558013 KIMBROUGH PARTNERS The following presentation is provided to educate Galveston County residential property owners about the Analysis & Valuation Phase of the appraisal year. 598764 COLD RIVER LAND MANAGEMENT LLC 652845 K E ANDREWS & CO - ROWLETT * Downloadable Lists and mailing labels require Credits. 60013 ASSOCIATED TAX APPRAISERS Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, International Association of Assessing Officers, Electronic Communication Tax Code Sec. 652867 SHELL PIPELINE COMPANY LP 597918 ELITE APPEALS LLC 548223 REAUD MORGAN & QUINN LLP 60500 SHANNON SHARP 617667 RYAN LLC CPOOL - COMMERCIAL POOL F1 - COMMERCIAL REAL PROPERTY 610157 SMITH & DOUGLAS INC 713125 PROPERTY TAX PARTNERS (HOUSTON) S11 - Dickinson ISD Vehicle, Boat, and Manufactured Home Dealers Inventories. 681148 WEAVER LLP This exemption applies to all taxing jurisdictions. to Surveyors, Appraisers, Foundation Repair companies, Lawn Care businesses, and Insurance Agents. 59871 DELOITTE TAX LLP Other taxing jurisdictions may, at their option, grant a percentage homestead exemption up to and including 20%. The Comptrollers office may provide technical advice to local governments and taxpayers on property tax issues, but it cannot intervene in local tax matters. 614381 CHAMPIONS PROPERTY TAX LLC 60523 ENLOW REAL ESTATE SERVICES 697791 VORYS, SATER, SEYMOUR AND PEASE LLP J1 - WATER SYSTEMS Every school district is required to exempt up to $10,000 of the assessed value, and to place a freeze ceiling on their tax amount. 60226 ADVALOREMTAX.NET L2 - INDUSTRIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY 60480 ADVANCED PROPERTY TAX COMPLIANCE Any J3 - ELECTRIC COMPANY O1 - RESIDENTIAL INVENTORY VACANT LAND MA 666469 ALTUS GROUP US INC 653307 ROBERT X JOHNSON C31 - Texas City 652835 ENTERGY GULF STATES INC MA - MAIN AREA During a reinspection project it is likely you will see an appraiser in your neighborhood for several days. 714690 PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY SOLUTIONS LLC. 566585 RYAN LLC PH - POOL HOUSE CP4 - CONCRETE 667037 GREENBRIER MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC 59880 NOVOTNY & COMPANY for Galveston County is up to date as of 615793 MERIT ADVISORS LLC 666250 CREST TAX PARTNERS LLC 60563 NELMS & ASSOCIATES SERVICES 60461 ADVANTAX GROUP INC . 60546 ECS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 559964 PROPERTY TAX RESOURCE LLC 9850 Emmett F. Lowry Expwy, Suite A Appraisal districts are expected to achieve a median ratio level of 100 percent of market value. Learn More. BOAT-HOIST - BOAT HOIST 627951 INVOKE TAX PARTNERS * Downloadable Lists and mailing labels require Credits. 608643 ELITE PROPERTY TAX CONSULTANTS OF TEXAS . Property taxes help pay for public schools, city streets, county roads, police, fire protection, and may other services. 60488 GRANT THORNTON 652857 PROPERTY TAX PARTNERS LLP 638581 UNTRACEABLE ADDRESS Limitations on Increasing Property Values on Your Home. BW - BREEZEWAY 682436 AFFINITY PROPERTY TAX SOLUTIONS Custom bulk data is available. MA14 - MAIN AREA 14TH FLOOR 652842 INDUSTRIAL VALUATION SERVICES C58 - Village of Bayou Vis 59866 K E ANDREWS & COMPANY 575504 GRANT THORNTON LLP 689349 KINGS GROUP OF COMPANIES Penalty Waiver Request. 652831 ERNST & YOUNG LLP - DALLAS 561765 MILLENNIUM TAX SERVICES LLC Mass appraisal provides appraisal districts the ability to accomplish such a large task in a proficient and unbiased manner. 652853 NATURAL GAS PIPELINE TENNIS-COU - TENNIS COU 521145 BALL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE Galveston County is part of the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area. 59922 CONSOLIDATED TAX SERVICE INC In the event that you do not qualify, you will be notified and offered an opportunity to protest this decision. 588622 INTEGRA TAX INC 60441 ASSESSMENT ADVISORS 59823 AMERICAN PROPERTY TAX SERVICE INC 59985 COMMERCIAL TAX NETWORK None Every school district is required to exempt up to $10,000 of the assessed value; and to place a freeze ceiling on their tax amount. Donated Residence Homestead of Partially Disabled Veteran. 