The initial conditioning phase prepares soldiers in basic combat training, c. The sustaining phase allows soldiers to train outside the parameter of fm7-22, d. There conditioning phase is designed to restore physical fitness level that enable, Which of the following best describes the philosophy of army physical readiness training, Which of the following statements is/are true concerning corrective training, a. Order 3161051. The quick rise in its popularity enabled this famous dance to quickly expand out of South America, becoming a commonplace in Europe, North America and the rest of the world. What is the , It raises the risk for heart disease, cancer, liver damage, and stroke. Describe the correlation coefficients using the terms strong, moderate, or weak and positive or negative. ethnomusicologist historical musicologist musical theorist systematic musicologist I think its C but im not sure. Afro-Brazilian singing and dancing gatherings of the eighteenth century were called: Free . \end{array} \\ B. enhancing tolerance for injustice. The STD that had the most impact on partners' communication about sex and sexual health is: Evidence for the continuing role of the sexual double standard can be found in the fact that. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! All Rights Reserved, Quiz 2: Setting: The Study of Local Musics, Quiz 3: Significance: Musics Meaning in Everyday Life, Quiz 6: Music,mobility,and the Global Marketplace, Quiz 12: Introduction: What Is a Soundscape, This question doesn't have any answer yet. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 1) Which of the following statements is not true of the music of the classical period? d. A typical instrumentation of a 1920s tango orchestra included the banjo, Swanee whistle (slide whistle), and a South American instrument called the vuvuzela. The tango reached the core of the Buenos Aires and other large Argentinian cities, where people of all classes engaged in this dance that became energized with many more types of musical and cultural styles. Underline each simple subject once and each simple predicate twice. A device that received electromagnetic waves that began to create a unified national popular culture in the 1920s. \$ 6,001-\$ 22,000 & \$ 75+0.30 \% \text { of principal } \\ If the government increases taxes, disposable income will ___________. What effect does meditation have on the brain? Which of the following was a highly influential musical repertory that formed as African American slaves were converted to New World Christianity? "(True or False). Which of the following is a standard step or figure in tango dancing? This form of sexual orientation is best described as bisexual On average, men report about twice as many sexual partners as women. This form of sexual orientation is best described as, Human sexual behavior in a modern society is LEAST impacted by. The typical tango ensemble of the 1930s included all of the following instruments except: Tango music in the early twentieth century was usually performed by a(n): Which of the following is NOT a reason why the tango was associated with the lower classes of Argentina? One of those newly created things came from the mix of European minuet dances, polkas and many African influences that brought rhythms and instruments that formed Tango, a dance that very quickly became very popular in the poor neighborhood of Buenos Aires in the late 1880s where it was known as music of the immigrants. In Allons a Lafayette, the bass guitar and frums comprise the _____ _____, which keepsthe beat and provides harmonic support. Fill each blank with the most appropriate word. The cries of the taiko drummer in the kata shigiri mark the time. What are your prior expectations about the relationship between the unemployment and vacancy rates? The accordion is an example of how one instrument can participate in a variety of styles that cross soundscapes. Euphoria. It can produce a vibrato called bellows shaking. Brain imagining technology has allowed neuroscientists to document brain changes during meditation. "Shotgun" weddings decreased during the middle of the, Sam is not sexually attracted to either gender and shows little interest in sexual partners. Led the Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra and began playing refined arrangements of South American and Caribbean dances in the ballrooms of New York City in the early 1930s. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. iHeartDance NYC hosts evening of dance to raise funds for Ukraine, UDMA: A place to feel re-energized and re-connected, Training the stars: What its like to be a celebrity movement coach. Which couple were arguably the biggest media superstars of the years around World War I? It's often awkward to \rule{1cm}{0.15mm} the topic of a person's past mistakes. HSCO508: Studies in Interpersonal Communication (D07) Quiz: Midterm- Week 4 Score for this quiz: 100 out of 100 Submitted Apr 13 Question 1 2 / 2 pts According to Petersen, the first step to avoid a Flat-Brain Tango is to notice the "thud" and not defend oneself. Instrumentalist and composer who began his career with James Reese Europe's orchestra in 1916 and, along with Eubie Blake, launched the first successful all-black Broadway musical, Shuffle Along. Hit-hop artists who use multiple turntables to create the "beats" for rap performances. > A. Students of Mestre Pastinha were practitioners of Angola-style capoeira called: Which of the following is NOT a musical instrument used in capoeira performance? In Japan, the social and musical behaviors associated with karaoke are highly patterned and formalized because it is based on the kata principle. \widehat{\mathrm{UN}}_t &=2.7491+\underset{1.1507 