The ranch is near Mono Lake and Yosemite so those are options for an off-ranch trip, there is also good trout fishing nearby and lots of opportunities for biking or long walks. Its a shared fun, experience. A Full Ranch Experience Dewayne Leonard, a retired policeman, works every other week as a wrangler. Summary Ranch Description Riding Info Other Activities He established his first lumber mill in the redwood forests south of San Francisco, and another in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. took his family east over the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the mining town of Aurora. Being vaccinated is not a requirement to be employed at the Hunewill Ranch. with Yosemite Park only half an hour's drive away. Hunewill Ranch made her happier beyond my expectations! Its what separates this guest ranch from others. 2011 is the 150th year as a catt Hunewill Ranch Cattle Drive November 8-14, 2020 Enjoy the ultimate old-west experience on Hunewill Ranch's 111thcattle drive! Tel: 760-932-7710 We spent a number of days with the Hunewills and succumbed to their magic. We met a couple with two small children who were here with their parents. Most of the original buildings still stand including the farmhouse, now turned into guest rooms and the dining/ kitchen areas. Purchase insurance here. He says hes living his dream. This could work, I thought. I was just getting to the point where my body stopped complaining. Like many real, working cattle drives, you must be an intermediate to advanced rider to participate, capable of loping out to catch a cow or cows that try to make a break. One guest, Sue Hovey, told us her husband was reluctant to ride, because he had no experience. Some of the jobs youll do include moving cows, parting cows from the herd, and preparing cattle for shipping to summer pastures. 2 2023 Hunewill Ranch 3 INFORMATION ABOUT OUR STAYS AND PACKAGES Check In time is between 3:00 and 5:30 pm on arrival date. Read more California Cattle Drive Hunewill Ranch - California, USA The cattle drive puts you back in the Old West, driving cows over stock trails that have been in use since the 1860's. And last, but certainly not least, is Betsy and her husband, Jon Elliot. Horseback riding takes center stage on the ranch. There was also talent night with participation from a few guests, including a little girl who sang a Beatles tune. and Esther loved Alice very much. After a breakfast of eggs Benedict and potatoes, it was saddle-up time. 20.8 miles from Hunewill Ranch Free parking Restaurant West Walker Motel View Hotel 60 reviews 23.2 miles from Hunewill Ranch Free Wifi Free parking View more hotels in Bridgeport Value Location Sleep Quality Rooms Cleanliness Service Trip type: Traveled with friends Value Sleep Quality Rooms Cleanliness Trip type: Traveled solo Value Location Hunewill Guest Ranch Fall cattle drive, cattle working week and a ranch roping clinic. Cody, WY 82414, Copyright 2023 Dude Ranchers Association, This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. The Hunewill Ranch is a family-owned and operated outfit where great horseback riding is the featured attraction. Stan and Jan are semi-retired but still involved in overseeing ranch operations. A family whose roots are anchored deep in the grassy meadows; a family whose values are exemplified by treating everyone the way theyd like to be treated. As we wandered through the grounds on a cool, bright morning, it was difficult to imagine winter conditions of 20-foot snow drifts and sub-zero temperatures. Greenhorn Ranch is a guest ranch in Californias Lost Sierra. . Where do I start? Due to the altitude, the folk at the ranch recommend that you bring a hat, sunscreen, rain jacket or poncho and a warm jacket for cool evenings. Instruction in all aspects of horsemanship (groundwork and riding) is provided by skilled and experienced horsemen. Riding doesnt always take place on the ranch. Give us a call on 01798 865 946. Address. Other horseback activities include splash rides, a breakfast ride, moving cattle, an obstacle course, and games on horseback. Success! Nestled in the Cholame Valley, the V6 Ranch envelops 20,000 acres of the most diverse and alluring country in the heart of California. Dressed in 19th century hoop skirts for a more historical feel, the Hunewill women recount the early history of Napoleon Bonaparte Hunewill. When floods destroyed the mill in 1861, N.B. Those who want more cattle work should try one of the following stays; Spring Cattle Work, Fall Cattle Work, Big Fall Cattle Gather, or Hunewill Ranch Cattle Drive in November. I wanted to experience a cattle drive. Our full ranch experience includes world-class riding, delicious meals served in the dining room of the founders Victorian ranch house, lodging in our comfortable cabins, and popular evening activities such as talent