Adding insult to sometimes literal injury, college athletes are also frequently denied the NCAAs other form of compensation: a quality education. A February 2020 USA Today article found that the average total pay for Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) college football head coaches in 2020-21 was $2.7 million. What if the coach's son plays on the team? Exactly who gets paid and how much? This argument holds true especially for football and basketball players, You dont have to get past the preface to find questions that feel at home in todays world: Many of the questions asked way back in 1929 continue to resurface today, and many of them have eventually ended up seeking answers in court. are thriving at the highest levels, all higher percentages than their non-athlete peers. So should they be paid beyond their scholarships? Might this exacerbate booster interference and create a black market for top talent funded surreptitiously? People see fit that students get paid for their performance as they are the fundamental piece that drives external revenue to universities. The NCAA limits in-season practice time to 20 hours a week, but a 2008 NCAA report shows that in-season student-athletes commonly spent upward of 30 and 40 hours a week engaged in athletic activities.. WebNPR's Mary Louise Kelly speaks with Ekow Yankah, author of The New Yorker essay, "Why N.C.A.A. Is it racial? In contrast, the likelihood of an NCAA athlete earning a college degree is significantly greater; graduation success rates are 86% in Division I, 71% in Division II and 87% in Division III. [34]. On a crisp Saturday afternoon in Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan is set to battle its archrival, The Ohio State University, for gridiron supremacy in the Big Ten Conference and perhaps a shot at the national championship. Here Are Some Pros and Cons HuffPost, Should College Athletes Be Paid? CollegeVine can help! Not likely from the school itself. He is a mathematician who graduated from EPFL. He is not alone, college coaches dominate the list of public employees with the largest salaries. Is it unfair? Will the All-American point guard get the same amount as the captain of the swim team? In June, the governing boards for all three NCAA divisions approved what they termed "a uniform interim policy" that suspends previous rules regarding endorsements for all incoming and current student-athletes in all sports. A 2017 study found that 91% of former college football players who had died had CTE, a degenerative brain disease linked to dementia. WebCollege athletes are often valued at more than $1 million, but they (and their families) frequently live below the poverty line. A testament to the disparate allocation of funds generated by college sports, of the $18.9 billion in athletics revenue in 2019, $3.6 billion went toward financial aid for student-athletes, and $3.7 billion was used for coaches compensation. Everyone, that is, except the players. I dont think you should stretch it out to hundreds of thousands of dollars for playing, because a lot of times guys dont know how to handle themselves with money. [25] [26], If college players earned about 50% of their teams revenues like the NFL and NBA players do, the average football players yearly salary would be $360,000 and the average basketball players yearly salary would be $500,000. More than 100 Division I coaches earn over $1 million per year. Students, read the entire article, then tell us: Do you think college athletes should be paid? Colin Cowherd states, I dont think paying all college athletes is great; not every college is loaded, and most 19-year-olds (are) gonna spend itand lets be honest, theyre gonna spend it on weed and kicks!. Aaron M. Sprecher/AP. The savings from the athletes collegiate career should be enough to allow the college athlete to pay for his education in the event that he/she would want to shift his/her focus on academics than on sports. As he planted a foot to reverse direction, his left sneaker collapsed and tore apart from the sheer torque of the move. Race isnt the only issue, but statistically it plays a huge part in the reason why many people oppose the fact that college athletes should be getting paid. 1, 2021), Dan Murphy and Adam Rittenberg, NCAA Delays Vote to Change College Athlete Compensation Rules,, Jan. 11, 2021, Sarah Polus, NCAA Tables Name, Image and Likeness Vote after DOJ Warns of Potential Antitrust Violations,, Jan. 12, 2021, Adam Liptak, Supreme Court to Rule on N.C.A.A. And ever since that 1984 decision, courts have been relying on that language to try to interpret antitrust law applies to all NCAA restrictions, including player compensation., On June 21, 2021, the US Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the NCAA cannot ban certain payments to student athletes under the premise of maintaining amateurism. 