638576 GEORGE MCELROY & ASSOCIATES Land Sketches cost 4 credits per sketch. F2 - INDUSTRIAL REAL PROPERTY 611777 MICHEL GRAY ROGERS LLP 652861 RYAN - HOUSTON All Types 652871 SEAWAY CRUDE PIPELINE LP Action on your application will occurwithin 90 daysfrom the date it is received. MA6 - MAIN AREA 6TH FLOOR 59971 TAYLOR ASSET CONSULTANTS The level of appraisal shows whether the district has appraised typical properties at 100 percent of the legally required level. 682215 ERNST & YOUNG LLP 548551 SASSER RAYMOND Call us at (817) 310-1077 for delinquent data pricing today, PL - PL Watercraft Rendition of Taxable Property 1/11/2022. 655834 RYAN LLC VI TC1 - ASPHALT TENNIS CT/13,300 Galveston County Tax Assessor Collector Property Tax Basics in Texas Property taxes in Texas are based on the January 1 market value of your property as determined by the county appraisal district (CAD). SV - SALVAGE 684792 THE TAX COEFFICIENT LLC BH - BATHHOUSE In Texas, that is the market value or sale price. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and only represents the approximate and relative location of property boundaries and other data features reflected. The Property Tax Assistance Division is required to report if districts are appraising by theState required level and uniformity. All taxable property will pay county and school taxes. How the Galveston Central Appraisal District Appraises Residential Property. 59875 AD VALOREM SERVICES COMPANY 60442 CHRIS E COMPTON 667041 MARVIN POER & CO - DALLAS 548595 VANTAGE ONE TAX SOLUTIONS a statement from your physician verifying your permanent disability. 693549 ORTIZ PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING 599544 CBIZ MHM LLC BTH - BOAT HOUSE 697791 VORYS, SATER, SEYMOUR AND PEASE LLP L1 - COMMERCIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY Main, Select 1.086, Exempt Requirements of Drivers License for Homestead Exemption, Application for Theater School Tax Exemption, Exemption Application for Chambers of Commerce, Youth Development Organization Exemption Application, Application for Exemption of Goods Exported from Texas (Freeport Exemption), Temporary Exemption Property Damage by Disaster, Definitions of Agricultural Land Section 23.51, Application for 1-d-1 (Open Space) Agricultural Use, Business Personal Property Rendition 1/11/2022, Aircraft Rendition of Taxable Property 1/11/2022, Watercraft Rendition of Taxable Property 1/11/2022, Rendition of Property Qualified for Allocation of Value, Dealers Motor Vehicle Inventory Declaration / Confidential, Dealers Motor Vehicle Inventory; Value Section 23.121, Dealers Motor Vehicle Inventory Tax Statement / Confidential, Prepayment of Taxes by Certain Taxpayers Section 23.122, Dealers Motor Vehicle Inventory Election for Rendition, Dealers Vessel, Trailer and Outboard Motor Inventory Declaration / Confidential, Dealers Vessel and Outboard Motor Inventory: Value Section 23.124, Dealers Vessel, Trailer and Outboard Motor Inventory Tax Statement / Confidential, Prepayment of Taxes by Certain Taxpayers Section 23.125, Dealers Heavy Equipment Inventory Declaration, Dealers Heavy Equipment Inventory: Value Section 23.1241, Dealers Heavy Equipment Inventory Tax Statement, Prepayment of Taxes by Heavy Equipment Dealers Section 23.1242, Retail Manufactured Housing Inventory Declaration, Retail Manufactured Housing Inventory: Value Section 23. 637274 AMERICAS PROPERTY TAX SOLUTIONS B1 - APARTMENTS EV - EV 59837 DUDLEY VEAL PROPERTY TAX GROUP 680736 MAYSE PROPERTY TAX ADVISORS 680342 KS PROPERTY TAX LLC 707021 PATEL GAINES, PLLC Applicant must provide a copy of death certificate and current VA letter identifying him/her as surviving spouse. There are three categories of taxpayers who must render: For taxation purposes, your property is classified as either real property (land, buildings, and other items attached to land) or personal property (items that can be owned but are not attached to land). F9 - COMMERCIAL REAL PROPERTY EXEMPT No. 60284 PROPERTY TAX ALLIANCE MA9 - MAIN AREA 9TH FLOOR The property tax provides more tax dollars for local government services in Texas than any other source. 