night, family dance night, creek-side barbecues, and watching the gentling of young foals and yearlings. Horseback riding takes center stage on the ranch. For instance, the barn is a fine example of old-time craftsmanship. The living room is a mini-museum of Hunewill history containing original furnishings and photographs. built the present-day Hunewill Victorian-style ranch house. The lumber business proved to be more successful. They run free in the great outdoors, use their imaginations, climb trees, get dirty, and find ways to be useful. Jan 29, 2013 - Visit our dude ranch & ride any of our well-trained horses through the lush green meadows & scenic mountain trails of California's Sierra Nevada. The ranch offers a variety of vacation experiences ranging from family weekend getaways to adults-only excursions. Enjoy the ultimate old-west experience on Hunewill Ranchs 114th cattle drive! As we motored past the Hunewill Ranch, it seemed quietly in mourning as a result of Sallie's passing. Sadly, working cow ranches are rapidly disappearing as a way of life so spending time there is something to be valued. The cattle drive takes place rain, snow, or shine, so be prepared for all types of weather! Hunewill Ranch is home to the best horseback riding vacations in California. Learn more about great cattle drive vacations in the Equitrekking Vacation Guide, a searchable guide to great dude ranches, guest ranches, cattle drives and working ranch vacations. Each year along the drive, the family stops to remember those riders who have gotten too old or ill to participate in the drive any longer, and to remember those folks who have passed. Vacation Ranches and Guest Ranches offer many outdoor adventures such as horseback riding, fly-fishing, hiking, mountain climbing, swimming, mountain biking, cattle drives, horse . Traces of a horse racing track and baseball diamond were visible near the outskirts of town. All rights reserved. Find more great cattle drives. During your stay you will be able to enjoy their tasty Rankin Ranch beef. The tour continued on into the surrounding hills, past mining sites now encircled by barbed wire to keep out the unwary and curious. We sat next to Stan in his office as he showed us these papers. You can then send them to us to obtain a quotation or register and save them to look at again at a later date. (All without television or video games!) We also met an interesting 20-year-old student from Jamaica named Renee who was majoring in hospitality. Enjoy discounts on riding holidays and bargains on cattle drives and riding vacations. Discover working ranches, guest ranches, cattle drive vacations and riding vacations in the Equitrekking Vacation Guide. Ski areas such as Mammoth Mountain and Heavenly Valley are nearby, should an employee seek winter . Hunewill Ranch is a working cattle ranch and there is always cattle work to be done. Contact the Dude Ranchers Association: Later, we discovered that one happy vocalist was the doctor whod met his wife on the November cattle drive. Ideal for those looking for a working cattle ranch experience. Hunewill Ranch offers a glimpse of a lifestyle that few of us see and appreciate. the cookies. I hope to see Elmo next summer. Guests feel theyre a part of a very special ranching family. Alice and Frank had four children, one of whom died in infancy. Whether its a romantic weekend getaway for two, a family reunion, or a corporate retreat, come discover the magic of Alisal. Copyright 2013-2023 American Roundup. It marks ESLT's largest conservation easement to date and helps ensure a bright, secure future for Bridgeport Valley. The cabins were comfortable although fairly basic, the food, which included 3 meals daily was excellent - esp. dude ranch vacations meet the diverse interests and needs of your entire family or group. Skip to Nav; Skip to Main; Skip to Footer; Created with Sketch. Tel: 01798 865946 Email: The lumber was logged by N.B. The Hunewills have been at the Bridgeport ranch for 150 years. All rights reserved. ventured west to seek his fortune by mining for gold. Hunewill Guest Ranch Altitude: 6,500 ft Capacity: 40+ Guests Open: May-Nov Acres: 26,000 Min Stay: 3 Nights Rates: $200-$300/N Horseback riding is the driving focus at Hunewill Guest Ranch. The group became a tourist attraction that day as much as the town itself we found ourselves the subject of more than a few photographers. They have a busy calendar of events for every week of their opening season, stays are of different lengths - 3, 4 5 and 7 nights depending on when you choose to stay. Kindness, respect, patience, work ethic, and a sense of humor prevail. Visit Top 20 Ranches for Dude Ranch Vacations. and his brother-in-law successfully operated a sawmill in Woodside. While the rest of the group waited for their mounts, Elmo and I got acquainted by walking small circles. The