D_t-}{1.5294 V_t-} \begin{array}{c} Is it statistically different from the period before 1966 fourth quarter? Creatine may cause heart arrhythmias, but , Carrots are a rich source of nitrates, which may be converted into nitric oxide to increase vasodilation, possibly decreasing blood pressure. Which of the following statements about the "new wave" of Chinese composers is true? Creole music is called _____ in reference to the title of the song "The Beans Are Not Salty". These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Some of the most popular theories is that tango signified some other style of music that was popular in 17th and 18th century Argentina and Uruguay, that was taken from Spanish language where tango dancing (of a much different style than its modern version) become popular in the 19th century, or that it was taken from some Niger-Congo languages of Africa. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The popularity of the Tango grew in the 1st decade of 20th century, with over 1000 gramophone records and countless tango sheets being created in Buenos Aires alone. Tango would never be born without the influences of immigrants who arrived in Argentina in 18th and early 19th century. Sara goes to the shopping a lot. After the rise of tango popularity in the 1880s, Uruguay became one of the oldest places where tango was adopted and danced in public . Required fields are marked *. Creoles were a homogeneous group of people of African descent who began arriving in New Orleans around 1750. Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. To understand that people act in a way that is motivated by their desires (for example, I am hungry so I will reach for that apple) is to understand that other people have their own desires (she must be hungry), thus demonstrating a theory of mind, or attributing mental states to others. Which ensemble recorded Dippermouth Blues?. A) Their amplitude decreases from stage 1 to stage 2, increases during stage 3, and then decreases again during REM sleep. The dancing performed by the second line in a jazz funeral helps enact one of the community's most important values by emphasizing sorrow and grief. In both of those great cities, this dance brought true revolution to the ballroom floors. e. Born and raised in the bustling city of New York, Sandra has always been drawn to the idea of living a balanced and fulfilling life. Which statement is TRUE of current research on meditations effects on the brain? a. Is it possible to _____ addicts from their bondage to drugs? Theory of mind (ToM) is defined as the ability to understand and take into account another individual's mental state or of "mind-reading" (Premack and Woodruff, 1978). A traumatic injury to the bone that cause immediate fracture, b. This form of sexual orientation is best described as, On average, men report about twice as many sexual partners as women. True or false: Jive is derived from the jitterbug. Tango is one of the most influential and famous dances of the modern history, originating from the streets of 18th century Buenos Aires in Argentina and Montevideo in Uruguay as the favorite dance of the European immigrants, former slaves, working and lower classes of people. On November 151515 200620062006 the mayoral race was won by Herbert E. Thomas Jr. d. broach. In A Tango for You,the violin and the accordion sometimes play a ________,which is a second melody that competes with the main melody. Vernon and Irene Castle Which of the following is NOT true about James Reese Europe? According to some psychologists, which of the following may NOT produce an altered state of consciousness? Current research regarding the cause of sexual orientation indicates that which of the following is UNLIKELY to play a role? And in regard to performances or competitions, these were almost always danced by a man and a woman. The small, strummed folk guitar of the mariachi ensemble is called a: The large, plucked bass guitar of the mariachi ensemble is called a: In the mariachi song "Tema para Quinceanera", the guitarron, vihuela, and the guitars are used to: provide a rhythmic and harmonic framework. a. Sexually transmitted diseases affect a higher percentage of the population of which racial group? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Is it safe to conclude from this study that generous unemployment benefits lead to higher unemployment rates? Musculoskeletal causes of difficulty walking Broken bones and soft tissues injuries, including sprains, strains and tendonitis. R^2=0.9128 Muscle imbalances. (-1.9819) \\ Which film released in 1927 became the first to exploit sound successfully? Which of the following statements best describes the concept of classical conditioning quizlet? The song Allons a Lafayette heard in the listening guide is performed on instruments that are typical in Cajun music. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Saliva: Edibles can be detected in saliva for 1 to 3 days. The flood had a negative effect on the river's trout population. It is formed from the verb repentrepentrepent and the -anceanceance noun suffix. Access to education and health care, the role of poverty, and the impact of social distance help explain the higher STD rate of which racial group? The toughening phase develops foundational fitness and fundamental movements skills that prepare soldiers to transition for the sustaining phase b. Corns, calluses, sores or warts. One of the most fascinating of all dances, the tango is a sensual ballroom dance that originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the early twentieth century. The movements of martial arts, such as capoeira, often lack expressive or philosophical significance. Usually a[n] ___ person who remained hidden in his software-engineer cubicle all day, Jye adopted a manner bordering on cynicism and ____ getting him to do tech support beyond his cubicle walls was often a[n] ___ that created more trouble that it solved. In Dancesport, east coast swing, bolero and mambo are all types of what? In kabuki theater, the vocal expression, movement, costuming, and scenic effects are guided by the principle of: both an offstage ensemble and an onstage ensemble. true. Which group recorded the first jazz record in 1917? Many Japanese arts, including the tea ceremony, kabuki theater, flower arranging, and karaoke, are based on the traditional Japanese value of _____, meaning "patterned form". 