4. No Division II or III schools revenue exceeded expenses. [31], If students were paid, the NCAA argues, many colleges and universities would have to offer fewer scholarships and the remaining scholarships would be distributed unfairly to top football and mens basketball players because those two sports bring in the most revenue. Many of these athletes come from urban, low-class families and often leave school early because of the unimaginable pressure to be the main provider for their family at a young age. Proper citation depends on your preferred or required style manual. [24], B. David Ridpath, EdD, Associate Professor of Sports Administration at Ohio University, noted, The only amateur quality about college athletics is that colleges refuse to pay their players. Ridpath explained, The United States is the only country in the world that has a significant portion of elite athletic development and commercialized sport embedded within its education systems. College students should participate in sports for the love of the game, not for financial gain, following the long-forgotten credo held dear by Olympic athletes. Rules,", June 30, 2021, Becky Sullivan, "UNC Becomes the First School to Organize Group Endorsement Deals for Its Players,", July 21, 2021, Josh Moody, "Lack of Clear-Cut NCAA Rules Creates Confusion about NIL,", Jan. 4, 2022. Billions of dollars are swirling around college sports, and everyone is getting a piece of the action. With March Madness less than a month away, his injury has revived an age-old question: Should college athletes be paid? [21], Azmatullah Hussaini, MD, President of the New York/New Jersey chapter of the American Muslim Health Professionals, and Jules Lipoff, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, offered additional context: especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, [g]iven that athletes are disproportionately Black in the biggest revenue-generating sports football and basketball this dynamic also evokes Americas horrific history of unpaid slave labor. Below are a few potential pros and cons of paying college athletes. Paying college athletes is an ongoing debate with no definitive conclusion. Writing an essay on whether college athletes should or shouldnt be paid? 4. Students from these institutions are given full sponsorship from enormous brands. Then there's the newly proposed College Athlete Economic Freedom Act, which would allow student-athletes to unionize and earn money off their likeness, name, and image. 3. [29] [30], Further, most college programs do not generate the income needed to run their athletic programs, much less pay athletes. [1] As of Mar. Takeaway: Athletes bring in a huge portion of educational institutions income. WebAs Forbes' Chris Smith wrote, CBS and Turner Broadcasting make more than $1 billion off the games, "thanks in part to a $700,000 ad rate for a 30-second spot during the Final Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard 31, 2021 as the NCAA March Madness tournament heads into Final Four games just days later on Apr. It is no surprise that doing sports consumes a solid number of things. The rest of it gets spread out to the coach, who makes $8 million a year, to the assistant coaches, who make as much as a half-million dollars a year. This is something that has been a growing issue in recent years. Not So Much. These also happen to be the highest revenue-generating sports in college athletics., according to the Business of College Sports. Of the 36,011 college baseball players, only 8,002 are eligible to play professionally each year. Financial irresponsibility Amateur players receiving compensation just seems like a complete disaster. He holds a master's degree from Columbia University and a 2023, a Red Ventures Company, The Public Ivies, Little Ivies, and Other Ivy League Equivalents, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, long-term effects of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, proportionate opportunities for scholarships, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Full athletic scholarships are only guaranteed a year at a time, meaning student-athletes are one catastrophic injury away from potentially losing their scholarship. The Pros And Cons Of Paying College Athletes However, the decision whether to provide compensation to students or not is one that is difficult to resolve. That's why some colleges, such as the University of Southern California and Stanford University, opposed the bill. Why or why not? Another argument is that for the majority of athletes, a free pass to college is their way out of their financial hardship. According to the NCAA, over 150,000 Division I and Division II student-athletes receive $2.9 billion in scholarships each year (Division III schools don't offer athletic scholarships). But California was quickly followed by more states. College athletes are on the verge of being able to make money off their fame as the rules that have governed college sports for more than a century are upended. The top 25 football coaches take home an average of $5.2 million, while the top 25 basketball coaches bring in $3.2 million. If the bill passes, the law will go into effect on January 1, 2023. Participating in intercollegiate athletics constitutes a full-time job. All of this begs the question, that if the NCAA did choose to pay college athletes, what would be the advantages or disadvantages of doing so? But as we've discussed, this is seldom the case most athletes only receive partial scholarships. One of the most common reasons cited against paying college players is compensation. Even if a student receives a full-ride scholarship, the award doesn't provide pocket money for incidentals and entertainment. Explore the NCAA site and think critically about the organization as the governing body of college athletics. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Its just not less-popular sports that paying athletes could threatenwomens programs could also find themselves in the crosshairs of budget-conscious administrators. Takeaway: Paying student-athletes could potentially give them an incentive to stay in their institution, as schools will probably lock them into a contract. Student-athletes are students first and foremost, attending college primarily to receive an education and secondarily to compete in their sport. The argument that athletes are paid with their free education is antiquated. 5. Athletes Shouldn't Be Paid," about the NCAA's decision to allow college Takeaway: Many college athletes are in need of financial benefits. Many are captivated by his thrilling monster dunks. Divisions II and III of the NCAA followed suit and the changes went into effect for all three divisions on July 1, 2021. 3. When college scholarships are non-existent, student-athletes may prefer to play simply because of the pay that comes with it. I have gathered the weightiest arguments and an in-depth analysis of their validity. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the other side of the issue now helps you better argue your position. 2021, the NCAA was composed of [n]early half a million college athletes [who] make up the 19,886 teams that send more than 57,661 participants to compete each year in the NCAAs 90 championships in 24 sports across 3 divisions.. It could lower tuition rates. This money is used to finance a variety of paid positions that support athletics at colleges and universities, including administrators, directors, coaches, and staff, along with other employment less directly tied to sports, such as those in marketing and media. Despite their expensive sportswear, which comes from their sponsors, they are living a financially difficult life. A seriously injured athlete could lose their scholarship (which is guaranteed only for one year at a time), jeopardize their opportunity to play professionally and potentially earn millions, or even face lifelong disability if the damage is permanent. While the Court's decision doesn't necessarily permit colleges to pay athletes salaries, it does allow them to compensate students for "education-related benefits" including paid internships, study abroad programs, tutoring computers, equipment, and graduate scholarships. [27], About 25% of Division I athletes reported food poverty in the past year and almost 14% reported being homeless in the past year. That's just the institutional side of it. Only about 1% of student-athletes receive a full scholarship.. To the truly jaded, this is a blatant form of exploitation. This option is better than being forced into an entire program they cant complete due to the lack of time. Its regulations state, "You are not eligible for participation in a sport if you have ever taken pay, or the promise of pay, for competing in that sport [or] used your athletics skill for pay in any form in that sport. In a unanimous decision issued on June 21, 2021, the Supreme Court ruled the NCAA cannot bar universities from making education-related payments to student-athletes. No college should be required to pay athletes, and no pay structure needs to be planned. A look at the professional ranks bolsters Cowherds argument about athletes frivolous spending. Williamson fell backward in a split, grabbing his right knee. Gabe Feldman, JD, Professor of Sports Law, Director of the Sports Law Program and Associate Provost for NCAA compliance at Tulane University, noted that the last time the NCAA was at the Supreme Court was in 1984 (NCAA vs. the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma). These scholarships, which aren't guaranteed, are awarded year to year and can be rescinded for numerous reasons, including injuries. Scholarships are fair financial compensation for college athletes, especially considering the precarious finances of athletic departments. The Department of Education reported that college athletic programs collected $14 billion in total revenue in 2019, up from $4 billion in 2003. College athletes are risking their bodies as well as their future careers and earning potential to play for colleges and universities while often receiving a sub-par education. He writes about the future of work and higher education, student political activism, and expanding educational opportunities. rules, college athletes are not to receive any windfall from any merchandise sold- even if they are the only reason people buy it. Just 1.6% of college football players will take an NFL field. In theory, wouldnt it bring problems between players, due to one teammate potentially receiving more money? Student-athletes bring in millions each year for their schools, but only recently have they begun to profit from the big business of college sports. Accessed February 21, 2023., NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), "Syllabus National Collegiate Athletic Association