3.) But why is that? -Victor. 11 Chinese Customs to Observe When Moving Home. For instance, sometimes obstructions in the front door can help remedy the effects brought by a T-intersection. -Victor. Hi Elena, Ideally, the front door should be higher than the road with the porch steps going up. At that point we are in a lovely enclosed porch which acts as an airlock in the winter. It just means that you wont be getting much Feng Shui benefit from your front door. Is there a way I can cure the Chi? What Should the Right Direction Be to Feng Shui Fireplace Area? If that doesnt work, then put up the Bagua mirror to protect yourself. Is this any bad? "Place images of people you admire and aspire to be like and use positive mantras painted or hanging on the wall." This Do What Makes Your Soul Happy ($32; society6.com) is a wonderful choice. Real eye sore. 3) due to limited space, our dining table is in line with the bathroom and laundry door. Buying a house is a big decision. I, female, born in 1985 find this direction very bad for me. Plants should generally be kept in proportion to the homes front door and entryway. 2. Ferns require moderate temperatures and high humidity. Usage of a fireplace tends to be concentrated during winter. Parking lots are fine. We recommend placing your fireplace in a northeast and southwest direction. When you walk into the home, theres a long walkway directly to the back of the house where the living room is and the fireplace is what you see if youre looking straight across the house from the front door to the back wall. Im not sure what Latent is, but as long as its a good direction for you, and if its located in your lucky sectors, then youre good. I have been reading and observing feng shui and would appreciate your knowledge on this matter . -Victor. Hi Carina, When practicing Eight Mansions before you get into directions, you should learn where the door is located based on the House Kua instead of your personal Kua. If I have a business I heard I could bury double axes to protect from bad luck where would these be buried? Ideally, it should be able to move smoothly through a home, so that it can invigorate our spaces and support us. This increases the body's awareness and ability to relax because the unknown factor is eliminated, or at least significantly reduced. My wealth direction is in the south where the bathroom is located. The stove should not have the opposite direction with the home. Hi Hopeful, Im glad to hear that things are getting better! Im afraid I dont have any easy cures for both. Is it creating bad qi and if it is, how do I remedy this? I was just confused about the front door, is it the opening of our terrace or the front door itself? Now I am in my living room. The entrens with a bedroom in not. As for the doors direction, I dont think you should bother too much with it since it is not a residence. Areca attracts positive energy and breaks up or pushes away negativity while attracting wealth, prosperity, and peace to a home. Are Aloe Plants Toxic to Cats, Dogs, and Other Pets? I am unable to incorporate earth colors at the moment. Main door facing our kitchen and our garage door is facing another door. Looks like youre faced more with front door problem, where youll find trouble focusing if you work in br2. I really like what Ive read on your site tonight. By purposefully positioning furniture . Then directly a beautiful smal balcony. Ive witnessed the efficacy of Feng Shui, astrology and divination. Any help from you is greatly appreciated. My idea is a wider view from the dining. In feng shui, your front door is one of the most important areas of your home and represents the face you show to the world. Is it very bad Feng Shui, Hi Ana, Cul de sac is not bad per se. Hi Phin, Beams are not desired when you rest right below it, like if its above a bed or sofa. Is this bad feng shui and is there any way of curing this? Are these cures enough? Fireplaces are responsible for bringing in the element of fire when it comes to Feng Shui. The fact that this is a water location, a fireplace in this direction can help your career. The mirror in your bedroom may make your bedroom unusually bright (maybe thats what you want). My whole foyer is set up for my career room an I have a budda when u enter but no one comes in an out of that door for 10 years now. 2.) https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-bedroom/33-bedroom-feng-shui-tips-improve-sleep/ -Victor, would a very cluttered storage cupboard under thestaircase impact on the feng shui of the house? Hi Sally, For the interior, you can paint any color that you like. -Victor. Thank you very much for your help. The best you can do is to Feng Shui your room so you can rest properly. Is this really bad? This reflects the incoming energy away. Placing a divider at the entrance of your front door would do the job (if space permits). I am concidering getting a curtain to cover the toilet door, in color Black or gray. I use the Western Feng Shui, the compass it is kind a complicated for me to follow. However, youll need light so the colors are more visible. Let me know if you need me to refer someone to you. Should it be measured from outer side of one frame to that of the opposite side, or should the size be that of the actual walk in space (ie from one side of inner frame to the opposite side)? It is a south facing door, so I think I will paint the exterior red. Hi Raquel, Before you do anything, get professional help where one takes a look at your entire house. Even if its a sliding door, it should be fine. . Hi Priyanka, I do not know because I have no information about you and your home. Ill be publishing something about wealth in the coming months. Thank you Victor!!!! Thus they can play a significant role in your sleeping environment. This is our situation. Reorienting house entrance door is a huge endeavor, and most of the time you dont need to do that to bring good Feng Shui. The question is, what colours should i consider when painting the exterior. Your personal data will be used to manage