2012 FOX Broadcasting Co. Photo by Mike Yarish. True Which song recorded by the Paul Whiteman Band sold 2 million copies and featured the Swanee whistle (slide whistle), a novelty that helped sell the record? Which ensemble recorded "Dippermouth Blues?". The exact origin of the word tango cannot be located entirely, and many modern historians believe that several events and words shaped the name of this dance. An important means for the dissemination of popular music introduced in 1927. week 5 - Labour markets and international tra, [TOPIC 1] Theories of Religion (3) - Marxism, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. Get good grades in school. The defining characteristic of Finnish tango is reliance on minor keys, which closely follows the style and conventions of their folklore music, with lyrics being focused on the themes of sorrow, love, nature, and countryside. Asexual behavior is estimated to describe ________ percent of the population. The tango dance is usually performed by a man and a woman, expressing an element of romance in their synchronized movements. Referred to as the music of the immigrants to Argentina B. Salsa 3. St. Augustine identified two elements of lying: _____________ and _____________. Taking into consideration the buying and selling commissions in this schedule, find the annual compound rate of interest earned by the investment. _____ were a heterogeneous group of people of mixed French, Spanish, and African descent who began arriving in New Orleans in the early 1600s. Which group recorded the first jazz record in 1917? The bones of the lower extremity include which of the following. Loouisiana _____ descended from French refugees who fled from part of eastern Canada called Acadia in the eighteenth century. Which couple were arguably the biggest media superstars of the years around World War I? National dance of Cuba Multiple Choice 2023 - Dance Facts | Privacy Policy | Contact. ddd. Then write a short definition. When they migrated to Louisiana, many Cajuns settled alongside thickly vegetated inland channels, or _____ because they were not welcome in Spanish-dominated New Orleans. Which film released in 1927 became the first to exploit sound successfully? Underline the verbs in the following sentence. Sexual orientation refers to a pattern of sexual ________ with regard to one's gender identity. T or F The Irish jig has a simple duple feeling while the reel has a compound duple meter that gives it a triple feeling. After behavior occurs, the likelihood of the behavior occurring again is increased or decreased by the behaviors consequences. The most important component of Capoeira movements is ginga, or: When accompanying capoeria performance, a berimbau player is responsible for doing all of the following except: Afro-Brazilian singing and dancing gatherings of the eighteenth century were called: How did mestres, such as Mestre Bimba and Mestre Pastinha affect the development of capoeira? 0.8511\left(D_t V_t\right) a. Question 1 Which of the following is NOT true about the tango? The unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus must be presented very close together in time for their pairing to work. Married sex, as compared to sex for singles, is characterized by. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Large, two headed drum that provides the rhythm patterns for liturgical, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Music in Theory and Practice, Volume I Workbook. An Angola-style capoeira performance may include a corrido, which is a responsorial section that signals that the capoeira game of movements has ended. Jye glanced up only long enough to catch a glimpse of Neve. Congenital deformities or conditions that are present at birth. HSCO 508 Wk 4 Quiz First Half of Readings.docx, Yielding to such economical challenges of uneven distribution or laundering of, Question 8 You have found a mutual fund that you would like to invest in that, 37 Two events with nonzero probabilities a can be both mutually exclusive and, Awesome Landscape PTY LTD founded 12 years ago offering a wide range of, 22 Profit and loss account Value Rscrores April march04 April march03 change Net, k_g_k_sch_ZXJpay5hcmlhc0BsYXVzZC5uZXQ_ERWC_Syllabus_ (3).pdf, All About the Water Atmospheric Moisture and Clouds.docx, 3 With whom have you ever discussed the topic of suicide ie family friends or, Rewards for efforts are compensation but equity is one crucial factor which, The clinic consists of abdominal pain and impaired function intestines Pain, 0x8a4c9259 GeoSynchrony has failed three times continuously CRITICAL Contact EMC, outside their territory 136 At a minimum member states must abide by their duty, St Why ambiverts are better leaders (1).docx, Mguzman_Humanitiesandcreativeexpressions_021223.pptx, Services or the appropriate private provider Additionally it is impossible to, According to Petersen, when we give advice in an attempt to provide a solution, the following occurs, except : A. Larry Crabb and Dan Allender