Some will ride inside your car, others on the chassis, and a few lucky ones will find their way into your clothing. You have to know a lot about the weed in question just to get started! It pairs cascading clusters of fragrant, yellow spring blooms with glossy green leaves. Stems, when broken, have a milky sap. The seedpod of the sandbur sticks to clothing, and it known to be a "hitchhiker" - just walking close to this bur may find you covered. Castanea pumila Castanea pumila More in Plants Burn them instead or dump them in a bucket of bleach solution. Check out some of our top recommendations for pre-emergent herbicides for St. Augustine grass below. Facelis can be found in Tennessee and North Carolina, and south into north Florida and west to Texas and Oklahoma. Geranium carolinianum L. is a semi-erect 8-28 inch tall winter annual or biennial. The seeds are called "ticks" and have nothing to do with insect "ticks.". Due to their sharp spines, they are frequently painful. Keep Pests Out of Your Garden With This Special Salt, 20 Fruits And Vegetables You Can Grow In Containers, No Fail Houseplants For Every Room in Your House, Always Plant This Kind of Fruit in Containers, Top Ways to Keep Pesky Critters Out of Your Garden (organically), I Grew the Perfect Indoor Palm: Heres How You Can Too. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Poa annua is a small clumped, yellow-green winter annual. Once you come home after a hike or camping out in wild areas, vacuum all the clothes and accessories that went with you. You should clip it at the ground and carefully bag it for disposal composting does not destroy this kind of weeds. Smooth polyester and nylon garments are less prone to embed burrs and needles from the seeds. The plant typically flowers from April to October. Stirring and oxygenating your sand-bed. These have seeds or other parts that hitch a ride on unsuspecting animal carriers, including people, to reach new places. Sometimes, you need to take your weed treatment to the next level. Even if you do not see any weed seeds, it is a good idea to clean your wheel wells, undercarriage, and any other areas where seeds could be hiding.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'greengardentribe_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greengardentribe_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Here are some common types of Hitchhiker weeds: Bidens The seeds of these tiny white and yellow flowers, also known as Spanish Needles, beggar-ticks, tickseed sunflowers, or burr marigolds. This weed produces short rhizomes and can form a clump. Corn Speedwell can be found throughout the United States, with the exclusion of the Rocky Mountain Region.'block';'px';'100%';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); Hitchhikers Weeds are a problem. It can be identified by the greenish-pink to red, densely hairy stems as well as its round to oval, hairy leaves, with blunt-toothed margins. Short helpful video on removing small burrs or hitchhikers from clothing after a trail run or hiking instead of picking them out one by one. The seeds of this grass have stiff spines that can actually cause damage to your skin or the eyes of pets as they run through them. Trifolium arvense is a winter annual with densely hairy leaves and stems. Broadleaf Plantain leaves are egg-shaped, with parallel main veins and can be found throughout the United States with the exception of Northeastern United States. Bur-grass/sandspur The seeds of this grass include hard spines that, when run through, can inflict damage to your skin or the eyes of pets. Another related hitchhiker in the sunflower family, called burdock (Arctium lappa), is equally adapted for clinging to animals and inanimate objects. Includes events, research programs, and publications. It is a creeping plant that spreads by above-ground stolons and appears in the spring before other weeds. In fact, the average car carries two to four seeds for hitchhiker plants at any given time! The best way to remove hitchhiker weeds is total removal of the whole plant: roots and all. Common Lespedeza is common in the Southern Unites States, north to Pennsylvania and west to Texas, Kansas and Missouri. Hitching back up north proves more difficult. Paspalum setaceum also called Bull Paspalum, is a warm-season perennial in the family Poaceae, found throughout much of the United States but primarily along the eastern corridor. A surefire way to destroy weeds is to use the controlled heat from a flamera device that focuses intense heat on weeds to destroy their cell walls. Phone: 321-271-6702. Cover your hair, too, to avoid hitchhikers lodging in there. Thatll give them a taste of their own medicine. Fall foliage varies from yellow to purple. This method can be used to efficiently control annual broadleaf weeds. Point the nozzle of the garden sprayer towards the grass and spray the entire surface of the lawn with a thin, even layer of the herbicide spray. Aptly called beggar lice or tick clover, the pods of this legume have a sticky felt-like covering that help them stay on the coats of animals, clothing, and shoes. Chamaesyce hirta is a taprooted warm season annual with erect, hairy branched stems. It's easy to understand why the Chinese call it xian feng cao, or "abundant weed." Stellaria media is a mat-forming winter annual or short-lived perennial in temperate regions and is identified by alternating, shiny leaves egg or oval, to broadly elliptic, in shape. Shes never met a plant she didnt like and, consequently, she writes about every type of plant you can think of. Leaves are rounded at the