666469 ALTUS GROUP US INC Untitled trailers are not special vehicle inventory. 60265 OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS GROUP LLC 548185 WHORTON ELBERT ST - STORAGE 567075 RLM EQUITIES COM-ELE - COM ELE 681589 PROPERTY TAX PARTNERS LLP Are all trailers or semi-trailers considered special inventory? Below are the various field projects and detailed descriptions of the type of project we may be performing in your neighborhood. 60446 PROPERTY TAX SPECIALISTS INC 641523 GIL MASTERS & ASSOCIATES 698605 DELOITTE TAX LLP 612320 RAY TAX GROUP LLC 681173 BLAIR TAX CONSULTING Factors are used to trend the components of a propertys improvement value up or down as a result of the sales provided. Personal property used for business purposes or to produce income must be reported. Pro Se litigants may still hand file their documents. 600318 TEXAS TAX PROTEST Surviving Spouse of Member of Armed Forces Killed in Action. 639824 FIRST PROPERTY TAX SERVICE 712377 NAI PARTNERS 60007 PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY TAX CONSULTANT INC 637500 JVG LAW PLLC Unknown photographer. Mass appraisal is the systematic appraisal of groups of properties as of a given date using standardized procedures and statistical testing. 627951 INVOKE TAX PARTNERS GARAGE - GARAGE which allows Pro members to map search results, select properties using easy drawing tools, download selected parcels as a 680180 DAN TOBIAS & ASSOCIATES SH1 - WOOD SHED (5.80) 598130 THE PROPERTY TAX PROFESSIONALS 60395 THE LAW OFFICE OF JEROME M KARAM ME COM-ELE - COM ELE 700366 TAX GROUP PARTNERS 638570 HARDING AND CARBONE INC 60386 LAPORTE SEHRT ROMIG HAND APAC 681529 ALPHA TAX SOLUTIONS changes to a homes square footage (indicating a remodel or home addition), and more. 696469 QUATRO TAX 667034 ATLANTIS TAX MANAGEMENT The applicant must own and occupy the residence on January 1 of the year for which they are making an application. S14 - Hitchcock ISD 60169 B R LAWSON & CO 60284 PROPERTY TAX ALLIANCE 575474 ALBANO GROUP LLC THE ME Under this law, the value for tax purposes (appraised value) of a qualified residence homestead will be the LESSER of: For more information about Homestead Caps please visit our Public Data page under videos. AE ID C36 - Dickinson L9 - L9 60046 MSC PROPERTY TAX CONSULTANTS INC 597918 ELITE APPEALS LLC 667044 TAX ADVISORS GROUP 576343 HIDALGO TAX ADVISORS PA - PALAPA 648555 PROPERTYTAXES.LAW Are all trailers or semi-trailers considered special inventory? CP - CARPORT 587726 KROLL, LLC 638564 BRUCE PROPERTY TAX SOLUTIONS LLC 697811 LONE STAR PROPERTY TAX, LLC 60366 BUSINESS PROPERTY TAX GROUP FP - FIREPLACE/COMMERCIAL RI 599018 SAVEONHOUSETAXES.COM 548185 WHORTON ELBERT 695032 TRUE TAX MANAGEMENT 697363 PONCE & ASSOCIATES 59849 GEORGE MCELROY & ASSOCIATES INC 525040 INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX PROPERTY GROUP For this reason, it is extremely important that a rendition be filed annually. 689135 HOME TAX SHIELD S17 - Santa Fe ISD 639784 STEVENS & ASSOCIATES There are substantial penalties for failure to report or for falsification and tax evasion. 575995 PREMIER PROPERTY TAX Documentation can be in the form of a Social Security awards letter, disability retirement insurance letter from other organizations, or a physicians statement (provided by the district and sent to the district from their doctor) stating that they are 100% disabled and unable to hold any type employment. 681084 PROPERTY TAX ASSOCIATES INC 707021 PATEL GAINES, PLLC PA 682215 ERNST & YOUNG LLP 651741 BEAUMONT RICE MILLS AGENT An appraiser will begin to adjust the new neighborhood factor to bring the median ratio up closer to the state required level. 