majestic mountains of the Eastern Sierras, including the glistening peaks that mark the boundary of Yosemite National Park, circle the ranch in silent repose. Guests will participate and learn many traditional cowboy skills. Laura Deck spends a week on a rural California cattle drive that's been an annual tradition for more than a century. We've partnered with dude ranch vets Bob & Karen Foster, and anointed them our dude ranch concierge consultants to help dissect and pinpoint a perfect ranch vacation for you. The cattle were branded with the letter H, which eventually became known as the Circle H brand. Rate includes meals, horseback riding, lod. Twin Lakes is only a short drive from Hunewill Ranch. During its mining boom, the population swelled to 8,500 and more than 2,000 buildings. For over 136 years the Hunewill family has raised and sold cows and since the 1930s they have offered a very unique opportunity for visitors to get to see and participate in a working cow ranch. Even within the intermediate group, there were varying levels of riding ability and experience. surprised her with a Steinway piano that he bought from a mining engineer. Ron and Jeanette Tingley feel the ranch is a spiritual place, where guests feel total acceptance. P. O. With a temperate climate year-round and ever-changing seasonal activities, any time of year is the perfect time to visit. Badger Creek Ranch. So, when you pull up alongside the old Victorian house and see Welcome Home written on the big rock, youre home. Younger kids will be minded while parents are out riding. Children of former employees and guests come back to the ranch to work. Hes an artist, as well as a fascinating conversationalist; a modern-day Charlie Russell. They are able to cater to all levels and also take kids over 6. I wanted to experience a cattle drive. Hunewill Ranch also offers all the activities that naturally arise from old-fashioned hospitality. Kids of all ages enjoy the freedom and wide open spaces that Hunewill Ranch offers. The level of riding offered by the Hunewill will depend on the week that you visit. Megan promised we would all be loping today. Horses and riders were unloaded about a half mile on the outskirts of town. Hunewill is a working cattle and guest ranch with 1,200 head of cattle, 190 horses, and an assortment of goats, llamas, and sheep. Home style meals are served in the dining room in the founder's Victorian ranch house. Sort through them using our Find a Ranch tool or choose a ranch by location. Tel: 760-932-7710 They feel like part of an incredible family and fortunate to be doing what they love, and to get paid for it. 1065 County Road 306 Elk Creek, CA 95939 . She was having a great time working on the ranch, because everyone, including guests, were so friendly. We had the opportunity to visit Hunewill Ranch, the oldest working guest ranch in California and one of California's oldest continuously owned family ranches. On our hay-wagon ride, the sky was black velvet and studded with diamonds. Their season runs from late May to mid November. You will arrive at the ranch on Wednesday for dinner, ride Thursday through Tuesday, and leave the following Wednesday after breakfast. My rides ranged from 12-15 people in my intermediate group. The Hunewill family is not shy about displaying their talents as well. . They move their camp with the herd, sleep in tents, cook over the hot coals and they certainly do not ride nose to tail. The cattle are coming off their summer range and we are bringing them down to the home ranch. Elmo and I stood guard next to the gate to prevent an escape down the side of the fence, but after a bit of patience and prodding, the herd continued on through the gate. In the evening twilight, we watched children walk along the top rail of a corral, arms outstretched for balance as though they were circus performers. is located north of Yosemite National Park in the green, mountainous Bridgeport Valley of California. It refers to guests as the Greater Hunewill Family. During this time, N.B. Hunewill Ranch - California, USA 26- 30 May 2020 Spring Cattle drive Work cattle in Bridgeport and at our Smith Valley, Nevada ranch with Hunewill family members. Los Angeles is a 6 hour drive to Bridgeport. Well happily attest to the fact that her chocolate-chip cookies are superb! My room was just what I needed. The Hunewills have made some adjustments to make the cattle drive vacation more traveler friendly. Member of the Dude Ranchers' Association 2,590 were here. The mountains glowed pink as a bareback wrangler herded horses from their pasture into the corral. Wonderful riding, incredible hospitality from the same family that had run the ranch for more than 100 years. Started in 1861 by Napoleon Bonaparte Hunewill and his wife Esther, the ranch was originally conceived as a beef cattle operation to supply