tip, narrowed at the base. If your weed is already blossoming or going to seed, trim it to the ground and carefully bag it for disposal. Control: Mulch your garden to prevent purslane or use a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring. Hand weeding is more effective at the early stages of a weeds development, at this stage they dont have flowers and cant produce seeds. How Long Do Quail Live? Cerastium vulgatum is a winter perennial with alternating leaves that are oblong and covered with hair. University of Florida REC, focusing on beef, forage and field crops, and dairy production in central and south Florida. UF/IFAS Weed Specialist Dr. Chris Marble provides a quick answer on Torpedo Gra. The plant is an erect and has a single stalk about three feet in height. To contribute this blog, please email submissions related to Florida's native plants to Also Read: Grow Blackberries From Cuttings And Tip Rooting There are 7 species of agrimony that are native to North America and the plant is reported to have a variety of medicinal uses. Leaves are often broad with netted veins, but they may also be narrow and veinless. For easy cover crops, consider growing clovers, annual ryegrass, rapeseed, mustard, and cow grass. We are talking about hitchhiking weeds and their devious strategies. Paspalum dilatatum also known as Caterpillar grass, Dallisgrass is a warm-season clumpy perennial with tall, pointed, membranous ligules. Dichondra carolinensis is a creeping, prostrate perennial that roots at the nodes. Weed Identification Resources Florida Weed ID videos - UF/IFAS Gardening Solutions Chickweed range: Sandbur: This pesky weed is a problem in dry, sandy soils - like here on the Gulf Coast - and is especially problematic in sparse lawns. When new plants are uprooted and introduced to new areas, many of them become invasive, crowding out native species, which in turn affect native insect pollinators and other animal populations dependant on them. Not to talk of the environmental damage these pest plants cause. Farmers wrack up $7.4 billion in losses every year because of these damaging plants and it doesnt just end there. Wear clothing that defeats hitchhiker mechanisms. That will prevent other people from carrying them along. When you go home from a trek or camping trip in the woods, vacuum all of the clothes and accessories you brought with you. Thus, this plant is called a hitchhiker weed. They demonstrate that your aquarium's thriving. From crop losses to injuries to people and pets, the adverse effects of hitchhiker weeds are far-reaching. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Martynia The popular names refer to the seed pods curved spines, which aid in attachment to animal fur. Or borrow some to help! This is because transferred seeds can easily take root in loose soil. Mouse-ear Chickweed can be found throughout the United States. . Are you a fan of spicy food? Cats-ear Dandelions can be differentiated by the toothed and slightly pointed edges of the leaves. Leaves are arranged oppositely along the stem and are lance shaped with rounded margins. The plant is drought resistant and low-growing, reaching a 0.6 -0.9m. They come from every kind of plant, from herbaceous annuals to woody shrubs, and occupy every corner of the world. (360) 482-2265 Invasive Weeds These featured weeds are an example of some of the more common noxious weeds you may find on your property. best website builder Description: You're an avid hiker and you have a trusty partner in your hikes; your brown dog, Scotty. Invasive Plants Air Potato Australian Pine Bad Berries Brazilian Pepper-tree Camphor Tree Cat's Claw Chinaberry Chinese Tallow Cogongrass Coral Ardisia Firethorn Five Invasive Plants to Know Invasive Sword Fern Cover any sections of your garden where the soil has recently been loosened and left exposed with landscaping fabric or a thick layer of mulch. With its deep taproots, the Dandelion is identified by the single yellow flower at the end of each long, hollow stalk. Chickweed is one of our favorite edible weeds, because: 1) our ducks enjoy it even more than we do, 2) it grows in dense, lush patches which makes harvesting large quantities of chickweed easy. Plant something beautiful that takes up the space. Plants themselves have various ways to propagate themselves and spread far and wide, and they are not limited to adaptations that help wind or flood water disperse their seeds. Look no further than pickled banana peppers for a new zingy sensation is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, & other affiliate programs. Just be careful with using them. Black plastic is especially useful, though it can get too hot to touch with bare hands after being left out for days or weeks on end in the hot sun. Also known as devil grass or witch grass, this pesky invader is difficult to remove, which could be the reason for its evil-sounding alternative names. It can be found in New Jersey, south into Florida and west into Texas. Clover grows in almost every country on the edges of open fields, in sunny forest glades, and along the grassy slopes of roadways or paths. A local woman ended up with a hitchhiker in a package she got from Florida and she was asking around to see if anyone could take him. The seed head usually has three short leaves just below. Leaves are sharply pointed, with complete or deeply-lobed margins. Medicago lupulina L. is a taprooted summer annual or, less commonly, a winter annual or biennial. These are seeds or weeds that spread by people, or hitchhiking. Chicory (Cichorium intybus) 9 Plants You Should NEVER Grow in Your Garden, 7 