Her main interests are reducing inequalities, particularly through work on social determinants, reducing poverty and increasing life chances. Around 3,000 colleagues across NHS Lothian have developed Our Values, a set of common values and ways of working Mrs Nadin Akta holds a MSc degree in Intercultural Business . Lothian NHS Board Waverleygate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Main Switchboard: 0131 242 1000 YOUR RIGHTS. For informal enquiries or to request further information on the role, please contact Chris Stirling, Hospital Site Director on 0131537-1983 or Gillian McAuley, Director of Nursing (Acute) on 07713089838. My education was firstly at Balbardie Primary School then Bathgate Academy. Help improve gov.scot by filling in a short survey, Health Secretary hails excellent leadership.. She spent the last five years as Chief Officer for South Lanarkshires Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), and Director of Social Services, working across NHS Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire Council. . As Deputy Director of Nursing, Fiona has a broad portfolio including the implementation of the Health and Care Staffing legislation; patients outcomes, including leading the national Excellence in Care programme and the Patient Experience team; clinical policy, documentation, information for patients; interpretation and translation services; generic recruitment; supplementary staffing; eRostering; volunteers and carers. He is an experienced leader who has held a number of Chief Executive positions in Scotland. Angus was a citizen member of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board from 2014 until 2017. - to the benefit of everyone working in the organisation and, most importantly - to the benefit of our patients. Whether in ISDScotland (now Public Health Scotland), where Peter was Head of Statistics for a time, on or secondment for nearly a decade to the Scottish Government, Peter has brought constructive challenge and facilitation of change to many constituencies, driven by effective use of data. RCN Scotland calls for Scottish government investment to tackle the nursing workforce crisis. The timing of Justines appointment is also fortuitous as the RCM has just appointed Jaki Lambert as its new director for Scotland starting in early 2022., He added: I am sure Jaki will also welcome this announcement and will look forward to working collaboratively and constructively with Justine for the benefit of women and maternity staff.. ll has held a range of senior management posts in Departments of the Scottish Government, with responsibility for strategic and financial planning, policy analysis and development, and operational delivery. With the exception of time spent working in The Royal Marsden Hospital in London, Fiona has been employed in Lothian in a range of nursing roles within oncology, haematology and acute medical admissions. Pharmacy recruitment - Foundation training. The CNO role was advertised as a fair and open external recruitment process and was chaired by a Civil Service Commissioner, in accordance with the Civil Service Recruitment Principles. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Founded in 1948, NHS Scotland is made up of various organisations such as: NHS Boards. Edward Jenner Online Induction - 20 April 2023, 13:30. Congratulations to them both.". Local area Based on 135 salaries posted anonymously by NHS Director Of Nursing employees in Preston, West Midlands, England. Education (Scholarship), NHS Lothian, Medical Education Directorate and Sophie Creamer, Year 5 Medical Student, University of Edinburgh . He has also designed and implemented a major change programme leading to the creation of Historic Environment Scotland and was responsible for bringing together the underpinning business case which led to creation of a single fire and rescue service for Scotland. Jim is a rugby enthusiast supporting Glasgow Warriors. Colleagues have paid tribute to a nurse who died after he was hit by a van while cycling in Edinburgh. Val de Souza has significant experience and interest in working across organisational and cultural boundaries. "James will be truly missed by all the colleagues he worked alongside, and by the wider research community here in Lothian and across Scotland. We need to give dementia the attention it surely deserves, 12 November, 2021 Professor McMahon was the Director of Strategic Planning, Performance and Information for NHS Lothian and was Chair of the Scottish Executive Nurse Directors group for four year, working closely with the previous Chief Nursing Officer to shape policy and professional practice. Welcome to the online home of NHS Lothian's Medical Education Directorate. Around 3,000 colleagues across NHS Lothian have developed Our Values, a set of common values and ways of working He took up post on the January 2022. endstream endobj 934 0 obj <. NMC chair Sir David Warren said: On behalf of the [NMC] council, Id like to congratulate Justine on her appointment as chief midwifery officer for Scotland. The convention was opened by Jacqui Simpson, Director of Nursing, NHS Lothian who presented an overview of the key themes of Facing the Future and the aims of the session. Visit our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to learn more. I have an adult daughter and a step daughter who is aged 10 - my lifelong interests are the game of golf, cycling , hill walking and my dogs. Scottish health board appoints new director of nursing | Nursing Times EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. I changed career in the mid 1990s and started working in the third sector eventually becoming the National Chairperson of the UK Coalition Against Poverty based in our headquarters in Liverpool. The NHS Louisa Jordan has capacity for 1,000 Covid patients if it is needed, but Prof Griffin said that using it as a Covid facility could be dependent on retired or former staff returning to. %%EOF Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service. "Our workforce have been at the heart of Scotland's response to the pandemic and we know the challenges everyone working across our NHS and social care sector face as we head into one of the toughest winters in recent times. To only allow the cookies that make the site work, click 'Use essential cookies only.' hbbd```b``^"WHC 9]&`"`620i&"tHEQC "ERAP6 2I D v9&y Pct I also have experience in other important areas and was the former Chair of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edible Edinburgh Partnership, the Capital City Partnership and was the council observer to Edinburgh Citizens Advice Bureau, which gives me a broad and diverse understanding of the requirements of our patients across Edinburgh and the Lothians. Alison oversaw a number of significant developments in this time, including the opening of the new community hospital in Haddington, ELHSCP becoming a high performing partnership in terms of reducing delays in discharge, and the development of innovative community services. Alison Macdonald, who has been Interim Director of Health and Social Care in East Lothian for the past nine months, has been announced as the new permanent Director. NHS Lothian INTERIM CLINICAL DIRECTOR EAST LOTHIAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP GENERAL PRACTITIONER Reference: CG 2596 East Lothian HSCP is recruiting to the post of Clinical Director for the initial period of 6 months. Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: I welcome the appointment of Alex McMahon as Chief Nursing Officer. We alsoprovide some services for patients in the Borders and in Fife and are a national centre of expertise for some specialties provided to people across Scotland. NHS Lothian said he was a "much loved and well respected colleague". Around 3,000 colleagues across NHS Lothian have developed Our Values, a set of common values and ways of working Scotland Deanery. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Previously he was Executive Director for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Healthcare Professionals in NHS Lothian. In 2000 he completed an MBA at the University of Glasgow. In his spare time he is a keen trail runner and enjoys spending time with his two daughters and wife Joanne. In 2010 he moved to the University of Edinburgh as MacDonald Professor of Neurology and is also the Director of Edinburgh Neuroscience and Head of Edinburgh Medical School. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. healthcare science. He holds honorary professorships with the University of Stirling and Queen Margaret University. She will bring with her extensive experience as well as her passion to the role and I am looking forward to working with her to continue to modernise and improve our local health services in the Borders.. Developing a business plan and budget for the nursing unit. experience. Previously school nurses have worked in term time only but we are moving to all year working and in any team there will be some cover over holiday periods. - to the benefit of everyone working in the organisation and, most importantly - to the benefit of our patients. Alan Cowan. He was also previously the Director of Finance at NHS Dumfries and Galloway for 5 years. She was a Senior Charge Nurse in Haematology and Bone Marrow Transplant in Edinburgh Cancer Centre. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Winter pressures: protecting the workforce to protect patients, Understanding oral mucositis and the role of the nurse, Government recommends 3.5% pay rise for nurses for 2023-24, Senior nurse wins landmark race discrimination case against NHS, Scottish NHS nurses offered 6.5% pay rise for 2023-24, NMC amends rules for staying on temporary register, Pay talks begin between RCN and government, NHS pay offer in Wales to be implemented despite RCN opposition, Rare diseases plan commits to new nursing strategy for England, This placement has challenged me to look beyond a patients diagnosis, Nurse-led dementia pilot proving a success for minority group, Band 8A Lead Specialist Behaviour Therapist, Registered Chronic Disease Specialist Nurse, This content is for health professionals only. Cover will be provided by the Deputy Chief Nursing officers team until 4 October when Professor Alex McMahon, currently Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals for NHS Lothian, will take over on an interim basis. Current Board members are as follows: Ralph Roberts Chief Executive Karen Hamilton Chair Gareth Clinkscale Director of Acute Services Andrew Bone Director of Finance Andy Carter Director of Workforce Sarah Horan Director of Nursing, Midwifery and AHPs Dr Lynn McCallum Medical Director June Smyth Director of Performance & Planning Dr Sohail Bhatti In his earlier roles he developed information that ensured policy ambitions were met on improving NHS waiting times, planning older peoples services, enabling integration of community health and social care and improving aspects of population health and well-being. Compassionate Cultures for Transforming Health and Care Services . He has also served as Director General of the Irish Health Service based in Dublin, with responsibilities for 150,000 staff and 16 billion budget. She took up her current post at NHS Lothian in early 2021. "From everyone at NHS Lothian, we offer our heartfelt condolences to the Harrison family. Her time working in this field included many years of significant & complex legal change as the UK Government transformed regulatory protection for members of occupational pensions schemes. In terms of data protection and privacy laws, they are known as 'data controllers'. In Lothian we have 6 teams: East and Midlothian - are one joint team, based at Musselburgh Primary Care Centre I also welcome Alex McMahon to the role of Interim Chief Nursing Officer. Across all areas of care, we seek to provide specialist and general services fairly and efficiently and to the highest standards. We would love to hear from you! Fiona has also worked within the Scottish Government on a programme of work reviewing nurse bank arrangements nationally. Lothian NHS Board Waverleygate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Main . Before coming to NHS Lothian, Jim designed and led the Scottish Governments National Unscheduled Care Programme. Elizabeths focus has always been to ensure that the dental practices provide a service that prioritises safe, high quality NHS patient care and compliance alongside the wellbeing of the clinical team. Here you can find out more about what we are about and read, watch and listen about the jobs that you are doing or going to come to in the future. Ann Cameron-Burns. James Harrison, 36, was hit by the Mercedes Sprinter van on Mount Vernon Road, at the Gilmerton Road junction, at about 08:45 on Thursday. This is the Director of Public Healths annual report for 2022. For all other Health related and GP Practice jobs, please click here . Tracy Anne is a wife, mother and grandmother. Winter pressures: protecting the workforce to protect patients, Understanding oral mucositis and the role of the nurse, Government recommends 3.5% pay rise for nurses for 2023-24, Senior nurse wins landmark race discrimination case against NHS, Scottish NHS nurses offered 6.5% pay rise for 2023-24, NMC amends rules for staying on temporary register, Pay talks begin between RCN and government, NHS pay offer in Wales to be implemented despite RCN opposition, Rare diseases plan commits to new nursing strategy for England, This placement has challenged me to look beyond a patients diagnosis, Nurse-led dementia pilot proving a success for minority group, Band 8A Lead Specialist Behaviour Therapist, Registered Chronic Disease Specialist Nurse, This content is for health professionals only. Prior to working in health, Jenny undertook her PhD at the Medical Research Council unit at the Western General Hospital site in Edinburgh, and worked for the UK civil service in Whitehall. Atlantic slavery and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, , Director of Public Health & Health Policy, , Executive Director Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, , Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development, , Director of Communications, Engagement and Public Affairs, , Chief Officer Health and Social Care, East Lothian, , Chief Officer Health and Social Care, Edinburgh, , Chief OfficerHealth and Social Care, Midlothian. These organisations are individually responsible for your personal health information. "He brings a wealth of experience and excellent leadership to this key position as we continue to face up to the challenges of the Covid pandemic. School Nurses (Registered Nurses who have then studied to complete a specialist qualification in school nursing) these nurses lead the teams and support children and young people around the 10 key areas. Nurses have a vital role in helping patients understand information about their diagnoses and treatment. 960 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<824CBEFA067FD44299EFA99B0CD5B0C9><2C000368B90F834B9FDC4649F7B32A05>]/Index[933 45]/Info 932 0 R/Length 124/Prev 231078/Root 934 0 R/Size 978/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream At NHS Lothian we believe that working together across all areas of the health service is the best way to provide care for patients. For example, in NHS Ayrshire and Arran, nursing agency expenditure increased by 91% per cent (from 3.5m to 6.7m) in 2021-22, compared to 2017. Please do not provide any personal information, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except for graphic assets and where otherwise stated. Jacquie has 38 years varied experience within NHS Scotland. Note: Your feedback will help us make improvements on this site. Tracy Anne became a Shop Steward with the union COHSE which merged with two other unions in 1993 into UNISON. Katharina's interests include travel, photography and arts and crafts. The delegation of care by nurses, midwives or Allied Health management training. Calum was educated at the University of Paisley where