v. Alston et al.,", The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, National Collegiate Athletic Association,, Sep. 14, 2020, NCAA, What Is the NCAA?, (accessed Mar. How about only football and basketball players? [20]. Sometimes money is needed. Thats a bankrupt model. [3], Zachary Kerr, PhD, Researcher at the University of North Carolinas Center for the Study of Retired Athletes, stated, I definitely think research indicates strong evidence that injuries during ones sports career can potentially be associated with adverse health outcomes later in life. [21], In 2017, 67% of former Division I athletes had sustained a major injury and 50% had chronic injuries, 2.5% higher than non-athletes. But the state was quickly followed by more states. For example, fair market value for a University of Texas football player was $513,922. Our peer review tool allows you to receive feedback and learn the strengths and weaknesses of your essay for free. WebBecause so many athletic departments run at a deficit, it's difficult to make the case that schools should pay regular salaries to athletes, even football players who produce more Fans were asking the question. If these rules are Not just a regular issue at that, but a structurally racial issue on many levels. Limits corruption from external influences Compensating athletes in college will limit the corruption involving agents, boosters and others. There are a lot of great reasons why college athletes should be paid, but there are also some compelling reasons why college athletes should not be paidand why not paying athletes is actually good for both the institutions and athletes. Students 13 and older are invited to comment. The first case of note came in the 1950s, when the widow of Fort Lewis football player Ray Dennison took the college all the way to the Colorado Supreme Court in an effort to collect a death benefit after he was killed playing football. But some are. But paying athletes would distort the economics of college sports in a way that would hurt the broader community of student-athletes, universities, fans and alumni. And under ordinary principles of antitrust law, it is not evident why college sports should be any different. Should they receive more because they were All-Americans? Other Division I schools had an almost $23 million collective difference between revenue and expenses. They give out 13 scholarships. [34], The major money-makers, football and mens basketball, have very low odds. [38] These rules can effectively limit players options to playing in college or choosing another profession altogether. Rent-Sharing in Modern College Sports,, Oct. 2020, Tommy Beer, NCAA Athletes Could Make $2 Million A Year If Paid Equitably, Study Suggests,, Sep. 1, 2020, NCPA, Study: "The Price of Poverty in Big Time College Sport" - 9/13/2011,, Sep. 13, 2011, Mary Kate McCoy, Survey: Nearly a Quarter of Division I Athletes Face Food Insecurity,, May 6, 2020, NCAA, Scholarships, (accessed Mar. But I do find it interesting as to why so many are widely opposed to this idea. They insist that college athletes deserve their pay as they are more than just amateur athletes. According to the same article, A majority 52% of black respondents are strongly or somewhat in favor of paying college athletes, while only 15% strongly or somewhat oppose the idea. Giving them what they deserve right? After making billions and billions of dollars for universities, players being compensated is an obvious, fair decision and should have happened a long time ago. One of the primary arguments against paying student-athletes rests on the assumption that they already receive full college scholarships. Money will only add to this fact. A work-study job could pay several thousand dollars each year, and working at the typical minimum wage $7.25 per hour for 35 hours a week would earn the student a little over $1,000 per month. - SmartAsset College athletes work hard and make lots of money for their colleges. 3. In Cowherds words: I dont think paying all college athletes is great Not every college is loaded, and most 19-year-olds [are] gonna spend itand lets be honest, theyre gonna spend it on weed and kicks! A handful of big Might some form of financial compensation make this compromise easier to take? To fix the problem, and separate athletes who are getting an education just because they want to play a sport from those who actually want to go to college, the United States needs a true amateur or minor league that feeds into professional sports. Get your troublesome papers finished by our competent writers now! This article was published on January 21, 2022, at Britannicas, a nonpartisan issue-information source. That has been a growing issue in recent years swirling around college sports writing an essay on college... Athletes deserve their pay as they are the only reason people buy it only people. Future of work and higher education, student political activism, and educational! Forced into an entire program they cant complete due to one teammate potentially receiving more money get! Education is antiquated limit players options to playing in college or choosing another profession altogether these are! 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