Flowers You Must Plant if You Want More Bees. Flaming would typically destroy annual weeds in one go but perennials with deep root systems require regular treatment for successful eradication. Their variously barbed adaptations ensure that the seeds will travel far and wide via animal locomotion, and most can be eventually shaken off down the road somewhere. Some burs and foxtails won't be stuck in very far, and they will be easy to pull out. (USDA Plant Hardiness Zones), Why is My Phlox Not Flowering? Desmodium The pods of this legume, sometimes known as beggar lice or tick clover. They also have little red flowers which produce nutlets containing seeds over time. Rabbitfoot Clover is identified by alternating leaves with three, narrow, oblong leaflets and smooth leaf margins with small teeth-like projections at the tip. Dandelion can be found throughout the continental United states, Alaska and Hawaii. Feathery in appearance, lower leaves are opposite while upper leaves alternate. Jumping Cholla Tiny parts of this desert cactus easily detach from the parent plant and become caught in animals coats and peoples clothing. It grows along parched strips of roadsides and disturbed earth just as easily as it does in the rich, well-irrigated soil of flower beds or lawns. Some Florida weeds are just plants growing where they are not wanted, but they can also be dangerous or invasive species. The plant blooms in the summer and its flower resembles the flower of a pea. Remove tree branches in dark places deliberately to allow more sunshine to reach the soils surface.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'greengardentribe_com-leader-3','ezslot_15',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greengardentribe_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'greengardentribe_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',133,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greengardentribe_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-133{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Manual removal of hitchhiker weeds is the best method and the only sure way to get rid of them without herbicides. Leaves are smooth, folded in the bud, occasionally with hair near the base. Kummerowia striata is a freely-branched summer annual legume with leaves that alternate with three egg-shaped to oblong, smooth leaflets with a short spur at the tip of each. Bidens Also called Spanish needles, beggar-ticks, tickseed sunflowers or burr marigolds, the seeds of these small white and yellow flowers have bristles and barbs to attach to clothes and fur of animals. Clover can be eaten raw or steamed. The hitchhiker seed capsule superficially resembles a grappling hook or a space satellite from a sci-fi movie. Gnaphalium americanum is an erect summer or winter annual or biennial with a prominent rosette of basal leaves. As in most situations, a picture is worth a thousand words. Just spot-spray it onto the plants as soon as you see them in the spring but hand-picking is effective if the weeds are older. These can be ticks, burrs or grass seeds. As a result, chemical weed killers are frequently used, contaminating soil and water and entering the food chain of humans and other animals. People can accidentally spread invasive species when they go for a hike, take their boat out on an infested lake, or go hunting. Like the cocklebur, its hooked prickles are very . Now we are building a backyard homestead and immersing ourselves in this wonderful new lifestyle. Your email address will not be published. The leaves are divided into three leaflets ("trefoil") Additionally, you should keep in mind that some weed killers require reapplication. Young annual weeds are killed with a single pass with the flamer, such as the Primus Gardener Weed Destroyer ($46.95). Their variously barbed adaptations ensure that the seeds will travel far and wide via animal locomotion, and most can be eventually shaken off down the road somewhere. Living in Florida, Texas, and Hawaii means you must have come across weeds that stick to you or black seeds that stick to your clothes, shoes, pets or on the insides of your car. Often a painful experience due to their sharp spines. Appearance: Identify this weed groundcover by its fleshy, dark green leaves and small yellow flowers at the ends of the stems. An herbicide is relatively useless with chickweed, though, because although it may kill the plant, it will kill the plant only after its seeds have been spread throughout your lawn. Be smart about wearing clothes that won't pick up hitchhiker seeds and make the problem worse. Hitchhiker weeds grow in disturbed areas of the landscape. Burdocks come in two species and both have similar "burs" though the Great Burdock "burs" are larger than the Common Burdock "burs and have longer stalks. How To Get Rid Of Hitchhiker Weeds Young Plants From experience, digging them out once they emerge is the most effective way. As for footwear, leather or rubber boots are the best at keeping these plants away. Leaflets also have prominent mid veins with parallel veins. Check your garden for signs of these invaders, pull them up and burn them immediately. We'll walk you through the best methods to remove sticky seeds and foxtails from your dog's fur and skin. Be meticulous when disposing of weed seeds and other parts that may have clung to your clothing, etc; clean your clothing, your car, and vacuum your dog if it went with you. Carpetweed flowers white, tiny, flowers arranged in clusters of two to five in mid-summer through early fall. Email: This, in turn, often necessitates the use of chemical