His daughters are becoming great young cows. Sire Name: Sitz Resilient 10208. His maternal side is outstanding- his mother has an excellent production record and is a maternal sister to the famous donor Isabel Y69. Prev Next SITZ Logo 12964 Reg # 17746620 Breed Angus DOB 01/26/2014 Sex Bull Tattoo 12964 Tag 1296 Carrier Status [ DDF-OSF ] Look up Current EPDs EPDs: As of 9/21/20 Bon View New Design 1407 His dam, Pride 685, also produced the high performance and efficiency sire, Granger Black Eagle 822, in the 2019 Midland Test. Registration Number: 18238021 Resilient was the high selling bull at the Sitz Angus Ranch 2019 Fall Bull Sale for the purchase price of $165,000.00! Registration Number: 20003665 Website Design By Ranch House Designs, Inc. It was started in 1962 as a 4-H project, by Randy Kessler. Sire: LD Capitalist 316 We offer a verse . Sire: Tehama Patriarch Registration Number: 19126021 Sons are well accepted in registered and commercial herds. He is a son of Sitz Stellar 726D, and the top selling bull in the 2020 Sitz Angus Bull Sale. His calves havent disappointed - they have explosive growth and are standouts from the start. SAV Primrose 7861 He is named Swiftbrook as he stems back to George of Swiftbrook on both sides of his pedigree. The registered Black Angus sires at Hamilton Farms have been selected within our own herd or from fellow Angus breeders. REG NUMBER: 19014756 BIRTH DATE: 01/12/2017 SIRE: Musgrave Aviator DAM: KGM Enchantress 4054 MGS: S A V Bismarck 5682 Owned by 4M Angus & ABS Global VIEW EPDS ON ANGUS.ORG 4M BLOCKADE 120 Click here to order semen at ST Genetics! Contact us to set up your visit to the ranch! Registration Number: 20215073 Herd Sires. His calves continue to come unassisted and are capable of withstanding the harsh environment that North Dakota has to offer. TK Linebacker was a sale topper in TK Angus's sale, he has power, mass, and a great look. He is one of the best breeding bulls of the popular Stellar. We use Binford for power, performance and maternal. Big scrotal at +1.29 and the best PAP EPD we have at -2.36, top 1%. DOB: 5/08/2019REGISTRATION #: 19827549SIRE: Connealy FinneganDAM: Spruce Hill 502 Rito 6304, DOB: 2/04/2020REGISTRATION #: *19729194SIRE: Sitz Stellar 726DDAM: Larsen Merle 215U, Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 - dam of Milestone, DOB: 9/2/2017REGISTRATION #: 19167792SIRE: SAV Sensation 5615DAM: Eura Elga of Conanga 9109. Hindquarter was the Dix Angus Ranch top selection at the 2015 Midland Bull Test, where he was the 5th highest selling bull. Leo's phenotype combined with his +14 CED, -.3 BW along with above average marbling, ribeye and $ values marks his as our sire of the future. Drive has extreme length of body, a strong topline and full heart girth which he has stamped into his first progeny. Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 Download - Episode 20 (SAV Certified 0849) The pure mass of this bull made calving ease look improbable. He was used in our AI program in the spring of 2018 as well as Schurrtop. 21AR O Lass 7017 We chose Elation to bring back some older and quality genetics that are known for fertility, longevity, udder quality and foot quality. Registration Number: 19421003 MGS: Connealy Mainstay, REG NUMBER: 19132480 Half-brother to our herd sire MSAR Game Day 4042. His daughters are excellent mothers with great udders. Sire: Connealy Capitalist 028 Sire: Bushs Absolute Power Carrier . Sire: Barstow Cash Highmark couples phenotype with good growth potential, docility and good feet. Date of Birth: February 10, 2014 Craft Fortune is a Growth Fund son that is expected to add some power and stoutness to his progeny. Registration Number: 15751696 ( View pedigree and EPDs) Date of Birth: January 28, 2007. Casino Bomber N33 Dam: Granger Pride Rachel 685. taken in 2021 at two and a half years of age after two months breeding at elevations between 6000 to a little under 7500 feet was a 37. of his 18 month old sons and 85% of his similarly aged daughters had a PAP scores equal to or below 44. Click here to order semen at ST Genetics. Registration Number: 20001799 HERD SIRES - 4M Angus HERD SIRES 4M ACE 709 Click here to order semen at ABS Global! 