meat to the gold miners of the nearby town of Bodie, which today is a National Historic Landmark. | 307-587-2339 | 1122 12th St., Cody, WY 82414, 1122 12th Street, P.O. It's not uncommon for you to be able to help cowboys gather and bring in the herd to the corrals for vaccinating or branding. Box 368 Bridgeport, CA 93517. Dinners were 4 star. Copyright 2023 | Hunewill Guest Ranch - All Rights Reserved It took him six months to sail from Maine and around South Americas treacherous Cape Horn until finally landing in San Francisco. With red eyes and great sadness, Jeanette said, The hardest part about being here is leaving. Shed just taken her last ride and put her horse away. Art Black was a wrangler on the Hunewill ranch for more than 40 years and is considered a member of the Hunewill family. You'll love riding your horse through cool lush meadows bordered by timbered peaks. Marble Mountain Ranch (Somes Bar, California). Search the Equitrekking Vacation Guide and Stan Hunewill, family patriarch. We ride primarily in big open green pastures that are bordered by the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains. My nephew and I also made a side trip to Bishop to trout fish with Guide Pat Yeager. A reputation of lawlessness was earned as a result of the many gunfights, robberies and other crimes that went unchecked, Riding through Bodie. With over a hundred well-trained horses and a vast expanse of lush green meadows and scenic mountain trails, we create memories that last a lifetime. Hunewill Circle H Ranch (Bridgeport, California). Double Rafter are a one-of-a-kind cattle drive. Its difficult to explain how strongly this family feeling comes across. Their son, Stan, was born in 1934. Stan and Jan Hunewill manage the ranch along with their grown children, Betsy, Jeff and Megan. I guess we will keep going there until we are too old to ride. Search the Equitrekking Vacation Guide and Cattle Drives at Hunewill Ranch During your stay you will be able to enjoy their tasty Rankin Ranch beef. P. O. Family run working cattle ranch since 1861, located in the Eastern Sierra town of Bridgeport, CA. Wranglers and Greenhorns break bread at the same table. Moving cattle is available at least once during every stay. I did not ride but my daughter did and she loved it - including the all-day ride option on Wednesday where she got to see even more fantastic scenery. Horses spend the night in a large field and in the morning are driven into a corner and then surrounded by a cowboy held r. Parents are amazed by all the clean outdoor fun that kids find here. ANOTHER GREAT ADVENTURE WITH OUR HUNEWILL FAMILY, Remote and scenic, good food, great experience. Third part (of three) of pictures from the Hunewill Ranch Winter 2002 cattle drive 761 cattle moved from Bridgeport, California to Smith Valley, Nevada over 5 days (13 pictures - each about 45k in size) . warriors: come out to play board game; be quiet dark rock pro 4 vs noctua nh-d15; ridgeview road house cursed items; pan seared yellowfin tuna recipes This same family has been coming to the ranch for more than 30 years; the ranchs roots have become part of their family tree. Family run working cattle ranch since 1861, located in the Eastern Sierra town of Bridgeport, CA. Hunewill Ranch`s Hunewill Guest Ranch is located north of Yosemite National Park in the green, mountainous Bridgeport Valley of California. The Hunewill Ranch is an all round family ranch with various activities throughout the summer season. In August 2020, Eastern Sierra Land Trust completed a conservation easement with the Hunewill family, permanently protecting 4,100 acres of the family's historic ranch. We split up into our groups and rode out. This underlying thread of respect, acceptance, and welcoming spirit is alive and well in the sixth generation of todays Hunewill family. Some of the jobs you'll do include moving cows, parting cows from the herd, and preparing cattle for shipping to summer pastures. Getting them to go through an open gate was another. There was square dancing, which, at 6500 feet, can be a cardiovascular workout. Cattle drives were a major economic activity in the 19th and early 20th century American West, particularly between 1850s and 1910s.In this period, 27 million cattle were driven from Texas to railheads in Kansas, for shipment to stockyards in Louisiana and points east. We picked Hunewill because it is a working cattle ranch and everything is geared around trail riding and cattle drives. Our historic ranch is a working cattle and guest ranch. Most of the buildings are in a state of arrested decay, preserving the look as they existed when the residents lived there. We picked Hunewill because it is a working cattle ranch and everything is geared around trail riding and cattle drives. Children blossom here! Youll find myriad opportunities for safe riding. . The