he gained a BA Honours degree in Health Studies and at Glasgow Caledonian University where he received an MBA. He is an honorary Consultant Neurologist with NHS Lothian and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Academy of Medical Sciences. Professor Siddharthan Chandran is an academic neurologist whose work spans clinical activity, trials and laboratory science in the emerging field of regenerative neurology. More recently, she has been working at the University of Edinburgh as an Outreach and Projects Coordinator for the BME communities in the Lothians. Cllr Chris Cunningham. They are; Nadin Akta, Philip Allenby, Andrew Fleming, Elizabeth Gordon, George Gordon, Peter Knight and Val de Souza. Calum Campbell joined NHS Lothian in June 2020 from NHS Lanarkshire where he had been Chief Executive since January 2015. She will step down from this role at the end of the year. Director of Nursing: NHS Scotland: Stirling, Scotland: Director of Clinical Operations: Barrington James: Remote: Associate Director of Nursing-Clinical Practice - Surrey Downs H&C: Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust: Surrey: Divisional Director of Nursing & Deputy Chief Nurse - UIC: Medway NHS Foundation Trust: Gillingham, England Previously, Justine was Chief Midwife at NHS Tayside (until August 2019), including a period as Midwifery Professional Adviser to the Chief Midwife for Scotland . I would like to thank Amanda for all her hard work as Chief Nursing Officer and I am very sorry to see her leave. A Scottish Solicitor and Notary Public, Phil has over 20 years' international legal and business experience, and was Chief Counsel, Governance and Compliance, Europe, BT Plc. Her last post was as a Community Psychiatric Nurse in Midlothian. Professor Amanda Croft stood down in August as CNO for personal reasons. Prior to joining Lothian as Director of Public Health and Health Policy, Dona was DPH in Fife, following a six year period as Deputy Director in Lothian. Nadin previously worked with East Lothian Council and other charity organisations as an Integration Coordinator and TESOL Teacher. Band 6. He has over 25 years of experience working in the NHS having first joined the service in 1994 as a national finance trainee with NHS Ayrshire and Arran. A Systems Programmer for many years he currently works as a Senior IT Specialist focussing on IBM Mainframe Automation. She has worked as a Consultant in Public Health since 2010. Visit 'Set cookie preferences' to control specific cookies. Jacquie qualified as a Registered Nurse, with a pre registration certificate in orthopaedic nursing in 1985. Health Secretary thanks Amanda Croft for work during pandemic. He has chaired many other committees throughout his years such as Performance, Review and Scrutiny and Planning. Miss Gillies, who is a general surgeon, took up the Medical Directors post on 1st February 2017. Sarah Horan, director of nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals at NHS Borders, Please remember that the submission of any material is governed by our, EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: 10th Floor, Southern House, Wellesley Grove, Croydon, CR0 1XG, We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our site. He was awarded Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in 2016 and is a visiting professor with Strathclyde University. Dr Boyd Peters Medical Director Expand Dr Tim Allison Director of Public Health and Policy Expand Heledd Cooper Director of Finance Expand Louise Bussell Nurse Director Expand Non-executive directors Alasdair Christie Expand Alexander Anderson Expand Ann Clark Vice Chair Expand Bert Donald Whistle-blowing Champion Expand Gaener Rodger Expand Prior to taking up post as Interim Director, Janis was Associate Director of HR responsible for leading and managing a range of operational and expert HR functions, including Recruitment, Employee Relations and Organisational Development. To only allow the cookies that make the site work, click 'Use essential cookies only.' Lothian NHS Board Waverleygate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Main Switchboard: 0131 242 1000 YOUR RIGHTS. Based on 4 salaries posted anonymously by Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust Director Of Nursing employees in Wath upon Dearne, England. She was the Partnership Lead at the RIE for a period of 8 years up until she was successfully elected and appointed as NHS Lothians first female Employee Director in January 2022. Around 3,000 colleagues across NHS Lothian have developed Our Values, a set of common values and ways of working - to the benefit of everyone working . Martin previously worked for the Department of Work and Pensions and spent 20 years working for the RAC in a variety of senior management roles. Lothian NHS Board Waverleygate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Main Switchboard: 0131 242 1000 YOUR RIGHTS. Based on 3 salaries posted anonymously by Royal Bolton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Director Of Nursing employees in Aylesford, England. Time he is an academic Neurologist whose work spans clinical activity, trials and laboratory science in the organisation,. Allied health management training her hard work as Chief Nursing Officer, Review and Scrutiny and Planning Anne became Shop. 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