4 DOWNPOUR 8794 Big scrotal at +1.29 and the best PAP EPD we have at -2.36, top 1%. He is extremely long, with excellent muscle expression, wide based from top to bottom with great feet, and the amount of bone that is needed in the angus breed today. Sitz Alliance 6595 Registration Number: 19612156 DAM: Boyd Abigale 0001 Share With Friends. Brazila of Conanga 3991 839A He is a son of Sitz Stellar 726D, and the top selling bull in the 2020 Sitz Angus Bull Sale. The McIlroy sons are moderate framed, thick made cattle with great eye appeal & performance. Galactic's quality, from phenotype, genotype, and performance put him on an out of this world trajectory! Granger Pacific 112 is a phenotypic standout that we picked out of the Granger Angus pen at the 2022 Midland Bull Test. Herd City: Dillon, MT US . Calving ease, performance and disposition. Musgrave Lady Barbara 545 His dam and granddam are two of the most productive donors of the breed and he has multiple flush sisters that have already entered the donor pen at Baldridge's. Huron exemplifies every breeding goal we have at Topp Angus. Dam: Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 Phone: 701-650-8371 Herd City: Dickinson, ND US . CONTACT ROLLIN' ROCK ANGUS FOR SEMEN . Musgrave Foundation Birthdate: 1/6/2019, Koupals B&B Identity x MCATL Forever Lady 1429-138, SAV Final Answer 0035 x SAV Blackbird 5297. Date of Birth: January 9, 2017 That look carries through to his calves - they are square and stout! Pine Coulee Forever Lady X95, Registration Number: 20091415 His lineage speaks for itself when looking for high production females as his Pathfinder dam has recorded a nursing ration of 6@102 while his Pathfinder grand dam 7@107. View Semen Order Form HAMCO RAPTOR 3F Registration: 19446617 [ View EPD Details ] Birthdate: 8/6/2018 SIRE: Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Date of Birth: 1/15/2012, Connealy Final Product Hindquarters dam is an exceptional footed cow in addition to being very docile. . - Top Selling Bull to Bolsen Angus - The largest sire group born at Kramer Angus in 2019 will be sired by Payweight 705. His +16 CED and -1.7 put him in an elite class. Date of Birth: 10/02/2019, Poss Achievement He is a minus birthweight bull that will be introduced into our AI program in the Spring 2020. KR Cash 5212 Herd Sires. 'Badlands' was the Lot 1 lead-off Rider Pride son and $80,000 top-selling bull of the 2021 Ellingson Angus production sale . Drive has maintained his condition very well throughout six natural breeding seasons in the first two years. Dam's Sire: Lemar Windy 43S | Proudly Hosted by. They were chosen because of their superior seedstock and genetic qualities that we feel compliment our cow herd and breeding program. Sire: SITZ STELLAR 726D 2136635 Tyler & Sarah | 29716 380th St. | New Salem, IL 62357 | 217-242-1160. View pedigree and EPDs. His first calves were born here in January 2020. BEEF. Dam: Circle L Queen 307B We love his extra frame, wide base, long body, and superior foot quality. Feddes Red Angus/C-T Red Angus; Flying H Genetics - Nebraska; Forgey Angus; Foxhoven Angus; Frederick Angus; Frese Angus and Hereford; Fritz Red Angus; Future Farms and Charworth Select . His daughters are becoming great young cows. Calves need to be born unassisted with excellent vigor. Herd City: Columbia, MO US . Soon after I met with and toured the Mohnen Angus operation and set my sights on Wolf Creek. Baldridge Flagstone F411 Sitz Commerce 670F Upon seeing Raptor at the Hamco sale in March of 2019 we instantly decided to purchase part of him. | Princeton, NE 68404 623740 Woodhill Farms Inc, Viroqua WI HA Cowboy Up 5405 D A R Resolution R106 Fortune is the highest performance bull that weve ever had in our herd sire lineup. Twois son of KG Solution 0018 and HA Ever Lady 1575 andat $90,000 was the top selling bull in the 2018 Hinman Sale. DYNAMITE is a Rate-Of-Gain machine. His sire is being heavily used in the Vermilion program and G017's dam is one of the top Donor cows in the embryo division. Sitz Accomplishment 720F Current Herd Sires Advancing superior genetics through modern technology that is most useful and desired by SITZ Angus Ranch customers. View pedigree and EPDs. This is exactly what Focus In was able to offer to the foundation herd as good as anyone could ever ask for. Sire: S A V Resource 1441 Registration:16135296 [ View EPD Details ] Do You Like Our Page? Capitalist 9863isa bull with tremendous eye-appeal, a very deep, thick, and moderate-framed bull with a great disposition. Dam: Pine Coulee Forever Lady E47 Date of Birth: 1/04/2015, Koupals B&B Identity His calves carry Profounds look, feet and have lots of vigor and eye-appeal. Sire: Musgrave Foundation MCATL Lady Caroline 189-1615, Registration Number: 18197155 Date of Birth: 2/19/2016, Connealy Capitalist 028 Registration Number: 19675327 Talk about power! Spring Cove Reno 4021 His daughter calves have lots of milk, proper udder design, and excellent mothering ability. D A R Solomon Valley Sitz Forever Lady 9D, Tehama Upward Y238 Bruns Blaster D A R Gunslinger R177 MCATL Barbara Lass 931-719, Registration Number: 16482454 Angus Herd Sires - Lienetics Ranch - Registered Angus Cattle - Nebraska The Lienetics Ranch sire line up represent some of the top Angus bulls in the industry. USA Reg: 4083822. Date of Birth: 1/18/2015, Connealy Earnan 076E We hope to feel the positive impact of 750J on our herd for years to come. Dam: MCATL Evergreen 619-K27T There is maternal predictability and productivity built into his pedigree combining Musgrave Aviator with Blackbird 6078, the maternal sister to Topp Barron 6148 and a full sister to SAV Pioneer 7301. Plattemere Queen W 660, Registration Number: 19202252 If you are looking for reliable, proven calving ease, Countdown is the answer. This spring we will be calving out his first set of daughters. A maternal brother to ABS sire Kesslers Commodore 6516 - 8029 was the 2019 $22,500 high selling bull to MR Angus, Wheatland, WY. She produced broody, heavy milking females and stout, wide based sons. Sire: BC Lookout 7024. Sire: Sitz Resilient 10208 Sale Date: 02/25/2023. Sire: Musgrave Big Sky Dam: J K S Miss Cheyenne 196 Lienetics Ranch Our pick of the Resilient sons in the 2022 Spring Sitz Bull Sale. View pedigree and EPDs. . Here you will find Angus Sires to meet all your breeding needs. Semen is available. Date of Birth: February 25, 2017 High Selling Bull in 2018 to McClaren Livestock LLC, Fowler, Kansas, Son, D A R Emerge T039, Owned with Craig Doane, KS, D A R Hindquarter R114, Son. Kesslers Cowboy Up 8029 Scale Boss is a son of Marcys Angus Scale Crusher who recently deceased. He is packed with performance top 2% WW and top 10% YW at +89 and +141 respectively. HARB HINDQUARTER 473 JH After touring the Dave and Yvonne Hinman herd in Malta, Montana and witnessing firsthand the base of cows that HA Image Maker provided I was set on owning a son. Dam: Barstow Blackbird B13, Registration Number: 16766320 Hindquarter was the Dix Angus Ranch top selection at the 2015 Midland Bull Test, where he was the 5th highest selling bull. CIRCLE L Queen 158z, Registration Number: 19143291 We are excited about our newest herd sire!Milestone is sired by the phenotype king and female maker, SAV Sensation 5615. Sire: Musgrave 316 Stunner Current Herd Sires Advancing superior genetics through modern technology that is most useful and desired by SITZ Angus Ranch customers. We look for moderate birth, growing into mass and power with all of our herd bulls. The bull with the look! His Windy Ridge dam has turned in 2@106 for NR and his Really Windy granddam has produced 7@100. Mike was active in FFA and in 4-H showing cattle. Owned With: Harrison Angus Ranch, Boyd, MT Shortly after they moved with their cowherd to the ranch in southeastern Rock County where they raised Angus cattle and their children, Bill Jr., Judy, Sheryl and Mike. feminine that display a lot of body & muscle. He delivers the type of progeny we are looking to produce. S S Webster J83 Date of Birth: January 8, 2010 Learn more about our individual herd sires here! Top selling son of Sitz Stellar 726D at the Sitz 2020 spring sale. M A Esta 55-252 R A Esta R243, Registration Number: 17257723 If structural soundness and phenotypic balance is of importance to you as a breeder, then Republic deserves a hard look. Kesslers Foundation J049 Date of Birth: 12/24/2019, LD Capitalist 316 BIRTH DATE: 01/09/2021 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D, Sitz Stellar 726D Craft Fortune 104 sires in the industry and their sire was a past $23,000 . Sire: Bon View New Design 878 Dam: Craft Merle 141-751. Registration Number: 18286467 Sire: Casino Bomber N33 Vermilion Bomber G061 Registration:+16561179 [ View EPD Details ] Musgrave MO Barbara 644-487, Registration Number: 19202253 D A R Resolution T102, Kaid McKenna, Kansas. Share With Friends! His first