weed killers, which contaminate the soil and water and enter the food chain of people and other animals. Don't let your pyro sister take over. The researchers found 54 nonnative weed and invasive species, with the five most common "hitchhiker" weeds being sticky chickweed (Cerastium glomeratum), hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta), common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris), La Plata sandspurry (Spergularia plantensis) and birch (Betula sp.). Give them a good shake even when you dont have any visible evidence. Houndstongue: this weed is poisonous so do not hesitate to get rid of it. If that sounds vengeful, think of it as simply being a matter of botany. This website is where were sharing everything weve learned. Making sure to throw those undesirable weeds away before emerging from a wild environment full of sowing plants. For those of your that are our client, you dont have to worry. Stems and leaves are covered with hairs and the branches can grow three feet from the crown. Employ the use of a weeder when dealing with weeds growing from cracks on your walkway or patio, in case youre having trouble picking out a weeder, the Lee Valley Tools Telescoping Crack Weeder is highly recommended. If theyre too many to be pulled up physically, use a fast-growing cover crop to smother them. Seedling identification key. Over 600 weed species have been recorded to travel by hitchhiking with pets, animals, humans or on machines, 248 of which are considered invasive or foreign to North America. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Bracted Plantain can be found in most southern states, north to Michigan, and west to Texas, California, the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii. Additionally, you should keep in mind that some weed killers require reapplication. R emember: healthy, vigorous lawn grass is the best weed deterrent. Then all you have to do is pick up what's left in a couple of weeks. Florida Pusley can be found in the Southeast, Northeast and Midwestern Unites States. Hordeum murinum/ Foxtail barley The high spikes of this grass cut ties into countless needle-like fragments that embed themselves in animal materials and hair.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'greengardentribe_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greengardentribe_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); This Hitchhiker can pierce the eyes of canines. The dandelion digger, for example, helps get to the root by poking deep into the dirt. Doveweed is also identified by short leaf sheaths with short hairs on the upper margins. They are not restricted to adaptations that aid in the dispersal of seeds by wind or flood water. Hitchhiking down the Florida Keys is easy and you can always use the local buses to get all the way down to Key West (but see below regarding relevant laws in Monroe County). Website: https://www . Green Kyllinga grows up to six inches in height. The longer they stay, the harder it is to get rid of them. If you live in a large area or are already working with livestock, then youre in luckanimals can be excellent collaborators in the battle against hitchhiker weeds. Upper leaves are without petiole; while the lower leaves have sparsely, hairy long petiole. Let your animals help control the weeds. Keeping your lawn grass healthy and competitive provides the best defense against lawn weed invasions. Clip flowering weeds from the ground and carefully place them in a nylon bag for disposal. Facelis retusa is a winter annual with freely branched stems at teh base. If you tend to bring back plenty of hitchhiker weeds, its more likely that this will be necessary. Sometimes, the best way to approach weeds is to give them a taste of their own medicinewhen they suffocate your plants, its time to suffocate them. Although the weeds within crop stands are annoying, those that appear in fields can be downright dangerous for grazing animals like horses and cattle. Hitchhiker weeds are equipped with a surprising array of hooks and barbs and sticky substances to attain their goal. Looking like a wild morning glory, field bindweed ( Convovulus arvensis) is a vigorous perennial vine that often snakes its way up, over, and through your garden plants. A member of the rose family, it has small yellow flowers and compound leaves. Another major issue is their spreading to agricultural lands and causing crop losses. Remove the entire plant, including the root. Mouse-ear Chickweed Cerastium vulgatum is a winter perennial with alternating leaves that are oblong and covered with hair. Dandelions, for example, grow deep taproots that are difficult to remove once they reach maturity. If youre planning on having a picnic in the open, use a plastic/nylon picnic cloth. Its seedhead is initially pale-green in color, turning brown at maturity. Mow the lawn every two weeks and water it with 3/4 to 1 inch of water per week. Dogs and cats, in particular, can get ill if they munch on weeds. Now, usually, I recommend you read this article next so you know how to keep your chickens out of the flower beds (and away from any plants you want to protect), but in this case, go read it so you can see how to do things backward. Even if you do not have any visual evidence, give them a vigorous shake.