weapons.js export const weapons = { dagger: 2460120199, bat: 2508868239, battleaxe: 3441901897, knuckle: 3638508604, bottle: 4192643659, crowbar: 2227010557, unarmed: 2725352035, flashlight: 2343591895, golfclub: 1141786504, hammer: 1317494643, hatchet: 4191993645, knife: 2578778090, machete: 3713923289, Weapon Group. GTA 5 Weapons and Ammo Cheat. Core Game only. I don't understand the code I'm sry, Hey Open it Site You Have Names And Hash Weapons -https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Weapons, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. [Reference] Weapons.meta Flags and Hashes. Flashlight - 0x7BC4CDDC: SMG, Assault SMG, Combat PDW, Assault Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Advanced Rifle, Special Carbine, Bullpup Rifle, Pump Shotgun, Assault Shotgun, Bullpup Shotgun, Heavy Shotgun, Marksman Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Smoke Grenade Launcher. (Link to a list of ammotypes (No MK2) = https://gist.github.com/root-cause/faf41f59f7a6d818b7db0b839bd147c1). So, not sure if anything like this has been posted before (if so I couldn't find it), but here are the weapon component hashes I found today (I believe it's all of them.) GTANet.com 2001-2023. @FiveM Ready if its not working then there's another hash tool to download in this site. Hash Key Hash Base Model: COMPONENT_KNUCKLE_VARMOD_BASE: 0xF3462F33: The Pimp: COMPONENT_KNUCKLE_VARMOD_PIMP: 0xC613F685: The Ballas: COMPONENT_KNUCKLE_VARMOD . Yes this is what i used to search AmmoTypes, then I converted that number from decimal(10) to Hexa(16) ! Also, clicking on each weapon image brings you to their detailed profiles and information! It may not display this or other websites correctly. @FoxtrotDelta Still collecting more, there's hundreds of vehicle weapon stuff. Se7enSins caters to all types of gamers across the globe, aiming to provide access to the latest news, releases, mods and a great deal more. 0. | 12.59 KB, JSON | 2.1 Pistol; 2.2 Combat Pistol; . Cayo Perico Island. PICKUP_WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE = -1296747938, PICKUP_WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN = -1766583645, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN = -1835415205, PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER = 779501861, PICKUP_WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER = -887893374, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_PISTOL = -1521817673, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = -794112265, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_APPISTOL = -863291131, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MICROSMG = -1200951717, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SAWNOFF = 772217690, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_GRENADE = -1491601256, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MOLOTOV = -2066319660, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 1705498857, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB = 746606563, PICKUP_VEHICLE_HEALTH_STANDARD = 160266735, PICKUP_VEHICLE_ARMOUR_STANDARD = 1125567497, PICKUP_PORTABLE_CRATE_UNFIXED = 1852930709, PICKUP_VEHICLE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT = -1514616151, Native Functions Database (Alexander Blade), https://gtamods.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Pickup_Hashes&oldid=14161. Can also take an ammo hash? | 13.43 KB, JSON | Scope - 0x9D2FBF29: Micro SMG, Assault SMG, Assault Rifle. Extended clip - 0x7C8BD10E: Special Carbine. i want to see the 2 weapons in the ammunition shop that says to go to ps network to get them. Advanced scope - 0xBC54DA77: Sniper Rifle, Heavy Sniper, Extended clip - 0x249A17D5: AP Pistol, :( is there some tool to find objects names ? Hash list of All Objects, skins, weapons, animations, in GTA5, GTAV, GTA-5, GTA 5, RolePlay, RP Nick, RP nickname, HEX with pictures If you have display problems, clear the cache: CTRL + F5! 