your access to your account. Silliness. Don't put your TV in front of a window or opposite a west-facing window. -Victor, Our gate is on the west, i have a porch with an opening on the north but my main door is directly opposite the gate. Hi Jomar, These are ok. Dont stress too much about this. Though a screen door divider can improve the experience of guests, it may not be enough to improve the comfort of living in that room. Some interpret this to mean that money will fly right out the back. -Victor. This situation happens when the a door (be it one of the whole flat or a bedroom) faces directly opposite to the door of a kitchen. Where you place it for the looks will depend on your own preference. Heres an answer for your question about garage door: https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/garages-doors-feng-shui-front-door/ Also, another answer for front door thats not used: https://fengshuinexus.com/blog/answers/rarely-used-front-door/ -Victor, Good day victor! Should the main door be West and the garden door East (and not North for main door, per Western school) ? Appreciate your help! I noticed that when people talk about the feng shui of the front door, they mostly talk about the doors color, the direction it is facing, and whether that area is filled with clutter. I hope you understand my explanation sir victor and i hope you could give me the best remedy. Thank you for your prompt response! Also if yes, can I print a Sun bagua picture? A fireplace in front of a front door can drive you to overspend. The easiest remedy is to add put a big furniture or a divider somewhere in between. My stairs also face the front door and ending to the door to toilet at top of stairs. is 9. Positive Vastu and Feng Shui North East facing door. -Victor. To bear fruit and draw in the most energy, citrus trees need at least 6 to 8 hours of bright, direct sunlight every day. I look around the front common area and notice there are other trees being planted in front of others neighbors front door too just not as big as mine. Its the opening of the front door itself the opening where energy enters the house. A poorly maintained door can take away all the positive energy in you as you enter the house. Subscribe and stay tuned! Do you need a referral? But it seems that everybody is advocating putting a mirror above the fireplace to remedy every possible affliction. Thanks, Hi Thedda, The easiest way is to cover the mirror. Our front doors are, in a sense the main gateway, where we can invite in positivity and block the unwanted energy from coming into our little sanctuary. If you havent noticed, feng shui places heavy emphasis on the front door. Use a compass to find the direction of your front door. You could also use large portraits with water and earth elements. The front door is 20 feet away directly across. Uncle Dixer is a Chinese-Australian Feng Shui Expert. -Victor. Currently I have a magenta & dark green silk flower wreath and mirror on the door facing her, as well a black framed muscle diagram and black chair to the side with another magenta planter. -Victor. Thanks in advance, Hi Daiana, Its a little hard for me to picture this, so I cant give you an accurate opinion. Ferns have lush, green fronds that bring a softness and calming energy to any space. Hi Kathryn, Nothing bad about it, just that your front door wont be bringing you good (or bad) Feng Shui. So if you have installed a fireplace, or thinking about where to place one, what are some of the feng shui issues that you need to consider? These two metal corners are especially prone to catching fire. It is said that if the fire element gets combined with the 5 yellow, the naughty stars strength and ego would inevitably run amok on the premises. These can range from sofas, fish tanks, book shelves, and a screen room divider. Ive been just using the map without consideration of the door to my home supposed to open into one of the three guas knowledge, career, or spiritual. The size of this area should also be proportionate to the size of the house. If youre sleeping well and life is going smoothly, theres not much you should worry about for now. Is there any issue for the main entrance door directly facing our garage? Other methods include improving the feng shui of the bathroom or by keeping the bathroom door closed. The most prominent reason for this is that the West and North West are the two directions that are totally constructed of metal and would be destroyed by intrusive fire. Q: Where would my fireplace go when I Feng Shui my home? Whats the remedy for a front door facing a downward stair case? Your couldve been more comfortable sitting somewhere else, correct? What should I have in the entryway to brighten it up. Is that okay?or should we plan an indoor plant to cover it slightly?Will that look good? Ideally, it should be your kitchen or restroom. Feng Shui Sofa Tip: Position sofa with a view of the main door. Heres more info: https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/feng-shui-unused-front-door/ -Victor. Hi Errol, This depends where you are located relative to it. apartments door in japan and some of asian countries was purposely made to open outward for safety issues, and yes , making people more difficult to barge in. We are not using that 2nd br as sleeping area. i had a problem. Hi Victor! -Victor. a mirror is placed right infront exactly to my rented apartment main door by the neighbor who exactly stays in front of our front.am suffering with health problems too.now am at worst. Many Feng Shui practitioners advise against placing the fireplace directly toward the homes main entrance. -Victor. From how youre describing it, does your front door align with any window? -Victor. I have encouraged partner and shall continue to having all enter through the back south door. 3 level, where 1st floor has the garage and a bedroom and bath. Is there a cure? Remember to find a trusted consultant if you have more questions! Ill be publishing a post soon about plants soon. Hi, Im so glad I found your site. My concern