youngest child, Aspen, was wearing a diaper and didnt say much, but she roped her little heart out as she threw loop after loop at a plastic steer head. Box 368 Bridgeport, CA 93517. In 1880, N.B. A secluded jewel tucked into Californias famed Santa Ynez Valley; this 10,000-acre ranch melds the spirit of the Old West with the seductive charms of todays most relaxing resorts. When you drive through our gate you feel like you've stepped back in time. Drive 30 minutes north of Santa Barbara and youll find The Alisal Guest Ranch & Resorts 50 miles of riding trails, 100-acre spring-fed lake, two 18-hole championship golf courses, tennis courts, pool, spa, western-themed accommodations, fine dining, and endless ways to unplug and unwind. For the best deals on travel insurance, be sure to use the DRAs preferred provider! She also entertains guests around the campfire with sing-a-longs and dances on talent night. This is a serious ranch with serious cattleman & horseman (& women)! The surrounding 26,000 acres in the mountainous Bridgeport Valley provides a unique riding atmosphere for all skill levels. Prices are the average nightly price provided by our partners and may not include all taxes and fees. However, during a few special weeks we offer cattle work as the featured activity. As I drove away, my eyes kept darting to the rearview mirror, for a one last look. They were hesitant on this cattld drive and refused to continue on. Photo credit: Dwayne Leonard. Other activities are riverside barbecues, square dancing, talent night, campfire sing-a-longs and smores, roping, and horseback games. There are "City Slickers" type cattle drives put on for tourists and then there's the real thing-- where you can have a true old-west experience and drive cattle the old fashioned way. Remnants of the past intermingle with present times. Riding and cattle work are the main activities at this ranch, there is fishing and rafting nearby but it's not connected to the ranch's weekly schedule. The ranch does not provide alcohol but my table mates brought wine. He happily told his wife, This is something we can do until we get really old!. Need more ideas? Hunewill Ranch is home to the best horseback riding vacations in California. We always leave Hunewill Ranch plotting our next trip. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. I was taken aback by her enthusiasm. Participate in a hands-on cowboy experience which includes sorting, moving, parting and doctoring cattle. The guest ranch has been welcoming visitors from around the world for over 55 years. This beautiful piano is still in the house today. This property is what we would term a Working Guest ranch. The Hunewill Ranch conservation easement permanently conserves 4,100 acres and over six miles of rivers and streams in Bridgeport Valley. Today, the sixth generation of Hunewills live and work on Hunewill Ranch, which is situated at 6,500 feet elevation in Bridgeport Valley, Mono County, California. Whether you are looking to escape to wine country or cowboy country, the Dude Ranchers Association has 6 great dude ranch options to choose from in California! It was on this drive that Cupid launched a successful attack on two guests, Kay and Fred, whove been happily married for many years now. In 1883, N.B. Bridgeport Valley lies below the slope of the highway like a green carpet, a contrast against the dun-colored rock hills and sagebrush. We continually update the Equitrekking Travel Deals page and blast it out first in Equitrekking's free monthly e-newsletter. 26- 30 May 2020 Spring Cattle drive Work cattle in Bridgeport and at our Smith Valley, Nevada ranch with Hunewill family members. During this visit, he fell in love with Esther, a local girl, and married her. bread and other baked goods. Ping pong, horseshoes, and volleyball are available. Hunewill Ranch, a cluster of white buildings, is barely visible on the valley floor. Photo credit: Dwayne Leonard. Wranglers and Greenhorns break bread at the same table. On the whiteboard, horses are matched to guests names. Fall at the ranch is a time filled with essential cattle work. We had arrived for a 5-day stay at Hunewill Ranch, one of the oldest family owned ranches in California, founded in 1880. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. The Hardy Quarter Horses of Namibia Breed Profile, Where to Ride in 2019: Droolworthy Riding Vacations, Horse Lovers Vacation at Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, Hunewill Ranch Vacation & Cattle Drives in California. No nose to tail trail riding here! Just minutes away from the premier guest ranch are more than 75 renowned vineyards and wineries and the charming Danish village of Solvang. A local girl, and leave the following Wednesday after breakfast were branded with the letter H,,... 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