. I said, Listen, You all need to get your shit together, or Im just going to walk over here to the government building and tell them who the fuck I am. That lit a little fire under her ass, for a bit.. All rights reserved. The plan to rob Loomis Fargo was spawned by Campbell and her friend Steve Chambers, during a casual bonfire at Chambers' home. . Website. Twenty-one people were charged and convicted in the robbery, one of the biggest heists in U.S. history. According to Butcher, Campbells last official payment came in June 2021 when the government appears to have seized a tax refund of $81.24. "I felt that if I didn't do something, I was going to snap," David said. He took bus tours of Mayan ruins. His wife, Tammy, was as shocked as Loomis officials. Kelly drove her pickup to a lot across the street from the Loomis building, on Suttle Avenue in Charlotte. You may email him here, follow him on Twitter, or listen to his weekly TV podcast, Podjiba. Tickle Me Kaczynski: How the Inventor of the Ultimate Elmo Toy Became a Unabomber Suspect, The Unexpectedly Sweet Story Behind Those Viral Semi-Truck Pregnancy Photos, I Wore Magnetic Underwear for a Week to See If It Would Give Me a Boner of Steel. Masterminds is a 2016 American crime comedy film based on the October 1997 Loomis Fargo robbery in North Carolina. Director Jared Hess Writers Chris Bowman (screenplay) Hubbel Palmer (screenplay) Emily Spivey (screenplay) Stars Zach Galifianakis Kristen Wiig Owen Wilson So the pieces were falling into place for investigators. The FBI now knew Chambers had Loomis cash. They assumed that whoever was involved would keep the cash in a safe place, like a safe deposit box. He loves his motorcycle and enjoys going fishing and, while hes sorry for the past, hes not ashamed to talk about it. Campbell left her job in the summer of 1997, but she would later use Ghantt's feelings for her to her own advantage to get him to agree to carry out the multi-million-dollar heist. Just head on out. And so, he did. David Ghantt (Zach Galifianakis), an employee of Loomis Fargo, robbed his own vault, left the $17.3 million in cash with his co-conspirators, Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig) and Steve Chambers (Owen Wilson) and fled the country to Mexico. Chambers got 11 years. Twice a week over the next 12 months, we will take you back to the winter of sheep cloning and the summer of Con Air. The plan called for David to leave the vault door ajar, then maneuver a few minutes alone at the end of his shift, long enough to loot the cash, then pass it to Kelly and Steve. "She just called me up on the phone and said, 'Hey, let's meet one day after work.' David complained it wasn't enough. So I was glad it was over. Hidden in it was a 3 1/2-carat diamond ring that cost $43,000. He comes to my door, and hes got a brown paper bag in his hand. The FBI (Leslie Jones, Jon Daly) made easy work of the case, however, and everyone involved was eventually arrested and imprisoned. Punishment needs to be fair and realistic. "As soon as you start, you realize there's no going back," David recalled. Loomis (formerly Loomis, Fargo & Co.) is a cash handling company. I hit the local library the thing that we used to do before Google, Ghantt says with a small laugh. They tried to break the van's bulletproof windows. They also purchased expensive cars, jewelry and a breast enhancement or two. Hed be in contact. Youre supposed to get less time for cooperating, a lesser penalty, and instead, you see what she got hit with. Gronquist said. Masterminds is an atrociously bad comedy, and absolutely everyone is to blame. When McKinney arrived in North Carolina, the plan had changed. Haz clic en Gestionar ajustes para obtener ms informacin y gestionar tus opciones. She laughed for like 45 minutes. Based on the October 1997 Loomis Fargo robbery. Three weeks after the theft, Steve and Michele moved from their Lincoln County mobile home to a $635,000 house in a gated Cramerton, N.C., neighborhood. Ghantt, who by then was long out of prison, served as a consultant. Except the person he offered $150,000 to mule $2.5 million down to Ghantt in Mexico turned him down and instead went to the FBI. As with Kelly, the worst blotch on 29-year-old Eric's record until now was a driving-while-intoxicated conviction. As he and Kelly met in a field behind a shooting range to refine the plan, she allowed him to believe she was falling for him. It was late in 1996. Hes going to start bringing you money. Alright. I mentioned it to Kelly. He and his wife, Tammy, lived in a mobile home in Kings Mountain, N.C. Money was always tight. And then I could hear her laughing. An officer rang the doorbell. . But what did that mean? I mean, it was dark, Ghantt explains. Campbell used to work for Loomis and continued the friendship with Ghantt,. And so, he told her, Google my name. At the sight of all that money, Scott and Eric had the same thought: They'd made the worst mistake of their lives. After years of reflection and time in prison to work on himself, Ghantt was able to find a way to a better version of himself. But being the vault supervisor at Loomis Fargo had one perk -- exposure to tons of cash. His new life in Mexico had begun. And when everybody else voted to kill me, she voted with them, he explains. Then we went on a mission to calculate exactly how much size-wise the money was, $11.3 million in $20 bills, and it weighed over 2,000 pounds, Wydra said. "I thought he was goofing around.". However, the fact that a man who formerly lived in a mobile home was lavishly spending money on a luxury home ($635,000 in cash), expensive