this time is our stove which is just beside our sink and opposite our comfort rooms door. Honestly, many other areas need to be looked at for a proper answer (such as using flying star in addition to the Eight Mansions and Bagua youre currently using). Just locate the fireplace where the annual star 4 is. Joan, Hi Joan, I cannot comment unless I take a good look. Feng shui colors for a front door have practical, aesthetic, and potentially energetic implications. Hi May, It is ok because the doors are not directly facing each other. Were building a new house. Unfortunately, just getting to know feng shui it should of been in the West. I need some clarification because I getting conflicting recommendation on the direction. Hi Mary Jane, If space permits, a screen divider between the front door and the stairs would help. Whatever good (or bad) will be greatly diminished. In addition to personal taste, the door should make you feel safe and protected. 2) What can I do to enhance our front door to keep the new-found wealth coming in and also enhance our health? Indoor areca palm plants are low-maintenance and simply like to have filtered sunlight and. A fireplace can be an excellent addition to a modern home. Although this is a small detail, it gives a subtle feeling of how the house welcomes you. We are now renting a house with a South facing door, which is one of the bad directions for us also, but not as bad as North. This is not good since it may generate a fight and depicts the family unit on fire. Normally, its negative when you can see it. Ive been reading for days and days and the more I read, the more I find that contradicts, ideas on which cures are best to use. It is a symbol of energy exchange, where the outer world gets to meet our personal space. My husband thinks the poison arrow of a straight wall wont matter because the wall will be at a lower elevation that the front door (about 4 feet lower). Again, this is based on limited information because I have not seen the space. To increase prosperity should I add green plants(I have a live small bamboo plant & artificial round leaf silk plants and lots of colors of silk flowers). But the entrance directly right side when enter is the bathroom door. I have a 2 bedroom condo on the 19th floor of my building. I was thinking of hanging a (small) wooden accent. Some even use feng shui principles to design entire communities. Hi Victor thanks for a helping website. -Victor. Mirrors are a great way to re-energize the energy that has been spent by the fire by placing them above it. Feng Shui Cures for Two Facing Doors Inside Two doors facing each other in your home can easily bring you disputes and disasters, especially if your bedroom door is facing the bathroom. Whats your opinion? We bought our dream home and the main front wall faces Southeast, but our front door faces exactly Southwest (225 degrees). Finally, remember that when you are deciding whether to install a fireplace inside the house do factor in whether there are children around. Hi Maria, The best option is to keep it clean and well-ventilated! Thank you ! Dont worry about this, its not bad qi. In most families today, but not all, the man is the breadwinner. 2. The front door must also be larger than other doors inside the house. I have been perusing and watching feng shui and would value your insight on this issue . Are you Wearing Pixiu Bracelet in the Correct Way? I wondered and Googled about arches in front of Buckingham Palace and tho I am not fully knowing why it appears they have have moved their one of large arched architecture, elsewhere we caution. Or, you can use the dimensions of the actual piece of material (wood or metal door). -Victor, What are the considerations for replacing a front door, Been doing a lot of research but couldnt find anyone with the same situation. The front door is the gateway to both pure and impure zeal. There is a wall afterwards that separates the bedrooms, the doors to the bedrooms are located here with the door on the left leading to the masters and the door to the right leading to the kids room. If front door is directly across fireplace, is it bad? Please tell me if this affects my home energy in any manner. If your front door is more demure, then keep your plant profiles in sync with the quiet energy of your home. Its great to read your article. Looks like your front door is good for Kua 3. Hi JanDell, 1) You should be using the front door because it is where people come in and out. We have a landing with an elevator and two apartments front doors. Living Room: A mirror over the fireplace. -Victor, In front of main door there is wall with beam of another house tell me the solution for it, Hi Mamta, Not sure why theres a beam of another house. Learn these simple balcony Feng Shui tips to bring positive vibes into your living space and improve your wealth luck and fortune, Do you know that Feng Shui and decluttering is inter-connected? . Additionally, dead, sick, or dying plants can also draw in negative energy. We need a highly experienced and qualified person as we will be remodeling the house (changing stairs, adding rooms), we have a child with chronic illness who needs a good energy set up around the house as well. Water, on the other hand, regulates fire. The front door could be the problem if youve noticed changes in your life after you changed the front door. Art is very important for a feng shui office. I know all of these stairs arent good but there isnt much I can do about it. I recommend a brick wall or if some artwork would drastically improve the aesthetics, go with motifs. There will be a parking pad dug into the hill to the left side as you face the front door, then a series of stairs going from the pad up to the door. Some schools of feng shui, including the Classical, Compass, and Flying Star schools, work with the magnetic compass directions. If it is not, you will need to use the five elements to determine how compatible your element is to the front doors five elements. 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