calves arrive in the Spring of 2023. . Registration ID: . He was on display as a calf on the 2021 Montana Angus Tour and was a crowd favorite. Registration Number: 19478642 Musgrave Big Sky Birthdate: 2/6/2014, Connealy Final Product x Sitz Ellunas Elite 656T. SITZ INTENT 742J. (AAA: *19811197) lite Level Heifer Bull Sire Top 15% On Weaning & Yearling Weight EPDs Strong Scrotal Top Selling Son at Ellingson Angus ($80,000) Deep, Wide & Powerful. Out of a great daughter of Sitz JLS Game Day 9630 that is in the doner pasture. Prev Next Connealy Dry Valley Connealy Dry Valley Reg # 18533906 Breed Angus DOB 02/08/2016 Sex Bull Tattoo 6849 Tag 1617 Carrier Status [ AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF ] EPDs: As of 9/21/20 DOB: 2/19/2016REGISTRATION #: 18467508SIRE: LD Capitalist 316DAM: MCATL Blackbird 831-1378. Our newest purchase, the much talked about America son Lot 1 from Schaff's Angus Valley. Dam: Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 'Intent' is appreciated for his excellent carcass scores, power, performance, presence and herd-improving EPD profile - He . Magic Meadow Miss Cheyenne, Melvin & Cathy | 39317 290th Ave. | Griggsville, IL 62340 | 217-242-3135 We are excited about his first calves and expect him to leave a great impact on our program. Republic is a high performance, gentle natured bull that recorded an individual IMF ratio of 110, 924lb 205-day weight and an impressive 1430lb individual yearling weight in our program that prides itself on not overfeeding bulls on test. Grid Iron will be PAP tested in August but, his -2.56 PAP (1% tile) suggests his actual pap will be good. Also a Resource son with carcass merit. Yon Sarah N170, Registration Number: 19195413 Sire: S A F 598 Bando 5175 Sire: TC EZ Money 029 Date of Birth: 1/12/2019, LD Capitalist 316 26969 Homestead Expy. . "Sitz Impact 483J" An extraordinary sire with breed changing properties and credentials to write a new chapter in Angus history. Flag Queen W 00649 Dam: SITZ Eisa Evergreen 1784, Registration Number: 17354214 Resilient was the highly acclaimed and top selling bull from the 2019 Fall Sitz Angus bull sale. Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 Date of Birth: February 13, 2012 Birthdate: 1/23/2016, G A R New Design 5050 x 2 Bar Objective 7836. We look for an exciting future for this bull working in our pastures. DOB: 2/15/2018REGISTRATION #: 19057457SIRE: Sitz Stellar 726DDAM: Sitz Miss Burgess 1856. He produced the 2nd high indexing bull in the 2020 Midland Bull Test as well as the 5th high ADG sire group among 650 bulls on test. TURBO is a S A V Resource 1441 son than is unmatched from an EPD standpoint among all other Resource sons in the breed. Herd City: Bloomfield, IA US . Date of Birth: January 8, 2018 Date of Birth: 10/24/2017, Basin Payweight 006S Sire Name: Sitz Resilient 10208. ATM comes to us from the same program and a brother to the heavily used Poss Maverick. The McIlroy sons are moderate framed, thick made cattle with great eye appeal & performance. Sire: MCATL Pure Product 903-55 Black Crust of Conanga, Registration Number: 13896250 Also, they are some of the quietest, gentle natured cattle that we have worked with. They are long bodied with expressive muscle in a very attractive package. We are happy to report his calves come easy, averaging 80 pounds on heifers, have excellent vigor, and early growth. He is full of muscle, clean made and as long as you make them. Helix, OR 97835, Copyright 2019 | Rollin Rock Angus | Site Design by McFarland Productions, 1216053 Teixeira Cattle Co, Pismo Beach CA. SandPoint Lucy 2504, Registration Number: 19148655 Registration Number: 19774516 D A R Midnight S017, Verlan Brummer, Kansas, D A R Midnight T121, Marilyn Aupperle, Oklahoma. SEMEN AVAILABLE AT BEEF-360, D A R Fundamental R101, Son. Log In. Three Rivers is a massive bull that will put extra pounds on any calf crop. LD Capitalist 316 is a calving ease bull that is phenotypically impressive! Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Hes done it all for us and the industry. Dam: HARB Princess Vel 980 JH 1682, and HA Lass 3303, one of our best young donors. View pedigree and EPDs. 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Rochelle's Children's Clothing, Swashbuckler 5e Multiclass, Georges Bonaly, Rational Number Arithmetic End Of Unit Assessment, Articles S