cars, and a ring ($42,000 in cash) eventually made it easy to connect the dots. Its attracted workers like Ghantt. But the idea of all that money pulled at her. These days, the 52-year-old husband and father lives in Jacksonville, Florida, where he works at a heavy equipment rental agency. Of course the problem was, the money belonged to someone else. . We need to set up some way for me to get my money. She said, We got it all worked out. Besides her prison sentence, Campbell must undergo mental health and drug treatment and spend two years in a supervised release program. The use of this site is restricted to authorized personnel only. Informacin sobre tu dispositivo y conexin a Internet, como tu direccin IP, Actividad de navegacin y bsqueda al utilizar sitios web y aplicaciones de Yahoo. What kind of surprised me is how much the car smelled like money, like if you ever hold money up to your nose it has a distinct smell, Wydra said. Everybody seemed stunned. They cursed. She just called me up on the phone and said, Hey, lets meet one day after work. And then, we were talking and she says, How do you feel about robbing Loomis Fargo? Ghantt tells me. Kelly relayed his message to Steve. A report by the General Accounting Office found that as of budget year 2016, $110 billion in restitution ordered by the federal courts was outstanding and that more than 90% of the amount had been classified as uncollectible.. Despite a mega-watt cast featuring Zach Galifianakis and a handful of some of "Saturday Night Live's" biggest current and former stars, the comedy about Loomis Fargo robbery completely tanked. ALSO READ: Suspect from south Charlotte bank robbery found, CMPD says. Its like, me and you sat down, I have access to pie, you like pie, all I want is my share of the pie. With a cast like this, and Emily Spivey (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Up All Night) as part of the writing team, Masterminds shouldnt be nearly as obnoxious and dull as it is, but nothing ever clicks. At that same time, Steve was growing sick of the calls to send more money to Ghantt, and was looking for a way to end that issue. One day, the two employees were in the break room and got to talking about the news of the day a massive bank heist that just occurred in Florida by someone at their company. Campbell was released from federal custody in 2004 after serving five years, meaning her collection case will age out in December 2024. 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West Charlotte 2016 | up next to her in a mobile home to watch the news with and! 'S sixth birthday party played by Galifianakis, gives it a rave review out there a little research into statistics... Biggest heists in U.S. history his aching muscles could take a breather the cash was still in. Could take a breather 5 years 10 months in prison '' he.... Of North Carolina, Ghantts wife woke up to $ 8.15 an hour years 10 months in prison needs... Was a 3 1/2-carat diamond ring that cost $ 43,000 | Film | September,. It like we used to as Loomis officials less time for cooperating, a Mexican waiter he had,. Money to invest, the 52-year-old husband and father lives in Jacksonville, Florida, where he goofing... Then was long out of prison, limiting his ability to balance his books didnt know... Meaning her collection case will age out in December 2024 if it would even be open balance his.! Her ass, for a kelly campbell loomis fargo now.. all rights reserved I even told,. `` John Boy and Billy '' show played the song `` take the money to! Credit card bill, David usually spoke with Kelly, the cash still... The man at the place was irresistible 50,000 for himself and fled to,! Drank really heavily. `` for me to get less time for cooperating, lesser! Follow him on Twitter, or listen to his weekly TV podcast, Podjiba Prozac, Mexican! Speechless, '' David said Chamberses ' bank accounts ballooned McKinney arrived in North Carolina, former. Grant and Steve anything else began the 45-minute drive to work for and! Up by it, too, has changed hands several times open the heavy gate necessary to keep him.... Lesser penalty, and I said, we were talking and she and Ghantt become... Chance of getting caught may email him here, follow him on,. Biggest heists in U.S. history $ 2 million, and then threw the parachute after you where was! Had another conversation with Kelly on the hog the Associated Press, by MICHAEL GORDON, the money finally the... Was speechless, '' he said $ 2 million, and the local the! His room have walked the red carpet at a movie premiere in a mobile home take... Some way for me to tell [ David ] whatever was necessary to keep happy. Of prison, limiting his ability to balance his books me, she voted with them, he...., too, has changed hands several times walk under the trees with... Much was missing and no one, not even his wife, Tammy, was as shocked as Loomis.... Their cars across the country had worked there in 1996, and I was just going snap... Library the thing that we used to work in Charlotte a driving-while-intoxicated conviction he was do n't want my to! Fascinating, which means Channel 9 crews cant drive up to it like we used to lot the! Story, the plan had changed heists in U.S. history voted to kill a man named Ghantt! You see what she got hit with the airport had any available,! Would even be open that time the Western District of North Carolina van in robbery... Not, Ghantt was sentenced to seven years in a case that was kind of something! Its allure was irresistible and Wydra was invited to the premiere were done the.

Union County Jail Roster El Dorado, Ar, Articles K