suggested, "Encouragement is more than acquiring a new, Intimacy Trust Control Self-awareness A common problem when we seek to reflector repeat accuratelywhat we hear is that we insert our own bias or point-of-view. A Tango for You incorporates common rhythms of the tango,which are best described as: All the case studies we have examined in the textbook have surveyed soundscapes that emerged from different places across the globe but are also present in the United States today. Today, Uruguayan tango dance is accompanied not only by tango music, but also styles such as Milonga, Vals and Candombe, and most popular tango dances are Al Mundo le falta un Tornillo, La Cumparsita, Vieja Viola, Garufa, Con Permiso, La Fulana, Barrio Reo, Pato and La pualada. A vocal improvisation modeled on the calls of street vendors in Havana and a variant of the Cuban son. In the year 1910, history of tango was changed forever with the arrival of bandoneon from Germany to Buenos Aires, where it became inextricably linked with tango music from then on. Even today, over 100 thousand tango dancers visit Finish tango festivals, the most notably Tangomarkkinat festival in the town of Seinjoki. This is evidence of a, Shanae is sexually attracted to people of the same gender and engages primarily in same-sex sexual activities. b. What is true of generalization in classical conditioning? Dreams occur in NREM sleep, but less frequently than in REM sleep; NREM dreams are also less vivid than are dreams in REM sleep. 30 seconds. Which of the following is NOT part of the distinctive Cajun dance traditions? Theory of mind (ToM) is defined as the ability to understand and take into account another individuals mental state or of mind-reading (Premack and Woodruff, 1978). The statement, I feel that you spend too much time on your phone is problematic. A. Authenticity B. Transparency C. Honesty .D Sensitivity, Schultze and Badzinski's view on forgiveness is that it is most closely associated with A. letting go of the hurt and the desire for revenge. Which of the following is true about the tango? He was a cornet player and leader of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. Paul rode his bicycle home through the rain. Same as with the appearance of Waltz during the early Victorian era, the introduction of Tango was welcomed as distasteful and too flirty. Which of the following is NOT one of these Cajun instruments? incognito feasible dour fiasco metier lethargy balk omniscient harry B. The kata shigiri is an improvised form that exemplifies a traditional Japanese emphasis on individual creativity. Which of the following best describes the concept of mindfulness meditation? It developed during the late nineteenth century in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The story of the tango begins in the seedy early 20th century brothels of Buenos Aires. Yome fesseha kone is one of th angergari, or "excitement" chants sung in the Ethiopian church. b. How does meditation impact the nervous system? The development of Tango as we know it today started in the mid-1800s after Argentina undergone massive immigration. Significance: Musics Meaning in Everyday Life, Music,mobility,and the Global Marketplace, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. for sound of tango you need a "Alfred Arnold" or "AA" type. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Which of the following is true regarding teen sexual behavior? A Relatively few of them have original designs concealed beneath white surfaces. The tango song La Cumparsita seems dramatic because of the acceleration of tempo, or ritardando. Santeria developed as an Afro-Cuban religion by blending Nigerian language and practices with the aspects of catholicism. Which of the following statements is true of the cognitive theory of dreaming? They wrote lyrics. Its basic step is also known as the "Mambo" A. Merengue 2. Q05. This brain center manages higher order brain function, like increased awareness, concentration, and decision making. It developed during the late nineteenth century in Buenos Aires, Argentina Which couple were arguably the biggest media superstars of the years around World War I? In each of the following sentences, underline the correct pronoun in parentheses. Does this make economic sense? Terms in this set (24) What does evidence suggest about meditation? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like China's Cultural Revolution affected Chinese music between 1966 and 197 by:, Which of the following statements about the "new wave" of Chinese composers is true?, Lei Liang's Gobi GLoria is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT: and more. Multiple Choice . Usually, it is not even danced to the tunes of traditional tango music and can be enjoyed with other popular music styles. Other popular early tango songs were El Tero and Andate a la Recoleta (Go away to Recoleta). T or F Texas-Mexican or tejano musicians created dance music bassssed on the triple waltz rhythm. a) American Smooth b) American Rhythm c) International Latin d) All of the above True or false: Dancesport has been confirmed for inclusion in the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics. After listening for an hour Michael becomes drowsy and begins dropping his head forward, until his girlfriend elbows his arm to wake him up. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Q03 . Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. HSCO508: Studies in Interpersonal Communication (D07), According to Petersen, the first step to avoid a Flat-Brain Tango is to notice the thud, Schultze and Badzinski define listening as. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. 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