5 min ago MK2SniperScopeThermal = 0x2E43DA41, MK2SniperSuppressor = 0xAC42DF71, MK2SniperRegularBarrel = 0x909630B7, MK2SniperHeavyBarrel = 0x108AB09E, MachinePistolRegularClip = 0x476E85FF, MachinePistolExtended = 0xB92C6979, CompactRifleRegularClip = 0x513F0A63, CompactRifleExtendedClip = 0x59FF9BF8, AdvancedSniperScope = 0xBC54DA77, AP_PistolExtendedClip=0x249A17D5, HeavyPistolExtendedClip =0x64F9C62B, S_N_S_PistolRegularClip = 0xF8802ED9, S_N_S_PistolExtendedClip = 0x7B0033B3, S_N_S_PistolEtchedWoodGrip = 0x8033ECAF, SpecialCarbineExtendedClip =0x7C8BD10E, AssaultShotgunExtendedClip =0x86BD7F72, AdvancedRifleExtendedClip =0x8EC1C979, BullpupRifleExtendedClip =0xB3688B0F, CombatM_G_ExtendedClip =0xD6C59CD6, PistolExtendedClip =0xED265A1C, CombatPistolExtendedClip =0xD67B4F2D, point50PistolExtendedClip =0xD9D3AC92, VintagePistolRegularClip = 0x45A3B6BB, VintagePistolExtendedClip = 0x33BA12E8, MicroS_M_G_ExtendedClip =0x10E6BA2B, S_M_G_ExtendedClip =0x350966FB, AssaultS_M_G_ExtendedClip =0xBB46E417, CombatP_D_W_RegularClip = 0x4317F19E, CombatP_D_W_ExtendedClip =0x334A5203, M_G_ExtendedClip =0x82158B47, GusenbergRegularClip= 0x1CE5A6A5, GusenbergExtendedClip =0xEAC8C270, AssaultRifleExtendedClip =0xB1214F9B, CarbineRifleExtendedClip =0x91109691, MarksmanRifleExtendedClip =0xCCFD2AC5, HeavyShotgunRegularClip = 0x324F2D5F, HeavyShotgunExtendedClip = 0x971CF6FD, Pistol_Micro_S_M_G_Flashlight =0x359B7AAE, RifleShotgunFlashlight =0x7BC4CDDC, RifleShotgunGrip =0xC164F53, BullpupRifleRegularClip =0xC5A12F80, SpecialCarbineRegularClip =0xC6C7E581, HeavyPistolRegularClip =0xD4A969A, CombatM_G_RegularClip =0xE1FFB34A, MicroS_M_G_RifleScope =0x9D2FBF29, Carbine_Combat_M_G_Scope=0xA0D89C42, P_D_W_Rifle_Grenade_Scope =0xAA2C45B4, SniperScope =0xD2443DDC, S_M_G_Scope=0x3CC6BA57, M_G_Scope=0x3C00AFED, PistolSupressor=0x65EA7EBB, Rifle_ShotgunSuppressor =0x837445AA, point50Pistol_MicroS_M_G_Assault_S_M_G_Rifle_Suppressor =0xA73D4664, Combat_A_P_Heavy_VintagePistol_Suppressor =0xC304849A, PumpShotgunSuppressor =0xE608B35E, SMG_YusufAmirFinish = 0x27872C90, Pistol_YusufAmirFinish = 0xD7391086, AP_Pistol_GildedGunMetalFinish = 0x9B76C72C, MicroSMG_YusufAmirFinish = 0x487AAE09, SawnOffShotgun_GildedGunMetalFinish = 0x85A64DF9, AdvancedRifle_GildedGunMetalFinish = 0x377CD377, CarbineRifle_YusufAmirFinish = 0xD89B9658, AssaultRifle_YusufAmirFinish = 0x4EAD7533, SniperRifle_EtchedWoodGripFinish = 0x4032B5E7, point50Pistol_PlatinumPearlDeluxeFinish = 0x77B8AB2F, HeavyPistol_EtchedWoodGripFinish = 0x7A6A7B7B, MarksmanRifle_YusufAmirFinish = 0x161E9241, SniperRifleUnknown = 0x9BC64089, MiniSMGRegularClip = 0x84C8B2D3, MiniSMGExtendedClip = 0x937ED0B7, RevolverBoss = 0x16EE3040, RevolverGoon = 0x9493B80D, KnuckleDusterPlain = 0xF3462F33 KnuckleDusterPimp = 0xC613F685, KnuckleDusterBallas = 0xEED9FD63, KnuckleDusterDollar = 0x50910C31, KnuckleDusterDiamond = 0x9761D9DC, KnuckleDusterHate = 0x7DECFE30, KnuckleDusterLove = 0x3F4E8AA6, KnuckleDusterPlayer = 0x8B808BB, KnuckleDusterKing = 0xE28BABEF, KnuckleDusterVago = 0x7AF3F785, SwitchBladeBase = 0x9137A500, SwitchBladeMod1 = 0x5B3E7DB6, SwitchBladeMod2 = 0xE7939662, Can you make an example of it? https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/11337/reference-weapons-meta-flags-and-hashes, Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. You can filter weapons by Type / Class, Manufacturer, Title Update, Game Edition and more, as well as sort them by Release Date, Price, Statistics and Rank required to unlock them in GTA Online. Weapon Groups (Incomplete list) melee: 2685387236; Handguns: 416676503; Submachine Gun: 3337201093; Shotgun . [Information] Vehicles, Weapon,Arena War Props 1.46 Hash list, UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacking and Cheats. Don't like Ads? Also, you say the gist link doesn't include MK2 ammo types, but I'm pretty sure "AMMO_SHOTGUN_INCENDIARY" is an MK2 ammo type Looks like your connection to GTA5-Mods.com Forums was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect. WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0x63AB0442, 1672152130, WEAPON_PROXMINE = 0xAB564B93, -1420407917, WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK = 0x678B81B1,1737195953, WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = 0x5EF9FEC4,1593441988, WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG = 0xEFE7E2DF,4024951519, WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE = 0xBFEFFF6D,3220176749, WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE = 0x83BF0278,2210333304, WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE = 0xAF113F99,2937143193, WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN = 0x1D073A89,487013001, WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN = 0x7846A318,2017895192, WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN = 0xE284C527,3800352039, WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN = 0x9D61E50F,2640438543, WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE = 0x05FC3C11,100416529, WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER = 0x0C472FE2,205991906, WEAPON_REMOTESNIPER = 0x33058E22,856002082, WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER = 0xA284510B,2726580491, WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER_SMOKE = 0x4DD2DC56,1305664598, WEAPON_PASSENGER_ROCKET = 0x166218FF,375527679, WEAPON_AIRSTRIKE_ROCKET = 0x13579279,324506233, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 0xFDBC8A50,4256991824, WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER = 0x060EC506,101631238, WEAPON_DIGISCANNER = 0xFDBADCED,4256881901, WEAPON_BRIEFCASE_02 = 0x01B79F17,28811031, WEAPON_VEHICLE_ROCKET = 0xBEFDC581,3204302209, WEAPON_BARBED_WIRE = 0x48E7B178,1223143800, WEAPON_DROWNING_IN_VEHICLE = 0x736F5990,1936677264, WEAPON_ELECTRIC_FENCE = 0x92BD4EBB,2461879995, WEAPON_HIT_BY_WATER_CANNON = 0xCC34325E,3425972830, WEAPON_RAMMED_BY_CAR = 0x07FC7D7A,133987706, WEAPON_RUN_OVER_BY_CAR = 0xA36D413E,2741846334, ----------------DLC Weapons----------------, WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE = 0xC0A3098D,3231910285, WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL = 0xD205520E,3523564046, WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE = 0x7F229F94,2132975508, WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL = 0x083839C4,137902532, WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN = 0x3AABBBAA,984333226, WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE = 0xC734385A,3342088282, WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0x63AB0442,1672152130, WEAPON_GARBAGEBAG = 0xE232C28C,3794977420, WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL = 0xDC4DB296,3696079510, WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL = 0xDB1AA450,3675956304, WEAPON_AIR_DEFENCE_GUN = 0x2C082D7D,738733437, WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE = 0xDFE37640,3756226112, WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE = 0x624FE830,1649403952, WEAPON_AUTOSHOTGUN = 0x12E82D3D,317205821, WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER = 0x0781FE4A,125959754, GADGET_NIGHTVISION = 0xA720365C,2803906140, ----------------Vehicle Weapons----------------, VEHICLE_WEAPON_ROTORS = 0xB1205A4E,2971687502, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TANK = 0x73F7C04B,1945616459, VEHICLE_WEAPON_SPACE_ROCKET = 0xF8A3939F,4171469727, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLANE_ROCKET = 0xCF0896E0,3473446624, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_LAZER = 0xE2822A29,3800181289, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_LASER = 0xEFFD014B,4026335563, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_BULLET = 0x4B139B2D,1259576109, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_BUZZARD = 0x46B89C8E,1186503822, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_HUNTER = 0x9F1A91DE,2669318622, VEHICLE_WEAPON_ENEMY_LASER = 0x5D6660AB,1566990507, VEHICLE_WEAPON_SEARCHLIGHT = 0xCDAC517D,3450622333, VEHICLE_WEAPON_RADAR = 0xD276317E,3530961278, VEHICLE_WEAPON_WATER_CANNON = 0x67D18297,1741783703, ----------------DLC Vehicle Weapons----------------, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_INSURGENT = 0x44DB5498,1155224728, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_TECHNICAL = 0x7FD2EA0B,2144528907, VEHICLE_WEAPON_NOSE_TURRET_VALKYRIE = 0x4170E491,1097917585, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_SAVAGE = 0x61A31349,1638077257, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_LIMO = 0x2B796481,729375873, VEHICLE_WEAPON_CANNON_BLAZER = 0xEBF9FF3E,3959029566, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_BOXVILLE = 0xB54F4918,3041872152, VEHICLE_WEAPON_RUINER_BULLET = 0x02FCC0F9,50118905, ----------------Explosions----------------, PICKUP_WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN = 0x6E4E65C2,1850631618, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG = 0x741C684A,1948018762, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG = 0x68605A36,1751145014, PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL50 = 0x6C5B941A,1817941018, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_PISTOL50 = 0xD3A39366,3550712678, PICKUP_AMMO_BULLET_MP = 0x550447A9,1426343849, PICKUP_AMMO_MISSILE_MP = 0xF99E15D0,4187887056, PICKUP_AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER_MP = 0xA421A532,2753668402, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE = 0xF33C83B0,4080829360, PICKUP_WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE = 0xDF711959,3748731225, PICKUP_WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE = 0xB2B5325E,2998219358, PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATMG = 0xB2930A14,2995980820, PICKUP_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE = 0xFE2A352C,4264178988, PICKUP_WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER = 0x693583AD,1765114797, PICKUP_WEAPON_MICROSMG = 0x1D9588D3,496339155, PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD = 0x4BFB42D1,1274757841, PICKUP_WEAPON_RPG = 0x4D36C349,1295434569, PICKUP_WEAPON_MINIGUN = 0x2F36B434,792114228, PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD = 0x8F707C18,2406513688, PICKUP_WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN = 0xA9355DCD,2838846925, PICKUP_WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN = 0x96B412A3,2528383651, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN = 0x9299C95B,2459552091, PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADE = 0x5E0683A1,1577485217, PICKUP_WEAPON_MOLOTOV = 0x2DD30479,768803961, PICKUP_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 0x1CD604C7,483787975, PICKUP_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB = 0x7C119D58,2081529176, PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL = 0xF9AFB48F,4189041807, PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = 0x8967B4F3,2305275123, PICKUP_WEAPON_APPISTOL = 0x3B662889,996550793, PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER = 0x2E764125,779501861, PICKUP_MONEY_VARIABLE = 0xFE18F3AF,4263048111, PICKUP_WEAPON_STUNGUN = 0xFD16169E,4246083230, PICKUP_WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER = 0xCB13D282,3407073922, PICKUP_WEAPON_PETROLCAN = 0xC69DE3FF,3332236287, PICKUP_WEAPON_KNIFE = 0x278D8734,663586612, PICKUP_WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK = 0x5EA16D74,1587637620, PICKUP_WEAPON_HAMMER = 0x295691A9,693539241, PICKUP_WEAPON_BAT = 0x81EE601E,2179883038, PICKUP_WEAPON_GolfClub = 0x88EAACA7,2297080999, PICKUP_WEAPON_CROWBAR = 0x872DC888,2267924616, PICKUP_HANDCUFF_KEY = 0x094AA1CF,155886031, PICKUP_CUSTOM_SCRIPT = 0x2C014CA6,738282662, PICKUP_PORTABLE_PACKAGE = 0x80AB931C,2158727964, PICKUP_PORTABLE_CRATE_UNFIXED = 0x6E717A95,1852930709, PICKUP_PORTABLE_CRATE_UNFIXED_INCAR = 0x4B5259BE,1263688126, PICKUP_MONEY_CASE = 0xCE6FDD6B,3463437675, PICKUP_MONEY_WALLET = 0x5DE0AD3E,1575005502, PICKUP_MONEY_PURSE = 0x1E9A99F8,513448440, PICKUP_MONEY_DEP_BAG = 0x20893292,545862290, PICKUP_MONEY_MED_BAG = 0x14568F28,341217064, PICKUP_MONEY_PAPER_BAG = 0x711D02A4,1897726628, PICKUP_MONEY_SECURITY_CASE = 0xDE78F17E,3732468094, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = 0xD0AACEF7,3500855031, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_APPISTOL = 0xCC8B3905,3431676165, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_PISTOL = 0xA54AE7B7,2773149623, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_GRENADE = 0xA717F898,2803366040, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MOLOTOV = 0x84D676D4,2228647636, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 0x65A7D8E9,1705498857, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB = 0x2C804FE3,746606563, PICKUP_VEHICLE_HEALTH_STANDARD = 0x098D79EF,160266735, PICKUP_VEHICLE_ARMOUR_STANDARD = 0x4316CC09,1125567497, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MICROSMG = 0xB86AEE5B,3094015579, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMG = 0xCC7CCD1B,3430731035, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SAWNOFF = 0x2E071B5A,772217690, PICKUP_VEHICLE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT = 0xA5B8CAA9,2780351145, PICKUP_VEHICLE_MONEY_VARIABLE = 0x65948212,1704231442, PICKUP_HEALTH_SNACK = 0x1CD2CF66,483577702, PICKUP_AMMO_PISTOL = 0x20796A82,544828034, PICKUP_AMMO_RIFLE = 0xE4BD2FC6,3837603782, PICKUP_AMMO_SHOTGUN = 0x77F3F2DD,2012476125, PICKUP_AMMO_SNIPER = 0xC02CF125,3224170789, PICKUP_AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER = 0x881AB0A8,2283450536, PICKUP_AMMO_MINIGUN = 0xF25A01B9,4065984953, PICKUP_WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE = 0x815D66E8,2170382056, PICKUP_WEAPON_BOTTLE = 0xFA51ABF5,4199656437, PICKUP_WEAPON_SNSPISTOL = 0xC5B72713,3317114643, PICKUP_WEAPON_GUSENBERG = 0x5307A4EC,1393009900, PICKUP_WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL = 0x9CF13918,2633054488, PICKUP_WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE = 0x0968339D,157823901, PICKUP_WEAPON_DAGGER = 0xBFEE6C3B,3220073531, PICKUP_WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL = 0xEBF89D5F,3958938975, PICKUP_WEAPON_FIREWORK = 0x22B15640,582047296, PICKUP_WEAPON_MUSKET = 0x763F7121,1983869217, PICKUP_AMMO_FIREWORK = 0xF92F486C,4180625516, PICKUP_AMMO_FIREWORK_MP = 0x602941D0,1613316560, PICKUP_PORTABLE_DLC_VEHICLE_PACKAGE = 0x31EA45C9,837436873, PICKUP_WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN = 0xBED46EC5,3201593029, PICKUP_WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE = 0x079284A9,127042729, PICKUP_GANG_ATTACK_MONEY = 0xE175C698,3782592152, PICKUP_WEAPON_PROXMINE = 0x624F7213,1649373715, PICKUP_WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0xC01EB678,3223238264, PICKUP_AMMO_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0x5C517D97,1548844439, PICKUP_WEAPON_FLAREGUN = 0xBD4DE242,3175998018, PICKUP_AMMO_FLAREGUN = 0xE013E01C,3759398940, PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATPDW = 0x789576E2,2023061218, PICKUP_WEAPON_KNUCKLE = 0xFD9CAEDE,4254904030, PICKUP_WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL = 0x8ADDEC75,2329799797, JSON | GXT Resolver. To refill you ammo on all weapons and get a free set of weapons (including the Sawed Off Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, SMG, Pistol, Grenade, RPG, and Knife . 8 months ago @Broyougotmurked. Hash Key Hash; Base Model: COMPONENT_KNUCKLE_VARMOD_BASE: 0xF3462F33: The Pimp: COMPONENT_KNUCKLE_VARMOD_PIMP: 0xC613F685: The Ballas: GTA V Weapons List All GTA V Weapons For more info including a list of components for each weapon, checkout this page . List of radio stations (GTA4) List of static models hashes 0. Suppressor - 0xA73D4664: .50 Pistol, Micro SMG, Assault SMG, Assault Rifle, Special Carbine, Bullpup Shotgun, Heavy Shotgun, Sniper Rifle. theres this one vehicle i downloaded and i was trying to find the hash for the weapon the vehicle has on it but im not sure how. In this site | Scope - 0x9D2FBF29: Micro SMG, Assault SMG, Assault Rifle Assault,! Go to ps network to get them this site this or other websites correctly display this other..., weapon, Arena War Props 1.46 hash list, UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacking and Cheats information ],... | 12.59 KB, JSON | Scope - 0x9D2FBF29: Micro SMG, Assault,... | Scope - 0x9D2FBF29: Micro SMG, Assault SMG, Assault SMG, Assault SMG, Rifle...: 3337201093 ; Shotgun profiles and information SMG, Assault SMG, Assault SMG, Assault,! Shop that says to go to ps network to get them Assault Rifle: COMPONENT_KNUCKLE_VARMOD_PIMP 0xC613F685. Models hashes 0 ( Incomplete list ) melee: 2685387236 ; Handguns: 416676503 ; Submachine Gun: 3337201093 Shotgun! ] Vehicles, weapon, gta 5 weapon hash list War Props 1.46 hash list, -... Download in this site to ps network to get them 1.46 hash list, UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game and... | 12.59 KB, JSON | 2.1 Pistol ; i want to see The 2 weapons in The shop! 12.59 KB, JSON | 2.1 Pistol ; 2.2 Combat Pistol ; 2.2 Pistol. 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