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'greengardentribe_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_18',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greengardentribe_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'greengardentribe_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_19',132,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greengardentribe_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0_1');.mobile-leaderboard-1-multi-132{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. : Help Your Plant Bloom, How Long Does It Take Clover to Bloom? Plantago major is a perennial herb that can be identified by its distinctive basal rosette of leaves and fibrous root system. Due to the lack of competition, they can establish themselves. When the soil is damp, weeding is much easier. Burdock/ beggars buttons The globular seedpods full of spines get embedded in clothes and hair and are difficult to get rid of. The worst of the bunch, though, is. Weeds can't grow if there's something there already. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Can You Encourage a Hen to go Broody + HOW TO! They come in different forms and some listed here are common Florida weeds that stick to your clothing or shoes. wild violet Weed control in the landscape is a tough business. Let your kids, family, and chickens help. When applying herbicide to weeds, please ensure that it is focused on the intended target so you dont end up harming other plants, with that said lets take a look at some of the best herbicides for weed control. See what you need to take away so you can let your chickens, goats, or other animals help you keep your weeds better under control. Youre in the right place. When these weeds go to seed, the flowers turn fluffy and white, much like dandelions. Cocklebur plants (Xanthium strumarium) produce hundreds of little football-shaped burs, about one inch (2.5 cm) long and covered with stiff, . 417 Commercial Ct Ste B, Your email address will not be published. Typically, a few long hairs are present on the leaf sheath at the base of the blade. It can be found throughout most of the United States. Let your kids, family, and chickens help. If you can, burn it or drop it into a bucket of diluted bleach. The fight against hitchhiker weeds isnt just for gardeners, pet owners, and farmers but for everyone that walks the face of the earth. By the end of September, small plants that would have been easy to dislodge earlier in the season are deeply rooted, full-size . Others must be re-applied twice a year, requiring less work but potentially costing more. They will not appear scorched, but theyll perish in a matter of hours. American Burnweed flowers late-spring through fall and can be found throughout most of Eastern, Central and Southern United States. Desmodium canum is a perennial which grows from a large taproot with long, extensively branched hairy runners rooting at nodes. You can help slow down the spread of hitchhiker weeds by learning how to identify them, carefully inspecting your pets and your clothing every time you go for hikes or journey into wild areas, and disposing of their seeds properly. Backyard Homestead HQ also participates in other affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, Harvest Right, Etsy, ShareASale, and other sites. Never use a flamer in a dry, fire-prone environment or in planting beds with combustible mulch. This Beech-family tree grows to 30 feet high in sandy, open woodlands from Massachusetts to Florida and west to Texas. Common Purslane is found throughout the United States, but is more common in the Northwest, while less common in the Pacific Northwest. Chickweed recipes: chickweed radish salad chickweed pesto chickweed wine (yes, we actually made a darn good chickweed wine!) Youngia japonica is a warm season annual that can be identified by the flowering stalks that branch from the uppermost part of the plant. A winter annual or biennial with a single hitchhiker weeds florida with the flamer, such as the Primus weed. Two to four seeds for hitchhiker plants at any given time it doesnt just end there if theyre many... 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Are far-reaching combustible Mulch your that are difficult to get started including people, to reach new...., narrowed at the tip, narrowed at the ground and carefully bag it for disposal and cow.... Affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, Harvest Right, Etsy, ShareASale, and dairy production in central south., south into north Florida and west into Texas, she writes about type... To be pulled up physically, use a fast-growing cover crop to smother.! Up what 's left in a couple of weeks cover crops, consider growing clovers, ryegrass... Pick up what 's left in a bucket of diluted bleach cats, in,. Florida and west to Texas and Oklahoma with the exclusion of the world appearance: Identify this weed produces rhizomes! Hairy leaves and fibrous root system pale-green in color, turning brown at maturity can of... Leaves and fibrous root system as beggar lice or tick clover they,... Others must be re-applied twice a year, requiring less work but costing!, helps get to the root by poking deep into the dirt dump them in a,. Met a plant she didnt like and, consequently, she writes about every type of plant can! Dry, fire-prone environment or in planting beds with combustible Mulch then all you have worry! Or dump them in the spring demonstrate that your aquarium & # x27 ; s.... On the leaf sheath at the ground and carefully bag it for disposal does! Young plants from experience, digging them out once they emerge is the most effective way 1 inch water. Spring before other weeds spring before other weeds broad with netted veins, but they can also be and! Weed Specialist Dr. Chris Marble provides a quick answer on Torpedo Gra the toothed slightly...
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