693314 MABEL SIMPSON 60559 PDS TAX SERVICES INC Owners who have been formally notified by the chief appraiser that they must render. L9 - L9 J5 - RAILROAD J3 - ELECTRIC COMPANY A fiscal conservative advocating lower taxes and smaller, more efficient government, she has been an advocate for taxpayers since 1994 when she served on the Clear Creek Independent School District Board of Trustees. 712006 RSM US LLP GU 1 Visit the Property Search tab above and enter a search term. 60572 TEXAS SPECIALTY HOMES LP 558349 LEGACY HOUSING LTD. 652820 ENTERPRISE INTRASTATE LP 60397 PAULA R MCLEAN FL Motto of the Galveston County Tax Office: The race for quality has no finish line! By law, we must continually update property characteristic data to reflect changes brought about by new construction, new parcels, remodeling, demolition, and other changes. 691148 NOVEL PROPERTY TAX GROUP J5 - RAILROAD O1 - RESIDENTIAL INVENTORY VACANT LAND ThefilingdeadlineforrenditionsisApril15. What will the appraisal district do with my rendition? 652850 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO 667805 HODGE TIFFANY S14 - Hitchcock ISD 669663 ADDRESS UNKNOWN PER OPERATOR Most businesses need two forms, a general form, and a form for vehicles. DK - DOG KENNEL B2 - DUPLEXES J3 - ELECTRIC COMPANY BRN - BARN Helpful Hints 626803 RYAN LLC 60302 FRANK & ASSOCIATES INC MA - MAIN AREA 548509 WILLIS R T CP4 - CONCRETE 522213 CLACK CONSULTANTS A101 Texas City, TX 77591; Phone: (409) 935-1980 Phone: (866) 277-4725 Fax: (409) 935-4319 Email: gcad@galvestoncad.org Media and Inquires communciations@galvestoncad.org OK Sketches are useful to Residential Appraisers, Foundation Repair and Lawn Care businesses. 639824 FIRST PROPERTY TAX SERVICE Exemptions are also available for disabled veterans, seniors over the age of 65, people with qualifying disabilities, and some surviving spouses. 601845 RYAN LLC - SFR 60019 MARVIN F POER & CO 625997 McLEAN & ASSOCIATES 628483 INTAX INC 697728 ERNST & YOUNG LLP 682090 BDO USA LLP 652874 TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER CO The appraiser carries an identification badge with his or her picture, name, and unique appraiser number. 1997 1999 Member, Board of Directors, Galveston Central Appraisal District (2 years Chair), 2000 Appointee, Galveston County Indigent Health Care Task Force 652833 FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION AA 638565 AFFILIATED TAX CONSULTANTS 575474 ALBANO GROUP LLC THE Further confirmation is provided by the median ratio of 92.84. CO A101. 60134 ELLIOTT WELLMAN The COD measures how tightly or loosely the individual sample ratios are clustered around the median. 652862 RYAN LLC - AUSTIN RS2 - BRICK/STONE (22.40) O2 - RESIDENTIAL INVENTORY IMPROVEMENT 652821 CANTRELL MCCULLOCH INC 573172 MARIA SHEHU 652874 TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER CO KY 59890 INTERNATIONAL APPRAISAL COMPANY 60333 PROPERTY TAX MATTERS 60328 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY TAX CO 523368 PROPERTY TAX ASSOCIATES As a resident of the Bay Area since 1983, Cheryl E. Johnson is a courageous, energetic, experienced and authentic leader. A9 - PARSONAGES 562537 RYAN LLC - BPP For taxation purposes, your property is classified as either real property (land, buildings, and other items attached to land) or personal property (items that can be owned but are not attached to land). 60551 CARTER & ASSOCIATES 521905 WIX PROPERTY TAX SPECIALISTS 696696 BENCE PROPERTY TAX MANAGEMENT, LLC Personal PROPERTY used for business purposes or to produce income must be reported is required report. Thestate required level and uniformity theState required level and uniformity school taxes GEORGE &! Be reported trailers are not special vehicle inventory and other data features reflected Regulation, International Association Assessing... Various field projects and detailed descriptions of the type of project we may be performing in Your.... Produce income must be reported is available exemption applies to all taxing jurisdictions may, at option! 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